# Copyright (c) 2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group use strict; use warnings; use TestLib; use PostgresNode; use Test::More; if ($ENV{with_ldap} eq 'yes') { plan tests => 28; } else { plan skip_all => 'LDAP not supported by this build'; } my ($slapd, $ldap_bin_dir, $ldap_schema_dir); $ldap_bin_dir = undef; # usually in PATH if ($^O eq 'darwin' && -d '/usr/local/opt/openldap') { # typical paths for Homebrew $slapd = '/usr/local/opt/openldap/libexec/slapd'; $ldap_schema_dir = '/usr/local/etc/openldap/schema'; } elsif ($^O eq 'darwin' && -d '/opt/local/etc/openldap') { # typical paths for MacPorts $slapd = '/opt/local/libexec/slapd'; $ldap_schema_dir = '/opt/local/etc/openldap/schema'; } elsif ($^O eq 'linux') { $slapd = '/usr/sbin/slapd'; $ldap_schema_dir = '/etc/ldap/schema' if -d '/etc/ldap/schema'; $ldap_schema_dir = '/etc/openldap/schema' if -d '/etc/openldap/schema'; } elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd') { $slapd = '/usr/local/libexec/slapd'; $ldap_schema_dir = '/usr/local/etc/openldap/schema'; } # make your own edits here #$slapd = ''; #$ldap_bin_dir = ''; #$ldap_schema_dir = ''; $ENV{PATH} = "$ldap_bin_dir:$ENV{PATH}" if $ldap_bin_dir; my $ldap_datadir = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/openldap-data"; my $slapd_certs = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/slapd-certs"; my $slapd_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/slapd.conf"; my $slapd_pidfile = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/slapd.pid"; my $slapd_logfile = "${TestLib::log_path}/slapd.log"; my $ldap_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/ldap.conf"; my $ldap_server = 'localhost'; my $ldap_port = get_free_port(); my $ldaps_port = get_free_port(); my $ldap_url = "ldap://$ldap_server:$ldap_port"; my $ldaps_url = "ldaps://$ldap_server:$ldaps_port"; my $ldap_basedn = 'dc=example,dc=net'; my $ldap_rootdn = 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=net'; my $ldap_rootpw = 'secret'; my $ldap_pwfile = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/ldappassword"; note "setting up slapd"; append_to_file( $slapd_conf, qq{include $ldap_schema_dir/core.schema include $ldap_schema_dir/cosine.schema include $ldap_schema_dir/nis.schema include $ldap_schema_dir/inetorgperson.schema pidfile $slapd_pidfile logfile $slapd_logfile access to * by * read by anonymous auth database ldif directory $ldap_datadir TLSCACertificateFile $slapd_certs/ca.crt TLSCertificateFile $slapd_certs/server.crt TLSCertificateKeyFile $slapd_certs/server.key suffix "dc=example,dc=net" rootdn "$ldap_rootdn" rootpw $ldap_rootpw}); # don't bother to check the server's cert (though perhaps we should) append_to_file( $ldap_conf, qq{TLS_REQCERT never }); mkdir $ldap_datadir or die; mkdir $slapd_certs or die; system_or_bail "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-keyout", "$slapd_certs/ca.key", "-x509", "-out", "$slapd_certs/ca.crt", "-subj", "/CN=CA"; system_or_bail "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-keyout", "$slapd_certs/server.key", "-out", "$slapd_certs/server.csr", "-subj", "/CN=server"; system_or_bail "openssl", "x509", "-req", "-in", "$slapd_certs/server.csr", "-CA", "$slapd_certs/ca.crt", "-CAkey", "$slapd_certs/ca.key", "-CAcreateserial", "-out", "$slapd_certs/server.crt"; system_or_bail $slapd, '-f', $slapd_conf, '-h', "$ldap_url $ldaps_url"; END { kill 'INT', `cat $slapd_pidfile` if -f $slapd_pidfile; } append_to_file($ldap_pwfile, $ldap_rootpw); chmod 0600, $ldap_pwfile or die; # wait until slapd accepts requests my $retries = 0; while (1) { last if ( system_log( "ldapsearch", "-sbase", "-H", $ldap_url, "-b", $ldap_basedn, "-D", $ldap_rootdn, "-y", $ldap_pwfile, "-n", "'objectclass=*'") == 0); die "cannot connect to slapd" if ++$retries >= 300; note "waiting for slapd to accept requests..."; Time::HiRes::usleep(1000000); } $ENV{'LDAPURI'} = $ldap_url; $ENV{'LDAPBINDDN'} = $ldap_rootdn; $ENV{'LDAPCONF'} = $ldap_conf; note "loading LDAP data"; system_or_bail 'ldapadd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-f', 'authdata.ldif'; system_or_bail 'ldappasswd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-s', 'secret1', 'uid=test1,dc=example,dc=net'; system_or_bail 'ldappasswd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-s', 'secret2', 'uid=test2,dc=example,dc=net'; note "setting up PostgreSQL instance"; my $node = get_new_node('node'); $node->init; $node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "log_connections = on\n"); $node->start; $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER test0;'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER test1;'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER "test2@example.net";'); note "running tests"; sub test_access { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my ($node, $role, $expected_res, $test_name, %params) = @_; my $connstr = "user=$role"; if ($expected_res eq 0) { $node->connect_ok($connstr, $test_name, %params); } else { # No checks of the error message, only the status code. $node->connect_fails($connstr, $test_name, %params); } } note "simple bind"; unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapprefix="uid=" ldapsuffix=",dc=example,dc=net"} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'wrong'; test_access( $node, 'test0', 2, 'simple bind authentication fails if user not found in LDAP', log_unlike => [qr/connection authenticated:/]); test_access( $node, 'test1', 2, 'simple bind authentication fails with wrong password', log_unlike => [qr/connection authenticated:/]); $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access( $node, 'test1', 0, 'simple bind authentication succeeds', log_like => [ qr/connection authenticated: identity="uid=test1,dc=example,dc=net" method=ldap/ ],); note "search+bind"; unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn"} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'wrong'; test_access($node, 'test0', 2, 'search+bind authentication fails if user not found in LDAP'); test_access($node, 'test1', 2, 'search+bind authentication fails with wrong password'); $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access( $node, 'test1', 0, 'search+bind authentication succeeds', log_like => [ qr/connection authenticated: identity="uid=test1,dc=example,dc=net" method=ldap/ ],); note "multiple servers"; unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver="$ldap_server $ldap_server" ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn"} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'wrong'; test_access($node, 'test0', 2, 'search+bind authentication fails if user not found in LDAP'); test_access($node, 'test1', 2, 'search+bind authentication fails with wrong password'); $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'search+bind authentication succeeds'); note "LDAP URLs"; unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn?uid?sub"}); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'wrong'; test_access($node, 'test0', 2, 'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication fails if user not found in LDAP' ); test_access($node, 'test1', 2, 'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication fails with wrong password'); $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication succeeds'); note "search filters"; unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access( $node, 'test1', 0, 'search filter finds by uid', log_like => [ qr/connection authenticated: identity="uid=test1,dc=example,dc=net" method=ldap/ ],); $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret2'; test_access( $node, 'test2@example.net', 0, 'search filter finds by mail', log_like => [ qr/connection authenticated: identity="uid=test2,dc=example,dc=net" method=ldap/ ],); note "search filters in LDAP URLs"; unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'search filter finds by uid'); $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret2'; test_access($node, 'test2@example.net', 0, 'search filter finds by mail'); # This is not documented: You can combine ldapurl and other ldap* # settings. ldapurl is always parsed first, then the other settings # override. It might be useful in a case like this. unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn??sub" ldapsearchfilter="(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'combined LDAP URL and search filter'); note "diagnostic message"; # note bad ldapprefix with a question mark that triggers a diagnostic message unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapprefix="?uid=" ldapsuffix=""} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 2, 'any attempt fails due to bad search pattern'); note "TLS"; # request StartTLS with ldaptls=1 unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(uid=\$username)" ldaptls=1} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'StartTLS'); # request LDAPS with ldapscheme=ldaps unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapscheme=ldaps ldapport=$ldaps_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(uid=\$username)"} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'LDAPS'); # request LDAPS with ldapurl=ldaps://... unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldaps_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(uid=\$username)"} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'LDAPS with URL'); # bad combination of LDAPS and StartTLS unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldaps_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(uid=\$username)" ldaptls=1} ); $node->restart; $ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1'; test_access($node, 'test1', 2, 'bad combination of LDAPS and StartTLS');