THE SHORT VERSION ----------------- On non-Windows machines, you can execute the testing process described below by running the following command in this directory: make check This will run the TAP tests to run pg_upgrade, performing an upgrade from the version in this source tree to a new instance of the same version. Testing an upgrade from a different PG version is also possible, and provides a more thorough test that pg_upgrade does what it's meant for. This requires both a source tree and an installed tree for the old version, as well as a dump file to set up the instance to be upgraded. The following environment variables must be set to enable this testing: export olddump=...somewhere/dump.sql (old version's dump) export oldinstall=...otherversion/ (old version's install base path) See DETAILS below for more information about creation of the dump. DETAILS ------- The most effective way to test pg_upgrade, aside from testing on user data, is by upgrading the PostgreSQL regression database. This testing process first requires the creation of a valid regression database dump that can then be used for $olddump. Such files contain most database features and are specific to each major version of Postgres. Here are the steps needed to create a dump file: 1) Create and populate the regression database in the old cluster. This database can be created by running 'make installcheck' from src/test/regress in the old version's source code tree. If you like, you can also populate regression databases for one or more contrib modules by running 'make installcheck USE_MODULE_DB=1' in their directories. (USE_MODULE_DB is essential so that the pg_upgrade test script will understand which database is which.) 2) Use pg_dumpall to dump out the contents of the instance, including the regression database(s), into a SQL file. Use the *old* version's pg_dumpall so that the dump created is compatible with that version. Once the dump file is created, it can be used repeatedly. Set $olddump to point to the dump file and run 'make check' or 'make installcheck' in the new version's src/bin/pg_upgrade directory. (If you included any contrib databases in the old dump, you must use 'make installcheck' and ensure that the corresponding contrib modules have been installed in the new version's installation tree.) This will build a temporary cluster using the old installation's executables, populate it from the dump file, and then try to pg_upgrade it to the new version. Success is reported if pg_dumpall output matches between the pre-upgrade and post-upgrade databases. In case of trouble, manually comparing those dump files may help to isolate the problem.