-- suppress CONTEXT so that function OIDs aren't in output \set VERBOSITY terse CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b text); CREATE PROCEDURE transaction_test1() LANGUAGE pltcl AS $$ for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { spi_exec "INSERT INTO test1 (a) VALUES ($i)" if {$i % 2 == 0} { commit } else { rollback } } $$; CALL transaction_test1(); SELECT * FROM test1; TRUNCATE test1; -- not allowed in a function CREATE FUNCTION transaction_test2() RETURNS int LANGUAGE pltcl AS $$ for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { spi_exec "INSERT INTO test1 (a) VALUES ($i)" if {$i % 2 == 0} { commit } else { rollback } } return 1 $$; SELECT transaction_test2(); SELECT * FROM test1; -- also not allowed if procedure is called from a function CREATE FUNCTION transaction_test3() RETURNS int LANGUAGE pltcl AS $$ spi_exec "CALL transaction_test1()" return 1 $$; SELECT transaction_test3(); SELECT * FROM test1; -- commit inside cursor loop CREATE TABLE test2 (x int); INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4); TRUNCATE test1; CREATE PROCEDURE transaction_test4a() LANGUAGE pltcl AS $$ spi_exec -array row "SELECT * FROM test2 ORDER BY x" { spi_exec "INSERT INTO test1 (a) VALUES ($row(x))" commit } $$; CALL transaction_test4a(); SELECT * FROM test1; -- rollback inside cursor loop TRUNCATE test1; CREATE PROCEDURE transaction_test4b() LANGUAGE pltcl AS $$ spi_exec -array row "SELECT * FROM test2 ORDER BY x" { spi_exec "INSERT INTO test1 (a) VALUES ($row(x))" rollback } $$; CALL transaction_test4b(); SELECT * FROM test1; -- check handling of an error during COMMIT CREATE TABLE testpk (id int PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE testfk(f1 int REFERENCES testpk DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED); CREATE PROCEDURE transaction_testfk() LANGUAGE pltcl AS $$ # this insert will fail during commit: spi_exec "INSERT INTO testfk VALUES (0)" commit elog WARNING "should not get here" $$; CALL transaction_testfk(); SELECT * FROM testpk; SELECT * FROM testfk; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE transaction_testfk() LANGUAGE pltcl AS $$ # this insert will fail during commit: spi_exec "INSERT INTO testfk VALUES (0)" if [catch {commit} msg] { elog INFO $msg } # these inserts should work: spi_exec "INSERT INTO testpk VALUES (1)" spi_exec "INSERT INTO testfk VALUES (1)" $$; CALL transaction_testfk(); SELECT * FROM testpk; SELECT * FROM testfk; DROP TABLE test1; DROP TABLE test2;