path: root/src/test/regress/expected/gin.out
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/regress/expected/gin.out')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/gin.out b/src/test/regress/expected/gin.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0af4643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/gin.out
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+-- Test GIN indexes.
+-- There are other tests to test different GIN opclasses. This is for testing
+-- GIN itself.
+-- Create and populate a test table with a GIN index.
+create table gin_test_tbl(i int4[]) with (autovacuum_enabled = off);
+create index gin_test_idx on gin_test_tbl using gin (i)
+ with (fastupdate = on, gin_pending_list_limit = 4096);
+insert into gin_test_tbl select array[1, 2, g] from generate_series(1, 20000) g;
+insert into gin_test_tbl select array[1, 3, g] from generate_series(1, 1000) g;
+select gin_clean_pending_list('gin_test_idx')>10 as many; -- flush the fastupdate buffers
+ many
+ t
+(1 row)
+insert into gin_test_tbl select array[3, 1, g] from generate_series(1, 1000) g;
+vacuum gin_test_tbl; -- flush the fastupdate buffers
+select gin_clean_pending_list('gin_test_idx'); -- nothing to flush
+ gin_clean_pending_list
+ 0
+(1 row)
+-- Test vacuuming
+delete from gin_test_tbl where i @> array[2];
+vacuum gin_test_tbl;
+-- Disable fastupdate, and do more insertions. With fastupdate enabled, most
+-- insertions (by flushing the list pages) cause page splits. Without
+-- fastupdate, we get more churn in the GIN data leaf pages, and exercise the
+-- recompression codepaths.
+alter index gin_test_idx set (fastupdate = off);
+insert into gin_test_tbl select array[1, 2, g] from generate_series(1, 1000) g;
+insert into gin_test_tbl select array[1, 3, g] from generate_series(1, 1000) g;
+delete from gin_test_tbl where i @> array[2];
+vacuum gin_test_tbl;
+-- Test for "rare && frequent" searches
+explain (costs off)
+select count(*) from gin_test_tbl where i @> array[1, 999];
+ Aggregate
+ -> Bitmap Heap Scan on gin_test_tbl
+ Recheck Cond: (i @> '{1,999}'::integer[])
+ -> Bitmap Index Scan on gin_test_idx
+ Index Cond: (i @> '{1,999}'::integer[])
+(5 rows)
+select count(*) from gin_test_tbl where i @> array[1, 999];
+ count
+ 3
+(1 row)
+-- Very weak test for gin_fuzzy_search_limit
+set gin_fuzzy_search_limit = 1000;
+explain (costs off)
+select count(*) > 0 as ok from gin_test_tbl where i @> array[1];
+ Aggregate
+ -> Bitmap Heap Scan on gin_test_tbl
+ Recheck Cond: (i @> '{1}'::integer[])
+ -> Bitmap Index Scan on gin_test_idx
+ Index Cond: (i @> '{1}'::integer[])
+(5 rows)
+select count(*) > 0 as ok from gin_test_tbl where i @> array[1];
+ ok
+ t
+(1 row)
+reset gin_fuzzy_search_limit;
+-- Test optimization of empty queries
+create temp table t_gin_test_tbl(i int4[], j int4[]);
+create index on t_gin_test_tbl using gin (i, j);
+insert into t_gin_test_tbl
+ (null, null),
+ ('{}', null),
+ ('{1}', null),
+ ('{1,2}', null),
+ (null, '{}'),
+ (null, '{10}'),
+ ('{1,2}', '{10}'),
+ ('{2}', '{10}'),
+ ('{1,3}', '{}'),
+ ('{1,1}', '{10}');
+set enable_seqscan = off;
+explain (costs off)
+select * from t_gin_test_tbl where array[0] <@ i;
+ Bitmap Heap Scan on t_gin_test_tbl
+ Recheck Cond: ('{0}'::integer[] <@ i)
+ -> Bitmap Index Scan on t_gin_test_tbl_i_j_idx
+ Index Cond: (i @> '{0}'::integer[])
+(4 rows)
+select * from t_gin_test_tbl where array[0] <@ i;
+ i | j
+(0 rows)
+select * from t_gin_test_tbl where array[0] <@ i and '{}'::int4[] <@ j;
+ i | j
+(0 rows)
+explain (costs off)
+select * from t_gin_test_tbl where i @> '{}';
+ Bitmap Heap Scan on t_gin_test_tbl
+ Recheck Cond: (i @> '{}'::integer[])
+ -> Bitmap Index Scan on t_gin_test_tbl_i_j_idx
+ Index Cond: (i @> '{}'::integer[])
+(4 rows)
+select * from t_gin_test_tbl where i @> '{}';
+ i | j
+ {} |
+ {1} |
+ {1,2} |
+ {1,2} | {10}
+ {2} | {10}
+ {1,3} | {}
+ {1,1} | {10}
+(7 rows)
+create function explain_query_json(query_sql text)
+returns table (explain_line json)
+language plpgsql as
+ set enable_seqscan = off;
+ set enable_bitmapscan = on;
+ return query execute 'EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, FORMAT json) ' || query_sql;
+create function execute_text_query_index(query_sql text)
+returns setof text
+language plpgsql
+ set enable_seqscan = off;
+ set enable_bitmapscan = on;
+ return query execute query_sql;
+create function execute_text_query_heap(query_sql text)
+returns setof text
+language plpgsql
+ set enable_seqscan = on;
+ set enable_bitmapscan = off;
+ return query execute query_sql;
+-- check number of rows returned by index and removed by recheck
+ query,
+ js->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->0->'Actual Rows' as "return by index",
+ js->0->'Plan'->'Rows Removed by Index Recheck' as "removed by recheck",
+ (res_index = res_heap) as "match"
+ (values
+ ($$ i @> '{}' $$),
+ ($$ j @> '{}' $$),
+ ($$ i @> '{}' and j @> '{}' $$),
+ ($$ i @> '{1}' $$),
+ ($$ i @> '{1}' and j @> '{}' $$),
+ ($$ i @> '{1}' and i @> '{}' and j @> '{}' $$),
+ ($$ j @> '{10}' $$),
+ ($$ j @> '{10}' and i @> '{}' $$),
+ ($$ j @> '{10}' and j @> '{}' and i @> '{}' $$),
+ ($$ i @> '{1}' and j @> '{10}' $$)
+ ) q(query),
+ lateral explain_query_json($$select * from t_gin_test_tbl where $$ || query) js,
+ lateral execute_text_query_index($$select string_agg((i, j)::text, ' ') from t_gin_test_tbl where $$ || query) res_index,
+ lateral execute_text_query_heap($$select string_agg((i, j)::text, ' ') from t_gin_test_tbl where $$ || query) res_heap;
+ query | return by index | removed by recheck | match
+ i @> '{}' | 7 | 0 | t
+ j @> '{}' | 6 | 0 | t
+ i @> '{}' and j @> '{}' | 4 | 0 | t
+ i @> '{1}' | 5 | 0 | t
+ i @> '{1}' and j @> '{}' | 3 | 0 | t
+ i @> '{1}' and i @> '{}' and j @> '{}' | 3 | 0 | t
+ j @> '{10}' | 4 | 0 | t
+ j @> '{10}' and i @> '{}' | 3 | 0 | t
+ j @> '{10}' and j @> '{}' and i @> '{}' | 3 | 0 | t
+ i @> '{1}' and j @> '{10}' | 2 | 0 | t
+(10 rows)
+reset enable_seqscan;
+reset enable_bitmapscan;
+-- re-purpose t_gin_test_tbl to test scans involving posting trees
+insert into t_gin_test_tbl select array[1, g, g/10], array[2, g, g/10]
+ from generate_series(1, 20000) g;
+select gin_clean_pending_list('t_gin_test_tbl_i_j_idx') is not null;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+analyze t_gin_test_tbl;
+set enable_seqscan = off;
+set enable_bitmapscan = on;
+explain (costs off)
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> array[50];
+ Aggregate
+ -> Bitmap Heap Scan on t_gin_test_tbl
+ Recheck Cond: (j @> '{50}'::integer[])
+ -> Bitmap Index Scan on t_gin_test_tbl_i_j_idx
+ Index Cond: (j @> '{50}'::integer[])
+(5 rows)
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> array[50];
+ count
+ 11
+(1 row)
+explain (costs off)
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> array[2];
+ Aggregate
+ -> Bitmap Heap Scan on t_gin_test_tbl
+ Recheck Cond: (j @> '{2}'::integer[])
+ -> Bitmap Index Scan on t_gin_test_tbl_i_j_idx
+ Index Cond: (j @> '{2}'::integer[])
+(5 rows)
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> array[2];
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+explain (costs off)
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> '{}'::int[];
+ Aggregate
+ -> Bitmap Heap Scan on t_gin_test_tbl
+ Recheck Cond: (j @> '{}'::integer[])
+ -> Bitmap Index Scan on t_gin_test_tbl_i_j_idx
+ Index Cond: (j @> '{}'::integer[])
+(5 rows)
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> '{}'::int[];
+ count
+ 20006
+(1 row)
+-- test vacuuming of posting trees
+delete from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> array[2];
+vacuum t_gin_test_tbl;
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> array[50];
+ count
+ 0
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> array[2];
+ count
+ 0
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from t_gin_test_tbl where j @> '{}'::int[];
+ count
+ 6
+(1 row)
+reset enable_seqscan;
+reset enable_bitmapscan;
+drop table t_gin_test_tbl;
+-- test an unlogged table, mostly to get coverage of ginbuildempty
+create unlogged table t_gin_test_tbl(i int4[], j int4[]);
+create index on t_gin_test_tbl using gin (i, j);
+insert into t_gin_test_tbl
+ (null, null),
+ ('{}', null),
+ ('{1}', '{2,3}');
+drop table t_gin_test_tbl;