/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * nodeSetOp.c * Routines to handle INTERSECT and EXCEPT selection * * The input of a SetOp node consists of tuples from two relations, * which have been combined into one dataset, with a junk attribute added * that shows which relation each tuple came from. In SETOP_SORTED mode, * the input has furthermore been sorted according to all the grouping * columns (ie, all the non-junk attributes). The SetOp node scans each * group of identical tuples to determine how many came from each input * relation. Then it is a simple matter to emit the output demanded by the * SQL spec for INTERSECT, INTERSECT ALL, EXCEPT, or EXCEPT ALL. * * In SETOP_HASHED mode, the input is delivered in no particular order, * except that we know all the tuples from one input relation will come before * all the tuples of the other. The planner guarantees that the first input * relation is the left-hand one for EXCEPT, and tries to make the smaller * input relation come first for INTERSECT. We build a hash table in memory * with one entry for each group of identical tuples, and count the number of * tuples in the group from each relation. After seeing all the input, we * scan the hashtable and generate the correct output using those counts. * We can avoid making hashtable entries for any tuples appearing only in the * second input relation, since they cannot result in any output. * * This node type is not used for UNION or UNION ALL, since those can be * implemented more cheaply (there's no need for the junk attribute to * identify the source relation). * * Note that SetOp does no qual checking nor projection. The delivered * output tuples are just copies of the first-to-arrive tuple in each * input group. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/executor/nodeSetOp.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "executor/executor.h" #include "executor/nodeSetOp.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" /* * SetOpStatePerGroupData - per-group working state * * These values are working state that is initialized at the start of * an input tuple group and updated for each input tuple. * * In SETOP_SORTED mode, we need only one of these structs, and it's kept in * the plan state node. In SETOP_HASHED mode, the hash table contains one * of these for each tuple group. */ typedef struct SetOpStatePerGroupData { long numLeft; /* number of left-input dups in group */ long numRight; /* number of right-input dups in group */ } SetOpStatePerGroupData; static TupleTableSlot *setop_retrieve_direct(SetOpState *setopstate); static void setop_fill_hash_table(SetOpState *setopstate); static TupleTableSlot *setop_retrieve_hash_table(SetOpState *setopstate); /* * Initialize state for a new group of input values. */ static inline void initialize_counts(SetOpStatePerGroup pergroup) { pergroup->numLeft = pergroup->numRight = 0; } /* * Advance the appropriate counter for one input tuple. */ static inline void advance_counts(SetOpStatePerGroup pergroup, int flag) { if (flag) pergroup->numRight++; else pergroup->numLeft++; } /* * Fetch the "flag" column from an input tuple. * This is an integer column with value 0 for left side, 1 for right side. */ static int fetch_tuple_flag(SetOpState *setopstate, TupleTableSlot *inputslot) { SetOp *node = (SetOp *) setopstate->ps.plan; int flag; bool isNull; flag = DatumGetInt32(slot_getattr(inputslot, node->flagColIdx, &isNull)); Assert(!isNull); Assert(flag == 0 || flag == 1); return flag; } /* * Initialize the hash table to empty. */ static void build_hash_table(SetOpState *setopstate) { SetOp *node = (SetOp *) setopstate->ps.plan; ExprContext *econtext = setopstate->ps.ps_ExprContext; TupleDesc desc = ExecGetResultType(outerPlanState(setopstate)); Assert(node->strategy == SETOP_HASHED); Assert(node->numGroups > 0); setopstate->hashtable = BuildTupleHashTableExt(&setopstate->ps, desc, node->numCols, node->dupColIdx, setopstate->eqfuncoids, setopstate->hashfunctions, node->dupCollations, node->numGroups, 0, setopstate->ps.state->es_query_cxt, setopstate->tableContext, econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory, false); } /* * We've completed processing a tuple group. Decide how many copies (if any) * of its representative row to emit, and store the count into numOutput. * This logic is straight from the SQL92 specification. */ static void set_output_count(SetOpState *setopstate, SetOpStatePerGroup pergroup) { SetOp *plannode = (SetOp *) setopstate->ps.plan; switch (plannode->cmd) { case SETOPCMD_INTERSECT: if (pergroup->numLeft > 0 && pergroup->numRight > 0) setopstate->numOutput = 1; else setopstate->numOutput = 0; break; case SETOPCMD_INTERSECT_ALL: setopstate->numOutput = (pergroup->numLeft < pergroup->numRight) ? pergroup->numLeft : pergroup->numRight; break; case SETOPCMD_EXCEPT: if (pergroup->numLeft > 0 && pergroup->numRight == 0) setopstate->numOutput = 1; else setopstate->numOutput = 0; break; case SETOPCMD_EXCEPT_ALL: setopstate->numOutput = (pergroup->numLeft < pergroup->numRight) ? 0 : (pergroup->numLeft - pergroup->numRight); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized set op: %d", (int) plannode->cmd); break; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecSetOp * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * /* return: a tuple or NULL */ ExecSetOp(PlanState *pstate) { SetOpState *node = castNode(SetOpState, pstate); SetOp *plannode = (SetOp *) node->ps.plan; TupleTableSlot *resultTupleSlot = node->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot; CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* * If the previously-returned tuple needs to be returned more than once, * keep returning it. */ if (node->numOutput > 0) { node->numOutput--; return resultTupleSlot; } /* Otherwise, we're done if we are out of groups */ if (node->setop_done) return NULL; /* Fetch the next tuple group according to the correct strategy */ if (plannode->strategy == SETOP_HASHED) { if (!node->table_filled) setop_fill_hash_table(node); return setop_retrieve_hash_table(node); } else return setop_retrieve_direct(node); } /* * ExecSetOp for non-hashed case */ static TupleTableSlot * setop_retrieve_direct(SetOpState *setopstate) { PlanState *outerPlan; SetOpStatePerGroup pergroup; TupleTableSlot *outerslot; TupleTableSlot *resultTupleSlot; ExprContext *econtext = setopstate->ps.ps_ExprContext; /* * get state info from node */ outerPlan = outerPlanState(setopstate); pergroup = (SetOpStatePerGroup) setopstate->pergroup; resultTupleSlot = setopstate->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot; /* * We loop retrieving groups until we find one we should return */ while (!setopstate->setop_done) { /* * If we don't already have the first tuple of the new group, fetch it * from the outer plan. */ if (setopstate->grp_firstTuple == NULL) { outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan); if (!TupIsNull(outerslot)) { /* Make a copy of the first input tuple */ setopstate->grp_firstTuple = ExecCopySlotHeapTuple(outerslot); } else { /* outer plan produced no tuples at all */ setopstate->setop_done = true; return NULL; } } /* * Store the copied first input tuple in the tuple table slot reserved * for it. The tuple will be deleted when it is cleared from the * slot. */ ExecStoreHeapTuple(setopstate->grp_firstTuple, resultTupleSlot, true); setopstate->grp_firstTuple = NULL; /* don't keep two pointers */ /* Initialize working state for a new input tuple group */ initialize_counts(pergroup); /* Count the first input tuple */ advance_counts(pergroup, fetch_tuple_flag(setopstate, resultTupleSlot)); /* * Scan the outer plan until we exhaust it or cross a group boundary. */ for (;;) { outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan); if (TupIsNull(outerslot)) { /* no more outer-plan tuples available */ setopstate->setop_done = true; break; } /* * Check whether we've crossed a group boundary. */ econtext->ecxt_outertuple = resultTupleSlot; econtext->ecxt_innertuple = outerslot; if (!ExecQualAndReset(setopstate->eqfunction, econtext)) { /* * Save the first input tuple of the next group. */ setopstate->grp_firstTuple = ExecCopySlotHeapTuple(outerslot); break; } /* Still in same group, so count this tuple */ advance_counts(pergroup, fetch_tuple_flag(setopstate, outerslot)); } /* * Done scanning input tuple group. See if we should emit any copies * of result tuple, and if so return the first copy. */ set_output_count(setopstate, pergroup); if (setopstate->numOutput > 0) { setopstate->numOutput--; return resultTupleSlot; } } /* No more groups */ ExecClearTuple(resultTupleSlot); return NULL; } /* * ExecSetOp for hashed case: phase 1, read input and build hash table */ static void setop_fill_hash_table(SetOpState *setopstate) { SetOp *node = (SetOp *) setopstate->ps.plan; PlanState *outerPlan; int firstFlag; bool in_first_rel PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY; ExprContext *econtext = setopstate->ps.ps_ExprContext; /* * get state info from node */ outerPlan = outerPlanState(setopstate); firstFlag = node->firstFlag; /* verify planner didn't mess up */ Assert(firstFlag == 0 || (firstFlag == 1 && (node->cmd == SETOPCMD_INTERSECT || node->cmd == SETOPCMD_INTERSECT_ALL))); /* * Process each outer-plan tuple, and then fetch the next one, until we * exhaust the outer plan. */ in_first_rel = true; for (;;) { TupleTableSlot *outerslot; int flag; TupleHashEntryData *entry; bool isnew; outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan); if (TupIsNull(outerslot)) break; /* Identify whether it's left or right input */ flag = fetch_tuple_flag(setopstate, outerslot); if (flag == firstFlag) { /* (still) in first input relation */ Assert(in_first_rel); /* Find or build hashtable entry for this tuple's group */ entry = LookupTupleHashEntry(setopstate->hashtable, outerslot, &isnew, NULL); /* If new tuple group, initialize counts */ if (isnew) { entry->additional = (SetOpStatePerGroup) MemoryContextAlloc(setopstate->hashtable->tablecxt, sizeof(SetOpStatePerGroupData)); initialize_counts((SetOpStatePerGroup) entry->additional); } /* Advance the counts */ advance_counts((SetOpStatePerGroup) entry->additional, flag); } else { /* reached second relation */ in_first_rel = false; /* For tuples not seen previously, do not make hashtable entry */ entry = LookupTupleHashEntry(setopstate->hashtable, outerslot, NULL, NULL); /* Advance the counts if entry is already present */ if (entry) advance_counts((SetOpStatePerGroup) entry->additional, flag); } /* Must reset expression context after each hashtable lookup */ ResetExprContext(econtext); } setopstate->table_filled = true; /* Initialize to walk the hash table */ ResetTupleHashIterator(setopstate->hashtable, &setopstate->hashiter); } /* * ExecSetOp for hashed case: phase 2, retrieving groups from hash table */ static TupleTableSlot * setop_retrieve_hash_table(SetOpState *setopstate) { TupleHashEntryData *entry; TupleTableSlot *resultTupleSlot; /* * get state info from node */ resultTupleSlot = setopstate->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot; /* * We loop retrieving groups until we find one we should return */ while (!setopstate->setop_done) { CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* * Find the next entry in the hash table */ entry = ScanTupleHashTable(setopstate->hashtable, &setopstate->hashiter); if (entry == NULL) { /* No more entries in hashtable, so done */ setopstate->setop_done = true; return NULL; } /* * See if we should emit any copies of this tuple, and if so return * the first copy. */ set_output_count(setopstate, (SetOpStatePerGroup) entry->additional); if (setopstate->numOutput > 0) { setopstate->numOutput--; return ExecStoreMinimalTuple(entry->firstTuple, resultTupleSlot, false); } } /* No more groups */ ExecClearTuple(resultTupleSlot); return NULL; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitSetOp * * This initializes the setop node state structures and * the node's subplan. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ SetOpState * ExecInitSetOp(SetOp *node, EState *estate, int eflags) { SetOpState *setopstate; TupleDesc outerDesc; /* check for unsupported flags */ Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK))); /* * create state structure */ setopstate = makeNode(SetOpState); setopstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node; setopstate->ps.state = estate; setopstate->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecSetOp; setopstate->eqfuncoids = NULL; setopstate->hashfunctions = NULL; setopstate->setop_done = false; setopstate->numOutput = 0; setopstate->pergroup = NULL; setopstate->grp_firstTuple = NULL; setopstate->hashtable = NULL; setopstate->tableContext = NULL; /* * create expression context */ ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &setopstate->ps); /* * If hashing, we also need a longer-lived context to store the hash * table. The table can't just be kept in the per-query context because * we want to be able to throw it away in ExecReScanSetOp. */ if (node->strategy == SETOP_HASHED) setopstate->tableContext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "SetOp hash table", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); /* * initialize child nodes * * If we are hashing then the child plan does not need to handle REWIND * efficiently; see ExecReScanSetOp. */ if (node->strategy == SETOP_HASHED) eflags &= ~EXEC_FLAG_REWIND; outerPlanState(setopstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags); outerDesc = ExecGetResultType(outerPlanState(setopstate)); /* * Initialize result slot and type. Setop nodes do no projections, so * initialize projection info for this node appropriately. */ ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(&setopstate->ps, node->strategy == SETOP_HASHED ? &TTSOpsMinimalTuple : &TTSOpsHeapTuple); setopstate->ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL; /* * Precompute fmgr lookup data for inner loop. We need both equality and * hashing functions to do it by hashing, but only equality if not * hashing. */ if (node->strategy == SETOP_HASHED) execTuplesHashPrepare(node->numCols, node->dupOperators, &setopstate->eqfuncoids, &setopstate->hashfunctions); else setopstate->eqfunction = execTuplesMatchPrepare(outerDesc, node->numCols, node->dupColIdx, node->dupOperators, node->dupCollations, &setopstate->ps); if (node->strategy == SETOP_HASHED) { build_hash_table(setopstate); setopstate->table_filled = false; } else { setopstate->pergroup = (SetOpStatePerGroup) palloc0(sizeof(SetOpStatePerGroupData)); } return setopstate; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecEndSetOp * * This shuts down the subplan and frees resources allocated * to this node. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecEndSetOp(SetOpState *node) { /* clean up tuple table */ ExecClearTuple(node->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot); /* free subsidiary stuff including hashtable */ if (node->tableContext) MemoryContextDelete(node->tableContext); ExecFreeExprContext(&node->ps); ExecEndNode(outerPlanState(node)); } void ExecReScanSetOp(SetOpState *node) { ExecClearTuple(node->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot); node->setop_done = false; node->numOutput = 0; if (((SetOp *) node->ps.plan)->strategy == SETOP_HASHED) { /* * In the hashed case, if we haven't yet built the hash table then we * can just return; nothing done yet, so nothing to undo. If subnode's * chgParam is not NULL then it will be re-scanned by ExecProcNode, * else no reason to re-scan it at all. */ if (!node->table_filled) return; /* * If we do have the hash table and the subplan does not have any * parameter changes, then we can just rescan the existing hash table; * no need to build it again. */ if (node->ps.lefttree->chgParam == NULL) { ResetTupleHashIterator(node->hashtable, &node->hashiter); return; } } /* Release first tuple of group, if we have made a copy */ if (node->grp_firstTuple != NULL) { heap_freetuple(node->grp_firstTuple); node->grp_firstTuple = NULL; } /* Release any hashtable storage */ if (node->tableContext) MemoryContextResetAndDeleteChildren(node->tableContext); /* And rebuild empty hashtable if needed */ if (((SetOp *) node->ps.plan)->strategy == SETOP_HASHED) { ResetTupleHashTable(node->hashtable); node->table_filled = false; } /* * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by * first ExecProcNode. */ if (node->ps.lefttree->chgParam == NULL) ExecReScan(node->ps.lefttree); }