-- -- HASH_INDEX -- -- directory paths are passed to us in environment variables \getenv abs_srcdir PG_ABS_SRCDIR CREATE TABLE hash_i4_heap ( seqno int4, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE hash_name_heap ( seqno int4, random name ); CREATE TABLE hash_txt_heap ( seqno int4, random text ); CREATE TABLE hash_f8_heap ( seqno int4, random float8 ); \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/hash.data' COPY hash_i4_heap FROM :'filename'; COPY hash_name_heap FROM :'filename'; COPY hash_txt_heap FROM :'filename'; COPY hash_f8_heap FROM :'filename'; -- the data in this file has a lot of duplicates in the index key -- fields, leading to long bucket chains and lots of table expansion. -- this is therefore a stress test of the bucket overflow code (unlike -- the data in hash.data, which has unique index keys). -- -- \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/hashovfl.data' -- COPY hash_ovfl_heap FROM :'filename'; ANALYZE hash_i4_heap; ANALYZE hash_name_heap; ANALYZE hash_txt_heap; ANALYZE hash_f8_heap; CREATE INDEX hash_i4_index ON hash_i4_heap USING hash (random int4_ops); CREATE INDEX hash_name_index ON hash_name_heap USING hash (random name_ops); CREATE INDEX hash_txt_index ON hash_txt_heap USING hash (random text_ops); CREATE INDEX hash_f8_index ON hash_f8_heap USING hash (random float8_ops) WITH (fillfactor=60); -- -- Also try building functional, expressional, and partial indexes on -- tables that already contain data. -- create unique index hash_f8_index_1 on hash_f8_heap(abs(random)); create unique index hash_f8_index_2 on hash_f8_heap((seqno + 1), random); create unique index hash_f8_index_3 on hash_f8_heap(random) where seqno > 1000; -- -- hash index -- grep 843938989 hash.data -- SELECT * FROM hash_i4_heap WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 843938989; seqno | random -------+----------- 15 | 843938989 (1 row) -- -- hash index -- grep 66766766 hash.data -- SELECT * FROM hash_i4_heap WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 66766766; seqno | random -------+-------- (0 rows) -- -- hash index -- grep 1505703298 hash.data -- SELECT * FROM hash_name_heap WHERE hash_name_heap.random = '1505703298'::name; seqno | random -------+------------ 9838 | 1505703298 (1 row) -- -- hash index -- grep 7777777 hash.data -- SELECT * FROM hash_name_heap WHERE hash_name_heap.random = '7777777'::name; seqno | random -------+-------- (0 rows) -- -- hash index -- grep 1351610853 hash.data -- SELECT * FROM hash_txt_heap WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '1351610853'::text; seqno | random -------+------------ 5677 | 1351610853 (1 row) -- -- hash index -- grep 111111112222222233333333 hash.data -- SELECT * FROM hash_txt_heap WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '111111112222222233333333'::text; seqno | random -------+-------- (0 rows) -- -- hash index -- grep 444705537 hash.data -- SELECT * FROM hash_f8_heap WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '444705537'::float8; seqno | random -------+----------- 7853 | 444705537 (1 row) -- -- hash index -- grep 88888888 hash.data -- SELECT * FROM hash_f8_heap WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '88888888'::float8; seqno | random -------+-------- (0 rows) -- -- hash index -- grep '^90[^0-9]' hashovfl.data -- -- SELECT count(*) AS i988 FROM hash_ovfl_heap -- WHERE x = 90; -- -- hash index -- grep '^1000[^0-9]' hashovfl.data -- -- SELECT count(*) AS i0 FROM hash_ovfl_heap -- WHERE x = 1000; -- -- HASH -- UPDATE hash_i4_heap SET random = 1 WHERE hash_i4_heap.seqno = 1492; SELECT h.seqno AS i1492, h.random AS i1 FROM hash_i4_heap h WHERE h.random = 1; i1492 | i1 -------+---- 1492 | 1 (1 row) UPDATE hash_i4_heap SET seqno = 20000 WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 1492795354; SELECT h.seqno AS i20000 FROM hash_i4_heap h WHERE h.random = 1492795354; i20000 -------- 20000 (1 row) UPDATE hash_name_heap SET random = '0123456789abcdef'::name WHERE hash_name_heap.seqno = 6543; SELECT h.seqno AS i6543, h.random AS c0_to_f FROM hash_name_heap h WHERE h.random = '0123456789abcdef'::name; i6543 | c0_to_f -------+------------------ 6543 | 0123456789abcdef (1 row) UPDATE hash_name_heap SET seqno = 20000 WHERE hash_name_heap.random = '76652222'::name; -- -- this is the row we just replaced; index scan should return zero rows -- SELECT h.seqno AS emptyset FROM hash_name_heap h WHERE h.random = '76652222'::name; emptyset ---------- (0 rows) UPDATE hash_txt_heap SET random = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnop'::text WHERE hash_txt_heap.seqno = 4002; SELECT h.seqno AS i4002, h.random AS c0_to_p FROM hash_txt_heap h WHERE h.random = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnop'::text; i4002 | c0_to_p -------+---------------------------- 4002 | 0123456789abcdefghijklmnop (1 row) UPDATE hash_txt_heap SET seqno = 20000 WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '959363399'::text; SELECT h.seqno AS t20000 FROM hash_txt_heap h WHERE h.random = '959363399'::text; t20000 -------- 20000 (1 row) UPDATE hash_f8_heap SET random = '-1234.1234'::float8 WHERE hash_f8_heap.seqno = 8906; SELECT h.seqno AS i8096, h.random AS f1234_1234 FROM hash_f8_heap h WHERE h.random = '-1234.1234'::float8; i8096 | f1234_1234 -------+------------ 8906 | -1234.1234 (1 row) UPDATE hash_f8_heap SET seqno = 20000 WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '488912369'::float8; SELECT h.seqno AS f20000 FROM hash_f8_heap h WHERE h.random = '488912369'::float8; f20000 -------- 20000 (1 row) -- UPDATE hash_ovfl_heap -- SET x = 1000 -- WHERE x = 90; -- this vacuums the index as well -- VACUUM hash_ovfl_heap; -- SELECT count(*) AS i0 FROM hash_ovfl_heap -- WHERE x = 90; -- SELECT count(*) AS i988 FROM hash_ovfl_heap -- WHERE x = 1000; -- -- Cause some overflow insert and splits. -- CREATE TABLE hash_split_heap (keycol INT); INSERT INTO hash_split_heap SELECT 1 FROM generate_series(1, 500) a; CREATE INDEX hash_split_index on hash_split_heap USING HASH (keycol); INSERT INTO hash_split_heap SELECT 1 FROM generate_series(1, 5000) a; -- Let's do a backward scan. BEGIN; SET enable_seqscan = OFF; SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF; DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT * from hash_split_heap WHERE keycol = 1; MOVE FORWARD ALL FROM c; MOVE BACKWARD 10000 FROM c; MOVE BACKWARD ALL FROM c; CLOSE c; END; -- DELETE, INSERT, VACUUM. DELETE FROM hash_split_heap WHERE keycol = 1; INSERT INTO hash_split_heap SELECT a/2 FROM generate_series(1, 25000) a; VACUUM hash_split_heap; -- Rebuild the index using a different fillfactor ALTER INDEX hash_split_index SET (fillfactor = 10); REINDEX INDEX hash_split_index; -- Clean up. DROP TABLE hash_split_heap; -- Index on temp table. CREATE TEMP TABLE hash_temp_heap (x int, y int); INSERT INTO hash_temp_heap VALUES (1,1); CREATE INDEX hash_idx ON hash_temp_heap USING hash (x); DROP TABLE hash_temp_heap CASCADE; -- Float4 type. CREATE TABLE hash_heap_float4 (x float4, y int); INSERT INTO hash_heap_float4 VALUES (1.1,1); CREATE INDEX hash_idx ON hash_heap_float4 USING hash (x); DROP TABLE hash_heap_float4 CASCADE; -- Test out-of-range fillfactor values CREATE INDEX hash_f8_index2 ON hash_f8_heap USING hash (random float8_ops) WITH (fillfactor=9); ERROR: value 9 out of bounds for option "fillfactor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100". CREATE INDEX hash_f8_index2 ON hash_f8_heap USING hash (random float8_ops) WITH (fillfactor=101); ERROR: value 101 out of bounds for option "fillfactor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100".