digraph { layout=dot; // default values node [shape=box, label="", fontname="sans-serif", style=filled, fillcolor=white, fontsize=8]; graph [fontname="sans-serif"]; // must be specified separately edge [fontname="sans-serif"]; // must be specified separately // an unobtrusive background color pad="1.0, 0.5"; bgcolor=whitesmoke; // layout of edges and nodes splines=ortho; nodesep=0.3; ranksep=0.3; // nodes a1[label="INITIALIZE t := 0"]; a2[label="INITIALIZE P(t)"]; a3[label="evaluate FITNESS of P(t)"]; a4[shape="diamond", label="STOPPING CRITERION"; width=4]; // connect 'end' node with 'a9' node (bottom of figure) { rank=same; a9[label="t := t + 1"]; // end-symbol similar to UML notation end[shape=doublecircle, label="end", width=0.5]; } a5[label="P'(t) := RECOMBINATION{P(t)}"]; a6[label="P''(t) := MUTATION{P'(t)}"]; a7[label="P(t+1) := SELECTION{P''(t) + P(t)}"]; a8[label="evaluate FITNESS of P''(t)"]; // edges a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4; a4 -> a5[xlabel="false ", fontsize=10]; a4 -> end[xlabel="true ", fontsize=10]; a5 -> a6 -> a7 -> a8 -> a9; a4 -> a9 [dir=back]; // explain the notation expl [shape=plaintext, fontsize=10, width=3.2, fillcolor=whitesmoke, label="P(t): generation of ancestors at a time t\lP''(t): generation of descendants at a time t\l"]; }