path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
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+++ b/tests/
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+Prepared statements tests
+import datetime as dt
+from decimal import Decimal
+import pytest
+from psycopg.rows import namedtuple_row
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [None, 0, 3])
+def test_prepare_threshold_init(conn_cls, dsn, value):
+ with conn_cls.connect(dsn, prepare_threshold=value) as conn:
+ assert conn.prepare_threshold == value
+def test_dont_prepare(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ for i in range(10):
+ cur.execute("select %s::int", [i], prepare=False)
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 0
+def test_do_prepare(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute("select %s::int", [10], prepare=True)
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 1
+def test_auto_prepare(conn):
+ res = []
+ for i in range(10):
+ conn.execute("select %s::int", [0])
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ res.append(len(stmts))
+ assert res == [0] * 5 + [1] * 5
+def test_dont_prepare_conn(conn):
+ for i in range(10):
+ conn.execute("select %s::int", [i], prepare=False)
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 0
+def test_do_prepare_conn(conn):
+ conn.execute("select %s::int", [10], prepare=True)
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 1
+def test_auto_prepare_conn(conn):
+ res = []
+ for i in range(10):
+ conn.execute("select %s", [0])
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ res.append(len(stmts))
+ assert res == [0] * 5 + [1] * 5
+def test_prepare_disable(conn):
+ conn.prepare_threshold = None
+ res = []
+ for i in range(10):
+ conn.execute("select %s", [0])
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ res.append(len(stmts))
+ assert res == [0] * 10
+ assert not conn._prepared._names
+ assert not conn._prepared._counts
+def test_no_prepare_multi(conn):
+ res = []
+ for i in range(10):
+ conn.execute("select 1; select 2")
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ res.append(len(stmts))
+ assert res == [0] * 10
+def test_no_prepare_multi_with_drop(conn):
+ conn.execute("select 1", prepare=True)
+ for i in range(10):
+ conn.execute("drop table if exists noprep; create table noprep()")
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 0
+def test_no_prepare_error(conn):
+ conn.autocommit = True
+ for i in range(10):
+ with pytest.raises(conn.ProgrammingError):
+ conn.execute("select wat")
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 0
+ "query",
+ [
+ "create table test_no_prepare ()",
+ pytest.param("notify foo, 'bar'", marks=pytest.mark.crdb_skip("notify")),
+ "set timezone = utc",
+ "select num from prepared_test",
+ "insert into prepared_test (num) values (1)",
+ "update prepared_test set num = num * 2",
+ "delete from prepared_test where num > 10",
+ ],
+def test_misc_statement(conn, query):
+ conn.execute("create table prepared_test (num int)", prepare=False)
+ conn.prepare_threshold = 0
+ conn.execute(query)
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 1
+def test_params_types(conn):
+ conn.execute(
+ "select %s, %s, %s",
+ [, 12, 10), 42, Decimal(42)],
+ prepare=True,
+ )
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ want = [stmt.parameter_types for stmt in stmts]
+ assert want == [["date", "smallint", "numeric"]]
+def test_evict_lru(conn):
+ conn.prepared_max = 5
+ for i in range(10):
+ conn.execute("select 'a'")
+ conn.execute(f"select {i}")
+ assert len(conn._prepared._names) == 1
+ assert conn._prepared._names[b"select 'a'", ()] == b"_pg3_0"
+ for i in [9, 8, 7, 6]:
+ assert conn._prepared._counts[f"select {i}".encode(), ()] == 1
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 1
+ assert stmts[0].statement == "select 'a'"
+def test_evict_lru_deallocate(conn):
+ conn.prepared_max = 5
+ conn.prepare_threshold = 0
+ for i in range(10):
+ conn.execute("select 'a'")
+ conn.execute(f"select {i}")
+ assert len(conn._prepared._names) == 5
+ for j in [9, 8, 7, 6, "'a'"]:
+ name = conn._prepared._names[f"select {j}".encode(), ()]
+ assert name.startswith(b"_pg3_")
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ stmts.sort(key=lambda rec: rec.prepare_time)
+ got = [stmt.statement for stmt in stmts]
+ assert got == [f"select {i}" for i in ["'a'", 6, 7, 8, 9]]
+def test_different_types(conn):
+ conn.prepare_threshold = 0
+ conn.execute("select %s", [None])
+ conn.execute("select %s", [, 1, 1)])
+ conn.execute("select %s", [42])
+ conn.execute("select %s", [41])
+ conn.execute("select %s", [, 1, 2)])
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ stmts.sort(key=lambda rec: rec.prepare_time)
+ got = [stmt.parameter_types for stmt in stmts]
+ assert got == [["text"], ["date"], ["smallint"]]
+def test_untyped_json(conn):
+ conn.prepare_threshold = 1
+ conn.execute("create table testjson(data jsonb)")
+ for i in range(2):
+ conn.execute("insert into testjson (data) values (%s)", ["{}"])
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ got = [stmt.parameter_types for stmt in stmts]
+ assert got == [["jsonb"]]
+def test_change_type_execute(conn):
+ conn.prepare_threshold = 0
+ for i in range(3):
+ conn.execute("CREATE TYPE prepenum AS ENUM ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')")
+ conn.execute("CREATE TABLE preptable(id integer, bar prepenum[])")
+ conn.cursor().execute(
+ "INSERT INTO preptable (bar) VALUES (%(enum_col)s::prepenum[])",
+ {"enum_col": ["foo"]},
+ )
+ conn.rollback()
+def test_change_type_executemany(conn):
+ for i in range(3):
+ conn.execute("CREATE TYPE prepenum AS ENUM ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')")
+ conn.execute("CREATE TABLE preptable(id integer, bar prepenum[])")
+ conn.cursor().executemany(
+ "INSERT INTO preptable (bar) VALUES (%(enum_col)s::prepenum[])",
+ [{"enum_col": ["foo"]}, {"enum_col": ["foo", "bar"]}],
+ )
+ conn.rollback()
+@pytest.mark.crdb("skip", reason="can't re-create a type")
+def test_change_type(conn):
+ conn.prepare_threshold = 0
+ conn.execute("CREATE TYPE prepenum AS ENUM ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')")
+ conn.execute("CREATE TABLE preptable(id integer, bar prepenum[])")
+ conn.cursor().execute(
+ "INSERT INTO preptable (bar) VALUES (%(enum_col)s::prepenum[])",
+ {"enum_col": ["foo"]},
+ )
+ conn.execute("DROP TABLE preptable")
+ conn.execute("DROP TYPE prepenum")
+ conn.execute("CREATE TYPE prepenum AS ENUM ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')")
+ conn.execute("CREATE TABLE preptable(id integer, bar prepenum[])")
+ conn.cursor().execute(
+ "INSERT INTO preptable (bar) VALUES (%(enum_col)s::prepenum[])",
+ {"enum_col": ["foo"]},
+ )
+ stmts = get_prepared_statements(conn)
+ assert len(stmts) == 3
+def test_change_type_savepoint(conn):
+ conn.prepare_threshold = 0
+ with conn.transaction():
+ for i in range(3):
+ with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
+ with conn.transaction():
+ conn.execute("CREATE TYPE prepenum AS ENUM ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')")
+ conn.execute("CREATE TABLE preptable(id integer, bar prepenum[])")
+ conn.cursor().execute(
+ "INSERT INTO preptable (bar) VALUES (%(enum_col)s::prepenum[])",
+ {"enum_col": ["foo"]},
+ )
+ raise ZeroDivisionError()
+def get_prepared_statements(conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor(row_factory=namedtuple_row)
+ cur.execute(
+ # CRDB has 'PREPARE name AS' in the statement.
+ r"""
+select name,
+ regexp_replace(statement, 'prepare _pg3_\d+ as ', '', 'i') as statement,
+ prepare_time,
+ parameter_types
+from pg_prepared_statements
+where name != ''
+ """,
+ prepare=False,
+ )
+ return cur.fetchall()