/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * index.c * code to create and destroy POSTGRES index relations * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/catalog/index.c * * * INTERFACE ROUTINES * index_create() - Create a cataloged index relation * index_drop() - Removes index relation from catalogs * BuildIndexInfo() - Prepare to insert index tuples * FormIndexDatum() - Construct datum vector for one index tuple * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include #include "access/amapi.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "access/multixact.h" #include "access/reloptions.h" #include "access/relscan.h" #include "access/sysattr.h" #include "access/tableam.h" #include "access/toast_compression.h" #include "access/transam.h" #include "access/visibilitymap.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "bootstrap/bootstrap.h" #include "catalog/binary_upgrade.h" #include "catalog/catalog.h" #include "catalog/dependency.h" #include "catalog/heap.h" #include "catalog/index.h" #include "catalog/objectaccess.h" #include "catalog/partition.h" #include "catalog/pg_am.h" #include "catalog/pg_collation.h" #include "catalog/pg_constraint.h" #include "catalog/pg_depend.h" #include "catalog/pg_description.h" #include "catalog/pg_inherits.h" #include "catalog/pg_opclass.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_trigger.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "catalog/storage.h" #include "commands/event_trigger.h" #include "commands/progress.h" #include "commands/tablecmds.h" #include "commands/tablespace.h" #include "commands/trigger.h" #include "executor/executor.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" #include "optimizer/optimizer.h" #include "parser/parser.h" #include "pgstat.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "storage/predicate.h" #include "storage/procarray.h" #include "storage/smgr.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/datum.h" #include "utils/fmgroids.h" #include "utils/guc.h" #include "utils/inval.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/pg_rusage.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/snapmgr.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "utils/tuplesort.h" /* Potentially set by pg_upgrade_support functions */ Oid binary_upgrade_next_index_pg_class_oid = InvalidOid; /* * Pointer-free representation of variables used when reindexing system * catalogs; we use this to propagate those values to parallel workers. */ typedef struct { Oid currentlyReindexedHeap; Oid currentlyReindexedIndex; int numPendingReindexedIndexes; Oid pendingReindexedIndexes[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; } SerializedReindexState; /* non-export function prototypes */ static bool relationHasPrimaryKey(Relation rel); static TupleDesc ConstructTupleDescriptor(Relation heapRelation, IndexInfo *indexInfo, List *indexColNames, Oid accessMethodObjectId, Oid *collationObjectId, Oid *classObjectId); static void InitializeAttributeOids(Relation indexRelation, int numatts, Oid indexoid); static void AppendAttributeTuples(Relation indexRelation, Datum *attopts); static void UpdateIndexRelation(Oid indexoid, Oid heapoid, Oid parentIndexId, IndexInfo *indexInfo, Oid *collationOids, Oid *classOids, int16 *coloptions, bool primary, bool isexclusion, bool immediate, bool isvalid, bool isready); static void index_update_stats(Relation rel, bool hasindex, double reltuples); static void IndexCheckExclusion(Relation heapRelation, Relation indexRelation, IndexInfo *indexInfo); static bool validate_index_callback(ItemPointer itemptr, void *opaque); static bool ReindexIsCurrentlyProcessingIndex(Oid indexOid); static void SetReindexProcessing(Oid heapOid, Oid indexOid); static void ResetReindexProcessing(void); static void SetReindexPending(List *indexes); static void RemoveReindexPending(Oid indexOid); /* * relationHasPrimaryKey * See whether an existing relation has a primary key. * * Caller must have suitable lock on the relation. * * Note: we intentionally do not check indisvalid here; that's because this * is used to enforce the rule that there can be only one indisprimary index, * and we want that to be true even if said index is invalid. */ static bool relationHasPrimaryKey(Relation rel) { bool result = false; List *indexoidlist; ListCell *indexoidscan; /* * Get the list of index OIDs for the table from the relcache, and look up * each one in the pg_index syscache until we find one marked primary key * (hopefully there isn't more than one such). */ indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(rel); foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist) { Oid indexoid = lfirst_oid(indexoidscan); HeapTuple indexTuple; indexTuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexoid); result = ((Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple))->indisprimary; ReleaseSysCache(indexTuple); if (result) break; } list_free(indexoidlist); return result; } /* * index_check_primary_key * Apply special checks needed before creating a PRIMARY KEY index * * This processing used to be in DefineIndex(), but has been split out * so that it can be applied during ALTER TABLE ADD PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX. * * We check for a pre-existing primary key, and that all columns of the index * are simple column references (not expressions), and that all those * columns are marked NOT NULL. If not, fail. * * We used to automatically change unmarked columns to NOT NULL here by doing * our own local ALTER TABLE command. But that doesn't work well if we're * executing one subcommand of an ALTER TABLE: the operations may not get * performed in the right order overall. Now we expect that the parser * inserted any required ALTER TABLE SET NOT NULL operations before trying * to create a primary-key index. * * Caller had better have at least ShareLock on the table, else the not-null * checking isn't trustworthy. */ void index_check_primary_key(Relation heapRel, IndexInfo *indexInfo, bool is_alter_table, IndexStmt *stmt) { int i; /* * If ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE .. PARTITION OF, check that there isn't * already a PRIMARY KEY. In CREATE TABLE for an ordinary relation, we * have faith that the parser rejected multiple pkey clauses; and CREATE * INDEX doesn't have a way to say PRIMARY KEY, so it's no problem either. */ if ((is_alter_table || heapRel->rd_rel->relispartition) && relationHasPrimaryKey(heapRel)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_TABLE_DEFINITION), errmsg("multiple primary keys for table \"%s\" are not allowed", RelationGetRelationName(heapRel)))); } /* * Check that all of the attributes in a primary key are marked as not * null. (We don't really expect to see that; it'd mean the parser messed * up. But it seems wise to check anyway.) */ for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; i++) { AttrNumber attnum = indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i]; HeapTuple atttuple; Form_pg_attribute attform; if (attnum == 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("primary keys cannot be expressions"))); /* System attributes are never null, so no need to check */ if (attnum < 0) continue; atttuple = SearchSysCache2(ATTNUM, ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(heapRel)), Int16GetDatum(attnum)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atttuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for attribute %d of relation %u", attnum, RelationGetRelid(heapRel)); attform = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttuple); if (!attform->attnotnull) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_TABLE_DEFINITION), errmsg("primary key column \"%s\" is not marked NOT NULL", NameStr(attform->attname)))); ReleaseSysCache(atttuple); } } /* * ConstructTupleDescriptor * * Build an index tuple descriptor for a new index */ static TupleDesc ConstructTupleDescriptor(Relation heapRelation, IndexInfo *indexInfo, List *indexColNames, Oid accessMethodObjectId, Oid *collationObjectId, Oid *classObjectId) { int numatts = indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs; int numkeyatts = indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; ListCell *colnames_item = list_head(indexColNames); ListCell *indexpr_item = list_head(indexInfo->ii_Expressions); IndexAmRoutine *amroutine; TupleDesc heapTupDesc; TupleDesc indexTupDesc; int natts; /* #atts in heap rel --- for error checks */ int i; /* We need access to the index AM's API struct */ amroutine = GetIndexAmRoutineByAmId(accessMethodObjectId, false); /* ... and to the table's tuple descriptor */ heapTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(heapRelation); natts = RelationGetForm(heapRelation)->relnatts; /* * allocate the new tuple descriptor */ indexTupDesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(numatts); /* * Fill in the pg_attribute row. */ for (i = 0; i < numatts; i++) { AttrNumber atnum = indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i]; Form_pg_attribute to = TupleDescAttr(indexTupDesc, i); HeapTuple tuple; Form_pg_type typeTup; Form_pg_opclass opclassTup; Oid keyType; MemSet(to, 0, ATTRIBUTE_FIXED_PART_SIZE); to->attnum = i + 1; to->attstattarget = -1; to->attcacheoff = -1; to->attislocal = true; to->attcollation = (i < numkeyatts) ? collationObjectId[i] : InvalidOid; /* * Set the attribute name as specified by caller. */ if (colnames_item == NULL) /* shouldn't happen */ elog(ERROR, "too few entries in colnames list"); namestrcpy(&to->attname, (const char *) lfirst(colnames_item)); colnames_item = lnext(indexColNames, colnames_item); /* * For simple index columns, we copy some pg_attribute fields from the * parent relation. For expressions we have to look at the expression * result. */ if (atnum != 0) { /* Simple index column */ const FormData_pg_attribute *from; Assert(atnum > 0); /* should've been caught above */ if (atnum > natts) /* safety check */ elog(ERROR, "invalid column number %d", atnum); from = TupleDescAttr(heapTupDesc, AttrNumberGetAttrOffset(atnum)); to->atttypid = from->atttypid; to->attlen = from->attlen; to->attndims = from->attndims; to->atttypmod = from->atttypmod; to->attbyval = from->attbyval; to->attalign = from->attalign; to->attstorage = from->attstorage; to->attcompression = from->attcompression; } else { /* Expressional index */ Node *indexkey; if (indexpr_item == NULL) /* shouldn't happen */ elog(ERROR, "too few entries in indexprs list"); indexkey = (Node *) lfirst(indexpr_item); indexpr_item = lnext(indexInfo->ii_Expressions, indexpr_item); /* * Lookup the expression type in pg_type for the type length etc. */ keyType = exprType(indexkey); tuple = SearchSysCache1(TYPEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(keyType)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for type %u", keyType); typeTup = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tuple); /* * Assign some of the attributes values. Leave the rest. */ to->atttypid = keyType; to->attlen = typeTup->typlen; to->atttypmod = exprTypmod(indexkey); to->attbyval = typeTup->typbyval; to->attalign = typeTup->typalign; to->attstorage = typeTup->typstorage; /* * For expression columns, set attcompression invalid, since * there's no table column from which to copy the value. Whenever * we actually need to compress a value, we'll use whatever the * current value of default_toast_compression is at that point in * time. */ to->attcompression = InvalidCompressionMethod; ReleaseSysCache(tuple); /* * Make sure the expression yields a type that's safe to store in * an index. We need this defense because we have index opclasses * for pseudo-types such as "record", and the actually stored type * had better be safe; eg, a named composite type is okay, an * anonymous record type is not. The test is the same as for * whether a table column is of a safe type (which is why we * needn't check for the non-expression case). */ CheckAttributeType(NameStr(to->attname), to->atttypid, to->attcollation, NIL, 0); } /* * We do not yet have the correct relation OID for the index, so just * set it invalid for now. InitializeAttributeOids() will fix it * later. */ to->attrelid = InvalidOid; /* * Check the opclass and index AM to see if either provides a keytype * (overriding the attribute type). Opclass (if exists) takes * precedence. */ keyType = amroutine->amkeytype; if (i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs) { tuple = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(classObjectId[i])); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for opclass %u", classObjectId[i]); opclassTup = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(tuple); if (OidIsValid(opclassTup->opckeytype)) keyType = opclassTup->opckeytype; /* * If keytype is specified as ANYELEMENT, and opcintype is * ANYARRAY, then the attribute type must be an array (else it'd * not have matched this opclass); use its element type. * * We could also allow ANYCOMPATIBLE/ANYCOMPATIBLEARRAY here, but * there seems no need to do so; there's no reason to declare an * opclass as taking ANYCOMPATIBLEARRAY rather than ANYARRAY. */ if (keyType == ANYELEMENTOID && opclassTup->opcintype == ANYARRAYOID) { keyType = get_base_element_type(to->atttypid); if (!OidIsValid(keyType)) elog(ERROR, "could not get element type of array type %u", to->atttypid); } ReleaseSysCache(tuple); } /* * If a key type different from the heap value is specified, update * the type-related fields in the index tupdesc. */ if (OidIsValid(keyType) && keyType != to->atttypid) { tuple = SearchSysCache1(TYPEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(keyType)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for type %u", keyType); typeTup = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tuple); to->atttypid = keyType; to->atttypmod = -1; to->attlen = typeTup->typlen; to->attbyval = typeTup->typbyval; to->attalign = typeTup->typalign; to->attstorage = typeTup->typstorage; /* As above, use the default compression method in this case */ to->attcompression = InvalidCompressionMethod; ReleaseSysCache(tuple); } } pfree(amroutine); return indexTupDesc; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * InitializeAttributeOids * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void InitializeAttributeOids(Relation indexRelation, int numatts, Oid indexoid) { TupleDesc tupleDescriptor; int i; tupleDescriptor = RelationGetDescr(indexRelation); for (i = 0; i < numatts; i += 1) TupleDescAttr(tupleDescriptor, i)->attrelid = indexoid; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * AppendAttributeTuples * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void AppendAttributeTuples(Relation indexRelation, Datum *attopts) { Relation pg_attribute; CatalogIndexState indstate; TupleDesc indexTupDesc; /* * open the attribute relation and its indexes */ pg_attribute = table_open(AttributeRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); indstate = CatalogOpenIndexes(pg_attribute); /* * insert data from new index's tupdesc into pg_attribute */ indexTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(indexRelation); InsertPgAttributeTuples(pg_attribute, indexTupDesc, InvalidOid, attopts, indstate); CatalogCloseIndexes(indstate); table_close(pg_attribute, RowExclusiveLock); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * UpdateIndexRelation * * Construct and insert a new entry in the pg_index catalog * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void UpdateIndexRelation(Oid indexoid, Oid heapoid, Oid parentIndexId, IndexInfo *indexInfo, Oid *collationOids, Oid *classOids, int16 *coloptions, bool primary, bool isexclusion, bool immediate, bool isvalid, bool isready) { int2vector *indkey; oidvector *indcollation; oidvector *indclass; int2vector *indoption; Datum exprsDatum; Datum predDatum; Datum values[Natts_pg_index]; bool nulls[Natts_pg_index]; Relation pg_index; HeapTuple tuple; int i; /* * Copy the index key, opclass, and indoption info into arrays (should we * make the caller pass them like this to start with?) */ indkey = buildint2vector(NULL, indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs); for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs; i++) indkey->values[i] = indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i]; indcollation = buildoidvector(collationOids, indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs); indclass = buildoidvector(classOids, indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs); indoption = buildint2vector(coloptions, indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs); /* * Convert the index expressions (if any) to a text datum */ if (indexInfo->ii_Expressions != NIL) { char *exprsString; exprsString = nodeToString(indexInfo->ii_Expressions); exprsDatum = CStringGetTextDatum(exprsString); pfree(exprsString); } else exprsDatum = (Datum) 0; /* * Convert the index predicate (if any) to a text datum. Note we convert * implicit-AND format to normal explicit-AND for storage. */ if (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL) { char *predString; predString = nodeToString(make_ands_explicit(indexInfo->ii_Predicate)); predDatum = CStringGetTextDatum(predString); pfree(predString); } else predDatum = (Datum) 0; /* * open the system catalog index relation */ pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); /* * Build a pg_index tuple */ MemSet(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls)); values[Anum_pg_index_indexrelid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid); values[Anum_pg_index_indrelid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(heapoid); values[Anum_pg_index_indnatts - 1] = Int16GetDatum(indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs); values[Anum_pg_index_indnkeyatts - 1] = Int16GetDatum(indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs); values[Anum_pg_index_indisunique - 1] = BoolGetDatum(indexInfo->ii_Unique); values[Anum_pg_index_indisprimary - 1] = BoolGetDatum(primary); values[Anum_pg_index_indisexclusion - 1] = BoolGetDatum(isexclusion); values[Anum_pg_index_indimmediate - 1] = BoolGetDatum(immediate); values[Anum_pg_index_indisclustered - 1] = BoolGetDatum(false); values[Anum_pg_index_indisvalid - 1] = BoolGetDatum(isvalid); values[Anum_pg_index_indcheckxmin - 1] = BoolGetDatum(false); values[Anum_pg_index_indisready - 1] = BoolGetDatum(isready); values[Anum_pg_index_indislive - 1] = BoolGetDatum(true); values[Anum_pg_index_indisreplident - 1] = BoolGetDatum(false); values[Anum_pg_index_indkey - 1] = PointerGetDatum(indkey); values[Anum_pg_index_indcollation - 1] = PointerGetDatum(indcollation); values[Anum_pg_index_indclass - 1] = PointerGetDatum(indclass); values[Anum_pg_index_indoption - 1] = PointerGetDatum(indoption); values[Anum_pg_index_indexprs - 1] = exprsDatum; if (exprsDatum == (Datum) 0) nulls[Anum_pg_index_indexprs - 1] = true; values[Anum_pg_index_indpred - 1] = predDatum; if (predDatum == (Datum) 0) nulls[Anum_pg_index_indpred - 1] = true; tuple = heap_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(pg_index), values, nulls); /* * insert the tuple into the pg_index catalog */ CatalogTupleInsert(pg_index, tuple); /* * close the relation and free the tuple */ table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock); heap_freetuple(tuple); } /* * index_create * * heapRelation: table to build index on (suitably locked by caller) * indexRelationName: what it say * indexRelationId: normally, pass InvalidOid to let this routine * generate an OID for the index. During bootstrap this may be * nonzero to specify a preselected OID. * parentIndexRelid: if creating an index partition, the OID of the * parent index; otherwise InvalidOid. * parentConstraintId: if creating a constraint on a partition, the OID * of the constraint in the parent; otherwise InvalidOid. * relFileNode: normally, pass InvalidOid to get new storage. May be * nonzero to attach an existing valid build. * indexInfo: same info executor uses to insert into the index * indexColNames: column names to use for index (List of char *) * accessMethodObjectId: OID of index AM to use * tableSpaceId: OID of tablespace to use * collationObjectId: array of collation OIDs, one per index column * classObjectId: array of index opclass OIDs, one per index column * coloptions: array of per-index-column indoption settings * reloptions: AM-specific options * flags: bitmask that can include any combination of these bits: * INDEX_CREATE_IS_PRIMARY * the index is a primary key * INDEX_CREATE_ADD_CONSTRAINT: * invoke index_constraint_create also * INDEX_CREATE_SKIP_BUILD: * skip the index_build() step for the moment; caller must do it * later (typically via reindex_index()) * INDEX_CREATE_CONCURRENT: * do not lock the table against writers. The index will be * marked "invalid" and the caller must take additional steps * to fix it up. * INDEX_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS: * do not throw an error if a relation with the same name * already exists. * INDEX_CREATE_PARTITIONED: * create a partitioned index (table must be partitioned) * constr_flags: flags passed to index_constraint_create * (only if INDEX_CREATE_ADD_CONSTRAINT is set) * allow_system_table_mods: allow table to be a system catalog * is_internal: if true, post creation hook for new index * constraintId: if not NULL, receives OID of created constraint * * Returns the OID of the created index. */ Oid index_create(Relation heapRelation, const char *indexRelationName, Oid indexRelationId, Oid parentIndexRelid, Oid parentConstraintId, Oid relFileNode, IndexInfo *indexInfo, List *indexColNames, Oid accessMethodObjectId, Oid tableSpaceId, Oid *collationObjectId, Oid *classObjectId, int16 *coloptions, Datum reloptions, bits16 flags, bits16 constr_flags, bool allow_system_table_mods, bool is_internal, Oid *constraintId) { Oid heapRelationId = RelationGetRelid(heapRelation); Relation pg_class; Relation indexRelation; TupleDesc indexTupDesc; bool shared_relation; bool mapped_relation; bool is_exclusion; Oid namespaceId; int i; char relpersistence; bool isprimary = (flags & INDEX_CREATE_IS_PRIMARY) != 0; bool invalid = (flags & INDEX_CREATE_INVALID) != 0; bool concurrent = (flags & INDEX_CREATE_CONCURRENT) != 0; bool partitioned = (flags & INDEX_CREATE_PARTITIONED) != 0; char relkind; TransactionId relfrozenxid; MultiXactId relminmxid; /* constraint flags can only be set when a constraint is requested */ Assert((constr_flags == 0) || ((flags & INDEX_CREATE_ADD_CONSTRAINT) != 0)); /* partitioned indexes must never be "built" by themselves */ Assert(!partitioned || (flags & INDEX_CREATE_SKIP_BUILD)); relkind = partitioned ? RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX : RELKIND_INDEX; is_exclusion = (indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps != NULL); pg_class = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); /* * The index will be in the same namespace as its parent table, and is * shared across databases if and only if the parent is. Likewise, it * will use the relfilenode map if and only if the parent does; and it * inherits the parent's relpersistence. */ namespaceId = RelationGetNamespace(heapRelation); shared_relation = heapRelation->rd_rel->relisshared; mapped_relation = RelationIsMapped(heapRelation); relpersistence = heapRelation->rd_rel->relpersistence; /* * check parameters */ if (indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs < 1) elog(ERROR, "must index at least one column"); if (!allow_system_table_mods && IsSystemRelation(heapRelation) && IsNormalProcessingMode()) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("user-defined indexes on system catalog tables are not supported"))); /* * Btree text_pattern_ops uses text_eq as the equality operator, which is * fine as long as the collation is deterministic; text_eq then reduces to * bitwise equality and so it is semantically compatible with the other * operators and functions in that opclass. But with a nondeterministic * collation, text_eq could yield results that are incompatible with the * actual behavior of the index (which is determined by the opclass's * comparison function). We prevent such problems by refusing creation of * an index with that opclass and a nondeterministic collation. * * The same applies to varchar_pattern_ops and bpchar_pattern_ops. If we * find more cases, we might decide to create a real mechanism for marking * opclasses as incompatible with nondeterminism; but for now, this small * hack suffices. * * Another solution is to use a special operator, not text_eq, as the * equality opclass member; but that is undesirable because it would * prevent index usage in many queries that work fine today. */ for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; i++) { Oid collation = collationObjectId[i]; Oid opclass = classObjectId[i]; if (collation) { if ((opclass == TEXT_BTREE_PATTERN_OPS_OID || opclass == VARCHAR_BTREE_PATTERN_OPS_OID || opclass == BPCHAR_BTREE_PATTERN_OPS_OID) && !get_collation_isdeterministic(collation)) { HeapTuple classtup; classtup = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opclass)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(classtup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator class %u", opclass); ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("nondeterministic collations are not supported for operator class \"%s\"", NameStr(((Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(classtup))->opcname)))); ReleaseSysCache(classtup); } } } /* * Concurrent index build on a system catalog is unsafe because we tend to * release locks before committing in catalogs. */ if (concurrent && IsCatalogRelation(heapRelation)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("concurrent index creation on system catalog tables is not supported"))); /* * This case is currently not supported. There's no way to ask for it in * the grammar with CREATE INDEX, but it can happen with REINDEX. */ if (concurrent && is_exclusion) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("concurrent index creation for exclusion constraints is not supported"))); /* * We cannot allow indexing a shared relation after initdb (because * there's no way to make the entry in other databases' pg_class). */ if (shared_relation && !IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("shared indexes cannot be created after initdb"))); /* * Shared relations must be in pg_global, too (last-ditch check) */ if (shared_relation && tableSpaceId != GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID) elog(ERROR, "shared relations must be placed in pg_global tablespace"); /* * Check for duplicate name (both as to the index, and as to the * associated constraint if any). Such cases would fail on the relevant * catalogs' unique indexes anyway, but we prefer to give a friendlier * error message. */ if (get_relname_relid(indexRelationName, namespaceId)) { if ((flags & INDEX_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS) != 0) { ereport(NOTICE, (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_TABLE), errmsg("relation \"%s\" already exists, skipping", indexRelationName))); table_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock); return InvalidOid; } ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_TABLE), errmsg("relation \"%s\" already exists", indexRelationName))); } if ((flags & INDEX_CREATE_ADD_CONSTRAINT) != 0 && ConstraintNameIsUsed(CONSTRAINT_RELATION, heapRelationId, indexRelationName)) { /* * INDEX_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS does not apply here, since the * conflicting constraint is not an index. */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_OBJECT), errmsg("constraint \"%s\" for relation \"%s\" already exists", indexRelationName, RelationGetRelationName(heapRelation)))); } /* * construct tuple descriptor for index tuples */ indexTupDesc = ConstructTupleDescriptor(heapRelation, indexInfo, indexColNames, accessMethodObjectId, collationObjectId, classObjectId); /* * Allocate an OID for the index, unless we were told what to use. * * The OID will be the relfilenode as well, so make sure it doesn't * collide with either pg_class OIDs or existing physical files. */ if (!OidIsValid(indexRelationId)) { /* Use binary-upgrade override for pg_class.oid/relfilenode? */ if (IsBinaryUpgrade) { if (!OidIsValid(binary_upgrade_next_index_pg_class_oid)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("pg_class index OID value not set when in binary upgrade mode"))); indexRelationId = binary_upgrade_next_index_pg_class_oid; binary_upgrade_next_index_pg_class_oid = InvalidOid; } else { indexRelationId = GetNewRelFileNode(tableSpaceId, pg_class, relpersistence); } } /* * create the index relation's relcache entry and, if necessary, the * physical disk file. (If we fail further down, it's the smgr's * responsibility to remove the disk file again, if any.) */ indexRelation = heap_create(indexRelationName, namespaceId, tableSpaceId, indexRelationId, relFileNode, accessMethodObjectId, indexTupDesc, relkind, relpersistence, shared_relation, mapped_relation, allow_system_table_mods, &relfrozenxid, &relminmxid); Assert(relfrozenxid == InvalidTransactionId); Assert(relminmxid == InvalidMultiXactId); Assert(indexRelationId == RelationGetRelid(indexRelation)); /* * Obtain exclusive lock on it. Although no other transactions can see it * until we commit, this prevents deadlock-risk complaints from lock * manager in cases such as CLUSTER. */ LockRelation(indexRelation, AccessExclusiveLock); /* * Fill in fields of the index's pg_class entry that are not set correctly * by heap_create. * * XXX should have a cleaner way to create cataloged indexes */ indexRelation->rd_rel->relowner = heapRelation->rd_rel->relowner; indexRelation->rd_rel->relam = accessMethodObjectId; indexRelation->rd_rel->relispartition = OidIsValid(parentIndexRelid); /* * store index's pg_class entry */ InsertPgClassTuple(pg_class, indexRelation, RelationGetRelid(indexRelation), (Datum) 0, reloptions); /* done with pg_class */ table_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock); /* * now update the object id's of all the attribute tuple forms in the * index relation's tuple descriptor */ InitializeAttributeOids(indexRelation, indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs, indexRelationId); /* * append ATTRIBUTE tuples for the index */ AppendAttributeTuples(indexRelation, indexInfo->ii_OpclassOptions); /* ---------------- * update pg_index * (append INDEX tuple) * * Note that this stows away a representation of "predicate". * (Or, could define a rule to maintain the predicate) --Nels, Feb '92 * ---------------- */ UpdateIndexRelation(indexRelationId, heapRelationId, parentIndexRelid, indexInfo, collationObjectId, classObjectId, coloptions, isprimary, is_exclusion, (constr_flags & INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_DEFERRABLE) == 0, !concurrent && !invalid, !concurrent); /* * Register relcache invalidation on the indexes' heap relation, to * maintain consistency of its index list */ CacheInvalidateRelcache(heapRelation); /* update pg_inherits and the parent's relhassubclass, if needed */ if (OidIsValid(parentIndexRelid)) { StoreSingleInheritance(indexRelationId, parentIndexRelid, 1); SetRelationHasSubclass(parentIndexRelid, true); } /* * Register constraint and dependencies for the index. * * If the index is from a CONSTRAINT clause, construct a pg_constraint * entry. The index will be linked to the constraint, which in turn is * linked to the table. If it's not a CONSTRAINT, we need to make a * dependency directly on the table. * * We don't need a dependency on the namespace, because there'll be an * indirect dependency via our parent table. * * During bootstrap we can't register any dependencies, and we don't try * to make a constraint either. */ if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) { ObjectAddress myself, referenced; ObjectAddresses *addrs; ObjectAddressSet(myself, RelationRelationId, indexRelationId); if ((flags & INDEX_CREATE_ADD_CONSTRAINT) != 0) { char constraintType; ObjectAddress localaddr; if (isprimary) constraintType = CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY; else if (indexInfo->ii_Unique) constraintType = CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE; else if (is_exclusion) constraintType = CONSTRAINT_EXCLUSION; else { elog(ERROR, "constraint must be PRIMARY, UNIQUE or EXCLUDE"); constraintType = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */ } localaddr = index_constraint_create(heapRelation, indexRelationId, parentConstraintId, indexInfo, indexRelationName, constraintType, constr_flags, allow_system_table_mods, is_internal); if (constraintId) *constraintId = localaddr.objectId; } else { bool have_simple_col = false; addrs = new_object_addresses(); /* Create auto dependencies on simply-referenced columns */ for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs; i++) { if (indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i] != 0) { ObjectAddressSubSet(referenced, RelationRelationId, heapRelationId, indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i]); add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs); have_simple_col = true; } } /* * If there are no simply-referenced columns, give the index an * auto dependency on the whole table. In most cases, this will * be redundant, but it might not be if the index expressions and * predicate contain no Vars or only whole-row Vars. */ if (!have_simple_col) { ObjectAddressSet(referenced, RelationRelationId, heapRelationId); add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs); } record_object_address_dependencies(&myself, addrs, DEPENDENCY_AUTO); free_object_addresses(addrs); } /* * If this is an index partition, create partition dependencies on * both the parent index and the table. (Note: these must be *in * addition to*, not instead of, all other dependencies. Otherwise * we'll be short some dependencies after DETACH PARTITION.) */ if (OidIsValid(parentIndexRelid)) { ObjectAddressSet(referenced, RelationRelationId, parentIndexRelid); recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_PRI); ObjectAddressSet(referenced, RelationRelationId, heapRelationId); recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_SEC); } /* placeholder for normal dependencies */ addrs = new_object_addresses(); /* Store dependency on collations */ /* The default collation is pinned, so don't bother recording it */ for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; i++) { if (OidIsValid(collationObjectId[i]) && collationObjectId[i] != DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID) { ObjectAddressSet(referenced, CollationRelationId, collationObjectId[i]); add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs); } } /* Store dependency on operator classes */ for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; i++) { ObjectAddressSet(referenced, OperatorClassRelationId, classObjectId[i]); add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs); } record_object_address_dependencies(&myself, addrs, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); free_object_addresses(addrs); /* Store dependencies on anything mentioned in index expressions */ if (indexInfo->ii_Expressions) { recordDependencyOnSingleRelExpr(&myself, (Node *) indexInfo->ii_Expressions, heapRelationId, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL, DEPENDENCY_AUTO, false); } /* Store dependencies on anything mentioned in predicate */ if (indexInfo->ii_Predicate) { recordDependencyOnSingleRelExpr(&myself, (Node *) indexInfo->ii_Predicate, heapRelationId, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL, DEPENDENCY_AUTO, false); } } else { /* Bootstrap mode - assert we weren't asked for constraint support */ Assert((flags & INDEX_CREATE_ADD_CONSTRAINT) == 0); } /* Post creation hook for new index */ InvokeObjectPostCreateHookArg(RelationRelationId, indexRelationId, 0, is_internal); /* * Advance the command counter so that we can see the newly-entered * catalog tuples for the index. */ CommandCounterIncrement(); /* * In bootstrap mode, we have to fill in the index strategy structure with * information from the catalogs. If we aren't bootstrapping, then the * relcache entry has already been rebuilt thanks to sinval update during * CommandCounterIncrement. */ if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) RelationInitIndexAccessInfo(indexRelation); else Assert(indexRelation->rd_indexcxt != NULL); indexRelation->rd_index->indnkeyatts = indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; /* Validate opclass-specific options */ if (indexInfo->ii_OpclassOptions) for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; i++) (void) index_opclass_options(indexRelation, i + 1, indexInfo->ii_OpclassOptions[i], true); /* * If this is bootstrap (initdb) time, then we don't actually fill in the * index yet. We'll be creating more indexes and classes later, so we * delay filling them in until just before we're done with bootstrapping. * Similarly, if the caller specified to skip the build then filling the * index is delayed till later (ALTER TABLE can save work in some cases * with this). Otherwise, we call the AM routine that constructs the * index. */ if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) { index_register(heapRelationId, indexRelationId, indexInfo); } else if ((flags & INDEX_CREATE_SKIP_BUILD) != 0) { /* * Caller is responsible for filling the index later on. However, * we'd better make sure that the heap relation is correctly marked as * having an index. */ index_update_stats(heapRelation, true, -1.0); /* Make the above update visible */ CommandCounterIncrement(); } else { index_build(heapRelation, indexRelation, indexInfo, false, true); } /* * Close the index; but we keep the lock that we acquired above until end * of transaction. Closing the heap is caller's responsibility. */ index_close(indexRelation, NoLock); return indexRelationId; } /* * index_concurrently_create_copy * * Create concurrently an index based on the definition of the one provided by * caller. The index is inserted into catalogs and needs to be built later * on. This is called during concurrent reindex processing. * * "tablespaceOid" is the tablespace to use for this index. */ Oid index_concurrently_create_copy(Relation heapRelation, Oid oldIndexId, Oid tablespaceOid, const char *newName) { Relation indexRelation; IndexInfo *oldInfo, *newInfo; Oid newIndexId = InvalidOid; HeapTuple indexTuple, classTuple; Datum indclassDatum, colOptionDatum, optionDatum; oidvector *indclass; int2vector *indcoloptions; bool isnull; List *indexColNames = NIL; List *indexExprs = NIL; List *indexPreds = NIL; indexRelation = index_open(oldIndexId, RowExclusiveLock); /* The new index needs some information from the old index */ oldInfo = BuildIndexInfo(indexRelation); /* * Concurrent build of an index with exclusion constraints is not * supported. */ if (oldInfo->ii_ExclusionOps != NULL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("concurrent index creation for exclusion constraints is not supported"))); /* Get the array of class and column options IDs from index info */ indexTuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(oldIndexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", oldIndexId); indclassDatum = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, indexTuple, Anum_pg_index_indclass, &isnull); Assert(!isnull); indclass = (oidvector *) DatumGetPointer(indclassDatum); colOptionDatum = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, indexTuple, Anum_pg_index_indoption, &isnull); Assert(!isnull); indcoloptions = (int2vector *) DatumGetPointer(colOptionDatum); /* Fetch options of index if any */ classTuple = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, oldIndexId); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(classTuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", oldIndexId); optionDatum = SysCacheGetAttr(RELOID, classTuple, Anum_pg_class_reloptions, &isnull); /* * Fetch the list of expressions and predicates directly from the * catalogs. This cannot rely on the information from IndexInfo of the * old index as these have been flattened for the planner. */ if (oldInfo->ii_Expressions != NIL) { Datum exprDatum; char *exprString; exprDatum = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, indexTuple, Anum_pg_index_indexprs, &isnull); Assert(!isnull); exprString = TextDatumGetCString(exprDatum); indexExprs = (List *) stringToNode(exprString); pfree(exprString); } if (oldInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL) { Datum predDatum; char *predString; predDatum = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, indexTuple, Anum_pg_index_indpred, &isnull); Assert(!isnull); predString = TextDatumGetCString(predDatum); indexPreds = (List *) stringToNode(predString); /* Also convert to implicit-AND format */ indexPreds = make_ands_implicit((Expr *) indexPreds); pfree(predString); } /* * Build the index information for the new index. Note that rebuild of * indexes with exclusion constraints is not supported, hence there is no * need to fill all the ii_Exclusion* fields. */ newInfo = makeIndexInfo(oldInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs, oldInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs, oldInfo->ii_Am, indexExprs, indexPreds, oldInfo->ii_Unique, false, /* not ready for inserts */ true); /* * Extract the list of column names and the column numbers for the new * index information. All this information will be used for the index * creation. */ for (int i = 0; i < oldInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs; i++) { TupleDesc indexTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(indexRelation); Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(indexTupDesc, i); indexColNames = lappend(indexColNames, NameStr(att->attname)); newInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i] = oldInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i]; } /* Extract opclass parameters for each attribute, if any */ if (oldInfo->ii_OpclassOptions != NULL) { newInfo->ii_OpclassOptions = palloc0(sizeof(Datum) * newInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs); for (int i = 0; i < newInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs; i++) newInfo->ii_OpclassOptions[i] = get_attoptions(oldIndexId, i + 1); } /* * Now create the new index. * * For a partition index, we adjust the partition dependency later, to * ensure a consistent state at all times. That is why parentIndexRelid * is not set here. */ newIndexId = index_create(heapRelation, newName, InvalidOid, /* indexRelationId */ InvalidOid, /* parentIndexRelid */ InvalidOid, /* parentConstraintId */ InvalidOid, /* relFileNode */ newInfo, indexColNames, indexRelation->rd_rel->relam, tablespaceOid, indexRelation->rd_indcollation, indclass->values, indcoloptions->values, optionDatum, INDEX_CREATE_SKIP_BUILD | INDEX_CREATE_CONCURRENT, 0, true, /* allow table to be a system catalog? */ false, /* is_internal? */ NULL); /* Close the relations used and clean up */ index_close(indexRelation, NoLock); ReleaseSysCache(indexTuple); ReleaseSysCache(classTuple); return newIndexId; } /* * index_concurrently_build * * Build index for a concurrent operation. Low-level locks are taken when * this operation is performed to prevent only schema changes, but they need * to be kept until the end of the transaction performing this operation. * 'indexOid' refers to an index relation OID already created as part of * previous processing, and 'heapOid' refers to its parent heap relation. */ void index_concurrently_build(Oid heapRelationId, Oid indexRelationId) { Relation heapRel; Oid save_userid; int save_sec_context; int save_nestlevel; Relation indexRelation; IndexInfo *indexInfo; /* This had better make sure that a snapshot is active */ Assert(ActiveSnapshotSet()); /* Open and lock the parent heap relation */ heapRel = table_open(heapRelationId, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); /* * Switch to the table owner's userid, so that any index functions are run * as that user. Also lock down security-restricted operations and * arrange to make GUC variable changes local to this command. */ GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context); SetUserIdAndSecContext(heapRel->rd_rel->relowner, save_sec_context | SECURITY_RESTRICTED_OPERATION); save_nestlevel = NewGUCNestLevel(); indexRelation = index_open(indexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); /* * We have to re-build the IndexInfo struct, since it was lost in the * commit of the transaction where this concurrent index was created at * the catalog level. */ indexInfo = BuildIndexInfo(indexRelation); Assert(!indexInfo->ii_ReadyForInserts); indexInfo->ii_Concurrent = true; indexInfo->ii_BrokenHotChain = false; /* Now build the index */ index_build(heapRel, indexRelation, indexInfo, false, true); /* Roll back any GUC changes executed by index functions */ AtEOXact_GUC(false, save_nestlevel); /* Restore userid and security context */ SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context); /* Close both the relations, but keep the locks */ table_close(heapRel, NoLock); index_close(indexRelation, NoLock); /* * Update the pg_index row to mark the index as ready for inserts. Once we * commit this transaction, any new transactions that open the table must * insert new entries into the index for insertions and non-HOT updates. */ index_set_state_flags(indexRelationId, INDEX_CREATE_SET_READY); } /* * index_concurrently_swap * * Swap name, dependencies, and constraints of the old index over to the new * index, while marking the old index as invalid and the new as valid. */ void index_concurrently_swap(Oid newIndexId, Oid oldIndexId, const char *oldName) { Relation pg_class, pg_index, pg_constraint, pg_trigger; Relation oldClassRel, newClassRel; HeapTuple oldClassTuple, newClassTuple; Form_pg_class oldClassForm, newClassForm; HeapTuple oldIndexTuple, newIndexTuple; Form_pg_index oldIndexForm, newIndexForm; bool isPartition; Oid indexConstraintOid; List *constraintOids = NIL; ListCell *lc; /* * Take a necessary lock on the old and new index before swapping them. */ oldClassRel = relation_open(oldIndexId, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); newClassRel = relation_open(newIndexId, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); /* Now swap names and dependencies of those indexes */ pg_class = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); oldClassTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(oldIndexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(oldClassTuple)) elog(ERROR, "could not find tuple for relation %u", oldIndexId); newClassTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(newIndexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(newClassTuple)) elog(ERROR, "could not find tuple for relation %u", newIndexId); oldClassForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(oldClassTuple); newClassForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(newClassTuple); /* Swap the names */ namestrcpy(&newClassForm->relname, NameStr(oldClassForm->relname)); namestrcpy(&oldClassForm->relname, oldName); /* Swap the partition flags to track inheritance properly */ isPartition = newClassForm->relispartition; newClassForm->relispartition = oldClassForm->relispartition; oldClassForm->relispartition = isPartition; CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_class, &oldClassTuple->t_self, oldClassTuple); CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_class, &newClassTuple->t_self, newClassTuple); heap_freetuple(oldClassTuple); heap_freetuple(newClassTuple); /* Now swap index info */ pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); oldIndexTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(oldIndexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(oldIndexTuple)) elog(ERROR, "could not find tuple for relation %u", oldIndexId); newIndexTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(newIndexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(newIndexTuple)) elog(ERROR, "could not find tuple for relation %u", newIndexId); oldIndexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(oldIndexTuple); newIndexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(newIndexTuple); /* * Copy constraint flags from the old index. This is safe because the old * index guaranteed uniqueness. */ newIndexForm->indisprimary = oldIndexForm->indisprimary; oldIndexForm->indisprimary = false; newIndexForm->indisexclusion = oldIndexForm->indisexclusion; oldIndexForm->indisexclusion = false; newIndexForm->indimmediate = oldIndexForm->indimmediate; oldIndexForm->indimmediate = true; /* Preserve indisreplident in the new index */ newIndexForm->indisreplident = oldIndexForm->indisreplident; /* Preserve indisclustered in the new index */ newIndexForm->indisclustered = oldIndexForm->indisclustered; /* * Mark the new index as valid, and the old index as invalid similarly to * what index_set_state_flags() does. */ newIndexForm->indisvalid = true; oldIndexForm->indisvalid = false; oldIndexForm->indisclustered = false; oldIndexForm->indisreplident = false; CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &oldIndexTuple->t_self, oldIndexTuple); CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &newIndexTuple->t_self, newIndexTuple); heap_freetuple(oldIndexTuple); heap_freetuple(newIndexTuple); /* * Move constraints and triggers over to the new index */ constraintOids = get_index_ref_constraints(oldIndexId); indexConstraintOid = get_index_constraint(oldIndexId); if (OidIsValid(indexConstraintOid)) constraintOids = lappend_oid(constraintOids, indexConstraintOid); pg_constraint = table_open(ConstraintRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); pg_trigger = table_open(TriggerRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); foreach(lc, constraintOids) { HeapTuple constraintTuple, triggerTuple; Form_pg_constraint conForm; ScanKeyData key[1]; SysScanDesc scan; Oid constraintOid = lfirst_oid(lc); /* Move the constraint from the old to the new index */ constraintTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(CONSTROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(constraintOid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(constraintTuple)) elog(ERROR, "could not find tuple for constraint %u", constraintOid); conForm = ((Form_pg_constraint) GETSTRUCT(constraintTuple)); if (conForm->conindid == oldIndexId) { conForm->conindid = newIndexId; CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_constraint, &constraintTuple->t_self, constraintTuple); } heap_freetuple(constraintTuple); /* Search for trigger records */ ScanKeyInit(&key[0], Anum_pg_trigger_tgconstraint, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(constraintOid)); scan = systable_beginscan(pg_trigger, TriggerConstraintIndexId, true, NULL, 1, key); while (HeapTupleIsValid((triggerTuple = systable_getnext(scan)))) { Form_pg_trigger tgForm = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(triggerTuple); if (tgForm->tgconstrindid != oldIndexId) continue; /* Make a modifiable copy */ triggerTuple = heap_copytuple(triggerTuple); tgForm = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(triggerTuple); tgForm->tgconstrindid = newIndexId; CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_trigger, &triggerTuple->t_self, triggerTuple); heap_freetuple(triggerTuple); } systable_endscan(scan); } /* * Move comment if any */ { Relation description; ScanKeyData skey[3]; SysScanDesc sd; HeapTuple tuple; Datum values[Natts_pg_description] = {0}; bool nulls[Natts_pg_description] = {0}; bool replaces[Natts_pg_description] = {0}; values[Anum_pg_description_objoid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(newIndexId); replaces[Anum_pg_description_objoid - 1] = true; ScanKeyInit(&skey[0], Anum_pg_description_objoid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(oldIndexId)); ScanKeyInit(&skey[1], Anum_pg_description_classoid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationRelationId)); ScanKeyInit(&skey[2], Anum_pg_description_objsubid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT4EQ, Int32GetDatum(0)); description = table_open(DescriptionRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); sd = systable_beginscan(description, DescriptionObjIndexId, true, NULL, 3, skey); while ((tuple = systable_getnext(sd)) != NULL) { tuple = heap_modify_tuple(tuple, RelationGetDescr(description), values, nulls, replaces); CatalogTupleUpdate(description, &tuple->t_self, tuple); break; /* Assume there can be only one match */ } systable_endscan(sd); table_close(description, NoLock); } /* * Swap inheritance relationship with parent index */ if (get_rel_relispartition(oldIndexId)) { List *ancestors = get_partition_ancestors(oldIndexId); Oid parentIndexRelid = linitial_oid(ancestors); DeleteInheritsTuple(oldIndexId, parentIndexRelid, false, NULL); StoreSingleInheritance(newIndexId, parentIndexRelid, 1); list_free(ancestors); } /* * Swap all dependencies of and on the old index to the new one, and * vice-versa. Note that a call to CommandCounterIncrement() would cause * duplicate entries in pg_depend, so this should not be done. */ changeDependenciesOf(RelationRelationId, newIndexId, oldIndexId); changeDependenciesOn(RelationRelationId, newIndexId, oldIndexId); changeDependenciesOf(RelationRelationId, oldIndexId, newIndexId); changeDependenciesOn(RelationRelationId, oldIndexId, newIndexId); /* * Copy over statistics from old to new index */ { PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry; tabentry = pgstat_fetch_stat_tabentry(oldIndexId); if (tabentry) { if (newClassRel->pgstat_info) { newClassRel->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_numscans = tabentry->numscans; newClassRel->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_tuples_returned = tabentry->tuples_returned; newClassRel->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_tuples_fetched = tabentry->tuples_fetched; newClassRel->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_blocks_fetched = tabentry->blocks_fetched; newClassRel->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_blocks_hit = tabentry->blocks_hit; /* * The data will be sent by the next pgstat_report_stat() * call. */ } } } /* Copy data of pg_statistic from the old index to the new one */ CopyStatistics(oldIndexId, newIndexId); /* Copy pg_attribute.attstattarget for each index attribute */ { HeapTuple attrTuple; Relation pg_attribute; SysScanDesc scan; ScanKeyData key[1]; pg_attribute = table_open(AttributeRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); ScanKeyInit(&key[0], Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(newIndexId)); scan = systable_beginscan(pg_attribute, AttributeRelidNumIndexId, true, NULL, 1, key); while (HeapTupleIsValid((attrTuple = systable_getnext(scan)))) { Form_pg_attribute att = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attrTuple); Datum repl_val[Natts_pg_attribute]; bool repl_null[Natts_pg_attribute]; bool repl_repl[Natts_pg_attribute]; int attstattarget; HeapTuple newTuple; /* Ignore dropped columns */ if (att->attisdropped) continue; /* * Get attstattarget from the old index and refresh the new value. */ attstattarget = get_attstattarget(oldIndexId, att->attnum); /* no need for a refresh if both match */ if (attstattarget == att->attstattarget) continue; memset(repl_val, 0, sizeof(repl_val)); memset(repl_null, false, sizeof(repl_null)); memset(repl_repl, false, sizeof(repl_repl)); repl_repl[Anum_pg_attribute_attstattarget - 1] = true; repl_val[Anum_pg_attribute_attstattarget - 1] = Int32GetDatum(attstattarget); newTuple = heap_modify_tuple(attrTuple, RelationGetDescr(pg_attribute), repl_val, repl_null, repl_repl); CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_attribute, &newTuple->t_self, newTuple); heap_freetuple(newTuple); } systable_endscan(scan); table_close(pg_attribute, RowExclusiveLock); } /* Close relations */ table_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock); table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock); table_close(pg_constraint, RowExclusiveLock); table_close(pg_trigger, RowExclusiveLock); /* The lock taken previously is not released until the end of transaction */ relation_close(oldClassRel, NoLock); relation_close(newClassRel, NoLock); } /* * index_concurrently_set_dead * * Perform the last invalidation stage of DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY or REINDEX * CONCURRENTLY before actually dropping the index. After calling this * function, the index is seen by all the backends as dead. Low-level locks * taken here are kept until the end of the transaction calling this function. */ void index_concurrently_set_dead(Oid heapId, Oid indexId) { Relation userHeapRelation; Relation userIndexRelation; /* * No more predicate locks will be acquired on this index, and we're about * to stop doing inserts into the index which could show conflicts with * existing predicate locks, so now is the time to move them to the heap * relation. */ userHeapRelation = table_open(heapId, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); userIndexRelation = index_open(indexId, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); TransferPredicateLocksToHeapRelation(userIndexRelation); /* * Now we are sure that nobody uses the index for queries; they just might * have it open for updating it. So now we can unset indisready and * indislive, then wait till nobody could be using it at all anymore. */ index_set_state_flags(indexId, INDEX_DROP_SET_DEAD); /* * Invalidate the relcache for the table, so that after this commit all * sessions will refresh the table's index list. Forgetting just the * index's relcache entry is not enough. */ CacheInvalidateRelcache(userHeapRelation); /* * Close the relations again, though still holding session lock. */ table_close(userHeapRelation, NoLock); index_close(userIndexRelation, NoLock); } /* * index_constraint_create * * Set up a constraint associated with an index. Return the new constraint's * address. * * heapRelation: table owning the index (must be suitably locked by caller) * indexRelationId: OID of the index * parentConstraintId: if constraint is on a partition, the OID of the * constraint in the parent. * indexInfo: same info executor uses to insert into the index * constraintName: what it say (generally, should match name of index) * constraintType: one of CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY, CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE, or * CONSTRAINT_EXCLUSION * flags: bitmask that can include any combination of these bits: * INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_MARK_AS_PRIMARY: index is a PRIMARY KEY * INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_DEFERRABLE: constraint is DEFERRABLE * INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_INIT_DEFERRED: constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED * INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_UPDATE_INDEX: update the pg_index row * INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_REMOVE_OLD_DEPS: remove existing dependencies * of index on table's columns * allow_system_table_mods: allow table to be a system catalog * is_internal: index is constructed due to internal process */ ObjectAddress index_constraint_create(Relation heapRelation, Oid indexRelationId, Oid parentConstraintId, IndexInfo *indexInfo, const char *constraintName, char constraintType, bits16 constr_flags, bool allow_system_table_mods, bool is_internal) { Oid namespaceId = RelationGetNamespace(heapRelation); ObjectAddress myself, idxaddr; Oid conOid; bool deferrable; bool initdeferred; bool mark_as_primary; bool islocal; bool noinherit; int inhcount; deferrable = (constr_flags & INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_DEFERRABLE) != 0; initdeferred = (constr_flags & INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_INIT_DEFERRED) != 0; mark_as_primary = (constr_flags & INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_MARK_AS_PRIMARY) != 0; /* constraint creation support doesn't work while bootstrapping */ Assert(!IsBootstrapProcessingMode()); /* enforce system-table restriction */ if (!allow_system_table_mods && IsSystemRelation(heapRelation) && IsNormalProcessingMode()) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("user-defined indexes on system catalog tables are not supported"))); /* primary/unique constraints shouldn't have any expressions */ if (indexInfo->ii_Expressions && constraintType != CONSTRAINT_EXCLUSION) elog(ERROR, "constraints cannot have index expressions"); /* * If we're manufacturing a constraint for a pre-existing index, we need * to get rid of the existing auto dependencies for the index (the ones * that index_create() would have made instead of calling this function). * * Note: this code would not necessarily do the right thing if the index * has any expressions or predicate, but we'd never be turning such an * index into a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint. */ if (constr_flags & INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_REMOVE_OLD_DEPS) deleteDependencyRecordsForClass(RelationRelationId, indexRelationId, RelationRelationId, DEPENDENCY_AUTO); if (OidIsValid(parentConstraintId)) { islocal = false; inhcount = 1; noinherit = false; } else { islocal = true; inhcount = 0; noinherit = true; } /* * Construct a pg_constraint entry. */ conOid = CreateConstraintEntry(constraintName, namespaceId, constraintType, deferrable, initdeferred, true, parentConstraintId, RelationGetRelid(heapRelation), indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers, indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs, indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs, InvalidOid, /* no domain */ indexRelationId, /* index OID */ InvalidOid, /* no foreign key */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ' ', ' ', ' ', indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps, NULL, /* no check constraint */ NULL, islocal, inhcount, noinherit, is_internal); /* * Register the index as internally dependent on the constraint. * * Note that the constraint has a dependency on the table, so we don't * need (or want) any direct dependency from the index to the table. */ ObjectAddressSet(myself, ConstraintRelationId, conOid); ObjectAddressSet(idxaddr, RelationRelationId, indexRelationId); recordDependencyOn(&idxaddr, &myself, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL); /* * Also, if this is a constraint on a partition, give it partition-type * dependencies on the parent constraint as well as the table. */ if (OidIsValid(parentConstraintId)) { ObjectAddress referenced; ObjectAddressSet(referenced, ConstraintRelationId, parentConstraintId); recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_PRI); ObjectAddressSet(referenced, RelationRelationId, RelationGetRelid(heapRelation)); recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_SEC); } /* * If the constraint is deferrable, create the deferred uniqueness * checking trigger. (The trigger will be given an internal dependency on * the constraint by CreateTrigger.) */ if (deferrable) { CreateTrigStmt *trigger = makeNode(CreateTrigStmt); trigger->replace = false; trigger->isconstraint = true; trigger->trigname = (constraintType == CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY) ? "PK_ConstraintTrigger" : "Unique_ConstraintTrigger"; trigger->relation = NULL; trigger->funcname = SystemFuncName("unique_key_recheck"); trigger->args = NIL; trigger->row = true; trigger->timing = TRIGGER_TYPE_AFTER; trigger->events = TRIGGER_TYPE_INSERT | TRIGGER_TYPE_UPDATE; trigger->columns = NIL; trigger->whenClause = NULL; trigger->transitionRels = NIL; trigger->deferrable = true; trigger->initdeferred = initdeferred; trigger->constrrel = NULL; (void) CreateTrigger(trigger, NULL, RelationGetRelid(heapRelation), InvalidOid, conOid, indexRelationId, InvalidOid, InvalidOid, NULL, true, false); } /* * If needed, mark the index as primary and/or deferred in pg_index. * * Note: When making an existing index into a constraint, caller must have * a table lock that prevents concurrent table updates; otherwise, there * is a risk that concurrent readers of the table will miss seeing this * index at all. */ if ((constr_flags & INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_UPDATE_INDEX) && (mark_as_primary || deferrable)) { Relation pg_index; HeapTuple indexTuple; Form_pg_index indexForm; bool dirty = false; bool marked_as_primary = false; pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); indexTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexRelationId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexRelationId); indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple); if (mark_as_primary && !indexForm->indisprimary) { indexForm->indisprimary = true; dirty = true; marked_as_primary = true; } if (deferrable && indexForm->indimmediate) { indexForm->indimmediate = false; dirty = true; } if (dirty) { CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &indexTuple->t_self, indexTuple); /* * When we mark an existing index as primary, force a relcache * flush on its parent table, so that all sessions will become * aware that the table now has a primary key. This is important * because it affects some replication behaviors. */ if (marked_as_primary) CacheInvalidateRelcache(heapRelation); InvokeObjectPostAlterHookArg(IndexRelationId, indexRelationId, 0, InvalidOid, is_internal); } heap_freetuple(indexTuple); table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock); } return myself; } /* * index_drop * * NOTE: this routine should now only be called through performDeletion(), * else associated dependencies won't be cleaned up. * * If concurrent is true, do a DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY. If concurrent is * false but concurrent_lock_mode is true, then do a normal DROP INDEX but * take a lock for CONCURRENTLY processing. That is used as part of REINDEX * CONCURRENTLY. */ void index_drop(Oid indexId, bool concurrent, bool concurrent_lock_mode) { Oid heapId; Relation userHeapRelation; Relation userIndexRelation; Relation indexRelation; HeapTuple tuple; bool hasexprs; LockRelId heaprelid, indexrelid; LOCKTAG heaplocktag; LOCKMODE lockmode; /* * A temporary relation uses a non-concurrent DROP. Other backends can't * access a temporary relation, so there's no harm in grabbing a stronger * lock (see comments in RemoveRelations), and a non-concurrent DROP is * more efficient. */ Assert(get_rel_persistence(indexId) != RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP || (!concurrent && !concurrent_lock_mode)); /* * To drop an index safely, we must grab exclusive lock on its parent * table. Exclusive lock on the index alone is insufficient because * another backend might be about to execute a query on the parent table. * If it relies on a previously cached list of index OIDs, then it could * attempt to access the just-dropped index. We must therefore take a * table lock strong enough to prevent all queries on the table from * proceeding until we commit and send out a shared-cache-inval notice * that will make them update their index lists. * * In the concurrent case we avoid this requirement by disabling index use * in multiple steps and waiting out any transactions that might be using * the index, so we don't need exclusive lock on the parent table. Instead * we take ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, to ensure that two sessions aren't * doing CREATE/DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY on the same index. (We will get * AccessExclusiveLock on the index below, once we're sure nobody else is * using it.) */ heapId = IndexGetRelation(indexId, false); lockmode = (concurrent || concurrent_lock_mode) ? ShareUpdateExclusiveLock : AccessExclusiveLock; userHeapRelation = table_open(heapId, lockmode); userIndexRelation = index_open(indexId, lockmode); /* * We might still have open queries using it in our own session, which the * above locking won't prevent, so test explicitly. */ CheckTableNotInUse(userIndexRelation, "DROP INDEX"); /* * Drop Index Concurrently is more or less the reverse process of Create * Index Concurrently. * * First we unset indisvalid so queries starting afterwards don't use the * index to answer queries anymore. We have to keep indisready = true so * transactions that are still scanning the index can continue to see * valid index contents. For instance, if they are using READ COMMITTED * mode, and another transaction makes changes and commits, they need to * see those new tuples in the index. * * After all transactions that could possibly have used the index for * queries end, we can unset indisready and indislive, then wait till * nobody could be touching it anymore. (Note: we need indislive because * this state must be distinct from the initial state during CREATE INDEX * CONCURRENTLY, which has indislive true while indisready and indisvalid * are false. That's because in that state, transactions must examine the * index for HOT-safety decisions, while in this state we don't want them * to open it at all.) * * Since all predicate locks on the index are about to be made invalid, we * must promote them to predicate locks on the heap. In the * non-concurrent case we can just do that now. In the concurrent case * it's a bit trickier. The predicate locks must be moved when there are * no index scans in progress on the index and no more can subsequently * start, so that no new predicate locks can be made on the index. Also, * they must be moved before heap inserts stop maintaining the index, else * the conflict with the predicate lock on the index gap could be missed * before the lock on the heap relation is in place to detect a conflict * based on the heap tuple insert. */ if (concurrent) { /* * We must commit our transaction in order to make the first pg_index * state update visible to other sessions. If the DROP machinery has * already performed any other actions (removal of other objects, * pg_depend entries, etc), the commit would make those actions * permanent, which would leave us with inconsistent catalog state if * we fail partway through the following sequence. Since DROP INDEX * CONCURRENTLY is restricted to dropping just one index that has no * dependencies, we should get here before anything's been done --- * but let's check that to be sure. We can verify that the current * transaction has not executed any transactional updates by checking * that no XID has been assigned. */ if (GetTopTransactionIdIfAny() != InvalidTransactionId) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY must be first action in transaction"))); /* * Mark index invalid by updating its pg_index entry */ index_set_state_flags(indexId, INDEX_DROP_CLEAR_VALID); /* * Invalidate the relcache for the table, so that after this commit * all sessions will refresh any cached plans that might reference the * index. */ CacheInvalidateRelcache(userHeapRelation); /* save lockrelid and locktag for below, then close but keep locks */ heaprelid = userHeapRelation->rd_lockInfo.lockRelId; SET_LOCKTAG_RELATION(heaplocktag, heaprelid.dbId, heaprelid.relId); indexrelid = userIndexRelation->rd_lockInfo.lockRelId; table_close(userHeapRelation, NoLock); index_close(userIndexRelation, NoLock); /* * We must commit our current transaction so that the indisvalid * update becomes visible to other transactions; then start another. * Note that any previously-built data structures are lost in the * commit. The only data we keep past here are the relation IDs. * * Before committing, get a session-level lock on the table, to ensure * that neither it nor the index can be dropped before we finish. This * cannot block, even if someone else is waiting for access, because * we already have the same lock within our transaction. */ LockRelationIdForSession(&heaprelid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); LockRelationIdForSession(&indexrelid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); PopActiveSnapshot(); CommitTransactionCommand(); StartTransactionCommand(); /* * Now we must wait until no running transaction could be using the * index for a query. Use AccessExclusiveLock here to check for * running transactions that hold locks of any kind on the table. Note * we do not need to worry about xacts that open the table for reading * after this point; they will see the index as invalid when they open * the relation. * * Note: the reason we use actual lock acquisition here, rather than * just checking the ProcArray and sleeping, is that deadlock is * possible if one of the transactions in question is blocked trying * to acquire an exclusive lock on our table. The lock code will * detect deadlock and error out properly. * * Note: we report progress through WaitForLockers() unconditionally * here, even though it will only be used when we're called by REINDEX * CONCURRENTLY and not when called by DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY. */ WaitForLockers(heaplocktag, AccessExclusiveLock, true); /* Finish invalidation of index and mark it as dead */ index_concurrently_set_dead(heapId, indexId); /* * Again, commit the transaction to make the pg_index update visible * to other sessions. */ CommitTransactionCommand(); StartTransactionCommand(); /* * Wait till every transaction that saw the old index state has * finished. See above about progress reporting. */ WaitForLockers(heaplocktag, AccessExclusiveLock, true); /* * Re-open relations to allow us to complete our actions. * * At this point, nothing should be accessing the index, but lets * leave nothing to chance and grab AccessExclusiveLock on the index * before the physical deletion. */ userHeapRelation = table_open(heapId, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); userIndexRelation = index_open(indexId, AccessExclusiveLock); } else { /* Not concurrent, so just transfer predicate locks and we're good */ TransferPredicateLocksToHeapRelation(userIndexRelation); } /* * Schedule physical removal of the files (if any) */ if (userIndexRelation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX) RelationDropStorage(userIndexRelation); /* * Close and flush the index's relcache entry, to ensure relcache doesn't * try to rebuild it while we're deleting catalog entries. We keep the * lock though. */ index_close(userIndexRelation, NoLock); RelationForgetRelation(indexId); /* * fix INDEX relation, and check for expressional index */ indexRelation = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexId); hasexprs = !heap_attisnull(tuple, Anum_pg_index_indexprs, RelationGetDescr(indexRelation)); CatalogTupleDelete(indexRelation, &tuple->t_self); ReleaseSysCache(tuple); table_close(indexRelation, RowExclusiveLock); /* * if it has any expression columns, we might have stored statistics about * them. */ if (hasexprs) RemoveStatistics(indexId, 0); /* * fix ATTRIBUTE relation */ DeleteAttributeTuples(indexId); /* * fix RELATION relation */ DeleteRelationTuple(indexId); /* * fix INHERITS relation */ DeleteInheritsTuple(indexId, InvalidOid, false, NULL); /* * We are presently too lazy to attempt to compute the new correct value * of relhasindex (the next VACUUM will fix it if necessary). So there is * no need to update the pg_class tuple for the owning relation. But we * must send out a shared-cache-inval notice on the owning relation to * ensure other backends update their relcache lists of indexes. (In the * concurrent case, this is redundant but harmless.) */ CacheInvalidateRelcache(userHeapRelation); /* * Close owning rel, but keep lock */ table_close(userHeapRelation, NoLock); /* * Release the session locks before we go. */ if (concurrent) { UnlockRelationIdForSession(&heaprelid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); UnlockRelationIdForSession(&indexrelid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * index_build support * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------- * BuildIndexInfo * Construct an IndexInfo record for an open index * * IndexInfo stores the information about the index that's needed by * FormIndexDatum, which is used for both index_build() and later insertion * of individual index tuples. Normally we build an IndexInfo for an index * just once per command, and then use it for (potentially) many tuples. * ---------------- */ IndexInfo * BuildIndexInfo(Relation index) { IndexInfo *ii; Form_pg_index indexStruct = index->rd_index; int i; int numAtts; /* check the number of keys, and copy attr numbers into the IndexInfo */ numAtts = indexStruct->indnatts; if (numAtts < 1 || numAtts > INDEX_MAX_KEYS) elog(ERROR, "invalid indnatts %d for index %u", numAtts, RelationGetRelid(index)); /* * Create the node, fetching any expressions needed for expressional * indexes and index predicate if any. */ ii = makeIndexInfo(indexStruct->indnatts, indexStruct->indnkeyatts, index->rd_rel->relam, RelationGetIndexExpressions(index), RelationGetIndexPredicate(index), indexStruct->indisunique, indexStruct->indisready, false); /* fill in attribute numbers */ for (i = 0; i < numAtts; i++) ii->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i] = indexStruct->indkey.values[i]; /* fetch exclusion constraint info if any */ if (indexStruct->indisexclusion) { RelationGetExclusionInfo(index, &ii->ii_ExclusionOps, &ii->ii_ExclusionProcs, &ii->ii_ExclusionStrats); } ii->ii_OpclassOptions = RelationGetIndexRawAttOptions(index); return ii; } /* ---------------- * BuildDummyIndexInfo * Construct a dummy IndexInfo record for an open index * * This differs from the real BuildIndexInfo in that it will never run any * user-defined code that might exist in index expressions or predicates. * Instead of the real index expressions, we return null constants that have * the right types/typmods/collations. Predicates and exclusion clauses are * just ignored. This is sufficient for the purpose of truncating an index, * since we will not need to actually evaluate the expressions or predicates; * the only thing that's likely to be done with the data is construction of * a tupdesc describing the index's rowtype. * ---------------- */ IndexInfo * BuildDummyIndexInfo(Relation index) { IndexInfo *ii; Form_pg_index indexStruct = index->rd_index; int i; int numAtts; /* check the number of keys, and copy attr numbers into the IndexInfo */ numAtts = indexStruct->indnatts; if (numAtts < 1 || numAtts > INDEX_MAX_KEYS) elog(ERROR, "invalid indnatts %d for index %u", numAtts, RelationGetRelid(index)); /* * Create the node, using dummy index expressions, and pretending there is * no predicate. */ ii = makeIndexInfo(indexStruct->indnatts, indexStruct->indnkeyatts, index->rd_rel->relam, RelationGetDummyIndexExpressions(index), NIL, indexStruct->indisunique, indexStruct->indisready, false); /* fill in attribute numbers */ for (i = 0; i < numAtts; i++) ii->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i] = indexStruct->indkey.values[i]; /* We ignore the exclusion constraint if any */ return ii; } /* * CompareIndexInfo * Return whether the properties of two indexes (in different tables) * indicate that they have the "same" definitions. * * Note: passing collations and opfamilies separately is a kludge. Adding * them to IndexInfo may result in better coding here and elsewhere. * * Use build_attrmap_by_name(index2, index1) to build the attmap. */ bool CompareIndexInfo(IndexInfo *info1, IndexInfo *info2, Oid *collations1, Oid *collations2, Oid *opfamilies1, Oid *opfamilies2, AttrMap *attmap) { int i; if (info1->ii_Unique != info2->ii_Unique) return false; /* indexes are only equivalent if they have the same access method */ if (info1->ii_Am != info2->ii_Am) return false; /* and same number of attributes */ if (info1->ii_NumIndexAttrs != info2->ii_NumIndexAttrs) return false; /* and same number of key attributes */ if (info1->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs != info2->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs) return false; /* * and columns match through the attribute map (actual attribute numbers * might differ!) Note that this implies that index columns that are * expressions appear in the same positions. We will next compare the * expressions themselves. */ for (i = 0; i < info1->ii_NumIndexAttrs; i++) { if (attmap->maplen < info2->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i]) elog(ERROR, "incorrect attribute map"); /* ignore expressions at this stage */ if ((info1->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i] != InvalidAttrNumber) && (attmap->attnums[info2->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i] - 1] != info1->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i])) return false; /* collation and opfamily is not valid for including columns */ if (i >= info1->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs) continue; if (collations1[i] != collations2[i]) return false; if (opfamilies1[i] != opfamilies2[i]) return false; } /* * For expression indexes: either both are expression indexes, or neither * is; if they are, make sure the expressions match. */ if ((info1->ii_Expressions != NIL) != (info2->ii_Expressions != NIL)) return false; if (info1->ii_Expressions != NIL) { bool found_whole_row; Node *mapped; mapped = map_variable_attnos((Node *) info2->ii_Expressions, 1, 0, attmap, InvalidOid, &found_whole_row); if (found_whole_row) { /* * we could throw an error here, but seems out of scope for this * routine. */ return false; } if (!equal(info1->ii_Expressions, mapped)) return false; } /* Partial index predicates must be identical, if they exist */ if ((info1->ii_Predicate == NULL) != (info2->ii_Predicate == NULL)) return false; if (info1->ii_Predicate != NULL) { bool found_whole_row; Node *mapped; mapped = map_variable_attnos((Node *) info2->ii_Predicate, 1, 0, attmap, InvalidOid, &found_whole_row); if (found_whole_row) { /* * we could throw an error here, but seems out of scope for this * routine. */ return false; } if (!equal(info1->ii_Predicate, mapped)) return false; } /* No support currently for comparing exclusion indexes. */ if (info1->ii_ExclusionOps != NULL || info2->ii_ExclusionOps != NULL) return false; return true; } /* ---------------- * BuildSpeculativeIndexInfo * Add extra state to IndexInfo record * * For unique indexes, we usually don't want to add info to the IndexInfo for * checking uniqueness, since the B-Tree AM handles that directly. However, * in the case of speculative insertion, additional support is required. * * Do this processing here rather than in BuildIndexInfo() to not incur the * overhead in the common non-speculative cases. * ---------------- */ void BuildSpeculativeIndexInfo(Relation index, IndexInfo *ii) { int indnkeyatts; int i; indnkeyatts = IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(index); /* * fetch info for checking unique indexes */ Assert(ii->ii_Unique); if (index->rd_rel->relam != BTREE_AM_OID) elog(ERROR, "unexpected non-btree speculative unique index"); ii->ii_UniqueOps = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts); ii->ii_UniqueProcs = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts); ii->ii_UniqueStrats = (uint16 *) palloc(sizeof(uint16) * indnkeyatts); /* * We have to look up the operator's strategy number. This provides a * cross-check that the operator does match the index. */ /* We need the func OIDs and strategy numbers too */ for (i = 0; i < indnkeyatts; i++) { ii->ii_UniqueStrats[i] = BTEqualStrategyNumber; ii->ii_UniqueOps[i] = get_opfamily_member(index->rd_opfamily[i], index->rd_opcintype[i], index->rd_opcintype[i], ii->ii_UniqueStrats[i]); if (!OidIsValid(ii->ii_UniqueOps[i])) elog(ERROR, "missing operator %d(%u,%u) in opfamily %u", ii->ii_UniqueStrats[i], index->rd_opcintype[i], index->rd_opcintype[i], index->rd_opfamily[i]); ii->ii_UniqueProcs[i] = get_opcode(ii->ii_UniqueOps[i]); } } /* ---------------- * FormIndexDatum * Construct values[] and isnull[] arrays for a new index tuple. * * indexInfo Info about the index * slot Heap tuple for which we must prepare an index entry * estate executor state for evaluating any index expressions * values Array of index Datums (output area) * isnull Array of is-null indicators (output area) * * When there are no index expressions, estate may be NULL. Otherwise it * must be supplied, *and* the ecxt_scantuple slot of its per-tuple expr * context must point to the heap tuple passed in. * * Notice we don't actually call index_form_tuple() here; we just prepare * its input arrays values[] and isnull[]. This is because the index AM * may wish to alter the data before storage. * ---------------- */ void FormIndexDatum(IndexInfo *indexInfo, TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate, Datum *values, bool *isnull) { ListCell *indexpr_item; int i; if (indexInfo->ii_Expressions != NIL && indexInfo->ii_ExpressionsState == NIL) { /* First time through, set up expression evaluation state */ indexInfo->ii_ExpressionsState = ExecPrepareExprList(indexInfo->ii_Expressions, estate); /* Check caller has set up context correctly */ Assert(GetPerTupleExprContext(estate)->ecxt_scantuple == slot); } indexpr_item = list_head(indexInfo->ii_ExpressionsState); for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs; i++) { int keycol = indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i]; Datum iDatum; bool isNull; if (keycol < 0) iDatum = slot_getsysattr(slot, keycol, &isNull); else if (keycol != 0) { /* * Plain index column; get the value we need directly from the * heap tuple. */ iDatum = slot_getattr(slot, keycol, &isNull); } else { /* * Index expression --- need to evaluate it. */ if (indexpr_item == NULL) elog(ERROR, "wrong number of index expressions"); iDatum = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext((ExprState *) lfirst(indexpr_item), GetPerTupleExprContext(estate), &isNull); indexpr_item = lnext(indexInfo->ii_ExpressionsState, indexpr_item); } values[i] = iDatum; isnull[i] = isNull; } if (indexpr_item != NULL) elog(ERROR, "wrong number of index expressions"); } /* * index_update_stats --- update pg_class entry after CREATE INDEX or REINDEX * * This routine updates the pg_class row of either an index or its parent * relation after CREATE INDEX or REINDEX. Its rather bizarre API is designed * to ensure we can do all the necessary work in just one update. * * hasindex: set relhasindex to this value * reltuples: if >= 0, set reltuples to this value; else no change * * If reltuples >= 0, relpages and relallvisible are also updated (using * RelationGetNumberOfBlocks() and visibilitymap_count()). * * NOTE: an important side-effect of this operation is that an SI invalidation * message is sent out to all backends --- including me --- causing relcache * entries to be flushed or updated with the new data. This must happen even * if we find that no change is needed in the pg_class row. When updating * a heap entry, this ensures that other backends find out about the new * index. When updating an index, it's important because some index AMs * expect a relcache flush to occur after REINDEX. */ static void index_update_stats(Relation rel, bool hasindex, double reltuples) { Oid relid = RelationGetRelid(rel); Relation pg_class; HeapTuple tuple; Form_pg_class rd_rel; bool dirty; /* * We always update the pg_class row using a non-transactional, * overwrite-in-place update. There are several reasons for this: * * 1. In bootstrap mode, we have no choice --- UPDATE wouldn't work. * * 2. We could be reindexing pg_class itself, in which case we can't move * its pg_class row because CatalogTupleInsert/CatalogTupleUpdate might * not know about all the indexes yet (see reindex_relation). * * 3. Because we execute CREATE INDEX with just share lock on the parent * rel (to allow concurrent index creations), an ordinary update could * suffer a tuple-concurrently-updated failure against another CREATE * INDEX committing at about the same time. We can avoid that by having * them both do nontransactional updates (we assume they will both be * trying to change the pg_class row to the same thing, so it doesn't * matter which goes first). * * It is safe to use a non-transactional update even though our * transaction could still fail before committing. Setting relhasindex * true is safe even if there are no indexes (VACUUM will eventually fix * it). And of course the new relpages and reltuples counts are correct * regardless. However, we don't want to change relpages (or * relallvisible) if the caller isn't providing an updated reltuples * count, because that would bollix the reltuples/relpages ratio which is * what's really important. */ pg_class = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); /* * Make a copy of the tuple to update. Normally we use the syscache, but * we can't rely on that during bootstrap or while reindexing pg_class * itself. */ if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode() || ReindexIsProcessingHeap(RelationRelationId)) { /* don't assume syscache will work */ TableScanDesc pg_class_scan; ScanKeyData key[1]; ScanKeyInit(&key[0], Anum_pg_class_oid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid)); pg_class_scan = table_beginscan_catalog(pg_class, 1, key); tuple = heap_getnext(pg_class_scan, ForwardScanDirection); tuple = heap_copytuple(tuple); table_endscan(pg_class_scan); } else { /* normal case, use syscache */ tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid)); } if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "could not find tuple for relation %u", relid); rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple); /* Should this be a more comprehensive test? */ Assert(rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX); /* * As a special hack, if we are dealing with an empty table and the * existing reltuples is -1, we leave that alone. This ensures that * creating an index as part of CREATE TABLE doesn't cause the table to * prematurely look like it's been vacuumed. */ if (reltuples == 0 && rd_rel->reltuples < 0) reltuples = -1; /* Apply required updates, if any, to copied tuple */ dirty = false; if (rd_rel->relhasindex != hasindex) { rd_rel->relhasindex = hasindex; dirty = true; } if (reltuples >= 0) { BlockNumber relpages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(rel); BlockNumber relallvisible; if (rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_INDEX) visibilitymap_count(rel, &relallvisible, NULL); else /* don't bother for indexes */ relallvisible = 0; if (rd_rel->relpages != (int32) relpages) { rd_rel->relpages = (int32) relpages; dirty = true; } if (rd_rel->reltuples != (float4) reltuples) { rd_rel->reltuples = (float4) reltuples; dirty = true; } if (rd_rel->relallvisible != (int32) relallvisible) { rd_rel->relallvisible = (int32) relallvisible; dirty = true; } } /* * If anything changed, write out the tuple */ if (dirty) { heap_inplace_update(pg_class, tuple); /* the above sends a cache inval message */ } else { /* no need to change tuple, but force relcache inval anyway */ CacheInvalidateRelcacheByTuple(tuple); } heap_freetuple(tuple); table_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock); } /* * index_build - invoke access-method-specific index build procedure * * On entry, the index's catalog entries are valid, and its physical disk * file has been created but is empty. We call the AM-specific build * procedure to fill in the index contents. We then update the pg_class * entries of the index and heap relation as needed, using statistics * returned by ambuild as well as data passed by the caller. * * isreindex indicates we are recreating a previously-existing index. * parallel indicates if parallelism may be useful. * * Note: before Postgres 8.2, the passed-in heap and index Relations * were automatically closed by this routine. This is no longer the case. * The caller opened 'em, and the caller should close 'em. */ void index_build(Relation heapRelation, Relation indexRelation, IndexInfo *indexInfo, bool isreindex, bool parallel) { IndexBuildResult *stats; Oid save_userid; int save_sec_context; int save_nestlevel; /* * sanity checks */ Assert(RelationIsValid(indexRelation)); Assert(PointerIsValid(indexRelation->rd_indam)); Assert(PointerIsValid(indexRelation->rd_indam->ambuild)); Assert(PointerIsValid(indexRelation->rd_indam->ambuildempty)); /* * Determine worker process details for parallel CREATE INDEX. Currently, * only btree has support for parallel builds. * * Note that planner considers parallel safety for us. */ if (parallel && IsNormalProcessingMode() && indexRelation->rd_rel->relam == BTREE_AM_OID) indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers = plan_create_index_workers(RelationGetRelid(heapRelation), RelationGetRelid(indexRelation)); if (indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers == 0) ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg_internal("building index \"%s\" on table \"%s\" serially", RelationGetRelationName(indexRelation), RelationGetRelationName(heapRelation)))); else ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg_internal("building index \"%s\" on table \"%s\" with request for %d parallel workers", RelationGetRelationName(indexRelation), RelationGetRelationName(heapRelation), indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers))); /* * Switch to the table owner's userid, so that any index functions are run * as that user. Also lock down security-restricted operations and * arrange to make GUC variable changes local to this command. */ GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context); SetUserIdAndSecContext(heapRelation->rd_rel->relowner, save_sec_context | SECURITY_RESTRICTED_OPERATION); save_nestlevel = NewGUCNestLevel(); /* Set up initial progress report status */ { const int progress_index[] = { PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE, PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_SUBPHASE, PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_DONE, PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_TOTAL, PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_DONE, PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_TOTAL }; const int64 progress_vals[] = { PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE_BUILD, PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_SUBPHASE_INITIALIZE, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(6, progress_index, progress_vals); } /* * Call the access method's build procedure */ stats = indexRelation->rd_indam->ambuild(heapRelation, indexRelation, indexInfo); Assert(PointerIsValid(stats)); /* * If this is an unlogged index, we may need to write out an init fork for * it -- but we must first check whether one already exists. If, for * example, an unlogged relation is truncated in the transaction that * created it, or truncated twice in a subsequent transaction, the * relfilenode won't change, and nothing needs to be done here. */ if (indexRelation->rd_rel->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED && !smgrexists(indexRelation->rd_smgr, INIT_FORKNUM)) { RelationOpenSmgr(indexRelation); smgrcreate(indexRelation->rd_smgr, INIT_FORKNUM, false); indexRelation->rd_indam->ambuildempty(indexRelation); } /* * If we found any potentially broken HOT chains, mark the index as not * being usable until the current transaction is below the event horizon. * See src/backend/access/heap/README.HOT for discussion. Also set this * if early pruning/vacuuming is enabled for the heap relation. While it * might become safe to use the index earlier based on actual cleanup * activity and other active transactions, the test for that would be much * more complex and would require some form of blocking, so keep it simple * and fast by just using the current transaction. * * However, when reindexing an existing index, we should do nothing here. * Any HOT chains that are broken with respect to the index must predate * the index's original creation, so there is no need to change the * index's usability horizon. Moreover, we *must not* try to change the * index's pg_index entry while reindexing pg_index itself, and this * optimization nicely prevents that. The more complex rules needed for a * reindex are handled separately after this function returns. * * We also need not set indcheckxmin during a concurrent index build, * because we won't set indisvalid true until all transactions that care * about the broken HOT chains or early pruning/vacuuming are gone. * * Therefore, this code path can only be taken during non-concurrent * CREATE INDEX. Thus the fact that heap_update will set the pg_index * tuple's xmin doesn't matter, because that tuple was created in the * current transaction anyway. That also means we don't need to worry * about any concurrent readers of the tuple; no other transaction can see * it yet. */ if ((indexInfo->ii_BrokenHotChain || EarlyPruningEnabled(heapRelation)) && !isreindex && !indexInfo->ii_Concurrent) { Oid indexId = RelationGetRelid(indexRelation); Relation pg_index; HeapTuple indexTuple; Form_pg_index indexForm; pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); indexTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexId); indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple); /* If it's a new index, indcheckxmin shouldn't be set ... */ Assert(!indexForm->indcheckxmin); indexForm->indcheckxmin = true; CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &indexTuple->t_self, indexTuple); heap_freetuple(indexTuple); table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock); } /* * Update heap and index pg_class rows */ index_update_stats(heapRelation, true, stats->heap_tuples); index_update_stats(indexRelation, false, stats->index_tuples); /* Make the updated catalog row versions visible */ CommandCounterIncrement(); /* * If it's for an exclusion constraint, make a second pass over the heap * to verify that the constraint is satisfied. We must not do this until * the index is fully valid. (Broken HOT chains shouldn't matter, though; * see comments for IndexCheckExclusion.) */ if (indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps != NULL) IndexCheckExclusion(heapRelation, indexRelation, indexInfo); /* Roll back any GUC changes executed by index functions */ AtEOXact_GUC(false, save_nestlevel); /* Restore userid and security context */ SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context); } /* * IndexCheckExclusion - verify that a new exclusion constraint is satisfied * * When creating an exclusion constraint, we first build the index normally * and then rescan the heap to check for conflicts. We assume that we only * need to validate tuples that are live according to an up-to-date snapshot, * and that these were correctly indexed even in the presence of broken HOT * chains. This should be OK since we are holding at least ShareLock on the * table, meaning there can be no uncommitted updates from other transactions. * (Note: that wouldn't necessarily work for system catalogs, since many * operations release write lock early on the system catalogs.) */ static void IndexCheckExclusion(Relation heapRelation, Relation indexRelation, IndexInfo *indexInfo) { TableScanDesc scan; Datum values[INDEX_MAX_KEYS]; bool isnull[INDEX_MAX_KEYS]; ExprState *predicate; TupleTableSlot *slot; EState *estate; ExprContext *econtext; Snapshot snapshot; /* * If we are reindexing the target index, mark it as no longer being * reindexed, to forestall an Assert in index_beginscan when we try to use * the index for probes. This is OK because the index is now fully valid. */ if (ReindexIsCurrentlyProcessingIndex(RelationGetRelid(indexRelation))) ResetReindexProcessing(); /* * Need an EState for evaluation of index expressions and partial-index * predicates. Also a slot to hold the current tuple. */ estate = CreateExecutorState(); econtext = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate); slot = table_slot_create(heapRelation, NULL); /* Arrange for econtext's scan tuple to be the tuple under test */ econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot; /* Set up execution state for predicate, if any. */ predicate = ExecPrepareQual(indexInfo->ii_Predicate, estate); /* * Scan all live tuples in the base relation. */ snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(GetLatestSnapshot()); scan = table_beginscan_strat(heapRelation, /* relation */ snapshot, /* snapshot */ 0, /* number of keys */ NULL, /* scan key */ true, /* buffer access strategy OK */ true); /* syncscan OK */ while (table_scan_getnextslot(scan, ForwardScanDirection, slot)) { CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* * In a partial index, ignore tuples that don't satisfy the predicate. */ if (predicate != NULL) { if (!ExecQual(predicate, econtext)) continue; } /* * Extract index column values, including computing expressions. */ FormIndexDatum(indexInfo, slot, estate, values, isnull); /* * Check that this tuple has no conflicts. */ check_exclusion_constraint(heapRelation, indexRelation, indexInfo, &(slot->tts_tid), values, isnull, estate, true); MemoryContextReset(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); } table_endscan(scan); UnregisterSnapshot(snapshot); ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(slot); FreeExecutorState(estate); /* These may have been pointing to the now-gone estate */ indexInfo->ii_ExpressionsState = NIL; indexInfo->ii_PredicateState = NULL; } /* * validate_index - support code for concurrent index builds * * We do a concurrent index build by first inserting the catalog entry for the * index via index_create(), marking it not indisready and not indisvalid. * Then we commit our transaction and start a new one, then we wait for all * transactions that could have been modifying the table to terminate. Now * we know that any subsequently-started transactions will see the index and * honor its constraints on HOT updates; so while existing HOT-chains might * be broken with respect to the index, no currently live tuple will have an * incompatible HOT update done to it. We now build the index normally via * index_build(), while holding a weak lock that allows concurrent * insert/update/delete. Also, we index only tuples that are valid * as of the start of the scan (see table_index_build_scan), whereas a normal * build takes care to include recently-dead tuples. This is OK because * we won't mark the index valid until all transactions that might be able * to see those tuples are gone. The reason for doing that is to avoid * bogus unique-index failures due to concurrent UPDATEs (we might see * different versions of the same row as being valid when we pass over them, * if we used HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum). This leaves us with an index that * does not contain any tuples added to the table while we built the index. * * Next, we mark the index "indisready" (but still not "indisvalid") and * commit the second transaction and start a third. Again we wait for all * transactions that could have been modifying the table to terminate. Now * we know that any subsequently-started transactions will see the index and * insert their new tuples into it. We then take a new reference snapshot * which is passed to validate_index(). Any tuples that are valid according * to this snap, but are not in the index, must be added to the index. * (Any tuples committed live after the snap will be inserted into the * index by their originating transaction. Any tuples committed dead before * the snap need not be indexed, because we will wait out all transactions * that might care about them before we mark the index valid.) * * validate_index() works by first gathering all the TIDs currently in the * index, using a bulkdelete callback that just stores the TIDs and doesn't * ever say "delete it". (This should be faster than a plain indexscan; * also, not all index AMs support full-index indexscan.) Then we sort the * TIDs, and finally scan the table doing a "merge join" against the TID list * to see which tuples are missing from the index. Thus we will ensure that * all tuples valid according to the reference snapshot are in the index. * * Building a unique index this way is tricky: we might try to insert a * tuple that is already dead or is in process of being deleted, and we * mustn't have a uniqueness failure against an updated version of the same * row. We could try to check the tuple to see if it's already dead and tell * index_insert() not to do the uniqueness check, but that still leaves us * with a race condition against an in-progress update. To handle that, * we expect the index AM to recheck liveness of the to-be-inserted tuple * before it declares a uniqueness error. * * After completing validate_index(), we wait until all transactions that * were alive at the time of the reference snapshot are gone; this is * necessary to be sure there are none left with a transaction snapshot * older than the reference (and hence possibly able to see tuples we did * not index). Then we mark the index "indisvalid" and commit. Subsequent * transactions will be able to use it for queries. * * Doing two full table scans is a brute-force strategy. We could try to be * cleverer, eg storing new tuples in a special area of the table (perhaps * making the table append-only by setting use_fsm). However that would * add yet more locking issues. */ void validate_index(Oid heapId, Oid indexId, Snapshot snapshot) { Relation heapRelation, indexRelation; IndexInfo *indexInfo; IndexVacuumInfo ivinfo; ValidateIndexState state; Oid save_userid; int save_sec_context; int save_nestlevel; { const int progress_index[] = { PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE, PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_DONE, PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_TOTAL, PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_DONE, PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_TOTAL }; const int64 progress_vals[] = { PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE_VALIDATE_IDXSCAN, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(5, progress_index, progress_vals); } /* Open and lock the parent heap relation */ heapRelation = table_open(heapId, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); /* * Switch to the table owner's userid, so that any index functions are run * as that user. Also lock down security-restricted operations and * arrange to make GUC variable changes local to this command. */ GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context); SetUserIdAndSecContext(heapRelation->rd_rel->relowner, save_sec_context | SECURITY_RESTRICTED_OPERATION); save_nestlevel = NewGUCNestLevel(); indexRelation = index_open(indexId, RowExclusiveLock); /* * Fetch info needed for index_insert. (You might think this should be * passed in from DefineIndex, but its copy is long gone due to having * been built in a previous transaction.) */ indexInfo = BuildIndexInfo(indexRelation); /* mark build is concurrent just for consistency */ indexInfo->ii_Concurrent = true; /* * Scan the index and gather up all the TIDs into a tuplesort object. */ ivinfo.index = indexRelation; ivinfo.analyze_only = false; ivinfo.report_progress = true; ivinfo.estimated_count = true; ivinfo.message_level = DEBUG2; ivinfo.num_heap_tuples = heapRelation->rd_rel->reltuples; ivinfo.strategy = NULL; /* * Encode TIDs as int8 values for the sort, rather than directly sorting * item pointers. This can be significantly faster, primarily because TID * is a pass-by-reference type on all platforms, whereas int8 is * pass-by-value on most platforms. */ state.tuplesort = tuplesort_begin_datum(INT8OID, Int8LessOperator, InvalidOid, false, maintenance_work_mem, NULL, false); state.htups = state.itups = state.tups_inserted = 0; /* ambulkdelete updates progress metrics */ (void) index_bulk_delete(&ivinfo, NULL, validate_index_callback, (void *) &state); /* Execute the sort */ { const int progress_index[] = { PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE, PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_DONE, PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_TOTAL }; const int64 progress_vals[] = { PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE_VALIDATE_SORT, 0, 0 }; pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(3, progress_index, progress_vals); } tuplesort_performsort(state.tuplesort); /* * Now scan the heap and "merge" it with the index */ pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE, PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE_VALIDATE_TABLESCAN); table_index_validate_scan(heapRelation, indexRelation, indexInfo, snapshot, &state); /* Done with tuplesort object */ tuplesort_end(state.tuplesort); elog(DEBUG2, "validate_index found %.0f heap tuples, %.0f index tuples; inserted %.0f missing tuples", state.htups, state.itups, state.tups_inserted); /* Roll back any GUC changes executed by index functions */ AtEOXact_GUC(false, save_nestlevel); /* Restore userid and security context */ SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context); /* Close rels, but keep locks */ index_close(indexRelation, NoLock); table_close(heapRelation, NoLock); } /* * validate_index_callback - bulkdelete callback to collect the index TIDs */ static bool validate_index_callback(ItemPointer itemptr, void *opaque) { ValidateIndexState *state = (ValidateIndexState *) opaque; int64 encoded = itemptr_encode(itemptr); tuplesort_putdatum(state->tuplesort, Int64GetDatum(encoded), false); state->itups += 1; return false; /* never actually delete anything */ } /* * index_set_state_flags - adjust pg_index state flags * * This is used during CREATE/DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY to adjust the pg_index * flags that denote the index's state. * * Note that CatalogTupleUpdate() sends a cache invalidation message for the * tuple, so other sessions will hear about the update as soon as we commit. */ void index_set_state_flags(Oid indexId, IndexStateFlagsAction action) { Relation pg_index; HeapTuple indexTuple; Form_pg_index indexForm; /* Open pg_index and fetch a writable copy of the index's tuple */ pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); indexTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexId); indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple); /* Perform the requested state change on the copy */ switch (action) { case INDEX_CREATE_SET_READY: /* Set indisready during a CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY sequence */ Assert(indexForm->indislive); Assert(!indexForm->indisready); Assert(!indexForm->indisvalid); indexForm->indisready = true; break; case INDEX_CREATE_SET_VALID: /* Set indisvalid during a CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY sequence */ Assert(indexForm->indislive); Assert(indexForm->indisready); Assert(!indexForm->indisvalid); indexForm->indisvalid = true; break; case INDEX_DROP_CLEAR_VALID: /* * Clear indisvalid during a DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY sequence * * If indisready == true we leave it set so the index still gets * maintained by active transactions. We only need to ensure that * indisvalid is false. (We don't assert that either is initially * true, though, since we want to be able to retry a DROP INDEX * CONCURRENTLY that failed partway through.) * * Note: the CLUSTER logic assumes that indisclustered cannot be * set on any invalid index, so clear that flag too. Similarly, * ALTER TABLE assumes that indisreplident cannot be set for * invalid indexes. */ indexForm->indisvalid = false; indexForm->indisclustered = false; indexForm->indisreplident = false; break; case INDEX_DROP_SET_DEAD: /* * Clear indisready/indislive during DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY * * We clear both indisready and indislive, because we not only * want to stop updates, we want to prevent sessions from touching * the index at all. */ Assert(!indexForm->indisvalid); Assert(!indexForm->indisclustered); Assert(!indexForm->indisreplident); indexForm->indisready = false; indexForm->indislive = false; break; } /* ... and update it */ CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &indexTuple->t_self, indexTuple); table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock); } /* * IndexGetRelation: given an index's relation OID, get the OID of the * relation it is an index on. Uses the system cache. */ Oid IndexGetRelation(Oid indexId, bool missing_ok) { HeapTuple tuple; Form_pg_index index; Oid result; tuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) { if (missing_ok) return InvalidOid; elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexId); } index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple); Assert(index->indexrelid == indexId); result = index->indrelid; ReleaseSysCache(tuple); return result; } /* * reindex_index - This routine is used to recreate a single index */ void reindex_index(Oid indexId, bool skip_constraint_checks, char persistence, ReindexParams *params) { Relation iRel, heapRelation; Oid heapId; Oid save_userid; int save_sec_context; int save_nestlevel; IndexInfo *indexInfo; volatile bool skipped_constraint = false; PGRUsage ru0; bool progress = ((params->options & REINDEXOPT_REPORT_PROGRESS) != 0); bool set_tablespace = false; pg_rusage_init(&ru0); /* * Open and lock the parent heap relation. ShareLock is sufficient since * we only need to be sure no schema or data changes are going on. */ heapId = IndexGetRelation(indexId, (params->options & REINDEXOPT_MISSING_OK) != 0); /* if relation is missing, leave */ if (!OidIsValid(heapId)) return; if ((params->options & REINDEXOPT_MISSING_OK) != 0) heapRelation = try_table_open(heapId, ShareLock); else heapRelation = table_open(heapId, ShareLock); /* if relation is gone, leave */ if (!heapRelation) return; /* * Switch to the table owner's userid, so that any index functions are run * as that user. Also lock down security-restricted operations and * arrange to make GUC variable changes local to this command. */ GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context); SetUserIdAndSecContext(heapRelation->rd_rel->relowner, save_sec_context | SECURITY_RESTRICTED_OPERATION); save_nestlevel = NewGUCNestLevel(); if (progress) { const int progress_cols[] = { PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_COMMAND, PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_INDEX_OID }; const int64 progress_vals[] = { PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_COMMAND_REINDEX, indexId }; pgstat_progress_start_command(PROGRESS_COMMAND_CREATE_INDEX, heapId); pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(2, progress_cols, progress_vals); } /* * Open the target index relation and get an exclusive lock on it, to * ensure that no one else is touching this particular index. */ iRel = index_open(indexId, AccessExclusiveLock); if (progress) pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_ACCESS_METHOD_OID, iRel->rd_rel->relam); /* * Partitioned indexes should never get processed here, as they have no * physical storage. */ if (iRel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX) elog(ERROR, "cannot reindex partitioned index \"%s.%s\"", get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(iRel)), RelationGetRelationName(iRel)); /* * Don't allow reindex on temp tables of other backends ... their local * buffer manager is not going to cope. */ if (RELATION_IS_OTHER_TEMP(iRel)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot reindex temporary tables of other sessions"))); /* * Don't allow reindex of an invalid index on TOAST table. This is a * leftover from a failed REINDEX CONCURRENTLY, and if rebuilt it would * not be possible to drop it anymore. */ if (IsToastNamespace(RelationGetNamespace(iRel)) && !get_index_isvalid(indexId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot reindex invalid index on TOAST table"))); /* * System relations cannot be moved even if allow_system_table_mods is * enabled to keep things consistent with the concurrent case where all * the indexes of a relation are processed in series, including indexes of * toast relations. * * Note that this check is not part of CheckRelationTableSpaceMove() as it * gets used for ALTER TABLE SET TABLESPACE that could cascade across * toast relations. */ if (OidIsValid(params->tablespaceOid) && IsSystemRelation(iRel)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot move system relation \"%s\"", RelationGetRelationName(iRel)))); /* Check if the tablespace of this index needs to be changed */ if (OidIsValid(params->tablespaceOid) && CheckRelationTableSpaceMove(iRel, params->tablespaceOid)) set_tablespace = true; /* * Also check for active uses of the index in the current transaction; we * don't want to reindex underneath an open indexscan. */ CheckTableNotInUse(iRel, "REINDEX INDEX"); /* Set new tablespace, if requested */ if (set_tablespace) { /* Update its pg_class row */ SetRelationTableSpace(iRel, params->tablespaceOid, InvalidOid); /* * Schedule unlinking of the old index storage at transaction commit. */ RelationDropStorage(iRel); RelationAssumeNewRelfilenode(iRel); /* Make sure the reltablespace change is visible */ CommandCounterIncrement(); } /* * All predicate locks on the index are about to be made invalid. Promote * them to relation locks on the heap. */ TransferPredicateLocksToHeapRelation(iRel); /* Fetch info needed for index_build */ indexInfo = BuildIndexInfo(iRel); /* If requested, skip checking uniqueness/exclusion constraints */ if (skip_constraint_checks) { if (indexInfo->ii_Unique || indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps != NULL) skipped_constraint = true; indexInfo->ii_Unique = false; indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps = NULL; indexInfo->ii_ExclusionProcs = NULL; indexInfo->ii_ExclusionStrats = NULL; } /* Suppress use of the target index while rebuilding it */ SetReindexProcessing(heapId, indexId); /* Create a new physical relation for the index */ RelationSetNewRelfilenode(iRel, persistence); /* Initialize the index and rebuild */ /* Note: we do not need to re-establish pkey setting */ index_build(heapRelation, iRel, indexInfo, true, true); /* Re-allow use of target index */ ResetReindexProcessing(); /* * If the index is marked invalid/not-ready/dead (ie, it's from a failed * CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY, or a DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY failed midway), * and we didn't skip a uniqueness check, we can now mark it valid. This * allows REINDEX to be used to clean up in such cases. * * We can also reset indcheckxmin, because we have now done a * non-concurrent index build, *except* in the case where index_build * found some still-broken HOT chains. If it did, and we don't have to * change any of the other flags, we just leave indcheckxmin alone (note * that index_build won't have changed it, because this is a reindex). * This is okay and desirable because not updating the tuple leaves the * index's usability horizon (recorded as the tuple's xmin value) the same * as it was. * * But, if the index was invalid/not-ready/dead and there were broken HOT * chains, we had better force indcheckxmin true, because the normal * argument that the HOT chains couldn't conflict with the index is * suspect for an invalid index. (A conflict is definitely possible if * the index was dead. It probably shouldn't happen otherwise, but let's * be conservative.) In this case advancing the usability horizon is * appropriate. * * Another reason for avoiding unnecessary updates here is that while * reindexing pg_index itself, we must not try to update tuples in it. * pg_index's indexes should always have these flags in their clean state, * so that won't happen. * * If early pruning/vacuuming is enabled for the heap relation, the * usability horizon must be advanced to the current transaction on every * build or rebuild. pg_index is OK in this regard because catalog tables * are not subject to early cleanup. */ if (!skipped_constraint) { Relation pg_index; HeapTuple indexTuple; Form_pg_index indexForm; bool index_bad; bool early_pruning_enabled = EarlyPruningEnabled(heapRelation); pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); indexTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexId); indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple); index_bad = (!indexForm->indisvalid || !indexForm->indisready || !indexForm->indislive); if (index_bad || (indexForm->indcheckxmin && !indexInfo->ii_BrokenHotChain) || early_pruning_enabled) { if (!indexInfo->ii_BrokenHotChain && !early_pruning_enabled) indexForm->indcheckxmin = false; else if (index_bad || early_pruning_enabled) indexForm->indcheckxmin = true; indexForm->indisvalid = true; indexForm->indisready = true; indexForm->indislive = true; CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &indexTuple->t_self, indexTuple); /* * Invalidate the relcache for the table, so that after we commit * all sessions will refresh the table's index list. This ensures * that if anyone misses seeing the pg_index row during this * update, they'll refresh their list before attempting any update * on the table. */ CacheInvalidateRelcache(heapRelation); } table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock); } /* Log what we did */ if ((params->options & REINDEXOPT_VERBOSE) != 0) ereport(INFO, (errmsg("index \"%s\" was reindexed", get_rel_name(indexId)), errdetail_internal("%s", pg_rusage_show(&ru0)))); /* Roll back any GUC changes executed by index functions */ AtEOXact_GUC(false, save_nestlevel); /* Restore userid and security context */ SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context); /* Close rels, but keep locks */ index_close(iRel, NoLock); table_close(heapRelation, NoLock); if (progress) pgstat_progress_end_command(); } /* * reindex_relation - This routine is used to recreate all indexes * of a relation (and optionally its toast relation too, if any). * * "flags" is a bitmask that can include any combination of these bits: * * REINDEX_REL_PROCESS_TOAST: if true, process the toast table too (if any). * * REINDEX_REL_SUPPRESS_INDEX_USE: if true, the relation was just completely * rebuilt by an operation such as VACUUM FULL or CLUSTER, and therefore its * indexes are inconsistent with it. This makes things tricky if the relation * is a system catalog that we might consult during the reindexing. To deal * with that case, we mark all of the indexes as pending rebuild so that they * won't be trusted until rebuilt. The caller is required to call us *without* * having made the rebuilt table visible by doing CommandCounterIncrement; * we'll do CCI after having collected the index list. (This way we can still * use catalog indexes while collecting the list.) * * REINDEX_REL_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS: if true, recheck unique and exclusion * constraint conditions, else don't. To avoid deadlocks, VACUUM FULL or * CLUSTER on a system catalog must omit this flag. REINDEX should be used to * rebuild an index if constraint inconsistency is suspected. For optimal * performance, other callers should include the flag only after transforming * the data in a manner that risks a change in constraint validity. * * REINDEX_REL_FORCE_INDEXES_UNLOGGED: if true, set the persistence of the * rebuilt indexes to unlogged. * * REINDEX_REL_FORCE_INDEXES_PERMANENT: if true, set the persistence of the * rebuilt indexes to permanent. * * Returns true if any indexes were rebuilt (including toast table's index * when relevant). Note that a CommandCounterIncrement will occur after each * index rebuild. */ bool reindex_relation(Oid relid, int flags, ReindexParams *params) { Relation rel; Oid toast_relid; List *indexIds; char persistence; bool result; ListCell *indexId; int i; /* * Open and lock the relation. ShareLock is sufficient since we only need * to prevent schema and data changes in it. The lock level used here * should match ReindexTable(). */ if ((params->options & REINDEXOPT_MISSING_OK) != 0) rel = try_table_open(relid, ShareLock); else rel = table_open(relid, ShareLock); /* if relation is gone, leave */ if (!rel) return false; /* * Partitioned tables should never get processed here, as they have no * physical storage. */ if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) elog(ERROR, "cannot reindex partitioned table \"%s.%s\"", get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(rel)), RelationGetRelationName(rel)); toast_relid = rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid; /* * Get the list of index OIDs for this relation. (We trust to the * relcache to get this with a sequential scan if ignoring system * indexes.) */ indexIds = RelationGetIndexList(rel); if (flags & REINDEX_REL_SUPPRESS_INDEX_USE) { /* Suppress use of all the indexes until they are rebuilt */ SetReindexPending(indexIds); /* * Make the new heap contents visible --- now things might be * inconsistent! */ CommandCounterIncrement(); } /* * Compute persistence of indexes: same as that of owning rel, unless * caller specified otherwise. */ if (flags & REINDEX_REL_FORCE_INDEXES_UNLOGGED) persistence = RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED; else if (flags & REINDEX_REL_FORCE_INDEXES_PERMANENT) persistence = RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT; else persistence = rel->rd_rel->relpersistence; /* Reindex all the indexes. */ i = 1; foreach(indexId, indexIds) { Oid indexOid = lfirst_oid(indexId); Oid indexNamespaceId = get_rel_namespace(indexOid); /* * Skip any invalid indexes on a TOAST table. These can only be * duplicate leftovers from a failed REINDEX CONCURRENTLY, and if * rebuilt it would not be possible to drop them anymore. */ if (IsToastNamespace(indexNamespaceId) && !get_index_isvalid(indexOid)) { ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot reindex invalid index \"%s.%s\" on TOAST table, skipping", get_namespace_name(indexNamespaceId), get_rel_name(indexOid)))); continue; } reindex_index(indexOid, !(flags & REINDEX_REL_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS), persistence, params); CommandCounterIncrement(); /* Index should no longer be in the pending list */ Assert(!ReindexIsProcessingIndex(indexOid)); /* Set index rebuild count */ pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_CLUSTER_INDEX_REBUILD_COUNT, i); i++; } /* * Close rel, but continue to hold the lock. */ table_close(rel, NoLock); result = (indexIds != NIL); /* * If the relation has a secondary toast rel, reindex that too while we * still hold the lock on the main table. */ if ((flags & REINDEX_REL_PROCESS_TOAST) && OidIsValid(toast_relid)) { /* * Note that this should fail if the toast relation is missing, so * reset REINDEXOPT_MISSING_OK. Even if a new tablespace is set for * the parent relation, the indexes on its toast table are not moved. * This rule is enforced by setting tablespaceOid to InvalidOid. */ ReindexParams newparams = *params; newparams.options &= ~(REINDEXOPT_MISSING_OK); newparams.tablespaceOid = InvalidOid; result |= reindex_relation(toast_relid, flags, &newparams); } return result; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * System index reindexing support * * When we are busy reindexing a system index, this code provides support * for preventing catalog lookups from using that index. We also make use * of this to catch attempted uses of user indexes during reindexing of * those indexes. This information is propagated to parallel workers; * attempting to change it during a parallel operation is not permitted. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Oid currentlyReindexedHeap = InvalidOid; static Oid currentlyReindexedIndex = InvalidOid; static List *pendingReindexedIndexes = NIL; static int reindexingNestLevel = 0; /* * ReindexIsProcessingHeap * True if heap specified by OID is currently being reindexed. */ bool ReindexIsProcessingHeap(Oid heapOid) { return heapOid == currentlyReindexedHeap; } /* * ReindexIsCurrentlyProcessingIndex * True if index specified by OID is currently being reindexed. */ static bool ReindexIsCurrentlyProcessingIndex(Oid indexOid) { return indexOid == currentlyReindexedIndex; } /* * ReindexIsProcessingIndex * True if index specified by OID is currently being reindexed, * or should be treated as invalid because it is awaiting reindex. */ bool ReindexIsProcessingIndex(Oid indexOid) { return indexOid == currentlyReindexedIndex || list_member_oid(pendingReindexedIndexes, indexOid); } /* * SetReindexProcessing * Set flag that specified heap/index are being reindexed. */ static void SetReindexProcessing(Oid heapOid, Oid indexOid) { Assert(OidIsValid(heapOid) && OidIsValid(indexOid)); /* Reindexing is not re-entrant. */ if (OidIsValid(currentlyReindexedHeap)) elog(ERROR, "cannot reindex while reindexing"); currentlyReindexedHeap = heapOid; currentlyReindexedIndex = indexOid; /* Index is no longer "pending" reindex. */ RemoveReindexPending(indexOid); /* This may have been set already, but in case it isn't, do so now. */ reindexingNestLevel = GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel(); } /* * ResetReindexProcessing * Unset reindexing status. */ static void ResetReindexProcessing(void) { currentlyReindexedHeap = InvalidOid; currentlyReindexedIndex = InvalidOid; /* reindexingNestLevel remains set till end of (sub)transaction */ } /* * SetReindexPending * Mark the given indexes as pending reindex. * * NB: we assume that the current memory context stays valid throughout. */ static void SetReindexPending(List *indexes) { /* Reindexing is not re-entrant. */ if (pendingReindexedIndexes) elog(ERROR, "cannot reindex while reindexing"); if (IsInParallelMode()) elog(ERROR, "cannot modify reindex state during a parallel operation"); pendingReindexedIndexes = list_copy(indexes); reindexingNestLevel = GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel(); } /* * RemoveReindexPending * Remove the given index from the pending list. */ static void RemoveReindexPending(Oid indexOid) { if (IsInParallelMode()) elog(ERROR, "cannot modify reindex state during a parallel operation"); pendingReindexedIndexes = list_delete_oid(pendingReindexedIndexes, indexOid); } /* * ResetReindexState * Clear all reindexing state during (sub)transaction abort. */ void ResetReindexState(int nestLevel) { /* * Because reindexing is not re-entrant, we don't need to cope with nested * reindexing states. We just need to avoid messing up the outer-level * state in case a subtransaction fails within a REINDEX. So checking the * current nest level against that of the reindex operation is sufficient. */ if (reindexingNestLevel >= nestLevel) { currentlyReindexedHeap = InvalidOid; currentlyReindexedIndex = InvalidOid; /* * We needn't try to release the contents of pendingReindexedIndexes; * that list should be in a transaction-lifespan context, so it will * go away automatically. */ pendingReindexedIndexes = NIL; reindexingNestLevel = 0; } } /* * EstimateReindexStateSpace * Estimate space needed to pass reindex state to parallel workers. */ Size EstimateReindexStateSpace(void) { return offsetof(SerializedReindexState, pendingReindexedIndexes) + mul_size(sizeof(Oid), list_length(pendingReindexedIndexes)); } /* * SerializeReindexState * Serialize reindex state for parallel workers. */ void SerializeReindexState(Size maxsize, char *start_address) { SerializedReindexState *sistate = (SerializedReindexState *) start_address; int c = 0; ListCell *lc; sistate->currentlyReindexedHeap = currentlyReindexedHeap; sistate->currentlyReindexedIndex = currentlyReindexedIndex; sistate->numPendingReindexedIndexes = list_length(pendingReindexedIndexes); foreach(lc, pendingReindexedIndexes) sistate->pendingReindexedIndexes[c++] = lfirst_oid(lc); } /* * RestoreReindexState * Restore reindex state in a parallel worker. */ void RestoreReindexState(void *reindexstate) { SerializedReindexState *sistate = (SerializedReindexState *) reindexstate; int c = 0; MemoryContext oldcontext; currentlyReindexedHeap = sistate->currentlyReindexedHeap; currentlyReindexedIndex = sistate->currentlyReindexedIndex; Assert(pendingReindexedIndexes == NIL); oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); for (c = 0; c < sistate->numPendingReindexedIndexes; ++c) pendingReindexedIndexes = lappend_oid(pendingReindexedIndexes, sistate->pendingReindexedIndexes[c]); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); /* Note the worker has its own transaction nesting level */ reindexingNestLevel = GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel(); }