from import AbstractEventLoop from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, TextIO from prompt_toolkit.application import Application from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app_or_none, get_app_session from prompt_toolkit.application.run_in_terminal import run_in_terminal from prompt_toolkit.eventloop import get_event_loop from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import ( FormattedText, StyleAndTextTuples, to_formatted_text, ) from prompt_toolkit.input import DummyInput from prompt_toolkit.layout import Layout from prompt_toolkit.output import ColorDepth, Output from prompt_toolkit.output.defaults import create_output from prompt_toolkit.renderer import ( print_formatted_text as renderer_print_formatted_text, ) from prompt_toolkit.styles import ( BaseStyle, StyleTransformation, default_pygments_style, default_ui_style, merge_styles, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from prompt_toolkit.layout.containers import AnyContainer __all__ = [ "print_formatted_text", "print_container", "clear", "set_title", "clear_title", ] def print_formatted_text( *values: Any, sep: str = " ", end: str = "\n", file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False, style: Optional[BaseStyle] = None, output: Optional[Output] = None, color_depth: Optional[ColorDepth] = None, style_transformation: Optional[StyleTransformation] = None, include_default_pygments_style: bool = True, ) -> None: """ :: print_formatted_text(*values, sep=' ', end='\\n', file=None, flush=False, style=None, output=None) Print text to stdout. This is supposed to be compatible with Python's print function, but supports printing of formatted text. You can pass a :class:`~prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.FormattedText`, :class:`~prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.HTML` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.ANSI` object to print formatted text. * Print HTML as follows:: print_formatted_text(HTML('Some italic text This is red!')) style = Style.from_dict({ 'hello': '#ff0066', 'world': '#884444 italic', }) print_formatted_text(HTML('Hello world!'), style=style) * Print a list of (style_str, text) tuples in the given style to the output. E.g.:: style = Style.from_dict({ 'hello': '#ff0066', 'world': '#884444 italic', }) fragments = FormattedText([ ('class:hello', 'Hello'), ('class:world', 'World'), ]) print_formatted_text(fragments, style=style) If you want to print a list of Pygments tokens, wrap it in :class:`~prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.PygmentsTokens` to do the conversion. If a prompt_toolkit `Application` is currently running, this will always print above the application or prompt (similar to `patch_stdout`). So, `print_formatted_text` will erase the current application, print the text, and render the application again. :param values: Any kind of printable object, or formatted string. :param sep: String inserted between values, default a space. :param end: String appended after the last value, default a newline. :param style: :class:`.Style` instance for the color scheme. :param include_default_pygments_style: `bool`. Include the default Pygments style when set to `True` (the default). """ assert not (output and file) # Create Output object. if output is None: if file: output = create_output(stdout=file) else: output = get_app_session().output assert isinstance(output, Output) # Get color depth. color_depth = color_depth or output.get_default_color_depth() # Merges values. def to_text(val: Any) -> StyleAndTextTuples: # Normal lists which are not instances of `FormattedText` are # considered plain text. if isinstance(val, list) and not isinstance(val, FormattedText): return to_formatted_text(f"{val}") return to_formatted_text(val, auto_convert=True) fragments = [] for i, value in enumerate(values): fragments.extend(to_text(value)) if sep and i != len(values) - 1: fragments.extend(to_text(sep)) fragments.extend(to_text(end)) # Print output. def render() -> None: assert isinstance(output, Output) renderer_print_formatted_text( output, fragments, _create_merged_style( style, include_default_pygments_style=include_default_pygments_style ), color_depth=color_depth, style_transformation=style_transformation, ) # Flush the output stream. if flush: output.flush() # If an application is running, print above the app. This does not require # `patch_stdout`. loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None app = get_app_or_none() if app is not None: loop = app.loop if loop is not None: loop.call_soon_threadsafe(lambda: run_in_terminal(render)) else: render() def print_container( container: "AnyContainer", file: Optional[TextIO] = None, style: Optional[BaseStyle] = None, include_default_pygments_style: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Print any layout to the output in a non-interactive way. Example usage:: from prompt_toolkit.widgets import Frame, TextArea print_container( Frame(TextArea(text='Hello world!'))) """ if file: output = create_output(stdout=file) else: output = get_app_session().output app: Application[None] = Application( layout=Layout(container=container), output=output, # `DummyInput` will cause the application to terminate immediately. input=DummyInput(), style=_create_merged_style( style, include_default_pygments_style=include_default_pygments_style ), ) try: except EOFError: pass def _create_merged_style( style: Optional[BaseStyle], include_default_pygments_style: bool ) -> BaseStyle: """ Merge user defined style with built-in style. """ styles = [default_ui_style()] if include_default_pygments_style: styles.append(default_pygments_style()) if style: styles.append(style) return merge_styles(styles) def clear() -> None: """ Clear the screen. """ output = get_app_session().output output.erase_screen() output.cursor_goto(0, 0) output.flush() def set_title(text: str) -> None: """ Set the terminal title. """ output = get_app_session().output output.set_title(text) def clear_title() -> None: """ Erase the current title. """ set_title("")