""" Key bindings for auto suggestion (for fish-style auto suggestion). """ import re from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition, emacs_mode from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings import KeyBindings from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_processor import KeyPressEvent __all__ = [ "load_auto_suggest_bindings", ] E = KeyPressEvent def load_auto_suggest_bindings() -> KeyBindings: """ Key bindings for accepting auto suggestion text. (This has to come after the Vi bindings, because they also have an implementation for the "right arrow", but we really want the suggestion binding when a suggestion is available.) """ key_bindings = KeyBindings() handle = key_bindings.add @Condition def suggestion_available() -> bool: app = get_app() return ( app.current_buffer.suggestion is not None and len(app.current_buffer.suggestion.text) > 0 and app.current_buffer.document.is_cursor_at_the_end ) @handle("c-f", filter=suggestion_available) @handle("c-e", filter=suggestion_available) @handle("right", filter=suggestion_available) def _accept(event: E) -> None: """ Accept suggestion. """ b = event.current_buffer suggestion = b.suggestion if suggestion: b.insert_text(suggestion.text) @handle("escape", "f", filter=suggestion_available & emacs_mode) def _fill(event: E) -> None: """ Fill partial suggestion. """ b = event.current_buffer suggestion = b.suggestion if suggestion: t = re.split(r"(\S+\s+)", suggestion.text) b.insert_text(next(x for x in t if x)) return key_bindings