path: root/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/')
1 files changed, 698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ b/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dee6b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+# src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/
+# parser generator for ecpg version 2
+# call with backend parser as stdin
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+# Written by Mike Aubury <>
+# Michael Meskes <>
+# Andy Colson <>
+# Placed under the same license as PostgreSQL.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+no warnings 'uninitialized';
+my $path = shift @ARGV;
+$path = "." unless $path;
+my $copymode = 0;
+my $brace_indent = 0;
+my $yaccmode = 0;
+my $in_rule = 0;
+my $header_included = 0;
+my $feature_not_supported = 0;
+my $tokenmode = 0;
+my (%buff, $infield, $comment, %tokens, %addons);
+my ($stmt_mode, @fields);
+my ($line, $non_term_id);
+# some token have to be replaced by other symbols
+# either in the rule
+my %replace_token = (
+ 'BCONST' => 'ecpg_bconst',
+ 'FCONST' => 'ecpg_fconst',
+ 'Sconst' => 'ecpg_sconst',
+ 'XCONST' => 'ecpg_xconst',
+ 'IDENT' => 'ecpg_ident',
+ 'PARAM' => 'ecpg_param',);
+# or in the block
+my %replace_string = (
+ 'NOT_LA' => 'not',
+ 'NULLS_LA' => 'nulls',
+ 'WITH_LA' => 'with',
+ 'TYPECAST' => '::',
+ 'DOT_DOT' => '..',
+ 'COLON_EQUALS' => ':=',
+ 'EQUALS_GREATER' => '=>',
+ 'LESS_EQUALS' => '<=',
+ 'GREATER_EQUALS' => '>=',
+ 'NOT_EQUALS' => '<>',);
+# specific replace_types for specific non-terminals - never include the ':'
+# ECPG-only replace_types are defined in ecpg-replace_types
+my %replace_types = (
+ 'PrepareStmt' => '<prep>',
+ 'ExecuteStmt' => '<exec>',
+ 'opt_array_bounds' => '<index>',
+ # "ignore" means: do not create type and rules for this non-term-id
+ 'parse_toplevel' => 'ignore',
+ 'stmtmulti' => 'ignore',
+ 'CreateAsStmt' => 'ignore',
+ 'DeallocateStmt' => 'ignore',
+ 'ColId' => 'ignore',
+ 'type_function_name' => 'ignore',
+ 'ColLabel' => 'ignore',
+ 'Sconst' => 'ignore',
+ 'opt_distinct_clause' => 'ignore',
+ 'PLpgSQL_Expr' => 'ignore',
+ 'PLAssignStmt' => 'ignore',
+ 'plassign_target' => 'ignore',
+ 'plassign_equals' => 'ignore',);
+# these replace_line commands excise certain keywords from the core keyword
+# lists. Be sure to account for these in ColLabel and related productions.
+my %replace_line = (
+ 'unreserved_keywordCONNECTION' => 'ignore',
+ 'unreserved_keywordCURRENT_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'unreserved_keywordDAY_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'unreserved_keywordHOUR_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'unreserved_keywordINPUT_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'unreserved_keywordMINUTE_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'unreserved_keywordMONTH_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'unreserved_keywordSECOND_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'unreserved_keywordYEAR_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'col_name_keywordCHAR_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'col_name_keywordINT_P' => 'ignore',
+ 'col_name_keywordVALUES' => 'ignore',
+ 'reserved_keywordTO' => 'ignore',
+ 'reserved_keywordUNION' => 'ignore',
+ # some other production rules have to be ignored or replaced
+ 'fetch_argsFORWARDopt_from_incursor_name' => 'ignore',
+ 'fetch_argsBACKWARDopt_from_incursor_name' => 'ignore',
+ "opt_array_boundsopt_array_bounds'['Iconst']'" => 'ignore',
+ 'VariableShowStmtSHOWvar_name' => 'SHOW var_name ecpg_into',
+ 'VariableShowStmtSHOWTIMEZONE' => 'SHOW TIME ZONE ecpg_into',
+ 'returning_clauseRETURNINGtarget_list' =>
+ 'RETURNING target_list opt_ecpg_into',
+ 'ExecuteStmtEXECUTEnameexecute_param_clause' =>
+ 'EXECUTE prepared_name execute_param_clause execute_rest',
+ 'ExecuteStmtCREATEOptTempTABLEcreate_as_targetASEXECUTEnameexecute_param_clauseopt_with_data'
+ => 'CREATE OptTemp TABLE create_as_target AS EXECUTE prepared_name execute_param_clause opt_with_data execute_rest',
+ 'ExecuteStmtCREATEOptTempTABLEIF_PNOTEXISTScreate_as_targetASEXECUTEnameexecute_param_clauseopt_with_data'
+ => 'CREATE OptTemp TABLE IF_P NOT EXISTS create_as_target AS EXECUTE prepared_name execute_param_clause opt_with_data execute_rest',
+ 'PrepareStmtPREPAREnameprep_type_clauseASPreparableStmt' =>
+ 'PREPARE prepared_name prep_type_clause AS PreparableStmt',
+ 'var_nameColId' => 'ECPGColId');
+print '%%', "\n";
+print 'prog: statements;', "\n";
+include_file('trailer', 'ecpg.trailer');
+sub main
+ line: while (<>)
+ {
+ {
+ $feature_not_supported = 1;
+ next line;
+ }
+ chomp;
+ # comment out the line below to make the result file match (blank line wise)
+ # the prior version.
+ #next if ($_ eq '');
+ # Dump the action for a rule -
+ # stmt_mode indicates if we are processing the 'stmt:'
+ # rule (mode==0 means normal, mode==1 means stmt:)
+ # flds are the fields to use. These may start with a '$' - in
+ # which case they are the result of a previous non-terminal
+ #
+ # if they don't start with a '$' then they are token name
+ #
+ # len is the number of fields in flds...
+ # leadin is the padding to apply at the beginning (just use for formatting)
+ if (/^%%/)
+ {
+ $tokenmode = 2;
+ $copymode = 1;
+ $yaccmode++;
+ $infield = 0;
+ }
+ my $prec = 0;
+ # Make sure any braces are split
+ s/{/ { /g;
+ s/}/ } /g;
+ # Any comments are split
+ s|\/\*| /* |g;
+ s|\*\/| */ |g;
+ # Now split the line into individual fields
+ my @arr = split(' ');
+ if ($arr[0] eq '%token' && $tokenmode == 0)
+ {
+ $tokenmode = 1;
+ include_file('tokens', 'ecpg.tokens');
+ }
+ elsif ($arr[0] eq '%type' && $header_included == 0)
+ {
+ include_file('header', 'ecpg.header');
+ include_file('ecpgtype', 'ecpg.type');
+ $header_included = 1;
+ }
+ if ($tokenmode == 1)
+ {
+ my $str = '';
+ my $prior = '';
+ for my $a (@arr)
+ {
+ if ($a eq '/*')
+ {
+ $comment++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($a eq '*/')
+ {
+ $comment--;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($comment)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ if (substr($a, 0, 1) eq '<')
+ {
+ next;
+ # its a type
+ }
+ $tokens{$a} = 1;
+ $str = $str . ' ' . $a;
+ if ($a eq 'IDENT' && $prior eq '%nonassoc')
+ {
+ # add more tokens to the list
+ $str = $str . "\n%nonassoc CSTRING";
+ }
+ $prior = $a;
+ }
+ add_to_buffer('orig_tokens', $str);
+ next line;
+ }
+ # Don't worry about anything if we're not in the right section of gram.y
+ if ($yaccmode != 1)
+ {
+ next line;
+ }
+ # Go through each field in turn
+ for (
+ my $fieldIndexer = 0;
+ $fieldIndexer < scalar(@arr);
+ $fieldIndexer++)
+ {
+ if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '*/' && $comment)
+ {
+ $comment = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($comment)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '/*')
+ {
+ # start of a multiline comment
+ $comment = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '//')
+ {
+ next line;
+ }
+ elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '}')
+ {
+ $brace_indent--;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '{')
+ {
+ $brace_indent++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($brace_indent > 0)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq ';')
+ {
+ if ($copymode)
+ {
+ if ($infield)
+ {
+ dump_line($stmt_mode, \@fields);
+ }
+ add_to_buffer('rules', ";\n\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $copymode = 1;
+ }
+ @fields = ();
+ $infield = 0;
+ $line = '';
+ $in_rule = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '|')
+ {
+ if ($copymode)
+ {
+ if ($infield)
+ {
+ $infield = $infield + dump_line($stmt_mode, \@fields);
+ }
+ if ($infield > 1)
+ {
+ $line = '| ';
+ }
+ }
+ @fields = ();
+ next;
+ }
+ if (exists $replace_token{ $arr[$fieldIndexer] })
+ {
+ $arr[$fieldIndexer] = $replace_token{ $arr[$fieldIndexer] };
+ }
+ # Are we looking at a declaration of a non-terminal ?
+ if (($arr[$fieldIndexer] =~ /[A-Za-z0-9]+:/)
+ || $arr[ $fieldIndexer + 1 ] eq ':')
+ {
+ $non_term_id = $arr[$fieldIndexer];
+ $non_term_id =~ tr/://d;
+ if (not defined $replace_types{$non_term_id})
+ {
+ $replace_types{$non_term_id} = '<str>';
+ $copymode = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($replace_types{$non_term_id} eq 'ignore')
+ {
+ $copymode = 0;
+ $line = '';
+ next line;
+ }
+ $line = $line . ' ' . $arr[$fieldIndexer];
+ # Do we have the : attached already ?
+ # If yes, we'll have already printed the ':'
+ if (!($arr[$fieldIndexer] =~ '[A-Za-z0-9]+:'))
+ {
+ # Consume the ':' which is next...
+ $line = $line . ':';
+ $fieldIndexer++;
+ }
+ # Special mode?
+ if ($non_term_id eq 'stmt')
+ {
+ $stmt_mode = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $stmt_mode = 0;
+ }
+ my $tstr =
+ '%type '
+ . $replace_types{$non_term_id} . ' '
+ . $non_term_id;
+ add_to_buffer('types', $tstr);
+ if ($copymode)
+ {
+ add_to_buffer('rules', $line);
+ }
+ $line = '';
+ @fields = ();
+ $infield = 1;
+ die "unterminated rule at grammar line $.\n"
+ if $in_rule;
+ $in_rule = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($copymode)
+ {
+ $line = $line . ' ' . $arr[$fieldIndexer];
+ }
+ if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '%prec')
+ {
+ $prec = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $copymode
+ && !$prec
+ && !$comment
+ && length($arr[$fieldIndexer])
+ && $infield)
+ {
+ if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] ne 'Op'
+ && ( $tokens{ $arr[$fieldIndexer] } > 0
+ || $arr[$fieldIndexer] =~ /'.+'/)
+ || $stmt_mode == 1)
+ {
+ my $S;
+ if (exists $replace_string{ $arr[$fieldIndexer] })
+ {
+ $S = $replace_string{ $arr[$fieldIndexer] };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $S = $arr[$fieldIndexer];
+ }
+ $S =~ s/_P//g;
+ $S =~ tr/'//d;
+ if ($stmt_mode == 1)
+ {
+ push(@fields, $S);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push(@fields, lc($S));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push(@fields, '$' . (scalar(@fields) + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ die "unterminated rule at end of grammar\n"
+ if $in_rule;
+ return;
+# append a file onto a buffer.
+# Arguments: buffer_name, filename (without path)
+sub include_file
+ my ($buffer, $filename) = @_;
+ my $full = "$path/$filename";
+ open(my $fh, '<', $full) or die;
+ while (<$fh>)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ add_to_buffer($buffer, $_);
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ return;
+sub include_addon
+ my ($buffer, $block, $fields, $stmt_mode) = @_;
+ my $rec = $addons{$block};
+ return 0 unless $rec;
+ if ($rec->{type} eq 'rule')
+ {
+ dump_fields($stmt_mode, $fields, ' { ');
+ }
+ elsif ($rec->{type} eq 'addon')
+ {
+ add_to_buffer('rules', ' { ');
+ }
+ #add_to_buffer( $stream, $_ );
+ #We have an array to add to the buffer, we'll add it ourself instead of
+ #calling add_to_buffer, which does not know about arrays
+ push(@{ $buff{$buffer} }, @{ $rec->{lines} });
+ if ($rec->{type} eq 'addon')
+ {
+ dump_fields($stmt_mode, $fields, '');
+ }
+ # if we added something (ie there are lines in our array), return 1
+ return 1 if (scalar(@{ $rec->{lines} }) > 0);
+ return 0;
+# include_addon does this same thing, but does not call this
+# sub... so if you change this, you need to fix include_addon too
+# Pass: buffer_name, string_to_append
+sub add_to_buffer
+ push(@{ $buff{ $_[0] } }, "$_[1]\n");
+ return;
+sub dump_buffer
+ my ($buffer) = @_;
+ print '/* ', $buffer, ' */', "\n";
+ my $ref = $buff{$buffer};
+ print @$ref;
+ return;
+sub dump_fields
+ my ($mode, $flds, $ln) = @_;
+ my $len = scalar(@$flds);
+ if ($mode == 0)
+ {
+ #Normal
+ add_to_buffer('rules', $ln);
+ if ($feature_not_supported == 1)
+ {
+ # we found an unsupported feature, but we have to
+ # filter out ExecuteStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE ...
+ # because the warning there is only valid in some situations
+ if ($flds->[0] ne 'create' || $flds->[2] ne 'table')
+ {
+ add_to_buffer('rules',
+ 'mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server");'
+ );
+ }
+ $feature_not_supported = 0;
+ }
+ if ($len == 0)
+ {
+ # We have no fields ?
+ add_to_buffer('rules', ' $$=EMPTY; }');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Go through each field and try to 'aggregate' the tokens
+ # into a single 'mm_strdup' where possible
+ my @flds_new;
+ my $str;
+ for (my $z = 0; $z < $len; $z++)
+ {
+ if (substr($flds->[$z], 0, 1) eq '$')
+ {
+ push(@flds_new, $flds->[$z]);
+ next;
+ }
+ $str = $flds->[$z];
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if ($z >= $len - 1
+ || substr($flds->[ $z + 1 ], 0, 1) eq '$')
+ {
+ # We're at the end...
+ push(@flds_new, "mm_strdup(\"$str\")");
+ last;
+ }
+ $z++;
+ $str = $str . ' ' . $flds->[$z];
+ }
+ }
+ # So - how many fields did we end up with ?
+ $len = scalar(@flds_new);
+ if ($len == 1)
+ {
+ # Straight assignment
+ $str = ' $$ = ' . $flds_new[0] . ';';
+ add_to_buffer('rules', $str);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Need to concatenate the results to form
+ # our final string
+ $str =
+ ' $$ = cat_str(' . $len . ',' . join(',', @flds_new) . ');';
+ add_to_buffer('rules', $str);
+ }
+ add_to_buffer('rules', '}');
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # we're in the stmt: rule
+ if ($len)
+ {
+ # or just the statement ...
+ add_to_buffer('rules',
+ ' { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); }');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ add_to_buffer('rules', ' { $$ = NULL; }');
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub dump_line
+ my ($stmt_mode, $fields) = @_;
+ my $block = $non_term_id . $line;
+ $block =~ tr/ |//d;
+ my $rep = $replace_line{$block};
+ if ($rep)
+ {
+ if ($rep eq 'ignore')
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (index($line, '|') != -1)
+ {
+ $line = '| ' . $rep;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $line = $rep;
+ }
+ $block = $non_term_id . $line;
+ $block =~ tr/ |//d;
+ }
+ add_to_buffer('rules', $line);
+ my $i = include_addon('rules', $block, $fields, $stmt_mode);
+ if ($i == 0)
+ {
+ dump_fields($stmt_mode, $fields, ' { ');
+ }
+ return 1;
+ load addons into cache
+ %addons = {
+ stmtClosePortalStmt => { 'type' => 'block', 'lines' => [ "{", "if (INFORMIX_MODE)" ..., "}" ] },
+ stmtViewStmt => { 'type' => 'rule', 'lines' => [ "| ECPGAllocateDescr", ... ] }
+ }
+sub preload_addons
+ my $filename = $path . "/ecpg.addons";
+ open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die;
+ # there may be multiple lines starting ECPG: and then multiple lines of code.
+ # the code need to be add to all prior ECPG records.
+ my (@needsRules, @code, $record);
+ # there may be comments before the first ECPG line, skip them
+ my $skip = 1;
+ while (<$fh>)
+ {
+ if (/^ECPG:\s(\S+)\s?(\w+)?/)
+ {
+ $skip = 0;
+ if (@code)
+ {
+ for my $x (@needsRules)
+ {
+ push(@{ $x->{lines} }, @code);
+ }
+ @code = ();
+ @needsRules = ();
+ }
+ $record = {};
+ $record->{type} = $2;
+ $record->{lines} = [];
+ if (exists $addons{$1}) { die "Ga! there are dups!\n"; }
+ $addons{$1} = $record;
+ push(@needsRules, $record);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ next if $skip;
+ push(@code, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ if (@code)
+ {
+ for my $x (@needsRules)
+ {
+ push(@{ $x->{lines} }, @code);
+ }
+ }
+ return;