/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * pg_collation.h * definition of the "collation" system catalog (pg_collation) * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * src/include/catalog/pg_collation.h * * NOTES * The Catalog.pm module reads this file and derives schema * information. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef PG_COLLATION_H #define PG_COLLATION_H #include "catalog/genbki.h" #include "catalog/pg_collation_d.h" /* ---------------- * pg_collation definition. cpp turns this into * typedef struct FormData_pg_collation * ---------------- */ CATALOG(pg_collation,3456,CollationRelationId) { Oid oid; /* oid */ NameData collname; /* collation name */ /* OID of namespace containing this collation */ Oid collnamespace BKI_DEFAULT(pg_catalog) BKI_LOOKUP(pg_namespace); /* owner of collation */ Oid collowner BKI_DEFAULT(POSTGRES) BKI_LOOKUP(pg_authid); char collprovider; /* see constants below */ bool collisdeterministic BKI_DEFAULT(t); int32 collencoding; /* encoding for this collation; -1 = "all" */ NameData collcollate; /* LC_COLLATE setting */ NameData collctype; /* LC_CTYPE setting */ #ifdef CATALOG_VARLEN /* variable-length fields start here */ text collversion BKI_DEFAULT(_null_); /* provider-dependent * version of collation * data */ #endif } FormData_pg_collation; /* ---------------- * Form_pg_collation corresponds to a pointer to a row with * the format of pg_collation relation. * ---------------- */ typedef FormData_pg_collation *Form_pg_collation; DECLARE_TOAST(pg_collation, 6175, 6176); DECLARE_UNIQUE_INDEX(pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index, 3164, on pg_collation using btree(collname name_ops, collencoding int4_ops, collnamespace oid_ops)); #define CollationNameEncNspIndexId 3164 DECLARE_UNIQUE_INDEX_PKEY(pg_collation_oid_index, 3085, on pg_collation using btree(oid oid_ops)); #define CollationOidIndexId 3085 #ifdef EXPOSE_TO_CLIENT_CODE #define COLLPROVIDER_DEFAULT 'd' #define COLLPROVIDER_ICU 'i' #define COLLPROVIDER_LIBC 'c' #endif /* EXPOSE_TO_CLIENT_CODE */ extern Oid CollationCreate(const char *collname, Oid collnamespace, Oid collowner, char collprovider, bool collisdeterministic, int32 collencoding, const char *collcollate, const char *collctype, const char *collversion, bool if_not_exists, bool quiet); #endif /* PG_COLLATION_H */