path: root/src/include/access/amapi.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/include/access/amapi.h')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/access/amapi.h b/src/include/access/amapi.h
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index 0000000..d357ebb
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+++ b/src/include/access/amapi.h
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+ *
+ * amapi.h
+ * API for Postgres index access methods.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+ *
+ * src/include/access/amapi.h
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifndef AMAPI_H
+#define AMAPI_H
+#include "access/genam.h"
+ * We don't wish to include planner header files here, since most of an index
+ * AM's implementation isn't concerned with those data structures. To allow
+ * declaring amcostestimate_function here, use forward struct references.
+ */
+struct PlannerInfo;
+struct IndexPath;
+/* Likewise, this file shouldn't depend on execnodes.h. */
+struct IndexInfo;
+ * Properties for amproperty API. This list covers properties known to the
+ * core code, but an index AM can define its own properties, by matching the
+ * string property name.
+ */
+typedef enum IndexAMProperty
+ AMPROP_UNKNOWN = 0, /* anything not known to core code */
+ AMPROP_ASC, /* column properties */
+ AMPROP_CLUSTERABLE, /* index properties */
+ AMPROP_CAN_ORDER, /* AM properties */
+} IndexAMProperty;
+ * We use lists of this struct type to keep track of both operators and
+ * support functions while building or adding to an opclass or opfamily.
+ * amadjustmembers functions receive lists of these structs, and are allowed
+ * to alter their "ref" fields.
+ *
+ * The "ref" fields define how the pg_amop or pg_amproc entry should depend
+ * on the associated objects (that is, which dependency type to use, and
+ * which opclass or opfamily it should depend on).
+ *
+ * If ref_is_hard is true, the entry will have a NORMAL dependency on the
+ * operator or support func, and an INTERNAL dependency on the opclass or
+ * opfamily. This forces the opclass or opfamily to be dropped if the
+ * operator or support func is dropped, and requires the CASCADE option
+ * to do so. Nor will ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY DROP be allowed. This is
+ * the right behavior for objects that are essential to an opclass.
+ *
+ * If ref_is_hard is false, the entry will have an AUTO dependency on the
+ * operator or support func, and also an AUTO dependency on the opclass or
+ * opfamily. This allows ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY DROP, and causes that to
+ * happen automatically if the operator or support func is dropped. This
+ * is the right behavior for inessential ("loose") objects.
+ */
+typedef struct OpFamilyMember
+ bool is_func; /* is this an operator, or support func? */
+ Oid object; /* operator or support func's OID */
+ int number; /* strategy or support func number */
+ Oid lefttype; /* lefttype */
+ Oid righttype; /* righttype */
+ Oid sortfamily; /* ordering operator's sort opfamily, or 0 */
+ bool ref_is_hard; /* hard or soft dependency? */
+ bool ref_is_family; /* is dependency on opclass or opfamily? */
+ Oid refobjid; /* OID of opclass or opfamily */
+} OpFamilyMember;
+ * Callback function signatures --- see indexam.sgml for more info.
+ */
+/* build new index */
+typedef IndexBuildResult *(*ambuild_function) (Relation heapRelation,
+ Relation indexRelation,
+ struct IndexInfo *indexInfo);
+/* build empty index */
+typedef void (*ambuildempty_function) (Relation indexRelation);
+/* insert this tuple */
+typedef bool (*aminsert_function) (Relation indexRelation,
+ Datum *values,
+ bool *isnull,
+ ItemPointer heap_tid,
+ Relation heapRelation,
+ IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique,
+ bool indexUnchanged,
+ struct IndexInfo *indexInfo);
+/* bulk delete */
+typedef IndexBulkDeleteResult *(*ambulkdelete_function) (IndexVacuumInfo *info,
+ IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
+ IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback,
+ void *callback_state);
+/* post-VACUUM cleanup */
+typedef IndexBulkDeleteResult *(*amvacuumcleanup_function) (IndexVacuumInfo *info,
+ IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats);
+/* can indexscan return IndexTuples? */
+typedef bool (*amcanreturn_function) (Relation indexRelation, int attno);
+/* estimate cost of an indexscan */
+typedef void (*amcostestimate_function) (struct PlannerInfo *root,
+ struct IndexPath *path,
+ double loop_count,
+ Cost *indexStartupCost,
+ Cost *indexTotalCost,
+ Selectivity *indexSelectivity,
+ double *indexCorrelation,
+ double *indexPages);
+/* parse index reloptions */
+typedef bytea *(*amoptions_function) (Datum reloptions,
+ bool validate);
+/* report AM, index, or index column property */
+typedef bool (*amproperty_function) (Oid index_oid, int attno,
+ IndexAMProperty prop, const char *propname,
+ bool *res, bool *isnull);
+/* name of phase as used in progress reporting */
+typedef char *(*ambuildphasename_function) (int64 phasenum);
+/* validate definition of an opclass for this AM */
+typedef bool (*amvalidate_function) (Oid opclassoid);
+/* validate operators and support functions to be added to an opclass/family */
+typedef void (*amadjustmembers_function) (Oid opfamilyoid,
+ Oid opclassoid,
+ List *operators,
+ List *functions);
+/* prepare for index scan */
+typedef IndexScanDesc (*ambeginscan_function) (Relation indexRelation,
+ int nkeys,
+ int norderbys);
+/* (re)start index scan */
+typedef void (*amrescan_function) (IndexScanDesc scan,
+ ScanKey keys,
+ int nkeys,
+ ScanKey orderbys,
+ int norderbys);
+/* next valid tuple */
+typedef bool (*amgettuple_function) (IndexScanDesc scan,
+ ScanDirection direction);
+/* fetch all valid tuples */
+typedef int64 (*amgetbitmap_function) (IndexScanDesc scan,
+ TIDBitmap *tbm);
+/* end index scan */
+typedef void (*amendscan_function) (IndexScanDesc scan);
+/* mark current scan position */
+typedef void (*ammarkpos_function) (IndexScanDesc scan);
+/* restore marked scan position */
+typedef void (*amrestrpos_function) (IndexScanDesc scan);
+ * Callback function signatures - for parallel index scans.
+ */
+/* estimate size of parallel scan descriptor */
+typedef Size (*amestimateparallelscan_function) (void);
+/* prepare for parallel index scan */
+typedef void (*aminitparallelscan_function) (void *target);
+/* (re)start parallel index scan */
+typedef void (*amparallelrescan_function) (IndexScanDesc scan);
+ * API struct for an index AM. Note this must be stored in a single palloc'd
+ * chunk of memory.
+ */
+typedef struct IndexAmRoutine
+ NodeTag type;
+ /*
+ * Total number of strategies (operators) by which we can traverse/search
+ * this AM. Zero if AM does not have a fixed set of strategy assignments.
+ */
+ uint16 amstrategies;
+ /* total number of support functions that this AM uses */
+ uint16 amsupport;
+ /* opclass options support function number or 0 */
+ uint16 amoptsprocnum;
+ /* does AM support ORDER BY indexed column's value? */
+ bool amcanorder;
+ /* does AM support ORDER BY result of an operator on indexed column? */
+ bool amcanorderbyop;
+ /* does AM support backward scanning? */
+ bool amcanbackward;
+ /* does AM support UNIQUE indexes? */
+ bool amcanunique;
+ /* does AM support multi-column indexes? */
+ bool amcanmulticol;
+ /* does AM require scans to have a constraint on the first index column? */
+ bool amoptionalkey;
+ /* does AM handle ScalarArrayOpExpr quals? */
+ bool amsearcharray;
+ /* does AM handle IS NULL/IS NOT NULL quals? */
+ bool amsearchnulls;
+ /* can index storage data type differ from column data type? */
+ bool amstorage;
+ /* can an index of this type be clustered on? */
+ bool amclusterable;
+ /* does AM handle predicate locks? */
+ bool ampredlocks;
+ /* does AM support parallel scan? */
+ bool amcanparallel;
+ /* does AM support columns included with clause INCLUDE? */
+ bool amcaninclude;
+ /* does AM use maintenance_work_mem? */
+ bool amusemaintenanceworkmem;
+ /* OR of parallel vacuum flags. See vacuum.h for flags. */
+ uint8 amparallelvacuumoptions;
+ /* type of data stored in index, or InvalidOid if variable */
+ Oid amkeytype;
+ /*
+ * If you add new properties to either the above or the below lists, then
+ * they should also (usually) be exposed via the property API (see
+ * IndexAMProperty at the top of the file, and utils/adt/amutils.c).
+ */
+ /* interface functions */
+ ambuild_function ambuild;
+ ambuildempty_function ambuildempty;
+ aminsert_function aminsert;
+ ambulkdelete_function ambulkdelete;
+ amvacuumcleanup_function amvacuumcleanup;
+ amcanreturn_function amcanreturn; /* can be NULL */
+ amcostestimate_function amcostestimate;
+ amoptions_function amoptions;
+ amproperty_function amproperty; /* can be NULL */
+ ambuildphasename_function ambuildphasename; /* can be NULL */
+ amvalidate_function amvalidate;
+ amadjustmembers_function amadjustmembers; /* can be NULL */
+ ambeginscan_function ambeginscan;
+ amrescan_function amrescan;
+ amgettuple_function amgettuple; /* can be NULL */
+ amgetbitmap_function amgetbitmap; /* can be NULL */
+ amendscan_function amendscan;
+ ammarkpos_function ammarkpos; /* can be NULL */
+ amrestrpos_function amrestrpos; /* can be NULL */
+ /* interface functions to support parallel index scans */
+ amestimateparallelscan_function amestimateparallelscan; /* can be NULL */
+ aminitparallelscan_function aminitparallelscan; /* can be NULL */
+ amparallelrescan_function amparallelrescan; /* can be NULL */
+} IndexAmRoutine;
+/* Functions in access/index/amapi.c */
+extern IndexAmRoutine *GetIndexAmRoutine(Oid amhandler);
+extern IndexAmRoutine *GetIndexAmRoutineByAmId(Oid amoid, bool noerror);
+#endif /* AMAPI_H */