# Minimal test testing streaming replication use strict; use warnings; use PostgresNode; use TestLib; use Test::More tests => 36; # Initialize master node my $node_master = get_new_node('master'); # A specific role is created to perform some tests related to replication, # and it needs proper authentication configuration. $node_master->init( allows_streaming => 1, auth_extra => [ '--create-role', 'repl_role' ]); $node_master->start; my $backup_name = 'my_backup'; # Take backup $node_master->backup($backup_name); # Create streaming standby linking to master my $node_standby_1 = get_new_node('standby_1'); $node_standby_1->init_from_backup($node_master, $backup_name, has_streaming => 1); $node_standby_1->start; # Take backup of standby 1 (not mandatory, but useful to check if # pg_basebackup works on a standby). $node_standby_1->backup($backup_name); # Take a second backup of the standby while the master is offline. $node_master->stop; $node_standby_1->backup('my_backup_2'); $node_master->start; # Create second standby node linking to standby 1 my $node_standby_2 = get_new_node('standby_2'); $node_standby_2->init_from_backup($node_standby_1, $backup_name, has_streaming => 1); $node_standby_2->start; # Create some content on master and check its presence in standby 1 $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE tab_int AS SELECT generate_series(1,1002) AS a"); # Wait for standbys to catch up $node_master->wait_for_catchup($node_standby_1, 'replay', $node_master->lsn('insert')); $node_standby_1->wait_for_catchup($node_standby_2, 'replay', $node_standby_1->lsn('replay')); my $result = $node_standby_1->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"); print "standby 1: $result\n"; is($result, qq(1002), 'check streamed content on standby 1'); $result = $node_standby_2->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"); print "standby 2: $result\n"; is($result, qq(1002), 'check streamed content on standby 2'); # Check that only READ-only queries can run on standbys is($node_standby_1->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (1)'), 3, 'read-only queries on standby 1'); is($node_standby_2->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (1)'), 3, 'read-only queries on standby 2'); # Tests for connection parameter target_session_attrs note "testing connection parameter \"target_session_attrs\""; # Routine designed to run tests on the connection parameter # target_session_attrs with multiple nodes. sub test_target_session_attrs { my $node1 = shift; my $node2 = shift; my $target_node = shift; my $mode = shift; my $status = shift; my $node1_host = $node1->host; my $node1_port = $node1->port; my $node1_name = $node1->name; my $node2_host = $node2->host; my $node2_port = $node2->port; my $node2_name = $node2->name; my $target_name = $target_node->name; # Build connection string for connection attempt. my $connstr = "host=$node1_host,$node2_host "; $connstr .= "port=$node1_port,$node2_port "; $connstr .= "target_session_attrs=$mode"; # The client used for the connection does not matter, only the backend # point does. my ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node1->psql('postgres', 'SHOW port;', extra_params => [ '-d', $connstr ]); is( $status == $ret && $stdout eq $target_node->port, 1, "connect to node $target_name if mode \"$mode\" and $node1_name,$node2_name listed" ); return; } # Connect to master in "read-write" mode with master,standby1 list. test_target_session_attrs($node_master, $node_standby_1, $node_master, "read-write", 0); # Connect to master in "read-write" mode with standby1,master list. test_target_session_attrs($node_standby_1, $node_master, $node_master, "read-write", 0); # Connect to master in "any" mode with master,standby1 list. test_target_session_attrs($node_master, $node_standby_1, $node_master, "any", 0); # Connect to standby1 in "any" mode with standby1,master list. test_target_session_attrs($node_standby_1, $node_master, $node_standby_1, "any", 0); # Test for SHOW commands using a WAL sender connection with a replication # role. note "testing SHOW commands for replication connection"; $node_master->psql( 'postgres', " CREATE ROLE repl_role REPLICATION LOGIN; GRANT pg_read_all_settings TO repl_role;"); my $master_host = $node_master->host; my $master_port = $node_master->port; my $connstr_common = "host=$master_host port=$master_port user=repl_role"; my $connstr_rep = "$connstr_common replication=1"; my $connstr_db = "$connstr_common replication=database dbname=postgres"; # Test SHOW ALL my ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node_master->psql( 'postgres', 'SHOW ALL;', on_error_die => 1, extra_params => [ '-d', $connstr_rep ]); ok($ret == 0, "SHOW ALL with replication role and physical replication"); ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node_master->psql( 'postgres', 'SHOW ALL;', on_error_die => 1, extra_params => [ '-d', $connstr_db ]); ok($ret == 0, "SHOW ALL with replication role and logical replication"); # Test SHOW with a user-settable parameter ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node_master->psql( 'postgres', 'SHOW work_mem;', on_error_die => 1, extra_params => [ '-d', $connstr_rep ]); ok( $ret == 0, "SHOW with user-settable parameter, replication role and physical replication" ); ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node_master->psql( 'postgres', 'SHOW work_mem;', on_error_die => 1, extra_params => [ '-d', $connstr_db ]); ok( $ret == 0, "SHOW with user-settable parameter, replication role and logical replication" ); # Test SHOW with a superuser-settable parameter ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node_master->psql( 'postgres', 'SHOW primary_conninfo;', on_error_die => 1, extra_params => [ '-d', $connstr_rep ]); ok( $ret == 0, "SHOW with superuser-settable parameter, replication role and physical replication" ); ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node_master->psql( 'postgres', 'SHOW primary_conninfo;', on_error_die => 1, extra_params => [ '-d', $connstr_db ]); ok( $ret == 0, "SHOW with superuser-settable parameter, replication role and logical replication" ); note "switching to physical replication slot"; # Switch to using a physical replication slot. We can do this without a new # backup since physical slots can go backwards if needed. Do so on both # standbys. Since we're going to be testing things that affect the slot state, # also increase the standby feedback interval to ensure timely updates. my ($slotname_1, $slotname_2) = ('standby_1', 'standby_2'); $node_master->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "max_replication_slots = 4"); $node_master->restart; is( $node_master->psql( 'postgres', qq[SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$slotname_1');]), 0, 'physical slot created on master'); $node_standby_1->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "primary_slot_name = $slotname_1"); $node_standby_1->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "wal_receiver_status_interval = 1"); $node_standby_1->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "max_replication_slots = 4"); $node_standby_1->restart; is( $node_standby_1->psql( 'postgres', qq[SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$slotname_2');]), 0, 'physical slot created on intermediate replica'); $node_standby_2->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "primary_slot_name = $slotname_2"); $node_standby_2->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "wal_receiver_status_interval = 1"); # should be able change primary_slot_name without restart # will wait effect in get_slot_xmins above $node_standby_2->reload; # Fetch xmin columns from slot's pg_replication_slots row, after waiting for # given boolean condition to be true to ensure we've reached a quiescent state sub get_slot_xmins { my ($node, $slotname, $check_expr) = @_; $node->poll_query_until( 'postgres', qq[ SELECT $check_expr FROM pg_catalog.pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = '$slotname'; ]) or die "Timed out waiting for slot xmins to advance"; my $slotinfo = $node->slot($slotname); return ($slotinfo->{'xmin'}, $slotinfo->{'catalog_xmin'}); } # There's no hot standby feedback and there are no logical slots on either peer # so xmin and catalog_xmin should be null on both slots. my ($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1, "xmin IS NULL AND catalog_xmin IS NULL"); is($xmin, '', 'xmin of non-cascaded slot null with no hs_feedback'); is($catalog_xmin, '', 'catalog xmin of non-cascaded slot null with no hs_feedback'); ($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2, "xmin IS NULL AND catalog_xmin IS NULL"); is($xmin, '', 'xmin of cascaded slot null with no hs_feedback'); is($catalog_xmin, '', 'catalog xmin of cascaded slot null with no hs_feedback'); # Replication still works? $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE TABLE replayed(val integer);'); sub replay_check { my $newval = $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO replayed(val) SELECT coalesce(max(val),0) + 1 AS newval FROM replayed RETURNING val' ); $node_master->wait_for_catchup($node_standby_1, 'replay', $node_master->lsn('insert')); $node_standby_1->wait_for_catchup($node_standby_2, 'replay', $node_standby_1->lsn('replay')); $node_standby_1->safe_psql('postgres', qq[SELECT 1 FROM replayed WHERE val = $newval]) or die "standby_1 didn't replay master value $newval"; $node_standby_2->safe_psql('postgres', qq[SELECT 1 FROM replayed WHERE val = $newval]) or die "standby_2 didn't replay standby_1 value $newval"; return; } replay_check(); note "enabling hot_standby_feedback"; # Enable hs_feedback. The slot should gain an xmin. We set the status interval # so we'll see the results promptly. $node_standby_1->safe_psql('postgres', 'ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby_feedback = on;'); $node_standby_1->reload; $node_standby_2->safe_psql('postgres', 'ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby_feedback = on;'); $node_standby_2->reload; replay_check(); ($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1, "xmin IS NOT NULL AND catalog_xmin IS NULL"); isnt($xmin, '', 'xmin of non-cascaded slot non-null with hs feedback'); is($catalog_xmin, '', 'catalog xmin of non-cascaded slot still null with hs_feedback'); my ($xmin1, $catalog_xmin1) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2, "xmin IS NOT NULL AND catalog_xmin IS NULL"); isnt($xmin1, '', 'xmin of cascaded slot non-null with hs feedback'); is($catalog_xmin1, '', 'catalog xmin of cascaded slot still null with hs_feedback'); note "doing some work to advance xmin"; $node_master->safe_psql( 'postgres', q{ do $$ begin for i in 10000..11000 loop -- use an exception block so that each iteration eats an XID begin insert into tab_int values (i); exception when division_by_zero then null; end; end loop; end$$; }); $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'VACUUM;'); $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'CHECKPOINT;'); my ($xmin2, $catalog_xmin2) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1, "xmin <> '$xmin'"); note "master slot's new xmin $xmin2, old xmin $xmin"; isnt($xmin2, $xmin, 'xmin of non-cascaded slot with hs feedback has changed'); is($catalog_xmin2, '', 'catalog xmin of non-cascaded slot still null with hs_feedback unchanged' ); ($xmin2, $catalog_xmin2) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2, "xmin <> '$xmin1'"); note "standby_1 slot's new xmin $xmin2, old xmin $xmin1"; isnt($xmin2, $xmin1, 'xmin of cascaded slot with hs feedback has changed'); is($catalog_xmin2, '', 'catalog xmin of cascaded slot still null with hs_feedback unchanged'); note "disabling hot_standby_feedback"; # Disable hs_feedback. Xmin should be cleared. $node_standby_1->safe_psql('postgres', 'ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby_feedback = off;'); $node_standby_1->reload; $node_standby_2->safe_psql('postgres', 'ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby_feedback = off;'); $node_standby_2->reload; replay_check(); ($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1, "xmin IS NULL AND catalog_xmin IS NULL"); is($xmin, '', 'xmin of non-cascaded slot null with hs feedback reset'); is($catalog_xmin, '', 'catalog xmin of non-cascaded slot still null with hs_feedback reset'); ($xmin, $catalog_xmin) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2, "xmin IS NULL AND catalog_xmin IS NULL"); is($xmin, '', 'xmin of cascaded slot null with hs feedback reset'); is($catalog_xmin, '', 'catalog xmin of cascaded slot still null with hs_feedback reset'); note "check change primary_conninfo without restart"; $node_standby_2->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "primary_slot_name = ''"); $node_standby_2->enable_streaming($node_master); $node_standby_2->reload; # be sure do not streaming from cascade $node_standby_1->stop; my $newval = $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO replayed(val) SELECT coalesce(max(val),0) + 1 AS newval FROM replayed RETURNING val' ); $node_master->wait_for_catchup($node_standby_2, 'replay', $node_master->lsn('insert')); my $is_replayed = $node_standby_2->safe_psql('postgres', qq[SELECT 1 FROM replayed WHERE val = $newval]); is($is_replayed, qq(1), "standby_2 didn't replay master value $newval"); # Drop any existing slots on the primary, for the follow-up tests. $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot(slot_name) FROM pg_replication_slots;"); # Test physical slot advancing and its durability. Create a new slot on # the primary, not used by any of the standbys. This reserves WAL at creation. my $phys_slot = 'phys_slot'; $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$phys_slot', true);"); # Generate some WAL, and switch to a new segment, used to check that # the previous segment is correctly getting recycled as the slot advancing # would recompute the minimum LSN calculated across all slots. my $segment_removed = $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_walfile_name(pg_current_wal_lsn())'); chomp($segment_removed); $node_master->psql( 'postgres', " CREATE TABLE tab_phys_slot (a int); INSERT INTO tab_phys_slot VALUES (generate_series(1,10)); SELECT pg_switch_wal();"); my $current_lsn = $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_current_wal_lsn();"); chomp($current_lsn); my $psql_rc = $node_master->psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_replication_slot_advance('$phys_slot', '$current_lsn'::pg_lsn);" ); is($psql_rc, '0', 'slot advancing with physical slot'); my $phys_restart_lsn_pre = $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT restart_lsn from pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = '$phys_slot';" ); chomp($phys_restart_lsn_pre); # Slot advance should persist across clean restarts. $node_master->restart; my $phys_restart_lsn_post = $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT restart_lsn from pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = '$phys_slot';" ); chomp($phys_restart_lsn_post); ok( ($phys_restart_lsn_pre cmp $phys_restart_lsn_post) == 0, "physical slot advance persists across restarts"); # Check if the previous segment gets correctly recycled after the # server stopped cleanly, causing a shutdown checkpoint to be generated. my $master_data = $node_master->data_dir; ok(!-f "$master_data/pg_wal/$segment_removed", "WAL segment $segment_removed recycled after physical slot advancing");