-- Creating an index on a partitioned table makes the partitions -- automatically get the index create table idxpart (a int, b int, c text) partition by range (a); -- relhassubclass of a partitioned index is false before creating any partition. -- It will be set after the first partition is created. create index idxpart_idx on idxpart (a); select relhassubclass from pg_class where relname = 'idxpart_idx'; relhassubclass ---------------- f (1 row) -- Check that partitioned indexes are present in pg_indexes. select indexdef from pg_indexes where indexname like 'idxpart_idx%'; indexdef ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE INDEX idxpart_idx ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (a) (1 row) drop index idxpart_idx; create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (10); create table idxpart2 partition of idxpart for values from (10) to (100) partition by range (b); create table idxpart21 partition of idxpart2 for values from (0) to (100); -- Even with partitions, relhassubclass should not be set if a partitioned -- index is created only on the parent. create index idxpart_idx on only idxpart(a); select relhassubclass from pg_class where relname = 'idxpart_idx'; relhassubclass ---------------- f (1 row) drop index idxpart_idx; create index on idxpart (a); select relname, relkind, relhassubclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_class left join pg_index ix on (indexrelid = oid) left join pg_inherits on (ix.indexrelid = inhrelid) where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind | relhassubclass | inhparent -----------------+---------+----------------+---------------- idxpart | p | t | idxpart1 | r | f | idxpart1_a_idx | i | f | idxpart_a_idx idxpart2 | p | t | idxpart21 | r | f | idxpart21_a_idx | i | f | idxpart2_a_idx idxpart2_a_idx | I | t | idxpart_a_idx idxpart_a_idx | I | t | (8 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Some unsupported features create table idxpart (a int, b int, c text) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (10); create index concurrently on idxpart (a); ERROR: cannot create index on partitioned table "idxpart" concurrently drop table idxpart; -- Verify bugfix with query on indexed partitioned table with no partitions -- https://postgr.es/m/20180124162006.pmapfiznhgngwtjf@alvherre.pgsql CREATE TABLE idxpart (col1 INT) PARTITION BY RANGE (col1); CREATE INDEX ON idxpart (col1); CREATE TABLE idxpart_two (col2 INT); SELECT col2 FROM idxpart_two fk LEFT OUTER JOIN idxpart pk ON (col1 = col2); col2 ------ (0 rows) DROP table idxpart, idxpart_two; -- Verify bugfix with index rewrite on ALTER TABLE / SET DATA TYPE -- https://postgr.es/m/CAKcux6mxNCGsgATwf5CGMF8g4WSupCXicCVMeKUTuWbyxHOMsQ@mail.gmail.com CREATE TABLE idxpart (a INT, b TEXT, c INT) PARTITION BY RANGE(a); CREATE TABLE idxpart1 PARTITION OF idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (MINVALUE) TO (MAXVALUE); CREATE INDEX partidx_abc_idx ON idxpart (a, b, c); INSERT INTO idxpart (a, b, c) SELECT i, i, i FROM generate_series(1, 50) i; ALTER TABLE idxpart ALTER COLUMN c TYPE numeric; DROP TABLE idxpart; -- If a table without index is attached as partition to a table with -- an index, the index is automatically created create table idxpart (a int, b int, c text) partition by range (a); create index idxparti on idxpart (a); create index idxparti2 on idxpart (b, c); create table idxpart1 (like idxpart); \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | c | text | | | alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (10); \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | c | text | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10) Indexes: "idxpart1_a_idx" btree (a) "idxpart1_b_c_idx" btree (b, c) \d+ idxpart1_a_idx Index "public.idxpart1_a_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- a | integer | yes | a | plain | Partition of: idxparti No partition constraint btree, for table "public.idxpart1" \d+ idxpart1_b_c_idx Index "public.idxpart1_b_c_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+----------+-------------- b | integer | yes | b | plain | c | text | yes | c | extended | Partition of: idxparti2 No partition constraint btree, for table "public.idxpart1" -- Forbid ALTER TABLE when attaching or detaching an index to a partition. create index idxpart_c on only idxpart (c); create index idxpart1_c on idxpart1 (c); alter table idxpart_c attach partition idxpart1_c for values from (10) to (20); ERROR: "idxpart_c" is not a partitioned table alter index idxpart_c attach partition idxpart1_c; select relname, relpartbound from pg_class where relname in ('idxpart_c', 'idxpart1_c') order by relname; relname | relpartbound ------------+-------------- idxpart1_c | idxpart_c | (2 rows) alter table idxpart_c detach partition idxpart1_c; ERROR: ALTER action DETACH PARTITION cannot be performed on relation "idxpart_c" DETAIL: This operation is not supported for partitioned indexes. drop table idxpart; -- If a partition already has an index, don't create a duplicative one create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a, b); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0, 0) to (10, 10); create index on idxpart1 (a, b); create index on idxpart (a, b); \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0, 0) TO (10, 10) Indexes: "idxpart1_a_b_idx" btree (a, b) select relname, relkind, relhassubclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_class left join pg_index ix on (indexrelid = oid) left join pg_inherits on (ix.indexrelid = inhrelid) where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind | relhassubclass | inhparent ------------------+---------+----------------+----------------- idxpart | p | t | idxpart1 | r | f | idxpart1_a_b_idx | i | f | idxpart_a_b_idx idxpart_a_b_idx | I | t | (4 rows) drop table idxpart; -- DROP behavior for partitioned indexes create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a); create index on idxpart (a); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (10); drop index idxpart1_a_idx; -- no way ERROR: cannot drop index idxpart1_a_idx because index idxpart_a_idx requires it HINT: You can drop index idxpart_a_idx instead. drop index concurrently idxpart_a_idx; -- unsupported ERROR: cannot drop partitioned index "idxpart_a_idx" concurrently drop index idxpart_a_idx; -- both indexes go away select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind ----------+--------- idxpart | p idxpart1 | r (2 rows) create index on idxpart (a); drop table idxpart1; -- the index on partition goes away too select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind ---------------+--------- idxpart | p idxpart_a_idx | I (2 rows) drop table idxpart; -- DROP behavior with temporary partitioned indexes create temp table idxpart_temp (a int) partition by range (a); create index on idxpart_temp(a); create temp table idxpart1_temp partition of idxpart_temp for values from (0) to (10); drop index idxpart1_temp_a_idx; -- error ERROR: cannot drop index idxpart1_temp_a_idx because index idxpart_temp_a_idx requires it HINT: You can drop index idxpart_temp_a_idx instead. -- non-concurrent drop is enforced here, so it is a valid case. drop index concurrently idxpart_temp_a_idx; select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart_temp%' order by relname; relname | relkind --------------+--------- idxpart_temp | p (1 row) drop table idxpart_temp; -- ALTER INDEX .. ATTACH, error cases create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a, b); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0, 0) to (10, 10); create index idxpart_a_b_idx on only idxpart (a, b); create index idxpart1_a_b_idx on idxpart1 (a, b); create index idxpart1_tst1 on idxpart1 (b, a); create index idxpart1_tst2 on idxpart1 using hash (a); create index idxpart1_tst3 on idxpart1 (a, b) where a > 10; alter index idxpart attach partition idxpart1; ERROR: "idxpart" is not an index alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart1; ERROR: "idxpart1" is not an index alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart_a_b_idx; ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart_a_b_idx" as a partition of index "idxpart_a_b_idx" DETAIL: Index "idxpart_a_b_idx" is not an index on any partition of table "idxpart". alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart1_b_idx; ERROR: relation "idxpart1_b_idx" does not exist alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart1_tst1; ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart1_tst1" as a partition of index "idxpart_a_b_idx" DETAIL: The index definitions do not match. alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart1_tst2; ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart1_tst2" as a partition of index "idxpart_a_b_idx" DETAIL: The index definitions do not match. alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart1_tst3; ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart1_tst3" as a partition of index "idxpart_a_b_idx" DETAIL: The index definitions do not match. -- OK alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart1_a_b_idx; alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart1_a_b_idx; -- quiet -- reject dupe create index idxpart1_2_a_b on idxpart1 (a, b); alter index idxpart_a_b_idx attach partition idxpart1_2_a_b; ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart1_2_a_b" as a partition of index "idxpart_a_b_idx" DETAIL: Another index is already attached for partition "idxpart1". drop table idxpart; -- make sure everything's gone select indexrelid::regclass, indrelid::regclass from pg_index where indexrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%'; indexrelid | indrelid ------------+---------- (0 rows) -- Don't auto-attach incompatible indexes create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (a int, b int); create index on idxpart1 using hash (a); create index on idxpart1 (a) where b > 1; create index on idxpart1 ((a + 0)); create index on idxpart1 (a, a); create index on idxpart (a); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (1000); \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (1000) Indexes: "idxpart1_a_a1_idx" btree (a, a) "idxpart1_a_idx" hash (a) "idxpart1_a_idx1" btree (a) WHERE b > 1 "idxpart1_a_idx2" btree (a) "idxpart1_expr_idx" btree ((a + 0)) drop table idxpart; -- If CREATE INDEX ONLY, don't create indexes on partitions; and existing -- indexes on partitions don't change parent. ALTER INDEX ATTACH can change -- the parent after the fact. create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (100); create table idxpart2 partition of idxpart for values from (100) to (1000) partition by range (a); create table idxpart21 partition of idxpart2 for values from (100) to (200); create table idxpart22 partition of idxpart2 for values from (200) to (300); create index on idxpart22 (a); create index on only idxpart2 (a); create index on idxpart (a); -- Here we expect that idxpart1 and idxpart2 have a new index, but idxpart21 -- does not; also, idxpart22 is not attached. \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100) Indexes: "idxpart1_a_idx" btree (a) \d idxpart2 Partitioned table "public.idxpart2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (1000) Partition key: RANGE (a) Indexes: "idxpart2_a_idx" btree (a) INVALID Number of partitions: 2 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d idxpart21 Table "public.idxpart21" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart2 FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (200) select indexrelid::regclass, indrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) where indexrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indexrelid | indrelid | inhparent -----------------+-----------+--------------- idxpart1_a_idx | idxpart1 | idxpart_a_idx idxpart22_a_idx | idxpart22 | idxpart2_a_idx | idxpart2 | idxpart_a_idx idxpart_a_idx | idxpart | (4 rows) alter index idxpart2_a_idx attach partition idxpart22_a_idx; select indexrelid::regclass, indrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) where indexrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indexrelid | indrelid | inhparent -----------------+-----------+---------------- idxpart1_a_idx | idxpart1 | idxpart_a_idx idxpart22_a_idx | idxpart22 | idxpart2_a_idx idxpart2_a_idx | idxpart2 | idxpart_a_idx idxpart_a_idx | idxpart | (4 rows) -- attaching idxpart22 is not enough to set idxpart22_a_idx valid ... alter index idxpart2_a_idx attach partition idxpart22_a_idx; \d idxpart2 Partitioned table "public.idxpart2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (1000) Partition key: RANGE (a) Indexes: "idxpart2_a_idx" btree (a) INVALID Number of partitions: 2 (Use \d+ to list them.) -- ... but this one is. create index on idxpart21 (a); alter index idxpart2_a_idx attach partition idxpart21_a_idx; \d idxpart2 Partitioned table "public.idxpart2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (1000) Partition key: RANGE (a) Indexes: "idxpart2_a_idx" btree (a) Number of partitions: 2 (Use \d+ to list them.) drop table idxpart; -- When a table is attached a partition and it already has an index, a -- duplicate index should not get created, but rather the index becomes -- attached to the parent's index. create table idxpart (a int, b int, c text, d bool) partition by range (a); create index idxparti on idxpart (a); create index idxparti2 on idxpart (b, c); create table idxpart1 (like idxpart including indexes); \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | c | text | | | d | boolean | | | Indexes: "idxpart1_a_idx" btree (a) "idxpart1_b_c_idx" btree (b, c) select relname, relkind, inhparent::regclass from pg_class left join pg_index ix on (indexrelid = oid) left join pg_inherits on (ix.indexrelid = inhrelid) where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind | inhparent ------------------+---------+----------- idxpart | p | idxpart1 | r | idxpart1_a_idx | i | idxpart1_b_c_idx | i | idxparti | I | idxparti2 | I | (6 rows) alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (10); \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | c | text | | | d | boolean | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10) Indexes: "idxpart1_a_idx" btree (a) "idxpart1_b_c_idx" btree (b, c) select relname, relkind, inhparent::regclass from pg_class left join pg_index ix on (indexrelid = oid) left join pg_inherits on (ix.indexrelid = inhrelid) where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind | inhparent ------------------+---------+----------- idxpart | p | idxpart1 | r | idxpart1_a_idx | i | idxparti idxpart1_b_c_idx | i | idxparti2 idxparti | I | idxparti2 | I | (6 rows) -- While here, also check matching when creating an index after the fact. create index on idxpart1 ((a+b)) where d = true; \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | c | text | | | d | boolean | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10) Indexes: "idxpart1_a_idx" btree (a) "idxpart1_b_c_idx" btree (b, c) "idxpart1_expr_idx" btree ((a + b)) WHERE d = true select relname, relkind, inhparent::regclass from pg_class left join pg_index ix on (indexrelid = oid) left join pg_inherits on (ix.indexrelid = inhrelid) where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind | inhparent -------------------+---------+----------- idxpart | p | idxpart1 | r | idxpart1_a_idx | i | idxparti idxpart1_b_c_idx | i | idxparti2 idxpart1_expr_idx | i | idxparti | I | idxparti2 | I | (7 rows) create index idxparti3 on idxpart ((a+b)) where d = true; \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | c | text | | | d | boolean | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10) Indexes: "idxpart1_a_idx" btree (a) "idxpart1_b_c_idx" btree (b, c) "idxpart1_expr_idx" btree ((a + b)) WHERE d = true select relname, relkind, inhparent::regclass from pg_class left join pg_index ix on (indexrelid = oid) left join pg_inherits on (ix.indexrelid = inhrelid) where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind | inhparent -------------------+---------+----------- idxpart | p | idxpart1 | r | idxpart1_a_idx | i | idxparti idxpart1_b_c_idx | i | idxparti2 idxpart1_expr_idx | i | idxparti3 idxparti | I | idxparti2 | I | idxparti3 | I | (8 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Verify that attaching an invalid index does not mark the parent index valid. -- On the other hand, attaching a valid index marks not only its direct -- ancestor valid, but also any indirect ancestor that was only missing the one -- that was just made valid create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (1) to (1000) partition by range (a); create table idxpart11 partition of idxpart1 for values from (1) to (100); create index on only idxpart1 (a); create index on only idxpart (a); -- this results in two invalid indexes: select relname, indisvalid from pg_class join pg_index on indexrelid = oid where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | indisvalid ----------------+------------ idxpart1_a_idx | f idxpart_a_idx | f (2 rows) -- idxpart1_a_idx is not valid, so idxpart_a_idx should not become valid: alter index idxpart_a_idx attach partition idxpart1_a_idx; select relname, indisvalid from pg_class join pg_index on indexrelid = oid where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | indisvalid ----------------+------------ idxpart1_a_idx | f idxpart_a_idx | f (2 rows) -- after creating and attaching this, both idxpart1_a_idx and idxpart_a_idx -- should become valid create index on idxpart11 (a); alter index idxpart1_a_idx attach partition idxpart11_a_idx; select relname, indisvalid from pg_class join pg_index on indexrelid = oid where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | indisvalid -----------------+------------ idxpart11_a_idx | t idxpart1_a_idx | t idxpart_a_idx | t (3 rows) drop table idxpart; -- verify dependency handling during ALTER TABLE DETACH PARTITION create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (like idxpart); create index on idxpart1 (a); create index on idxpart (a); create table idxpart2 (like idxpart); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0000) to (1000); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from (1000) to (2000); create table idxpart3 partition of idxpart for values from (2000) to (3000); select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind ----------------+--------- idxpart | p idxpart1 | r idxpart1_a_idx | i idxpart2 | r idxpart2_a_idx | i idxpart3 | r idxpart3_a_idx | i idxpart_a_idx | I (8 rows) -- a) after detaching partitions, the indexes can be dropped independently alter table idxpart detach partition idxpart1; alter table idxpart detach partition idxpart2; alter table idxpart detach partition idxpart3; drop index idxpart1_a_idx; drop index idxpart2_a_idx; drop index idxpart3_a_idx; select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind ---------------+--------- idxpart | p idxpart1 | r idxpart2 | r idxpart3 | r idxpart_a_idx | I (5 rows) drop table idxpart, idxpart1, idxpart2, idxpart3; select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind ---------+--------- (0 rows) create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (like idxpart); create index on idxpart1 (a); create index on idxpart (a); create table idxpart2 (like idxpart); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0000) to (1000); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from (1000) to (2000); create table idxpart3 partition of idxpart for values from (2000) to (3000); -- b) after detaching, dropping the index on parent does not remove the others select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind ----------------+--------- idxpart | p idxpart1 | r idxpart1_a_idx | i idxpart2 | r idxpart2_a_idx | i idxpart3 | r idxpart3_a_idx | i idxpart_a_idx | I (8 rows) alter table idxpart detach partition idxpart1; alter table idxpart detach partition idxpart2; alter table idxpart detach partition idxpart3; drop index idxpart_a_idx; select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind ----------------+--------- idxpart | p idxpart1 | r idxpart1_a_idx | i idxpart2 | r idxpart2_a_idx | i idxpart3 | r idxpart3_a_idx | i (7 rows) drop table idxpart, idxpart1, idxpart2, idxpart3; select relname, relkind from pg_class where relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; relname | relkind ---------+--------- (0 rows) create table idxpart (a int, b int, c int) partition by range(a); create index on idxpart(c); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (250); create table idxpart2 partition of idxpart for values from (250) to (500); alter table idxpart detach partition idxpart2; \d idxpart2 Table "public.idxpart2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | c | integer | | | Indexes: "idxpart2_c_idx" btree (c) alter table idxpart2 drop column c; \d idxpart2 Table "public.idxpart2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | drop table idxpart, idxpart2; -- Verify that expression indexes inherit correctly create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (like idxpart); create index on idxpart1 ((a + b)); create index on idxpart ((a + b)); create table idxpart2 (like idxpart); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0000) to (1000); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from (1000) to (2000); create table idxpart3 partition of idxpart for values from (2000) to (3000); select relname as child, inhparent::regclass as parent, pg_get_indexdef as childdef from pg_class join pg_inherits on inhrelid = oid, lateral pg_get_indexdef(pg_class.oid) where relkind in ('i', 'I') and relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; child | parent | childdef -------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- idxpart1_expr_idx | idxpart_expr_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_expr_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (((a + b))) idxpart2_expr_idx | idxpart_expr_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_expr_idx ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (((a + b))) idxpart3_expr_idx | idxpart_expr_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart3_expr_idx ON public.idxpart3 USING btree (((a + b))) (3 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Verify behavior for collation (mis)matches create table idxpart (a text) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (like idxpart); create table idxpart2 (like idxpart); create index on idxpart2 (a collate "POSIX"); create index on idxpart2 (a); create index on idxpart2 (a collate "C"); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from ('aaa') to ('bbb'); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from ('bbb') to ('ccc'); create table idxpart3 partition of idxpart for values from ('ccc') to ('ddd'); create index on idxpart (a collate "C"); create table idxpart4 partition of idxpart for values from ('ddd') to ('eee'); select relname as child, inhparent::regclass as parent, pg_get_indexdef as childdef from pg_class left join pg_inherits on inhrelid = oid, lateral pg_get_indexdef(pg_class.oid) where relkind in ('i', 'I') and relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; child | parent | childdef -----------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- idxpart1_a_idx | idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_a_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (a COLLATE "C") idxpart2_a_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_a_idx ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (a COLLATE "POSIX") idxpart2_a_idx1 | | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_a_idx1 ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (a) idxpart2_a_idx2 | idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_a_idx2 ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (a COLLATE "C") idxpart3_a_idx | idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart3_a_idx ON public.idxpart3 USING btree (a COLLATE "C") idxpart4_a_idx | idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart4_a_idx ON public.idxpart4 USING btree (a COLLATE "C") idxpart_a_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart_a_idx ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (a COLLATE "C") (7 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Verify behavior for opclass (mis)matches create table idxpart (a text) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (like idxpart); create table idxpart2 (like idxpart); create index on idxpart2 (a); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from ('aaa') to ('bbb'); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from ('bbb') to ('ccc'); create table idxpart3 partition of idxpart for values from ('ccc') to ('ddd'); create index on idxpart (a text_pattern_ops); create table idxpart4 partition of idxpart for values from ('ddd') to ('eee'); -- must *not* have attached the index we created on idxpart2 select relname as child, inhparent::regclass as parent, pg_get_indexdef as childdef from pg_class left join pg_inherits on inhrelid = oid, lateral pg_get_indexdef(pg_class.oid) where relkind in ('i', 'I') and relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; child | parent | childdef -----------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ idxpart1_a_idx | idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_a_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (a text_pattern_ops) idxpart2_a_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_a_idx ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (a) idxpart2_a_idx1 | idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_a_idx1 ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (a text_pattern_ops) idxpart3_a_idx | idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart3_a_idx ON public.idxpart3 USING btree (a text_pattern_ops) idxpart4_a_idx | idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart4_a_idx ON public.idxpart4 USING btree (a text_pattern_ops) idxpart_a_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart_a_idx ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (a text_pattern_ops) (6 rows) drop index idxpart_a_idx; create index on only idxpart (a text_pattern_ops); -- must reject alter index idxpart_a_idx attach partition idxpart2_a_idx; ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart2_a_idx" as a partition of index "idxpart_a_idx" DETAIL: The index definitions do not match. drop table idxpart; -- Verify that attaching indexes maps attribute numbers correctly create table idxpart (col1 int, a int, col2 int, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (b int, col1 int, col2 int, col3 int, a int); alter table idxpart drop column col1, drop column col2; alter table idxpart1 drop column col1, drop column col2, drop column col3; alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (1000); create index idxpart_1_idx on only idxpart (b, a); create index idxpart1_1_idx on idxpart1 (b, a); create index idxpart1_1b_idx on idxpart1 (b); -- test expressions and partial-index predicate, too create index idxpart_2_idx on only idxpart ((b + a)) where a > 1; create index idxpart1_2_idx on idxpart1 ((b + a)) where a > 1; create index idxpart1_2b_idx on idxpart1 ((a + b)) where a > 1; create index idxpart1_2c_idx on idxpart1 ((b + a)) where b > 1; alter index idxpart_1_idx attach partition idxpart1_1b_idx; -- fail ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart1_1b_idx" as a partition of index "idxpart_1_idx" DETAIL: The index definitions do not match. alter index idxpart_1_idx attach partition idxpart1_1_idx; alter index idxpart_2_idx attach partition idxpart1_2b_idx; -- fail ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart1_2b_idx" as a partition of index "idxpart_2_idx" DETAIL: The index definitions do not match. alter index idxpart_2_idx attach partition idxpart1_2c_idx; -- fail ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart1_2c_idx" as a partition of index "idxpart_2_idx" DETAIL: The index definitions do not match. alter index idxpart_2_idx attach partition idxpart1_2_idx; -- ok select relname as child, inhparent::regclass as parent, pg_get_indexdef as childdef from pg_class left join pg_inherits on inhrelid = oid, lateral pg_get_indexdef(pg_class.oid) where relkind in ('i', 'I') and relname like 'idxpart%' order by relname; child | parent | childdef -----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- idxpart1_1_idx | idxpart_1_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_1_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (b, a) idxpart1_1b_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_1b_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (b) idxpart1_2_idx | idxpart_2_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_2_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (((b + a))) WHERE (a > 1) idxpart1_2b_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_2b_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (((a + b))) WHERE (a > 1) idxpart1_2c_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_2c_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (((b + a))) WHERE (b > 1) idxpart_1_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart_1_idx ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (b, a) idxpart_2_idx | | CREATE INDEX idxpart_2_idx ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (((b + a))) WHERE (a > 1) (7 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Make sure the partition columns are mapped correctly create table idxpart (a int, b int, c text) partition by range (a); create index idxparti on idxpart (a); create index idxparti2 on idxpart (c, b); create table idxpart1 (c text, a int, b int); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (10); create table idxpart2 (c text, a int, b int); create index on idxpart2 (a); create index on idxpart2 (c, b); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from (10) to (20); select c.relname, pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) from pg_class c join pg_index i on c.oid = i.indexrelid where indrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; relname | pg_get_indexdef ------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------- idxpart1_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_a_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (a) idxpart1_c_b_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_c_b_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (c, b) idxpart2_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_a_idx ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (a) idxpart2_c_b_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_c_b_idx ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (c, b) idxparti | CREATE INDEX idxparti ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (a) idxparti2 | CREATE INDEX idxparti2 ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (c, b) (6 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Verify that columns are mapped correctly in expression indexes create table idxpart (col1 int, col2 int, a int, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (col2 int, b int, col1 int, a int); create table idxpart2 (col1 int, col2 int, b int, a int); alter table idxpart drop column col1, drop column col2; alter table idxpart1 drop column col1, drop column col2; alter table idxpart2 drop column col1, drop column col2; create index on idxpart2 (abs(b)); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from (0) to (1); create index on idxpart (abs(b)); create index on idxpart ((b + 1)); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (1) to (2); select c.relname, pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) from pg_class c join pg_index i on c.oid = i.indexrelid where indrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; relname | pg_get_indexdef -------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ idxpart1_abs_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_abs_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (abs(b)) idxpart1_expr_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_expr_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (((b + 1))) idxpart2_abs_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_abs_idx ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (abs(b)) idxpart2_expr_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_expr_idx ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (((b + 1))) idxpart_abs_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart_abs_idx ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (abs(b)) idxpart_expr_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart_expr_idx ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (((b + 1))) (6 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Verify that columns are mapped correctly for WHERE in a partial index create table idxpart (col1 int, a int, col3 int, b int) partition by range (a); alter table idxpart drop column col1, drop column col3; create table idxpart1 (col1 int, col2 int, col3 int, col4 int, b int, a int); alter table idxpart1 drop column col1, drop column col2, drop column col3, drop column col4; alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (1000); create table idxpart2 (col1 int, col2 int, b int, a int); create index on idxpart2 (a) where b > 1000; alter table idxpart2 drop column col1, drop column col2; alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from (1000) to (2000); create index on idxpart (a) where b > 1000; select c.relname, pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) from pg_class c join pg_index i on c.oid = i.indexrelid where indrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; relname | pg_get_indexdef ----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ idxpart1_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart1_a_idx ON public.idxpart1 USING btree (a) WHERE (b > 1000) idxpart2_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart2_a_idx ON public.idxpart2 USING btree (a) WHERE (b > 1000) idxpart_a_idx | CREATE INDEX idxpart_a_idx ON ONLY public.idxpart USING btree (a) WHERE (b > 1000) (3 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Column number mapping: dropped columns in the partition create table idxpart1 (drop_1 int, drop_2 int, col_keep int, drop_3 int); alter table idxpart1 drop column drop_1; alter table idxpart1 drop column drop_2; alter table idxpart1 drop column drop_3; create index on idxpart1 (col_keep); create table idxpart (col_keep int) partition by range (col_keep); create index on idxpart (col_keep); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (1000); \d idxpart Partitioned table "public.idxpart" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- col_keep | integer | | | Partition key: RANGE (col_keep) Indexes: "idxpart_col_keep_idx" btree (col_keep) Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- col_keep | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (1000) Indexes: "idxpart1_col_keep_idx" btree (col_keep) select attrelid::regclass, attname, attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' and attnum > 0 order by attrelid::regclass, attnum; attrelid | attname | attnum -----------------------+------------------------------+-------- idxpart1 | ........pg.dropped.1........ | 1 idxpart1 | ........pg.dropped.2........ | 2 idxpart1 | col_keep | 3 idxpart1 | ........pg.dropped.4........ | 4 idxpart1_col_keep_idx | col_keep | 1 idxpart | col_keep | 1 idxpart_col_keep_idx | col_keep | 1 (7 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Column number mapping: dropped columns in the parent table create table idxpart(drop_1 int, drop_2 int, col_keep int, drop_3 int) partition by range (col_keep); alter table idxpart drop column drop_1; alter table idxpart drop column drop_2; alter table idxpart drop column drop_3; create table idxpart1 (col_keep int); create index on idxpart1 (col_keep); create index on idxpart (col_keep); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (1000); \d idxpart Partitioned table "public.idxpart" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- col_keep | integer | | | Partition key: RANGE (col_keep) Indexes: "idxpart_col_keep_idx" btree (col_keep) Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- col_keep | integer | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (1000) Indexes: "idxpart1_col_keep_idx" btree (col_keep) select attrelid::regclass, attname, attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' and attnum > 0 order by attrelid::regclass, attnum; attrelid | attname | attnum -----------------------+------------------------------+-------- idxpart | ........pg.dropped.1........ | 1 idxpart | ........pg.dropped.2........ | 2 idxpart | col_keep | 3 idxpart | ........pg.dropped.4........ | 4 idxpart1 | col_keep | 1 idxpart1_col_keep_idx | col_keep | 1 idxpart_col_keep_idx | col_keep | 1 (7 rows) drop table idxpart; -- -- Constraint-related indexes -- -- Verify that it works to add primary key / unique to partitioned tables create table idxpart (a int primary key, b int) partition by range (a); \d idxpart Partitioned table "public.idxpart" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | Partition key: RANGE (a) Indexes: "idxpart_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) Number of partitions: 0 -- multiple primary key on child should fail create table failpart partition of idxpart (b primary key) for values from (0) to (100); ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "failpart" are not allowed drop table idxpart; -- primary key on child is okay if there's no PK in the parent, though create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1pk partition of idxpart (a primary key) for values from (0) to (100); \d idxpart1pk Table "public.idxpart1pk" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100) Indexes: "idxpart1pk_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) drop table idxpart; -- Failing to use the full partition key is not allowed create table idxpart (a int unique, b int) partition by range (a, b); ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "idxpart" lacks column "b" which is part of the partition key. create table idxpart (a int, b int unique) partition by range (a, b); ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "idxpart" lacks column "a" which is part of the partition key. create table idxpart (a int primary key, b int) partition by range (b, a); ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "idxpart" lacks column "b" which is part of the partition key. create table idxpart (a int, b int primary key) partition by range (b, a); ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "idxpart" lacks column "a" which is part of the partition key. -- OK if you use them in some other order create table idxpart (a int, b int, c text, primary key (a, b, c)) partition by range (b, c, a); drop table idxpart; -- not other types of index-based constraints create table idxpart (a int, exclude (a with = )) partition by range (a); ERROR: exclusion constraints are not supported on partitioned tables LINE 1: create table idxpart (a int, exclude (a with = )) partition ... ^ -- no expressions in partition key for PK/UNIQUE create table idxpart (a int primary key, b int) partition by range ((b + a)); ERROR: unsupported PRIMARY KEY constraint with partition key definition DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraints cannot be used when partition keys include expressions. create table idxpart (a int unique, b int) partition by range ((b + a)); ERROR: unsupported UNIQUE constraint with partition key definition DETAIL: UNIQUE constraints cannot be used when partition keys include expressions. -- use ALTER TABLE to add a primary key create table idxpart (a int, b int, c text) partition by range (a, b); alter table idxpart add primary key (a); -- not an incomplete one though ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "idxpart" lacks column "b" which is part of the partition key. alter table idxpart add primary key (a, b); -- this works \d idxpart Partitioned table "public.idxpart" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | not null | c | text | | | Partition key: RANGE (a, b) Indexes: "idxpart_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a, b) Number of partitions: 0 create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0, 0) to (1000, 1000); \d idxpart1 Table "public.idxpart1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | not null | c | text | | | Partition of: idxpart FOR VALUES FROM (0, 0) TO (1000, 1000) Indexes: "idxpart1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a, b) drop table idxpart; -- use ALTER TABLE to add a unique constraint create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a, b); alter table idxpart add unique (a); -- not an incomplete one though ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "idxpart" lacks column "b" which is part of the partition key. alter table idxpart add unique (b, a); -- this works \d idxpart Partitioned table "public.idxpart" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Partition key: RANGE (a, b) Indexes: "idxpart_b_a_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (b, a) Number of partitions: 0 drop table idxpart; -- Exclusion constraints cannot be added create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a); alter table idxpart add exclude (a with =); ERROR: exclusion constraints are not supported on partitioned tables LINE 1: alter table idxpart add exclude (a with =); ^ drop table idxpart; -- When (sub)partitions are created, they also contain the constraint create table idxpart (a int, b int, primary key (a, b)) partition by range (a, b); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (1, 1) to (10, 10); create table idxpart2 partition of idxpart for values from (10, 10) to (20, 20) partition by range (b); create table idxpart21 partition of idxpart2 for values from (10) to (15); create table idxpart22 partition of idxpart2 for values from (15) to (20); create table idxpart3 (b int not null, a int not null); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart3 for values from (20, 20) to (30, 30); select conname, contype, conrelid::regclass, conindid::regclass, conkey from pg_constraint where conrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by conname; conname | contype | conrelid | conindid | conkey ----------------+---------+-----------+----------------+-------- idxpart1_pkey | p | idxpart1 | idxpart1_pkey | {1,2} idxpart21_pkey | p | idxpart21 | idxpart21_pkey | {1,2} idxpart22_pkey | p | idxpart22 | idxpart22_pkey | {1,2} idxpart2_pkey | p | idxpart2 | idxpart2_pkey | {1,2} idxpart3_pkey | p | idxpart3 | idxpart3_pkey | {2,1} idxpart_pkey | p | idxpart | idxpart_pkey | {1,2} (6 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Verify that multi-layer partitioning honors the requirement that all -- columns in the partition key must appear in primary/unique key create table idxpart (a int, b int, primary key (a)) partition by range (a); create table idxpart2 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (1000) partition by range (b); -- fail ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "idxpart2" lacks column "b" which is part of the partition key. drop table idxpart; -- Ditto for the ATTACH PARTITION case create table idxpart (a int unique, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (a int not null, b int, unique (a, b)) partition by range (a, b); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (1) to (1000); ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "idxpart1" lacks column "b" which is part of the partition key. DROP TABLE idxpart, idxpart1; -- Multi-layer partitioning works correctly in this case: create table idxpart (a int, b int, primary key (a, b)) partition by range (a); create table idxpart2 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (1000) partition by range (b); create table idxpart21 partition of idxpart2 for values from (0) to (1000); select conname, contype, conrelid::regclass, conindid::regclass, conkey from pg_constraint where conrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by conname; conname | contype | conrelid | conindid | conkey ----------------+---------+-----------+----------------+-------- idxpart21_pkey | p | idxpart21 | idxpart21_pkey | {1,2} idxpart2_pkey | p | idxpart2 | idxpart2_pkey | {1,2} idxpart_pkey | p | idxpart | idxpart_pkey | {1,2} (3 rows) drop table idxpart; -- If a partitioned table has a unique/PK constraint, then it's not possible -- to drop the corresponding constraint in the children; nor it's possible -- to drop the indexes individually. Dropping the constraint in the parent -- gets rid of the lot. create table idxpart (i int) partition by hash (i); create table idxpart0 partition of idxpart (i) for values with (modulus 2, remainder 0); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart (i) for values with (modulus 2, remainder 1); alter table idxpart0 add primary key(i); alter table idxpart add primary key(i); select indrelid::regclass, indexrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass, indisvalid, conname, conislocal, coninhcount, connoinherit, convalidated from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) left join pg_constraint con on (idx.indexrelid = con.conindid) where indrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indrelid | indexrelid | inhparent | indisvalid | conname | conislocal | coninhcount | connoinherit | convalidated ----------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------------+------------+-------------+--------------+-------------- idxpart0 | idxpart0_pkey | idxpart_pkey | t | idxpart0_pkey | f | 1 | t | t idxpart1 | idxpart1_pkey | idxpart_pkey | t | idxpart1_pkey | f | 1 | f | t idxpart | idxpart_pkey | | t | idxpart_pkey | t | 0 | t | t (3 rows) drop index idxpart0_pkey; -- fail ERROR: cannot drop index idxpart0_pkey because index idxpart_pkey requires it HINT: You can drop index idxpart_pkey instead. drop index idxpart1_pkey; -- fail ERROR: cannot drop index idxpart1_pkey because index idxpart_pkey requires it HINT: You can drop index idxpart_pkey instead. alter table idxpart0 drop constraint idxpart0_pkey; -- fail ERROR: cannot drop inherited constraint "idxpart0_pkey" of relation "idxpart0" alter table idxpart1 drop constraint idxpart1_pkey; -- fail ERROR: cannot drop inherited constraint "idxpart1_pkey" of relation "idxpart1" alter table idxpart drop constraint idxpart_pkey; -- ok select indrelid::regclass, indexrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass, indisvalid, conname, conislocal, coninhcount, connoinherit, convalidated from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) left join pg_constraint con on (idx.indexrelid = con.conindid) where indrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indrelid | indexrelid | inhparent | indisvalid | conname | conislocal | coninhcount | connoinherit | convalidated ----------+------------+-----------+------------+---------+------------+-------------+--------------+-------------- (0 rows) drop table idxpart; -- If the partition to be attached already has a primary key, fail if -- it doesn't match the parent's PK. CREATE TABLE idxpart (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY, c2 INT, c3 VARCHAR(10)) PARTITION BY RANGE(c1); CREATE TABLE idxpart1 (LIKE idxpart); ALTER TABLE idxpart1 ADD PRIMARY KEY (c1, c2); ALTER TABLE idxpart ATTACH PARTITION idxpart1 FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (200); ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "idxpart1" are not allowed DROP TABLE idxpart, idxpart1; -- Ditto if there is some distance between the PKs (subpartitioning) create table idxpart (a int, b int, primary key (a)) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (a int not null, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart11 (a int not null, b int primary key); alter table idxpart1 attach partition idxpart11 for values from (0) to (1000); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (0) to (10000); ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "idxpart11" are not allowed drop table idxpart, idxpart1, idxpart11; -- If a partitioned table has a constraint whose index is not valid, -- attaching a missing partition makes it valid. create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart0 (like idxpart); alter table idxpart0 add primary key (a); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart0 for values from (0) to (1000); alter table only idxpart add primary key (a); select indrelid::regclass, indexrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass, indisvalid, conname, conislocal, coninhcount, connoinherit, convalidated from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) left join pg_constraint con on (idx.indexrelid = con.conindid) where indrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indrelid | indexrelid | inhparent | indisvalid | conname | conislocal | coninhcount | connoinherit | convalidated ----------+---------------+-----------+------------+---------------+------------+-------------+--------------+-------------- idxpart0 | idxpart0_pkey | | t | idxpart0_pkey | t | 0 | t | t idxpart | idxpart_pkey | | f | idxpart_pkey | t | 0 | t | t (2 rows) alter index idxpart_pkey attach partition idxpart0_pkey; select indrelid::regclass, indexrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass, indisvalid, conname, conislocal, coninhcount, connoinherit, convalidated from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) left join pg_constraint con on (idx.indexrelid = con.conindid) where indrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indrelid | indexrelid | inhparent | indisvalid | conname | conislocal | coninhcount | connoinherit | convalidated ----------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------------+------------+-------------+--------------+-------------- idxpart0 | idxpart0_pkey | idxpart_pkey | t | idxpart0_pkey | f | 1 | t | t idxpart | idxpart_pkey | | t | idxpart_pkey | t | 0 | t | t (2 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Related to the above scenario: ADD PRIMARY KEY on the parent mustn't -- automatically propagate NOT NULL to child columns. create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart0 (like idxpart); alter table idxpart0 add unique (a); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart0 default; alter table only idxpart add primary key (a); -- fail, no NOT NULL constraint ERROR: constraint must be added to child tables too DETAIL: Column "a" of relation "idxpart0" is not already NOT NULL. HINT: Do not specify the ONLY keyword. alter table idxpart0 alter column a set not null; alter table only idxpart add primary key (a); -- now it works alter table idxpart0 alter column a drop not null; -- fail, pkey needs it ERROR: column "a" is marked NOT NULL in parent table drop table idxpart; -- if a partition has a unique index without a constraint, does not attach -- automatically; creates a new index instead. create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (a int not null, b int); create unique index on idxpart1 (a); alter table idxpart add primary key (a); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (1) to (1000); select indrelid::regclass, indexrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass, indisvalid, conname, conislocal, coninhcount, connoinherit, convalidated from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) left join pg_constraint con on (idx.indexrelid = con.conindid) where indrelid::regclass::text like 'idxpart%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indrelid | indexrelid | inhparent | indisvalid | conname | conislocal | coninhcount | connoinherit | convalidated ----------+----------------+--------------+------------+---------------+------------+-------------+--------------+-------------- idxpart1 | idxpart1_a_idx | | t | | | | | idxpart1 | idxpart1_pkey | idxpart_pkey | t | idxpart1_pkey | f | 1 | f | t idxpart | idxpart_pkey | | t | idxpart_pkey | t | 0 | t | t (3 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Can't attach an index without a corresponding constraint create table idxpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 (a int not null, b int); create unique index on idxpart1 (a); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart1 for values from (1) to (1000); alter table only idxpart add primary key (a); alter index idxpart_pkey attach partition idxpart1_a_idx; -- fail ERROR: cannot attach index "idxpart1_a_idx" as a partition of index "idxpart_pkey" DETAIL: The index "idxpart_pkey" belongs to a constraint in table "idxpart" but no constraint exists for index "idxpart1_a_idx". drop table idxpart; -- Test that unique constraints are working create table idxpart (a int, b text, primary key (a, b)) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (100000); create table idxpart2 (c int, like idxpart); insert into idxpart2 (c, a, b) values (42, 572814, 'inserted first'); alter table idxpart2 drop column c; create unique index on idxpart (a); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart2 for values from (100000) to (1000000); insert into idxpart values (0, 'zero'), (42, 'life'), (2^16, 'sixteen'); insert into idxpart select 2^g, format('two to power of %s', g) from generate_series(15, 17) g; ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "idxpart1_a_idx" DETAIL: Key (a)=(65536) already exists. insert into idxpart values (16, 'sixteen'); insert into idxpart (b, a) values ('one', 142857), ('two', 285714); insert into idxpart select a * 2, b || b from idxpart where a between 2^16 and 2^19; ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "idxpart2_a_idx" DETAIL: Key (a)=(285714) already exists. insert into idxpart values (572814, 'five'); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "idxpart2_a_idx" DETAIL: Key (a)=(572814) already exists. insert into idxpart values (857142, 'six'); select tableoid::regclass, * from idxpart order by a; tableoid | a | b ----------+--------+---------------- idxpart1 | 0 | zero idxpart1 | 16 | sixteen idxpart1 | 42 | life idxpart1 | 65536 | sixteen idxpart2 | 142857 | one idxpart2 | 285714 | two idxpart2 | 572814 | inserted first idxpart2 | 857142 | six (8 rows) drop table idxpart; -- Test some other non-btree index types create table idxpart (a int, b text, c int[]) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (100000); set enable_seqscan to off; create index idxpart_brin on idxpart using brin(b); explain (costs off) select * from idxpart where b = 'abcd'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on idxpart1 idxpart Recheck Cond: (b = 'abcd'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idxpart1_b_idx Index Cond: (b = 'abcd'::text) (4 rows) drop index idxpart_brin; create index idxpart_spgist on idxpart using spgist(b); explain (costs off) select * from idxpart where b = 'abcd'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on idxpart1 idxpart Recheck Cond: (b = 'abcd'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idxpart1_b_idx Index Cond: (b = 'abcd'::text) (4 rows) drop index idxpart_spgist; create index idxpart_gin on idxpart using gin(c); explain (costs off) select * from idxpart where c @> array[42]; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on idxpart1 idxpart Recheck Cond: (c @> '{42}'::integer[]) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idxpart1_c_idx Index Cond: (c @> '{42}'::integer[]) (4 rows) drop index idxpart_gin; reset enable_seqscan; drop table idxpart; -- intentionally leave some objects around create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a); create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (100); create table idxpart2 partition of idxpart for values from (100) to (1000) partition by range (a); create table idxpart21 partition of idxpart2 for values from (100) to (200); create table idxpart22 partition of idxpart2 for values from (200) to (300); create index on idxpart22 (a); create index on only idxpart2 (a); alter index idxpart2_a_idx attach partition idxpart22_a_idx; create index on idxpart (a); create table idxpart_another (a int, b int, primary key (a, b)) partition by range (a); create table idxpart_another_1 partition of idxpart_another for values from (0) to (100); create table idxpart3 (c int, b int, a int) partition by range (a); alter table idxpart3 drop column b, drop column c; create table idxpart31 partition of idxpart3 for values from (1000) to (1200); create table idxpart32 partition of idxpart3 for values from (1200) to (1400); alter table idxpart attach partition idxpart3 for values from (1000) to (2000); -- More objects intentionally left behind, to verify some pg_dump/pg_upgrade -- behavior; see https://postgr.es/m/20190321204928.GA17535@alvherre.pgsql create schema regress_indexing; set search_path to regress_indexing; create table pk (a int primary key) partition by range (a); create table pk1 partition of pk for values from (0) to (1000); create table pk2 (b int, a int); alter table pk2 drop column b; alter table pk2 alter a set not null; alter table pk attach partition pk2 for values from (1000) to (2000); create table pk3 partition of pk for values from (2000) to (3000); create table pk4 (like pk); alter table pk attach partition pk4 for values from (3000) to (4000); create table pk5 (like pk) partition by range (a); create table pk51 partition of pk5 for values from (4000) to (4500); create table pk52 partition of pk5 for values from (4500) to (5000); alter table pk attach partition pk5 for values from (4000) to (5000); reset search_path; -- Test that covering partitioned indexes work in various cases create table covidxpart (a int, b int) partition by list (a); create unique index on covidxpart (a) include (b); create table covidxpart1 partition of covidxpart for values in (1); create table covidxpart2 partition of covidxpart for values in (2); insert into covidxpart values (1, 1); insert into covidxpart values (1, 1); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "covidxpart1_a_b_idx" DETAIL: Key (a)=(1) already exists. create table covidxpart3 (b int, c int, a int); alter table covidxpart3 drop c; alter table covidxpart attach partition covidxpart3 for values in (3); insert into covidxpart values (3, 1); insert into covidxpart values (3, 1); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "covidxpart3_a_b_idx" DETAIL: Key (a)=(3) already exists. create table covidxpart4 (b int, a int); create unique index on covidxpart4 (a) include (b); create unique index on covidxpart4 (a); alter table covidxpart attach partition covidxpart4 for values in (4); insert into covidxpart values (4, 1); insert into covidxpart values (4, 1); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "covidxpart4_a_b_idx" DETAIL: Key (a)=(4) already exists. create unique index on covidxpart (b) include (a); -- should fail ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "covidxpart" lacks column "a" which is part of the partition key. -- check that detaching a partition also detaches the primary key constraint create table parted_pk_detach_test (a int primary key) partition by list (a); create table parted_pk_detach_test1 partition of parted_pk_detach_test for values in (1); alter table parted_pk_detach_test1 drop constraint parted_pk_detach_test1_pkey; -- should fail ERROR: cannot drop inherited constraint "parted_pk_detach_test1_pkey" of relation "parted_pk_detach_test1" alter table parted_pk_detach_test detach partition parted_pk_detach_test1; alter table parted_pk_detach_test1 drop constraint parted_pk_detach_test1_pkey; drop table parted_pk_detach_test, parted_pk_detach_test1; create table parted_uniq_detach_test (a int unique) partition by list (a); create table parted_uniq_detach_test1 partition of parted_uniq_detach_test for values in (1); alter table parted_uniq_detach_test1 drop constraint parted_uniq_detach_test1_a_key; -- should fail ERROR: cannot drop inherited constraint "parted_uniq_detach_test1_a_key" of relation "parted_uniq_detach_test1" alter table parted_uniq_detach_test detach partition parted_uniq_detach_test1; alter table parted_uniq_detach_test1 drop constraint parted_uniq_detach_test1_a_key; drop table parted_uniq_detach_test, parted_uniq_detach_test1; -- check that dropping a column takes with it any partitioned indexes -- depending on it. create table parted_index_col_drop(a int, b int, c int) partition by list (a); create table parted_index_col_drop1 partition of parted_index_col_drop for values in (1) partition by list (a); -- leave this partition without children. create table parted_index_col_drop2 partition of parted_index_col_drop for values in (2) partition by list (a); create table parted_index_col_drop11 partition of parted_index_col_drop1 for values in (1); create index on parted_index_col_drop (b); create index on parted_index_col_drop (c); create index on parted_index_col_drop (b, c); alter table parted_index_col_drop drop column c; \d parted_index_col_drop Partitioned table "public.parted_index_col_drop" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Partition key: LIST (a) Indexes: "parted_index_col_drop_b_idx" btree (b) Number of partitions: 2 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d parted_index_col_drop1 Partitioned table "public.parted_index_col_drop1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Partition of: parted_index_col_drop FOR VALUES IN (1) Partition key: LIST (a) Indexes: "parted_index_col_drop1_b_idx" btree (b) Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d parted_index_col_drop2 Partitioned table "public.parted_index_col_drop2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Partition of: parted_index_col_drop FOR VALUES IN (2) Partition key: LIST (a) Indexes: "parted_index_col_drop2_b_idx" btree (b) Number of partitions: 0 \d parted_index_col_drop11 Table "public.parted_index_col_drop11" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Partition of: parted_index_col_drop1 FOR VALUES IN (1) Indexes: "parted_index_col_drop11_b_idx" btree (b) drop table parted_index_col_drop; -- Check that invalid indexes are not selected when attaching a partition. create table parted_inval_tab (a int) partition by range (a); create index parted_inval_idx on parted_inval_tab (a); create table parted_inval_tab_1 (a int) partition by range (a); create table parted_inval_tab_1_1 partition of parted_inval_tab_1 for values from (0) to (10); create table parted_inval_tab_1_2 partition of parted_inval_tab_1 for values from (10) to (20); -- this creates an invalid index. create index parted_inval_ixd_1 on only parted_inval_tab_1 (a); -- this creates new indexes for all the partitions of parted_inval_tab_1, -- discarding the invalid index created previously as what is chosen. alter table parted_inval_tab attach partition parted_inval_tab_1 for values from (1) to (100); select indexrelid::regclass, indisvalid, indrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) where indexrelid::regclass::text like 'parted_inval%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indexrelid | indisvalid | indrelid | inhparent ----------------------------+------------+----------------------+-------------------------- parted_inval_idx | t | parted_inval_tab | parted_inval_ixd_1 | f | parted_inval_tab_1 | parted_inval_tab_1_1_a_idx | t | parted_inval_tab_1_1 | parted_inval_tab_1_a_idx parted_inval_tab_1_2_a_idx | t | parted_inval_tab_1_2 | parted_inval_tab_1_a_idx parted_inval_tab_1_a_idx | t | parted_inval_tab_1 | parted_inval_idx (5 rows) drop table parted_inval_tab; -- Check setup of indisvalid across a complex partition tree on index -- creation. If one index in a partition index is invalid, so should its -- partitioned index. create table parted_isvalid_tab (a int, b int) partition by range (a); create table parted_isvalid_tab_1 partition of parted_isvalid_tab for values from (1) to (10) partition by range (a); create table parted_isvalid_tab_2 partition of parted_isvalid_tab for values from (10) to (20) partition by range (a); create table parted_isvalid_tab_11 partition of parted_isvalid_tab_1 for values from (1) to (5); create table parted_isvalid_tab_12 partition of parted_isvalid_tab_1 for values from (5) to (10); -- create an invalid index on one of the partitions. insert into parted_isvalid_tab_11 values (1, 0); create index concurrently parted_isvalid_idx_11 on parted_isvalid_tab_11 ((a/b)); ERROR: division by zero -- The previous invalid index is selected, invalidating all the indexes up to -- the top-most parent. create index parted_isvalid_idx on parted_isvalid_tab ((a/b)); select indexrelid::regclass, indisvalid, indrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) where indexrelid::regclass::text like 'parted_isvalid%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indexrelid | indisvalid | indrelid | inhparent --------------------------------+------------+-----------------------+------------------------------- parted_isvalid_idx | f | parted_isvalid_tab | parted_isvalid_idx_11 | f | parted_isvalid_tab_11 | parted_isvalid_tab_1_expr_idx parted_isvalid_tab_12_expr_idx | t | parted_isvalid_tab_12 | parted_isvalid_tab_1_expr_idx parted_isvalid_tab_1_expr_idx | f | parted_isvalid_tab_1 | parted_isvalid_idx parted_isvalid_tab_2_expr_idx | t | parted_isvalid_tab_2 | parted_isvalid_idx (5 rows) drop table parted_isvalid_tab; -- Check state of replica indexes when attaching a partition. begin; create table parted_replica_tab (id int not null) partition by range (id); create table parted_replica_tab_1 partition of parted_replica_tab for values from (1) to (10) partition by range (id); create table parted_replica_tab_11 partition of parted_replica_tab_1 for values from (1) to (5); create unique index parted_replica_idx on only parted_replica_tab using btree (id); create unique index parted_replica_idx_1 on only parted_replica_tab_1 using btree (id); -- This triggers an update of pg_index.indisreplident for parted_replica_idx. alter table only parted_replica_tab_1 replica identity using index parted_replica_idx_1; create unique index parted_replica_idx_11 on parted_replica_tab_11 USING btree (id); select indexrelid::regclass, indisvalid, indisreplident, indrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) where indexrelid::regclass::text like 'parted_replica%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indexrelid | indisvalid | indisreplident | indrelid | inhparent -----------------------+------------+----------------+-----------------------+----------- parted_replica_idx | f | f | parted_replica_tab | parted_replica_idx_1 | f | t | parted_replica_tab_1 | parted_replica_idx_11 | t | f | parted_replica_tab_11 | (3 rows) -- parted_replica_idx is not valid yet here, because parted_replica_idx_1 -- is not valid. alter index parted_replica_idx ATTACH PARTITION parted_replica_idx_1; select indexrelid::regclass, indisvalid, indisreplident, indrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) where indexrelid::regclass::text like 'parted_replica%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indexrelid | indisvalid | indisreplident | indrelid | inhparent -----------------------+------------+----------------+-----------------------+-------------------- parted_replica_idx | f | f | parted_replica_tab | parted_replica_idx_1 | f | t | parted_replica_tab_1 | parted_replica_idx parted_replica_idx_11 | t | f | parted_replica_tab_11 | (3 rows) -- parted_replica_idx becomes valid here. alter index parted_replica_idx_1 ATTACH PARTITION parted_replica_idx_11; alter table only parted_replica_tab_1 replica identity using index parted_replica_idx_1; commit; select indexrelid::regclass, indisvalid, indisreplident, indrelid::regclass, inhparent::regclass from pg_index idx left join pg_inherits inh on (idx.indexrelid = inh.inhrelid) where indexrelid::regclass::text like 'parted_replica%' order by indexrelid::regclass::text collate "C"; indexrelid | indisvalid | indisreplident | indrelid | inhparent -----------------------+------------+----------------+-----------------------+---------------------- parted_replica_idx | t | f | parted_replica_tab | parted_replica_idx_1 | t | t | parted_replica_tab_1 | parted_replica_idx parted_replica_idx_11 | t | f | parted_replica_tab_11 | parted_replica_idx_1 (3 rows) drop table parted_replica_tab;