/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * nodeBitmapHeapscan.c * Routines to support bitmapped scans of relations * * NOTE: it is critical that this plan type only be used with MVCC-compliant * snapshots (ie, regular snapshots, not SnapshotAny or one of the other * special snapshots). The reason is that since index and heap scans are * decoupled, there can be no assurance that the index tuple prompting a * visit to a particular heap TID still exists when the visit is made. * Therefore the tuple might not exist anymore either (which is OK because * heap_fetch will cope) --- but worse, the tuple slot could have been * re-used for a newer tuple. With an MVCC snapshot the newer tuple is * certain to fail the time qual and so it will not be mistakenly returned, * but with anything else we might return a tuple that doesn't meet the * required index qual conditions. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * INTERFACE ROUTINES * ExecBitmapHeapScan scans a relation using bitmap info * ExecBitmapHeapNext workhorse for above * ExecInitBitmapHeapScan creates and initializes state info. * ExecReScanBitmapHeapScan prepares to rescan the plan. * ExecEndBitmapHeapScan releases all storage. */ #include "postgres.h" #include #include "access/relscan.h" #include "access/tableam.h" #include "access/transam.h" #include "access/visibilitymap.h" #include "executor/execdebug.h" #include "executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "pgstat.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" #include "storage/predicate.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/snapmgr.h" #include "utils/spccache.h" static TupleTableSlot *BitmapHeapNext(BitmapHeapScanState *node); static inline void BitmapDoneInitializingSharedState(ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate); static inline void BitmapAdjustPrefetchIterator(BitmapHeapScanState *node, TBMIterateResult *tbmres); static inline void BitmapAdjustPrefetchTarget(BitmapHeapScanState *node); static inline void BitmapPrefetch(BitmapHeapScanState *node, TableScanDesc scan); static bool BitmapShouldInitializeSharedState(ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * BitmapHeapNext * * Retrieve next tuple from the BitmapHeapScan node's currentRelation * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * BitmapHeapNext(BitmapHeapScanState *node) { ExprContext *econtext; TableScanDesc scan; TIDBitmap *tbm; TBMIterator *tbmiterator = NULL; TBMSharedIterator *shared_tbmiterator = NULL; TBMIterateResult *tbmres; TupleTableSlot *slot; ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate = node->pstate; dsa_area *dsa = node->ss.ps.state->es_query_dsa; /* * extract necessary information from index scan node */ econtext = node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext; slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot; scan = node->ss.ss_currentScanDesc; tbm = node->tbm; if (pstate == NULL) tbmiterator = node->tbmiterator; else shared_tbmiterator = node->shared_tbmiterator; tbmres = node->tbmres; /* * If we haven't yet performed the underlying index scan, do it, and begin * the iteration over the bitmap. * * For prefetching, we use *two* iterators, one for the pages we are * actually scanning and another that runs ahead of the first for * prefetching. node->prefetch_pages tracks exactly how many pages ahead * the prefetch iterator is. Also, node->prefetch_target tracks the * desired prefetch distance, which starts small and increases up to the * node->prefetch_maximum. This is to avoid doing a lot of prefetching in * a scan that stops after a few tuples because of a LIMIT. */ if (!node->initialized) { if (!pstate) { tbm = (TIDBitmap *) MultiExecProcNode(outerPlanState(node)); if (!tbm || !IsA(tbm, TIDBitmap)) elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from subplan"); node->tbm = tbm; node->tbmiterator = tbmiterator = tbm_begin_iterate(tbm); node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL; #ifdef USE_PREFETCH if (node->prefetch_maximum > 0) { node->prefetch_iterator = tbm_begin_iterate(tbm); node->prefetch_pages = 0; node->prefetch_target = -1; } #endif /* USE_PREFETCH */ } else { /* * The leader will immediately come out of the function, but * others will be blocked until leader populates the TBM and wakes * them up. */ if (BitmapShouldInitializeSharedState(pstate)) { tbm = (TIDBitmap *) MultiExecProcNode(outerPlanState(node)); if (!tbm || !IsA(tbm, TIDBitmap)) elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from subplan"); node->tbm = tbm; /* * Prepare to iterate over the TBM. This will return the * dsa_pointer of the iterator state which will be used by * multiple processes to iterate jointly. */ pstate->tbmiterator = tbm_prepare_shared_iterate(tbm); #ifdef USE_PREFETCH if (node->prefetch_maximum > 0) { pstate->prefetch_iterator = tbm_prepare_shared_iterate(tbm); /* * We don't need the mutex here as we haven't yet woke up * others. */ pstate->prefetch_pages = 0; pstate->prefetch_target = -1; } #endif /* We have initialized the shared state so wake up others. */ BitmapDoneInitializingSharedState(pstate); } /* Allocate a private iterator and attach the shared state to it */ node->shared_tbmiterator = shared_tbmiterator = tbm_attach_shared_iterate(dsa, pstate->tbmiterator); node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL; #ifdef USE_PREFETCH if (node->prefetch_maximum > 0) { node->shared_prefetch_iterator = tbm_attach_shared_iterate(dsa, pstate->prefetch_iterator); } #endif /* USE_PREFETCH */ } node->initialized = true; } for (;;) { bool skip_fetch; CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* * Get next page of results if needed */ if (tbmres == NULL) { if (!pstate) node->tbmres = tbmres = tbm_iterate(tbmiterator); else node->tbmres = tbmres = tbm_shared_iterate(shared_tbmiterator); if (tbmres == NULL) { /* no more entries in the bitmap */ break; } BitmapAdjustPrefetchIterator(node, tbmres); /* * We can skip fetching the heap page if we don't need any fields * from the heap, and the bitmap entries don't need rechecking, * and all tuples on the page are visible to our transaction. * * XXX: It's a layering violation that we do these checks above * tableam, they should probably moved below it at some point. */ skip_fetch = (node->can_skip_fetch && !tbmres->recheck && VM_ALL_VISIBLE(node->ss.ss_currentRelation, tbmres->blockno, &node->vmbuffer)); if (skip_fetch) { /* can't be lossy in the skip_fetch case */ Assert(tbmres->ntuples >= 0); /* * The number of tuples on this page is put into * node->return_empty_tuples. */ node->return_empty_tuples = tbmres->ntuples; } else if (!table_scan_bitmap_next_block(scan, tbmres)) { /* AM doesn't think this block is valid, skip */ continue; } if (tbmres->ntuples >= 0) node->exact_pages++; else node->lossy_pages++; /* Adjust the prefetch target */ BitmapAdjustPrefetchTarget(node); } else { /* * Continuing in previously obtained page. */ #ifdef USE_PREFETCH /* * Try to prefetch at least a few pages even before we get to the * second page if we don't stop reading after the first tuple. */ if (!pstate) { if (node->prefetch_target < node->prefetch_maximum) node->prefetch_target++; } else if (pstate->prefetch_target < node->prefetch_maximum) { /* take spinlock while updating shared state */ SpinLockAcquire(&pstate->mutex); if (pstate->prefetch_target < node->prefetch_maximum) pstate->prefetch_target++; SpinLockRelease(&pstate->mutex); } #endif /* USE_PREFETCH */ } /* * We issue prefetch requests *after* fetching the current page to try * to avoid having prefetching interfere with the main I/O. Also, this * should happen only when we have determined there is still something * to do on the current page, else we may uselessly prefetch the same * page we are just about to request for real. * * XXX: It's a layering violation that we do these checks above * tableam, they should probably moved below it at some point. */ BitmapPrefetch(node, scan); if (node->return_empty_tuples > 0) { /* * If we don't have to fetch the tuple, just return nulls. */ ExecStoreAllNullTuple(slot); if (--node->return_empty_tuples == 0) { /* no more tuples to return in the next round */ node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL; } } else { /* * Attempt to fetch tuple from AM. */ if (!table_scan_bitmap_next_tuple(scan, tbmres, slot)) { /* nothing more to look at on this page */ node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL; continue; } /* * If we are using lossy info, we have to recheck the qual * conditions at every tuple. */ if (tbmres->recheck) { econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot; if (!ExecQualAndReset(node->bitmapqualorig, econtext)) { /* Fails recheck, so drop it and loop back for another */ InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1); ExecClearTuple(slot); continue; } } } /* OK to return this tuple */ return slot; } /* * if we get here it means we are at the end of the scan.. */ return ExecClearTuple(slot); } /* * BitmapDoneInitializingSharedState - Shared state is initialized * * By this time the leader has already populated the TBM and initialized the * shared state so wake up other processes. */ static inline void BitmapDoneInitializingSharedState(ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate) { SpinLockAcquire(&pstate->mutex); pstate->state = BM_FINISHED; SpinLockRelease(&pstate->mutex); ConditionVariableBroadcast(&pstate->cv); } /* * BitmapAdjustPrefetchIterator - Adjust the prefetch iterator */ static inline void BitmapAdjustPrefetchIterator(BitmapHeapScanState *node, TBMIterateResult *tbmres) { #ifdef USE_PREFETCH ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate = node->pstate; if (pstate == NULL) { TBMIterator *prefetch_iterator = node->prefetch_iterator; if (node->prefetch_pages > 0) { /* The main iterator has closed the distance by one page */ node->prefetch_pages--; } else if (prefetch_iterator) { /* Do not let the prefetch iterator get behind the main one */ TBMIterateResult *tbmpre = tbm_iterate(prefetch_iterator); if (tbmpre == NULL || tbmpre->blockno != tbmres->blockno) elog(ERROR, "prefetch and main iterators are out of sync"); } return; } if (node->prefetch_maximum > 0) { TBMSharedIterator *prefetch_iterator = node->shared_prefetch_iterator; SpinLockAcquire(&pstate->mutex); if (pstate->prefetch_pages > 0) { pstate->prefetch_pages--; SpinLockRelease(&pstate->mutex); } else { /* Release the mutex before iterating */ SpinLockRelease(&pstate->mutex); /* * In case of shared mode, we can not ensure that the current * blockno of the main iterator and that of the prefetch iterator * are same. It's possible that whatever blockno we are * prefetching will be processed by another process. Therefore, * we don't validate the blockno here as we do in non-parallel * case. */ if (prefetch_iterator) tbm_shared_iterate(prefetch_iterator); } } #endif /* USE_PREFETCH */ } /* * BitmapAdjustPrefetchTarget - Adjust the prefetch target * * Increase prefetch target if it's not yet at the max. Note that * we will increase it to zero after fetching the very first * page/tuple, then to one after the second tuple is fetched, then * it doubles as later pages are fetched. */ static inline void BitmapAdjustPrefetchTarget(BitmapHeapScanState *node) { #ifdef USE_PREFETCH ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate = node->pstate; if (pstate == NULL) { if (node->prefetch_target >= node->prefetch_maximum) /* don't increase any further */ ; else if (node->prefetch_target >= node->prefetch_maximum / 2) node->prefetch_target = node->prefetch_maximum; else if (node->prefetch_target > 0) node->prefetch_target *= 2; else node->prefetch_target++; return; } /* Do an unlocked check first to save spinlock acquisitions. */ if (pstate->prefetch_target < node->prefetch_maximum) { SpinLockAcquire(&pstate->mutex); if (pstate->prefetch_target >= node->prefetch_maximum) /* don't increase any further */ ; else if (pstate->prefetch_target >= node->prefetch_maximum / 2) pstate->prefetch_target = node->prefetch_maximum; else if (pstate->prefetch_target > 0) pstate->prefetch_target *= 2; else pstate->prefetch_target++; SpinLockRelease(&pstate->mutex); } #endif /* USE_PREFETCH */ } /* * BitmapPrefetch - Prefetch, if prefetch_pages are behind prefetch_target */ static inline void BitmapPrefetch(BitmapHeapScanState *node, TableScanDesc scan) { #ifdef USE_PREFETCH ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate = node->pstate; if (pstate == NULL) { TBMIterator *prefetch_iterator = node->prefetch_iterator; if (prefetch_iterator) { while (node->prefetch_pages < node->prefetch_target) { TBMIterateResult *tbmpre = tbm_iterate(prefetch_iterator); bool skip_fetch; if (tbmpre == NULL) { /* No more pages to prefetch */ tbm_end_iterate(prefetch_iterator); node->prefetch_iterator = NULL; break; } node->prefetch_pages++; /* * If we expect not to have to actually read this heap page, * skip this prefetch call, but continue to run the prefetch * logic normally. (Would it be better not to increment * prefetch_pages?) * * This depends on the assumption that the index AM will * report the same recheck flag for this future heap page as * it did for the current heap page; which is not a certainty * but is true in many cases. */ skip_fetch = (node->can_skip_fetch && (node->tbmres ? !node->tbmres->recheck : false) && VM_ALL_VISIBLE(node->ss.ss_currentRelation, tbmpre->blockno, &node->pvmbuffer)); if (!skip_fetch) PrefetchBuffer(scan->rs_rd, MAIN_FORKNUM, tbmpre->blockno); } } return; } if (pstate->prefetch_pages < pstate->prefetch_target) { TBMSharedIterator *prefetch_iterator = node->shared_prefetch_iterator; if (prefetch_iterator) { while (1) { TBMIterateResult *tbmpre; bool do_prefetch = false; bool skip_fetch; /* * Recheck under the mutex. If some other process has already * done enough prefetching then we need not to do anything. */ SpinLockAcquire(&pstate->mutex); if (pstate->prefetch_pages < pstate->prefetch_target) { pstate->prefetch_pages++; do_prefetch = true; } SpinLockRelease(&pstate->mutex); if (!do_prefetch) return; tbmpre = tbm_shared_iterate(prefetch_iterator); if (tbmpre == NULL) { /* No more pages to prefetch */ tbm_end_shared_iterate(prefetch_iterator); node->shared_prefetch_iterator = NULL; break; } /* As above, skip prefetch if we expect not to need page */ skip_fetch = (node->can_skip_fetch && (node->tbmres ? !node->tbmres->recheck : false) && VM_ALL_VISIBLE(node->ss.ss_currentRelation, tbmpre->blockno, &node->pvmbuffer)); if (!skip_fetch) PrefetchBuffer(scan->rs_rd, MAIN_FORKNUM, tbmpre->blockno); } } } #endif /* USE_PREFETCH */ } /* * BitmapHeapRecheck -- access method routine to recheck a tuple in EvalPlanQual */ static bool BitmapHeapRecheck(BitmapHeapScanState *node, TupleTableSlot *slot) { ExprContext *econtext; /* * extract necessary information from index scan node */ econtext = node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext; /* Does the tuple meet the original qual conditions? */ econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot; return ExecQualAndReset(node->bitmapqualorig, econtext); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecBitmapHeapScan(node) * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * ExecBitmapHeapScan(PlanState *pstate) { BitmapHeapScanState *node = castNode(BitmapHeapScanState, pstate); return ExecScan(&node->ss, (ExecScanAccessMtd) BitmapHeapNext, (ExecScanRecheckMtd) BitmapHeapRecheck); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecReScanBitmapHeapScan(node) * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecReScanBitmapHeapScan(BitmapHeapScanState *node) { PlanState *outerPlan = outerPlanState(node); /* rescan to release any page pin */ table_rescan(node->ss.ss_currentScanDesc, NULL); /* release bitmaps and buffers if any */ if (node->tbmiterator) tbm_end_iterate(node->tbmiterator); if (node->prefetch_iterator) tbm_end_iterate(node->prefetch_iterator); if (node->shared_tbmiterator) tbm_end_shared_iterate(node->shared_tbmiterator); if (node->shared_prefetch_iterator) tbm_end_shared_iterate(node->shared_prefetch_iterator); if (node->tbm) tbm_free(node->tbm); if (node->vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer) ReleaseBuffer(node->vmbuffer); if (node->pvmbuffer != InvalidBuffer) ReleaseBuffer(node->pvmbuffer); node->tbm = NULL; node->tbmiterator = NULL; node->tbmres = NULL; node->prefetch_iterator = NULL; node->initialized = false; node->shared_tbmiterator = NULL; node->shared_prefetch_iterator = NULL; node->vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer; node->pvmbuffer = InvalidBuffer; ExecScanReScan(&node->ss); /* * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by * first ExecProcNode. */ if (outerPlan->chgParam == NULL) ExecReScan(outerPlan); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecEndBitmapHeapScan * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecEndBitmapHeapScan(BitmapHeapScanState *node) { TableScanDesc scanDesc; /* * extract information from the node */ scanDesc = node->ss.ss_currentScanDesc; /* * Free the exprcontext */ ExecFreeExprContext(&node->ss.ps); /* * clear out tuple table slots */ if (node->ss.ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot) ExecClearTuple(node->ss.ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot); ExecClearTuple(node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot); /* * close down subplans */ ExecEndNode(outerPlanState(node)); /* * release bitmaps and buffers if any */ if (node->tbmiterator) tbm_end_iterate(node->tbmiterator); if (node->prefetch_iterator) tbm_end_iterate(node->prefetch_iterator); if (node->tbm) tbm_free(node->tbm); if (node->shared_tbmiterator) tbm_end_shared_iterate(node->shared_tbmiterator); if (node->shared_prefetch_iterator) tbm_end_shared_iterate(node->shared_prefetch_iterator); if (node->vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer) ReleaseBuffer(node->vmbuffer); if (node->pvmbuffer != InvalidBuffer) ReleaseBuffer(node->pvmbuffer); /* * close heap scan */ table_endscan(scanDesc); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitBitmapHeapScan * * Initializes the scan's state information. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ BitmapHeapScanState * ExecInitBitmapHeapScan(BitmapHeapScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags) { BitmapHeapScanState *scanstate; Relation currentRelation; /* check for unsupported flags */ Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK))); /* * Assert caller didn't ask for an unsafe snapshot --- see comments at * head of file. */ Assert(IsMVCCSnapshot(estate->es_snapshot)); /* * create state structure */ scanstate = makeNode(BitmapHeapScanState); scanstate->ss.ps.plan = (Plan *) node; scanstate->ss.ps.state = estate; scanstate->ss.ps.ExecProcNode = ExecBitmapHeapScan; scanstate->tbm = NULL; scanstate->tbmiterator = NULL; scanstate->tbmres = NULL; scanstate->return_empty_tuples = 0; scanstate->vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer; scanstate->pvmbuffer = InvalidBuffer; scanstate->exact_pages = 0; scanstate->lossy_pages = 0; scanstate->prefetch_iterator = NULL; scanstate->prefetch_pages = 0; scanstate->prefetch_target = 0; scanstate->pscan_len = 0; scanstate->initialized = false; scanstate->shared_tbmiterator = NULL; scanstate->shared_prefetch_iterator = NULL; scanstate->pstate = NULL; /* * We can potentially skip fetching heap pages if we do not need any * columns of the table, either for checking non-indexable quals or for * returning data. This test is a bit simplistic, as it checks the * stronger condition that there's no qual or return tlist at all. But in * most cases it's probably not worth working harder than that. */ scanstate->can_skip_fetch = (node->scan.plan.qual == NIL && node->scan.plan.targetlist == NIL); /* * Miscellaneous initialization * * create expression context for node */ ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &scanstate->ss.ps); /* * open the scan relation */ currentRelation = ExecOpenScanRelation(estate, node->scan.scanrelid, eflags); /* * initialize child nodes */ outerPlanState(scanstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags); /* * get the scan type from the relation descriptor. */ ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &scanstate->ss, RelationGetDescr(currentRelation), table_slot_callbacks(currentRelation)); /* * Initialize result type and projection. */ ExecInitResultTypeTL(&scanstate->ss.ps); ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo(&scanstate->ss); /* * initialize child expressions */ scanstate->ss.ps.qual = ExecInitQual(node->scan.plan.qual, (PlanState *) scanstate); scanstate->bitmapqualorig = ExecInitQual(node->bitmapqualorig, (PlanState *) scanstate); /* * Maximum number of prefetches for the tablespace if configured, * otherwise the current value of the effective_io_concurrency GUC. */ scanstate->prefetch_maximum = get_tablespace_io_concurrency(currentRelation->rd_rel->reltablespace); scanstate->ss.ss_currentRelation = currentRelation; scanstate->ss.ss_currentScanDesc = table_beginscan_bm(currentRelation, estate->es_snapshot, 0, NULL); /* * all done. */ return scanstate; } /*---------------- * BitmapShouldInitializeSharedState * * The first process to come here and see the state to the BM_INITIAL * will become the leader for the parallel bitmap scan and will be * responsible for populating the TIDBitmap. The other processes will * be blocked by the condition variable until the leader wakes them up. * --------------- */ static bool BitmapShouldInitializeSharedState(ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate) { SharedBitmapState state; while (1) { SpinLockAcquire(&pstate->mutex); state = pstate->state; if (pstate->state == BM_INITIAL) pstate->state = BM_INPROGRESS; SpinLockRelease(&pstate->mutex); /* Exit if bitmap is done, or if we're the leader. */ if (state != BM_INPROGRESS) break; /* Wait for the leader to wake us up. */ ConditionVariableSleep(&pstate->cv, WAIT_EVENT_PARALLEL_BITMAP_SCAN); } ConditionVariableCancelSleep(); return (state == BM_INITIAL); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecBitmapHeapEstimate * * Compute the amount of space we'll need in the parallel * query DSM, and inform pcxt->estimator about our needs. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecBitmapHeapEstimate(BitmapHeapScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt) { EState *estate = node->ss.ps.state; node->pscan_len = add_size(offsetof(ParallelBitmapHeapState, phs_snapshot_data), EstimateSnapshotSpace(estate->es_snapshot)); shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, node->pscan_len); shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecBitmapHeapInitializeDSM * * Set up a parallel bitmap heap scan descriptor. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecBitmapHeapInitializeDSM(BitmapHeapScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt) { ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate; EState *estate = node->ss.ps.state; dsa_area *dsa = node->ss.ps.state->es_query_dsa; /* If there's no DSA, there are no workers; initialize nothing. */ if (dsa == NULL) return; pstate = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, node->pscan_len); pstate->tbmiterator = 0; pstate->prefetch_iterator = 0; /* Initialize the mutex */ SpinLockInit(&pstate->mutex); pstate->prefetch_pages = 0; pstate->prefetch_target = 0; pstate->state = BM_INITIAL; ConditionVariableInit(&pstate->cv); SerializeSnapshot(estate->es_snapshot, pstate->phs_snapshot_data); shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, node->ss.ps.plan->plan_node_id, pstate); node->pstate = pstate; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecBitmapHeapReInitializeDSM * * Reset shared state before beginning a fresh scan. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecBitmapHeapReInitializeDSM(BitmapHeapScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt) { ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate = node->pstate; dsa_area *dsa = node->ss.ps.state->es_query_dsa; /* If there's no DSA, there are no workers; do nothing. */ if (dsa == NULL) return; pstate->state = BM_INITIAL; if (DsaPointerIsValid(pstate->tbmiterator)) tbm_free_shared_area(dsa, pstate->tbmiterator); if (DsaPointerIsValid(pstate->prefetch_iterator)) tbm_free_shared_area(dsa, pstate->prefetch_iterator); pstate->tbmiterator = InvalidDsaPointer; pstate->prefetch_iterator = InvalidDsaPointer; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecBitmapHeapInitializeWorker * * Copy relevant information from TOC into planstate. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecBitmapHeapInitializeWorker(BitmapHeapScanState *node, ParallelWorkerContext *pwcxt) { ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate; Snapshot snapshot; Assert(node->ss.ps.state->es_query_dsa != NULL); pstate = shm_toc_lookup(pwcxt->toc, node->ss.ps.plan->plan_node_id, false); node->pstate = pstate; snapshot = RestoreSnapshot(pstate->phs_snapshot_data); table_scan_update_snapshot(node->ss.ss_currentScanDesc, snapshot); }