# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group use strict; use warnings; use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use Test::More; use IPC::Run qw(pump finish timer); use Data::Dumper; # Do nothing unless Makefile has told us that the build is --with-readline. if (!defined($ENV{with_readline}) || $ENV{with_readline} ne 'yes') { plan skip_all => 'readline is not supported by this build'; } # Also, skip if user has set environment variable to command that. # This is mainly intended to allow working around some of the more broken # versions of libedit --- some users might find them acceptable even if # they won't pass these tests. if (defined($ENV{SKIP_READLINE_TESTS})) { plan skip_all => 'SKIP_READLINE_TESTS is set'; } # If we don't have IO::Pty, forget it, because IPC::Run depends on that # to support pty connections eval { require IO::Pty; }; if ($@) { plan skip_all => 'IO::Pty is needed to run this test'; } # start a new server my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('main'); $node->init; $node->start; # set up a few database objects $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE tab1 (c1 int primary key, c2 text);\n" . "CREATE TABLE mytab123 (f1 int, f2 text);\n" . "CREATE TABLE mytab246 (f1 int, f2 text);\n" . "CREATE TABLE \"mixedName\" (f1 int, f2 text);\n" . "CREATE TYPE enum1 AS ENUM ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'BLACK');\n" . "CREATE PUBLICATION some_publication;\n"); # Developers would not appreciate this test adding a bunch of junk to # their ~/.psql_history, so be sure to redirect history into a temp file. # We might as well put it in the test log directory, so that buildfarm runs # capture the result for possible debugging purposes. my $historyfile = "${PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::log_path}/010_psql_history.txt"; $ENV{PSQL_HISTORY} = $historyfile; # Another pitfall for developers is that they might have a ~/.inputrc # file that changes readline's behavior enough to affect this test. # So ignore any such file. $ENV{INPUTRC} = '/dev/null'; # Unset $TERM so that readline/libedit won't use any terminal-dependent # escape sequences; that leads to way too many cross-version variations # in the output. delete $ENV{TERM}; # Some versions of readline inspect LS_COLORS, so for luck unset that too. delete $ENV{LS_COLORS}; # In a VPATH build, we'll be started in the source directory, but we want # to run in the build directory so that we can use relative paths to # access the tmp_check subdirectory; otherwise the output from filename # completion tests is too variable. if ($ENV{TESTDIR}) { chdir $ENV{TESTDIR} or die "could not chdir to \"$ENV{TESTDIR}\": $!"; } # Create some junk files for filename completion testing. my $FH; open $FH, ">", "tmp_check/somefile" or die("could not create file \"tmp_check/somefile\": $!"); print $FH "some stuff\n"; close $FH; open $FH, ">", "tmp_check/afile123" or die("could not create file \"tmp_check/afile123\": $!"); print $FH "more stuff\n"; close $FH; open $FH, ">", "tmp_check/afile456" or die("could not create file \"tmp_check/afile456\": $!"); print $FH "other stuff\n"; close $FH; # fire up an interactive psql session my $in = ''; my $out = ''; my $timer = timer($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default); my $h = $node->interactive_psql('postgres', \$in, \$out, $timer); like($out, qr/psql/, "print startup banner"); # Simple test case: type something and see if psql responds as expected sub check_completion { my ($send, $pattern, $annotation) = @_; # report test failures from caller location local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; # reset output collector $out = ""; # restart per-command timer $timer->start($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default); # send the data to be sent $in .= $send; # wait ... pump $h until ($out =~ $pattern || $timer->is_expired); my $okay = ($out =~ $pattern && !$timer->is_expired); ok($okay, $annotation); # for debugging, log actual output if it didn't match local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; diag 'Actual output was ' . Dumper($out) . "Did not match \"$pattern\"\n" if !$okay; return; } # Clear query buffer to start over # (won't work if we are inside a string literal!) sub clear_query { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; check_completion("\\r\n", qr/Query buffer reset.*postgres=# /s, "\\r works"); return; } # Clear current line to start over # (this will work in an incomplete string literal, but it's less desirable # than clear_query because we lose evidence in the history file) sub clear_line { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; check_completion("\025\n", qr/postgres=# /, "control-U works"); return; } # check basic command completion: SEL produces SELECT check_completion("SEL\t", qr/SELECT /, "complete SEL to SELECT"); clear_query(); # check case variation is honored check_completion("sel\t", qr/select /, "complete sel to select"); # check basic table name completion check_completion("* from t\t", qr/\* from tab1 /, "complete t to tab1"); clear_query(); # check table name completion with multiple alternatives # note: readline might print a bell before the completion check_completion( "select * from my\t", qr/select \* from my\a?tab/, "complete my to mytab when there are multiple choices"); # some versions of readline/libedit require two tabs here, some only need one check_completion( "\t\t", qr/mytab123 +mytab246/, "offer multiple table choices"); check_completion("2\t", qr/246 /, "finish completion of one of multiple table choices"); clear_query(); # check handling of quoted names check_completion( "select * from \"my\t", qr/select \* from "my\a?tab/, "complete \"my to \"mytab when there are multiple choices"); check_completion( "\t\t", qr/"mytab123" +"mytab246"/, "offer multiple quoted table choices"); # note: broken versions of libedit want to backslash the closing quote; # not much we can do about that check_completion("2\t", qr/246\\?" /, "finish completion of one of multiple quoted table choices"); # note: broken versions of libedit may leave us in a state where psql # thinks there's an unclosed double quote, so that we have to use # clear_line not clear_query here clear_line(); # check handling of mixed-case names # note: broken versions of libedit want to backslash the closing quote; # not much we can do about that check_completion( "select * from \"mi\t", qr/"mixedName\\?" /, "complete a mixed-case name"); # as above, must use clear_line not clear_query here clear_line(); # check case folding check_completion("select * from TAB\t", qr/tab1 /, "automatically fold case"); clear_query(); # check case-sensitive keyword replacement # note: various versions of readline/libedit handle backspacing # differently, so just check that the replacement comes out correctly check_completion("\\DRD\t", qr/drds /, "complete \\DRD to \\drds"); # broken versions of libedit require clear_line not clear_query here clear_line(); # check completion of a schema-qualified name check_completion("select * from pub\t", qr/public\./, "complete schema when relevant"); check_completion("tab\t", qr/tab1 /, "complete schema-qualified name"); clear_query(); check_completion( "select * from PUBLIC.t\t", qr/public\.tab1 /, "automatically fold case in schema-qualified name"); clear_query(); # check interpretation of referenced names check_completion( "alter table tab1 drop constraint \t", qr/tab1_pkey /, "complete index name for referenced table"); clear_query(); check_completion( "alter table TAB1 drop constraint \t", qr/tab1_pkey /, "complete index name for referenced table, with downcasing"); clear_query(); check_completion( "alter table public.\"tab1\" drop constraint \t", qr/tab1_pkey /, "complete index name for referenced table, with schema and quoting"); clear_query(); # check variant where we're completing a qualified name from a refname # (this one also checks successful completion in a multiline command) check_completion( "comment on constraint tab1_pkey \n on public.\t", qr/public\.tab1/, "complete qualified name from object reference"); clear_query(); # check filename completion check_completion( "\\lo_import tmp_check/some\t", qr|tmp_check/somefile |, "filename completion with one possibility"); clear_query(); # note: readline might print a bell before the completion check_completion( "\\lo_import tmp_check/af\t", qr|tmp_check/af\a?ile|, "filename completion with multiple possibilities"); # broken versions of libedit require clear_line not clear_query here clear_line(); # COPY requires quoting # note: broken versions of libedit want to backslash the closing quote; # not much we can do about that check_completion( "COPY foo FROM tmp_check/some\t", qr|'tmp_check/somefile\\?' |, "quoted filename completion with one possibility"); clear_line(); check_completion( "COPY foo FROM tmp_check/af\t", qr|'tmp_check/afile|, "quoted filename completion with multiple possibilities"); # some versions of readline/libedit require two tabs here, some only need one # also, some will offer the whole path name and some just the file name # the quotes might appear, too check_completion( "\t\t", qr|afile123'? +'?(tmp_check/)?afile456|, "offer multiple file choices"); clear_line(); # check enum label completion # some versions of readline/libedit require two tabs here, some only need one # also, some versions will offer quotes, some will not check_completion( "ALTER TYPE enum1 RENAME VALUE 'ba\t\t", qr|'?bar'? +'?baz'?|, "offer multiple enum choices"); clear_line(); # enum labels are case sensitive, so this should complete BLACK immediately check_completion( "ALTER TYPE enum1 RENAME VALUE 'B\t", qr|BLACK|, "enum labels are case sensitive"); clear_line(); # check timezone name completion check_completion("SET timezone TO am\t", qr|'America/|, "offer partial timezone name"); check_completion("new_\t", qr|New_York|, "complete partial timezone name"); clear_line(); # check completion of a keyword offered in addition to object names; # such a keyword should obey COMP_KEYWORD_CASE foreach ( [ 'lower', 'CO', 'column' ], [ 'upper', 'co', 'COLUMN' ], [ 'preserve-lower', 'co', 'column' ], [ 'preserve-upper', 'CO', 'COLUMN' ],) { my ($case, $in, $out) = @$_; check_completion( "\\set COMP_KEYWORD_CASE $case\n", qr/postgres=#/, "set completion case to '$case'"); check_completion("alter table tab1 rename $in\t\t\t", qr|$out|, "offer keyword $out for input $in, COMP_KEYWORD_CASE = $case"); clear_query(); } # alternate path where keyword comes from SchemaQuery check_completion( "DROP TYPE big\t", qr/DROP TYPE bigint /, "offer keyword from SchemaQuery"); clear_query(); # check create_command_generator check_completion( "CREATE TY\t", qr/CREATE TYPE /, "check create_command_generator"); clear_query(); # check words_after_create infrastructure check_completion( "CREATE TABLE mytab\t\t", qr/mytab123 +mytab246/, "check words_after_create"); clear_query(); # check VersionedQuery infrastructure check_completion( "DROP PUBLIC\t \t\t", qr/DROP PUBLICATION\s+some_publication /, "check VersionedQuery"); clear_query(); # hits ends_with() and logic for completing in multi-line queries check_completion("analyze (\n\t\t", qr/VERBOSE/, "check ANALYZE (VERBOSE ..."); clear_query(); # check completions for GUCs check_completion( "set interval\t\t", qr/intervalstyle TO/, "complete a GUC name"); check_completion(" iso\t", qr/iso_8601 /, "complete a GUC enum value"); clear_query(); # same, for qualified GUC names check_completion( "DO \$\$begin end\$\$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;\n", qr/postgres=# /, "load plpgsql extension"); check_completion("set plpg\t", qr/plpg\a?sql\./, "complete prefix of a GUC name"); check_completion( "var\t\t", qr/variable_conflict TO/, "complete a qualified GUC name"); check_completion(" USE_C\t", qr/use_column/, "complete a qualified GUC enum value"); clear_query(); # check completions for psql variables check_completion("\\set VERB\t", qr/VERBOSITY /, "complete a psql variable name"); check_completion("def\t", qr/default /, "complete a psql variable value"); clear_query(); check_completion( "\\echo :VERB\t", qr/:VERBOSITY /, "complete an interpolated psql variable name"); clear_query(); # check no-completions code path check_completion("blarg \t\t", qr//, "check completion failure path"); clear_query(); # send psql an explicit \q to shut it down, else pty won't close properly $timer->start($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default); $in .= "\\q\n"; finish $h or die "psql returned $?"; $timer->reset; # done $node->stop; done_testing();