CREATE TABLE brintest_multi ( int8col bigint, int2col smallint, int4col integer, oidcol oid, tidcol tid, float4col real, float8col double precision, macaddrcol macaddr, macaddr8col macaddr8, inetcol inet, cidrcol cidr, datecol date, timecol time without time zone, timestampcol timestamp without time zone, timestamptzcol timestamp with time zone, intervalcol interval, timetzcol time with time zone, numericcol numeric, uuidcol uuid, lsncol pg_lsn ) WITH (fillfactor=10); INSERT INTO brintest_multi SELECT 142857 * tenthous, thousand, twothousand, unique1::oid, format('(%s,%s)', tenthous, twenty)::tid, (four + 1.0)/(hundred+1), odd::float8 / (tenthous + 1), format('%s:00:%s:00:%s:00', to_hex(odd), to_hex(even), to_hex(hundred))::macaddr, substr(md5(unique1::text), 1, 16)::macaddr8, inet '' + tenthous, cidr '10.2.3/24' + tenthous, date '1995-08-15' + tenthous, time '01:20:30' + thousand * interval '18.5 second', timestamp '1942-07-23 03:05:09' + tenthous * interval '36.38 hours', timestamptz '1972-10-10 03:00' + thousand * interval '1 hour', justify_days(justify_hours(tenthous * interval '12 minutes')), timetz '01:30:20+02' + hundred * interval '15 seconds', tenthous::numeric(36,30) * fivethous * even / (hundred + 1), format('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'))::uuid, format('%s/%s%s', odd, even, tenthous)::pg_lsn FROM tenk1 ORDER BY unique2 LIMIT 100; -- throw in some NULL's and different values INSERT INTO brintest_multi (inetcol, cidrcol) SELECT inet 'fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46' + tenthous, cidr 'fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46' + tenthous FROM tenk1 ORDER BY thousand, tenthous LIMIT 25; -- test minmax-multi specific index options -- number of values must be >= 16 CREATE INDEX brinidx_multi ON brintest_multi USING brin ( int8col int8_minmax_multi_ops(values_per_range = 7) ); ERROR: value 7 out of bounds for option "values_per_range" DETAIL: Valid values are between "8" and "256". -- number of values must be <= 256 CREATE INDEX brinidx_multi ON brintest_multi USING brin ( int8col int8_minmax_multi_ops(values_per_range = 257) ); ERROR: value 257 out of bounds for option "values_per_range" DETAIL: Valid values are between "8" and "256". -- first create an index with a single page range, to force compaction -- due to exceeding the number of values per summary CREATE INDEX brinidx_multi ON brintest_multi USING brin ( int8col int8_minmax_multi_ops, int2col int2_minmax_multi_ops, int4col int4_minmax_multi_ops, oidcol oid_minmax_multi_ops, tidcol tid_minmax_multi_ops, float4col float4_minmax_multi_ops, float8col float8_minmax_multi_ops, macaddrcol macaddr_minmax_multi_ops, macaddr8col macaddr8_minmax_multi_ops, inetcol inet_minmax_multi_ops, cidrcol inet_minmax_multi_ops, datecol date_minmax_multi_ops, timecol time_minmax_multi_ops, timestampcol timestamp_minmax_multi_ops, timestamptzcol timestamptz_minmax_multi_ops, intervalcol interval_minmax_multi_ops, timetzcol timetz_minmax_multi_ops, numericcol numeric_minmax_multi_ops, uuidcol uuid_minmax_multi_ops, lsncol pg_lsn_minmax_multi_ops ); DROP INDEX brinidx_multi; CREATE INDEX brinidx_multi ON brintest_multi USING brin ( int8col int8_minmax_multi_ops, int2col int2_minmax_multi_ops, int4col int4_minmax_multi_ops, oidcol oid_minmax_multi_ops, tidcol tid_minmax_multi_ops, float4col float4_minmax_multi_ops, float8col float8_minmax_multi_ops, macaddrcol macaddr_minmax_multi_ops, macaddr8col macaddr8_minmax_multi_ops, inetcol inet_minmax_multi_ops, cidrcol inet_minmax_multi_ops, datecol date_minmax_multi_ops, timecol time_minmax_multi_ops, timestampcol timestamp_minmax_multi_ops, timestamptzcol timestamptz_minmax_multi_ops, intervalcol interval_minmax_multi_ops, timetzcol timetz_minmax_multi_ops, numericcol numeric_minmax_multi_ops, uuidcol uuid_minmax_multi_ops, lsncol pg_lsn_minmax_multi_ops ) with (pages_per_range = 1); CREATE TABLE brinopers_multi (colname name, typ text, op text[], value text[], matches int[], check (cardinality(op) = cardinality(value)), check (cardinality(op) = cardinality(matches))); INSERT INTO brinopers_multi VALUES ('int2col', 'int2', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 800, 999, 999}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('int2col', 'int4', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 800, 999, 1999}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('int2col', 'int8', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 800, 999, 1428427143}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('int4col', 'int2', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 800, 1999, 1999}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('int4col', 'int4', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 800, 1999, 1999}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('int4col', 'int8', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 800, 1999, 1428427143}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('int8col', 'int2', '{>, >=}', '{0, 0}', '{100, 100}'), ('int8col', 'int4', '{>, >=}', '{0, 0}', '{100, 100}'), ('int8col', 'int8', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 1257141600, 1428427143, 1428427143}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('oidcol', 'oid', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 8800, 9999, 9999}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('tidcol', 'tid', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{"(0,0)", "(0,0)", "(8800,0)", "(9999,19)", "(9999,19)"}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('float4col', 'float4', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0.0103093, 0.0103093, 1, 1, 1}', '{100, 100, 4, 100, 96}'), ('float4col', 'float8', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0.0103093, 0.0103093, 1, 1, 1}', '{100, 100, 4, 100, 96}'), ('float8col', 'float4', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 0, 1.98, 1.98}', '{99, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('float8col', 'float8', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0, 0, 0, 1.98, 1.98}', '{99, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('macaddrcol', 'macaddr', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{00:00:01:00:00:00, 00:00:01:00:00:00, 2c:00:2d:00:16:00, ff:fe:00:00:00:00, ff:fe:00:00:00:00}', '{99, 100, 2, 100, 100}'), ('macaddr8col', 'macaddr8', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{b1:d1:0e:7b:af:a4:42:12, d9:35:91:bd:f7:86:0e:1e, 72:8f:20:6c:2a:01:bf:57, 23:e8:46:63:86:07:ad:cb, 13:16:8e:6a:2e:6c:84:b4}', '{33, 15, 1, 13, 6}'), ('inetcol', 'inet', '{=, <, <=, >, >=}', '{,,,,}', '{1, 100, 100, 125, 125}'), ('inetcol', 'cidr', '{<, <=, >, >=}', '{,,,}', '{100, 100, 125, 125}'), ('cidrcol', 'inet', '{=, <, <=, >, >=}', '{10.2.14/24,,,,}', '{2, 100, 100, 125, 125}'), ('cidrcol', 'cidr', '{=, <, <=, >, >=}', '{10.2.14/24,,,,}', '{2, 100, 100, 125, 125}'), ('datecol', 'date', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{1995-08-15, 1995-08-15, 2009-12-01, 2022-12-30, 2022-12-30}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('timecol', 'time', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{01:20:30, 01:20:30, 02:28:57, 06:28:31.5, 06:28:31.5}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('timestampcol', 'timestamp', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{1942-07-23 03:05:09, 1942-07-23 03:05:09, 1964-03-24 19:26:45, 1984-01-20 22:42:21, 1984-01-20 22:42:21}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('timestampcol', 'timestamptz', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{1942-07-23 03:05:09, 1942-07-23 03:05:09, 1964-03-24 19:26:45, 1984-01-20 22:42:21, 1984-01-20 22:42:21}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('timestamptzcol', 'timestamptz', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{1972-10-10 03:00:00-04, 1972-10-10 03:00:00-04, 1972-10-19 09:00:00-07, 1972-11-20 19:00:00-03, 1972-11-20 19:00:00-03}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('intervalcol', 'interval', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{00:00:00, 00:00:00, 1 mons 13 days 12:24, 2 mons 23 days 07:48:00, 1 year}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('timetzcol', 'timetz', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{01:30:20+02, 01:30:20+02, 01:35:50+02, 23:55:05+02, 23:55:05+02}', '{99, 100, 2, 100, 100}'), ('numericcol', 'numeric', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{0.00, 0.01, 2268164.347826086956521739130434782609, 99470151.9, 99470151.9}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('uuidcol', 'uuid', '{>, >=, =, <=, <}', '{00040004-0004-0004-0004-000400040004, 00040004-0004-0004-0004-000400040004, 52225222-5222-5222-5222-522252225222, 99989998-9998-9998-9998-999899989998, 99989998-9998-9998-9998-999899989998}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'), ('lsncol', 'pg_lsn', '{>, >=, =, <=, <, IS, IS NOT}', '{0/1200, 0/1200, 44/455222, 198/1999799, 198/1999799, NULL, NULL}', '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100, 25, 100}'); DO $x$ DECLARE r record; r2 record; cond text; idx_ctids tid[]; ss_ctids tid[]; count int; plan_ok bool; plan_line text; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT colname, oper, typ, value[ordinality], matches[ordinality] FROM brinopers_multi, unnest(op) WITH ORDINALITY AS oper LOOP -- prepare the condition IF r.value IS NULL THEN cond := format('%I %s %L', r.colname, r.oper, r.value); ELSE cond := format('%I %s %L::%s', r.colname, r.oper, r.value, r.typ); END IF; -- run the query using the brin index SET enable_seqscan = 0; SET enable_bitmapscan = 1; plan_ok := false; FOR plan_line IN EXECUTE format($y$EXPLAIN SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_multi WHERE %s $y$, cond) LOOP IF plan_line LIKE '%Bitmap Heap Scan on brintest_multi%' THEN plan_ok := true; END IF; END LOOP; IF NOT plan_ok THEN RAISE WARNING 'did not get bitmap indexscan plan for %', r; END IF; EXECUTE format($y$SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_multi WHERE %s $y$, cond) INTO idx_ctids; -- run the query using a seqscan SET enable_seqscan = 1; SET enable_bitmapscan = 0; plan_ok := false; FOR plan_line IN EXECUTE format($y$EXPLAIN SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_multi WHERE %s $y$, cond) LOOP IF plan_line LIKE '%Seq Scan on brintest_multi%' THEN plan_ok := true; END IF; END LOOP; IF NOT plan_ok THEN RAISE WARNING 'did not get seqscan plan for %', r; END IF; EXECUTE format($y$SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_multi WHERE %s $y$, cond) INTO ss_ctids; -- make sure both return the same results count := array_length(idx_ctids, 1); IF NOT (count = array_length(ss_ctids, 1) AND idx_ctids @> ss_ctids AND idx_ctids <@ ss_ctids) THEN -- report the results of each scan to make the differences obvious RAISE WARNING 'something not right in %: count %', r, count; SET enable_seqscan = 1; SET enable_bitmapscan = 0; FOR r2 IN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || r.colname || ' FROM brintest_multi WHERE ' || cond LOOP RAISE NOTICE 'seqscan: %', r2; END LOOP; SET enable_seqscan = 0; SET enable_bitmapscan = 1; FOR r2 IN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || r.colname || ' FROM brintest_multi WHERE ' || cond LOOP RAISE NOTICE 'bitmapscan: %', r2; END LOOP; END IF; -- make sure we found expected number of matches IF count != r.matches THEN RAISE WARNING 'unexpected number of results % for %', count, r; END IF; END LOOP; END; $x$; RESET enable_seqscan; RESET enable_bitmapscan; INSERT INTO brintest_multi SELECT 142857 * tenthous, thousand, twothousand, unique1::oid, format('(%s,%s)', tenthous, twenty)::tid, (four + 1.0)/(hundred+1), odd::float8 / (tenthous + 1), format('%s:00:%s:00:%s:00', to_hex(odd), to_hex(even), to_hex(hundred))::macaddr, substr(md5(unique1::text), 1, 16)::macaddr8, inet '' + tenthous, cidr '10.2.3/24' + tenthous, date '1995-08-15' + tenthous, time '01:20:30' + thousand * interval '18.5 second', timestamp '1942-07-23 03:05:09' + tenthous * interval '36.38 hours', timestamptz '1972-10-10 03:00' + thousand * interval '1 hour', justify_days(justify_hours(tenthous * interval '12 minutes')), timetz '01:30:20' + hundred * interval '15 seconds', tenthous::numeric(36,30) * fivethous * even / (hundred + 1), format('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'))::uuid, format('%s/%s%s', odd, even, tenthous)::pg_lsn FROM tenk1 ORDER BY unique2 LIMIT 5 OFFSET 5; SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', 0); brin_desummarize_range ------------------------ (1 row) VACUUM brintest_multi; -- force a summarization cycle in brinidx -- Try inserting a values with NaN, to test distance calculation. insert into public.brintest_multi (float4col) values (real 'nan'); insert into public.brintest_multi (float8col) values (real 'nan'); UPDATE brintest_multi SET int8col = int8col * int4col; -- Test handling of inet netmasks with inet_minmax_multi_ops CREATE TABLE brin_test_inet (a inet); CREATE INDEX ON brin_test_inet USING brin (a inet_minmax_multi_ops); INSERT INTO brin_test_inet VALUES (''); INSERT INTO brin_test_inet VALUES (''); DROP TABLE brin_test_inet; -- Tests for brin_summarize_new_values SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('brintest_multi'); -- error, not an index ERROR: "brintest_multi" is not an index SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('tenk1_unique1'); -- error, not a BRIN index ERROR: "tenk1_unique1" is not a BRIN index SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('brinidx_multi'); -- ok, no change expected brin_summarize_new_values --------------------------- 0 (1 row) -- Tests for brin_desummarize_range SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', -1); -- error, invalid range ERROR: block number out of range: -1 SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', 0); brin_desummarize_range ------------------------ (1 row) SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', 0); brin_desummarize_range ------------------------ (1 row) SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', 100000000); brin_desummarize_range ------------------------ (1 row) -- test building an index with many values, to force compaction of the buffer CREATE TABLE brin_large_range (a int4); INSERT INTO brin_large_range SELECT i FROM generate_series(1,10000) s(i); CREATE INDEX brin_large_range_idx ON brin_large_range USING brin (a int4_minmax_multi_ops); DROP TABLE brin_large_range; -- Test brin_summarize_range CREATE TABLE brin_summarize_multi ( value int ) WITH (fillfactor=10, autovacuum_enabled=false); CREATE INDEX brin_summarize_multi_idx ON brin_summarize_multi USING brin (value) WITH (pages_per_range=2); -- Fill a few pages DO $$ DECLARE curtid tid; BEGIN LOOP INSERT INTO brin_summarize_multi VALUES (1) RETURNING ctid INTO curtid; EXIT WHEN curtid > tid '(2, 0)'; END LOOP; END; $$; -- summarize one range SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 0); brin_summarize_range ---------------------- 0 (1 row) -- nothing: already summarized SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 1); brin_summarize_range ---------------------- 0 (1 row) -- summarize one range SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 2); brin_summarize_range ---------------------- 1 (1 row) -- nothing: page doesn't exist in table SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 4294967295); brin_summarize_range ---------------------- 0 (1 row) -- invalid block number values SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', -1); ERROR: block number out of range: -1 SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 4294967296); ERROR: block number out of range: 4294967296 -- test brin cost estimates behave sanely based on correlation of values CREATE TABLE brin_test_multi (a INT, b INT); INSERT INTO brin_test_multi SELECT x/100,x%100 FROM generate_series(1,10000) x(x); CREATE INDEX brin_test_multi_a_idx ON brin_test_multi USING brin (a) WITH (pages_per_range = 2); CREATE INDEX brin_test_multi_b_idx ON brin_test_multi USING brin (b) WITH (pages_per_range = 2); VACUUM ANALYZE brin_test_multi; -- Ensure brin index is used when columns are perfectly correlated EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_test_multi WHERE a = 1; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_test_multi Recheck Cond: (a = 1) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_test_multi_a_idx Index Cond: (a = 1) (4 rows) -- Ensure brin index is not used when values are not correlated EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_test_multi WHERE b = 1; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------- Seq Scan on brin_test_multi Filter: (b = 1) (2 rows) -- test overflows during CREATE INDEX with extreme timestamp values CREATE TABLE brin_timestamp_test(a TIMESTAMPTZ); SET datestyle TO iso; -- values close to timetamp minimum INSERT INTO brin_timestamp_test SELECT '4713-01-01 00:00:01 BC'::timestamptz + (i || ' seconds')::interval FROM generate_series(1,30) s(i); -- values close to timetamp maximum INSERT INTO brin_timestamp_test SELECT '294276-12-01 00:00:01'::timestamptz + (i || ' seconds')::interval FROM generate_series(1,30) s(i); CREATE INDEX ON brin_timestamp_test USING brin (a timestamptz_minmax_multi_ops) WITH (pages_per_range=1); DROP TABLE brin_timestamp_test; -- test overflows during CREATE INDEX with extreme date values CREATE TABLE brin_date_test(a DATE); -- insert values close to date minimum INSERT INTO brin_date_test SELECT '4713-01-01 BC'::date + i FROM generate_series(1, 30) s(i); -- insert values close to date minimum INSERT INTO brin_date_test SELECT '5874897-12-01'::date + i FROM generate_series(1, 30) s(i); CREATE INDEX ON brin_date_test USING brin (a date_minmax_multi_ops) WITH (pages_per_range=1); SET enable_seqscan = off; -- make sure the ranges were built correctly and 2023-01-01 eliminates all EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, TIMING OFF, COSTS OFF, SUMMARY OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_date_test WHERE a = '2023-01-01'::date; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_date_test (actual rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (a = '2023-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_date_test_a_idx (actual rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: (a = '2023-01-01'::date) (4 rows) DROP TABLE brin_date_test; RESET enable_seqscan; -- test handling of infinite timestamp values CREATE TABLE brin_timestamp_test(a TIMESTAMP); INSERT INTO brin_timestamp_test VALUES ('-infinity'), ('infinity'); INSERT INTO brin_timestamp_test SELECT i FROM generate_series('2000-01-01'::timestamp, '2000-02-09'::timestamp, '1 day'::interval) s(i); CREATE INDEX ON brin_timestamp_test USING brin (a timestamp_minmax_multi_ops) WITH (pages_per_range=1); SET enable_seqscan = off; EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, TIMING OFF, COSTS OFF, SUMMARY OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_timestamp_test WHERE a = '2023-01-01'::timestamp; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_timestamp_test (actual rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (a = '2023-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_timestamp_test_a_idx (actual rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: (a = '2023-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) (4 rows) EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, TIMING OFF, COSTS OFF, SUMMARY OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_timestamp_test WHERE a = '1900-01-01'::timestamp; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_timestamp_test (actual rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (a = '1900-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_timestamp_test_a_idx (actual rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: (a = '1900-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) (4 rows) DROP TABLE brin_timestamp_test; RESET enable_seqscan; -- test handling of infinite date values CREATE TABLE brin_date_test(a DATE); INSERT INTO brin_date_test VALUES ('-infinity'), ('infinity'); INSERT INTO brin_date_test SELECT '2000-01-01'::date + i FROM generate_series(1, 40) s(i); CREATE INDEX ON brin_date_test USING brin (a date_minmax_multi_ops) WITH (pages_per_range=1); SET enable_seqscan = off; EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, TIMING OFF, COSTS OFF, SUMMARY OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_date_test WHERE a = '2023-01-01'::date; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_date_test (actual rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (a = '2023-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_date_test_a_idx (actual rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: (a = '2023-01-01'::date) (4 rows) EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, TIMING OFF, COSTS OFF, SUMMARY OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_date_test WHERE a = '1900-01-01'::date; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_date_test (actual rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (a = '1900-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_date_test_a_idx (actual rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: (a = '1900-01-01'::date) (4 rows) DROP TABLE brin_date_test; RESET enable_seqscan; RESET datestyle; -- test handling of overflow for interval values CREATE TABLE brin_interval_test(a INTERVAL); INSERT INTO brin_interval_test SELECT (i || ' years')::interval FROM generate_series(-178000000, -177999980) s(i); INSERT INTO brin_interval_test SELECT (i || ' years')::interval FROM generate_series( 177999980, 178000000) s(i); CREATE INDEX ON brin_interval_test USING brin (a interval_minmax_multi_ops) WITH (pages_per_range=1); SET enable_seqscan = off; EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, TIMING OFF, COSTS OFF, SUMMARY OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_interval_test WHERE a = '-30 years'::interval; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_interval_test (actual rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (a = '@ 30 years ago'::interval) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_interval_test_a_idx (actual rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: (a = '@ 30 years ago'::interval) (4 rows) EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, TIMING OFF, COSTS OFF, SUMMARY OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_interval_test WHERE a = '30 years'::interval; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_interval_test (actual rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (a = '@ 30 years'::interval) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_interval_test_a_idx (actual rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: (a = '@ 30 years'::interval) (4 rows) DROP TABLE brin_interval_test; RESET enable_seqscan; RESET datestyle;