-- -- CREATE SEQUENCE -- -- various error cases CREATE UNLOGGED SEQUENCE sequence_testx; ERROR: unlogged sequences are not supported CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx INCREMENT BY 0; ERROR: INCREMENT must not be zero CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx INCREMENT BY -1 MINVALUE 20; ERROR: MINVALUE (20) must be less than MAXVALUE (-1) CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx INCREMENT BY 1 MAXVALUE -20; ERROR: MINVALUE (1) must be less than MAXVALUE (-20) CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx INCREMENT BY -1 START 10; ERROR: START value (10) cannot be greater than MAXVALUE (-1) CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx INCREMENT BY 1 START -10; ERROR: START value (-10) cannot be less than MINVALUE (1) CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx CACHE 0; ERROR: CACHE (0) must be greater than zero -- OWNED BY errors CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx OWNED BY nobody; -- nonsense word ERROR: invalid OWNED BY option HINT: Specify OWNED BY table.column or OWNED BY NONE. CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx OWNED BY pg_class_oid_index.oid; -- not a table ERROR: referenced relation "pg_class_oid_index" is not a table or foreign table CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx OWNED BY pg_class.relname; -- not same schema ERROR: sequence must be in same schema as table it is linked to CREATE TABLE sequence_test_table (a int); CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx OWNED BY sequence_test_table.b; -- wrong column ERROR: column "b" of relation "sequence_test_table" does not exist DROP TABLE sequence_test_table; -- sequence data types CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test5 AS integer; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test6 AS smallint; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test7 AS bigint; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test8 AS integer MAXVALUE 100000; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test9 AS integer INCREMENT BY -1; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test10 AS integer MINVALUE -100000 START 1; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test11 AS smallint; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test12 AS smallint INCREMENT -1; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test13 AS smallint MINVALUE -32768; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test14 AS smallint MAXVALUE 32767 INCREMENT -1; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx AS text; ERROR: sequence type must be smallint, integer, or bigint CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx AS nosuchtype; ERROR: type "nosuchtype" does not exist LINE 1: CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx AS nosuchtype; ^ CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx AS smallint MAXVALUE 100000; ERROR: MAXVALUE (100000) is out of range for sequence data type smallint CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_testx AS smallint MINVALUE -100000; ERROR: MINVALUE (-100000) is out of range for sequence data type smallint ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test5 AS smallint; -- success, max will be adjusted ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test8 AS smallint; -- fail, max has to be adjusted ERROR: MAXVALUE (100000) is out of range for sequence data type smallint ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test8 AS smallint MAXVALUE 20000; -- ok now ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test9 AS smallint; -- success, min will be adjusted ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test10 AS smallint; -- fail, min has to be adjusted ERROR: MINVALUE (-100000) is out of range for sequence data type smallint ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test10 AS smallint MINVALUE -20000; -- ok now ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test11 AS int; -- max will be adjusted ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test12 AS int; -- min will be adjusted ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test13 AS int; -- min and max will be adjusted ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test14 AS int; -- min and max will be adjusted --- --- test creation of SERIAL column --- CREATE TABLE serialTest1 (f1 text, f2 serial); INSERT INTO serialTest1 VALUES ('foo'); INSERT INTO serialTest1 VALUES ('bar'); INSERT INTO serialTest1 VALUES ('force', 100); INSERT INTO serialTest1 VALUES ('wrong', NULL); ERROR: null value in column "f2" of relation "serialtest1" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (wrong, null). SELECT * FROM serialTest1; f1 | f2 -------+----- foo | 1 bar | 2 force | 100 (3 rows) SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('serialTest1', 'f2'); pg_get_serial_sequence --------------------------- public.serialtest1_f2_seq (1 row) -- test smallserial / bigserial CREATE TABLE serialTest2 (f1 text, f2 serial, f3 smallserial, f4 serial2, f5 bigserial, f6 serial8); INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1) VALUES ('test_defaults'); INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6) VALUES ('test_max_vals', 2147483647, 32767, 32767, 9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807), ('test_min_vals', -2147483648, -32768, -32768, -9223372036854775808, -9223372036854775808); -- All these INSERTs should fail: INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f3) VALUES ('bogus', -32769); ERROR: smallint out of range INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f4) VALUES ('bogus', -32769); ERROR: smallint out of range INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f3) VALUES ('bogus', 32768); ERROR: smallint out of range INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f4) VALUES ('bogus', 32768); ERROR: smallint out of range INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f5) VALUES ('bogus', -9223372036854775809); ERROR: bigint out of range INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f6) VALUES ('bogus', -9223372036854775809); ERROR: bigint out of range INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f5) VALUES ('bogus', 9223372036854775808); ERROR: bigint out of range INSERT INTO serialTest2 (f1, f6) VALUES ('bogus', 9223372036854775808); ERROR: bigint out of range SELECT * FROM serialTest2 ORDER BY f2 ASC; f1 | f2 | f3 | f4 | f5 | f6 ---------------+-------------+--------+--------+----------------------+---------------------- test_min_vals | -2147483648 | -32768 | -32768 | -9223372036854775808 | -9223372036854775808 test_defaults | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 test_max_vals | 2147483647 | 32767 | 32767 | 9223372036854775807 | 9223372036854775807 (3 rows) SELECT nextval('serialTest2_f2_seq'); nextval --------- 2 (1 row) SELECT nextval('serialTest2_f3_seq'); nextval --------- 2 (1 row) SELECT nextval('serialTest2_f4_seq'); nextval --------- 2 (1 row) SELECT nextval('serialTest2_f5_seq'); nextval --------- 2 (1 row) SELECT nextval('serialTest2_f6_seq'); nextval --------- 2 (1 row) -- basic sequence operations using both text and oid references CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test; CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS sequence_test; NOTICE: relation "sequence_test" already exists, skipping SELECT nextval('sequence_test'::text); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test'::regclass); nextval --------- 2 (1 row) SELECT currval('sequence_test'::text); currval --------- 2 (1 row) SELECT currval('sequence_test'::regclass); currval --------- 2 (1 row) SELECT setval('sequence_test'::text, 32); setval -------- 32 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test'::regclass); nextval --------- 33 (1 row) SELECT setval('sequence_test'::text, 99, false); setval -------- 99 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test'::regclass); nextval --------- 99 (1 row) SELECT setval('sequence_test'::regclass, 32); setval -------- 32 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test'::text); nextval --------- 33 (1 row) SELECT setval('sequence_test'::regclass, 99, false); setval -------- 99 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test'::text); nextval --------- 99 (1 row) DISCARD SEQUENCES; SELECT currval('sequence_test'::regclass); ERROR: currval of sequence "sequence_test" is not yet defined in this session DROP SEQUENCE sequence_test; -- renaming sequences CREATE SEQUENCE foo_seq; ALTER TABLE foo_seq RENAME TO foo_seq_new; SELECT * FROM foo_seq_new; last_value | log_cnt | is_called ------------+---------+----------- 1 | 0 | f (1 row) SELECT nextval('foo_seq_new'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) SELECT nextval('foo_seq_new'); nextval --------- 2 (1 row) -- log_cnt can be higher if there is a checkpoint just at the right -- time, so just test for the expected range SELECT last_value, log_cnt IN (31, 32) AS log_cnt_ok, is_called FROM foo_seq_new; last_value | log_cnt_ok | is_called ------------+------------+----------- 2 | t | t (1 row) DROP SEQUENCE foo_seq_new; -- renaming serial sequences ALTER TABLE serialtest1_f2_seq RENAME TO serialtest1_f2_foo; INSERT INTO serialTest1 VALUES ('more'); SELECT * FROM serialTest1; f1 | f2 -------+----- foo | 1 bar | 2 force | 100 more | 3 (4 rows) -- -- Check dependencies of serial and ordinary sequences -- CREATE TEMP SEQUENCE myseq2; CREATE TEMP SEQUENCE myseq3; CREATE TEMP TABLE t1 ( f1 serial, f2 int DEFAULT nextval('myseq2'), f3 int DEFAULT nextval('myseq3'::text) ); -- Both drops should fail, but with different error messages: DROP SEQUENCE t1_f1_seq; ERROR: cannot drop sequence t1_f1_seq because other objects depend on it DETAIL: default value for column f1 of table t1 depends on sequence t1_f1_seq HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. DROP SEQUENCE myseq2; ERROR: cannot drop sequence myseq2 because other objects depend on it DETAIL: default value for column f2 of table t1 depends on sequence myseq2 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. -- This however will work: DROP SEQUENCE myseq3; DROP TABLE t1; -- Fails because no longer existent: DROP SEQUENCE t1_f1_seq; ERROR: sequence "t1_f1_seq" does not exist -- Now OK: DROP SEQUENCE myseq2; -- -- Alter sequence -- ALTER SEQUENCE IF EXISTS sequence_test2 RESTART WITH 24 INCREMENT BY 4 MAXVALUE 36 MINVALUE 5 CYCLE; NOTICE: relation "sequence_test2" does not exist, skipping ALTER SEQUENCE serialTest1 CYCLE; -- error, not a sequence ERROR: "serialtest1" is not a sequence CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test2 START WITH 32; CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test4 INCREMENT BY -1; SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 32 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test4'); nextval --------- -1 (1 row) ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test2 RESTART; SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 32 (1 row) ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test2 RESTART WITH 0; -- error ERROR: RESTART value (0) cannot be less than MINVALUE (1) ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test4 RESTART WITH 40; -- error ERROR: RESTART value (40) cannot be greater than MAXVALUE (-1) -- test CYCLE and NO CYCLE ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test2 RESTART WITH 24 INCREMENT BY 4 MAXVALUE 36 MINVALUE 5 CYCLE; SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 24 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 28 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 32 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 36 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); -- cycled nextval --------- 5 (1 row) ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test2 RESTART WITH 24 NO CYCLE; SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 24 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 28 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 32 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- 36 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); -- error ERROR: nextval: reached maximum value of sequence "sequence_test2" (36) ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test2 RESTART WITH -24 START WITH -24 INCREMENT BY -4 MINVALUE -36 MAXVALUE -5 CYCLE; SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- -24 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- -28 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- -32 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- -36 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); -- cycled nextval --------- -5 (1 row) ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test2 RESTART WITH -24 NO CYCLE; SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- -24 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- -28 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- -32 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); nextval --------- -36 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); -- error ERROR: nextval: reached minimum value of sequence "sequence_test2" (-36) -- reset ALTER SEQUENCE IF EXISTS sequence_test2 RESTART WITH 32 START WITH 32 INCREMENT BY 4 MAXVALUE 36 MINVALUE 5 CYCLE; SELECT setval('sequence_test2', -100); -- error ERROR: setval: value -100 is out of bounds for sequence "sequence_test2" (5..36) SELECT setval('sequence_test2', 100); -- error ERROR: setval: value 100 is out of bounds for sequence "sequence_test2" (5..36) SELECT setval('sequence_test2', 5); setval -------- 5 (1 row) CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_test3; -- not read from, to test is_called -- Information schema SELECT * FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_name ~ ANY(ARRAY['sequence_test', 'serialtest']) ORDER BY sequence_name ASC; sequence_catalog | sequence_schema | sequence_name | data_type | numeric_precision | numeric_precision_radix | numeric_scale | start_value | minimum_value | maximum_value | increment | cycle_option ------------------+-----------------+--------------------+-----------+-------------------+-------------------------+---------------+-------------+----------------------+---------------------+-----------+-------------- regression | public | sequence_test10 | smallint | 16 | 2 | 0 | 1 | -20000 | 32767 | 1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test11 | integer | 32 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test12 | integer | 32 | 2 | 0 | -1 | -2147483648 | -1 | -1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test13 | integer | 32 | 2 | 0 | -32768 | -2147483648 | 2147483647 | 1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test14 | integer | 32 | 2 | 0 | 32767 | -2147483648 | 2147483647 | -1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test2 | bigint | 64 | 2 | 0 | 32 | 5 | 36 | 4 | YES regression | public | sequence_test3 | bigint | 64 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test4 | bigint | 64 | 2 | 0 | -1 | -9223372036854775808 | -1 | -1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test5 | smallint | 16 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 32767 | 1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test6 | smallint | 16 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 32767 | 1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test7 | bigint | 64 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test8 | smallint | 16 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 20000 | 1 | NO regression | public | sequence_test9 | smallint | 16 | 2 | 0 | -1 | -32768 | -1 | -1 | NO regression | public | serialtest1_f2_foo | integer | 32 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | NO regression | public | serialtest2_f2_seq | integer | 32 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | NO regression | public | serialtest2_f3_seq | smallint | 16 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 32767 | 1 | NO regression | public | serialtest2_f4_seq | smallint | 16 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 32767 | 1 | NO regression | public | serialtest2_f5_seq | bigint | 64 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | NO regression | public | serialtest2_f6_seq | bigint | 64 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | NO (19 rows) SELECT schemaname, sequencename, start_value, min_value, max_value, increment_by, cycle, cache_size, last_value FROM pg_sequences WHERE sequencename ~ ANY(ARRAY['sequence_test', 'serialtest']) ORDER BY sequencename ASC; schemaname | sequencename | start_value | min_value | max_value | increment_by | cycle | cache_size | last_value ------------+--------------------+-------------+----------------------+---------------------+--------------+-------+------------+------------ public | sequence_test10 | 1 | -20000 | 32767 | 1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test11 | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test12 | -1 | -2147483648 | -1 | -1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test13 | -32768 | -2147483648 | 2147483647 | 1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test14 | 32767 | -2147483648 | 2147483647 | -1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test2 | 32 | 5 | 36 | 4 | t | 1 | 5 public | sequence_test3 | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test4 | -1 | -9223372036854775808 | -1 | -1 | f | 1 | -1 public | sequence_test5 | 1 | 1 | 32767 | 1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test6 | 1 | 1 | 32767 | 1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test7 | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test8 | 1 | 1 | 20000 | 1 | f | 1 | public | sequence_test9 | -1 | -32768 | -1 | -1 | f | 1 | public | serialtest1_f2_foo | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | f | 1 | 3 public | serialtest2_f2_seq | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | f | 1 | 2 public | serialtest2_f3_seq | 1 | 1 | 32767 | 1 | f | 1 | 2 public | serialtest2_f4_seq | 1 | 1 | 32767 | 1 | f | 1 | 2 public | serialtest2_f5_seq | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | f | 1 | 2 public | serialtest2_f6_seq | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | f | 1 | 2 (19 rows) SELECT * FROM pg_sequence_parameters('sequence_test4'::regclass); start_value | minimum_value | maximum_value | increment | cycle_option | cache_size | data_type -------------+----------------------+---------------+-----------+--------------+------------+----------- -1 | -9223372036854775808 | -1 | -1 | f | 1 | 20 (1 row) \d sequence_test4 Sequence "public.sequence_test4" Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache --------+-------+----------------------+---------+-----------+---------+------- bigint | -1 | -9223372036854775808 | -1 | -1 | no | 1 \d serialtest2_f2_seq Sequence "public.serialtest2_f2_seq" Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache ---------+-------+---------+------------+-----------+---------+------- integer | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | no | 1 Owned by: public.serialtest2.f2 -- Test comments COMMENT ON SEQUENCE asdf IS 'won''t work'; ERROR: relation "asdf" does not exist COMMENT ON SEQUENCE sequence_test2 IS 'will work'; COMMENT ON SEQUENCE sequence_test2 IS NULL; -- Test lastval() CREATE SEQUENCE seq; SELECT nextval('seq'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) SELECT lastval(); lastval --------- 1 (1 row) SELECT setval('seq', 99); setval -------- 99 (1 row) SELECT lastval(); lastval --------- 99 (1 row) DISCARD SEQUENCES; SELECT lastval(); ERROR: lastval is not yet defined in this session CREATE SEQUENCE seq2; SELECT nextval('seq2'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) SELECT lastval(); lastval --------- 1 (1 row) DROP SEQUENCE seq2; -- should fail SELECT lastval(); ERROR: lastval is not yet defined in this session -- Test sequences in read-only transactions CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE sequence_test_temp1; START TRANSACTION READ ONLY; SELECT nextval('sequence_test_temp1'); -- ok nextval --------- 1 (1 row) SELECT nextval('sequence_test2'); -- error ERROR: cannot execute nextval() in a read-only transaction ROLLBACK; START TRANSACTION READ ONLY; SELECT setval('sequence_test_temp1', 1); -- ok setval -------- 1 (1 row) SELECT setval('sequence_test2', 1); -- error ERROR: cannot execute setval() in a read-only transaction ROLLBACK; -- privileges tests CREATE USER regress_seq_user; -- nextval BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT SELECT ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT nextval('seq3'); ERROR: permission denied for sequence seq3 ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT UPDATE ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT USAGE ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) ROLLBACK; -- currval BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT SELECT ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT currval('seq3'); currval --------- 1 (1 row) ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT UPDATE ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT currval('seq3'); ERROR: permission denied for sequence seq3 ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT USAGE ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT currval('seq3'); currval --------- 1 (1 row) ROLLBACK; -- lastval BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT SELECT ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT lastval(); lastval --------- 1 (1 row) ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT UPDATE ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT lastval(); ERROR: permission denied for sequence seq3 ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; GRANT USAGE ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT lastval(); lastval --------- 1 (1 row) ROLLBACK; -- setval BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; CREATE SEQUENCE seq3; REVOKE ALL ON seq3 FROM regress_seq_user; SAVEPOINT save; SELECT setval('seq3', 5); ERROR: permission denied for sequence seq3 ROLLBACK TO save; GRANT UPDATE ON seq3 TO regress_seq_user; SELECT setval('seq3', 5); setval -------- 5 (1 row) SELECT nextval('seq3'); nextval --------- 6 (1 row) ROLLBACK; -- ALTER SEQUENCE BEGIN; SET LOCAL SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_seq_user; ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_test2 START WITH 1; ERROR: must be owner of sequence sequence_test2 ROLLBACK; -- Sequences should get wiped out as well: DROP TABLE serialTest1, serialTest2; -- Make sure sequences are gone: SELECT * FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_name IN ('sequence_test2', 'serialtest2_f2_seq', 'serialtest2_f3_seq', 'serialtest2_f4_seq', 'serialtest2_f5_seq', 'serialtest2_f6_seq') ORDER BY sequence_name ASC; sequence_catalog | sequence_schema | sequence_name | data_type | numeric_precision | numeric_precision_radix | numeric_scale | start_value | minimum_value | maximum_value | increment | cycle_option ------------------+-----------------+----------------+-----------+-------------------+-------------------------+---------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+-----------+-------------- regression | public | sequence_test2 | bigint | 64 | 2 | 0 | 32 | 5 | 36 | 4 | YES (1 row) DROP USER regress_seq_user; DROP SEQUENCE seq; -- cache tests CREATE SEQUENCE test_seq1 CACHE 10; SELECT nextval('test_seq1'); nextval --------- 1 (1 row) SELECT nextval('test_seq1'); nextval --------- 2 (1 row) SELECT nextval('test_seq1'); nextval --------- 3 (1 row) DROP SEQUENCE test_seq1;