path: root/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a5d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import pytest
+import datetime as dt
+from typing import Any, Dict
+import psycopg
+from psycopg.conninfo import conninfo_to_dict
+from . import dbapi20
+from . import dbapi20_tpc
+def with_dsn(request, session_dsn):
+ request.cls.connect_args = (session_dsn,)
+class PsycopgTests(dbapi20.DatabaseAPI20Test):
+ driver = psycopg
+ # connect_args = () # set by the fixture
+ connect_kw_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ def test_nextset(self):
+ # tested elsewhere
+ pass
+ def test_setoutputsize(self):
+ # no-op
+ pass
+class PsycopgTPCTests(dbapi20_tpc.TwoPhaseCommitTests):
+ driver = psycopg
+ connect_args = () # set by the fixture
+ def connect(self):
+ return psycopg.connect(*self.connect_args)
+# Shut up warnings
+PsycopgTests.failUnless = PsycopgTests.assertTrue
+PsycopgTPCTests.assertEquals = PsycopgTPCTests.assertEqual
+ "typename, singleton",
+ [
+ ("bytea", "BINARY"),
+ ("date", "DATETIME"),
+ ("timestamp without time zone", "DATETIME"),
+ ("timestamp with time zone", "DATETIME"),
+ ("time without time zone", "DATETIME"),
+ ("time with time zone", "DATETIME"),
+ ("interval", "DATETIME"),
+ ("integer", "NUMBER"),
+ ("smallint", "NUMBER"),
+ ("bigint", "NUMBER"),
+ ("real", "NUMBER"),
+ ("double precision", "NUMBER"),
+ ("numeric", "NUMBER"),
+ ("decimal", "NUMBER"),
+ ("oid", "ROWID"),
+ ("varchar", "STRING"),
+ ("char", "STRING"),
+ ("text", "STRING"),
+ ],
+def test_singletons(conn, typename, singleton):
+ singleton = getattr(psycopg, singleton)
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(f"select null::{typename}")
+ oid = cur.description[0].type_code
+ assert singleton == oid
+ assert oid == singleton
+ assert singleton != oid + 10000
+ assert oid + 10000 != singleton
+ "ticks, want",
+ [
+ (0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+0000"),
+ (1273173119.99992, "2010-05-06T14:11:59.999920-0500"),
+ ],
+def test_timestamp_from_ticks(ticks, want):
+ s = psycopg.TimestampFromTicks(ticks)
+ want = dt.datetime.strptime(want, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
+ assert s == want
+ "ticks, want",
+ [
+ (0, "1970-01-01"),
+ # Returned date is local
+ (1273173119.99992, ["2010-05-06", "2010-05-07"]),
+ ],
+def test_date_from_ticks(ticks, want):
+ s = psycopg.DateFromTicks(ticks)
+ if isinstance(want, str):
+ want = [want]
+ want = [dt.datetime.strptime(w, "%Y-%m-%d").date() for w in want]
+ assert s in want
+ "ticks, want",
+ [(0, "00:00:00.000000"), (1273173119.99992, "00:11:59.999920")],
+def test_time_from_ticks(ticks, want):
+ s = psycopg.TimeFromTicks(ticks)
+ want = dt.datetime.strptime(want, "%H:%M:%S.%f").time()
+ assert s.replace(hour=0) == want
+ "args, kwargs, want",
+ [
+ ((), {}, ""),
+ (("",), {}, ""),
+ (("host=foo user=bar",), {}, "host=foo user=bar"),
+ (("host=foo",), {"user": "baz"}, "host=foo user=baz"),
+ (
+ ("host=foo port=5432",),
+ {"host": "qux", "user": "joe"},
+ "host=qux user=joe port=5432",
+ ),
+ (("host=foo",), {"user": None}, "host=foo"),
+ ],
+def test_connect_args(monkeypatch, pgconn, args, kwargs, want):
+ the_conninfo: str
+ def fake_connect(conninfo):
+ nonlocal the_conninfo
+ the_conninfo = conninfo
+ return pgconn
+ yield
+ monkeypatch.setattr(psycopg.connection, "connect", fake_connect)
+ conn = psycopg.connect(*args, **kwargs)
+ assert conninfo_to_dict(the_conninfo) == conninfo_to_dict(want)
+ conn.close()
+ "args, kwargs, exctype",
+ [
+ (("host=foo", "host=bar"), {}, TypeError),
+ (("", ""), {}, TypeError),
+ ((), {"nosuchparam": 42}, psycopg.ProgrammingError),
+ ],
+def test_connect_badargs(monkeypatch, pgconn, args, kwargs, exctype):
+ def fake_connect(conninfo):
+ return pgconn
+ yield
+ with pytest.raises(exctype):
+ psycopg.connect(*args, **kwargs)