From 5e45211a64149b3c659b90ff2de6fa982a5a93ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Sat, 4 May 2024 14:17:33 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 15.5. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- doc/src/sgml/html/textsearch-controls.html | 550 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 550 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/src/sgml/html/textsearch-controls.html (limited to 'doc/src/sgml/html/textsearch-controls.html') diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/html/textsearch-controls.html b/doc/src/sgml/html/textsearch-controls.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6465b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/src/sgml/html/textsearch-controls.html @@ -0,0 +1,550 @@ + +12.3. Controlling Text Search

12.3. Controlling Text Search

+ To implement full text searching there must be a function to create a + tsvector from a document and a tsquery from a + user query. Also, we need to return results in a useful order, so we need + a function that compares documents with respect to their relevance to + the query. It's also important to be able to display the results nicely. + PostgreSQL provides support for all of these + functions. +

12.3.1. Parsing Documents

+ PostgreSQL provides the + function to_tsvector for converting a document to + the tsvector data type. +

+to_tsvector([ config regconfig, ] document text) returns tsvector

+ to_tsvector parses a textual document into tokens, + reduces the tokens to lexemes, and returns a tsvector which + lists the lexemes together with their positions in the document. + The document is processed according to the specified or default + text search configuration. + Here is a simple example: + +

+SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'a fat  cat sat on a mat - it ate a fat rats');
+                  to_tsvector
+ 'ate':9 'cat':3 'fat':2,11 'mat':7 'rat':12 'sat':4


+ In the example above we see that the resulting tsvector does not + contain the words a, on, or + it, the word rats became + rat, and the punctuation sign - was + ignored. +

+ The to_tsvector function internally calls a parser + which breaks the document text into tokens and assigns a type to + each token. For each token, a list of + dictionaries (Section 12.6) is consulted, + where the list can vary depending on the token type. The first dictionary + that recognizes the token emits one or more normalized + lexemes to represent the token. For example, + rats became rat because one of the + dictionaries recognized that the word rats is a plural + form of rat. Some words are recognized as + stop words (Section 12.6.1), which + causes them to be ignored since they occur too frequently to be useful in + searching. In our example these are + a, on, and it. + If no dictionary in the list recognizes the token then it is also ignored. + In this example that happened to the punctuation sign - + because there are in fact no dictionaries assigned for its token type + (Space symbols), meaning space tokens will never be + indexed. The choices of parser, dictionaries and which types of tokens to + index are determined by the selected text search configuration (Section 12.7). It is possible to have + many different configurations in the same database, and predefined + configurations are available for various languages. In our example + we used the default configuration english for the + English language. +

+ The function setweight can be used to label the + entries of a tsvector with a given weight, + where a weight is one of the letters A, B, + C, or D. + This is typically used to mark entries coming from + different parts of a document, such as title versus body. Later, this + information can be used for ranking of search results. +

+ Because to_tsvector(NULL) will + return NULL, it is recommended to use + coalesce whenever a field might be null. + Here is the recommended method for creating + a tsvector from a structured document: + +

+UPDATE tt SET ti =
+    setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(title,'')), 'A')    ||
+    setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(keyword,'')), 'B')  ||
+    setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(abstract,'')), 'C') ||
+    setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(body,'')), 'D');

+ + Here we have used setweight to label the source + of each lexeme in the finished tsvector, and then merged + the labeled tsvector values using the tsvector + concatenation operator ||. (Section 12.4.1 gives details about these + operations.) +

12.3.2. Parsing Queries

+ PostgreSQL provides the + functions to_tsquery, + plainto_tsquery, + phraseto_tsquery and + websearch_to_tsquery + for converting a query to the tsquery data type. + to_tsquery offers access to more features + than either plainto_tsquery or + phraseto_tsquery, but it is less forgiving about its + input. websearch_to_tsquery is a simplified version + of to_tsquery with an alternative syntax, similar + to the one used by web search engines. +

+to_tsquery([ config regconfig, ] querytext text) returns tsquery

+ to_tsquery creates a tsquery value from + querytext, which must consist of single tokens + separated by the tsquery operators & (AND), + | (OR), ! (NOT), and + <-> (FOLLOWED BY), possibly grouped + using parentheses. In other words, the input to + to_tsquery must already follow the general rules for + tsquery input, as described in Section 8.11.2. The difference is that while basic + tsquery input takes the tokens at face value, + to_tsquery normalizes each token into a lexeme using + the specified or default configuration, and discards any tokens that are + stop words according to the configuration. For example: + +

+SELECT to_tsquery('english', 'The & Fat & Rats');
+  to_tsquery
+ 'fat' & 'rat'

+ + As in basic tsquery input, weight(s) can be attached to each + lexeme to restrict it to match only tsvector lexemes of those + weight(s). For example: + +

+SELECT to_tsquery('english', 'Fat | Rats:AB');
+    to_tsquery
+ 'fat' | 'rat':AB

+ + Also, * can be attached to a lexeme to specify prefix matching: + +

+SELECT to_tsquery('supern:*A & star:A*B');
+        to_tsquery
+ 'supern':*A & 'star':*AB

+ + Such a lexeme will match any word in a tsvector that begins + with the given string. +

+ to_tsquery can also accept single-quoted + phrases. This is primarily useful when the configuration includes a + thesaurus dictionary that may trigger on such phrases. + In the example below, a thesaurus contains the rule supernovae + stars : sn: + +

+SELECT to_tsquery('''supernovae stars'' & !crab');
+  to_tsquery
+ 'sn' & !'crab'

+ + Without quotes, to_tsquery will generate a syntax + error for tokens that are not separated by an AND, OR, or FOLLOWED BY + operator. +

+plainto_tsquery([ config regconfig, ] querytext text) returns tsquery

+ plainto_tsquery transforms the unformatted text + querytext to a tsquery value. + The text is parsed and normalized much as for to_tsvector, + then the & (AND) tsquery operator is + inserted between surviving words. +

+ Example: + +

+SELECT plainto_tsquery('english', 'The Fat Rats');
+ plainto_tsquery
+ 'fat' & 'rat'

+ + Note that plainto_tsquery will not + recognize tsquery operators, weight labels, + or prefix-match labels in its input: + +

+SELECT plainto_tsquery('english', 'The Fat & Rats:C');
+   plainto_tsquery
+ 'fat' & 'rat' & 'c'

+ + Here, all the input punctuation was discarded. +

+phraseto_tsquery([ config regconfig, ] querytext text) returns tsquery

+ phraseto_tsquery behaves much like + plainto_tsquery, except that it inserts + the <-> (FOLLOWED BY) operator between + surviving words instead of the & (AND) operator. + Also, stop words are not simply discarded, but are accounted for by + inserting <N> operators rather + than <-> operators. This function is useful + when searching for exact lexeme sequences, since the FOLLOWED BY + operators check lexeme order not just the presence of all the lexemes. +

+ Example: + +

+SELECT phraseto_tsquery('english', 'The Fat Rats');
+ phraseto_tsquery
+ 'fat' <-> 'rat'

+ + Like plainto_tsquery, the + phraseto_tsquery function will not + recognize tsquery operators, weight labels, + or prefix-match labels in its input: + +

+SELECT phraseto_tsquery('english', 'The Fat & Rats:C');
+      phraseto_tsquery
+ 'fat' <-> 'rat' <-> 'c'


+websearch_to_tsquery([ config regconfig, ] querytext text) returns tsquery

+ websearch_to_tsquery creates a tsquery + value from querytext using an alternative + syntax in which simple unformatted text is a valid query. + Unlike plainto_tsquery + and phraseto_tsquery, it also recognizes certain + operators. Moreover, this function will never raise syntax errors, + which makes it possible to use raw user-supplied input for search. + The following syntax is supported: + +

  • + unquoted text: text not inside quote marks will be + converted to terms separated by & operators, as + if processed by plainto_tsquery. +

  • + "quoted text": text inside quote marks will be + converted to terms separated by <-> + operators, as if processed by phraseto_tsquery. +

  • + OR: the word or will be converted to + the | operator. +

  • + -: a dash will be converted to + the ! operator. +

+ + Other punctuation is ignored. So + like plainto_tsquery + and phraseto_tsquery, + the websearch_to_tsquery function will not + recognize tsquery operators, weight labels, or prefix-match + labels in its input. +

+ Examples: +

+SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', 'The fat rats');
+ websearch_to_tsquery
+ 'fat' & 'rat'
+(1 row)
+SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', '"supernovae stars" -crab');
+       websearch_to_tsquery
+ 'supernova' <-> 'star' & !'crab'
+(1 row)
+SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', '"sad cat" or "fat rat"');
+       websearch_to_tsquery
+ 'sad' <-> 'cat' | 'fat' <-> 'rat'
+(1 row)
+SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', 'signal -"segmentation fault"');
+         websearch_to_tsquery
+ 'signal' & !( 'segment' <-> 'fault' )
+(1 row)
+SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', '""" )( dummy \\ query <->');
+ websearch_to_tsquery
+ 'dummi' & 'queri'
+(1 row)


12.3.3. Ranking Search Results

+ Ranking attempts to measure how relevant documents are to a particular + query, so that when there are many matches the most relevant ones can be + shown first. PostgreSQL provides two + predefined ranking functions, which take into account lexical, proximity, + and structural information; that is, they consider how often the query + terms appear in the document, how close together the terms are in the + document, and how important is the part of the document where they occur. + However, the concept of relevancy is vague and very application-specific. + Different applications might require additional information for ranking, + e.g., document modification time. The built-in ranking functions are only + examples. You can write your own ranking functions and/or combine their + results with additional factors to fit your specific needs. +

+ The two ranking functions currently available are: + +

+ + + ts_rank([ weights float4[], ] vector tsvector, query tsquery [, normalization integer ]) returns float4 +

+ Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes. +

+ + + ts_rank_cd([ weights float4[], ] vector tsvector, query tsquery [, normalization integer ]) returns float4 +

+ This function computes the cover density + ranking for the given document vector and query, as described in + Clarke, Cormack, and Tudhope's "Relevance Ranking for One to Three + Term Queries" in the journal "Information Processing and Management", + 1999. Cover density is similar to ts_rank ranking + except that the proximity of matching lexemes to each other is + taken into consideration. +

+ This function requires lexeme positional information to perform + its calculation. Therefore, it ignores any stripped + lexemes in the tsvector. If there are no unstripped + lexemes in the input, the result will be zero. (See Section 12.4.1 for more information + about the strip function and positional information + in tsvectors.) +

+ +

+ For both these functions, + the optional weights + argument offers the ability to weigh word instances more or less + heavily depending on how they are labeled. The weight arrays specify + how heavily to weigh each category of word, in the order: + +

+{D-weight, C-weight, B-weight, A-weight}

+ + If no weights are provided, + then these defaults are used: + +

+{0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0}

+ + Typically weights are used to mark words from special areas of the + document, like the title or an initial abstract, so they can be + treated with more or less importance than words in the document body. +

+ Since a longer document has a greater chance of containing a query term + it is reasonable to take into account document size, e.g., a hundred-word + document with five instances of a search word is probably more relevant + than a thousand-word document with five instances. Both ranking functions + take an integer normalization option that + specifies whether and how a document's length should impact its rank. + The integer option controls several behaviors, so it is a bit mask: + you can specify one or more behaviors using + | (for example, 2|4). + +

  • + 0 (the default) ignores the document length +

  • + 1 divides the rank by 1 + the logarithm of the document length +

  • + 2 divides the rank by the document length +

  • + 4 divides the rank by the mean harmonic distance between extents + (this is implemented only by ts_rank_cd) +

  • + 8 divides the rank by the number of unique words in document +

  • + 16 divides the rank by 1 + the logarithm of the number + of unique words in document +

  • + 32 divides the rank by itself + 1 +

+ + If more than one flag bit is specified, the transformations are + applied in the order listed. +

+ It is important to note that the ranking functions do not use any global + information, so it is impossible to produce a fair normalization to 1% or + 100% as sometimes desired. Normalization option 32 + (rank/(rank+1)) can be applied to scale all ranks + into the range zero to one, but of course this is just a cosmetic change; + it will not affect the ordering of the search results. +

+ Here is an example that selects only the ten highest-ranked matches: + +

+SELECT title, ts_rank_cd(textsearch, query) AS rank
+FROM apod, to_tsquery('neutrino|(dark & matter)') query
+WHERE query @@ textsearch
+LIMIT 10;
+                     title                     |   rank
+ Neutrinos in the Sun                          |      3.1
+ The Sudbury Neutrino Detector                 |      2.4
+ A MACHO View of Galactic Dark Matter          |  2.01317
+ Hot Gas and Dark Matter                       |  1.91171
+ The Virgo Cluster: Hot Plasma and Dark Matter |  1.90953
+ Rafting for Solar Neutrinos                   |      1.9
+ NGC 4650A: Strange Galaxy and Dark Matter     |  1.85774
+ Hot Gas and Dark Matter                       |   1.6123
+ Ice Fishing for Cosmic Neutrinos              |      1.6
+ Weak Lensing Distorts the Universe            | 0.818218

+ + This is the same example using normalized ranking: + +

+SELECT title, ts_rank_cd(textsearch, query, 32 /* rank/(rank+1) */ ) AS rank
+FROM apod, to_tsquery('neutrino|(dark & matter)') query
+WHERE  query @@ textsearch
+LIMIT 10;
+                     title                     |        rank
+ Neutrinos in the Sun                          | 0.756097569485493
+ The Sudbury Neutrino Detector                 | 0.705882361190954
+ A MACHO View of Galactic Dark Matter          | 0.668123210574724
+ Hot Gas and Dark Matter                       |  0.65655958650282
+ The Virgo Cluster: Hot Plasma and Dark Matter | 0.656301290640973
+ Rafting for Solar Neutrinos                   | 0.655172410958162
+ NGC 4650A: Strange Galaxy and Dark Matter     | 0.650072921219637
+ Hot Gas and Dark Matter                       | 0.617195790024749
+ Ice Fishing for Cosmic Neutrinos              | 0.615384618911517
+ Weak Lensing Distorts the Universe            | 0.450010798361481


+ Ranking can be expensive since it requires consulting the + tsvector of each matching document, which can be I/O bound and + therefore slow. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to avoid since + practical queries often result in large numbers of matches. +

12.3.4. Highlighting Results

+ To present search results it is ideal to show a part of each document and + how it is related to the query. Usually, search engines show fragments of + the document with marked search terms. PostgreSQL + provides a function ts_headline that + implements this functionality. +

+ts_headline([ config regconfig, ] document text, query tsquery [, options text ]) returns text

+ ts_headline accepts a document along + with a query, and returns an excerpt from + the document in which terms from the query are highlighted. The + configuration to be used to parse the document can be specified by + config; if config + is omitted, the + default_text_search_config configuration is used. +

+ If an options string is specified it must + consist of a comma-separated list of one or more + option=value pairs. + The available options are: + +

  • + MaxWords, MinWords (integers): + these numbers determine the longest and shortest headlines to output. + The default values are 35 and 15. +

  • + ShortWord (integer): words of this length or less + will be dropped at the start and end of a headline, unless they are + query terms. The default value of three eliminates common English + articles. +

  • + HighlightAll (boolean): if + true the whole document will be used as the + headline, ignoring the preceding three parameters. The default + is false. +

  • + MaxFragments (integer): maximum number of text + fragments to display. The default value of zero selects a + non-fragment-based headline generation method. A value greater + than zero selects fragment-based headline generation (see below). +

  • + StartSel, StopSel (strings): + the strings with which to delimit query words appearing in the + document, to distinguish them from other excerpted words. The + default values are <b> and + </b>, which can be suitable + for HTML output. +

  • + FragmentDelimiter (string): When more than one + fragment is displayed, the fragments will be separated by this string. + The default is ... . +

+ + These option names are recognized case-insensitively. + You must double-quote string values if they contain spaces or commas. +

+ In non-fragment-based headline + generation, ts_headline locates matches for the + given query and chooses a + single one to display, preferring matches that have more query words + within the allowed headline length. + In fragment-based headline generation, ts_headline + locates the query matches and splits each match + into fragments of no more than MaxWords + words each, preferring fragments with more query words, and when + possible stretching fragments to include surrounding + words. The fragment-based mode is thus more useful when the query + matches span large sections of the document, or when it's desirable to + display multiple matches. + In either mode, if no query matches can be identified, then a single + fragment of the first MinWords words in the document + will be displayed. +

+ For example: + +

+SELECT ts_headline('english',
+  'The most common type of search
+is to find all documents containing given query terms
+and return them in order of their similarity to the
+  to_tsquery('english', 'query & similarity'));
+                        ts_headline
+ containing given <b>query</b> terms                       +
+ and return them in order of their <b>similarity</b> to the+
+ <b>query</b>.
+SELECT ts_headline('english',
+  'Search terms may occur
+many times in a document,
+requiring ranking of the search matches to decide which
+occurrences to display in the result.',
+  to_tsquery('english', 'search & term'),
+  'MaxFragments=10, MaxWords=7, MinWords=3, StartSel=<<, StopSel=>>');
+                        ts_headline
+ <<Search>> <<terms>> may occur                            +
+ many times ... ranking of the <<search>> matches to decide


+ ts_headline uses the original document, not a + tsvector summary, so it can be slow and should be used with + care. +

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