-- test plperl.on_plperl_init via the shared hash -- (must be done before plperl is first used) -- This test tests setting on_plperl_init before loading plperl -- testing on_plperl_init gets run, and that it can alter %_SHARED SET plperl.on_plperl_init = '$_SHARED{on_init} = 42'; -- test the shared hash create function setme(key text, val text) returns void language plperl as $$ my $key = shift; my $val = shift; $_SHARED{$key}= $val; $$; create function getme(key text) returns text language plperl as $$ my $key = shift; return $_SHARED{$key}; $$; select setme('ourkey','ourval'); select getme('ourkey'); select getme('on_init'); -- verify that we can use $_SHARED in strict mode create or replace function perl_shared() returns int as $$ use strict; my $val = $_SHARED{'stuff'}; $_SHARED{'stuff'} = '1'; return $val; $$ language plperl; select perl_shared(); select perl_shared();