#! /usr/bin/perl #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Gen_fmgrtab.pl # Perl script that generates fmgroids.h, fmgrprotos.h, and fmgrtab.c # from pg_proc.dat # # Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group # Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California # # # IDENTIFICATION # src/backend/utils/Gen_fmgrtab.pl # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Catalog; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; my $output_path = ''; my $include_path; GetOptions( 'output:s' => \$output_path, 'include-path:s' => \$include_path) || usage(); # Make sure output_path ends in a slash. if ($output_path ne '' && substr($output_path, -1) ne '/') { $output_path .= '/'; } # Sanity check arguments. die "No input files.\n" unless @ARGV; die "--include-path must be specified.\n" unless $include_path; # Read all the input files into internal data structures. # Note: We pass data file names as arguments and then look for matching # headers to parse the schema from. This is backwards from genbki.pl, # but the Makefile dependencies look more sensible this way. # We currently only need pg_proc, but retain the possibility of reading # more than one data file. my %catalogs; my %catalog_data; foreach my $datfile (@ARGV) { $datfile =~ /(.+)\.dat$/ or die "Input files need to be data (.dat) files.\n"; my $header = "$1.h"; die "There in no header file corresponding to $datfile" if !-e $header; my $catalog = Catalog::ParseHeader($header); my $catname = $catalog->{catname}; my $schema = $catalog->{columns}; $catalogs{$catname} = $catalog; $catalog_data{$catname} = Catalog::ParseData($datfile, $schema, 0); } # Collect certain fields from pg_proc.dat. my @fmgr = (); my %proname_counts; foreach my $row (@{ $catalog_data{pg_proc} }) { my %bki_values = %$row; push @fmgr, { oid => $bki_values{oid}, name => $bki_values{proname}, lang => $bki_values{prolang}, kind => $bki_values{prokind}, strict => $bki_values{proisstrict}, retset => $bki_values{proretset}, nargs => $bki_values{pronargs}, args => $bki_values{proargtypes}, prosrc => $bki_values{prosrc}, }; # Count so that we can detect overloaded pronames. $proname_counts{ $bki_values{proname} }++; } # Emit headers for both files my $tmpext = ".tmp$$"; my $oidsfile = $output_path . 'fmgroids.h'; my $protosfile = $output_path . 'fmgrprotos.h'; my $tabfile = $output_path . 'fmgrtab.c'; open my $ofh, '>', $oidsfile . $tmpext or die "Could not open $oidsfile$tmpext: $!"; open my $pfh, '>', $protosfile . $tmpext or die "Could not open $protosfile$tmpext: $!"; open my $tfh, '>', $tabfile . $tmpext or die "Could not open $tabfile$tmpext: $!"; print $ofh <{oid} <=> $b->{oid} } @fmgr) { my $sqlname = $s->{name}; $sqlname .= "_" . $s->{args} if ($proname_counts{ $s->{name} } > 1); $sqlname =~ s/\s+/_/g; print $ofh "#define F_" . uc $sqlname . " $s->{oid}\n"; # We want only one extern per internal-language, non-aggregate function if ( $s->{lang} eq 'internal' && $s->{kind} ne 'a' && !$seenit{ $s->{prosrc} }) { $seenit{ $s->{prosrc} } = 1; print $pfh "extern Datum $s->{prosrc}(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);\n"; } } # Create the fmgr_builtins table, collect data for fmgr_builtin_oid_index print $tfh "\nconst FmgrBuiltin fmgr_builtins[] = {\n"; my %bmap; $bmap{'t'} = 'true'; $bmap{'f'} = 'false'; my @fmgr_builtin_oid_index; my $last_builtin_oid = 0; my $fmgr_count = 0; foreach my $s (sort { $a->{oid} <=> $b->{oid} } @fmgr) { next if $s->{lang} ne 'internal'; # We do not need entries for aggregate functions next if $s->{kind} eq 'a'; print $tfh ",\n" if ($fmgr_count > 0); print $tfh " { $s->{oid}, $s->{nargs}, $bmap{$s->{strict}}, $bmap{$s->{retset}}, \"$s->{prosrc}\", $s->{prosrc} }"; $fmgr_builtin_oid_index[ $s->{oid} ] = $fmgr_count++; $last_builtin_oid = $s->{oid}; } print $tfh "\n};\n"; printf $tfh qq| const int fmgr_nbuiltins = (sizeof(fmgr_builtins) / sizeof(FmgrBuiltin)); const Oid fmgr_last_builtin_oid = %u; |, $last_builtin_oid; # Create fmgr_builtin_oid_index table. printf $tfh qq| const uint16 fmgr_builtin_oid_index[%u] = { |, $last_builtin_oid + 1; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $last_builtin_oid; $i++) { my $oid = $fmgr_builtin_oid_index[$i]; # fmgr_builtin_oid_index is sparse, map nonexistent functions to # InvalidOidBuiltinMapping if (not defined $oid) { $oid = 'InvalidOidBuiltinMapping'; } if ($i == $last_builtin_oid) { print $tfh " $oid\n"; } else { print $tfh " $oid,\n"; } } print $tfh "};\n"; # And add the file footers. print $ofh "\n#endif\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/* FMGROIDS_H */\n"; print $pfh "\n#endif\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/* FMGRPROTOS_H */\n"; close($ofh); close($pfh); close($tfh); # Finally, rename the completed files into place. Catalog::RenameTempFile($oidsfile, $tmpext); Catalog::RenameTempFile($protosfile, $tmpext); Catalog::RenameTempFile($tabfile, $tmpext); sub usage { die <] [path to pg_proc.dat] Options: --output Output directory (default '.') --include-path Include path in source tree Gen_fmgrtab.pl generates fmgroids.h, fmgrprotos.h, and fmgrtab.c from pg_proc.dat Report bugs to . EOM } exit 0;