postgresql-common for RedHat ============================ The postgresql-common framework was written for Debian/Ubuntu, but most parts of it work as well on other operating systems. The RPM port changes little in the original code, and even uses many files from the debian/ directory for building the packages. No separate PostgreSQL client/server packages are provided; the port is backed by the PGDG RPM packages from The filesystem layout is unchanged, /etc/postgresql, /etc/postgresql-common, and /var/lib/postgresql are used as before. Differences between the Debian and RedHat operating modes are: * /var/run/postgresql/ is still used for external pid files, but the default unix socket directory is /tmp, to match the RPM packages' default. * The postgres system user home is /var/lib/pgsql. * The binroot is changed from /usr/lib/postgresql/ to /usr/pgsql-. (Note the missing trailing slash, the idea is that the version number can just be appended to the path, e.g. /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin becomes /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin.) * The various symlinks for frontend programs in /usr/bin like psql are not direct symlinks to pg_wrapper, but are added as high-priority alternatives to the alternatives symlinks set up by the PostgreSQL RPM packages. * SSL is disabled by default because there is no easily available snakeoil certificate. Proper certificates can be configured in createcluster.conf. * No attempt is made to setup OOM killer protection for the postmaster process. * On Debian, the /etc/init.d/postgresql init script skips versions that have their own /etc/init.d/postgresql-x.y init script, mostly for compatibility with legacy packages before the advent of the postgresql-common framework. The RPM packages provide /etc/init.d/postgresql-x.y scripts, which are ignored by /etc/init.d/postgresql. The postgresql-x.y scripts will not do anything as long as the user does not use them to create clusters in /var/lib/pgsql. (In which case they continue to work as if postgresql-common was not present.) * Debian's pre/postinst/rm maintainer scripts are not used. Mostly this means there is no automatic integration of tsearch with system-provided dictionaries. The postgresql-common testsuite is supported if perl-Test-Simple and perl-Time-HiRes are installed. -- Christoph Berg Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:59:47 +0200