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+The Transaction System
+PostgreSQL's transaction system is a three-layer system. The bottom layer
+implements low-level transactions and subtransactions, on top of which rests
+the mainloop's control code, which in turn implements user-visible
+transactions and savepoints.
+The middle layer of code is called by postgres.c before and after the
+processing of each query, or after detecting an error:
+ StartTransactionCommand
+ CommitTransactionCommand
+ AbortCurrentTransaction
+Meanwhile, the user can alter the system's state by issuing the SQL commands
+redirects these calls to the toplevel routines
+ BeginTransactionBlock
+ EndTransactionBlock
+ UserAbortTransactionBlock
+ DefineSavepoint
+ RollbackToSavepoint
+ ReleaseSavepoint
+respectively. Depending on the current state of the system, these functions
+call low level functions to activate the real transaction system:
+ StartTransaction
+ CommitTransaction
+ AbortTransaction
+ CleanupTransaction
+ StartSubTransaction
+ CommitSubTransaction
+ AbortSubTransaction
+ CleanupSubTransaction
+Additionally, within a transaction, CommandCounterIncrement is called to
+increment the command counter, which allows future commands to "see" the
+effects of previous commands within the same transaction. Note that this is
+done automatically by CommitTransactionCommand after each query inside a
+transaction block, but some utility functions also do it internally to allow
+some operations (usually in the system catalogs) to be seen by future
+operations in the same utility command. (For example, in DefineRelation it is
+done after creating the heap so the pg_class row is visible, to be able to
+lock it.)
+For example, consider the following sequence of user commands:
+2) SELECT * FROM foo
+3) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (...)
+In the main processing loop, this results in the following function call
+ / StartTransactionCommand;
+ / StartTransaction;
+1) < ProcessUtility; << BEGIN
+ \ BeginTransactionBlock;
+ \ CommitTransactionCommand;
+ / StartTransactionCommand;
+2) / PortalRunSelect; << SELECT ...
+ \ CommitTransactionCommand;
+ \ CommandCounterIncrement;
+ / StartTransactionCommand;
+3) / ProcessQuery; << INSERT ...
+ \ CommitTransactionCommand;
+ \ CommandCounterIncrement;
+ / StartTransactionCommand;
+ / ProcessUtility; << COMMIT
+4) < EndTransactionBlock;
+ \ CommitTransactionCommand;
+ \ CommitTransaction;
+The point of this example is to demonstrate the need for
+StartTransactionCommand and CommitTransactionCommand to be state smart -- they
+should call CommandCounterIncrement between the calls to BeginTransactionBlock
+and EndTransactionBlock and outside these calls they need to do normal start,
+commit or abort processing.
+Furthermore, suppose the "SELECT * FROM foo" caused an abort condition. In
+this case AbortCurrentTransaction is called, and the transaction is put in
+aborted state. In this state, any user input is ignored except for
+transaction-termination statements, or ROLLBACK TO <savepoint> commands.
+Transaction aborts can occur in two ways:
+1) system dies from some internal cause (syntax error, etc)
+2) user types ROLLBACK
+The reason we have to distinguish them is illustrated by the following two
+ case 1 case 2
+ ------ ------
+1) user types BEGIN 1) user types BEGIN
+2) user does something 2) user does something
+3) user does not like what 3) system aborts for some reason
+ she sees and types ABORT (syntax error, etc)
+In case 1, we want to abort the transaction and return to the default state.
+In case 2, there may be more commands coming our way which are part of the
+same transaction block; we have to ignore these commands until we see a COMMIT
+Internal aborts are handled by AbortCurrentTransaction, while user aborts are
+handled by UserAbortTransactionBlock. Both of them rely on AbortTransaction
+to do all the real work. The only difference is what state we enter after
+AbortTransaction does its work:
+* AbortCurrentTransaction leaves us in TBLOCK_ABORT,
+* UserAbortTransactionBlock leaves us in TBLOCK_ABORT_END
+Low-level transaction abort handling is divided in two phases:
+* AbortTransaction executes as soon as we realize the transaction has
+ failed. It should release all shared resources (locks etc) so that we do
+ not delay other backends unnecessarily.
+* CleanupTransaction executes when we finally see a user COMMIT
+ or ROLLBACK command; it cleans things up and gets us out of the transaction
+ completely. In particular, we mustn't destroy TopTransactionContext until
+ this point.
+Also, note that when a transaction is committed, we don't close it right away.
+Rather it's put in TBLOCK_END state, which means that when
+CommitTransactionCommand is called after the query has finished processing,
+the transaction has to be closed. The distinction is subtle but important,
+because it means that control will leave the xact.c code with the transaction
+open, and the main loop will be able to keep processing inside the same
+transaction. So, in a sense, transaction commit is also handled in two
+phases, the first at EndTransactionBlock and the second at
+CommitTransactionCommand (which is where CommitTransaction is actually
+The rest of the code in xact.c are routines to support the creation and
+finishing of transactions and subtransactions. For example, AtStart_Memory
+takes care of initializing the memory subsystem at main transaction start.
+Subtransaction Handling
+Subtransactions are implemented using a stack of TransactionState structures,
+each of which has a pointer to its parent transaction's struct. When a new
+subtransaction is to be opened, PushTransaction is called, which creates a new
+TransactionState, with its parent link pointing to the current transaction.
+StartSubTransaction is in charge of initializing the new TransactionState to
+sane values, and properly initializing other subsystems (AtSubStart routines).
+When closing a subtransaction, either CommitSubTransaction has to be called
+(if the subtransaction is committing), or AbortSubTransaction and
+CleanupSubTransaction (if it's aborting). In either case, PopTransaction is
+called so the system returns to the parent transaction.
+One important point regarding subtransaction handling is that several may need
+to be closed in response to a single user command. That's because savepoints
+have names, and we allow to commit or rollback a savepoint by name, which is
+not necessarily the one that was last opened. Also a COMMIT or ROLLBACK
+command must be able to close out the entire stack. We handle this by having
+the utility command subroutine mark all the state stack entries as commit-
+pending or abort-pending, and then when the main loop reaches
+CommitTransactionCommand, the real work is done. The main point of doing
+things this way is that if we get an error while popping state stack entries,
+the remaining stack entries still show what we need to do to finish up.
+In the case of ROLLBACK TO <savepoint>, we abort all the subtransactions up
+through the one identified by the savepoint name, and then re-create that
+subtransaction level with the same name. So it's a completely new
+subtransaction as far as the internals are concerned.
+Other subsystems are allowed to start "internal" subtransactions, which are
+handled by BeginInternalSubTransaction. This is to allow implementing
+exception handling, e.g. in PL/pgSQL. ReleaseCurrentSubTransaction and
+RollbackAndReleaseCurrentSubTransaction allows the subsystem to close said
+subtransactions. The main difference between this and the savepoint/release
+path is that we execute the complete state transition immediately in each
+subroutine, rather than deferring some work until CommitTransactionCommand.
+Another difference is that BeginInternalSubTransaction is allowed when no
+explicit transaction block has been established, while DefineSavepoint is not.
+Transaction and Subtransaction Numbering
+Transactions and subtransactions are assigned permanent XIDs only when/if
+they first do something that requires one --- typically, insert/update/delete
+a tuple, though there are a few other places that need an XID assigned.
+If a subtransaction requires an XID, we always first assign one to its
+parent. This maintains the invariant that child transactions have XIDs later
+than their parents, which is assumed in a number of places.
+The subsidiary actions of obtaining a lock on the XID and entering it into
+pg_subtrans and PG_PROC are done at the time it is assigned.
+A transaction that has no XID still needs to be identified for various
+purposes, notably holding locks. For this purpose we assign a "virtual
+transaction ID" or VXID to each top-level transaction. VXIDs are formed from
+two fields, the backendID and a backend-local counter; this arrangement allows
+assignment of a new VXID at transaction start without any contention for
+shared memory. To ensure that a VXID isn't re-used too soon after backend
+exit, we store the last local counter value into shared memory at backend
+exit, and initialize it from the previous value for the same backendID slot
+at backend start. All these counters go back to zero at shared memory
+re-initialization, but that's OK because VXIDs never appear anywhere on-disk.
+Internally, a backend needs a way to identify subtransactions whether or not
+they have XIDs; but this need only lasts as long as the parent top transaction
+endures. Therefore, we have SubTransactionId, which is somewhat like
+CommandId in that it's generated from a counter that we reset at the start of
+each top transaction. The top-level transaction itself has SubTransactionId 1,
+and subtransactions have IDs 2 and up. (Zero is reserved for
+InvalidSubTransactionId.) Note that subtransactions do not have their
+own VXIDs; they use the parent top transaction's VXID.
+Interlocking Transaction Begin, Transaction End, and Snapshots
+We try hard to minimize the amount of overhead and lock contention involved
+in the frequent activities of beginning/ending a transaction and taking a
+snapshot. Unfortunately, we must have some interlocking for this, because
+we must ensure consistency about the commit order of transactions.
+For example, suppose an UPDATE in xact A is blocked by xact B's prior
+update of the same row, and xact B is doing commit while xact C gets a
+snapshot. Xact A can complete and commit as soon as B releases its locks.
+If xact C's GetSnapshotData sees xact B as still running, then it had
+better see xact A as still running as well, or it will be able to see two
+tuple versions - one deleted by xact B and one inserted by xact A. Another
+reason why this would be bad is that C would see (in the row inserted by A)
+earlier changes by B, and it would be inconsistent for C not to see any
+of B's changes elsewhere in the database.
+Formally, the correctness requirement is "if a snapshot A considers
+transaction X as committed, and any of transaction X's snapshots considered
+transaction Y as committed, then snapshot A must consider transaction Y as
+What we actually enforce is strict serialization of commits and rollbacks
+with snapshot-taking: we do not allow any transaction to exit the set of
+running transactions while a snapshot is being taken. (This rule is
+stronger than necessary for consistency, but is relatively simple to
+enforce, and it assists with some other issues as explained below.) The
+implementation of this is that GetSnapshotData takes the ProcArrayLock in
+shared mode (so that multiple backends can take snapshots in parallel),
+but ProcArrayEndTransaction must take the ProcArrayLock in exclusive mode
+while clearing the ProcGlobal->xids[] entry at transaction end (either
+commit or abort). (To reduce context switching, when multiple transactions
+commit nearly simultaneously, we have one backend take ProcArrayLock and
+clear the XIDs of multiple processes at once.)
+ProcArrayEndTransaction also holds the lock while advancing the shared
+latestCompletedXid variable. This allows GetSnapshotData to use
+latestCompletedXid + 1 as xmax for its snapshot: there can be no
+transaction >= this xid value that the snapshot needs to consider as
+In short, then, the rule is that no transaction may exit the set of
+currently-running transactions between the time we fetch latestCompletedXid
+and the time we finish building our snapshot. However, this restriction
+only applies to transactions that have an XID --- read-only transactions
+can end without acquiring ProcArrayLock, since they don't affect anyone
+else's snapshot nor latestCompletedXid.
+Transaction start, per se, doesn't have any interlocking with these
+considerations, since we no longer assign an XID immediately at transaction
+start. But when we do decide to allocate an XID, GetNewTransactionId must
+store the new XID into the shared ProcArray before releasing XidGenLock.
+This ensures that all top-level XIDs <= latestCompletedXid are either
+present in the ProcArray, or not running anymore. (This guarantee doesn't
+apply to subtransaction XIDs, because of the possibility that there's not
+room for them in the subxid array; instead we guarantee that they are
+present or the overflow flag is set.) If a backend released XidGenLock
+before storing its XID into ProcGlobal->xids[], then it would be possible for
+another backend to allocate and commit a later XID, causing latestCompletedXid
+to pass the first backend's XID, before that value became visible in the
+ProcArray. That would break ComputeXidHorizons, as discussed below.
+We allow GetNewTransactionId to store the XID into ProcGlobal->xids[] (or the
+subxid array) without taking ProcArrayLock. This was once necessary to
+avoid deadlock; while that is no longer the case, it's still beneficial for
+performance. We are thereby relying on fetch/store of an XID to be atomic,
+else other backends might see a partially-set XID. This also means that
+readers of the ProcArray xid fields must be careful to fetch a value only
+once, rather than assume they can read it multiple times and get the same
+answer each time. (Use volatile-qualified pointers when doing this, to
+ensure that the C compiler does exactly what you tell it to.)
+Another important activity that uses the shared ProcArray is
+ComputeXidHorizons, which must determine a lower bound for the oldest xmin
+of any active MVCC snapshot, system-wide. Each individual backend
+advertises the smallest xmin of its own snapshots in MyProc->xmin, or zero
+if it currently has no live snapshots (eg, if it's between transactions or
+hasn't yet set a snapshot for a new transaction). ComputeXidHorizons takes
+the MIN() of the valid xmin fields. It does this with only shared lock on
+ProcArrayLock, which means there is a potential race condition against other
+backends doing GetSnapshotData concurrently: we must be certain that a
+concurrent backend that is about to set its xmin does not compute an xmin
+less than what ComputeXidHorizons determines. We ensure that by including
+all the active XIDs into the MIN() calculation, along with the valid xmins.
+The rule that transactions can't exit without taking exclusive ProcArrayLock
+ensures that concurrent holders of shared ProcArrayLock will compute the
+same minimum of currently-active XIDs: no xact, in particular not the
+oldest, can exit while we hold shared ProcArrayLock. So
+ComputeXidHorizons's view of the minimum active XID will be the same as that
+of any concurrent GetSnapshotData, and so it can't produce an overestimate.
+If there is no active transaction at all, ComputeXidHorizons uses
+latestCompletedXid + 1, which is a lower bound for the xmin that might
+be computed by concurrent or later GetSnapshotData calls. (We know that no
+XID less than this could be about to appear in the ProcArray, because of the
+XidGenLock interlock discussed above.)
+As GetSnapshotData is performance critical, it does not perform an accurate
+oldest-xmin calculation (it used to, until v14). The contents of a snapshot
+only depend on the xids of other backends, not their xmin. As backend's xmin
+changes much more often than its xid, having GetSnapshotData look at xmins
+can lead to a lot of unnecessary cacheline ping-pong. Instead
+GetSnapshotData updates approximate thresholds (one that guarantees that all
+deleted rows older than it can be removed, another determining that deleted
+rows newer than it can not be removed). GlobalVisTest* uses those thresholds
+to make invisibility decision, falling back to ComputeXidHorizons if
+Note that while it is certain that two concurrent executions of
+GetSnapshotData will compute the same xmin for their own snapshots, there is
+no such guarantee for the horizons computed by ComputeXidHorizons. This is
+because we allow XID-less transactions to clear their MyProc->xmin
+asynchronously (without taking ProcArrayLock), so one execution might see
+what had been the oldest xmin, and another not. This is OK since the
+thresholds need only be a valid lower bound. As noted above, we are already
+assuming that fetch/store of the xid fields is atomic, so assuming it for
+xmin as well is no extra risk.
+pg_xact and pg_subtrans
+pg_xact and pg_subtrans are permanent (on-disk) storage of transaction related
+information. There is a limited number of pages of each kept in memory, so
+in many cases there is no need to actually read from disk. However, if
+there's a long running transaction or a backend sitting idle with an open
+transaction, it may be necessary to be able to read and write this information
+from disk. They also allow information to be permanent across server restarts.
+pg_xact records the commit status for each transaction that has been assigned
+an XID. A transaction can be in progress, committed, aborted, or
+"sub-committed". This last state means that it's a subtransaction that's no
+longer running, but its parent has not updated its state yet. It is not
+necessary to update a subtransaction's transaction status to subcommit, so we
+can just defer it until main transaction commit. The main role of marking
+transactions as sub-committed is to provide an atomic commit protocol when
+transaction status is spread across multiple clog pages. As a result, whenever
+transaction status spreads across multiple pages we must use a two-phase commit
+protocol: the first phase is to mark the subtransactions as sub-committed, then
+we mark the top level transaction and all its subtransactions committed (in
+that order). Thus, subtransactions that have not aborted appear as in-progress
+even when they have already finished, and the subcommit status appears as a
+very short transitory state during main transaction commit. Subtransaction
+abort is always marked in clog as soon as it occurs. When the transaction
+status all fit in a single CLOG page, we atomically mark them all as committed
+without bothering with the intermediate sub-commit state.
+Savepoints are implemented using subtransactions. A subtransaction is a
+transaction inside a transaction; its commit or abort status is not only
+dependent on whether it committed itself, but also whether its parent
+transaction committed. To implement multiple savepoints in a transaction we
+allow unlimited transaction nesting depth, so any particular subtransaction's
+commit state is dependent on the commit status of each and every ancestor
+The "subtransaction parent" (pg_subtrans) mechanism records, for each
+transaction with an XID, the TransactionId of its parent transaction. This
+information is stored as soon as the subtransaction is assigned an XID.
+Top-level transactions do not have a parent, so they leave their pg_subtrans
+entries set to the default value of zero (InvalidTransactionId).
+pg_subtrans is used to check whether the transaction in question is still
+running --- the main Xid of a transaction is recorded in ProcGlobal->xids[],
+with a copy in PGPROC->xid, but since we allow arbitrary nesting of
+subtransactions, we can't fit all Xids in shared memory, so we have to store
+them on disk. Note, however, that for each transaction we keep a "cache" of
+Xids that are known to be part of the transaction tree, so we can skip looking
+at pg_subtrans unless we know the cache has been overflowed. See
+storage/ipc/procarray.c for the gory details.
+slru.c is the supporting mechanism for both pg_xact and pg_subtrans. It
+implements the LRU policy for in-memory buffer pages. The high-level routines
+for pg_xact are implemented in transam.c, while the low-level functions are in
+clog.c. pg_subtrans is contained completely in subtrans.c.
+Write-Ahead Log Coding
+The WAL subsystem (also called XLOG in the code) exists to guarantee crash
+recovery. It can also be used to provide point-in-time recovery, as well as
+hot-standby replication via log shipping. Here are some notes about
+non-obvious aspects of its design.
+A basic assumption of a write AHEAD log is that log entries must reach stable
+storage before the data-page changes they describe. This ensures that
+replaying the log to its end will bring us to a consistent state where there
+are no partially-performed transactions. To guarantee this, each data page
+(either heap or index) is marked with the LSN (log sequence number --- in
+practice, a WAL file location) of the latest XLOG record affecting the page.
+Before the bufmgr can write out a dirty page, it must ensure that xlog has
+been flushed to disk at least up to the page's LSN. This low-level
+interaction improves performance by not waiting for XLOG I/O until necessary.
+The LSN check exists only in the shared-buffer manager, not in the local
+buffer manager used for temp tables; hence operations on temp tables must not
+be WAL-logged.
+During WAL replay, we can check the LSN of a page to detect whether the change
+recorded by the current log entry is already applied (it has been, if the page
+LSN is >= the log entry's WAL location).
+Usually, log entries contain just enough information to redo a single
+incremental update on a page (or small group of pages). This will work only
+if the filesystem and hardware implement data page writes as atomic actions,
+so that a page is never left in a corrupt partly-written state. Since that's
+often an untenable assumption in practice, we log additional information to
+allow complete reconstruction of modified pages. The first WAL record
+affecting a given page after a checkpoint is made to contain a copy of the
+entire page, and we implement replay by restoring that page copy instead of
+redoing the update. (This is more reliable than the data storage itself would
+be because we can check the validity of the WAL record's CRC.) We can detect
+the "first change after checkpoint" by noting whether the page's old LSN
+precedes the end of WAL as of the last checkpoint (the RedoRecPtr).
+The general schema for executing a WAL-logged action is
+1. Pin and exclusive-lock the shared buffer(s) containing the data page(s)
+to be modified.
+2. START_CRIT_SECTION() (Any error during the next three steps must cause a
+PANIC because the shared buffers will contain unlogged changes, which we
+have to ensure don't get to disk. Obviously, you should check conditions
+such as whether there's enough free space on the page before you start the
+critical section.)
+3. Apply the required changes to the shared buffer(s).
+4. Mark the shared buffer(s) as dirty with MarkBufferDirty(). (This must
+happen before the WAL record is inserted; see notes in SyncOneBuffer().)
+Note that marking a buffer dirty with MarkBufferDirty() should only
+happen iff you write a WAL record; see Writing Hints below.
+5. If the relation requires WAL-logging, build a WAL record using
+XLogBeginInsert and XLogRegister* functions, and insert it. (See
+"Constructing a WAL record" below). Then update the page's LSN using the
+returned XLOG location. For instance,
+ XLogBeginInsert();
+ XLogRegisterBuffer(...)
+ XLogRegisterData(...)
+ recptr = XLogInsert(rmgr_id, info);
+ PageSetLSN(dp, recptr);
+7. Unlock and unpin the buffer(s).
+Complex changes (such as a multilevel index insertion) normally need to be
+described by a series of atomic-action WAL records. The intermediate states
+must be self-consistent, so that if the replay is interrupted between any
+two actions, the system is fully functional. In btree indexes, for example,
+a page split requires a new page to be allocated, and an insertion of a new
+key in the parent btree level, but for locking reasons this has to be
+reflected by two separate WAL records. Replaying the first record, to
+allocate the new page and move tuples to it, sets a flag on the page to
+indicate that the key has not been inserted to the parent yet. Replaying the
+second record clears the flag. This intermediate state is never seen by
+other backends during normal operation, because the lock on the child page
+is held across the two actions, but will be seen if the operation is
+interrupted before writing the second WAL record. The search algorithm works
+with the intermediate state as normal, but if an insertion encounters a page
+with the incomplete-split flag set, it will finish the interrupted split by
+inserting the key to the parent, before proceeding.
+Constructing a WAL record
+A WAL record consists of a header common to all WAL record types,
+record-specific data, and information about the data blocks modified. Each
+modified data block is identified by an ID number, and can optionally have
+more record-specific data associated with the block. If XLogInsert decides
+that a full-page image of a block needs to be taken, the data associated
+with that block is not included.
+The API for constructing a WAL record consists of five functions:
+XLogBeginInsert, XLogRegisterBuffer, XLogRegisterData, XLogRegisterBufData,
+and XLogInsert. First, call XLogBeginInsert(). Then register all the buffers
+modified, and data needed to replay the changes, using XLogRegister*
+functions. Finally, insert the constructed record to the WAL by calling
+ XLogBeginInsert();
+ /* register buffers modified as part of this WAL-logged action */
+ XLogRegisterBuffer(0, lbuffer, REGBUF_STANDARD);
+ XLogRegisterBuffer(1, rbuffer, REGBUF_STANDARD);
+ /* register data that is always included in the WAL record */
+ XLogRegisterData(&xlrec, SizeOfFictionalAction);
+ /*
+ * register data associated with a buffer. This will not be included
+ * in the record if a full-page image is taken.
+ */
+ XLogRegisterBufData(0, tuple->data, tuple->len);
+ /* more data associated with the buffer */
+ XLogRegisterBufData(0, data2, len2);
+ /*
+ * Ok, all the data and buffers to include in the WAL record have
+ * been registered. Insert the record.
+ */
+ recptr = XLogInsert(RM_FOO_ID, XLOG_FOOBAR_DO_STUFF);
+Details of the API functions:
+void XLogBeginInsert(void)
+ Must be called before XLogRegisterBuffer and XLogRegisterData.
+void XLogResetInsertion(void)
+ Clear any currently registered data and buffers from the WAL record
+ construction workspace. This is only needed if you have already called
+ XLogBeginInsert(), but decide to not insert the record after all.
+void XLogEnsureRecordSpace(int max_block_id, int ndatas)
+ Normally, the WAL record construction buffers have the following limits:
+ * highest block ID that can be used is 4 (allowing five block references)
+ * Max 20 chunks of registered data
+ These default limits are enough for most record types that change some
+ on-disk structures. For the odd case that requires more data, or needs to
+ modify more buffers, these limits can be raised by calling
+ XLogEnsureRecordSpace(). XLogEnsureRecordSpace() must be called before
+ XLogBeginInsert(), and outside a critical section.
+void XLogRegisterBuffer(uint8 block_id, Buffer buf, uint8 flags);
+ XLogRegisterBuffer adds information about a data block to the WAL record.
+ block_id is an arbitrary number used to identify this page reference in
+ the redo routine. The information needed to re-find the page at redo -
+ relfilenode, fork, and block number - are included in the WAL record.
+ XLogInsert will automatically include a full copy of the page contents, if
+ this is the first modification of the buffer since the last checkpoint.
+ It is important to register every buffer modified by the action with
+ XLogRegisterBuffer, to avoid torn-page hazards.
+ The flags control when and how the buffer contents are included in the
+ WAL record. Normally, a full-page image is taken only if the page has not
+ been modified since the last checkpoint, and only if full_page_writes=on
+ or an online backup is in progress. The REGBUF_FORCE_IMAGE flag can be
+ used to force a full-page image to always be included; that is useful
+ e.g. for an operation that rewrites most of the page, so that tracking the
+ details is not worth it. For the rare case where it is not necessary to
+ protect from torn pages, REGBUF_NO_IMAGE flag can be used to suppress
+ full page image from being taken. REGBUF_WILL_INIT also suppresses a full
+ page image, but the redo routine must re-generate the page from scratch,
+ without looking at the old page contents. Re-initializing the page
+ protects from torn page hazards like a full page image does.
+ The REGBUF_STANDARD flag can be specified together with the other flags to
+ indicate that the page follows the standard page layout. It causes the
+ area between pd_lower and pd_upper to be left out from the image, reducing
+ WAL volume.
+ If the REGBUF_KEEP_DATA flag is given, any per-buffer data registered with
+ XLogRegisterBufData() is included in the WAL record even if a full-page
+ image is taken.
+void XLogRegisterData(char *data, int len);
+ XLogRegisterData is used to include arbitrary data in the WAL record. If
+ XLogRegisterData() is called multiple times, the data are appended, and
+ will be made available to the redo routine as one contiguous chunk.
+void XLogRegisterBufData(uint8 block_id, char *data, int len);
+ XLogRegisterBufData is used to include data associated with a particular
+ buffer that was registered earlier with XLogRegisterBuffer(). If
+ XLogRegisterBufData() is called multiple times with the same block ID, the
+ data are appended, and will be made available to the redo routine as one
+ contiguous chunk.
+ If a full-page image of the buffer is taken at insertion, the data is not
+ included in the WAL record, unless the REGBUF_KEEP_DATA flag is used.
+Writing a REDO routine
+A REDO routine uses the data and page references included in the WAL record
+to reconstruct the new state of the page. The record decoding functions
+and macros in xlogreader.c/h can be used to extract the data from the record.
+When replaying a WAL record that describes changes on multiple pages, you
+must be careful to lock the pages properly to prevent concurrent Hot Standby
+queries from seeing an inconsistent state. If this requires that two
+or more buffer locks be held concurrently, you must lock the pages in
+appropriate order, and not release the locks until all the changes are done.
+Note that we must only use PageSetLSN/PageGetLSN() when we know the action
+is serialised. Only Startup process may modify data blocks during recovery,
+so Startup process may execute PageGetLSN() without fear of serialisation
+problems. All other processes must only call PageSet/GetLSN when holding
+either an exclusive buffer lock or a shared lock plus buffer header lock,
+or be writing the data block directly rather than through shared buffers
+while holding AccessExclusiveLock on the relation.
+Writing Hints
+In some cases, we write additional information to data blocks without
+writing a preceding WAL record. This should only happen iff the data can
+be reconstructed later following a crash and the action is simply a way
+of optimising for performance. When a hint is written we use
+MarkBufferDirtyHint() to mark the block dirty.
+If the buffer is clean and checksums are in use then MarkBufferDirtyHint()
+inserts an XLOG_FPI_FOR_HINT record to ensure that we take a full page image
+that includes the hint. We do this to avoid a partial page write, when we
+write the dirtied page. WAL is not written during recovery, so we simply skip
+dirtying blocks because of hints when in recovery.
+If you do decide to optimise away a WAL record, then any calls to
+MarkBufferDirty() must be replaced by MarkBufferDirtyHint(),
+otherwise you will expose the risk of partial page writes.
+Write-Ahead Logging for Filesystem Actions
+The previous section described how to WAL-log actions that only change page
+contents within shared buffers. For that type of action it is generally
+possible to check all likely error cases (such as insufficient space on the
+page) before beginning to make the actual change. Therefore we can make
+the change and the creation of the associated WAL log record "atomic" by
+wrapping them into a critical section --- the odds of failure partway
+through are low enough that PANIC is acceptable if it does happen.
+Clearly, that approach doesn't work for cases where there's a significant
+probability of failure within the action to be logged, such as creation
+of a new file or database. We don't want to PANIC, and we especially don't
+want to PANIC after having already written a WAL record that says we did
+the action --- if we did, replay of the record would probably fail again
+and PANIC again, making the failure unrecoverable. This means that the
+ordinary WAL rule of "write WAL before the changes it describes" doesn't
+work, and we need a different design for such cases.
+There are several basic types of filesystem actions that have this
+issue. Here is how we deal with each:
+1. Adding a disk page to an existing table.
+This action isn't WAL-logged at all. We extend a table by writing a page
+of zeroes at its end. We must actually do this write so that we are sure
+the filesystem has allocated the space. If the write fails we can just
+error out normally. Once the space is known allocated, we can initialize
+and fill the page via one or more normal WAL-logged actions. Because it's
+possible that we crash between extending the file and writing out the WAL
+entries, we have to treat discovery of an all-zeroes page in a table or
+index as being a non-error condition. In such cases we can just reclaim
+the space for re-use.
+2. Creating a new table, which requires a new file in the filesystem.
+We try to create the file, and if successful we make a WAL record saying
+we did it. If not successful, we can just throw an error. Notice that
+there is a window where we have created the file but not yet written any
+WAL about it to disk. If we crash during this window, the file remains
+on disk as an "orphan". It would be possible to clean up such orphans
+by having database restart search for files that don't have any committed
+entry in pg_class, but that currently isn't done because of the possibility
+of deleting data that is useful for forensic analysis of the crash.
+Orphan files are harmless --- at worst they waste a bit of disk space ---
+because we check for on-disk collisions when allocating new relfilenode
+OIDs. So cleaning up isn't really necessary.
+3. Deleting a table, which requires an unlink() that could fail.
+Our approach here is to WAL-log the operation first, but to treat failure
+of the actual unlink() call as a warning rather than error condition.
+Again, this can leave an orphan file behind, but that's cheap compared to
+the alternatives. Since we can't actually do the unlink() until after
+we've committed the DROP TABLE transaction, throwing an error would be out
+of the question anyway. (It may be worth noting that the WAL entry about
+the file deletion is actually part of the commit record for the dropping
+4. Creating and deleting databases and tablespaces, which requires creating
+and deleting directories and entire directory trees.
+These cases are handled similarly to creating individual files, ie, we
+try to do the action first and then write a WAL entry if it succeeded.
+The potential amount of wasted disk space is rather larger, of course.
+In the creation case we try to delete the directory tree again if creation
+fails, so as to reduce the risk of wasted space. Failure partway through
+a deletion operation results in a corrupt database: the DROP failed, but
+some of the data is gone anyway. There is little we can do about that,
+though, and in any case it was presumably data the user no longer wants.
+In all of these cases, if WAL replay fails to redo the original action
+we must panic and abort recovery. The DBA will have to manually clean up
+(for instance, free up some disk space or fix directory permissions) and
+then restart recovery. This is part of the reason for not writing a WAL
+entry until we've successfully done the original action.
+Skipping WAL for New RelFileNode
+Under wal_level=minimal, if a change modifies a relfilenode that ROLLBACK
+would unlink, in-tree access methods write no WAL for that change. Code that
+writes WAL without calling RelationNeedsWAL() must check for this case. This
+skipping is mandatory. If a WAL-writing change preceded a WAL-skipping change
+for the same block, REDO could overwrite the WAL-skipping change. If a
+WAL-writing change followed a WAL-skipping change for the same block, a
+related problem would arise. When a WAL record contains no full-page image,
+REDO expects the page to match its contents from just before record insertion.
+A WAL-skipping change may not reach disk at all, violating REDO's expectation
+under full_page_writes=off. For any access method, CommitTransaction() writes
+and fsyncs affected blocks before recording the commit.
+Prefer to do the same in future access methods. However, two other approaches
+can work. First, an access method can irreversibly transition a given fork
+from WAL-skipping to WAL-writing by calling FlushRelationBuffers() and
+smgrimmedsync(). Second, an access method can opt to write WAL
+unconditionally for permanent relations. Under these approaches, the access
+method callbacks must not call functions that react to RelationNeedsWAL().
+This applies only to WAL records whose replay would modify bytes stored in the
+new relfilenode. It does not apply to other records about the relfilenode,
+such as XLOG_SMGR_CREATE. Because it operates at the level of individual
+relfilenodes, RelationNeedsWAL() can differ for tightly-coupled relations.
+Consider "CREATE TABLE t (); BEGIN; ALTER TABLE t ADD c text; ..." in which
+ALTER TABLE adds a TOAST relation. The TOAST relation will skip WAL, while
+the table owning it will not. ALTER TABLE SET TABLESPACE will cause a table
+to skip WAL, but that won't affect its indexes.
+Asynchronous Commit
+As of PostgreSQL 8.3 it is possible to perform asynchronous commits - i.e.,
+we don't wait while the WAL record for the commit is fsync'ed.
+We perform an asynchronous commit when synchronous_commit = off. Instead
+of performing an XLogFlush() up to the LSN of the commit, we merely note
+the LSN in shared memory. The backend then continues with other work.
+We record the LSN only for an asynchronous commit, not an abort; there's
+never any need to flush an abort record, since the presumption after a
+crash would be that the transaction aborted anyway.
+We always force synchronous commit when the transaction is deleting
+relations, to ensure the commit record is down to disk before the relations
+are removed from the filesystem. Also, certain utility commands that have
+non-roll-backable side effects (such as filesystem changes) force sync
+commit to minimize the window in which the filesystem change has been made
+but the transaction isn't guaranteed committed.
+The walwriter regularly wakes up (via wal_writer_delay) or is woken up
+(via its latch, which is set by backends committing asynchronously) and
+performs an XLogBackgroundFlush(). This checks the location of the last
+completely filled WAL page. If that has moved forwards, then we write all
+the changed buffers up to that point, so that under full load we write
+only whole buffers. If there has been a break in activity and the current
+WAL page is the same as before, then we find out the LSN of the most
+recent asynchronous commit, and write up to that point, if required (i.e.
+if it's in the current WAL page). If more than wal_writer_delay has
+passed, or more than wal_writer_flush_after blocks have been written, since
+the last flush, WAL is also flushed up to the current location. This
+arrangement in itself would guarantee that an async commit record reaches
+disk after at most two times wal_writer_delay after the transaction
+completes. However, we also allow XLogFlush to write/flush full buffers
+"flexibly" (ie, not wrapping around at the end of the circular WAL buffer
+area), so as to minimize the number of writes issued under high load when
+multiple WAL pages are filled per walwriter cycle. This makes the worst-case
+delay three wal_writer_delay cycles.
+There are some other subtle points to consider with asynchronous commits.
+First, for each page of CLOG we must remember the LSN of the latest commit
+affecting the page, so that we can enforce the same flush-WAL-before-write
+rule that we do for ordinary relation pages. Otherwise the record of the
+commit might reach disk before the WAL record does. Again, abort records
+need not factor into this consideration.
+In fact, we store more than one LSN for each clog page. This relates to
+the way we set transaction status hint bits during visibility tests.
+We must not set a transaction-committed hint bit on a relation page and
+have that record make it to disk prior to the WAL record of the commit.
+Since visibility tests are normally made while holding buffer share locks,
+we do not have the option of changing the page's LSN to guarantee WAL
+synchronization. Instead, we defer the setting of the hint bit if we have
+not yet flushed WAL as far as the LSN associated with the transaction.
+This requires tracking the LSN of each unflushed async commit. It is
+convenient to associate this data with clog buffers: because we will flush
+WAL before writing a clog page, we know that we do not need to remember a
+transaction's LSN longer than the clog page holding its commit status
+remains in memory. However, the naive approach of storing an LSN for each
+clog position is unattractive: the LSNs are 32x bigger than the two-bit
+commit status fields, and so we'd need 256K of additional shared memory for
+each 8K clog buffer page. We choose instead to store a smaller number of
+LSNs per page, where each LSN is the highest LSN associated with any
+transaction commit in a contiguous range of transaction IDs on that page.
+This saves storage at the price of some possibly-unnecessary delay in
+setting transaction hint bits.
+How many transactions should share the same cached LSN (N)? If the
+system's workload consists only of small async-commit transactions, then
+it's reasonable to have N similar to the number of transactions per
+walwriter cycle, since that is the granularity with which transactions will
+become truly committed (and thus hintable) anyway. The worst case is where
+a sync-commit xact shares a cached LSN with an async-commit xact that
+commits a bit later; even though we paid to sync the first xact to disk,
+we won't be able to hint its outputs until the second xact is sync'd, up to
+three walwriter cycles later. This argues for keeping N (the group size)
+as small as possible. For the moment we are setting the group size to 32,
+which makes the LSN cache space the same size as the actual clog buffer
+space (independently of BLCKSZ).
+It is useful that we can run both synchronous and asynchronous commit
+transactions concurrently, but the safety of this is perhaps not
+immediately obvious. Assume we have two transactions, T1 and T2. The Log
+Sequence Number (LSN) is the point in the WAL sequence where a transaction
+commit is recorded, so LSN1 and LSN2 are the commit records of those
+transactions. If T2 can see changes made by T1 then when T2 commits it
+must be true that LSN2 follows LSN1. Thus when T2 commits it is certain
+that all of the changes made by T1 are also now recorded in the WAL. This
+is true whether T1 was asynchronous or synchronous. As a result, it is
+safe for asynchronous commits and synchronous commits to work concurrently
+without endangering data written by synchronous commits. Sub-transactions
+are not important here since the final write to disk only occurs at the
+commit of the top level transaction.
+Changes to data blocks cannot reach disk unless WAL is flushed up to the
+point of the LSN of the data blocks. Any attempt to write unsafe data to
+disk will trigger a write which ensures the safety of all data written by
+that and prior transactions. Data blocks and clog pages are both protected
+by LSNs.
+Changes to a temp table are not WAL-logged, hence could reach disk in
+advance of T1's commit, but we don't care since temp table contents don't
+survive crashes anyway.
+Database writes that skip WAL for new relfilenodes are also safe. In these
+cases it's entirely possible for the data to reach disk before T1's commit,
+because T1 will fsync it down to disk without any sort of interlock. However,
+all these paths are designed to write data that no other transaction can see
+until after T1 commits. The situation is thus not different from ordinary
+WAL-logged updates.
+Transaction Emulation during Recovery
+During Recovery we replay transaction changes in the order they occurred.
+As part of this replay we emulate some transactional behaviour, so that
+read only backends can take MVCC snapshots. We do this by maintaining a
+list of XIDs belonging to transactions that are being replayed, so that
+each transaction that has recorded WAL records for database writes exist
+in the array until it commits. Further details are given in comments in
+Many actions write no WAL records at all, for example read only transactions.
+These have no effect on MVCC in recovery and we can pretend they never
+occurred at all. Subtransaction commit does not write a WAL record either
+and has very little effect, since lock waiters need to wait for the
+parent transaction to complete.
+Not all transactional behaviour is emulated, for example we do not insert
+a transaction entry into the lock table, nor do we maintain the transaction
+stack in memory. Clog, multixact and commit_ts entries are made normally.
+Subtrans is maintained during recovery but the details of the transaction
+tree are ignored and all subtransactions reference the top-level TransactionId
+directly. Since commit is atomic this provides correct lock wait behaviour
+yet simplifies emulation of subtransactions considerably.
+Further details on locking mechanics in recovery are given in comments
+with the Lock rmgr code.