-- relative tablespace locations are not allowed CREATE TABLESPACE regress_tblspace LOCATION 'relative'; -- fail ERROR: tablespace location must be an absolute path -- empty tablespace locations are not usually allowed CREATE TABLESPACE regress_tblspace LOCATION ''; -- fail ERROR: tablespace location must be an absolute path -- as a special developer-only option to allow us to use tablespaces -- with streaming replication on the same server, an empty location -- can be allowed as a way to say that the tablespace should be created -- as a directory in pg_tblspc, rather than being a symlink SET allow_in_place_tablespaces = true; -- create a tablespace using WITH clause CREATE TABLESPACE regress_tblspacewith LOCATION '' WITH (some_nonexistent_parameter = true); -- fail ERROR: unrecognized parameter "some_nonexistent_parameter" CREATE TABLESPACE regress_tblspacewith LOCATION '' WITH (random_page_cost = 3.0); -- ok -- check to see the parameter was used SELECT spcoptions FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'regress_tblspacewith'; spcoptions ------------------------ {random_page_cost=3.0} (1 row) -- drop the tablespace so we can re-use the location DROP TABLESPACE regress_tblspacewith; -- create a tablespace we can use CREATE TABLESPACE regress_tblspace LOCATION ''; -- This returns a relative path as of an effect of allow_in_place_tablespaces, -- masking the tablespace OID used in the path name. SELECT regexp_replace(pg_tablespace_location(oid), '(pg_tblspc)/(\d+)', '\1/NNN') FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'regress_tblspace'; regexp_replace ---------------- pg_tblspc/NNN (1 row) -- try setting and resetting some properties for the new tablespace ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace SET (random_page_cost = 1.0, seq_page_cost = 1.1); ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace SET (some_nonexistent_parameter = true); -- fail ERROR: unrecognized parameter "some_nonexistent_parameter" ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace RESET (random_page_cost = 2.0); -- fail ERROR: RESET must not include values for parameters ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace RESET (random_page_cost, effective_io_concurrency); -- ok -- REINDEX (TABLESPACE) -- catalogs and system tablespaces -- system catalog, fail REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE pg_am; ERROR: cannot move system relation "pg_am_name_index" REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE CONCURRENTLY pg_am; ERROR: cannot reindex system catalogs concurrently -- shared catalog, fail REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE pg_authid; ERROR: cannot move system relation "pg_authid_rolname_index" REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE CONCURRENTLY pg_authid; ERROR: cannot reindex system catalogs concurrently -- toast relations, fail REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) INDEX pg_toast.pg_toast_1260_index; ERROR: cannot move system relation "pg_toast_1260_index" REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) INDEX CONCURRENTLY pg_toast.pg_toast_1260_index; ERROR: cannot reindex system catalogs concurrently REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE pg_toast.pg_toast_1260; ERROR: cannot move system relation "pg_toast_1260_index" REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE CONCURRENTLY pg_toast.pg_toast_1260; ERROR: cannot reindex system catalogs concurrently -- system catalog, fail REINDEX (TABLESPACE pg_global) TABLE pg_authid; ERROR: cannot move system relation "pg_authid_rolname_index" REINDEX (TABLESPACE pg_global) TABLE CONCURRENTLY pg_authid; ERROR: cannot reindex system catalogs concurrently -- table with toast relation CREATE TABLE regress_tblspace_test_tbl (num1 bigint, num2 double precision, t text); INSERT INTO regress_tblspace_test_tbl (num1, num2, t) SELECT round(random()*100), random(), 'text' FROM generate_series(1, 10) s(i); CREATE INDEX regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx ON regress_tblspace_test_tbl (num1); -- move to global tablespace, fail REINDEX (TABLESPACE pg_global) INDEX regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx; ERROR: only shared relations can be placed in pg_global tablespace REINDEX (TABLESPACE pg_global) INDEX CONCURRENTLY regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx; ERROR: cannot move non-shared relation to tablespace "pg_global" -- check transactional behavior of REINDEX (TABLESPACE) BEGIN; REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) INDEX regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx; REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE regress_tblspace_test_tbl; ROLLBACK; -- no relation moved to the new tablespace SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c, pg_tablespace s WHERE c.reltablespace = s.oid AND s.spcname = 'regress_tblspace'; relname --------- (0 rows) -- check that all indexes are moved to a new tablespace with different -- relfilenode. -- Save first the existing relfilenode for the toast and main relations. SELECT relfilenode as main_filenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx' \gset SELECT relfilenode as toast_filenode FROM pg_class WHERE oid = (SELECT i.indexrelid FROM pg_class c, pg_index i WHERE i.indrelid = c.reltoastrelid AND c.relname = 'regress_tblspace_test_tbl') \gset REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE regress_tblspace_test_tbl; SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c, pg_tablespace s WHERE c.reltablespace = s.oid AND s.spcname = 'regress_tblspace' ORDER BY c.relname; relname ------------------------------- regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx (1 row) ALTER TABLE regress_tblspace_test_tbl SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ALTER TABLE regress_tblspace_test_tbl SET TABLESPACE pg_default; SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c, pg_tablespace s WHERE c.reltablespace = s.oid AND s.spcname = 'regress_tblspace' ORDER BY c.relname; relname ------------------------------- regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx (1 row) -- Move back to the default tablespace. ALTER INDEX regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx SET TABLESPACE pg_default; SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c, pg_tablespace s WHERE c.reltablespace = s.oid AND s.spcname = 'regress_tblspace' ORDER BY c.relname; relname --------- (0 rows) REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace, CONCURRENTLY) TABLE regress_tblspace_test_tbl; SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c, pg_tablespace s WHERE c.reltablespace = s.oid AND s.spcname = 'regress_tblspace' ORDER BY c.relname; relname ------------------------------- regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx (1 row) SELECT relfilenode = :main_filenode AS main_same FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'regress_tblspace_test_tbl_idx'; main_same ----------- f (1 row) SELECT relfilenode = :toast_filenode as toast_same FROM pg_class WHERE oid = (SELECT i.indexrelid FROM pg_class c, pg_index i WHERE i.indrelid = c.reltoastrelid AND c.relname = 'regress_tblspace_test_tbl'); toast_same ------------ f (1 row) DROP TABLE regress_tblspace_test_tbl; -- REINDEX (TABLESPACE) with partitions -- Create a partition tree and check the set of relations reindexed -- with their new tablespace. CREATE TABLE tbspace_reindex_part (c1 int, c2 int) PARTITION BY RANGE (c1); CREATE TABLE tbspace_reindex_part_0 PARTITION OF tbspace_reindex_part FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10) PARTITION BY list (c2); CREATE TABLE tbspace_reindex_part_0_1 PARTITION OF tbspace_reindex_part_0 FOR VALUES IN (1); CREATE TABLE tbspace_reindex_part_0_2 PARTITION OF tbspace_reindex_part_0 FOR VALUES IN (2); -- This partitioned table will have no partitions. CREATE TABLE tbspace_reindex_part_10 PARTITION OF tbspace_reindex_part FOR VALUES FROM (10) TO (20) PARTITION BY list (c2); -- Create some partitioned indexes CREATE INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index ON ONLY tbspace_reindex_part (c1); CREATE INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index_0 ON ONLY tbspace_reindex_part_0 (c1); ALTER INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index ATTACH PARTITION tbspace_reindex_part_index_0; -- This partitioned index will have no partitions. CREATE INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index_10 ON ONLY tbspace_reindex_part_10 (c1); ALTER INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index ATTACH PARTITION tbspace_reindex_part_index_10; CREATE INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index_0_1 ON ONLY tbspace_reindex_part_0_1 (c1); ALTER INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index_0 ATTACH PARTITION tbspace_reindex_part_index_0_1; CREATE INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index_0_2 ON ONLY tbspace_reindex_part_0_2 (c1); ALTER INDEX tbspace_reindex_part_index_0 ATTACH PARTITION tbspace_reindex_part_index_0_2; SELECT relid, parentrelid, level FROM pg_partition_tree('tbspace_reindex_part_index') ORDER BY relid, level; relid | parentrelid | level --------------------------------+------------------------------+------- tbspace_reindex_part_index | | 0 tbspace_reindex_part_index_0 | tbspace_reindex_part_index | 1 tbspace_reindex_part_index_10 | tbspace_reindex_part_index | 1 tbspace_reindex_part_index_0_1 | tbspace_reindex_part_index_0 | 2 tbspace_reindex_part_index_0_2 | tbspace_reindex_part_index_0 | 2 (5 rows) -- Track the original tablespace, relfilenode and OID of each index -- in the tree. CREATE TEMP TABLE reindex_temp_before AS SELECT oid, relname, relfilenode, reltablespace FROM pg_class WHERE relname ~ 'tbspace_reindex_part_index'; REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace, CONCURRENTLY) TABLE tbspace_reindex_part; -- REINDEX CONCURRENTLY changes the OID of the old relation, hence a check -- based on the relation name below. SELECT b.relname, CASE WHEN a.relfilenode = b.relfilenode THEN 'relfilenode is unchanged' ELSE 'relfilenode has changed' END AS filenode, CASE WHEN a.reltablespace = b.reltablespace THEN 'reltablespace is unchanged' ELSE 'reltablespace has changed' END AS tbspace FROM reindex_temp_before b JOIN pg_class a ON b.relname = a.relname ORDER BY 1; relname | filenode | tbspace --------------------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------- tbspace_reindex_part_index | relfilenode is unchanged | reltablespace is unchanged tbspace_reindex_part_index_0 | relfilenode is unchanged | reltablespace is unchanged tbspace_reindex_part_index_0_1 | relfilenode has changed | reltablespace has changed tbspace_reindex_part_index_0_2 | relfilenode has changed | reltablespace has changed tbspace_reindex_part_index_10 | relfilenode is unchanged | reltablespace is unchanged (5 rows) DROP TABLE tbspace_reindex_part; -- create a schema we can use CREATE SCHEMA testschema; -- try a table CREATE TABLE testschema.foo (i int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname = 'foo'; relname | spcname ---------+------------------ foo | regress_tblspace (1 row) INSERT INTO testschema.foo VALUES(1); INSERT INTO testschema.foo VALUES(2); -- tables from dynamic sources CREATE TABLE testschema.asselect TABLESPACE regress_tblspace AS SELECT 1; SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname = 'asselect'; relname | spcname ----------+------------------ asselect | regress_tblspace (1 row) PREPARE selectsource(int) AS SELECT $1; CREATE TABLE testschema.asexecute TABLESPACE regress_tblspace AS EXECUTE selectsource(2); SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname = 'asexecute'; relname | spcname -----------+------------------ asexecute | regress_tblspace (1 row) -- index CREATE INDEX foo_idx on testschema.foo(i) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname = 'foo_idx'; relname | spcname ---------+------------------ foo_idx | regress_tblspace (1 row) -- check \d output \d testschema.foo Table "testschema.foo" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- i | integer | | | Indexes: "foo_idx" btree (i), tablespace "regress_tblspace" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.foo_idx Index "testschema.foo_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ i | integer | yes | i btree, for table "testschema.foo" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" -- -- partitioned table -- CREATE TABLE testschema.part (a int) PARTITION BY LIST (a); SET default_tablespace TO pg_global; CREATE TABLE testschema.part_1 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (1); ERROR: only shared relations can be placed in pg_global tablespace RESET default_tablespace; CREATE TABLE testschema.part_1 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (1); SET default_tablespace TO regress_tblspace; CREATE TABLE testschema.part_2 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (2); SET default_tablespace TO pg_global; CREATE TABLE testschema.part_3 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (3); ERROR: only shared relations can be placed in pg_global tablespace ALTER TABLE testschema.part SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; CREATE TABLE testschema.part_3 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (3); CREATE TABLE testschema.part_4 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (4) TABLESPACE pg_default; CREATE TABLE testschema.part_56 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (5, 6) PARTITION BY LIST (a); ALTER TABLE testschema.part SET TABLESPACE pg_default; CREATE TABLE testschema.part_78 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (7, 8) PARTITION BY LIST (a); ERROR: only shared relations can be placed in pg_global tablespace CREATE TABLE testschema.part_910 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (9, 10) PARTITION BY LIST (a) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; RESET default_tablespace; CREATE TABLE testschema.part_78 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (7, 8) PARTITION BY LIST (a); SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (c.relnamespace = n.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t ON c.reltablespace = t.oid where c.relname LIKE 'part%' AND n.nspname = 'testschema' order by relname; relname | spcname ----------+------------------ part | part_1 | part_2 | regress_tblspace part_3 | regress_tblspace part_4 | part_56 | regress_tblspace part_78 | part_910 | regress_tblspace (8 rows) RESET default_tablespace; DROP TABLE testschema.part; -- partitioned index CREATE TABLE testschema.part (a int) PARTITION BY LIST (a); CREATE TABLE testschema.part1 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (1); CREATE INDEX part_a_idx ON testschema.part (a) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; CREATE TABLE testschema.part2 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (2); SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname LIKE 'part%_idx'; relname | spcname -------------+------------------ part1_a_idx | regress_tblspace part2_a_idx | regress_tblspace part_a_idx | regress_tblspace (3 rows) \d testschema.part Partitioned table "testschema.part" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | Partition key: LIST (a) Indexes: "part_a_idx" btree (a), tablespace "regress_tblspace" Number of partitions: 2 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d+ testschema.part Partitioned table "testschema.part" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+------------- a | integer | | | | plain | | Partition key: LIST (a) Indexes: "part_a_idx" btree (a), tablespace "regress_tblspace" Partitions: testschema.part1 FOR VALUES IN (1), testschema.part2 FOR VALUES IN (2) \d testschema.part1 Table "testschema.part1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | Partition of: testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (1) Indexes: "part1_a_idx" btree (a), tablespace "regress_tblspace" \d+ testschema.part1 Table "testschema.part1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+------------- a | integer | | | | plain | | Partition of: testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (1) Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (a = 1)) Indexes: "part1_a_idx" btree (a), tablespace "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.part_a_idx Partitioned index "testschema.part_a_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ a | integer | yes | a btree, for table "testschema.part" Number of partitions: 2 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d+ testschema.part_a_idx Partitioned index "testschema.part_a_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- a | integer | yes | a | plain | btree, for table "testschema.part" Partitions: testschema.part1_a_idx, testschema.part2_a_idx Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" -- partitioned rels cannot specify the default tablespace. These fail: CREATE TABLE testschema.dflt (a int PRIMARY KEY) PARTITION BY LIST (a) TABLESPACE pg_default; ERROR: cannot specify default tablespace for partitioned relations CREATE TABLE testschema.dflt (a int PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX TABLESPACE pg_default) PARTITION BY LIST (a); ERROR: cannot specify default tablespace for partitioned relations SET default_tablespace TO 'pg_default'; CREATE TABLE testschema.dflt (a int PRIMARY KEY) PARTITION BY LIST (a) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ERROR: cannot specify default tablespace for partitioned relations CREATE TABLE testschema.dflt (a int PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) PARTITION BY LIST (a); ERROR: cannot specify default tablespace for partitioned relations -- but these work: CREATE TABLE testschema.dflt (a int PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) PARTITION BY LIST (a) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; SET default_tablespace TO ''; CREATE TABLE testschema.dflt2 (a int PRIMARY KEY) PARTITION BY LIST (a); DROP TABLE testschema.dflt, testschema.dflt2; -- check that default_tablespace doesn't affect ALTER TABLE index rebuilds CREATE TABLE testschema.test_default_tab(id bigint) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; INSERT INTO testschema.test_default_tab VALUES (1); CREATE INDEX test_index1 on testschema.test_default_tab (id); CREATE INDEX test_index2 on testschema.test_default_tab (id) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ADD CONSTRAINT test_index3 PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ADD CONSTRAINT test_index4 UNIQUE (id) USING INDEX TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; \d testschema.test_index1 Index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index2 Index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index4 Index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" -- use a custom tablespace for default_tablespace SET default_tablespace TO regress_tblspace; -- tablespace should not change if no rewrite ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ALTER id TYPE bigint; \d testschema.test_index1 Index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index2 Index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index4 Index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" SELECT * FROM testschema.test_default_tab; id ---- 1 (1 row) -- tablespace should not change even if there is an index rewrite ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ALTER id TYPE int; \d testschema.test_index1 Index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index2 Index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index4 Index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" SELECT * FROM testschema.test_default_tab; id ---- 1 (1 row) -- now use the default tablespace for default_tablespace SET default_tablespace TO ''; -- tablespace should not change if no rewrite ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ALTER id TYPE int; \d testschema.test_index1 Index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index2 Index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index4 Index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" -- tablespace should not change even if there is an index rewrite ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ALTER id TYPE bigint; \d testschema.test_index1 Index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index2 Index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" \d testschema.test_index4 Index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" DROP TABLE testschema.test_default_tab; -- check that default_tablespace doesn't affect ALTER TABLE index rebuilds -- (this time with a partitioned table) CREATE TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p(id bigint, val bigint) PARTITION BY LIST (id) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; CREATE TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p1 PARTITION OF testschema.test_default_tab_p FOR VALUES IN (1); INSERT INTO testschema.test_default_tab_p VALUES (1); CREATE INDEX test_index1 on testschema.test_default_tab_p (val); CREATE INDEX test_index2 on testschema.test_default_tab_p (val) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p ADD CONSTRAINT test_index3 PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p ADD CONSTRAINT test_index4 UNIQUE (id) USING INDEX TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; \d testschema.test_index1 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ val | bigint | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index2 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ val | bigint | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index4 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" -- use a custom tablespace for default_tablespace SET default_tablespace TO regress_tblspace; -- tablespace should not change if no rewrite ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p ALTER val TYPE bigint; \d testschema.test_index1 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ val | bigint | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index2 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ val | bigint | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index4 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" SELECT * FROM testschema.test_default_tab_p; id | val ----+----- 1 | (1 row) -- tablespace should not change even if there is an index rewrite ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p ALTER val TYPE int; \d testschema.test_index1 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ val | integer | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index2 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ val | integer | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index4 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" SELECT * FROM testschema.test_default_tab_p; id | val ----+----- 1 | (1 row) -- now use the default tablespace for default_tablespace SET default_tablespace TO ''; -- tablespace should not change if no rewrite ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p ALTER val TYPE int; \d testschema.test_index1 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ val | integer | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index2 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ val | integer | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index4 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" -- tablespace should not change even if there is an index rewrite ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p ALTER val TYPE bigint; \d testschema.test_index1 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ val | bigint | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index2 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ val | bigint | yes | val btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_index3 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d testschema.test_index4 Partitioned index "testschema.test_index4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ id | bigint | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_default_tab_p" Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" DROP TABLE testschema.test_default_tab_p; -- check that default_tablespace affects index additions in ALTER TABLE CREATE TABLE testschema.test_tab(id int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; INSERT INTO testschema.test_tab VALUES (1); SET default_tablespace TO regress_tblspace; ALTER TABLE testschema.test_tab ADD CONSTRAINT test_tab_unique UNIQUE (id); SET default_tablespace TO ''; ALTER TABLE testschema.test_tab ADD CONSTRAINT test_tab_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); \d testschema.test_tab_unique Index "testschema.test_tab_unique" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_tab_pkey Index "testschema.test_tab_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ id | integer | yes | id primary key, btree, for table "testschema.test_tab" SELECT * FROM testschema.test_tab; id ---- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE testschema.test_tab; -- check that default_tablespace is handled correctly by multi-command -- ALTER TABLE that includes a tablespace-preserving rewrite CREATE TABLE testschema.test_tab(a int, b int, c int); SET default_tablespace TO regress_tblspace; ALTER TABLE testschema.test_tab ADD CONSTRAINT test_tab_unique UNIQUE (a); CREATE INDEX test_tab_a_idx ON testschema.test_tab (a); SET default_tablespace TO ''; CREATE INDEX test_tab_b_idx ON testschema.test_tab (b); \d testschema.test_tab_unique Index "testschema.test_tab_unique" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ a | integer | yes | a unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_tab_a_idx Index "testschema.test_tab_a_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ a | integer | yes | a btree, for table "testschema.test_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_tab_b_idx Index "testschema.test_tab_b_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ b | integer | yes | b btree, for table "testschema.test_tab" ALTER TABLE testschema.test_tab ALTER b TYPE bigint, ADD UNIQUE (c); \d testschema.test_tab_unique Index "testschema.test_tab_unique" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ a | integer | yes | a unique, btree, for table "testschema.test_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_tab_a_idx Index "testschema.test_tab_a_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+---------+------+------------ a | integer | yes | a btree, for table "testschema.test_tab" Tablespace: "regress_tblspace" \d testschema.test_tab_b_idx Index "testschema.test_tab_b_idx" Column | Type | Key? | Definition --------+--------+------+------------ b | bigint | yes | b btree, for table "testschema.test_tab" DROP TABLE testschema.test_tab; -- let's try moving a table from one place to another CREATE TABLE testschema.atable AS VALUES (1), (2); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX anindex ON testschema.atable(column1); ALTER TABLE testschema.atable SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ALTER INDEX testschema.anindex SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ALTER INDEX testschema.part_a_idx SET TABLESPACE pg_global; ERROR: only shared relations can be placed in pg_global tablespace ALTER INDEX testschema.part_a_idx SET TABLESPACE pg_default; ALTER INDEX testschema.part_a_idx SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; INSERT INTO testschema.atable VALUES(3); -- ok INSERT INTO testschema.atable VALUES(1); -- fail (checks index) ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "anindex" DETAIL: Key (column1)=(1) already exists. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM testschema.atable; -- checks heap count ------- 3 (1 row) -- let's try moving a materialized view from one place to another CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW testschema.amv AS SELECT * FROM testschema.atable; ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW testschema.amv SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW testschema.amv; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM testschema.amv; count ------- 3 (1 row) -- Will fail with bad path CREATE TABLESPACE regress_badspace LOCATION '/no/such/location'; ERROR: directory "/no/such/location" does not exist -- No such tablespace CREATE TABLE bar (i int) TABLESPACE regress_nosuchspace; ERROR: tablespace "regress_nosuchspace" does not exist -- Fail, in use for some partitioned object DROP TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ERROR: tablespace "regress_tblspace" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: tablespace for index testschema.part_a_idx ALTER INDEX testschema.part_a_idx SET TABLESPACE pg_default; -- Fail, not empty DROP TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ERROR: tablespace "regress_tblspace" is not empty CREATE ROLE regress_tablespace_user1 login; CREATE ROLE regress_tablespace_user2 login; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA testschema TO regress_tablespace_user2; ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace OWNER TO regress_tablespace_user1; CREATE TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl (c int); -- new owner lacks permission to create this index from scratch CREATE INDEX k ON testschema.tablespace_acl (c) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; ALTER TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl OWNER TO regress_tablespace_user2; SET SESSION ROLE regress_tablespace_user2; CREATE TABLE tablespace_table (i int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; -- fail ERROR: permission denied for tablespace regress_tblspace ALTER TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl ALTER c TYPE bigint; REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE tablespace_table; -- fail ERROR: permission denied for tablespace regress_tblspace REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace, CONCURRENTLY) TABLE tablespace_table; -- fail ERROR: permission denied for tablespace regress_tblspace RESET ROLE; ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace RENAME TO regress_tblspace_renamed; ALTER TABLE ALL IN TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed SET TABLESPACE pg_default; ALTER INDEX ALL IN TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed SET TABLESPACE pg_default; ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW ALL IN TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed SET TABLESPACE pg_default; -- Should show notice that nothing was done ALTER TABLE ALL IN TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed SET TABLESPACE pg_default; NOTICE: no matching relations in tablespace "regress_tblspace_renamed" found ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW ALL IN TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed SET TABLESPACE pg_default; NOTICE: no matching relations in tablespace "regress_tblspace_renamed" found -- Should succeed DROP TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed; DROP SCHEMA testschema CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 7 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table testschema.foo drop cascades to table testschema.asselect drop cascades to table testschema.asexecute drop cascades to table testschema.part drop cascades to table testschema.atable drop cascades to materialized view testschema.amv drop cascades to table testschema.tablespace_acl DROP ROLE regress_tablespace_user1; DROP ROLE regress_tablespace_user2;