/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * alter.c * Drivers for generic alter commands * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/commands/alter.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "access/relation.h" #include "access/sysattr.h" #include "access/table.h" #include "catalog/dependency.h" #include "catalog/indexing.h" #include "catalog/namespace.h" #include "catalog/objectaccess.h" #include "catalog/pg_collation.h" #include "catalog/pg_conversion.h" #include "catalog/pg_event_trigger.h" #include "catalog/pg_foreign_data_wrapper.h" #include "catalog/pg_foreign_server.h" #include "catalog/pg_language.h" #include "catalog/pg_largeobject.h" #include "catalog/pg_largeobject_metadata.h" #include "catalog/pg_namespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_opclass.h" #include "catalog/pg_opfamily.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_statistic_ext.h" #include "catalog/pg_subscription.h" #include "catalog/pg_ts_config.h" #include "catalog/pg_ts_dict.h" #include "catalog/pg_ts_parser.h" #include "catalog/pg_ts_template.h" #include "commands/alter.h" #include "commands/collationcmds.h" #include "commands/conversioncmds.h" #include "commands/dbcommands.h" #include "commands/defrem.h" #include "commands/event_trigger.h" #include "commands/extension.h" #include "commands/policy.h" #include "commands/proclang.h" #include "commands/publicationcmds.h" #include "commands/schemacmds.h" #include "commands/subscriptioncmds.h" #include "commands/tablecmds.h" #include "commands/tablespace.h" #include "commands/trigger.h" #include "commands/typecmds.h" #include "commands/user.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteDefine.h" #include "tcop/utility.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/fmgroids.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" static Oid AlterObjectNamespace_internal(Relation rel, Oid objid, Oid nspOid); /* * Raise an error to the effect that an object of the given name is already * present in the given namespace. */ static void report_name_conflict(Oid classId, const char *name) { char *msgfmt; switch (classId) { case EventTriggerRelationId: msgfmt = gettext_noop("event trigger \"%s\" already exists"); break; case ForeignDataWrapperRelationId: msgfmt = gettext_noop("foreign-data wrapper \"%s\" already exists"); break; case ForeignServerRelationId: msgfmt = gettext_noop("server \"%s\" already exists"); break; case LanguageRelationId: msgfmt = gettext_noop("language \"%s\" already exists"); break; case PublicationRelationId: msgfmt = gettext_noop("publication \"%s\" already exists"); break; case SubscriptionRelationId: msgfmt = gettext_noop("subscription \"%s\" already exists"); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unsupported object class %u", classId); break; } ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_OBJECT), errmsg(msgfmt, name))); } static void report_namespace_conflict(Oid classId, const char *name, Oid nspOid) { char *msgfmt; Assert(OidIsValid(nspOid)); switch (classId) { case ConversionRelationId: Assert(OidIsValid(nspOid)); msgfmt = gettext_noop("conversion \"%s\" already exists in schema \"%s\""); break; case StatisticExtRelationId: Assert(OidIsValid(nspOid)); msgfmt = gettext_noop("statistics object \"%s\" already exists in schema \"%s\""); break; case TSParserRelationId: Assert(OidIsValid(nspOid)); msgfmt = gettext_noop("text search parser \"%s\" already exists in schema \"%s\""); break; case TSDictionaryRelationId: Assert(OidIsValid(nspOid)); msgfmt = gettext_noop("text search dictionary \"%s\" already exists in schema \"%s\""); break; case TSTemplateRelationId: Assert(OidIsValid(nspOid)); msgfmt = gettext_noop("text search template \"%s\" already exists in schema \"%s\""); break; case TSConfigRelationId: Assert(OidIsValid(nspOid)); msgfmt = gettext_noop("text search configuration \"%s\" already exists in schema \"%s\""); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unsupported object class %u", classId); break; } ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_OBJECT), errmsg(msgfmt, name, get_namespace_name(nspOid)))); } /* * AlterObjectRename_internal * * Generic function to rename the given object, for simple cases (won't * work for tables, nor other cases where we need to do more than change * the name column of a single catalog entry). * * rel: catalog relation containing object (RowExclusiveLock'd by caller) * objectId: OID of object to be renamed * new_name: CString representation of new name */ static void AlterObjectRename_internal(Relation rel, Oid objectId, const char *new_name) { Oid classId = RelationGetRelid(rel); int oidCacheId = get_object_catcache_oid(classId); int nameCacheId = get_object_catcache_name(classId); AttrNumber Anum_name = get_object_attnum_name(classId); AttrNumber Anum_namespace = get_object_attnum_namespace(classId); AttrNumber Anum_owner = get_object_attnum_owner(classId); HeapTuple oldtup; HeapTuple newtup; Datum datum; bool isnull; Oid namespaceId; Oid ownerId; char *old_name; AclResult aclresult; Datum *values; bool *nulls; bool *replaces; NameData nameattrdata; oldtup = SearchSysCache1(oidCacheId, ObjectIdGetDatum(objectId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(oldtup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for object %u of catalog \"%s\"", objectId, RelationGetRelationName(rel)); datum = heap_getattr(oldtup, Anum_name, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); old_name = NameStr(*(DatumGetName(datum))); /* Get OID of namespace */ if (Anum_namespace > 0) { datum = heap_getattr(oldtup, Anum_namespace, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); namespaceId = DatumGetObjectId(datum); } else namespaceId = InvalidOid; /* Permission checks ... superusers can always do it */ if (!superuser()) { /* Fail if object does not have an explicit owner */ if (Anum_owner <= 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("must be superuser to rename %s", getObjectDescriptionOids(classId, objectId)))); /* Otherwise, must be owner of the existing object */ datum = heap_getattr(oldtup, Anum_owner, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); ownerId = DatumGetObjectId(datum); if (!has_privs_of_role(GetUserId(), DatumGetObjectId(ownerId))) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, get_object_type(classId, objectId), old_name); /* User must have CREATE privilege on the namespace */ if (OidIsValid(namespaceId)) { aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceId, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, OBJECT_SCHEMA, get_namespace_name(namespaceId)); } } /* * Check for duplicate name (more friendly than unique-index failure). * Since this is just a friendliness check, we can just skip it in cases * where there isn't suitable support. */ if (classId == ProcedureRelationId) { Form_pg_proc proc = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(oldtup); IsThereFunctionInNamespace(new_name, proc->pronargs, &proc->proargtypes, proc->pronamespace); } else if (classId == CollationRelationId) { Form_pg_collation coll = (Form_pg_collation) GETSTRUCT(oldtup); IsThereCollationInNamespace(new_name, coll->collnamespace); } else if (classId == OperatorClassRelationId) { Form_pg_opclass opc = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(oldtup); IsThereOpClassInNamespace(new_name, opc->opcmethod, opc->opcnamespace); } else if (classId == OperatorFamilyRelationId) { Form_pg_opfamily opf = (Form_pg_opfamily) GETSTRUCT(oldtup); IsThereOpFamilyInNamespace(new_name, opf->opfmethod, opf->opfnamespace); } else if (classId == SubscriptionRelationId) { if (SearchSysCacheExists2(SUBSCRIPTIONNAME, MyDatabaseId, CStringGetDatum(new_name))) report_name_conflict(classId, new_name); /* Also enforce regression testing naming rules, if enabled */ #ifdef ENFORCE_REGRESSION_TEST_NAME_RESTRICTIONS if (strncmp(new_name, "regress_", 8) != 0) elog(WARNING, "subscriptions created by regression test cases should have names starting with \"regress_\""); #endif } else if (nameCacheId >= 0) { if (OidIsValid(namespaceId)) { if (SearchSysCacheExists2(nameCacheId, CStringGetDatum(new_name), ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceId))) report_namespace_conflict(classId, new_name, namespaceId); } else { if (SearchSysCacheExists1(nameCacheId, CStringGetDatum(new_name))) report_name_conflict(classId, new_name); } } /* Build modified tuple */ values = palloc0(RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel) * sizeof(Datum)); nulls = palloc0(RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel) * sizeof(bool)); replaces = palloc0(RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel) * sizeof(bool)); namestrcpy(&nameattrdata, new_name); values[Anum_name - 1] = NameGetDatum(&nameattrdata); replaces[Anum_name - 1] = true; newtup = heap_modify_tuple(oldtup, RelationGetDescr(rel), values, nulls, replaces); /* Perform actual update */ CatalogTupleUpdate(rel, &oldtup->t_self, newtup); InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(classId, objectId, 0); /* Release memory */ pfree(values); pfree(nulls); pfree(replaces); heap_freetuple(newtup); ReleaseSysCache(oldtup); } /* * Executes an ALTER OBJECT / RENAME TO statement. Based on the object * type, the function appropriate to that type is executed. * * Return value is the address of the renamed object. */ ObjectAddress ExecRenameStmt(RenameStmt *stmt) { switch (stmt->renameType) { case OBJECT_TABCONSTRAINT: case OBJECT_DOMCONSTRAINT: return RenameConstraint(stmt); case OBJECT_DATABASE: return RenameDatabase(stmt->subname, stmt->newname); case OBJECT_ROLE: return RenameRole(stmt->subname, stmt->newname); case OBJECT_SCHEMA: return RenameSchema(stmt->subname, stmt->newname); case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: return RenameTableSpace(stmt->subname, stmt->newname); case OBJECT_TABLE: case OBJECT_SEQUENCE: case OBJECT_VIEW: case OBJECT_MATVIEW: case OBJECT_INDEX: case OBJECT_FOREIGN_TABLE: return RenameRelation(stmt); case OBJECT_COLUMN: case OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE: return renameatt(stmt); case OBJECT_RULE: return RenameRewriteRule(stmt->relation, stmt->subname, stmt->newname); case OBJECT_TRIGGER: return renametrig(stmt); case OBJECT_POLICY: return rename_policy(stmt); case OBJECT_DOMAIN: case OBJECT_TYPE: return RenameType(stmt); case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: case OBJECT_COLLATION: case OBJECT_CONVERSION: case OBJECT_EVENT_TRIGGER: case OBJECT_FDW: case OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER: case OBJECT_FUNCTION: case OBJECT_OPCLASS: case OBJECT_OPFAMILY: case OBJECT_LANGUAGE: case OBJECT_PROCEDURE: case OBJECT_ROUTINE: case OBJECT_STATISTIC_EXT: case OBJECT_TSCONFIGURATION: case OBJECT_TSDICTIONARY: case OBJECT_TSPARSER: case OBJECT_TSTEMPLATE: case OBJECT_PUBLICATION: case OBJECT_SUBSCRIPTION: { ObjectAddress address; Relation catalog; Relation relation; address = get_object_address(stmt->renameType, stmt->object, &relation, AccessExclusiveLock, false); Assert(relation == NULL); catalog = table_open(address.classId, RowExclusiveLock); AlterObjectRename_internal(catalog, address.objectId, stmt->newname); table_close(catalog, RowExclusiveLock); return address; } default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized rename stmt type: %d", (int) stmt->renameType); return InvalidObjectAddress; /* keep compiler happy */ } } /* * Executes an ALTER OBJECT / [NO] DEPENDS ON EXTENSION statement. * * Return value is the address of the altered object. refAddress is an output * argument which, if not null, receives the address of the object that the * altered object now depends on. */ ObjectAddress ExecAlterObjectDependsStmt(AlterObjectDependsStmt *stmt, ObjectAddress *refAddress) { ObjectAddress address; ObjectAddress refAddr; Relation rel; address = get_object_address_rv(stmt->objectType, stmt->relation, (List *) stmt->object, &rel, AccessExclusiveLock, false); /* * Verify that the user is entitled to run the command. * * We don't check any privileges on the extension, because that's not * needed. The object owner is stipulating, by running this command, that * the extension owner can drop the object whenever they feel like it, * which is not considered a problem. */ check_object_ownership(GetUserId(), stmt->objectType, address, stmt->object, rel); /* * If a relation was involved, it would have been opened and locked. We * don't need the relation here, but we'll retain the lock until commit. */ if (rel) table_close(rel, NoLock); refAddr = get_object_address(OBJECT_EXTENSION, (Node *) stmt->extname, &rel, AccessExclusiveLock, false); Assert(rel == NULL); if (refAddress) *refAddress = refAddr; if (stmt->remove) { deleteDependencyRecordsForSpecific(address.classId, address.objectId, DEPENDENCY_AUTO_EXTENSION, refAddr.classId, refAddr.objectId); } else { List *currexts; /* Avoid duplicates */ currexts = getAutoExtensionsOfObject(address.classId, address.objectId); if (!list_member_oid(currexts, refAddr.objectId)) recordDependencyOn(&address, &refAddr, DEPENDENCY_AUTO_EXTENSION); } return address; } /* * Executes an ALTER OBJECT / SET SCHEMA statement. Based on the object * type, the function appropriate to that type is executed. * * Return value is that of the altered object. * * oldSchemaAddr is an output argument which, if not NULL, is set to the object * address of the original schema. */ ObjectAddress ExecAlterObjectSchemaStmt(AlterObjectSchemaStmt *stmt, ObjectAddress *oldSchemaAddr) { ObjectAddress address; Oid oldNspOid; switch (stmt->objectType) { case OBJECT_EXTENSION: address = AlterExtensionNamespace(strVal(stmt->object), stmt->newschema, oldSchemaAddr ? &oldNspOid : NULL); break; case OBJECT_FOREIGN_TABLE: case OBJECT_SEQUENCE: case OBJECT_TABLE: case OBJECT_VIEW: case OBJECT_MATVIEW: address = AlterTableNamespace(stmt, oldSchemaAddr ? &oldNspOid : NULL); break; case OBJECT_DOMAIN: case OBJECT_TYPE: address = AlterTypeNamespace(castNode(List, stmt->object), stmt->newschema, stmt->objectType, oldSchemaAddr ? &oldNspOid : NULL); break; /* generic code path */ case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: case OBJECT_COLLATION: case OBJECT_CONVERSION: case OBJECT_FUNCTION: case OBJECT_OPERATOR: case OBJECT_OPCLASS: case OBJECT_OPFAMILY: case OBJECT_PROCEDURE: case OBJECT_ROUTINE: case OBJECT_STATISTIC_EXT: case OBJECT_TSCONFIGURATION: case OBJECT_TSDICTIONARY: case OBJECT_TSPARSER: case OBJECT_TSTEMPLATE: { Relation catalog; Relation relation; Oid classId; Oid nspOid; address = get_object_address(stmt->objectType, stmt->object, &relation, AccessExclusiveLock, false); Assert(relation == NULL); classId = address.classId; catalog = table_open(classId, RowExclusiveLock); nspOid = LookupCreationNamespace(stmt->newschema); oldNspOid = AlterObjectNamespace_internal(catalog, address.objectId, nspOid); table_close(catalog, RowExclusiveLock); } break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized AlterObjectSchemaStmt type: %d", (int) stmt->objectType); return InvalidObjectAddress; /* keep compiler happy */ } if (oldSchemaAddr) ObjectAddressSet(*oldSchemaAddr, NamespaceRelationId, oldNspOid); return address; } /* * Change an object's namespace given its classOid and object Oid. * * Objects that don't have a namespace should be ignored. * * This function is currently used only by ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA, * so it only needs to cover object types that can be members of an * extension, and it doesn't have to deal with certain special cases * such as not wanting to process array types --- those should never * be direct members of an extension anyway. Nonetheless, we insist * on listing all OCLASS types in the switch. * * Returns the OID of the object's previous namespace, or InvalidOid if * object doesn't have a schema. */ Oid AlterObjectNamespace_oid(Oid classId, Oid objid, Oid nspOid, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved) { Oid oldNspOid = InvalidOid; ObjectAddress dep; dep.classId = classId; dep.objectId = objid; dep.objectSubId = 0; switch (getObjectClass(&dep)) { case OCLASS_CLASS: { Relation rel; rel = relation_open(objid, AccessExclusiveLock); oldNspOid = RelationGetNamespace(rel); AlterTableNamespaceInternal(rel, oldNspOid, nspOid, objsMoved); relation_close(rel, NoLock); break; } case OCLASS_TYPE: oldNspOid = AlterTypeNamespace_oid(objid, nspOid, objsMoved); break; case OCLASS_PROC: case OCLASS_COLLATION: case OCLASS_CONVERSION: case OCLASS_OPERATOR: case OCLASS_OPCLASS: case OCLASS_OPFAMILY: case OCLASS_STATISTIC_EXT: case OCLASS_TSPARSER: case OCLASS_TSDICT: case OCLASS_TSTEMPLATE: case OCLASS_TSCONFIG: { Relation catalog; catalog = table_open(classId, RowExclusiveLock); oldNspOid = AlterObjectNamespace_internal(catalog, objid, nspOid); table_close(catalog, RowExclusiveLock); } break; case OCLASS_CAST: case OCLASS_CONSTRAINT: case OCLASS_DEFAULT: case OCLASS_LANGUAGE: case OCLASS_LARGEOBJECT: case OCLASS_AM: case OCLASS_AMOP: case OCLASS_AMPROC: case OCLASS_REWRITE: case OCLASS_TRIGGER: case OCLASS_SCHEMA: case OCLASS_ROLE: case OCLASS_DATABASE: case OCLASS_TBLSPACE: case OCLASS_FDW: case OCLASS_FOREIGN_SERVER: case OCLASS_USER_MAPPING: case OCLASS_DEFACL: case OCLASS_EXTENSION: case OCLASS_EVENT_TRIGGER: case OCLASS_PARAMETER_ACL: case OCLASS_POLICY: case OCLASS_PUBLICATION: case OCLASS_PUBLICATION_NAMESPACE: case OCLASS_PUBLICATION_REL: case OCLASS_SUBSCRIPTION: case OCLASS_TRANSFORM: /* ignore object types that don't have schema-qualified names */ break; /* * There's intentionally no default: case here; we want the * compiler to warn if a new OCLASS hasn't been handled above. */ } return oldNspOid; } /* * Generic function to change the namespace of a given object, for simple * cases (won't work for tables, nor other cases where we need to do more * than change the namespace column of a single catalog entry). * * rel: catalog relation containing object (RowExclusiveLock'd by caller) * objid: OID of object to change the namespace of * nspOid: OID of new namespace * * Returns the OID of the object's previous namespace. */ static Oid AlterObjectNamespace_internal(Relation rel, Oid objid, Oid nspOid) { Oid classId = RelationGetRelid(rel); int oidCacheId = get_object_catcache_oid(classId); int nameCacheId = get_object_catcache_name(classId); AttrNumber Anum_name = get_object_attnum_name(classId); AttrNumber Anum_namespace = get_object_attnum_namespace(classId); AttrNumber Anum_owner = get_object_attnum_owner(classId); Oid oldNspOid; Datum name, namespace; bool isnull; HeapTuple tup, newtup; Datum *values; bool *nulls; bool *replaces; tup = SearchSysCacheCopy1(oidCacheId, ObjectIdGetDatum(objid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for object %u of catalog \"%s\"", objid, RelationGetRelationName(rel)); name = heap_getattr(tup, Anum_name, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); namespace = heap_getattr(tup, Anum_namespace, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); oldNspOid = DatumGetObjectId(namespace); /* * If the object is already in the correct namespace, we don't need to do * anything except fire the object access hook. */ if (oldNspOid == nspOid) { InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(classId, objid, 0); return oldNspOid; } /* Check basic namespace related issues */ CheckSetNamespace(oldNspOid, nspOid); /* Permission checks ... superusers can always do it */ if (!superuser()) { Datum owner; Oid ownerId; AclResult aclresult; /* Fail if object does not have an explicit owner */ if (Anum_owner <= 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("must be superuser to set schema of %s", getObjectDescriptionOids(classId, objid)))); /* Otherwise, must be owner of the existing object */ owner = heap_getattr(tup, Anum_owner, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); ownerId = DatumGetObjectId(owner); if (!has_privs_of_role(GetUserId(), ownerId)) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, get_object_type(classId, objid), NameStr(*(DatumGetName(name)))); /* User must have CREATE privilege on new namespace */ aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(nspOid, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, OBJECT_SCHEMA, get_namespace_name(nspOid)); } /* * Check for duplicate name (more friendly than unique-index failure). * Since this is just a friendliness check, we can just skip it in cases * where there isn't suitable support. */ if (classId == ProcedureRelationId) { Form_pg_proc proc = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tup); IsThereFunctionInNamespace(NameStr(proc->proname), proc->pronargs, &proc->proargtypes, nspOid); } else if (classId == CollationRelationId) { Form_pg_collation coll = (Form_pg_collation) GETSTRUCT(tup); IsThereCollationInNamespace(NameStr(coll->collname), nspOid); } else if (classId == OperatorClassRelationId) { Form_pg_opclass opc = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(tup); IsThereOpClassInNamespace(NameStr(opc->opcname), opc->opcmethod, nspOid); } else if (classId == OperatorFamilyRelationId) { Form_pg_opfamily opf = (Form_pg_opfamily) GETSTRUCT(tup); IsThereOpFamilyInNamespace(NameStr(opf->opfname), opf->opfmethod, nspOid); } else if (nameCacheId >= 0 && SearchSysCacheExists2(nameCacheId, name, ObjectIdGetDatum(nspOid))) report_namespace_conflict(classId, NameStr(*(DatumGetName(name))), nspOid); /* Build modified tuple */ values = palloc0(RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel) * sizeof(Datum)); nulls = palloc0(RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel) * sizeof(bool)); replaces = palloc0(RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel) * sizeof(bool)); values[Anum_namespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(nspOid); replaces[Anum_namespace - 1] = true; newtup = heap_modify_tuple(tup, RelationGetDescr(rel), values, nulls, replaces); /* Perform actual update */ CatalogTupleUpdate(rel, &tup->t_self, newtup); /* Release memory */ pfree(values); pfree(nulls); pfree(replaces); /* update dependencies to point to the new schema */ changeDependencyFor(classId, objid, NamespaceRelationId, oldNspOid, nspOid); InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(classId, objid, 0); return oldNspOid; } /* * Executes an ALTER OBJECT / OWNER TO statement. Based on the object * type, the function appropriate to that type is executed. */ ObjectAddress ExecAlterOwnerStmt(AlterOwnerStmt *stmt) { Oid newowner = get_rolespec_oid(stmt->newowner, false); switch (stmt->objectType) { case OBJECT_DATABASE: return AlterDatabaseOwner(strVal(stmt->object), newowner); case OBJECT_SCHEMA: return AlterSchemaOwner(strVal(stmt->object), newowner); case OBJECT_TYPE: case OBJECT_DOMAIN: /* same as TYPE */ return AlterTypeOwner(castNode(List, stmt->object), newowner, stmt->objectType); break; case OBJECT_FDW: return AlterForeignDataWrapperOwner(strVal(stmt->object), newowner); case OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER: return AlterForeignServerOwner(strVal(stmt->object), newowner); case OBJECT_EVENT_TRIGGER: return AlterEventTriggerOwner(strVal(stmt->object), newowner); case OBJECT_PUBLICATION: return AlterPublicationOwner(strVal(stmt->object), newowner); case OBJECT_SUBSCRIPTION: return AlterSubscriptionOwner(strVal(stmt->object), newowner); /* Generic cases */ case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: case OBJECT_COLLATION: case OBJECT_CONVERSION: case OBJECT_FUNCTION: case OBJECT_LANGUAGE: case OBJECT_LARGEOBJECT: case OBJECT_OPERATOR: case OBJECT_OPCLASS: case OBJECT_OPFAMILY: case OBJECT_PROCEDURE: case OBJECT_ROUTINE: case OBJECT_STATISTIC_EXT: case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: case OBJECT_TSDICTIONARY: case OBJECT_TSCONFIGURATION: { Relation catalog; Relation relation; Oid classId; ObjectAddress address; address = get_object_address(stmt->objectType, stmt->object, &relation, AccessExclusiveLock, false); Assert(relation == NULL); classId = address.classId; /* * XXX - get_object_address returns Oid of pg_largeobject * catalog for OBJECT_LARGEOBJECT because of historical * reasons. Fix up it here. */ if (classId == LargeObjectRelationId) classId = LargeObjectMetadataRelationId; catalog = table_open(classId, RowExclusiveLock); AlterObjectOwner_internal(catalog, address.objectId, newowner); table_close(catalog, RowExclusiveLock); return address; } break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized AlterOwnerStmt type: %d", (int) stmt->objectType); return InvalidObjectAddress; /* keep compiler happy */ } } /* * Generic function to change the ownership of a given object, for simple * cases (won't work for tables, nor other cases where we need to do more than * change the ownership column of a single catalog entry). * * rel: catalog relation containing object (RowExclusiveLock'd by caller) * objectId: OID of object to change the ownership of * new_ownerId: OID of new object owner */ void AlterObjectOwner_internal(Relation rel, Oid objectId, Oid new_ownerId) { Oid classId = RelationGetRelid(rel); AttrNumber Anum_oid = get_object_attnum_oid(classId); AttrNumber Anum_owner = get_object_attnum_owner(classId); AttrNumber Anum_namespace = get_object_attnum_namespace(classId); AttrNumber Anum_acl = get_object_attnum_acl(classId); AttrNumber Anum_name = get_object_attnum_name(classId); HeapTuple oldtup; Datum datum; bool isnull; Oid old_ownerId; Oid namespaceId = InvalidOid; oldtup = get_catalog_object_by_oid(rel, Anum_oid, objectId); if (oldtup == NULL) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for object %u of catalog \"%s\"", objectId, RelationGetRelationName(rel)); datum = heap_getattr(oldtup, Anum_owner, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); old_ownerId = DatumGetObjectId(datum); if (Anum_namespace != InvalidAttrNumber) { datum = heap_getattr(oldtup, Anum_namespace, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); namespaceId = DatumGetObjectId(datum); } if (old_ownerId != new_ownerId) { AttrNumber nattrs; HeapTuple newtup; Datum *values; bool *nulls; bool *replaces; /* Superusers can bypass permission checks */ if (!superuser()) { /* must be owner */ if (!has_privs_of_role(GetUserId(), old_ownerId)) { char *objname; char namebuf[NAMEDATALEN]; if (Anum_name != InvalidAttrNumber) { datum = heap_getattr(oldtup, Anum_name, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); Assert(!isnull); objname = NameStr(*DatumGetName(datum)); } else { snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "%u", objectId); objname = namebuf; } aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, get_object_type(classId, objectId), objname); } /* Must be able to become new owner */ check_is_member_of_role(GetUserId(), new_ownerId); /* New owner must have CREATE privilege on namespace */ if (OidIsValid(namespaceId)) { AclResult aclresult; aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceId, new_ownerId, ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, OBJECT_SCHEMA, get_namespace_name(namespaceId)); } } /* Build a modified tuple */ nattrs = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel); values = palloc0(nattrs * sizeof(Datum)); nulls = palloc0(nattrs * sizeof(bool)); replaces = palloc0(nattrs * sizeof(bool)); values[Anum_owner - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(new_ownerId); replaces[Anum_owner - 1] = true; /* * Determine the modified ACL for the new owner. This is only * necessary when the ACL is non-null. */ if (Anum_acl != InvalidAttrNumber) { datum = heap_getattr(oldtup, Anum_acl, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); if (!isnull) { Acl *newAcl; newAcl = aclnewowner(DatumGetAclP(datum), old_ownerId, new_ownerId); values[Anum_acl - 1] = PointerGetDatum(newAcl); replaces[Anum_acl - 1] = true; } } newtup = heap_modify_tuple(oldtup, RelationGetDescr(rel), values, nulls, replaces); /* Perform actual update */ CatalogTupleUpdate(rel, &newtup->t_self, newtup); /* Update owner dependency reference */ if (classId == LargeObjectMetadataRelationId) classId = LargeObjectRelationId; changeDependencyOnOwner(classId, objectId, new_ownerId); /* Release memory */ pfree(values); pfree(nulls); pfree(replaces); } InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(classId, objectId, 0); }