/* * *** Do not change this file by hand. It is automatically * *** generated from the DocBook documentation. * * generated by src/bin/psql/create_help.pl * */ #define N_(x) (x) /* gettext noop */ #include "postgres_fe.h" #include "sql_help.h" static void sql_help_ABORT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ABORT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ] [ AND [ NO ] CHAIN ]"); } static void sql_help_ALTER_AGGREGATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER AGGREGATE %s ( %s ) RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER AGGREGATE %s ( %s )\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER AGGREGATE %s ( %s ) SET SCHEMA %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "* |\n" "[ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] |\n" "[ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] ] ORDER BY [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ]", _("name"), _("aggregate_signature"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("aggregate_signature"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("aggregate_signature"), _("new_schema"), _("where aggregate_signature is:"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_COLLATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER COLLATION %s REFRESH VERSION\n" "\n" "ALTER COLLATION %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER COLLATION %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER COLLATION %s SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_CONVERSION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER CONVERSION %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER CONVERSION %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER CONVERSION %s SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_DATABASE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER DATABASE %s [ [ WITH ] %s [ ... ] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ALLOW_CONNECTIONS %s\n" " CONNECTION LIMIT %s\n" " IS_TEMPLATE %s\n" "\n" "ALTER DATABASE %s RENAME TO %s\n" "\n" "ALTER DATABASE %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "\n" "ALTER DATABASE %s SET TABLESPACE %s\n" "\n" "ALTER DATABASE %s REFRESH COLLATION VERSION\n" "\n" "ALTER DATABASE %s SET %s { TO | = } { %s | DEFAULT }\n" "ALTER DATABASE %s SET %s FROM CURRENT\n" "ALTER DATABASE %s RESET %s\n" "ALTER DATABASE %s RESET ALL", _("name"), _("option"), _("where option can be:"), _("allowconn"), _("connlimit"), _("istemplate"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_tablespace"), _("name"), _("name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_DEFAULT_PRIVILEGES(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES\n" " [ FOR { ROLE | USER } %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ IN SCHEMA %s [, ...] ]\n" " %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "GRANT { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | TRUNCATE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER }\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON TABLES\n" " TO { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { { USAGE | SELECT | UPDATE }\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON SEQUENCES\n" " TO { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON { FUNCTIONS | ROUTINES }\n" " TO { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON TYPES\n" " TO { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { USAGE | CREATE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON SCHEMAS\n" " TO { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | TRUNCATE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER }\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON TABLES\n" " FROM { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { USAGE | SELECT | UPDATE }\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON SEQUENCES\n" " FROM { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON { FUNCTIONS | ROUTINES }\n" " FROM { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON TYPES\n" " FROM { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { USAGE | CREATE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON SCHEMAS\n" " FROM { [ GROUP ] %s | PUBLIC } [, ...]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("target_role"), _("schema_name"), _("abbreviated_grant_or_revoke"), _("where abbreviated_grant_or_revoke is one of:"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_DOMAIN(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " { SET DEFAULT %s | DROP DEFAULT }\n" "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " { SET | DROP } NOT NULL\n" "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " ADD %s [ NOT VALID ]\n" "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " DROP CONSTRAINT [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]\n" "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " RENAME CONSTRAINT %s TO %s\n" "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " VALIDATE CONSTRAINT %s\n" "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER DOMAIN %s\n" " SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("expression"), _("name"), _("name"), _("domain_constraint"), _("name"), _("constraint_name"), _("name"), _("constraint_name"), _("new_constraint_name"), _("name"), _("constraint_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_EVENT_TRIGGER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER EVENT TRIGGER %s DISABLE\n" "ALTER EVENT TRIGGER %s ENABLE [ REPLICA | ALWAYS ]\n" "ALTER EVENT TRIGGER %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER EVENT TRIGGER %s RENAME TO %s", _("name"), _("name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_EXTENSION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER EXTENSION %s UPDATE [ TO %s ]\n" "ALTER EXTENSION %s SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER EXTENSION %s ADD %s\n" "ALTER EXTENSION %s DROP %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ACCESS METHOD %s |\n" " AGGREGATE %s ( %s ) |\n" " CAST (%s AS %s) |\n" " COLLATION %s |\n" " CONVERSION %s |\n" " DOMAIN %s |\n" " EVENT TRIGGER %s |\n" " FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s |\n" " FOREIGN TABLE %s |\n" " FUNCTION %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " MATERIALIZED VIEW %s |\n" " OPERATOR %s (%s, %s) |\n" " OPERATOR CLASS %s USING %s |\n" " OPERATOR FAMILY %s USING %s |\n" " [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE %s |\n" " PROCEDURE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " ROUTINE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " SCHEMA %s |\n" " SEQUENCE %s |\n" " SERVER %s |\n" " TABLE %s |\n" " TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s |\n" " TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY %s |\n" " TEXT SEARCH PARSER %s |\n" " TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE %s |\n" " TRANSFORM FOR %s LANGUAGE %s |\n" " TYPE %s |\n" " VIEW %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "* |\n" "[ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] |\n" "[ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] ] ORDER BY [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ]", _("name"), _("new_version"), _("name"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("member_object"), _("name"), _("member_object"), _("where member_object is:"), _("object_name"), _("aggregate_name"), _("aggregate_signature"), _("source_type"), _("target_type"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("function_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("object_name"), _("operator_name"), _("left_type"), _("right_type"), _("object_name"), _("index_method"), _("object_name"), _("index_method"), _("object_name"), _("procedure_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("routine_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("type_name"), _("lang_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("and aggregate_signature is:"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s\n" " [ HANDLER %s | NO HANDLER ]\n" " [ VALIDATOR %s | NO VALIDATOR ]\n" " [ OPTIONS ( [ ADD | SET | DROP ] %s ['%s'] [, ... ]) ]\n" "ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s RENAME TO %s", _("name"), _("handler_function"), _("validator_function"), _("option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_FOREIGN_TABLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER FOREIGN TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] %s [ * ]\n" " %s [, ... ]\n" "ALTER FOREIGN TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] %s [ * ]\n" " RENAME [ COLUMN ] %s TO %s\n" "ALTER FOREIGN TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER FOREIGN TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " SET SCHEMA %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ADD [ COLUMN ] %s %s [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" " DROP [ COLUMN ] [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s [ SET DATA ] TYPE %s [ COLLATE %s ]\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET DEFAULT %s\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s DROP DEFAULT\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s { SET | DROP } NOT NULL\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET STATISTICS %s\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET ( %s = %s [, ... ] )\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s RESET ( %s [, ... ] )\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET STORAGE { PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN }\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s OPTIONS ( [ ADD | SET | DROP ] %s ['%s'] [, ... ])\n" " ADD %s [ NOT VALID ]\n" " VALIDATE CONSTRAINT %s\n" " DROP CONSTRAINT [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]\n" " DISABLE TRIGGER [ %s | ALL | USER ]\n" " ENABLE TRIGGER [ %s | ALL | USER ]\n" " ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER %s\n" " ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER %s\n" " SET WITHOUT OIDS\n" " INHERIT %s\n" " NO INHERIT %s\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" " OPTIONS ( [ ADD | SET | DROP ] %s ['%s'] [, ... ])", _("name"), _("action"), _("name"), _("column_name"), _("new_column_name"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema"), _("where action is one of:"), _("column_name"), _("data_type"), _("collation"), _("column_constraint"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("data_type"), _("collation"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("integer"), _("column_name"), _("attribute_option"), _("value"), _("column_name"), _("attribute_option"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("option"), _("value"), _("table_constraint"), _("constraint_name"), _("constraint_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("parent_table"), _("parent_table"), _("new_owner"), _("option"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_FUNCTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER FUNCTION %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " %s [ ... ] [ RESTRICT ]\n" "ALTER FUNCTION %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER FUNCTION %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER FUNCTION %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER FUNCTION %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " [ NO ] DEPENDS ON EXTENSION %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT | STRICT\n" " IMMUTABLE | STABLE | VOLATILE\n" " [ NOT ] LEAKPROOF\n" " [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY INVOKER | [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY DEFINER\n" " PARALLEL { UNSAFE | RESTRICTED | SAFE }\n" " COST %s\n" " ROWS %s\n" " SUPPORT %s\n" " SET %s { TO | = } { %s | DEFAULT }\n" " SET %s FROM CURRENT\n" " RESET %s\n" " RESET ALL", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("action"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("extension_name"), _("where action is one of:"), _("execution_cost"), _("result_rows"), _("support_function"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("configuration_parameter")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_GROUP(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER GROUP %s ADD USER %s [, ... ]\n" "ALTER GROUP %s DROP USER %s [, ... ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s\n" " | CURRENT_ROLE\n" " | CURRENT_USER\n" " | SESSION_USER\n" "\n" "ALTER GROUP %s RENAME TO %s", _("role_specification"), _("user_name"), _("role_specification"), _("user_name"), _("where role_specification can be:"), _("role_name"), _("group_name"), _("new_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_INDEX(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] %s SET TABLESPACE %s\n" "ALTER INDEX %s ATTACH PARTITION %s\n" "ALTER INDEX %s [ NO ] DEPENDS ON EXTENSION %s\n" "ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] %s SET ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] )\n" "ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] %s RESET ( %s [, ... ] )\n" "ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] %s ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s\n" " SET STATISTICS %s\n" "ALTER INDEX ALL IN TABLESPACE %s [ OWNED BY %s [, ... ] ]\n" " SET TABLESPACE %s [ NOWAIT ]", _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("tablespace_name"), _("name"), _("index_name"), _("name"), _("extension_name"), _("name"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("name"), _("storage_parameter"), _("name"), _("column_number"), _("integer"), _("name"), _("role_name"), _("new_tablespace")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_LANGUAGE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }", _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_LARGE_OBJECT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER LARGE OBJECT %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }", _("large_object_oid"), _("new_owner")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " %s [, ... ]\n" "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW %s\n" " [ NO ] DEPENDS ON EXTENSION %s\n" "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " RENAME [ COLUMN ] %s TO %s\n" "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW ALL IN TABLESPACE %s [ OWNED BY %s [, ... ] ]\n" " SET TABLESPACE %s [ NOWAIT ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET STATISTICS %s\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET ( %s = %s [, ... ] )\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s RESET ( %s [, ... ] )\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET STORAGE { PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN }\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET COMPRESSION %s\n" " CLUSTER ON %s\n" " SET WITHOUT CLUSTER\n" " SET ACCESS METHOD %s\n" " SET TABLESPACE %s\n" " SET ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] )\n" " RESET ( %s [, ... ] )\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }", _("name"), _("action"), _("name"), _("extension_name"), _("name"), _("column_name"), _("new_column_name"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("role_name"), _("new_tablespace"), _("where action is one of:"), _("column_name"), _("integer"), _("column_name"), _("attribute_option"), _("value"), _("column_name"), _("attribute_option"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("compression_method"), _("index_name"), _("new_access_method"), _("new_tablespace"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("storage_parameter"), _("new_owner")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_OPERATOR(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER OPERATOR %s ( { %s | NONE } , %s )\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "\n" "ALTER OPERATOR %s ( { %s | NONE } , %s )\n" " SET SCHEMA %s\n" "\n" "ALTER OPERATOR %s ( { %s | NONE } , %s )\n" " SET ( { RESTRICT = { %s | NONE }\n" " | JOIN = { %s | NONE }\n" " } [, ... ] )", _("name"), _("left_type"), _("right_type"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("left_type"), _("right_type"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("left_type"), _("right_type"), _("res_proc"), _("join_proc")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_OPERATOR_CLASS(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER OPERATOR CLASS %s USING %s\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "\n" "ALTER OPERATOR CLASS %s USING %s\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "\n" "ALTER OPERATOR CLASS %s USING %s\n" " SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("index_method"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("index_method"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("index_method"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_OPERATOR_FAMILY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s USING %s ADD\n" " { OPERATOR %s %s ( %s, %s )\n" " [ FOR SEARCH | FOR ORDER BY %s ]\n" " | FUNCTION %s [ ( %s [ , %s ] ) ]\n" " %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " } [, ... ]\n" "\n" "ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s USING %s DROP\n" " { OPERATOR %s ( %s [ , %s ] )\n" " | FUNCTION %s ( %s [ , %s ] )\n" " } [, ... ]\n" "\n" "ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s USING %s\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "\n" "ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s USING %s\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "\n" "ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s USING %s\n" " SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("index_method"), _("strategy_number"), _("operator_name"), _("op_type"), _("op_type"), _("sort_family_name"), _("support_number"), _("op_type"), _("op_type"), _("function_name"), _("argument_type"), _("name"), _("index_method"), _("strategy_number"), _("op_type"), _("op_type"), _("support_number"), _("op_type"), _("op_type"), _("name"), _("index_method"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("index_method"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("index_method"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_POLICY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER POLICY %s ON %s RENAME TO %s\n" "\n" "ALTER POLICY %s ON %s\n" " [ TO { %s | PUBLIC | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER } [, ...] ]\n" " [ USING ( %s ) ]\n" " [ WITH CHECK ( %s ) ]", _("name"), _("table_name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("table_name"), _("role_name"), _("using_expression"), _("check_expression")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_PROCEDURE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER PROCEDURE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " %s [ ... ] [ RESTRICT ]\n" "ALTER PROCEDURE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER PROCEDURE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER PROCEDURE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER PROCEDURE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " [ NO ] DEPENDS ON EXTENSION %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY INVOKER | [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY DEFINER\n" " SET %s { TO | = } { %s | DEFAULT }\n" " SET %s FROM CURRENT\n" " RESET %s\n" " RESET ALL", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("action"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("extension_name"), _("where action is one of:"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("configuration_parameter")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_PUBLICATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER PUBLICATION %s ADD %s [, ...]\n" "ALTER PUBLICATION %s SET %s [, ...]\n" "ALTER PUBLICATION %s DROP %s [, ...]\n" "ALTER PUBLICATION %s SET ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] )\n" "ALTER PUBLICATION %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER PUBLICATION %s RENAME TO %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " TABLE [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ] [ WHERE ( %s ) ] [, ... ]\n" " TABLES IN SCHEMA { %s | CURRENT_SCHEMA } [, ... ]", _("name"), _("publication_object"), _("name"), _("publication_object"), _("name"), _("publication_object"), _("name"), _("publication_parameter"), _("value"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("where publication_object is one of:"), _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("schema_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_ROLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER ROLE %s [ WITH ] %s [ ... ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " SUPERUSER | NOSUPERUSER\n" " | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB\n" " | CREATEROLE | NOCREATEROLE\n" " | INHERIT | NOINHERIT\n" " | LOGIN | NOLOGIN\n" " | REPLICATION | NOREPLICATION\n" " | BYPASSRLS | NOBYPASSRLS\n" " | CONNECTION LIMIT %s\n" " | [ ENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD '%s' | PASSWORD NULL\n" " | VALID UNTIL '%s'\n" "\n" "ALTER ROLE %s RENAME TO %s\n" "\n" "ALTER ROLE { %s | ALL } [ IN DATABASE %s ] SET %s { TO | = } { %s | DEFAULT }\n" "ALTER ROLE { %s | ALL } [ IN DATABASE %s ] SET %s FROM CURRENT\n" "ALTER ROLE { %s | ALL } [ IN DATABASE %s ] RESET %s\n" "ALTER ROLE { %s | ALL } [ IN DATABASE %s ] RESET ALL\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s\n" " | CURRENT_ROLE\n" " | CURRENT_USER\n" " | SESSION_USER", _("role_specification"), _("option"), _("where option can be:"), _("connlimit"), _("password"), _("timestamp"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("where role_specification can be:"), _("role_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_ROUTINE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER ROUTINE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " %s [ ... ] [ RESTRICT ]\n" "ALTER ROUTINE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER ROUTINE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER ROUTINE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER ROUTINE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ]\n" " [ NO ] DEPENDS ON EXTENSION %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " IMMUTABLE | STABLE | VOLATILE\n" " [ NOT ] LEAKPROOF\n" " [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY INVOKER | [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY DEFINER\n" " PARALLEL { UNSAFE | RESTRICTED | SAFE }\n" " COST %s\n" " ROWS %s\n" " SET %s { TO | = } { %s | DEFAULT }\n" " SET %s FROM CURRENT\n" " RESET %s\n" " RESET ALL", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("action"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("extension_name"), _("where action is one of:"), _("execution_cost"), _("result_rows"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("configuration_parameter")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_RULE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER RULE %s ON %s RENAME TO %s", _("name"), _("table_name"), _("new_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_SCHEMA(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER SCHEMA %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER SCHEMA %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }", _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_SEQUENCE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER SEQUENCE [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " [ AS %s ]\n" " [ INCREMENT [ BY ] %s ]\n" " [ MINVALUE %s | NO MINVALUE ] [ MAXVALUE %s | NO MAXVALUE ]\n" " [ START [ WITH ] %s ]\n" " [ RESTART [ [ WITH ] %s ] ]\n" " [ CACHE %s ] [ [ NO ] CYCLE ]\n" " [ OWNED BY { %s.%s | NONE } ]\n" "ALTER SEQUENCE [ IF EXISTS ] %s SET { LOGGED | UNLOGGED }\n" "ALTER SEQUENCE [ IF EXISTS ] %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER SEQUENCE [ IF EXISTS ] %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER SEQUENCE [ IF EXISTS ] %s SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("data_type"), _("increment"), _("minvalue"), _("maxvalue"), _("start"), _("restart"), _("cache"), _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_SERVER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER SERVER %s [ VERSION '%s' ]\n" " [ OPTIONS ( [ ADD | SET | DROP ] %s ['%s'] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "ALTER SERVER %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER SERVER %s RENAME TO %s", _("name"), _("new_version"), _("option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_STATISTICS(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER STATISTICS %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER STATISTICS %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER STATISTICS %s SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER STATISTICS %s SET STATISTICS %s", _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("new_target")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s CONNECTION '%s'\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s SET PUBLICATION %s [, ...] [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s ADD PUBLICATION %s [, ...] [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s DROP PUBLICATION %s [, ...] [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s REFRESH PUBLICATION [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s ENABLE\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s DISABLE\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s SET ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] )\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s SKIP ( %s = %s )\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s RENAME TO %s", _("name"), _("conninfo"), _("name"), _("publication_name"), _("publication_option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("publication_name"), _("publication_option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("publication_name"), _("publication_option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("refresh_option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("name"), _("name"), _("subscription_parameter"), _("value"), _("name"), _("skip_option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_SYSTEM(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER SYSTEM SET %s { TO | = } { %s [, ...] | DEFAULT }\n" "\n" "ALTER SYSTEM RESET %s\n" "ALTER SYSTEM RESET ALL", _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("configuration_parameter")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_TABLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] %s [ * ]\n" " %s [, ... ]\n" "ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] %s [ * ]\n" " RENAME [ COLUMN ] %s TO %s\n" "ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] %s [ * ]\n" " RENAME CONSTRAINT %s TO %s\n" "ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER TABLE ALL IN TABLESPACE %s [ OWNED BY %s [, ... ] ]\n" " SET TABLESPACE %s [ NOWAIT ]\n" "ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " ATTACH PARTITION %s { FOR VALUES %s | DEFAULT }\n" "ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s\n" " DETACH PARTITION %s [ CONCURRENTLY | FINALIZE ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ADD [ COLUMN ] [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s %s [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" " DROP [ COLUMN ] [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s [ SET DATA ] TYPE %s [ COLLATE %s ] [ USING %s ]\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET DEFAULT %s\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s DROP DEFAULT\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s { SET | DROP } NOT NULL\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s DROP EXPRESSION [ IF EXISTS ]\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s ADD GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY [ ( %s ) ]\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s { SET GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } | SET %s | RESTART [ [ WITH ] %s ] } [...]\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s DROP IDENTITY [ IF EXISTS ]\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET STATISTICS %s\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET ( %s = %s [, ... ] )\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s RESET ( %s [, ... ] )\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET STORAGE { PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN }\n" " ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET COMPRESSION %s\n" " ADD %s [ NOT VALID ]\n" " ADD %s\n" " ALTER CONSTRAINT %s [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]\n" " VALIDATE CONSTRAINT %s\n" " DROP CONSTRAINT [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]\n" " DISABLE TRIGGER [ %s | ALL | USER ]\n" " ENABLE TRIGGER [ %s | ALL | USER ]\n" " ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER %s\n" " ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER %s\n" " DISABLE RULE %s\n" " ENABLE RULE %s\n" " ENABLE REPLICA RULE %s\n" " ENABLE ALWAYS RULE %s\n" " DISABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY\n" " ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY\n" " FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY\n" " NO FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY\n" " CLUSTER ON %s\n" " SET WITHOUT CLUSTER\n" " SET WITHOUT OIDS\n" " SET ACCESS METHOD %s\n" " SET TABLESPACE %s\n" " SET { LOGGED | UNLOGGED }\n" " SET ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] )\n" " RESET ( %s [, ... ] )\n" " INHERIT %s\n" " NO INHERIT %s\n" " OF %s\n" " NOT OF\n" " OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" " REPLICA IDENTITY { DEFAULT | USING INDEX %s | FULL | NOTHING }\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "IN ( %s [, ...] ) |\n" "FROM ( { %s | MINVALUE | MAXVALUE } [, ...] )\n" " TO ( { %s | MINVALUE | MAXVALUE } [, ...] ) |\n" "WITH ( MODULUS %s, REMAINDER %s )\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ CONSTRAINT %s ]\n" "{ NOT NULL |\n" " NULL |\n" " CHECK ( %s ) [ NO INHERIT ] |\n" " DEFAULT %s |\n" " GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( %s ) STORED |\n" " GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY [ ( %s ) ] |\n" " UNIQUE [ NULLS [ NOT ] DISTINCT ] %s |\n" " PRIMARY KEY %s |\n" " REFERENCES %s [ ( %s ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ]\n" " [ ON DELETE %s ] [ ON UPDATE %s ] }\n" "[ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ CONSTRAINT %s ]\n" "{ CHECK ( %s ) [ NO INHERIT ] |\n" " UNIQUE [ NULLS [ NOT ] DISTINCT ] ( %s [, ... ] ) %s |\n" " PRIMARY KEY ( %s [, ... ] ) %s |\n" " EXCLUDE [ USING %s ] ( %s WITH %s [, ... ] ) %s [ WHERE ( %s ) ] |\n" " FOREIGN KEY ( %s [, ... ] ) REFERENCES %s [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ]\n" " [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE %s ] [ ON UPDATE %s ] }\n" "[ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " [ CONSTRAINT %s ]\n" " { UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY } USING INDEX %s\n" " [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ INCLUDE ( %s [, ... ] ) ]\n" "[ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "[ USING INDEX TABLESPACE %s ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "{ %s | ( %s ) } [ %s ] [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "{ NO ACTION | RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ] | SET DEFAULT [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ] }", _("name"), _("action"), _("name"), _("column_name"), _("new_column_name"), _("name"), _("constraint_name"), _("new_constraint_name"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("role_name"), _("new_tablespace"), _("name"), _("partition_name"), _("partition_bound_spec"), _("name"), _("partition_name"), _("where action is one of:"), _("column_name"), _("data_type"), _("collation"), _("column_constraint"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("data_type"), _("collation"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("sequence_options"), _("column_name"), _("sequence_option"), _("restart"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("integer"), _("column_name"), _("attribute_option"), _("value"), _("column_name"), _("attribute_option"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("compression_method"), _("table_constraint"), _("table_constraint_using_index"), _("constraint_name"), _("constraint_name"), _("constraint_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("rewrite_rule_name"), _("rewrite_rule_name"), _("rewrite_rule_name"), _("rewrite_rule_name"), _("index_name"), _("new_access_method"), _("new_tablespace"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("storage_parameter"), _("parent_table"), _("parent_table"), _("type_name"), _("new_owner"), _("index_name"), _("and partition_bound_spec is:"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("numeric_literal"), _("numeric_literal"), _("and column_constraint is:"), _("constraint_name"), _("expression"), _("default_expr"), _("generation_expr"), _("sequence_options"), _("index_parameters"), _("index_parameters"), _("reftable"), _("refcolumn"), _("referential_action"), _("referential_action"), _("and table_constraint is:"), _("constraint_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("index_parameters"), _("column_name"), _("index_parameters"), _("index_method"), _("exclude_element"), _("operator"), _("index_parameters"), _("predicate"), _("column_name"), _("reftable"), _("refcolumn"), _("referential_action"), _("referential_action"), _("and table_constraint_using_index is:"), _("constraint_name"), _("index_name"), _("index_parameters in UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, and EXCLUDE constraints are:"), _("column_name"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("tablespace_name"), _("exclude_element in an EXCLUDE constraint is:"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("opclass"), _("referential_action in a FOREIGN KEY/REFERENCES constraint is:"), _("column_name"), _("column_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_TABLESPACE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TABLESPACE %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER TABLESPACE %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER TABLESPACE %s SET ( %s = %s [, ... ] )\n" "ALTER TABLESPACE %s RESET ( %s [, ... ] )", _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("tablespace_option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("tablespace_option")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s\n" " ADD MAPPING FOR %s [, ... ] WITH %s [, ... ]\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s\n" " ALTER MAPPING FOR %s [, ... ] WITH %s [, ... ]\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s\n" " ALTER MAPPING REPLACE %s WITH %s\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s\n" " ALTER MAPPING FOR %s [, ... ] REPLACE %s WITH %s\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s\n" " DROP MAPPING [ IF EXISTS ] FOR %s [, ... ]\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("token_type"), _("dictionary_name"), _("name"), _("token_type"), _("dictionary_name"), _("name"), _("old_dictionary"), _("new_dictionary"), _("name"), _("token_type"), _("old_dictionary"), _("new_dictionary"), _("name"), _("token_type"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY %s (\n" " %s [ = %s ] [, ... ]\n" ")\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY %s SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("option"), _("value"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TEXT SEARCH PARSER %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH PARSER %s SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE %s SET SCHEMA %s", _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_TRIGGER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TRIGGER %s ON %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER TRIGGER %s ON %s [ NO ] DEPENDS ON EXTENSION %s", _("name"), _("table_name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("table_name"), _("extension_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_TYPE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TYPE %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER TYPE %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER TYPE %s SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER TYPE %s RENAME ATTRIBUTE %s TO %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "ALTER TYPE %s %s [, ... ]\n" "ALTER TYPE %s ADD VALUE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s [ { BEFORE | AFTER } %s ]\n" "ALTER TYPE %s RENAME VALUE %s TO %s\n" "ALTER TYPE %s SET ( %s = %s [, ... ] )\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ADD ATTRIBUTE %s %s [ COLLATE %s ] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" " DROP ATTRIBUTE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" " ALTER ATTRIBUTE %s [ SET DATA ] TYPE %s [ COLLATE %s ] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("attribute_name"), _("new_attribute_name"), _("name"), _("action"), _("name"), _("new_enum_value"), _("neighbor_enum_value"), _("name"), _("existing_enum_value"), _("new_enum_value"), _("name"), _("property"), _("value"), _("where action is one of:"), _("attribute_name"), _("data_type"), _("collation"), _("attribute_name"), _("attribute_name"), _("data_type"), _("collation")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_USER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER USER %s [ WITH ] %s [ ... ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " SUPERUSER | NOSUPERUSER\n" " | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB\n" " | CREATEROLE | NOCREATEROLE\n" " | INHERIT | NOINHERIT\n" " | LOGIN | NOLOGIN\n" " | REPLICATION | NOREPLICATION\n" " | BYPASSRLS | NOBYPASSRLS\n" " | CONNECTION LIMIT %s\n" " | [ ENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD '%s' | PASSWORD NULL\n" " | VALID UNTIL '%s'\n" "\n" "ALTER USER %s RENAME TO %s\n" "\n" "ALTER USER { %s | ALL } [ IN DATABASE %s ] SET %s { TO | = } { %s | DEFAULT }\n" "ALTER USER { %s | ALL } [ IN DATABASE %s ] SET %s FROM CURRENT\n" "ALTER USER { %s | ALL } [ IN DATABASE %s ] RESET %s\n" "ALTER USER { %s | ALL } [ IN DATABASE %s ] RESET ALL\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s\n" " | CURRENT_ROLE\n" " | CURRENT_USER\n" " | SESSION_USER", _("role_specification"), _("option"), _("where option can be:"), _("connlimit"), _("password"), _("timestamp"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("where role_specification can be:"), _("role_name")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_USER_MAPPING(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER USER MAPPING FOR { %s | USER | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER | PUBLIC }\n" " SERVER %s\n" " OPTIONS ( [ ADD | SET | DROP ] %s ['%s'] [, ... ] )", _("user_name"), _("server_name"), _("option"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_ALTER_VIEW(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s SET DEFAULT %s\n" "ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s ALTER [ COLUMN ] %s DROP DEFAULT\n" "ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s OWNER TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }\n" "ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s RENAME [ COLUMN ] %s TO %s\n" "ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s RENAME TO %s\n" "ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s SET SCHEMA %s\n" "ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s SET ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] )\n" "ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s RESET ( %s [, ... ] )", _("name"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("name"), _("column_name"), _("name"), _("new_owner"), _("name"), _("column_name"), _("new_column_name"), _("name"), _("new_name"), _("name"), _("new_schema"), _("name"), _("view_option_name"), _("view_option_value"), _("name"), _("view_option_name")); } static void sql_help_ANALYZE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ANALYZE [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] [ %s [, ...] ]\n" "ANALYZE [ VERBOSE ] [ %s [, ...] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " VERBOSE [ %s ]\n" " SKIP_LOCKED [ %s ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]", _("option"), _("table_and_columns"), _("table_and_columns"), _("where option can be one of:"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("and table_and_columns is:"), _("table_name"), _("column_name")); } static void sql_help_BEGIN(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "BEGIN [ WORK | TRANSACTION ] [ %s [, ...] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ISOLATION LEVEL { SERIALIZABLE | REPEATABLE READ | READ COMMITTED | READ UNCOMMITTED }\n" " READ WRITE | READ ONLY\n" " [ NOT ] DEFERRABLE", _("transaction_mode"), _("where transaction_mode is one of:")); } static void sql_help_CALL(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CALL %s ( [ %s ] [, ...] )", _("name"), _("argument")); } static void sql_help_CHECKPOINT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CHECKPOINT"); } static void sql_help_CLOSE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CLOSE { %s | ALL }", _("name")); } static void sql_help_CLUSTER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CLUSTER [VERBOSE] %s [ USING %s ]\n" "CLUSTER ( %s [, ...] ) %s [ USING %s ]\n" "CLUSTER [VERBOSE]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " VERBOSE [ %s ]", _("table_name"), _("index_name"), _("option"), _("table_name"), _("index_name"), _("where option can be one of:"), _("boolean")); } static void sql_help_COMMENT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "COMMENT ON\n" "{\n" " ACCESS METHOD %s |\n" " AGGREGATE %s ( %s ) |\n" " CAST (%s AS %s) |\n" " COLLATION %s |\n" " COLUMN %s.%s |\n" " CONSTRAINT %s ON %s |\n" " CONSTRAINT %s ON DOMAIN %s |\n" " CONVERSION %s |\n" " DATABASE %s |\n" " DOMAIN %s |\n" " EXTENSION %s |\n" " EVENT TRIGGER %s |\n" " FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s |\n" " FOREIGN TABLE %s |\n" " FUNCTION %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " INDEX %s |\n" " LARGE OBJECT %s |\n" " MATERIALIZED VIEW %s |\n" " OPERATOR %s (%s, %s) |\n" " OPERATOR CLASS %s USING %s |\n" " OPERATOR FAMILY %s USING %s |\n" " POLICY %s ON %s |\n" " [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE %s |\n" " PROCEDURE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " PUBLICATION %s |\n" " ROLE %s |\n" " ROUTINE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " RULE %s ON %s |\n" " SCHEMA %s |\n" " SEQUENCE %s |\n" " SERVER %s |\n" " STATISTICS %s |\n" " SUBSCRIPTION %s |\n" " TABLE %s |\n" " TABLESPACE %s |\n" " TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s |\n" " TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY %s |\n" " TEXT SEARCH PARSER %s |\n" " TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE %s |\n" " TRANSFORM FOR %s LANGUAGE %s |\n" " TRIGGER %s ON %s |\n" " TYPE %s |\n" " VIEW %s\n" "} IS { %s | NULL }\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "* |\n" "[ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] |\n" "[ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] ] ORDER BY [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ]", _("object_name"), _("aggregate_name"), _("aggregate_signature"), _("source_type"), _("target_type"), _("object_name"), _("relation_name"), _("column_name"), _("constraint_name"), _("table_name"), _("constraint_name"), _("domain_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("function_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("object_name"), _("large_object_oid"), _("object_name"), _("operator_name"), _("left_type"), _("right_type"), _("object_name"), _("index_method"), _("object_name"), _("index_method"), _("policy_name"), _("table_name"), _("object_name"), _("procedure_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("routine_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("rule_name"), _("table_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("type_name"), _("lang_name"), _("trigger_name"), _("table_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("string_literal"), _("where aggregate_signature is:"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype")); } static void sql_help_COMMIT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "COMMIT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ] [ AND [ NO ] CHAIN ]"); } static void sql_help_COMMIT_PREPARED(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "COMMIT PREPARED %s", _("transaction_id")); } static void sql_help_COPY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "COPY %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " FROM { '%s' | PROGRAM '%s' | STDIN }\n" " [ [ WITH ] ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " [ WHERE %s ]\n" "\n" "COPY { %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] | ( %s ) }\n" " TO { '%s' | PROGRAM '%s' | STDOUT }\n" " [ [ WITH ] ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " FORMAT %s\n" " FREEZE [ %s ]\n" " DELIMITER '%s'\n" " NULL '%s'\n" " HEADER [ %s | MATCH ]\n" " QUOTE '%s'\n" " ESCAPE '%s'\n" " FORCE_QUOTE { ( %s [, ...] ) | * }\n" " FORCE_NOT_NULL ( %s [, ...] )\n" " FORCE_NULL ( %s [, ...] )\n" " ENCODING '%s'", _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("filename"), _("command"), _("option"), _("condition"), _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("query"), _("filename"), _("command"), _("option"), _("where option can be one of:"), _("format_name"), _("boolean"), _("delimiter_character"), _("null_string"), _("boolean"), _("quote_character"), _("escape_character"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("encoding_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_ACCESS_METHOD(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE ACCESS METHOD %s\n" " TYPE %s\n" " HANDLER %s", _("name"), _("access_method_type"), _("handler_function")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_AGGREGATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] AGGREGATE %s ( [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] ) (\n" " SFUNC = %s,\n" " STYPE = %s\n" " [ , SSPACE = %s ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC_EXTRA ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC_MODIFY = { READ_ONLY | SHAREABLE | READ_WRITE } ]\n" " [ , COMBINEFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , SERIALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , DESERIALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , INITCOND = %s ]\n" " [ , MSFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , MINVFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , MSTYPE = %s ]\n" " [ , MSSPACE = %s ]\n" " [ , MFINALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , MFINALFUNC_EXTRA ]\n" " [ , MFINALFUNC_MODIFY = { READ_ONLY | SHAREABLE | READ_WRITE } ]\n" " [ , MINITCOND = %s ]\n" " [ , SORTOP = %s ]\n" " [ , PARALLEL = { SAFE | RESTRICTED | UNSAFE } ]\n" ")\n" "\n" "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] AGGREGATE %s ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] ]\n" " ORDER BY [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] ) (\n" " SFUNC = %s,\n" " STYPE = %s\n" " [ , SSPACE = %s ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC_EXTRA ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC_MODIFY = { READ_ONLY | SHAREABLE | READ_WRITE } ]\n" " [ , INITCOND = %s ]\n" " [ , PARALLEL = { SAFE | RESTRICTED | UNSAFE } ]\n" " [ , HYPOTHETICAL ]\n" ")\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] AGGREGATE %s (\n" " BASETYPE = %s,\n" " SFUNC = %s,\n" " STYPE = %s\n" " [ , SSPACE = %s ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC_EXTRA ]\n" " [ , FINALFUNC_MODIFY = { READ_ONLY | SHAREABLE | READ_WRITE } ]\n" " [ , COMBINEFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , SERIALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , DESERIALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , INITCOND = %s ]\n" " [ , MSFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , MINVFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , MSTYPE = %s ]\n" " [ , MSSPACE = %s ]\n" " [ , MFINALFUNC = %s ]\n" " [ , MFINALFUNC_EXTRA ]\n" " [ , MFINALFUNC_MODIFY = { READ_ONLY | SHAREABLE | READ_WRITE } ]\n" " [ , MINITCOND = %s ]\n" " [ , SORTOP = %s ]\n" ")", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("arg_data_type"), _("sfunc"), _("state_data_type"), _("state_data_size"), _("ffunc"), _("combinefunc"), _("serialfunc"), _("deserialfunc"), _("initial_condition"), _("msfunc"), _("minvfunc"), _("mstate_data_type"), _("mstate_data_size"), _("mffunc"), _("minitial_condition"), _("sort_operator"), _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("arg_data_type"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("arg_data_type"), _("sfunc"), _("state_data_type"), _("state_data_size"), _("ffunc"), _("initial_condition"), _("or the old syntax"), _("name"), _("base_type"), _("sfunc"), _("state_data_type"), _("state_data_size"), _("ffunc"), _("combinefunc"), _("serialfunc"), _("deserialfunc"), _("initial_condition"), _("msfunc"), _("minvfunc"), _("mstate_data_type"), _("mstate_data_size"), _("mffunc"), _("minitial_condition"), _("sort_operator")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_CAST(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE CAST (%s AS %s)\n" " WITH FUNCTION %s [ (%s [, ...]) ]\n" " [ AS ASSIGNMENT | AS IMPLICIT ]\n" "\n" "CREATE CAST (%s AS %s)\n" " WITHOUT FUNCTION\n" " [ AS ASSIGNMENT | AS IMPLICIT ]\n" "\n" "CREATE CAST (%s AS %s)\n" " WITH INOUT\n" " [ AS ASSIGNMENT | AS IMPLICIT ]", _("source_type"), _("target_type"), _("function_name"), _("argument_type"), _("source_type"), _("target_type"), _("source_type"), _("target_type")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_COLLATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE COLLATION [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s (\n" " [ LOCALE = %s, ]\n" " [ LC_COLLATE = %s, ]\n" " [ LC_CTYPE = %s, ]\n" " [ PROVIDER = %s, ]\n" " [ DETERMINISTIC = %s, ]\n" " [ VERSION = %s ]\n" ")\n" "CREATE COLLATION [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s FROM %s", _("name"), _("locale"), _("lc_collate"), _("lc_ctype"), _("provider"), _("boolean"), _("version"), _("name"), _("existing_collation")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_CONVERSION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ DEFAULT ] CONVERSION %s\n" " FOR %s TO %s FROM %s", _("name"), _("source_encoding"), _("dest_encoding"), _("function_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_DATABASE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE DATABASE %s\n" " [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] %s ]\n" " [ TEMPLATE [=] %s ]\n" " [ ENCODING [=] %s ]\n" " [ STRATEGY [=] %s ] ]\n" " [ LOCALE [=] %s ]\n" " [ LC_COLLATE [=] %s ]\n" " [ LC_CTYPE [=] %s ]\n" " [ ICU_LOCALE [=] %s ]\n" " [ LOCALE_PROVIDER [=] %s ]\n" " [ COLLATION_VERSION = %s ]\n" " [ TABLESPACE [=] %s ]\n" " [ ALLOW_CONNECTIONS [=] %s ]\n" " [ CONNECTION LIMIT [=] %s ]\n" " [ IS_TEMPLATE [=] %s ]\n" " [ OID [=] %s ]", _("name"), _("user_name"), _("template"), _("encoding"), _("strategy"), _("locale"), _("lc_collate"), _("lc_ctype"), _("icu_locale"), _("locale_provider"), _("collation_version"), _("tablespace_name"), _("allowconn"), _("connlimit"), _("istemplate"), _("oid")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_DOMAIN(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE DOMAIN %s [ AS ] %s\n" " [ COLLATE %s ]\n" " [ DEFAULT %s ]\n" " [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ CONSTRAINT %s ]\n" "{ NOT NULL | NULL | CHECK (%s) }", _("name"), _("data_type"), _("collation"), _("expression"), _("constraint"), _("where constraint is:"), _("constraint_name"), _("expression")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_EVENT_TRIGGER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE EVENT TRIGGER %s\n" " ON %s\n" " [ WHEN %s IN (%s [, ... ]) [ AND ... ] ]\n" " EXECUTE { FUNCTION | PROCEDURE } %s()", _("name"), _("event"), _("filter_variable"), _("filter_value"), _("function_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_EXTENSION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE EXTENSION [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " [ WITH ] [ SCHEMA %s ]\n" " [ VERSION %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE ]", _("extension_name"), _("schema_name"), _("version")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s\n" " [ HANDLER %s | NO HANDLER ]\n" " [ VALIDATOR %s | NO VALIDATOR ]\n" " [ OPTIONS ( %s '%s' [, ... ] ) ]", _("name"), _("handler_function"), _("validator_function"), _("option"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_FOREIGN_TABLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s ( [\n" " { %s %s [ OPTIONS ( %s '%s' [, ... ] ) ] [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" " | %s }\n" " [, ... ]\n" "] )\n" "[ INHERITS ( %s [, ... ] ) ]\n" " SERVER %s\n" "[ OPTIONS ( %s '%s' [, ... ] ) ]\n" "\n" "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " PARTITION OF %s [ (\n" " { %s [ WITH OPTIONS ] [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" " | %s }\n" " [, ... ]\n" ") ]\n" "{ FOR VALUES %s | DEFAULT }\n" " SERVER %s\n" "[ OPTIONS ( %s '%s' [, ... ] ) ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ CONSTRAINT %s ]\n" "{ NOT NULL |\n" " NULL |\n" " CHECK ( %s ) [ NO INHERIT ] |\n" " DEFAULT %s |\n" " GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( %s ) STORED }\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ CONSTRAINT %s ]\n" "CHECK ( %s ) [ NO INHERIT ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "IN ( %s [, ...] ) |\n" "FROM ( { %s | MINVALUE | MAXVALUE } [, ...] )\n" " TO ( { %s | MINVALUE | MAXVALUE } [, ...] ) |\n" "WITH ( MODULUS %s, REMAINDER %s )", _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("data_type"), _("option"), _("value"), _("collation"), _("column_constraint"), _("table_constraint"), _("parent_table"), _("server_name"), _("option"), _("value"), _("table_name"), _("parent_table"), _("column_name"), _("column_constraint"), _("table_constraint"), _("partition_bound_spec"), _("server_name"), _("option"), _("value"), _("where column_constraint is:"), _("constraint_name"), _("expression"), _("default_expr"), _("generation_expr"), _("and table_constraint is:"), _("constraint_name"), _("expression"), _("and partition_bound_spec is:"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("numeric_literal"), _("numeric_literal")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_FUNCTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] FUNCTION\n" " %s ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ { DEFAULT | = } %s ] [, ...] ] )\n" " [ RETURNS %s\n" " | RETURNS TABLE ( %s %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " { LANGUAGE %s\n" " | TRANSFORM { FOR TYPE %s } [, ... ]\n" " | WINDOW\n" " | { IMMUTABLE | STABLE | VOLATILE }\n" " | [ NOT ] LEAKPROOF\n" " | { CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT | STRICT }\n" " | { [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY INVOKER | [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY DEFINER }\n" " | PARALLEL { UNSAFE | RESTRICTED | SAFE }\n" " | COST %s\n" " | ROWS %s\n" " | SUPPORT %s\n" " | SET %s { TO %s | = %s | FROM CURRENT }\n" " | AS '%s'\n" " | AS '%s', '%s'\n" " | %s\n" " } ...", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("default_expr"), _("rettype"), _("column_name"), _("column_type"), _("lang_name"), _("type_name"), _("execution_cost"), _("result_rows"), _("support_function"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("value"), _("definition"), _("obj_file"), _("link_symbol"), _("sql_body")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_GROUP(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE GROUP %s [ [ WITH ] %s [ ... ] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " SUPERUSER | NOSUPERUSER\n" " | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB\n" " | CREATEROLE | NOCREATEROLE\n" " | INHERIT | NOINHERIT\n" " | LOGIN | NOLOGIN\n" " | REPLICATION | NOREPLICATION\n" " | BYPASSRLS | NOBYPASSRLS\n" " | CONNECTION LIMIT %s\n" " | [ ENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD '%s' | PASSWORD NULL\n" " | VALID UNTIL '%s'\n" " | IN ROLE %s [, ...]\n" " | IN GROUP %s [, ...]\n" " | ROLE %s [, ...]\n" " | ADMIN %s [, ...]\n" " | USER %s [, ...]\n" " | SYSID %s", _("name"), _("option"), _("where option can be:"), _("connlimit"), _("password"), _("timestamp"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("uid")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_INDEX(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX [ CONCURRENTLY ] [ [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s ] ON [ ONLY ] %s [ USING %s ]\n" " ( { %s | ( %s ) } [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s [ ( %s = %s [, ... ] ) ] ] [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] )\n" " [ INCLUDE ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " [ NULLS [ NOT ] DISTINCT ]\n" " [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" " [ TABLESPACE %s ]\n" " [ WHERE %s ]", _("name"), _("table_name"), _("method"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("collation"), _("opclass"), _("opclass_parameter"), _("value"), _("column_name"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("tablespace_name"), _("predicate")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_LANGUAGE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] [ TRUSTED ] [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE %s\n" " HANDLER %s [ INLINE %s ] [ VALIDATOR %s ]\n" "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] [ TRUSTED ] [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE %s", _("name"), _("call_handler"), _("inline_handler"), _("valfunction"), _("name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " [ (%s [, ...] ) ]\n" " [ USING %s ]\n" " [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" " [ TABLESPACE %s ]\n" " AS %s\n" " [ WITH [ NO ] DATA ]", _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("method"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("tablespace_name"), _("query")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_OPERATOR(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE OPERATOR %s (\n" " {FUNCTION|PROCEDURE} = %s\n" " [, LEFTARG = %s ] [, RIGHTARG = %s ]\n" " [, COMMUTATOR = %s ] [, NEGATOR = %s ]\n" " [, RESTRICT = %s ] [, JOIN = %s ]\n" " [, HASHES ] [, MERGES ]\n" ")", _("name"), _("function_name"), _("left_type"), _("right_type"), _("com_op"), _("neg_op"), _("res_proc"), _("join_proc")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_OPERATOR_CLASS(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE OPERATOR CLASS %s [ DEFAULT ] FOR TYPE %s\n" " USING %s [ FAMILY %s ] AS\n" " { OPERATOR %s %s [ ( %s, %s ) ] [ FOR SEARCH | FOR ORDER BY %s ]\n" " | FUNCTION %s [ ( %s [ , %s ] ) ] %s ( %s [, ...] )\n" " | STORAGE %s\n" " } [, ... ]", _("name"), _("data_type"), _("index_method"), _("family_name"), _("strategy_number"), _("operator_name"), _("op_type"), _("op_type"), _("sort_family_name"), _("support_number"), _("op_type"), _("op_type"), _("function_name"), _("argument_type"), _("storage_type")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_OPERATOR_FAMILY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE OPERATOR FAMILY %s USING %s", _("name"), _("index_method")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_POLICY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE POLICY %s ON %s\n" " [ AS { PERMISSIVE | RESTRICTIVE } ]\n" " [ FOR { ALL | SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE } ]\n" " [ TO { %s | PUBLIC | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER } [, ...] ]\n" " [ USING ( %s ) ]\n" " [ WITH CHECK ( %s ) ]", _("name"), _("table_name"), _("role_name"), _("using_expression"), _("check_expression")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_PROCEDURE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] PROCEDURE\n" " %s ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ { DEFAULT | = } %s ] [, ...] ] )\n" " { LANGUAGE %s\n" " | TRANSFORM { FOR TYPE %s } [, ... ]\n" " | [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY INVOKER | [ EXTERNAL ] SECURITY DEFINER\n" " | SET %s { TO %s | = %s | FROM CURRENT }\n" " | AS '%s'\n" " | AS '%s', '%s'\n" " | %s\n" " } ...", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("default_expr"), _("lang_name"), _("type_name"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("value"), _("definition"), _("obj_file"), _("link_symbol"), _("sql_body")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_PUBLICATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE PUBLICATION %s\n" " [ FOR ALL TABLES\n" " | FOR %s [, ... ] ]\n" " [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " TABLE [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ] [ WHERE ( %s ) ] [, ... ]\n" " TABLES IN SCHEMA { %s | CURRENT_SCHEMA } [, ... ]", _("name"), _("publication_object"), _("publication_parameter"), _("value"), _("where publication_object is one of:"), _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("schema_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_ROLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE ROLE %s [ [ WITH ] %s [ ... ] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " SUPERUSER | NOSUPERUSER\n" " | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB\n" " | CREATEROLE | NOCREATEROLE\n" " | INHERIT | NOINHERIT\n" " | LOGIN | NOLOGIN\n" " | REPLICATION | NOREPLICATION\n" " | BYPASSRLS | NOBYPASSRLS\n" " | CONNECTION LIMIT %s\n" " | [ ENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD '%s' | PASSWORD NULL\n" " | VALID UNTIL '%s'\n" " | IN ROLE %s [, ...]\n" " | IN GROUP %s [, ...]\n" " | ROLE %s [, ...]\n" " | ADMIN %s [, ...]\n" " | USER %s [, ...]\n" " | SYSID %s", _("name"), _("option"), _("where option can be:"), _("connlimit"), _("password"), _("timestamp"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("uid")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_RULE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] RULE %s AS ON %s\n" " TO %s [ WHERE %s ]\n" " DO [ ALSO | INSTEAD ] { NOTHING | %s | ( %s ; %s ... ) }\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE", _("name"), _("event"), _("table_name"), _("condition"), _("command"), _("command"), _("command"), _("where event can be one of:")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_SCHEMA(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE SCHEMA %s [ AUTHORIZATION %s ] [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" "CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION %s [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS %s [ AUTHORIZATION %s ]\n" "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS AUTHORIZATION %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s\n" " | CURRENT_ROLE\n" " | CURRENT_USER\n" " | SESSION_USER", _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("schema_element"), _("role_specification"), _("schema_element"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("where role_specification can be:"), _("user_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_SEQUENCE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ { TEMPORARY | TEMP } | UNLOGGED ] SEQUENCE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " [ AS %s ]\n" " [ INCREMENT [ BY ] %s ]\n" " [ MINVALUE %s | NO MINVALUE ] [ MAXVALUE %s | NO MAXVALUE ]\n" " [ START [ WITH ] %s ] [ CACHE %s ] [ [ NO ] CYCLE ]\n" " [ OWNED BY { %s.%s | NONE } ]", _("name"), _("data_type"), _("increment"), _("minvalue"), _("maxvalue"), _("start"), _("cache"), _("table_name"), _("column_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_SERVER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE SERVER [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s [ TYPE '%s' ] [ VERSION '%s' ]\n" " FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s\n" " [ OPTIONS ( %s '%s' [, ... ] ) ]", _("server_name"), _("server_type"), _("server_version"), _("fdw_name"), _("option"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_STATISTICS(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE STATISTICS [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " ON ( %s )\n" " FROM %s\n" "\n" "CREATE STATISTICS [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ]\n" " ON { %s | ( %s ) }, { %s | ( %s ) } [, ...]\n" " FROM %s", _("statistics_name"), _("expression"), _("table_name"), _("statistics_name"), _("statistics_kind"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("table_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE SUBSCRIPTION %s\n" " CONNECTION '%s'\n" " PUBLICATION %s [, ...]\n" " [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]", _("subscription_name"), _("conninfo"), _("publication_name"), _("subscription_parameter"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TABLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } | UNLOGGED ] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s ( [\n" " { %s %s [ COMPRESSION %s ] [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" " | %s\n" " | LIKE %s [ %s ... ] }\n" " [, ... ]\n" "] )\n" "[ INHERITS ( %s [, ... ] ) ]\n" "[ PARTITION BY { RANGE | LIST | HASH } ( { %s | ( %s ) } [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s ] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "[ USING %s ]\n" "[ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) | WITHOUT OIDS ]\n" "[ ON COMMIT { PRESERVE ROWS | DELETE ROWS | DROP } ]\n" "[ TABLESPACE %s ]\n" "\n" "CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } | UNLOGGED ] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " OF %s [ (\n" " { %s [ WITH OPTIONS ] [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" " | %s }\n" " [, ... ]\n" ") ]\n" "[ PARTITION BY { RANGE | LIST | HASH } ( { %s | ( %s ) } [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s ] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "[ USING %s ]\n" "[ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) | WITHOUT OIDS ]\n" "[ ON COMMIT { PRESERVE ROWS | DELETE ROWS | DROP } ]\n" "[ TABLESPACE %s ]\n" "\n" "CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } | UNLOGGED ] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " PARTITION OF %s [ (\n" " { %s [ WITH OPTIONS ] [ %s [ ... ] ]\n" " | %s }\n" " [, ... ]\n" ") ] { FOR VALUES %s | DEFAULT }\n" "[ PARTITION BY { RANGE | LIST | HASH } ( { %s | ( %s ) } [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s ] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "[ USING %s ]\n" "[ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) | WITHOUT OIDS ]\n" "[ ON COMMIT { PRESERVE ROWS | DELETE ROWS | DROP } ]\n" "[ TABLESPACE %s ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ CONSTRAINT %s ]\n" "{ NOT NULL |\n" " NULL |\n" " CHECK ( %s ) [ NO INHERIT ] |\n" " DEFAULT %s |\n" " GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( %s ) STORED |\n" " GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY [ ( %s ) ] |\n" " UNIQUE [ NULLS [ NOT ] DISTINCT ] %s |\n" " PRIMARY KEY %s |\n" " REFERENCES %s [ ( %s ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ]\n" " [ ON DELETE %s ] [ ON UPDATE %s ] }\n" "[ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ CONSTRAINT %s ]\n" "{ CHECK ( %s ) [ NO INHERIT ] |\n" " UNIQUE [ NULLS [ NOT ] DISTINCT ] ( %s [, ... ] ) %s |\n" " PRIMARY KEY ( %s [, ... ] ) %s |\n" " EXCLUDE [ USING %s ] ( %s WITH %s [, ... ] ) %s [ WHERE ( %s ) ] |\n" " FOREIGN KEY ( %s [, ... ] ) REFERENCES %s [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ]\n" " [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE %s ] [ ON UPDATE %s ] }\n" "[ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "{ INCLUDING | EXCLUDING } { COMMENTS | COMPRESSION | CONSTRAINTS | DEFAULTS | GENERATED | IDENTITY | INDEXES | STATISTICS | STORAGE | ALL }\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "IN ( %s [, ...] ) |\n" "FROM ( { %s | MINVALUE | MAXVALUE } [, ...] )\n" " TO ( { %s | MINVALUE | MAXVALUE } [, ...] ) |\n" "WITH ( MODULUS %s, REMAINDER %s )\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "[ INCLUDE ( %s [, ... ] ) ]\n" "[ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" "[ USING INDEX TABLESPACE %s ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "{ %s | ( %s ) } [ %s ] [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "{ NO ACTION | RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ] | SET DEFAULT [ ( %s [, ... ] ) ] }", _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("data_type"), _("compression_method"), _("collation"), _("column_constraint"), _("table_constraint"), _("source_table"), _("like_option"), _("parent_table"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("collation"), _("opclass"), _("method"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("tablespace_name"), _("table_name"), _("type_name"), _("column_name"), _("column_constraint"), _("table_constraint"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("collation"), _("opclass"), _("method"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("tablespace_name"), _("table_name"), _("parent_table"), _("column_name"), _("column_constraint"), _("table_constraint"), _("partition_bound_spec"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("collation"), _("opclass"), _("method"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("tablespace_name"), _("where column_constraint is:"), _("constraint_name"), _("expression"), _("default_expr"), _("generation_expr"), _("sequence_options"), _("index_parameters"), _("index_parameters"), _("reftable"), _("refcolumn"), _("referential_action"), _("referential_action"), _("and table_constraint is:"), _("constraint_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("index_parameters"), _("column_name"), _("index_parameters"), _("index_method"), _("exclude_element"), _("operator"), _("index_parameters"), _("predicate"), _("column_name"), _("reftable"), _("refcolumn"), _("referential_action"), _("referential_action"), _("and like_option is:"), _("and partition_bound_spec is:"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("partition_bound_expr"), _("numeric_literal"), _("numeric_literal"), _("index_parameters in UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, and EXCLUDE constraints are:"), _("column_name"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("tablespace_name"), _("exclude_element in an EXCLUDE constraint is:"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("opclass"), _("referential_action in a FOREIGN KEY/REFERENCES constraint is:"), _("column_name"), _("column_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TABLE_AS(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } | UNLOGGED ] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] %s\n" " [ (%s [, ...] ) ]\n" " [ USING %s ]\n" " [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) | WITHOUT OIDS ]\n" " [ ON COMMIT { PRESERVE ROWS | DELETE ROWS | DROP } ]\n" " [ TABLESPACE %s ]\n" " AS %s\n" " [ WITH [ NO ] DATA ]", _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("method"), _("storage_parameter"), _("value"), _("tablespace_name"), _("query")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TABLESPACE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TABLESPACE %s\n" " [ OWNER { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER } ]\n" " LOCATION '%s'\n" " [ WITH ( %s = %s [, ... ] ) ]", _("tablespace_name"), _("new_owner"), _("directory"), _("tablespace_option"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s (\n" " PARSER = %s |\n" " COPY = %s\n" ")", _("name"), _("parser_name"), _("source_config")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY %s (\n" " TEMPLATE = %s\n" " [, %s = %s [, ... ]]\n" ")", _("name"), _("template"), _("option"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TEXT SEARCH PARSER %s (\n" " START = %s ,\n" " GETTOKEN = %s ,\n" " END = %s ,\n" " LEXTYPES = %s\n" " [, HEADLINE = %s ]\n" ")", _("name"), _("start_function"), _("gettoken_function"), _("end_function"), _("lextypes_function"), _("headline_function")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE %s (\n" " [ INIT = %s , ]\n" " LEXIZE = %s\n" ")", _("name"), _("init_function"), _("lexize_function")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TRANSFORM(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRANSFORM FOR %s LANGUAGE %s (\n" " FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION %s [ (%s [, ...]) ],\n" " TO SQL WITH FUNCTION %s [ (%s [, ...]) ]\n" ");", _("type_name"), _("lang_name"), _("from_sql_function_name"), _("argument_type"), _("to_sql_function_name"), _("argument_type")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TRIGGER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] [ CONSTRAINT ] TRIGGER %s { BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF } { %s [ OR ... ] }\n" " ON %s\n" " [ FROM %s ]\n" " [ NOT DEFERRABLE | [ DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY IMMEDIATE | INITIALLY DEFERRED ] ]\n" " [ REFERENCING { { OLD | NEW } TABLE [ AS ] %s } [ ... ] ]\n" " [ FOR [ EACH ] { ROW | STATEMENT } ]\n" " [ WHEN ( %s ) ]\n" " EXECUTE { FUNCTION | PROCEDURE } %s ( %s )\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " INSERT\n" " UPDATE [ OF %s [, ... ] ]\n" " DELETE\n" " TRUNCATE", _("name"), _("event"), _("table_name"), _("referenced_table_name"), _("transition_relation_name"), _("condition"), _("function_name"), _("arguments"), _("where event can be one of:"), _("column_name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_TYPE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TYPE %s AS\n" " ( [ %s %s [ COLLATE %s ] [, ... ] ] )\n" "\n" "CREATE TYPE %s AS ENUM\n" " ( [ '%s' [, ... ] ] )\n" "\n" "CREATE TYPE %s AS RANGE (\n" " SUBTYPE = %s\n" " [ , SUBTYPE_OPCLASS = %s ]\n" " [ , COLLATION = %s ]\n" " [ , CANONICAL = %s ]\n" " [ , SUBTYPE_DIFF = %s ]\n" " [ , MULTIRANGE_TYPE_NAME = %s ]\n" ")\n" "\n" "CREATE TYPE %s (\n" " INPUT = %s,\n" " OUTPUT = %s\n" " [ , RECEIVE = %s ]\n" " [ , SEND = %s ]\n" " [ , TYPMOD_IN = %s ]\n" " [ , TYPMOD_OUT = %s ]\n" " [ , ANALYZE = %s ]\n" " [ , SUBSCRIPT = %s ]\n" " [ , INTERNALLENGTH = { %s | VARIABLE } ]\n" " [ , PASSEDBYVALUE ]\n" " [ , ALIGNMENT = %s ]\n" " [ , STORAGE = %s ]\n" " [ , LIKE = %s ]\n" " [ , CATEGORY = %s ]\n" " [ , PREFERRED = %s ]\n" " [ , DEFAULT = %s ]\n" " [ , ELEMENT = %s ]\n" " [ , DELIMITER = %s ]\n" " [ , COLLATABLE = %s ]\n" ")\n" "\n" "CREATE TYPE %s", _("name"), _("attribute_name"), _("data_type"), _("collation"), _("name"), _("label"), _("name"), _("subtype"), _("subtype_operator_class"), _("collation"), _("canonical_function"), _("subtype_diff_function"), _("multirange_type_name"), _("name"), _("input_function"), _("output_function"), _("receive_function"), _("send_function"), _("type_modifier_input_function"), _("type_modifier_output_function"), _("analyze_function"), _("subscript_function"), _("internallength"), _("alignment"), _("storage"), _("like_type"), _("category"), _("preferred"), _("default"), _("element"), _("delimiter"), _("collatable"), _("name")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_USER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE USER %s [ [ WITH ] %s [ ... ] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " SUPERUSER | NOSUPERUSER\n" " | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB\n" " | CREATEROLE | NOCREATEROLE\n" " | INHERIT | NOINHERIT\n" " | LOGIN | NOLOGIN\n" " | REPLICATION | NOREPLICATION\n" " | BYPASSRLS | NOBYPASSRLS\n" " | CONNECTION LIMIT %s\n" " | [ ENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD '%s' | PASSWORD NULL\n" " | VALID UNTIL '%s'\n" " | IN ROLE %s [, ...]\n" " | IN GROUP %s [, ...]\n" " | ROLE %s [, ...]\n" " | ADMIN %s [, ...]\n" " | USER %s [, ...]\n" " | SYSID %s", _("name"), _("option"), _("where option can be:"), _("connlimit"), _("password"), _("timestamp"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("role_name"), _("uid")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_USER_MAPPING(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE USER MAPPING [ IF NOT EXISTS ] FOR { %s | USER | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | PUBLIC }\n" " SERVER %s\n" " [ OPTIONS ( %s '%s' [ , ... ] ) ]", _("user_name"), _("server_name"), _("option"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_CREATE_VIEW(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] [ TEMP | TEMPORARY ] [ RECURSIVE ] VIEW %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " [ WITH ( %s [= %s] [, ... ] ) ]\n" " AS %s\n" " [ WITH [ CASCADED | LOCAL ] CHECK OPTION ]", _("name"), _("column_name"), _("view_option_name"), _("view_option_value"), _("query")); } static void sql_help_DEALLOCATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DEALLOCATE [ PREPARE ] { %s | ALL }", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DECLARE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DECLARE %s [ BINARY ] [ ASENSITIVE | INSENSITIVE ] [ [ NO ] SCROLL ]\n" " CURSOR [ { WITH | WITHOUT } HOLD ] FOR %s", _("name"), _("query")); } static void sql_help_DELETE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] %s [, ...] ]\n" "DELETE FROM [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [ [ AS ] %s ]\n" " [ USING %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ WHERE %s | WHERE CURRENT OF %s ]\n" " [ RETURNING * | %s [ [ AS ] %s ] [, ...] ]", _("with_query"), _("table_name"), _("alias"), _("from_item"), _("condition"), _("cursor_name"), _("output_expression"), _("output_name")); } static void sql_help_DISCARD(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DISCARD { ALL | PLANS | SEQUENCES | TEMPORARY | TEMP }"); } static void sql_help_DO(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DO [ LANGUAGE %s ] %s", _("lang_name"), _("code")); } static void sql_help_DROP_ACCESS_METHOD(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP ACCESS METHOD [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_AGGREGATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP AGGREGATE [ IF EXISTS ] %s ( %s ) [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "* |\n" "[ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] |\n" "[ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] ] ORDER BY [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ]", _("name"), _("aggregate_signature"), _("where aggregate_signature is:"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype")); } static void sql_help_DROP_CAST(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP CAST [ IF EXISTS ] (%s AS %s) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("source_type"), _("target_type")); } static void sql_help_DROP_COLLATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP COLLATION [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_CONVERSION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP CONVERSION [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_DATABASE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP DATABASE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ [ WITH ] ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " FORCE", _("name"), _("option"), _("where option can be:")); } static void sql_help_DROP_DOMAIN(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP DOMAIN [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_EVENT_TRIGGER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP EVENT TRIGGER [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_EXTENSION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP EXTENSION [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_FOREIGN_TABLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP FOREIGN TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_FUNCTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP FUNCTION [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] [, ...]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype")); } static void sql_help_DROP_GROUP(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP GROUP [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_INDEX(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP INDEX [ CONCURRENTLY ] [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_LANGUAGE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_OPERATOR(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP OPERATOR [ IF EXISTS ] %s ( { %s | NONE } , %s ) [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("left_type"), _("right_type")); } static void sql_help_DROP_OPERATOR_CLASS(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP OPERATOR CLASS [ IF EXISTS ] %s USING %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("index_method")); } static void sql_help_DROP_OPERATOR_FAMILY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP OPERATOR FAMILY [ IF EXISTS ] %s USING %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("index_method")); } static void sql_help_DROP_OWNED(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP OWNED BY { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_POLICY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP POLICY [ IF EXISTS ] %s ON %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("table_name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_PROCEDURE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP PROCEDURE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] [, ...]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype")); } static void sql_help_DROP_PUBLICATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP PUBLICATION [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_ROLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP ROLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_ROUTINE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP ROUTINE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] [, ...]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype")); } static void sql_help_DROP_RULE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP RULE [ IF EXISTS ] %s ON %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("table_name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_SCHEMA(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP SCHEMA [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_SEQUENCE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP SEQUENCE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_SERVER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP SERVER [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_STATISTICS(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP STATISTICS [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_SUBSCRIPTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP SUBSCRIPTION [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TABLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TABLESPACE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TABLESPACE [ IF EXISTS ] %s", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TEXT SEARCH PARSER [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TRANSFORM(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TRANSFORM [ IF EXISTS ] FOR %s LANGUAGE %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("type_name"), _("lang_name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TRIGGER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TRIGGER [ IF EXISTS ] %s ON %s [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name"), _("table_name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_TYPE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TYPE [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_USER(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP USER [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_USER_MAPPING(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP USER MAPPING [ IF EXISTS ] FOR { %s | USER | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | PUBLIC } SERVER %s", _("user_name"), _("server_name")); } static void sql_help_DROP_VIEW(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] %s [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_END(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "END [ WORK | TRANSACTION ] [ AND [ NO ] CHAIN ]"); } static void sql_help_EXECUTE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "EXECUTE %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]", _("name"), _("parameter")); } static void sql_help_EXPLAIN(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "EXPLAIN [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] %s\n" "EXPLAIN [ ANALYZE ] [ VERBOSE ] %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ANALYZE [ %s ]\n" " VERBOSE [ %s ]\n" " COSTS [ %s ]\n" " SETTINGS [ %s ]\n" " BUFFERS [ %s ]\n" " WAL [ %s ]\n" " TIMING [ %s ]\n" " SUMMARY [ %s ]\n" " FORMAT { TEXT | XML | JSON | YAML }", _("option"), _("statement"), _("statement"), _("where option can be one of:"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean")); } static void sql_help_FETCH(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "FETCH [ %s ] [ FROM | IN ] %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " NEXT\n" " PRIOR\n" " FIRST\n" " LAST\n" " ABSOLUTE %s\n" " RELATIVE %s\n" " %s\n" " ALL\n" " FORWARD\n" " FORWARD %s\n" " FORWARD ALL\n" " BACKWARD\n" " BACKWARD %s\n" " BACKWARD ALL", _("direction"), _("cursor_name"), _("where direction can be one of:"), _("count"), _("count"), _("count"), _("count"), _("count")); } static void sql_help_GRANT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "GRANT { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | TRUNCATE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER }\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON { [ TABLE ] %s [, ...]\n" " | ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA %s [, ...] }\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | REFERENCES } ( %s [, ...] )\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] ( %s [, ...] ) }\n" " ON [ TABLE ] %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { { USAGE | SELECT | UPDATE }\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON { SEQUENCE %s [, ...]\n" " | ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA %s [, ...] }\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { { CREATE | CONNECT | TEMPORARY | TEMP } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON DATABASE %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON DOMAIN %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON FOREIGN SERVER %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON { { FUNCTION | PROCEDURE | ROUTINE } %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] [, ...]\n" " | ALL { FUNCTIONS | PROCEDURES | ROUTINES } IN SCHEMA %s [, ...] }\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON LANGUAGE %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { { SELECT | UPDATE } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON LARGE OBJECT %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { { SET | ALTER SYSTEM } [, ... ] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON PARAMETER %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { { CREATE | USAGE } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON SCHEMA %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { CREATE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON TABLESPACE %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON TYPE %s [, ...]\n" " TO %s [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "GRANT %s [, ...] TO %s [, ...]\n" " [ WITH ADMIN OPTION ]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " [ GROUP ] %s\n" " | PUBLIC\n" " | CURRENT_ROLE\n" " | CURRENT_USER\n" " | SESSION_USER", _("table_name"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("table_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("sequence_name"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("domain_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("fdw_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("server_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("routine_name"), _("argmode"), _("arg_name"), _("arg_type"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("lang_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("loid"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("tablespace_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("type_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("role_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("where role_specification can be:"), _("role_name")); } static void sql_help_IMPORT_FOREIGN_SCHEMA(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA %s\n" " [ { LIMIT TO | EXCEPT } ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " FROM SERVER %s\n" " INTO %s\n" " [ OPTIONS ( %s '%s' [, ... ] ) ]", _("remote_schema"), _("table_name"), _("server_name"), _("local_schema"), _("option"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_INSERT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] %s [, ...] ]\n" "INSERT INTO %s [ AS %s ] [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " [ OVERRIDING { SYSTEM | USER } VALUE ]\n" " { DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES ( { %s | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) [, ...] | %s }\n" " [ ON CONFLICT [ %s ] %s ]\n" " [ RETURNING * | %s [ [ AS ] %s ] [, ...] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ( { %s | ( %s ) } [ COLLATE %s ] [ %s ] [, ...] ) [ WHERE %s ]\n" " ON CONSTRAINT %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " DO NOTHING\n" " DO UPDATE SET { %s = { %s | DEFAULT } |\n" " ( %s [, ...] ) = [ ROW ] ( { %s | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) |\n" " ( %s [, ...] ) = ( %s )\n" " } [, ...]\n" " [ WHERE %s ]", _("with_query"), _("table_name"), _("alias"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("query"), _("conflict_target"), _("conflict_action"), _("output_expression"), _("output_name"), _("where conflict_target can be one of:"), _("index_column_name"), _("index_expression"), _("collation"), _("opclass"), _("index_predicate"), _("constraint_name"), _("and conflict_action is one of:"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("sub-SELECT"), _("condition")); } static void sql_help_LISTEN(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "LISTEN %s", _("channel")); } static void sql_help_LOAD(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "LOAD '%s'", _("filename")); } static void sql_help_LOCK(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "LOCK [ TABLE ] [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [, ...] [ IN %s MODE ] [ NOWAIT ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ACCESS SHARE | ROW SHARE | ROW EXCLUSIVE | SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE\n" " | SHARE | SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE | ACCESS EXCLUSIVE", _("name"), _("lockmode"), _("where lockmode is one of:")); } static void sql_help_MERGE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "[ WITH %s [, ...] ]\n" "MERGE INTO [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [ [ AS ] %s ]\n" "USING %s ON %s\n" "%s [...]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "{ [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] | ( %s ) } [ [ AS ] %s ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "{ WHEN MATCHED [ AND %s ] THEN { %s | %s | DO NOTHING } |\n" " WHEN NOT MATCHED [ AND %s ] THEN { %s | DO NOTHING } }\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "INSERT [( %s [, ...] )]\n" "[ OVERRIDING { SYSTEM | USER } VALUE ]\n" "{ VALUES ( { %s | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) | DEFAULT VALUES }\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "UPDATE SET { %s = { %s | DEFAULT } |\n" " ( %s [, ...] ) = ( { %s | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) } [, ...]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "DELETE", _("with_query"), _("target_table_name"), _("target_alias"), _("data_source"), _("join_condition"), _("when_clause"), _("where data_source is:"), _("source_table_name"), _("source_query"), _("source_alias"), _("and when_clause is:"), _("condition"), _("merge_update"), _("merge_delete"), _("condition"), _("merge_insert"), _("and merge_insert is:"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("and merge_update is:"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("and merge_delete is:")); } static void sql_help_MOVE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "MOVE [ %s ] [ FROM | IN ] %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " NEXT\n" " PRIOR\n" " FIRST\n" " LAST\n" " ABSOLUTE %s\n" " RELATIVE %s\n" " %s\n" " ALL\n" " FORWARD\n" " FORWARD %s\n" " FORWARD ALL\n" " BACKWARD\n" " BACKWARD %s\n" " BACKWARD ALL", _("direction"), _("cursor_name"), _("where direction can be one of:"), _("count"), _("count"), _("count"), _("count"), _("count")); } static void sql_help_NOTIFY(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "NOTIFY %s [ , %s ]", _("channel"), _("payload")); } static void sql_help_PREPARE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "PREPARE %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] AS %s", _("name"), _("data_type"), _("statement")); } static void sql_help_PREPARE_TRANSACTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "PREPARE TRANSACTION %s", _("transaction_id")); } static void sql_help_REASSIGN_OWNED(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "REASSIGN OWNED BY { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER } [, ...]\n" " TO { %s | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }", _("old_role"), _("new_role")); } static void sql_help_REFRESH_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW [ CONCURRENTLY ] %s\n" " [ WITH [ NO ] DATA ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_REINDEX(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "REINDEX [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] { INDEX | TABLE | SCHEMA | DATABASE | SYSTEM } [ CONCURRENTLY ] %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " CONCURRENTLY [ %s ]\n" " TABLESPACE %s\n" " VERBOSE [ %s ]", _("option"), _("name"), _("where option can be one of:"), _("boolean"), _("new_tablespace"), _("boolean")); } static void sql_help_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "RELEASE [ SAVEPOINT ] %s", _("savepoint_name")); } static void sql_help_RESET(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "RESET %s\n" "RESET ALL", _("configuration_parameter")); } static void sql_help_REVOKE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | TRUNCATE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER }\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON { [ TABLE ] %s [, ...]\n" " | ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA %s [, ...] }\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | REFERENCES } ( %s [, ...] )\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] ( %s [, ...] ) }\n" " ON [ TABLE ] %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { USAGE | SELECT | UPDATE }\n" " [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON { SEQUENCE %s [, ...]\n" " | ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA %s [, ...] }\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { CREATE | CONNECT | TEMPORARY | TEMP } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON DATABASE %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON DOMAIN %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON FOREIGN SERVER %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON { { FUNCTION | PROCEDURE | ROUTINE } %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] [, ...]\n" " | ALL { FUNCTIONS | PROCEDURES | ROUTINES } IN SCHEMA %s [, ...] }\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON LANGUAGE %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { SELECT | UPDATE } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON LARGE OBJECT %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { SET | ALTER SYSTEM } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON PARAMETER %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { { CREATE | USAGE } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON SCHEMA %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { CREATE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON TABLESPACE %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ]\n" " { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }\n" " ON TYPE %s [, ...]\n" " FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "REVOKE [ ADMIN OPTION FOR ]\n" " %s [, ...] FROM %s [, ...]\n" " [ GRANTED BY %s ]\n" " [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " [ GROUP ] %s\n" " | PUBLIC\n" " | CURRENT_ROLE\n" " | CURRENT_USER\n" " | SESSION_USER", _("table_name"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("column_name"), _("column_name"), _("table_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("sequence_name"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("database_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("domain_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("fdw_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("server_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("function_name"), _("argmode"), _("arg_name"), _("arg_type"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("lang_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("loid"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("configuration_parameter"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("schema_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("tablespace_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("type_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("role_name"), _("role_specification"), _("role_specification"), _("where role_specification can be:"), _("role_name")); } static void sql_help_ROLLBACK(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ROLLBACK [ WORK | TRANSACTION ] [ AND [ NO ] CHAIN ]"); } static void sql_help_ROLLBACK_PREPARED(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ROLLBACK PREPARED %s", _("transaction_id")); } static void sql_help_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ROLLBACK [ WORK | TRANSACTION ] TO [ SAVEPOINT ] %s", _("savepoint_name")); } static void sql_help_SAVEPOINT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SAVEPOINT %s", _("savepoint_name")); } static void sql_help_SECURITY_LABEL(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SECURITY LABEL [ FOR %s ] ON\n" "{\n" " TABLE %s |\n" " COLUMN %s.%s |\n" " AGGREGATE %s ( %s ) |\n" " DATABASE %s |\n" " DOMAIN %s |\n" " EVENT TRIGGER %s |\n" " FOREIGN TABLE %s\n" " FUNCTION %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " LARGE OBJECT %s |\n" " MATERIALIZED VIEW %s |\n" " [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE %s |\n" " PROCEDURE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " PUBLICATION %s |\n" " ROLE %s |\n" " ROUTINE %s [ ( [ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [, ...] ] ) ] |\n" " SCHEMA %s |\n" " SEQUENCE %s |\n" " SUBSCRIPTION %s |\n" " TABLESPACE %s |\n" " TYPE %s |\n" " VIEW %s\n" "} IS { %s | NULL }\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "* |\n" "[ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] |\n" "[ [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ] ] ORDER BY [ %s ] [ %s ] %s [ , ... ]", _("provider"), _("object_name"), _("table_name"), _("column_name"), _("aggregate_name"), _("aggregate_signature"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("function_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("large_object_oid"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("procedure_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("routine_name"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("object_name"), _("string_literal"), _("where aggregate_signature is:"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype"), _("argmode"), _("argname"), _("argtype")); } static void sql_help_SELECT(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] %s [, ...] ]\n" "SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ * | %s [ [ AS ] %s ] [, ...] ]\n" " [ FROM %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ WHERE %s ]\n" " [ GROUP BY [ ALL | DISTINCT ] %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ HAVING %s ]\n" " [ WINDOW %s AS ( %s ) [, ...] ]\n" " [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL | DISTINCT ] %s ]\n" " [ ORDER BY %s [ ASC | DESC | USING %s ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ]\n" " [ LIMIT { %s | ALL } ]\n" " [ OFFSET %s [ ROW | ROWS ] ]\n" " [ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ %s ] { ROW | ROWS } { ONLY | WITH TIES } ]\n" " [ FOR { UPDATE | NO KEY UPDATE | SHARE | KEY SHARE } [ OF %s [, ...] ] [ NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED ] [...] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ TABLESAMPLE %s ( %s [, ...] ) [ REPEATABLE ( %s ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] ( %s ) [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " %s [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] )\n" " [ WITH ORDINALITY ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) [ AS ] %s ( %s [, ...] )\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) AS ( %s [, ...] )\n" " [ LATERAL ] ROWS FROM( %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) [ AS ( %s [, ...] ) ] [, ...] )\n" " [ WITH ORDINALITY ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " %s %s %s { ON %s | USING ( %s [, ...] ) [ AS %s ] }\n" " %s NATURAL %s %s\n" " %s CROSS JOIN %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ( )\n" " %s\n" " ( %s [, ...] )\n" " ROLLUP ( { %s | ( %s [, ...] ) } [, ...] )\n" " CUBE ( { %s | ( %s [, ...] ) } [, ...] )\n" " GROUPING SETS ( %s [, ...] )\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] AS [ [ NOT ] MATERIALIZED ] ( %s | %s | %s | %s | %s )\n" " [ SEARCH { BREADTH | DEPTH } FIRST BY %s [, ...] SET %s ]\n" " [ CYCLE %s [, ...] SET %s [ TO %s DEFAULT %s ] USING %s ]\n" "\n" "TABLE [ ONLY ] %s [ * ]", _("with_query"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("output_name"), _("from_item"), _("condition"), _("grouping_element"), _("condition"), _("window_name"), _("window_definition"), _("select"), _("expression"), _("operator"), _("count"), _("start"), _("count"), _("table_name"), _("where from_item can be one of:"), _("table_name"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("sampling_method"), _("argument"), _("seed"), _("select"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("with_query_name"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("alias"), _("column_definition"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("column_definition"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("column_definition"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("from_item"), _("join_type"), _("from_item"), _("join_condition"), _("join_column"), _("join_using_alias"), _("from_item"), _("join_type"), _("from_item"), _("from_item"), _("from_item"), _("and grouping_element can be one of:"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("grouping_element"), _("and with_query is:"), _("with_query_name"), _("column_name"), _("select"), _("values"), _("insert"), _("update"), _("delete"), _("column_name"), _("search_seq_col_name"), _("column_name"), _("cycle_mark_col_name"), _("cycle_mark_value"), _("cycle_mark_default"), _("cycle_path_col_name"), _("table_name")); } static void sql_help_SELECT_INTO(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] %s [, ...] ]\n" "SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " * | %s [ [ AS ] %s ] [, ...]\n" " INTO [ TEMPORARY | TEMP | UNLOGGED ] [ TABLE ] %s\n" " [ FROM %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ WHERE %s ]\n" " [ GROUP BY %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ HAVING %s ]\n" " [ WINDOW %s AS ( %s ) [, ...] ]\n" " [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL | DISTINCT ] %s ]\n" " [ ORDER BY %s [ ASC | DESC | USING %s ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ]\n" " [ LIMIT { %s | ALL } ]\n" " [ OFFSET %s [ ROW | ROWS ] ]\n" " [ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ %s ] { ROW | ROWS } ONLY ]\n" " [ FOR { UPDATE | SHARE } [ OF %s [, ...] ] [ NOWAIT ] [...] ]", _("with_query"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("output_name"), _("new_table"), _("from_item"), _("condition"), _("expression"), _("condition"), _("window_name"), _("window_definition"), _("select"), _("expression"), _("operator"), _("count"), _("start"), _("count"), _("table_name")); } static void sql_help_SET(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] %s { TO | = } { %s | '%s' | DEFAULT }\n" "SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] TIME ZONE { %s | '%s' | LOCAL | DEFAULT }", _("configuration_parameter"), _("value"), _("value"), _("value"), _("value")); } static void sql_help_SET_CONSTRAINTS(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SET CONSTRAINTS { ALL | %s [, ...] } { DEFERRED | IMMEDIATE }", _("name")); } static void sql_help_SET_ROLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] ROLE %s\n" "SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] ROLE NONE\n" "RESET ROLE", _("role_name")); } static void sql_help_SET_SESSION_AUTHORIZATION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] SESSION AUTHORIZATION %s\n" "SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] SESSION AUTHORIZATION DEFAULT\n" "RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATION", _("user_name")); } static void sql_help_SET_TRANSACTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SET TRANSACTION %s [, ...]\n" "SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT %s\n" "SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION %s [, ...]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ISOLATION LEVEL { SERIALIZABLE | REPEATABLE READ | READ COMMITTED | READ UNCOMMITTED }\n" " READ WRITE | READ ONLY\n" " [ NOT ] DEFERRABLE", _("transaction_mode"), _("snapshot_id"), _("transaction_mode"), _("where transaction_mode is one of:")); } static void sql_help_SHOW(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SHOW %s\n" "SHOW ALL", _("name")); } static void sql_help_START_TRANSACTION(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "START TRANSACTION [ %s [, ...] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ISOLATION LEVEL { SERIALIZABLE | REPEATABLE READ | READ COMMITTED | READ UNCOMMITTED }\n" " READ WRITE | READ ONLY\n" " [ NOT ] DEFERRABLE", _("transaction_mode"), _("where transaction_mode is one of:")); } static void sql_help_TABLE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] %s [, ...] ]\n" "SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ * | %s [ [ AS ] %s ] [, ...] ]\n" " [ FROM %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ WHERE %s ]\n" " [ GROUP BY [ ALL | DISTINCT ] %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ HAVING %s ]\n" " [ WINDOW %s AS ( %s ) [, ...] ]\n" " [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL | DISTINCT ] %s ]\n" " [ ORDER BY %s [ ASC | DESC | USING %s ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ]\n" " [ LIMIT { %s | ALL } ]\n" " [ OFFSET %s [ ROW | ROWS ] ]\n" " [ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ %s ] { ROW | ROWS } { ONLY | WITH TIES } ]\n" " [ FOR { UPDATE | NO KEY UPDATE | SHARE | KEY SHARE } [ OF %s [, ...] ] [ NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED ] [...] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ TABLESAMPLE %s ( %s [, ...] ) [ REPEATABLE ( %s ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] ( %s ) [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " %s [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] )\n" " [ WITH ORDINALITY ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) [ AS ] %s ( %s [, ...] )\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) AS ( %s [, ...] )\n" " [ LATERAL ] ROWS FROM( %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) [ AS ( %s [, ...] ) ] [, ...] )\n" " [ WITH ORDINALITY ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " %s %s %s { ON %s | USING ( %s [, ...] ) [ AS %s ] }\n" " %s NATURAL %s %s\n" " %s CROSS JOIN %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ( )\n" " %s\n" " ( %s [, ...] )\n" " ROLLUP ( { %s | ( %s [, ...] ) } [, ...] )\n" " CUBE ( { %s | ( %s [, ...] ) } [, ...] )\n" " GROUPING SETS ( %s [, ...] )\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] AS [ [ NOT ] MATERIALIZED ] ( %s | %s | %s | %s | %s )\n" " [ SEARCH { BREADTH | DEPTH } FIRST BY %s [, ...] SET %s ]\n" " [ CYCLE %s [, ...] SET %s [ TO %s DEFAULT %s ] USING %s ]\n" "\n" "TABLE [ ONLY ] %s [ * ]", _("with_query"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("output_name"), _("from_item"), _("condition"), _("grouping_element"), _("condition"), _("window_name"), _("window_definition"), _("select"), _("expression"), _("operator"), _("count"), _("start"), _("count"), _("table_name"), _("where from_item can be one of:"), _("table_name"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("sampling_method"), _("argument"), _("seed"), _("select"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("with_query_name"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("alias"), _("column_definition"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("column_definition"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("column_definition"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("from_item"), _("join_type"), _("from_item"), _("join_condition"), _("join_column"), _("join_using_alias"), _("from_item"), _("join_type"), _("from_item"), _("from_item"), _("from_item"), _("and grouping_element can be one of:"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("grouping_element"), _("and with_query is:"), _("with_query_name"), _("column_name"), _("select"), _("values"), _("insert"), _("update"), _("delete"), _("column_name"), _("search_seq_col_name"), _("column_name"), _("cycle_mark_col_name"), _("cycle_mark_value"), _("cycle_mark_default"), _("cycle_path_col_name"), _("table_name")); } static void sql_help_TRUNCATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "TRUNCATE [ TABLE ] [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [, ... ]\n" " [ RESTART IDENTITY | CONTINUE IDENTITY ] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]", _("name")); } static void sql_help_UNLISTEN(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "UNLISTEN { %s | * }", _("channel")); } static void sql_help_UPDATE(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] %s [, ...] ]\n" "UPDATE [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [ [ AS ] %s ]\n" " SET { %s = { %s | DEFAULT } |\n" " ( %s [, ...] ) = [ ROW ] ( { %s | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) |\n" " ( %s [, ...] ) = ( %s )\n" " } [, ...]\n" " [ FROM %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ WHERE %s | WHERE CURRENT OF %s ]\n" " [ RETURNING * | %s [ [ AS ] %s ] [, ...] ]", _("with_query"), _("table_name"), _("alias"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("expression"), _("column_name"), _("sub-SELECT"), _("from_item"), _("condition"), _("cursor_name"), _("output_expression"), _("output_name")); } static void sql_help_VACUUM(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "VACUUM [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] [ %s [, ...] ]\n" "VACUUM [ FULL ] [ FREEZE ] [ VERBOSE ] [ ANALYZE ] [ %s [, ...] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " FULL [ %s ]\n" " FREEZE [ %s ]\n" " VERBOSE [ %s ]\n" " ANALYZE [ %s ]\n" " DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING [ %s ]\n" " SKIP_LOCKED [ %s ]\n" " INDEX_CLEANUP { AUTO | ON | OFF }\n" " PROCESS_TOAST [ %s ]\n" " TRUNCATE [ %s ]\n" " PARALLEL %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]", _("option"), _("table_and_columns"), _("table_and_columns"), _("where option can be one of:"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("boolean"), _("integer"), _("and table_and_columns is:"), _("table_name"), _("column_name")); } static void sql_help_VALUES(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "VALUES ( %s [, ...] ) [, ...]\n" " [ ORDER BY %s [ ASC | DESC | USING %s ] [, ...] ]\n" " [ LIMIT { %s | ALL } ]\n" " [ OFFSET %s [ ROW | ROWS ] ]\n" " [ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ %s ] { ROW | ROWS } ONLY ]", _("expression"), _("sort_expression"), _("operator"), _("count"), _("start"), _("count")); } static void sql_help_WITH(PQExpBuffer buf) { appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] %s [, ...] ]\n" "SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ * | %s [ [ AS ] %s ] [, ...] ]\n" " [ FROM %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ WHERE %s ]\n" " [ GROUP BY [ ALL | DISTINCT ] %s [, ...] ]\n" " [ HAVING %s ]\n" " [ WINDOW %s AS ( %s ) [, ...] ]\n" " [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL | DISTINCT ] %s ]\n" " [ ORDER BY %s [ ASC | DESC | USING %s ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ]\n" " [ LIMIT { %s | ALL } ]\n" " [ OFFSET %s [ ROW | ROWS ] ]\n" " [ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ %s ] { ROW | ROWS } { ONLY | WITH TIES } ]\n" " [ FOR { UPDATE | NO KEY UPDATE | SHARE | KEY SHARE } [ OF %s [, ...] ] [ NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED ] [...] ]\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " [ ONLY ] %s [ * ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ TABLESAMPLE %s ( %s [, ...] ) [ REPEATABLE ( %s ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] ( %s ) [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ]\n" " %s [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] )\n" " [ WITH ORDINALITY ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) [ AS ] %s ( %s [, ...] )\n" " [ LATERAL ] %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) AS ( %s [, ...] )\n" " [ LATERAL ] ROWS FROM( %s ( [ %s [, ...] ] ) [ AS ( %s [, ...] ) ] [, ...] )\n" " [ WITH ORDINALITY ] [ [ AS ] %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] ]\n" " %s %s %s { ON %s | USING ( %s [, ...] ) [ AS %s ] }\n" " %s NATURAL %s %s\n" " %s CROSS JOIN %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " ( )\n" " %s\n" " ( %s [, ...] )\n" " ROLLUP ( { %s | ( %s [, ...] ) } [, ...] )\n" " CUBE ( { %s | ( %s [, ...] ) } [, ...] )\n" " GROUPING SETS ( %s [, ...] )\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " %s [ ( %s [, ...] ) ] AS [ [ NOT ] MATERIALIZED ] ( %s | %s | %s | %s | %s )\n" " [ SEARCH { BREADTH | DEPTH } FIRST BY %s [, ...] SET %s ]\n" " [ CYCLE %s [, ...] SET %s [ TO %s DEFAULT %s ] USING %s ]\n" "\n" "TABLE [ ONLY ] %s [ * ]", _("with_query"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("output_name"), _("from_item"), _("condition"), _("grouping_element"), _("condition"), _("window_name"), _("window_definition"), _("select"), _("expression"), _("operator"), _("count"), _("start"), _("count"), _("table_name"), _("where from_item can be one of:"), _("table_name"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("sampling_method"), _("argument"), _("seed"), _("select"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("with_query_name"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("alias"), _("column_definition"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("column_definition"), _("function_name"), _("argument"), _("column_definition"), _("alias"), _("column_alias"), _("from_item"), _("join_type"), _("from_item"), _("join_condition"), _("join_column"), _("join_using_alias"), _("from_item"), _("join_type"), _("from_item"), _("from_item"), _("from_item"), _("and grouping_element can be one of:"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("expression"), _("grouping_element"), _("and with_query is:"), _("with_query_name"), _("column_name"), _("select"), _("values"), _("insert"), _("update"), _("delete"), _("column_name"), _("search_seq_col_name"), _("column_name"), _("cycle_mark_col_name"), _("cycle_mark_value"), _("cycle_mark_default"), _("cycle_path_col_name"), _("table_name")); } const struct _helpStruct QL_HELP[] = { {"ABORT", N_("abort the current transaction"), "sql-abort", sql_help_ABORT, 0}, {"ALTER AGGREGATE", N_("change the definition of an aggregate function"), "sql-alteraggregate", sql_help_ALTER_AGGREGATE, 9}, {"ALTER COLLATION", N_("change the definition of a collation"), "sql-altercollation", sql_help_ALTER_COLLATION, 4}, {"ALTER CONVERSION", N_("change the definition of a conversion"), "sql-alterconversion", sql_help_ALTER_CONVERSION, 2}, {"ALTER DATABASE", N_("change a database"), "sql-alterdatabase", sql_help_ALTER_DATABASE, 19}, {"ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES", N_("define default access privileges"), "sql-alterdefaultprivileges", sql_help_ALTER_DEFAULT_PRIVILEGES, 59}, {"ALTER DOMAIN", N_("change the definition of a domain"), "sql-alterdomain", sql_help_ALTER_DOMAIN, 17}, {"ALTER EVENT TRIGGER", N_("change the definition of an event trigger"), "sql-altereventtrigger", sql_help_ALTER_EVENT_TRIGGER, 3}, {"ALTER EXTENSION", N_("change the definition of an extension"), "sql-alterextension", sql_help_ALTER_EXTENSION, 40}, {"ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER", N_("change the definition of a foreign-data wrapper"), "sql-alterforeigndatawrapper", sql_help_ALTER_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER, 5}, {"ALTER FOREIGN TABLE", N_("change the definition of a foreign table"), "sql-alterforeigntable", sql_help_ALTER_FOREIGN_TABLE, 33}, {"ALTER FUNCTION", N_("change the definition of a function"), "sql-alterfunction", sql_help_ALTER_FUNCTION, 24}, {"ALTER GROUP", N_("change role name or membership"), "sql-altergroup", sql_help_ALTER_GROUP, 10}, {"ALTER INDEX", N_("change the definition of an index"), "sql-alterindex", sql_help_ALTER_INDEX, 9}, {"ALTER LANGUAGE", N_("change the definition of a procedural language"), "sql-alterlanguage", sql_help_ALTER_LANGUAGE, 1}, {"ALTER LARGE OBJECT", N_("change the definition of a large object"), "sql-alterlargeobject", sql_help_ALTER_LARGE_OBJECT, 0}, {"ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW", N_("change the definition of a materialized view"), "sql-altermaterializedview", sql_help_ALTER_MATERIALIZED_VIEW, 26}, {"ALTER OPERATOR", N_("change the definition of an operator"), "sql-alteroperator", sql_help_ALTER_OPERATOR, 9}, {"ALTER OPERATOR CLASS", N_("change the definition of an operator class"), "sql-alteropclass", sql_help_ALTER_OPERATOR_CLASS, 7}, {"ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY", N_("change the definition of an operator family"), "sql-alteropfamily", sql_help_ALTER_OPERATOR_FAMILY, 19}, {"ALTER POLICY", N_("change the definition of a row-level security policy"), "sql-alterpolicy", sql_help_ALTER_POLICY, 5}, {"ALTER PROCEDURE", N_("change the definition of a procedure"), "sql-alterprocedure", sql_help_ALTER_PROCEDURE, 17}, {"ALTER PUBLICATION", N_("change the definition of a publication"), "sql-alterpublication", sql_help_ALTER_PUBLICATION, 10}, {"ALTER ROLE", N_("change a database role"), "sql-alterrole", sql_help_ALTER_ROLE, 27}, {"ALTER ROUTINE", N_("change the definition of a routine"), "sql-alterroutine", sql_help_ALTER_ROUTINE, 22}, {"ALTER RULE", N_("change the definition of a rule"), "sql-alterrule", sql_help_ALTER_RULE, 0}, {"ALTER SCHEMA", N_("change the definition of a schema"), "sql-alterschema", sql_help_ALTER_SCHEMA, 1}, {"ALTER SEQUENCE", N_("change the definition of a sequence generator"), "sql-altersequence", sql_help_ALTER_SEQUENCE, 11}, {"ALTER SERVER", N_("change the definition of a foreign server"), "sql-alterserver", sql_help_ALTER_SERVER, 3}, {"ALTER STATISTICS", N_("change the definition of an extended statistics object"), "sql-alterstatistics", sql_help_ALTER_STATISTICS, 3}, {"ALTER SUBSCRIPTION", N_("change the definition of a subscription"), "sql-altersubscription", sql_help_ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION, 10}, {"ALTER SYSTEM", N_("change a server configuration parameter"), "sql-altersystem", sql_help_ALTER_SYSTEM, 3}, {"ALTER TABLE", N_("change the definition of a table"), "sql-altertable", sql_help_ALTER_TABLE, 117}, {"ALTER TABLESPACE", N_("change the definition of a tablespace"), "sql-altertablespace", sql_help_ALTER_TABLESPACE, 3}, {"ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION", N_("change the definition of a text search configuration"), "sql-altertsconfig", sql_help_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION, 12}, {"ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY", N_("change the definition of a text search dictionary"), "sql-altertsdictionary", sql_help_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY, 5}, {"ALTER TEXT SEARCH PARSER", N_("change the definition of a text search parser"), "sql-altertsparser", sql_help_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER, 1}, {"ALTER TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE", N_("change the definition of a text search template"), "sql-altertstemplate", sql_help_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE, 1}, {"ALTER TRIGGER", N_("change the definition of a trigger"), "sql-altertrigger", sql_help_ALTER_TRIGGER, 1}, {"ALTER TYPE", N_("change the definition of a type"), "sql-altertype", sql_help_ALTER_TYPE, 13}, {"ALTER USER", N_("change a database role"), "sql-alteruser", sql_help_ALTER_USER, 27}, {"ALTER USER MAPPING", N_("change the definition of a user mapping"), "sql-alterusermapping", sql_help_ALTER_USER_MAPPING, 2}, {"ALTER VIEW", N_("change the definition of a view"), "sql-alterview", sql_help_ALTER_VIEW, 7}, {"ANALYZE", N_("collect statistics about a database"), "sql-analyze", sql_help_ANALYZE, 10}, {"BEGIN", N_("start a transaction block"), "sql-begin", sql_help_BEGIN, 6}, {"CALL", N_("invoke a procedure"), "sql-call", sql_help_CALL, 0}, {"CHECKPOINT", N_("force a write-ahead log checkpoint"), "sql-checkpoint", sql_help_CHECKPOINT, 0}, {"CLOSE", N_("close a cursor"), "sql-close", sql_help_CLOSE, 0}, {"CLUSTER", N_("cluster a table according to an index"), "sql-cluster", sql_help_CLUSTER, 6}, {"COMMENT", N_("define or change the comment of an object"), "sql-comment", sql_help_COMMENT, 51}, {"COMMIT", N_("commit the current transaction"), "sql-commit", sql_help_COMMIT, 0}, {"COMMIT PREPARED", N_("commit a transaction that was earlier prepared for two-phase commit"), "sql-commit-prepared", sql_help_COMMIT_PREPARED, 0}, {"COPY", N_("copy data between a file and a table"), "sql-copy", sql_help_COPY, 21}, {"CREATE ACCESS METHOD", N_("define a new access method"), "sql-create-access-method", sql_help_CREATE_ACCESS_METHOD, 2}, {"CREATE AGGREGATE", N_("define a new aggregate function"), "sql-createaggregate", sql_help_CREATE_AGGREGATE, 59}, {"CREATE CAST", N_("define a new cast"), "sql-createcast", sql_help_CREATE_CAST, 10}, {"CREATE COLLATION", N_("define a new collation"), "sql-createcollation", sql_help_CREATE_COLLATION, 8}, {"CREATE CONVERSION", N_("define a new encoding conversion"), "sql-createconversion", sql_help_CREATE_CONVERSION, 1}, {"CREATE DATABASE", N_("create a new database"), "sql-createdatabase", sql_help_CREATE_DATABASE, 15}, {"CREATE DOMAIN", N_("define a new domain"), "sql-createdomain", sql_help_CREATE_DOMAIN, 8}, {"CREATE EVENT TRIGGER", N_("define a new event trigger"), "sql-createeventtrigger", sql_help_CREATE_EVENT_TRIGGER, 3}, {"CREATE EXTENSION", N_("install an extension"), "sql-createextension", sql_help_CREATE_EXTENSION, 3}, {"CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER", N_("define a new foreign-data wrapper"), "sql-createforeigndatawrapper", sql_help_CREATE_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER, 3}, {"CREATE FOREIGN TABLE", N_("define a new foreign table"), "sql-createforeigntable", sql_help_CREATE_FOREIGN_TABLE, 38}, {"CREATE FUNCTION", N_("define a new function"), "sql-createfunction", sql_help_CREATE_FUNCTION, 19}, {"CREATE GROUP", N_("define a new database role"), "sql-creategroup", sql_help_CREATE_GROUP, 19}, {"CREATE INDEX", N_("define a new index"), "sql-createindex", sql_help_CREATE_INDEX, 6}, {"CREATE LANGUAGE", N_("define a new procedural language"), "sql-createlanguage", sql_help_CREATE_LANGUAGE, 2}, {"CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW", N_("define a new materialized view"), "sql-creatematerializedview", sql_help_CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW, 6}, {"CREATE OPERATOR", N_("define a new operator"), "sql-createoperator", sql_help_CREATE_OPERATOR, 6}, {"CREATE OPERATOR CLASS", N_("define a new operator class"), "sql-createopclass", sql_help_CREATE_OPERATOR_CLASS, 5}, {"CREATE OPERATOR FAMILY", N_("define a new operator family"), "sql-createopfamily", sql_help_CREATE_OPERATOR_FAMILY, 0}, {"CREATE POLICY", N_("define a new row-level security policy for a table"), "sql-createpolicy", sql_help_CREATE_POLICY, 5}, {"CREATE PROCEDURE", N_("define a new procedure"), "sql-createprocedure", sql_help_CREATE_PROCEDURE, 9}, {"CREATE PUBLICATION", N_("define a new publication"), "sql-createpublication", sql_help_CREATE_PUBLICATION, 8}, {"CREATE ROLE", N_("define a new database role"), "sql-createrole", sql_help_CREATE_ROLE, 19}, {"CREATE RULE", N_("define a new rewrite rule"), "sql-createrule", sql_help_CREATE_RULE, 6}, {"CREATE SCHEMA", N_("define a new schema"), "sql-createschema", sql_help_CREATE_SCHEMA, 10}, {"CREATE SEQUENCE", N_("define a new sequence generator"), "sql-createsequence", sql_help_CREATE_SEQUENCE, 5}, {"CREATE SERVER", N_("define a new foreign server"), "sql-createserver", sql_help_CREATE_SERVER, 2}, {"CREATE STATISTICS", N_("define extended statistics"), "sql-createstatistics", sql_help_CREATE_STATISTICS, 7}, {"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION", N_("define a new subscription"), "sql-createsubscription", sql_help_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION, 3}, {"CREATE TABLE", N_("define a new table"), "sql-createtable", sql_help_CREATE_TABLE, 87}, {"CREATE TABLE AS", N_("define a new table from the results of a query"), "sql-createtableas", sql_help_CREATE_TABLE_AS, 7}, {"CREATE TABLESPACE", N_("define a new tablespace"), "sql-createtablespace", sql_help_CREATE_TABLESPACE, 3}, {"CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION", N_("define a new text search configuration"), "sql-createtsconfig", sql_help_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION, 3}, {"CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY", N_("define a new text search dictionary"), "sql-createtsdictionary", sql_help_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY, 3}, {"CREATE TEXT SEARCH PARSER", N_("define a new text search parser"), "sql-createtsparser", sql_help_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER, 6}, {"CREATE TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE", N_("define a new text search template"), "sql-createtstemplate", sql_help_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE, 3}, {"CREATE TRANSFORM", N_("define a new transform"), "sql-createtransform", sql_help_CREATE_TRANSFORM, 3}, {"CREATE TRIGGER", N_("define a new trigger"), "sql-createtrigger", sql_help_CREATE_TRIGGER, 14}, {"CREATE TYPE", N_("define a new data type"), "sql-createtype", sql_help_CREATE_TYPE, 37}, {"CREATE USER", N_("define a new database role"), "sql-createuser", sql_help_CREATE_USER, 19}, {"CREATE USER MAPPING", N_("define a new mapping of a user to a foreign server"), "sql-createusermapping", sql_help_CREATE_USER_MAPPING, 2}, {"CREATE VIEW", N_("define a new view"), "sql-createview", sql_help_CREATE_VIEW, 3}, {"DEALLOCATE", N_("deallocate a prepared statement"), "sql-deallocate", sql_help_DEALLOCATE, 0}, {"DECLARE", N_("define a cursor"), "sql-declare", sql_help_DECLARE, 1}, {"DELETE", N_("delete rows of a table"), "sql-delete", sql_help_DELETE, 4}, {"DISCARD", N_("discard session state"), "sql-discard", sql_help_DISCARD, 0}, {"DO", N_("execute an anonymous code block"), "sql-do", sql_help_DO, 0}, {"DROP ACCESS METHOD", N_("remove an access method"), "sql-drop-access-method", sql_help_DROP_ACCESS_METHOD, 0}, {"DROP AGGREGATE", N_("remove an aggregate function"), "sql-dropaggregate", sql_help_DROP_AGGREGATE, 6}, {"DROP CAST", N_("remove a cast"), "sql-dropcast", sql_help_DROP_CAST, 0}, {"DROP COLLATION", N_("remove a collation"), "sql-dropcollation", sql_help_DROP_COLLATION, 0}, {"DROP CONVERSION", N_("remove a conversion"), "sql-dropconversion", sql_help_DROP_CONVERSION, 0}, {"DROP DATABASE", N_("remove a database"), "sql-dropdatabase", sql_help_DROP_DATABASE, 4}, {"DROP DOMAIN", N_("remove a domain"), "sql-dropdomain", sql_help_DROP_DOMAIN, 0}, {"DROP EVENT TRIGGER", N_("remove an event trigger"), "sql-dropeventtrigger", sql_help_DROP_EVENT_TRIGGER, 0}, {"DROP EXTENSION", N_("remove an extension"), "sql-dropextension", sql_help_DROP_EXTENSION, 0}, {"DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER", N_("remove a foreign-data wrapper"), "sql-dropforeigndatawrapper", sql_help_DROP_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER, 0}, {"DROP FOREIGN TABLE", N_("remove a foreign table"), "sql-dropforeigntable", sql_help_DROP_FOREIGN_TABLE, 0}, {"DROP FUNCTION", N_("remove a function"), "sql-dropfunction", sql_help_DROP_FUNCTION, 1}, {"DROP GROUP", N_("remove a database role"), "sql-dropgroup", sql_help_DROP_GROUP, 0}, {"DROP INDEX", N_("remove an index"), "sql-dropindex", sql_help_DROP_INDEX, 0}, {"DROP LANGUAGE", N_("remove a procedural language"), "sql-droplanguage", sql_help_DROP_LANGUAGE, 0}, {"DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW", N_("remove a materialized view"), "sql-dropmaterializedview", sql_help_DROP_MATERIALIZED_VIEW, 0}, {"DROP OPERATOR", N_("remove an operator"), "sql-dropoperator", sql_help_DROP_OPERATOR, 0}, {"DROP OPERATOR CLASS", N_("remove an operator class"), "sql-dropopclass", sql_help_DROP_OPERATOR_CLASS, 0}, {"DROP OPERATOR FAMILY", N_("remove an operator family"), "sql-dropopfamily", sql_help_DROP_OPERATOR_FAMILY, 0}, {"DROP OWNED", N_("remove database objects owned by a database role"), "sql-drop-owned", sql_help_DROP_OWNED, 0}, {"DROP POLICY", N_("remove a row-level security policy from a table"), "sql-droppolicy", sql_help_DROP_POLICY, 0}, {"DROP PROCEDURE", N_("remove a procedure"), "sql-dropprocedure", sql_help_DROP_PROCEDURE, 1}, {"DROP PUBLICATION", N_("remove a publication"), "sql-droppublication", sql_help_DROP_PUBLICATION, 0}, {"DROP ROLE", N_("remove a database role"), "sql-droprole", sql_help_DROP_ROLE, 0}, {"DROP ROUTINE", N_("remove a routine"), "sql-droproutine", sql_help_DROP_ROUTINE, 1}, {"DROP RULE", N_("remove a rewrite rule"), "sql-droprule", sql_help_DROP_RULE, 0}, {"DROP SCHEMA", N_("remove a schema"), "sql-dropschema", sql_help_DROP_SCHEMA, 0}, {"DROP SEQUENCE", N_("remove a sequence"), "sql-dropsequence", sql_help_DROP_SEQUENCE, 0}, {"DROP SERVER", N_("remove a foreign server descriptor"), "sql-dropserver", sql_help_DROP_SERVER, 0}, {"DROP STATISTICS", N_("remove extended statistics"), "sql-dropstatistics", sql_help_DROP_STATISTICS, 0}, {"DROP SUBSCRIPTION", N_("remove a subscription"), "sql-dropsubscription", sql_help_DROP_SUBSCRIPTION, 0}, {"DROP TABLE", N_("remove a table"), "sql-droptable", sql_help_DROP_TABLE, 0}, {"DROP TABLESPACE", N_("remove a tablespace"), "sql-droptablespace", sql_help_DROP_TABLESPACE, 0}, {"DROP TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION", N_("remove a text search configuration"), "sql-droptsconfig", sql_help_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION, 0}, {"DROP TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY", N_("remove a text search dictionary"), "sql-droptsdictionary", sql_help_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY, 0}, {"DROP TEXT SEARCH PARSER", N_("remove a text search parser"), "sql-droptsparser", sql_help_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER, 0}, {"DROP TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE", N_("remove a text search template"), "sql-droptstemplate", sql_help_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE, 0}, {"DROP TRANSFORM", N_("remove a transform"), "sql-droptransform", sql_help_DROP_TRANSFORM, 0}, {"DROP TRIGGER", N_("remove a trigger"), "sql-droptrigger", sql_help_DROP_TRIGGER, 0}, {"DROP TYPE", N_("remove a data type"), "sql-droptype", sql_help_DROP_TYPE, 0}, {"DROP USER", N_("remove a database role"), "sql-dropuser", sql_help_DROP_USER, 0}, {"DROP USER MAPPING", N_("remove a user mapping for a foreign server"), "sql-dropusermapping", sql_help_DROP_USER_MAPPING, 0}, {"DROP VIEW", N_("remove a view"), "sql-dropview", sql_help_DROP_VIEW, 0}, {"END", N_("commit the current transaction"), "sql-end", sql_help_END, 0}, {"EXECUTE", N_("execute a prepared statement"), "sql-execute", sql_help_EXECUTE, 0}, {"EXPLAIN", N_("show the execution plan of a statement"), "sql-explain", sql_help_EXPLAIN, 13}, {"FETCH", N_("retrieve rows from a query using a cursor"), "sql-fetch", sql_help_FETCH, 17}, {"GRANT", N_("define access privileges"), "sql-grant", sql_help_GRANT, 86}, {"IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA", N_("import table definitions from a foreign server"), "sql-importforeignschema", sql_help_IMPORT_FOREIGN_SCHEMA, 4}, {"INSERT", N_("create new rows in a table"), "sql-insert", sql_help_INSERT, 19}, {"LISTEN", N_("listen for a notification"), "sql-listen", sql_help_LISTEN, 0}, {"LOAD", N_("load a shared library file"), "sql-load", sql_help_LOAD, 0}, {"LOCK", N_("lock a table"), "sql-lock", sql_help_LOCK, 5}, {"MERGE", N_("conditionally insert, update, or delete rows of a table"), "sql-merge", sql_help_MERGE, 27}, {"MOVE", N_("position a cursor"), "sql-move", sql_help_MOVE, 17}, {"NOTIFY", N_("generate a notification"), "sql-notify", sql_help_NOTIFY, 0}, {"PREPARE", N_("prepare a statement for execution"), "sql-prepare", sql_help_PREPARE, 0}, {"PREPARE TRANSACTION", N_("prepare the current transaction for two-phase commit"), "sql-prepare-transaction", sql_help_PREPARE_TRANSACTION, 0}, {"REASSIGN OWNED", N_("change the ownership of database objects owned by a database role"), "sql-reassign-owned", sql_help_REASSIGN_OWNED, 1}, {"REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW", N_("replace the contents of a materialized view"), "sql-refreshmaterializedview", sql_help_REFRESH_MATERIALIZED_VIEW, 1}, {"REINDEX", N_("rebuild indexes"), "sql-reindex", sql_help_REINDEX, 6}, {"RELEASE SAVEPOINT", N_("destroy a previously defined savepoint"), "sql-release-savepoint", sql_help_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT, 0}, {"RESET", N_("restore the value of a run-time parameter to the default value"), "sql-reset", sql_help_RESET, 1}, {"REVOKE", N_("remove access privileges"), "sql-revoke", sql_help_REVOKE, 115}, {"ROLLBACK", N_("abort the current transaction"), "sql-rollback", sql_help_ROLLBACK, 0}, {"ROLLBACK PREPARED", N_("cancel a transaction that was earlier prepared for two-phase commit"), "sql-rollback-prepared", sql_help_ROLLBACK_PREPARED, 0}, {"ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT", N_("roll back to a savepoint"), "sql-rollback-to", sql_help_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT, 0}, {"SAVEPOINT", N_("define a new savepoint within the current transaction"), "sql-savepoint", sql_help_SAVEPOINT, 0}, {"SECURITY LABEL", N_("define or change a security label applied to an object"), "sql-security-label", sql_help_SECURITY_LABEL, 29}, {"SELECT", N_("retrieve rows from a table or view"), "sql-select", sql_help_SELECT, 46}, {"SELECT INTO", N_("define a new table from the results of a query"), "sql-selectinto", sql_help_SELECT_INTO, 14}, {"SET", N_("change a run-time parameter"), "sql-set", sql_help_SET, 1}, {"SET CONSTRAINTS", N_("set constraint check timing for the current transaction"), "sql-set-constraints", sql_help_SET_CONSTRAINTS, 0}, {"SET ROLE", N_("set the current user identifier of the current session"), "sql-set-role", sql_help_SET_ROLE, 2}, {"SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION", N_("set the session user identifier and the current user identifier of the current session"), "sql-set-session-authorization", sql_help_SET_SESSION_AUTHORIZATION, 2}, {"SET TRANSACTION", N_("set the characteristics of the current transaction"), "sql-set-transaction", sql_help_SET_TRANSACTION, 8}, {"SHOW", N_("show the value of a run-time parameter"), "sql-show", sql_help_SHOW, 1}, {"START TRANSACTION", N_("start a transaction block"), "sql-start-transaction", sql_help_START_TRANSACTION, 6}, {"TABLE", N_("retrieve rows from a table or view"), "sql-select", sql_help_TABLE, 46}, {"TRUNCATE", N_("empty a table or set of tables"), "sql-truncate", sql_help_TRUNCATE, 1}, {"UNLISTEN", N_("stop listening for a notification"), "sql-unlisten", sql_help_UNLISTEN, 0}, {"UPDATE", N_("update rows of a table"), "sql-update", sql_help_UPDATE, 8}, {"VACUUM", N_("garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database"), "sql-vacuum", sql_help_VACUUM, 18}, {"VALUES", N_("compute a set of rows"), "sql-values", sql_help_VALUES, 4}, {"WITH", N_("retrieve rows from a table or view"), "sql-select", sql_help_WITH, 46}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} /* End of list marker */ };