/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ts_parse.c * main parse functions for tsearch * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/tsearch/ts_parse.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "tsearch/ts_cache.h" #include "tsearch/ts_utils.h" #define IGNORE_LONGLEXEME 1 /* * Lexize subsystem */ typedef struct ParsedLex { int type; char *lemm; int lenlemm; struct ParsedLex *next; } ParsedLex; typedef struct ListParsedLex { ParsedLex *head; ParsedLex *tail; } ListParsedLex; typedef struct { TSConfigCacheEntry *cfg; Oid curDictId; int posDict; DictSubState dictState; ParsedLex *curSub; ListParsedLex towork; /* current list to work */ ListParsedLex waste; /* list of lexemes that already lexized */ /* * fields to store last variant to lexize (basically, thesaurus or similar * to, which wants several lexemes */ ParsedLex *lastRes; TSLexeme *tmpRes; } LexizeData; static void LexizeInit(LexizeData *ld, TSConfigCacheEntry *cfg) { ld->cfg = cfg; ld->curDictId = InvalidOid; ld->posDict = 0; ld->towork.head = ld->towork.tail = ld->curSub = NULL; ld->waste.head = ld->waste.tail = NULL; ld->lastRes = NULL; ld->tmpRes = NULL; } static void LPLAddTail(ListParsedLex *list, ParsedLex *newpl) { if (list->tail) { list->tail->next = newpl; list->tail = newpl; } else list->head = list->tail = newpl; newpl->next = NULL; } static ParsedLex * LPLRemoveHead(ListParsedLex *list) { ParsedLex *res = list->head; if (list->head) list->head = list->head->next; if (list->head == NULL) list->tail = NULL; return res; } static void LexizeAddLemm(LexizeData *ld, int type, char *lemm, int lenlemm) { ParsedLex *newpl = (ParsedLex *) palloc(sizeof(ParsedLex)); newpl->type = type; newpl->lemm = lemm; newpl->lenlemm = lenlemm; LPLAddTail(&ld->towork, newpl); ld->curSub = ld->towork.tail; } static void RemoveHead(LexizeData *ld) { LPLAddTail(&ld->waste, LPLRemoveHead(&ld->towork)); ld->posDict = 0; } static void setCorrLex(LexizeData *ld, ParsedLex **correspondLexem) { if (correspondLexem) { *correspondLexem = ld->waste.head; } else { ParsedLex *tmp, *ptr = ld->waste.head; while (ptr) { tmp = ptr->next; pfree(ptr); ptr = tmp; } } ld->waste.head = ld->waste.tail = NULL; } static void moveToWaste(LexizeData *ld, ParsedLex *stop) { bool go = true; while (ld->towork.head && go) { if (ld->towork.head == stop) { ld->curSub = stop->next; go = false; } RemoveHead(ld); } } static void setNewTmpRes(LexizeData *ld, ParsedLex *lex, TSLexeme *res) { if (ld->tmpRes) { TSLexeme *ptr; for (ptr = ld->tmpRes; ptr->lexeme; ptr++) pfree(ptr->lexeme); pfree(ld->tmpRes); } ld->tmpRes = res; ld->lastRes = lex; } static TSLexeme * LexizeExec(LexizeData *ld, ParsedLex **correspondLexem) { int i; ListDictionary *map; TSDictionaryCacheEntry *dict; TSLexeme *res; if (ld->curDictId == InvalidOid) { /* * usual mode: dictionary wants only one word, but we should keep in * mind that we should go through all stack */ while (ld->towork.head) { ParsedLex *curVal = ld->towork.head; char *curValLemm = curVal->lemm; int curValLenLemm = curVal->lenlemm; map = ld->cfg->map + curVal->type; if (curVal->type == 0 || curVal->type >= ld->cfg->lenmap || map->len == 0) { /* skip this type of lexeme */ RemoveHead(ld); continue; } for (i = ld->posDict; i < map->len; i++) { dict = lookup_ts_dictionary_cache(map->dictIds[i]); ld->dictState.isend = ld->dictState.getnext = false; ld->dictState.private_state = NULL; res = (TSLexeme *) DatumGetPointer(FunctionCall4(&(dict->lexize), PointerGetDatum(dict->dictData), PointerGetDatum(curValLemm), Int32GetDatum(curValLenLemm), PointerGetDatum(&ld->dictState))); if (ld->dictState.getnext) { /* * dictionary wants next word, so setup and store current * position and go to multiword mode */ ld->curDictId = DatumGetObjectId(map->dictIds[i]); ld->posDict = i + 1; ld->curSub = curVal->next; if (res) setNewTmpRes(ld, curVal, res); return LexizeExec(ld, correspondLexem); } if (!res) /* dictionary doesn't know this lexeme */ continue; if (res->flags & TSL_FILTER) { curValLemm = res->lexeme; curValLenLemm = strlen(res->lexeme); continue; } RemoveHead(ld); setCorrLex(ld, correspondLexem); return res; } RemoveHead(ld); } } else { /* curDictId is valid */ dict = lookup_ts_dictionary_cache(ld->curDictId); /* * Dictionary ld->curDictId asks us about following words */ while (ld->curSub) { ParsedLex *curVal = ld->curSub; map = ld->cfg->map + curVal->type; if (curVal->type != 0) { bool dictExists = false; if (curVal->type >= ld->cfg->lenmap || map->len == 0) { /* skip this type of lexeme */ ld->curSub = curVal->next; continue; } /* * We should be sure that current type of lexeme is recognized * by our dictionary: we just check is it exist in list of * dictionaries ? */ for (i = 0; i < map->len && !dictExists; i++) if (ld->curDictId == DatumGetObjectId(map->dictIds[i])) dictExists = true; if (!dictExists) { /* * Dictionary can't work with current type of lexeme, * return to basic mode and redo all stored lexemes */ ld->curDictId = InvalidOid; return LexizeExec(ld, correspondLexem); } } ld->dictState.isend = (curVal->type == 0) ? true : false; ld->dictState.getnext = false; res = (TSLexeme *) DatumGetPointer(FunctionCall4(&(dict->lexize), PointerGetDatum(dict->dictData), PointerGetDatum(curVal->lemm), Int32GetDatum(curVal->lenlemm), PointerGetDatum(&ld->dictState))); if (ld->dictState.getnext) { /* Dictionary wants one more */ ld->curSub = curVal->next; if (res) setNewTmpRes(ld, curVal, res); continue; } if (res || ld->tmpRes) { /* * Dictionary normalizes lexemes, so we remove from stack all * used lexemes, return to basic mode and redo end of stack * (if it exists) */ if (res) { moveToWaste(ld, ld->curSub); } else { res = ld->tmpRes; moveToWaste(ld, ld->lastRes); } /* reset to initial state */ ld->curDictId = InvalidOid; ld->posDict = 0; ld->lastRes = NULL; ld->tmpRes = NULL; setCorrLex(ld, correspondLexem); return res; } /* * Dict don't want next lexem and didn't recognize anything, redo * from ld->towork.head */ ld->curDictId = InvalidOid; return LexizeExec(ld, correspondLexem); } } setCorrLex(ld, correspondLexem); return NULL; } /* * Parse string and lexize words. * * prs will be filled in. */ void parsetext(Oid cfgId, ParsedText *prs, char *buf, int buflen) { int type, lenlemm; char *lemm = NULL; LexizeData ldata; TSLexeme *norms; TSConfigCacheEntry *cfg; TSParserCacheEntry *prsobj; void *prsdata; cfg = lookup_ts_config_cache(cfgId); prsobj = lookup_ts_parser_cache(cfg->prsId); prsdata = (void *) DatumGetPointer(FunctionCall2(&prsobj->prsstart, PointerGetDatum(buf), Int32GetDatum(buflen))); LexizeInit(&ldata, cfg); do { type = DatumGetInt32(FunctionCall3(&(prsobj->prstoken), PointerGetDatum(prsdata), PointerGetDatum(&lemm), PointerGetDatum(&lenlemm))); if (type > 0 && lenlemm >= MAXSTRLEN) { #ifdef IGNORE_LONGLEXEME ereport(NOTICE, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("word is too long to be indexed"), errdetail("Words longer than %d characters are ignored.", MAXSTRLEN))); continue; #else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("word is too long to be indexed"), errdetail("Words longer than %d characters are ignored.", MAXSTRLEN))); #endif } LexizeAddLemm(&ldata, type, lemm, lenlemm); while ((norms = LexizeExec(&ldata, NULL)) != NULL) { TSLexeme *ptr = norms; prs->pos++; /* set pos */ while (ptr->lexeme) { if (prs->curwords == prs->lenwords) { prs->lenwords *= 2; prs->words = (ParsedWord *) repalloc((void *) prs->words, prs->lenwords * sizeof(ParsedWord)); } if (ptr->flags & TSL_ADDPOS) prs->pos++; prs->words[prs->curwords].len = strlen(ptr->lexeme); prs->words[prs->curwords].word = ptr->lexeme; prs->words[prs->curwords].nvariant = ptr->nvariant; prs->words[prs->curwords].flags = ptr->flags & TSL_PREFIX; prs->words[prs->curwords].alen = 0; prs->words[prs->curwords].pos.pos = LIMITPOS(prs->pos); ptr++; prs->curwords++; } pfree(norms); } } while (type > 0); FunctionCall1(&(prsobj->prsend), PointerGetDatum(prsdata)); } /* * Headline framework */ static void hladdword(HeadlineParsedText *prs, char *buf, int buflen, int type) { while (prs->curwords >= prs->lenwords) { prs->lenwords *= 2; prs->words = (HeadlineWordEntry *) repalloc((void *) prs->words, prs->lenwords * sizeof(HeadlineWordEntry)); } memset(&(prs->words[prs->curwords]), 0, sizeof(HeadlineWordEntry)); prs->words[prs->curwords].type = (uint8) type; prs->words[prs->curwords].len = buflen; prs->words[prs->curwords].word = palloc(buflen); memcpy(prs->words[prs->curwords].word, buf, buflen); prs->curwords++; } static void hlfinditem(HeadlineParsedText *prs, TSQuery query, int32 pos, char *buf, int buflen) { int i; QueryItem *item = GETQUERY(query); HeadlineWordEntry *word; while (prs->curwords + query->size >= prs->lenwords) { prs->lenwords *= 2; prs->words = (HeadlineWordEntry *) repalloc((void *) prs->words, prs->lenwords * sizeof(HeadlineWordEntry)); } word = &(prs->words[prs->curwords - 1]); word->pos = LIMITPOS(pos); for (i = 0; i < query->size; i++) { if (item->type == QI_VAL && tsCompareString(GETOPERAND(query) + item->qoperand.distance, item->qoperand.length, buf, buflen, item->qoperand.prefix) == 0) { if (word->item) { memcpy(&(prs->words[prs->curwords]), word, sizeof(HeadlineWordEntry)); prs->words[prs->curwords].item = &item->qoperand; prs->words[prs->curwords].repeated = 1; prs->curwords++; } else word->item = &item->qoperand; } item++; } } static void addHLParsedLex(HeadlineParsedText *prs, TSQuery query, ParsedLex *lexs, TSLexeme *norms) { ParsedLex *tmplexs; TSLexeme *ptr; int32 savedpos; while (lexs) { if (lexs->type > 0) hladdword(prs, lexs->lemm, lexs->lenlemm, lexs->type); ptr = norms; savedpos = prs->vectorpos; while (ptr && ptr->lexeme) { if (ptr->flags & TSL_ADDPOS) savedpos++; hlfinditem(prs, query, savedpos, ptr->lexeme, strlen(ptr->lexeme)); ptr++; } tmplexs = lexs->next; pfree(lexs); lexs = tmplexs; } if (norms) { ptr = norms; while (ptr->lexeme) { if (ptr->flags & TSL_ADDPOS) prs->vectorpos++; pfree(ptr->lexeme); ptr++; } pfree(norms); } } void hlparsetext(Oid cfgId, HeadlineParsedText *prs, TSQuery query, char *buf, int buflen) { int type, lenlemm; char *lemm = NULL; LexizeData ldata; TSLexeme *norms; ParsedLex *lexs; TSConfigCacheEntry *cfg; TSParserCacheEntry *prsobj; void *prsdata; cfg = lookup_ts_config_cache(cfgId); prsobj = lookup_ts_parser_cache(cfg->prsId); prsdata = (void *) DatumGetPointer(FunctionCall2(&(prsobj->prsstart), PointerGetDatum(buf), Int32GetDatum(buflen))); LexizeInit(&ldata, cfg); do { type = DatumGetInt32(FunctionCall3(&(prsobj->prstoken), PointerGetDatum(prsdata), PointerGetDatum(&lemm), PointerGetDatum(&lenlemm))); if (type > 0 && lenlemm >= MAXSTRLEN) { #ifdef IGNORE_LONGLEXEME ereport(NOTICE, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("word is too long to be indexed"), errdetail("Words longer than %d characters are ignored.", MAXSTRLEN))); continue; #else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("word is too long to be indexed"), errdetail("Words longer than %d characters are ignored.", MAXSTRLEN))); #endif } LexizeAddLemm(&ldata, type, lemm, lenlemm); do { if ((norms = LexizeExec(&ldata, &lexs)) != NULL) { prs->vectorpos++; addHLParsedLex(prs, query, lexs, norms); } else addHLParsedLex(prs, query, lexs, NULL); } while (norms); } while (type > 0); FunctionCall1(&(prsobj->prsend), PointerGetDatum(prsdata)); } text * generateHeadline(HeadlineParsedText *prs) { text *out; char *ptr; int len = 128; int numfragments = 0; int16 infrag = 0; HeadlineWordEntry *wrd = prs->words; out = (text *) palloc(len); ptr = ((char *) out) + VARHDRSZ; while (wrd - prs->words < prs->curwords) { while (wrd->len + prs->stopsellen + prs->startsellen + prs->fragdelimlen + (ptr - ((char *) out)) >= len) { int dist = ptr - ((char *) out); len *= 2; out = (text *) repalloc(out, len); ptr = ((char *) out) + dist; } if (wrd->in && !wrd->repeated) { if (!infrag) { /* start of a new fragment */ infrag = 1; numfragments++; /* add a fragment delimiter if this is after the first one */ if (numfragments > 1) { memcpy(ptr, prs->fragdelim, prs->fragdelimlen); ptr += prs->fragdelimlen; } } if (wrd->replace) { *ptr = ' '; ptr++; } else if (!wrd->skip) { if (wrd->selected) { memcpy(ptr, prs->startsel, prs->startsellen); ptr += prs->startsellen; } memcpy(ptr, wrd->word, wrd->len); ptr += wrd->len; if (wrd->selected) { memcpy(ptr, prs->stopsel, prs->stopsellen); ptr += prs->stopsellen; } } } else if (!wrd->repeated) { if (infrag) infrag = 0; pfree(wrd->word); } wrd++; } SET_VARSIZE(out, ptr - ((char *) out)); return out; }