'\" t .\" Title: COMMIT .\" Author: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group .\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets vsnapshot .\" Date: 2024 .\" Manual: PostgreSQL 15.6 Documentation .\" Source: PostgreSQL 15.6 .\" Language: English .\" .TH "COMMIT" "7" "2024" "PostgreSQL 15.6" "PostgreSQL 15.6 Documentation" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * Define some portability stuff .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "NAME" COMMIT \- commit the current transaction .SH "SYNOPSIS" .sp .nf COMMIT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ] [ AND [ NO ] CHAIN ] .fi .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBCOMMIT\fR commits the current transaction\&. All changes made by the transaction become visible to others and are guaranteed to be durable if a crash occurs\&. .SH "PARAMETERS" .PP WORK .br TRANSACTION .RS 4 Optional key words\&. They have no effect\&. .RE .PP AND CHAIN .RS 4 If AND CHAIN is specified, a new transaction is immediately started with the same transaction characteristics (see SET TRANSACTION (\fBSET_TRANSACTION\fR(7))) as the just finished one\&. Otherwise, no new transaction is started\&. .RE .SH "NOTES" .PP Use \fBROLLBACK\fR(7) to abort a transaction\&. .PP Issuing \fBCOMMIT\fR when not inside a transaction does no harm, but it will provoke a warning message\&. \fBCOMMIT AND CHAIN\fR when not inside a transaction is an error\&. .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP To commit the current transaction and make all changes permanent: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf COMMIT; .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .SH "COMPATIBILITY" .PP The command \fBCOMMIT\fR conforms to the SQL standard\&. The form COMMIT TRANSACTION is a PostgreSQL extension\&. .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBBEGIN\fR(7), \fBROLLBACK\fR(7)