# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group use strict; use warnings; use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use Test::More; program_help_ok('psql'); program_version_ok('psql'); program_options_handling_ok('psql'); # Execute a psql command and check its output. sub psql_like { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my ($node, $sql, $expected_stdout, $test_name) = @_; my ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node->psql('postgres', $sql); is($ret, 0, "$test_name: exit code 0"); is($stderr, '', "$test_name: no stderr"); like($stdout, $expected_stdout, "$test_name: matches"); return; } # Execute a psql command and check that it fails and check the stderr. sub psql_fails_like { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my ($node, $sql, $expected_stderr, $test_name) = @_; # Use the context of a WAL sender, some of the tests rely on that. my ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node->psql('postgres', $sql, replication => 'database'); isnt($ret, 0, "$test_name: exit code not 0"); like($stderr, $expected_stderr, "$test_name: matches"); return; } # test --help=foo, analogous to program_help_ok() foreach my $arg (qw(commands variables)) { my ($stdout, $stderr); my $result; $result = IPC::Run::run [ 'psql', "--help=$arg" ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr; ok($result, "psql --help=$arg exit code 0"); isnt($stdout, '', "psql --help=$arg goes to stdout"); is($stderr, '', "psql --help=$arg nothing to stderr"); } my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('main'); $node->init(extra => [ '--locale=C', '--encoding=UTF8' ]); $node->append_conf( 'postgresql.conf', q{ wal_level = 'logical' max_replication_slots = 4 max_wal_senders = 4 }); $node->start; psql_like($node, '\copyright', qr/Copyright/, '\copyright'); psql_like($node, '\help', qr/ALTER/, '\help without arguments'); psql_like($node, '\help SELECT', qr/SELECT/, '\help with argument'); # Test clean handling of unsupported replication command responses psql_fails_like( $node, 'START_REPLICATION 0/0', qr/unexpected PQresultStatus: 8$/, 'handling of unexpected PQresultStatus'); # test \timing psql_like( $node, '\timing on SELECT 1', qr/^1$ ^Time: \d+[.,]\d\d\d ms/m, '\timing with successful query'); # test \timing with query that fails { my ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node->psql('postgres', "\\timing on\nSELECT error"); isnt($ret, 0, '\timing with query error: query failed'); like( $stdout, qr/^Time: \d+[.,]\d\d\d ms/m, '\timing with query error: timing output appears'); unlike( $stdout, qr/^Time: 0[.,]000 ms/m, '\timing with query error: timing was updated'); } # test that ENCODING variable is set and that it is updated when # client encoding is changed psql_like( $node, '\echo :ENCODING set client_encoding = LATIN1; \echo :ENCODING', qr/^UTF8$ ^LATIN1$/m, 'ENCODING variable is set and updated'); # test LISTEN/NOTIFY psql_like( $node, 'LISTEN foo; NOTIFY foo;', qr/^Asynchronous notification "foo" received from server process with PID \d+\.$/, 'notification'); psql_like( $node, "LISTEN foo; NOTIFY foo, 'bar';", qr/^Asynchronous notification "foo" with payload "bar" received from server process with PID \d+\.$/, 'notification with payload'); # test behavior and output on server crash my ($ret, $out, $err) = $node->psql('postgres', "SELECT 'before' AS running;\n" . "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_backend_pid());\n" . "SELECT 'AFTER' AS not_running;\n"); is($ret, 2, 'server crash: psql exit code'); like($out, qr/before/, 'server crash: output before crash'); ok($out !~ qr/AFTER/, 'server crash: no output after crash'); is( $err, 'psql::2: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command psql::2: server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. psql::2: error: connection to server was lost', 'server crash: error message'); # test \errverbose # # (This is not in the regular regression tests because the output # contains the source code location and we don't want to have to # update that every time it changes.) psql_like( $node, 'SELECT 1; \errverbose', qr/^1\nThere is no previous error\.$/, '\errverbose with no previous error'); # There are three main ways to run a query that might affect # \errverbose: The normal way, using a cursor by setting FETCH_COUNT, # and using \gdesc. Test them all. like( ( $node->psql( 'postgres', "SELECT error;\n\\errverbose", on_error_stop => 0))[2], qr/\A^psql::1: ERROR: .*$ ^LINE 1: SELECT error;$ ^ *^.*$ ^psql::2: error: ERROR: [0-9A-Z]{5}: .*$ ^LINE 1: SELECT error;$ ^ *^.*$ ^LOCATION: .*$/m, '\errverbose after normal query with error'); like( ( $node->psql( 'postgres', "\\set FETCH_COUNT 1\nSELECT error;\n\\errverbose", on_error_stop => 0))[2], qr/\A^psql::2: ERROR: .*$ ^LINE 2: SELECT error;$ ^ *^.*$ ^psql::3: error: ERROR: [0-9A-Z]{5}: .*$ ^LINE 2: SELECT error;$ ^ *^.*$ ^LOCATION: .*$/m, '\errverbose after FETCH_COUNT query with error'); like( ( $node->psql( 'postgres', "SELECT error\\gdesc\n\\errverbose", on_error_stop => 0))[2], qr/\A^psql::1: ERROR: .*$ ^LINE 1: SELECT error$ ^ *^.*$ ^psql::2: error: ERROR: [0-9A-Z]{5}: .*$ ^LINE 1: SELECT error$ ^ *^.*$ ^LOCATION: .*$/m, '\errverbose after \gdesc with error'); # Check behavior when using multiple -c and -f switches. # Note that we cannot test backend-side errors as tests are unstable in this # case: IPC::Run can complain about a SIGPIPE if psql quits before reading a # query result. my $tempdir = PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::tempdir; $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE tab_psql_single (a int);"); # Tests with ON_ERROR_STOP. $node->command_ok( [ 'psql', '-X', '--single-transaction', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1', '-c', 'INSERT INTO tab_psql_single VALUES (1)', '-c', 'INSERT INTO tab_psql_single VALUES (2)' ], 'ON_ERROR_STOP, --single-transaction and multiple -c switches'); my $row_count = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM tab_psql_single'); is($row_count, '2', '--single-transaction commits transaction, ON_ERROR_STOP and multiple -c switches' ); $node->command_fails( [ 'psql', '-X', '--single-transaction', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1', '-c', 'INSERT INTO tab_psql_single VALUES (3)', '-c', "\\copy tab_psql_single FROM '$tempdir/nonexistent'" ], 'ON_ERROR_STOP, --single-transaction and multiple -c switches, error'); $row_count = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM tab_psql_single'); is($row_count, '2', 'client-side error rolls back transaction, ON_ERROR_STOP and multiple -c switches' ); # Tests mixing files and commands. my $copy_sql_file = "$tempdir/tab_copy.sql"; my $insert_sql_file = "$tempdir/tab_insert.sql"; append_to_file($copy_sql_file, "\\copy tab_psql_single FROM '$tempdir/nonexistent';"); append_to_file($insert_sql_file, 'INSERT INTO tab_psql_single VALUES (4);'); $node->command_ok( [ 'psql', '-X', '--single-transaction', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1', '-f', $insert_sql_file, '-f', $insert_sql_file ], 'ON_ERROR_STOP, --single-transaction and multiple -f switches'); $row_count = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM tab_psql_single'); is($row_count, '4', '--single-transaction commits transaction, ON_ERROR_STOP and multiple -f switches' ); $node->command_fails( [ 'psql', '-X', '--single-transaction', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1', '-f', $insert_sql_file, '-f', $copy_sql_file ], 'ON_ERROR_STOP, --single-transaction and multiple -f switches, error'); $row_count = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM tab_psql_single'); is($row_count, '4', 'client-side error rolls back transaction, ON_ERROR_STOP and multiple -f switches' ); # Tests without ON_ERROR_STOP. # The last switch fails on \copy. The command returns a failure and the # transaction commits. $node->command_fails( [ 'psql', '-X', '--single-transaction', '-f', $insert_sql_file, '-f', $insert_sql_file, '-c', "\\copy tab_psql_single FROM '$tempdir/nonexistent'" ], 'no ON_ERROR_STOP, --single-transaction and multiple -f/-c switches'); $row_count = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM tab_psql_single'); is($row_count, '6', 'client-side error commits transaction, no ON_ERROR_STOP and multiple -f/-c switches' ); # The last switch fails on \copy coming from an input file. The command # returns a success and the transaction commits. $node->command_ok( [ 'psql', '-X', '--single-transaction', '-f', $insert_sql_file, '-f', $insert_sql_file, '-f', $copy_sql_file ], 'no ON_ERROR_STOP, --single-transaction and multiple -f switches'); $row_count = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM tab_psql_single'); is($row_count, '8', 'client-side error commits transaction, no ON_ERROR_STOP and multiple -f switches' ); # The last switch makes the command return a success, and the contents of # the transaction commit even if there is a failure in-between. $node->command_ok( [ 'psql', '-X', '--single-transaction', '-c', 'INSERT INTO tab_psql_single VALUES (5)', '-f', $copy_sql_file, '-c', 'INSERT INTO tab_psql_single VALUES (6)' ], 'no ON_ERROR_STOP, --single-transaction and multiple -c switches'); $row_count = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM tab_psql_single'); is($row_count, '10', 'client-side error commits transaction, no ON_ERROR_STOP and multiple -c switches' ); done_testing();