path: root/src/backend/statistics/README
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diff --git a/src/backend/statistics/README b/src/backend/statistics/README
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+Extended statistics
+When estimating various quantities (e.g. condition selectivities) the default
+approach relies on the assumption of independence. In practice that's often
+not true, resulting in estimation errors.
+Extended statistics track different types of dependencies between the columns,
+hopefully improving the estimates and producing better plans.
+Types of statistics
+There are currently two kinds of extended statistics:
+ (a) ndistinct coefficients
+ (b) soft functional dependencies (README.dependencies)
+ (c) MCV lists (README.mcv)
+Compatible clause types
+Each type of statistics may be used to estimate some subset of clause types.
+ (a) functional dependencies - equality clauses (AND), possibly IS NULL
+ (b) MCV lists - equality and inequality clauses (AND, OR, NOT), IS [NOT] NULL
+Currently, only OpExprs in the form Var op Const, or Const op Var are
+supported, however it's feasible to expand the code later to also estimate the
+selectivities on clauses such as Var op Var.
+Complex clauses
+We also support estimating more complex clauses - essentially AND/OR clauses
+with (Var op Const) as leaves, as long as all the referenced attributes are
+covered by a single statistics object.
+For example this condition
+ (a=1) AND ((b=2) OR ((c=3) AND (d=4)))
+may be estimated using statistics on (a,b,c,d). If we only have statistics on
+(b,c,d) we may estimate the second part, and estimate (a=1) using simple stats.
+If we only have statistics on (a,b,c) we can't apply it at all at this point,
+but it's worth pointing out clauselist_selectivity() works recursively and when
+handling the second part (the OR-clause), we'll be able to apply the statistics.
+Note: The multi-statistics estimation patch also makes it possible to pass some
+clauses as 'conditions' into the deeper parts of the expression tree.
+Selectivity estimation
+Throughout the planner clauselist_selectivity() still remains in charge of
+most selectivity estimate requests. clauselist_selectivity() can be instructed
+to try to make use of any extended statistics on the given RelOptInfo, which
+it will do if:
+ (a) An actual valid RelOptInfo was given. Join relations are passed in as
+ NULL, therefore are invalid.
+ (b) The relation given actually has any extended statistics defined which
+ are actually built.
+When the above conditions are met, clauselist_selectivity() first attempts to
+pass the clause list off to the extended statistics selectivity estimation
+function. This functions may not find any clauses which is can perform any
+estimations on. In such cases these clauses are simply ignored. When actual
+estimation work is performed in these functions they're expected to mark which
+clauses they've performed estimations for so that any other function
+performing estimations knows which clauses are to be skipped.
+Size of sample in ANALYZE
+When performing ANALYZE, the number of rows to sample is determined as
+ (300 * statistics_target)
+That works reasonably well for statistics on individual columns, but perhaps
+it's not enough for extended statistics. Papers analyzing estimation errors
+all use samples proportional to the table (usually finding that 1-3% of the
+table is enough to build accurate stats).
+The requested accuracy (number of MCV items or histogram bins) should also
+be considered when determining the sample size, and in extended statistics
+those are not necessarily limited by statistics_target.
+This however merits further discussion, because collecting the sample is quite
+expensive and increasing it further would make ANALYZE even more painful.
+Judging by the experiments with the current implementation, the fixed size
+seems to work reasonably well for now, so we leave this as future work.
diff --git a/src/backend/statistics/README.dependencies b/src/backend/statistics/README.dependencies
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+Soft functional dependencies
+Functional dependencies are a concept well described in relational theory,
+particularly in the definition of normalization and "normal forms". Wikipedia
+has a nice definition of a functional dependency [1]:
+ In a given table, an attribute Y is said to have a functional dependency
+ on a set of attributes X (written X -> Y) if and only if each X value is
+ associated with precisely one Y value. For example, in an "Employee"
+ table that includes the attributes "Employee ID" and "Employee Date of
+ Birth", the functional dependency
+ {Employee ID} -> {Employee Date of Birth}
+ would hold. It follows from the previous two sentences that each
+ {Employee ID} is associated with precisely one {Employee Date of Birth}.
+ [1]
+In practical terms, functional dependencies mean that a value in one column
+determines values in some other column. Consider for example this trivial
+table with two integer columns:
+ AS SELECT i, i/10 FROM generate_series(1,100000) s(i);
+Clearly, knowledge of the value in column 'a' is sufficient to determine the
+value in column 'b', as it's simply (a/10). A more practical example may be
+addresses, where the knowledge of a ZIP code (usually) determines city. Larger
+cities may have multiple ZIP codes, so the dependency can't be reversed.
+Many datasets might be normalized not to contain such dependencies, but often
+it's not practical for various reasons. In some cases, it's actually a conscious
+design choice to model the dataset in a denormalized way, either because of
+performance or to make querying easier.
+Soft dependencies
+Real-world data sets often contain data errors, either because of data entry
+mistakes (user mistyping the ZIP code) or perhaps issues in generating the
+data (e.g. a ZIP code mistakenly assigned to two cities in different states).
+A strict implementation would either ignore dependencies in such cases,
+rendering the approach mostly useless even for slightly noisy data sets, or
+result in sudden changes in behavior depending on minor differences between
+samples provided to ANALYZE.
+For this reason, extended statistics implement "soft" functional dependencies,
+associating each functional dependency with a degree of validity (a number
+between 0 and 1). This degree is then used to combine selectivities in a
+smooth manner.
+Mining dependencies (ANALYZE)
+The current algorithm is fairly simple - generate all possible functional
+dependencies, and for each one count the number of rows consistent with it.
+Then use the fraction of rows (supporting/total) as the degree.
+To count the rows consistent with the dependency (a => b):
+ (a) Sort the data lexicographically, i.e. first by 'a' then 'b'.
+ (b) For each group of rows with the same 'a' value, count the number of
+ distinct values in 'b'.
+ (c) If there's a single distinct value in 'b', the rows are consistent with
+ the functional dependency, otherwise they contradict it.
+Clause reduction (planner/optimizer)
+Applying the functional dependencies is fairly simple: given a list of
+equality clauses, we compute selectivities of each clause and then use the
+degree to combine them using this formula
+ P(a=?,b=?) = P(a=?) * (d + (1-d) * P(b=?))
+Where 'd' is the degree of functional dependency (a => b).
+With more than two equality clauses, this process happens recursively. For
+example for (a,b,c) we first use (a,b => c) to break the computation into
+ P(a=?,b=?,c=?) = P(a=?,b=?) * (e + (1-e) * P(c=?))
+where 'e' is the degree of functional dependency (a,b => c); then we can
+apply (a=>b) the same way on P(a=?,b=?).
+Consistency of clauses
+Functional dependencies only express general dependencies between columns,
+without referencing particular values. This assumes that the equality clauses
+are in fact consistent with the functional dependency, i.e. that given a
+dependency (a=>b), the value in (b=?) clause is the value determined by (a=?).
+If that's not the case, the clauses are "inconsistent" with the functional
+dependency and the result will be over-estimation.
+This may happen, for example, when using conditions on the ZIP code and city
+name with mismatching values (ZIP code for a different city), etc. In such a
+case, the result set will be empty, but we'll estimate the selectivity using
+the ZIP code condition.
+In this case, the default estimation based on AVIA principle happens to work
+better, but mostly by chance.
+This issue is the price for the simplicity of functional dependencies. If the
+application frequently constructs queries with clauses inconsistent with
+functional dependencies present in the data, the best solution is not to
+use functional dependencies, but one of the more complex types of statistics.
diff --git a/src/backend/statistics/README.mcv b/src/backend/statistics/README.mcv
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index 0000000..8455b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/statistics/README.mcv
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+MCV lists
+Multivariate MCV (most-common values) lists are a straightforward extension of
+regular MCV list, tracking most frequent combinations of values for a group of
+This works particularly well for columns with a small number of distinct values,
+as the list may include all the combinations and approximate the distribution
+very accurately.
+For columns with a large number of distinct values (e.g. those with continuous
+domains), the list will only track the most frequent combinations. If the
+distribution is mostly uniform (all combinations about equally frequent), the
+MCV list will be empty.
+Estimates of some clauses (e.g. equality) based on MCV lists are more accurate
+than when using histograms.
+Also, MCV lists don't necessarily require sorting of the values (the fact that
+we use sorting when building them is implementation detail), but even more
+importantly the ordering is not built into the approximation (while histograms
+are built on ordering). So MCV lists work well even for attributes where the
+ordering of the data type is disconnected from the meaning of the data. For
+example we know how to sort strings, but it's unlikely to make much sense for
+city names (or other label-like attributes).
+Selectivity estimation
+The estimation, implemented in mcv_clauselist_selectivity(), is quite simple
+in principle - we need to identify MCV items matching all the clauses and sum
+frequencies of all those items.
+Currently MCV lists support estimation of the following clause types:
+ (a) equality clauses WHERE (a = 1) AND (b = 2)
+ (b) inequality clauses WHERE (a < 1) AND (b >= 2)
+ (c) NULL clauses WHERE (a IS NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL)
+ (d) OR clauses WHERE (a < 1) OR (b >= 2)
+It's possible to add support for additional clauses, for example:
+ (e) multi-var clauses WHERE (a > b)
+and possibly others. These are tasks for the future, not yet implemented.
+Hashed MCV (not yet implemented)
+Regular MCV lists have to include actual values for each item, so if those items
+are large the list may be quite large. This is especially true for multivariate
+MCV lists, although the current implementation partially mitigates this by
+performing de-duplicating the values before storing them on disk.
+It's possible to only store hashes (32-bit values) instead of the actual values,
+significantly reducing the space requirements. Obviously, this would only make
+the MCV lists useful for estimating equality conditions (assuming the 32-bit
+hashes make the collisions rare enough).
+This might also complicate matching the columns to available stats.
+TODO Consider implementing hashed MCV list, storing just 32-bit hashes instead
+ of the actual values. This type of MCV list will be useful only for
+ estimating equality clauses, and will reduce space requirements for large
+ varlena types (in such cases we usually only want equality anyway).
+Inspecting the MCV list
+Inspecting the regular (per-attribute) MCV lists is trivial, as it's enough
+to select the columns from pg_stats. The data is encoded as anyarrays, and
+all the items have the same data type, so anyarray provides a simple way to
+get a text representation.
+With multivariate MCV lists the columns may use different data types, making
+it impossible to use anyarrays. It might be possible to produce a similar
+array-like representation, but that would complicate further processing and
+analysis of the MCV list.
+So instead the MCV lists are stored in a custom data type (pg_mcv_list),
+which however makes it more difficult to inspect the contents. To make that
+easier, there's a SRF returning detailed information about the MCV lists.
+ SELECT m.* FROM pg_statistic_ext s,
+ pg_statistic_ext_data d,
+ pg_mcv_list_items(stxdmcv) m
+ WHERE s.stxname = 'stts2'
+ AND d.stxoid = s.oid;
+It accepts one parameter - a pg_mcv_list value (which can only be obtained
+from pg_statistic_ext_data catalog, to defend against malicious input), and
+returns these columns:
+ - item index (0, ..., (nitems-1))
+ - values (string array)
+ - nulls only (boolean array)
+ - frequency (double precision)
+ - base_frequency (double precision)