-- Simple create CREATE TABLE reloptions_test(i INT) WITH (FiLLFaCToR=30, autovacuum_enabled = false, autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.2); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass; reloptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {fillfactor=30,autovacuum_enabled=false,autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.2} (1 row) -- Fail min/max values check CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (fillfactor=2); ERROR: value 2 out of bounds for option "fillfactor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100". CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (fillfactor=110); ERROR: value 110 out of bounds for option "fillfactor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100". CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = -10.0); ERROR: value -10.0 out of bounds for option "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "0.000000" and "100.000000". CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 110.0); ERROR: value 110.0 out of bounds for option "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "0.000000" and "100.000000". -- Fail when option and namespace do not exist CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (not_existing_option=2); ERROR: unrecognized parameter "not_existing_option" CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (not_existing_namespace.fillfactor=2); ERROR: unrecognized parameter namespace "not_existing_namespace" -- Fail while setting improper values CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (fillfactor=-30.1); ERROR: value -30.1 out of bounds for option "fillfactor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100". CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (fillfactor='string'); ERROR: invalid value for integer option "fillfactor": string CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (fillfactor=true); ERROR: invalid value for integer option "fillfactor": true CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (autovacuum_enabled=12); ERROR: invalid value for boolean option "autovacuum_enabled": 12 CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (autovacuum_enabled=30.5); ERROR: invalid value for boolean option "autovacuum_enabled": 30.5 CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (autovacuum_enabled='string'); ERROR: invalid value for boolean option "autovacuum_enabled": string CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor='string'); ERROR: invalid value for floating point option "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor": string CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=true); ERROR: invalid value for floating point option "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor": true -- Fail if option is specified twice CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (fillfactor=30, fillfactor=40); ERROR: parameter "fillfactor" specified more than once -- Specifying name only for a non-Boolean option should fail CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2(i INT) WITH (fillfactor); ERROR: invalid value for integer option "fillfactor": true -- Simple ALTER TABLE ALTER TABLE reloptions_test SET (fillfactor=31, autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.3); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass; reloptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {autovacuum_enabled=false,fillfactor=31,autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.3} (1 row) -- Set boolean option to true without specifying value ALTER TABLE reloptions_test SET (autovacuum_enabled, fillfactor=32); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass; reloptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.3,autovacuum_enabled=true,fillfactor=32} (1 row) -- Check that RESET works well ALTER TABLE reloptions_test RESET (fillfactor); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass; reloptions --------------------------------------------------------------- {autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.3,autovacuum_enabled=true} (1 row) -- Resetting all values causes the column to become null ALTER TABLE reloptions_test RESET (autovacuum_enabled, autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass AND reloptions IS NULL; reloptions ------------ (1 row) -- RESET fails if a value is specified ALTER TABLE reloptions_test RESET (fillfactor=12); ERROR: RESET must not include values for parameters -- Test vacuum_truncate option DROP TABLE reloptions_test; CREATE TEMP TABLE reloptions_test(i INT NOT NULL, j text) WITH (vacuum_truncate=false, toast.vacuum_truncate=false, autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass; reloptions -------------------------------------------------- {vacuum_truncate=false,autovacuum_enabled=false} (1 row) INSERT INTO reloptions_test VALUES (1, NULL), (NULL, NULL); ERROR: null value in column "i" of relation "reloptions_test" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, null). -- Do an aggressive vacuum to prevent page-skipping. VACUUM (FREEZE, DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING) reloptions_test; SELECT pg_relation_size('reloptions_test') > 0; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass); reloptions ------------------------- {vacuum_truncate=false} (1 row) ALTER TABLE reloptions_test RESET (vacuum_truncate); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass; reloptions ---------------------------- {autovacuum_enabled=false} (1 row) INSERT INTO reloptions_test VALUES (1, NULL), (NULL, NULL); ERROR: null value in column "i" of relation "reloptions_test" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, null). -- Do an aggressive vacuum to prevent page-skipping. VACUUM (FREEZE, DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING) reloptions_test; SELECT pg_relation_size('reloptions_test') = 0; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- Test toast.* options DROP TABLE reloptions_test; CREATE TABLE reloptions_test (s VARCHAR) WITH (toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 23); SELECT reltoastrelid as toast_oid FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass \gset SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = :toast_oid; reloptions ----------------------------------- {autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=23} (1 row) ALTER TABLE reloptions_test SET (toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 24); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = :toast_oid; reloptions ----------------------------------- {autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=24} (1 row) ALTER TABLE reloptions_test RESET (toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = :toast_oid; reloptions ------------ (1 row) -- Fail on non-existent options in toast namespace CREATE TABLE reloptions_test2 (i int) WITH (toast.not_existing_option = 42); ERROR: unrecognized parameter "not_existing_option" -- Mix TOAST & heap DROP TABLE reloptions_test; CREATE TABLE reloptions_test (s VARCHAR) WITH (toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 23, autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 24, fillfactor = 40); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass; reloptions ------------------------------------------------- {autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=24,fillfactor=40} (1 row) SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = ( SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test'::regclass); reloptions ----------------------------------- {autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=23} (1 row) -- -- CREATE INDEX, ALTER INDEX for btrees -- CREATE INDEX reloptions_test_idx ON reloptions_test (s) WITH (fillfactor=30); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test_idx'::regclass; reloptions ----------------- {fillfactor=30} (1 row) -- Fail when option and namespace do not exist CREATE INDEX reloptions_test_idx ON reloptions_test (s) WITH (not_existing_option=2); ERROR: unrecognized parameter "not_existing_option" CREATE INDEX reloptions_test_idx ON reloptions_test (s) WITH (not_existing_ns.fillfactor=2); ERROR: unrecognized parameter namespace "not_existing_ns" -- Check allowed ranges CREATE INDEX reloptions_test_idx2 ON reloptions_test (s) WITH (fillfactor=1); ERROR: value 1 out of bounds for option "fillfactor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100". CREATE INDEX reloptions_test_idx2 ON reloptions_test (s) WITH (fillfactor=130); ERROR: value 130 out of bounds for option "fillfactor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100". -- Check ALTER ALTER INDEX reloptions_test_idx SET (fillfactor=40); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test_idx'::regclass; reloptions ----------------- {fillfactor=40} (1 row) -- Check ALTER on empty reloption list CREATE INDEX reloptions_test_idx3 ON reloptions_test (s); ALTER INDEX reloptions_test_idx3 SET (fillfactor=40); SELECT reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'reloptions_test_idx3'::regclass; reloptions ----------------- {fillfactor=40} (1 row)