GiST Indexes
GiST stands for Generalized Search Tree. It is a
balanced, tree-structured access method, that acts as a base template in
which to implement arbitrary indexing schemes. B-trees, R-trees and many
other indexing schemes can be implemented in GiST.
One advantage of GiST is that it allows the development
of custom data types with the appropriate access methods, by
an expert in the domain of the data type, rather than a database expert.
Some of the information here is derived from the University of California
at Berkeley's GiST Indexing Project
web site and
Marcel Kornacker's thesis,
Access Methods for Next-Generation Database Systems.
The GiST
implementation in PostgreSQL is primarily
maintained by Teodor Sigaev and Oleg Bartunov, and there is more
information on their
web site.
Built-in Operator Classes
The core PostgreSQL distribution
includes the GiST operator classes shown in
(Some of the optional modules described in
provide additional GiST operator classes.)
Built-in GiST Operator Classes
Indexable Operators
Ordering Operators
<< (box, box)
<-> (box, point)
&< (box, box)
&& (box, box)
&> (box, box)
>> (box, box)
~= (box, box)
@> (box, box)
<@ (box, box)
&<| (box, box)
<<| (box, box)
|>> (box, box)
|&> (box, box)
~ (box, box)
@ (box, box)
<< (circle, circle)
<-> (circle, point)
&< (circle, circle)
&> (circle, circle)
>> (circle, circle)
<@ (circle, circle)
@> (circle, circle)
~= (circle, circle)
&& (circle, circle)
|>> (circle, circle)
<<| (circle, circle)
&<| (circle, circle)
|&> (circle, circle)
@ (circle, circle)
~ (circle, circle)
<< (inet, inet)
<<= (inet, inet)
>> (inet, inet)
>>= (inet, inet)
= (inet, inet)
<> (inet, inet)
< (inet, inet)
<= (inet, inet)
> (inet, inet)
>= (inet, inet)
&& (inet, inet)
= (anymultirange, anymultirange)
&& (anymultirange, anymultirange)
&& (anymultirange, anyrange)
@> (anymultirange, anyelement)
@> (anymultirange, anymultirange)
@> (anymultirange, anyrange)
<@ (anymultirange, anymultirange)
<@ (anymultirange, anyrange)
<< (anymultirange, anymultirange)
<< (anymultirange, anyrange)
>> (anymultirange, anymultirange)
>> (anymultirange, anyrange)
&< (anymultirange, anymultirange)
&< (anymultirange, anyrange)
&> (anymultirange, anymultirange)
&> (anymultirange, anyrange)
-|- (anymultirange, anymultirange)
-|- (anymultirange, anyrange)
|>> (point, point)
<-> (point, point)
<< (point, point)
>> (point, point)
<<| (point, point)
~= (point, point)
<@ (point, box)
<@ (point, polygon)
<@ (point, circle)
<< (polygon, polygon)
<-> (polygon, point)
&< (polygon, polygon)
&> (polygon, polygon)
>> (polygon, polygon)
<@ (polygon, polygon)
@> (polygon, polygon)
~= (polygon, polygon)
&& (polygon, polygon)
<<| (polygon, polygon)
&<| (polygon, polygon)
|&> (polygon, polygon)
|>> (polygon, polygon)
@ (polygon, polygon)
~ (polygon, polygon)
= (anyrange, anyrange)
&& (anyrange, anyrange)
&& (anyrange, anymultirange)
@> (anyrange, anyelement)
@> (anyrange, anyrange)
@> (anyrange, anymultirange)
<@ (anyrange, anyrange)
<@ (anyrange, anymultirange)
<< (anyrange, anyrange)
<< (anyrange, anymultirange)
>> (anyrange, anyrange)
>> (anyrange, anymultirange)
&< (anyrange, anyrange)
&< (anyrange, anymultirange)
&> (anyrange, anyrange)
&> (anyrange, anymultirange)
-|- (anyrange, anyrange)
-|- (anyrange, anymultirange)
<@ (tsquery, tsquery)
@> (tsquery, tsquery)
@@ (tsvector, tsquery)
For historical reasons, the inet_ops operator class is
not the default class for types inet and cidr.
To use it, mention the class name in CREATE INDEX,
for example
CREATE INDEX ON my_table USING GIST (my_inet_column inet_ops);
Traditionally, implementing a new index access method meant a lot of
difficult work. It was necessary to understand the inner workings of the
database, such as the lock manager and Write-Ahead Log. The
GiST interface has a high level of abstraction,
requiring the access method implementer only to implement the semantics of
the data type being accessed. The GiST layer itself
takes care of concurrency, logging and searching the tree structure.
This extensibility should not be confused with the extensibility of the
other standard search trees in terms of the data they can handle. For
example, PostgreSQL supports extensible B-trees
and hash indexes. That means that you can use
PostgreSQL to build a B-tree or hash over any
data type you want. But B-trees only support range predicates
(<, =, >),
and hash indexes only support equality queries.
So if you index, say, an image collection with a
PostgreSQL B-tree, you can only issue queries
such as is imagex equal to imagey
, is imagex less
than imagey
and is imagex greater than imagey
Depending on how you define equals
, less than
and greater than
in this context, this could be useful.
However, by using a GiST based index, you could create
ways to ask domain-specific questions, perhaps find all images of
or find all over-exposed images
All it takes to get a GiST access method up and running
is to implement several user-defined methods, which define the behavior of
keys in the tree. Of course these methods have to be pretty fancy to
support fancy queries, but for all the standard queries (B-trees,
R-trees, etc.) they're relatively straightforward. In short,
GiST combines extensibility along with generality, code
reuse, and a clean interface.
There are five methods that an index operator class for
GiST must provide, and six that are optional.
Correctness of the index is ensured
by proper implementation of the same, consistent
and union methods, while efficiency (size and speed) of the
index will depend on the penalty and picksplit
Two optional methods are compress and
decompress, which allow an index to have internal tree data of
a different type than the data it indexes. The leaves are to be of the
indexed data type, while the other tree nodes can be of any C struct (but
you still have to follow PostgreSQL data type rules here,
see about varlena for variable sized data). If the tree's
internal data type exists at the SQL level, the STORAGE option
of the CREATE OPERATOR CLASS command can be used.
The optional eighth method is distance, which is needed
if the operator class wishes to support ordered scans (nearest-neighbor
searches). The optional ninth method fetch is needed if the
operator class wishes to support index-only scans, except when the
compress method is omitted. The optional tenth method
options is needed if the operator class has
user-specified parameters.
The optional eleventh method sortsupport is used to
speed up building a GiST index.
Given an index entry p and a query value q,
this function determines whether the index entry is
with the query; that is, could the predicate
indexable_operator q
be true for
any row represented by the index entry? For a leaf index entry this is
equivalent to testing the indexable condition, while for an internal
tree node this determines whether it is necessary to scan the subtree
of the index represented by the tree node. When the result is
true, a recheck flag must also be returned.
This indicates whether the predicate is certainly true or only possibly
true. If recheck = false then the index has
tested the predicate condition exactly, whereas if recheck
= true the row is only a candidate match. In that case the
system will automatically evaluate the
indexable_operator against the actual row value to see
if it is really a match. This convention allows
GiST to support both lossless and lossy index
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_consistent(internal, data_type, smallint, oid, internal)
And the matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
data_type *query = PG_GETARG_DATA_TYPE_P(1);
StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
/* Oid subtype = PG_GETARG_OID(3); */
bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4);
data_type *key = DatumGetDataType(entry->key);
bool retval;
* determine return value as a function of strategy, key and query.
* Use GIST_LEAF(entry) to know where you're called in the index tree,
* which comes handy when supporting the = operator for example (you could
* check for non empty union() in non-leaf nodes and equality in leaf
* nodes).
*recheck = true; /* or false if check is exact */
Here, key is an element in the index and query
the value being looked up in the index. The StrategyNumber
parameter indicates which operator of your operator class is being
applied — it matches one of the operator numbers in the
Depending on which operators you have included in the class, the data
type of query could vary with the operator, since it will
be whatever type is on the right-hand side of the operator, which might
be different from the indexed data type appearing on the left-hand side.
(The above code skeleton assumes that only one type is possible; if
not, fetching the query argument value would have to depend
on the operator.) It is recommended that the SQL declaration of
the consistent function use the opclass's indexed data
type for the query argument, even though the actual type
might be something else depending on the operator.
This method consolidates information in the tree. Given a set of
entries, this function generates a new index entry that represents
all the given entries.
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_union(internal, internal)
RETURNS storage_type
And the matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
GistEntryVector *entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
GISTENTRY *ent = entryvec->vector;
data_type *out,
int numranges,
i = 0;
numranges = entryvec->n;
tmp = DatumGetDataType(ent[0].key);
out = tmp;
if (numranges == 1)
out = data_type_deep_copy(tmp);
for (i = 1; i < numranges; i++)
old = out;
tmp = DatumGetDataType(ent[i].key);
out = my_union_implementation(out, tmp);
As you can see, in this skeleton we're dealing with a data type
where union(X, Y, Z) = union(union(X, Y), Z). It's easy
enough to support data types where this is not the case, by
implementing the proper union algorithm in this
GiST support method.
The result of the union function must be a value of the
index's storage type, whatever that is (it might or might not be
different from the indexed column's type). The union
function should return a pointer to newly palloc()ed
memory. You can't just return the input value as-is, even if there is
no type change.
As shown above, the union function's
first internal argument is actually
a GistEntryVector pointer. The second argument is a
pointer to an integer variable, which can be ignored. (It used to be
required that the union function store the size of its
result value into that variable, but this is no longer necessary.)
Converts a data item into a format suitable for physical storage in
an index page.
If the compress method is omitted, data items are stored
in the index without modification.
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_compress(internal)
RETURNS internal
And the matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
GISTENTRY *retval;
if (entry->leafkey)
/* replace entry->key with a compressed version */
compressed_data_type *compressed_data = palloc(sizeof(compressed_data_type));
/* fill *compressed_data from entry->key ... */
retval = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));
gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(compressed_data),
entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, FALSE);
/* typically we needn't do anything with non-leaf entries */
retval = entry;
You have to adapt compressed_data_type to the specific
type you're converting to in order to compress your leaf nodes, of
Converts the stored representation of a data item into a format that
can be manipulated by the other GiST methods in the operator class.
If the decompress method is omitted, it is assumed that
the other GiST methods can work directly on the stored data format.
(decompress is not necessarily the reverse of
the compress method; in particular,
if compress is lossy then it's impossible
for decompress to exactly reconstruct the original
data. decompress is not necessarily equivalent
to fetch, either, since the other GiST methods might not
require full reconstruction of the data.)
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_decompress(internal)
RETURNS internal
And the matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
The above skeleton is suitable for the case where no decompression
is needed. (But, of course, omitting the method altogether is even
easier, and is recommended in such cases.)
Returns a value indicating the cost
of inserting the new
entry into a particular branch of the tree. Items will be inserted
down the path of least penalty in the tree.
Values returned by penalty should be non-negative.
If a negative value is returned, it will be treated as zero.
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
RETURNS internal
LANGUAGE C STRICT; -- in some cases penalty functions need not be strict
And the matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
float *penalty = (float *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
data_type *orig = DatumGetDataType(origentry->key);
data_type *new = DatumGetDataType(newentry->key);
*penalty = my_penalty_implementation(orig, new);
For historical reasons, the penalty function doesn't
just return a float result; instead it has to store the value
at the location indicated by the third argument. The return
value per se is ignored, though it's conventional to pass back the
address of that argument.
The penalty function is crucial to good performance of
the index. It'll get used at insertion time to determine which branch
to follow when choosing where to add the new entry in the tree. At
query time, the more balanced the index, the quicker the lookup.
When an index page split is necessary, this function decides which
entries on the page are to stay on the old page, and which are to move
to the new page.
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_picksplit(internal, internal)
RETURNS internal
And the matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
GistEntryVector *entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
OffsetNumber maxoff = entryvec->n - 1;
GISTENTRY *ent = entryvec->vector;
int i,
OffsetNumber *left,
data_type *tmp_union;
data_type *unionL;
data_type *unionR;
GISTENTRY **raw_entryvec;
maxoff = entryvec->n - 1;
nbytes = (maxoff + 1) * sizeof(OffsetNumber);
v->spl_left = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
left = v->spl_left;
v->spl_nleft = 0;
v->spl_right = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
right = v->spl_right;
v->spl_nright = 0;
unionL = NULL;
unionR = NULL;
/* Initialize the raw entry vector. */
raw_entryvec = (GISTENTRY **) malloc(entryvec->n * sizeof(void *));
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
raw_entryvec[i] = &(entryvec->vector[i]);
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
int real_index = raw_entryvec[i] - entryvec->vector;
tmp_union = DatumGetDataType(entryvec->vector[real_index].key);
Assert(tmp_union != NULL);
* Choose where to put the index entries and update unionL and unionR
* accordingly. Append the entries to either v->spl_left or
* v->spl_right, and care about the counters.
if (my_choice_is_left(unionL, curl, unionR, curr))
if (unionL == NULL)
unionL = tmp_union;
unionL = my_union_implementation(unionL, tmp_union);
*left = real_index;
* Same on the right
v->spl_ldatum = DataTypeGetDatum(unionL);
v->spl_rdatum = DataTypeGetDatum(unionR);
Notice that the picksplit function's result is delivered
by modifying the passed-in v structure. The return
value per se is ignored, though it's conventional to pass back the
address of v.
Like penalty, the picksplit function
is crucial to good performance of the index. Designing suitable
penalty and picksplit implementations
is where the challenge of implementing well-performing
GiST indexes lies.
Returns true if two index entries are identical, false otherwise.
(An index entry
is a value of the index's storage type,
not necessarily the original indexed column's type.)
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_same(storage_type, storage_type, internal)
RETURNS internal
And the matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
prefix_range *v1 = PG_GETARG_PREFIX_RANGE_P(0);
prefix_range *v2 = PG_GETARG_PREFIX_RANGE_P(1);
bool *result = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
*result = my_eq(v1, v2);
For historical reasons, the same function doesn't
just return a Boolean result; instead it has to store the flag
at the location indicated by the third argument. The return
value per se is ignored, though it's conventional to pass back the
address of that argument.
Given an index entry p and a query value q,
this function determines the index entry's
from the query value. This function must be
supplied if the operator class contains any ordering operators.
A query using the ordering operator will be implemented by returning
index entries with the smallest distance
values first,
so the results must be consistent with the operator's semantics.
For a leaf index entry the result just represents the distance to
the index entry; for an internal tree node, the result must be the
smallest distance that any child entry could have.
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_distance(internal, data_type, smallint, oid, internal)
RETURNS float8
And the matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
data_type *query = PG_GETARG_DATA_TYPE_P(1);
StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
/* Oid subtype = PG_GETARG_OID(3); */
/* bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); */
data_type *key = DatumGetDataType(entry->key);
double retval;
* determine return value as a function of strategy, key and query.
The arguments to the distance function are identical to
the arguments of the consistent function.
Some approximation is allowed when determining the distance, so long
as the result is never greater than the entry's actual distance. Thus,
for example, distance to a bounding box is usually sufficient in
geometric applications. For an internal tree node, the distance
returned must not be greater than the distance to any of the child
nodes. If the returned distance is not exact, the function must set
*recheck to true. (This is not necessary for internal tree
nodes; for them, the calculation is always assumed to be inexact.) In
this case the executor will calculate the accurate distance after
fetching the tuple from the heap, and reorder the tuples if necessary.
If the distance function returns *recheck = true for any
leaf node, the original ordering operator's return type must
be float8 or float4, and the distance function's
result values must be comparable to those of the original ordering
operator, since the executor will sort using both distance function
results and recalculated ordering-operator results. Otherwise, the
distance function's result values can be any finite float8
values, so long as the relative order of the result values matches the
order returned by the ordering operator. (Infinity and minus infinity
are used internally to handle cases such as nulls, so it is not
recommended that distance functions return these values.)
Converts the compressed index representation of a data item into the
original data type, for index-only scans. The returned data must be an
exact, non-lossy copy of the originally indexed value.
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
RETURNS internal
The argument is a pointer to a GISTENTRY struct. On
entry, its key field contains a non-NULL leaf datum in
compressed form. The return value is another GISTENTRY
struct, whose key field contains the same datum in its
original, uncompressed form. If the opclass's compress function does
nothing for leaf entries, the fetch method can return the
argument as-is. Or, if the opclass does not have a compress function,
the fetch method can be omitted as well, since it would
necessarily be a no-op.
The matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
input_data_type *in = DatumGetPointer(entry->key);
fetched_data_type *fetched_data;
GISTENTRY *retval;
retval = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));
fetched_data = palloc(sizeof(fetched_data_type));
* Convert 'fetched_data' into the a Datum of the original datatype.
/* fill *retval from fetched_data. */
gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(converted_datum),
entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, FALSE);
If the compress method is lossy for leaf entries, the operator class
cannot support index-only scans, and must not define
a fetch function.
Allows definition of user-visible parameters that control operator
class behavior.
The SQL declaration of the function must look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_options(internal)
The function is passed a pointer to a local_relopts
struct, which needs to be filled with a set of operator class
specific options. The options can be accessed from other support
functions using the PG_HAS_OPCLASS_OPTIONS() and
An example implementation of my_options() and parameters use
from other support functions are given below:
typedef enum MyEnumType
} MyEnumType;
typedef struct
int32 vl_len_; /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
int int_param; /* integer parameter */
double real_param; /* real parameter */
MyEnumType enum_param; /* enum parameter */
int str_param; /* string parameter */
} MyOptionsStruct;
/* String representation of enum values */
static relopt_enum_elt_def myEnumValues[] =
{"on", MY_ENUM_ON},
{"off", MY_ENUM_OFF},
{"auto", MY_ENUM_AUTO},
{(const char *) NULL} /* list terminator */
static char *str_param_default = "default";
* Sample validator: checks that string is not longer than 8 bytes.
static void
validate_my_string_relopt(const char *value)
if (strlen(value) > 8)
errmsg("str_param must be at most 8 bytes")));
* Sample filler: switches characters to lower case.
static Size
fill_my_string_relopt(const char *value, void *ptr)
char *tmp = str_tolower(value, strlen(value), DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID);
int len = strlen(tmp);
if (ptr)
strcpy((char *) ptr, tmp);
return len + 1;
local_relopts *relopts = (local_relopts *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
init_local_reloptions(relopts, sizeof(MyOptionsStruct));
add_local_int_reloption(relopts, "int_param", "integer parameter",
100, 0, 1000000,
offsetof(MyOptionsStruct, int_param));
add_local_real_reloption(relopts, "real_param", "real parameter",
1.0, 0.0, 1000000.0,
offsetof(MyOptionsStruct, real_param));
add_local_enum_reloption(relopts, "enum_param", "enum parameter",
myEnumValues, MY_ENUM_ON,
"Valid values are: \"on\", \"off\" and \"auto\".",
offsetof(MyOptionsStruct, enum_param));
add_local_string_reloption(relopts, "str_param", "string parameter",
offsetof(MyOptionsStruct, str_param));
int int_param = 100;
double real_param = 1.0;
MyEnumType enum_param = MY_ENUM_ON;
char *str_param = str_param_default;
* Normally, when opclass contains 'options' method, then options are always
* passed to support functions. However, if you add 'options' method to
* existing opclass, previously defined indexes have no options, so the
* check is required.
MyOptionsStruct *options = (MyOptionsStruct *) PG_GET_OPCLASS_OPTIONS();
int_param = options->int_param;
real_param = options->real_param;
enum_param = options->enum_param;
str_param = GET_STRING_RELOPTION(options, str_param);
/* the rest implementation of support function */
Since the representation of the key in GiST is
flexible, it may depend on user-specified parameters. For instance,
the length of key signature may be specified. See
gtsvector_options() for example.
Returns a comparator function to sort data in a way that preserves
locality. It is used by CREATE INDEX and
REINDEX commands. The quality of the created index
depends on how well the sort order determined by the comparator function
preserves locality of the inputs.
The sortsupport method is optional. If it is not
provided, CREATE INDEX builds the index by inserting
each tuple to the tree using the penalty and
picksplit functions, which is much slower.
The SQL declaration of the function must look like
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_sortsupport(internal)
The argument is a pointer to a SortSupport
struct. At a minimum, the function must fill in its comparator field.
The comparator takes three arguments: two Datums to compare, and
a pointer to the SortSupport struct. The
Datums are the two indexed values in the format that they are stored
in the index; that is, in the format returned by the
compress method. The full API is defined in
The matching code in the C module could then follow this skeleton:
static int
my_fastcmp(Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup)
/* establish order between x and y by computing some sorting value z */
int z1 = ComputeSpatialCode(x);
int z2 = ComputeSpatialCode(y);
return z1 == z2 ? 0 : z1 > z2 ? 1 : -1;
SortSupport ssup = (SortSupport) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
ssup->comparator = my_fastcmp;
All the GiST support methods are normally called in short-lived memory
contexts; that is, CurrentMemoryContext will get reset after
each tuple is processed. It is therefore not very important to worry about
pfree'ing everything you palloc. However, in some cases it's useful for a
support method to cache data across repeated calls. To do that, allocate
the longer-lived data in fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt, and
keep a pointer to it in fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra. Such
data will survive for the life of the index operation (e.g., a single GiST
index scan, index build, or index tuple insertion). Be careful to pfree
the previous value when replacing a fn_extra value, or the leak
will accumulate for the duration of the operation.
GiST Index Build Methods
The simplest way to build a GiST index is just to insert all the entries,
one by one. This tends to be slow for large indexes, because if the
index tuples are scattered across the index and the index is large enough
to not fit in cache, a lot of random I/O will be
needed. PostgreSQL supports two alternative
methods for initial build of a GiST index: sorted
and buffered modes.
The sorted method is only available if each of the opclasses used by the
index provides a sortsupport function, as described
in . If they do, this method is
usually the best, so it is used by default.
The buffered method works by not inserting tuples directly into the index
right away. It can dramatically reduce the amount of random I/O needed
for non-ordered data sets. For well-ordered data sets the benefit is
smaller or non-existent, because only a small number of pages receive new
tuples at a time, and those pages fit in cache even if the index as a
whole does not.
The buffered method needs to call the penalty
function more often than the simple method does, which consumes some
extra CPU resources. Also, the buffers need temporary disk space, up to
the size of the resulting index. Buffering can also influence the quality
of the resulting index, in both positive and negative directions. That
influence depends on various factors, like the distribution of the input
data and the operator class implementation.
If sorting is not possible, then by default a GiST index build switches
to the buffering method when the index size reaches
. Buffering can be manually
forced or prevented by the buffering parameter to the
CREATE INDEX command. The default behavior is good for most cases, but
turning buffering off might speed up the build somewhat if the input data
is ordered.
The PostgreSQL source distribution includes
several examples of index methods implemented using
GiST. The core system currently provides text search
support (indexing for tsvector and tsquery) as well as
R-Tree equivalent functionality for some of the built-in geometric data types
(see src/backend/access/gist/gistproc.c). The following
contrib modules also contain GiST
operator classes:
B-tree equivalent functionality for several data types
Indexing for multidimensional cubes
Module for storing (key, value) pairs
RD-Tree for one-dimensional array of int4 values
Indexing for tree-like structures
Text similarity using trigram matching
Indexing for float ranges