path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23ad314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+import pickle
+from typing import List
+from weakref import ref
+import pytest
+import psycopg
+from psycopg import pq
+from psycopg import errors as e
+from .utils import eur, gc_collect
+from .fix_crdb import is_crdb
+def test_error_diag(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ with pytest.raises(e.DatabaseError) as excinfo:
+ cur.execute("select 1 from wat")
+ exc = excinfo.value
+ diag = exc.diag
+ assert diag.sqlstate == "42P01"
+ assert diag.severity_nonlocalized == "ERROR"
+def test_diag_all_attrs(pgconn):
+ res = pgconn.make_empty_result(pq.ExecStatus.NONFATAL_ERROR)
+ diag = e.Diagnostic(res)
+ for d in pq.DiagnosticField:
+ val = getattr(diag,
+ assert val is None or isinstance(val, str)
+def test_diag_right_attr(pgconn, monkeypatch):
+ res = pgconn.make_empty_result(pq.ExecStatus.NONFATAL_ERROR)
+ diag = e.Diagnostic(res)
+ to_check: pq.DiagnosticField
+ checked: List[pq.DiagnosticField] = []
+ def check_val(self, v):
+ nonlocal to_check
+ assert to_check == v
+ checked.append(v)
+ return None
+ monkeypatch.setattr(e.Diagnostic, "_error_message", check_val)
+ for to_check in pq.DiagnosticField:
+ getattr(diag,
+ assert len(checked) == len(pq.DiagnosticField)
+def test_diag_attr_values(conn):
+ if is_crdb(conn):
+ conn.execute("set experimental_enable_temp_tables = 'on'")
+ conn.execute(
+ """
+ create temp table test_exc (
+ data int constraint chk_eq1 check (data = 1)
+ )"""
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(e.Error) as exc:
+ conn.execute("insert into test_exc values(2)")
+ diag = exc.value.diag
+ assert diag.sqlstate == "23514"
+ assert diag.constraint_name == "chk_eq1"
+ if not is_crdb(conn):
+ assert diag.table_name == "test_exc"
+ assert diag.schema_name and diag.schema_name[:7] == "pg_temp"
+ assert diag.severity_nonlocalized == "ERROR"
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("enc", ["utf8", "latin9"])
+def test_diag_encoding(conn, enc):
+ msgs = []
+ conn.pgconn.exec_(b"set client_min_messages to notice")
+ conn.add_notice_handler(lambda diag: msgs.append(diag.message_primary))
+ conn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {enc}")
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute("do $$begin raise notice 'hello %', chr(8364); end$$ language plpgsql")
+ assert msgs == [f"hello {eur}"]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("enc", ["utf8", "latin9"])
+def test_error_encoding(conn, enc):
+ with conn.transaction():
+ conn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {enc}")
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ with pytest.raises(e.DatabaseError) as excinfo:
+ cur.execute(
+ """
+ do $$begin
+ execute format('insert into "%s" values (1)', chr(8364));
+ end$$ language plpgsql;
+ """
+ )
+ diag = excinfo.value.diag
+ assert diag.message_primary and f'"{eur}"' in diag.message_primary
+ assert diag.sqlstate == "42P01"
+def test_exception_class(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ with pytest.raises(e.DatabaseError) as excinfo:
+ cur.execute("select * from nonexist")
+ assert isinstance(excinfo.value, e.UndefinedTable)
+ assert isinstance(excinfo.value, conn.ProgrammingError)
+def test_exception_class_fallback(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ x = e._sqlcodes.pop("42P01")
+ try:
+ with pytest.raises(e.Error) as excinfo:
+ cur.execute("select * from nonexist")
+ finally:
+ e._sqlcodes["42P01"] = x
+ assert type(excinfo.value) is conn.ProgrammingError
+def test_lookup():
+ assert e.lookup("42P01") is e.UndefinedTable
+ assert e.lookup("42p01") is e.UndefinedTable
+ assert e.lookup("UNDEFINED_TABLE") is e.UndefinedTable
+ assert e.lookup("undefined_table") is e.UndefinedTable
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+ e.lookup("XXXXX")
+def test_error_sqlstate():
+ assert e.Error.sqlstate is None
+ assert e.ProgrammingError.sqlstate is None
+ assert e.UndefinedTable.sqlstate == "42P01"
+def test_error_pickle(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ with pytest.raises(e.DatabaseError) as excinfo:
+ cur.execute("select 1 from wat")
+ exc = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(excinfo.value))
+ assert isinstance(exc, e.UndefinedTable)
+ assert exc.diag.sqlstate == "42P01"
+def test_diag_pickle(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ with pytest.raises(e.DatabaseError) as excinfo:
+ cur.execute("select 1 from wat")
+ diag1 = excinfo.value.diag
+ diag2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(diag1))
+ assert isinstance(diag2, type(diag1))
+ for f in pq.DiagnosticField:
+ assert getattr(diag1, == getattr(diag2,
+ assert diag2.sqlstate == "42P01"
+def test_diag_survives_cursor(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ with pytest.raises(e.Error) as exc:
+ cur.execute("select * from nosuchtable")
+ diag = exc.value.diag
+ del exc
+ w = ref(cur)
+ del cur
+ gc_collect()
+ assert w() is None
+ assert diag.sqlstate == "42P01"
+def test_diag_independent(conn):
+ conn.autocommit = True
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ with pytest.raises(e.Error) as exc1:
+ cur.execute("l'acqua e' poca e 'a papera nun galleggia")
+ with pytest.raises(e.Error) as exc2:
+ cur.execute("select level from water where ducks > 1")
+ assert exc1.value.diag.sqlstate == "42601"
+ assert exc2.value.diag.sqlstate == "42P01"
+def test_diag_from_commit(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(
+ """
+ create temp table test_deferred (
+ data int primary key,
+ ref int references test_deferred (data)
+ deferrable initially deferred)
+ """
+ )
+ cur.execute("insert into test_deferred values (1,2)")
+ with pytest.raises(e.Error) as exc:
+ conn.commit()
+ assert exc.value.diag.sqlstate == "23503"
+async def test_diag_from_commit_async(aconn):
+ cur = aconn.cursor()
+ await cur.execute(
+ """
+ create temp table test_deferred (
+ data int primary key,
+ ref int references test_deferred (data)
+ deferrable initially deferred)
+ """
+ )
+ await cur.execute("insert into test_deferred values (1,2)")
+ with pytest.raises(e.Error) as exc:
+ await aconn.commit()
+ assert exc.value.diag.sqlstate == "23503"
+def test_query_context(conn):
+ with pytest.raises(e.Error) as exc:
+ conn.execute("select * from wat")
+ s = str(exc.value)
+ if not is_crdb(conn):
+ assert "from wat" in s, s
+ assert exc.value.diag.message_primary
+ assert exc.value.diag.message_primary in s
+ assert "ERROR" not in s
+ assert not s.endswith("\n")
+def test_unknown_sqlstate(conn):
+ code = "PXX99"
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+ e.lookup(code)
+ with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError) as excinfo:
+ conn.execute(
+ f"""
+ do $$begin
+ raise exception 'made up code' using errcode = '{code}';
+ end$$ language plpgsql
+ """
+ )
+ exc = excinfo.value
+ assert exc.diag.sqlstate == code
+ assert exc.sqlstate == code
+ # Survives pickling too
+ pexc = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(exc))
+ assert pexc.sqlstate == code
+def test_pgconn_error(conn_cls):
+ with pytest.raises(psycopg.OperationalError) as excinfo:
+ conn_cls.connect("dbname=nosuchdb")
+ exc = excinfo.value
+ assert exc.pgconn
+ assert exc.pgconn.db == b"nosuchdb"
+def test_pgconn_error_pickle(conn_cls):
+ with pytest.raises(psycopg.OperationalError) as excinfo:
+ conn_cls.connect("dbname=nosuchdb")
+ exc = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(excinfo.value))
+ assert exc.pgconn is None
+def test_pgresult(conn):
+ with pytest.raises(e.DatabaseError) as excinfo:
+ conn.execute("select 1 from wat")
+ exc = excinfo.value
+ assert exc.pgresult
+ assert exc.pgresult.error_field(pq.DiagnosticField.SQLSTATE) == b"42P01"
+def test_pgresult_pickle(conn):
+ with pytest.raises(e.DatabaseError) as excinfo:
+ conn.execute("select 1 from wat")
+ exc = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(excinfo.value))
+ assert exc.pgresult is None
+ assert exc.diag.sqlstate == "42P01"
+def test_blank_sqlstate(conn):
+ assert e.get_base_exception("") is e.DatabaseError