path: root/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 604 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
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--- /dev/null
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+# - tests for the psycopg2.sql module
+# Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team
+import re
+import datetime as dt
+import pytest
+from psycopg import pq, sql, ProgrammingError
+from psycopg.adapt import PyFormat
+from psycopg._encodings import py2pgenc
+from psycopg.types import TypeInfo
+from psycopg.types.string import StrDumper
+from .utils import eur
+from .fix_crdb import crdb_encoding, crdb_scs_off
+ "obj, quoted",
+ [
+ ("foo\\bar", " E'foo\\\\bar'"),
+ ("hello", "'hello'"),
+ (42, "42"),
+ (True, "true"),
+ (None, "NULL"),
+ ],
+def test_quote(obj, quoted):
+ assert sql.quote(obj) == quoted
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("scs", ["on", crdb_scs_off("off")])
+def test_quote_roundtrip(conn, scs):
+ messages = []
+ conn.add_notice_handler(lambda msg: messages.append(msg.message_primary))
+ conn.execute(f"set standard_conforming_strings to {scs}")
+ for i in range(1, 256):
+ want = chr(i)
+ quoted = sql.quote(want)
+ got = conn.execute(f"select {quoted}::text").fetchone()[0]
+ assert want == got
+ # No "nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal" warning
+ assert not messages, f"error with {want!r}"
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("dummy", [crdb_scs_off("off")])
+def test_quote_stable_despite_deranged_libpq(conn, dummy):
+ # Verify the libpq behaviour of PQescapeString using the last setting seen.
+ # Check that we are not affected by it.
+ good_str = " E'\\\\'"
+ good_bytes = " E'\\\\000'::bytea"
+ conn.execute("set standard_conforming_strings to on")
+ assert pq.Escaping().escape_string(b"\\") == b"\\"
+ assert sql.quote("\\") == good_str
+ assert pq.Escaping().escape_bytea(b"\x00") == b"\\000"
+ assert sql.quote(b"\x00") == good_bytes
+ conn.execute("set standard_conforming_strings to off")
+ assert pq.Escaping().escape_string(b"\\") == b"\\\\"
+ assert sql.quote("\\") == good_str
+ assert pq.Escaping().escape_bytea(b"\x00") == b"\\\\000"
+ assert sql.quote(b"\x00") == good_bytes
+ # Verify that the good values are actually good
+ messages = []
+ conn.add_notice_handler(lambda msg: messages.append(msg.message_primary))
+ conn.execute("set escape_string_warning to on")
+ for scs in ("on", "off"):
+ conn.execute(f"set standard_conforming_strings to {scs}")
+ cur = conn.execute(f"select {good_str}, {good_bytes}::bytea")
+ assert cur.fetchone() == ("\\", b"\x00")
+ # No "nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal" warning
+ assert not messages
+class TestSqlFormat:
+ def test_pos(self, conn):
+ s = sql.SQL("select {} from {}").format(
+ sql.Identifier("field"), sql.Identifier("table")
+ )
+ s1 = s.as_string(conn)
+ assert isinstance(s1, str)
+ assert s1 == 'select "field" from "table"'
+ def test_pos_spec(self, conn):
+ s = sql.SQL("select {0} from {1}").format(
+ sql.Identifier("field"), sql.Identifier("table")
+ )
+ s1 = s.as_string(conn)
+ assert isinstance(s1, str)
+ assert s1 == 'select "field" from "table"'
+ s = sql.SQL("select {1} from {0}").format(
+ sql.Identifier("table"), sql.Identifier("field")
+ )
+ s1 = s.as_string(conn)
+ assert isinstance(s1, str)
+ assert s1 == 'select "field" from "table"'
+ def test_dict(self, conn):
+ s = sql.SQL("select {f} from {t}").format(
+ f=sql.Identifier("field"), t=sql.Identifier("table")
+ )
+ s1 = s.as_string(conn)
+ assert isinstance(s1, str)
+ assert s1 == 'select "field" from "table"'
+ def test_compose_literal(self, conn):
+ s = sql.SQL("select {0};").format(sql.Literal(, 12, 31)))
+ s1 = s.as_string(conn)
+ assert s1 == "select '2016-12-31'::date;"
+ def test_compose_empty(self, conn):
+ s = sql.SQL("select foo;").format()
+ s1 = s.as_string(conn)
+ assert s1 == "select foo;"
+ def test_percent_escape(self, conn):
+ s = sql.SQL("42 % {0}").format(sql.Literal(7))
+ s1 = s.as_string(conn)
+ assert s1 == "42 % 7"
+ def test_braces_escape(self, conn):
+ s = sql.SQL("{{{0}}}").format(sql.Literal(7))
+ assert s.as_string(conn) == "{7}"
+ s = sql.SQL("{{1,{0}}}").format(sql.Literal(7))
+ assert s.as_string(conn) == "{1,7}"
+ def test_compose_badnargs(self):
+ with pytest.raises(IndexError):
+ sql.SQL("select {0};").format()
+ def test_compose_badnargs_auto(self):
+ with pytest.raises(IndexError):
+ sql.SQL("select {};").format()
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ sql.SQL("select {} {1};").format(10, 20)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ sql.SQL("select {0} {};").format(10, 20)
+ def test_compose_bad_args_type(self):
+ with pytest.raises(IndexError):
+ sql.SQL("select {0};").format(a=10)
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+ sql.SQL("select {x};").format(10)
+ def test_no_modifiers(self):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ sql.SQL("select {a!r};").format(a=10)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ sql.SQL("select {a:<};").format(a=10)
+ def test_must_be_adaptable(self, conn):
+ class Foo:
+ pass
+ s = sql.SQL("select {0};").format(sql.Literal(Foo()))
+ with pytest.raises(ProgrammingError):
+ s.as_string(conn)
+ def test_auto_literal(self, conn):
+ s = sql.SQL("select {}, {}, {}").format("he'lo", 10,, 1, 1))
+ assert s.as_string(conn) == "select 'he''lo', 10, '2020-01-01'::date"
+ def test_execute(self, conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(
+ """
+ create table test_compose (
+ id serial primary key,
+ foo text, bar text, "ba'z" text)
+ """
+ )
+ cur.execute(
+ sql.SQL("insert into {0} (id, {1}) values (%s, {2})").format(
+ sql.Identifier("test_compose"),
+ sql.SQL(", ").join(map(sql.Identifier, ["foo", "bar", "ba'z"])),
+ (sql.Placeholder() * 3).join(", "),
+ ),
+ (10, "a", "b", "c"),
+ )
+ cur.execute("select * from test_compose")
+ assert cur.fetchall() == [(10, "a", "b", "c")]
+ def test_executemany(self, conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(
+ """
+ create table test_compose (
+ id serial primary key,
+ foo text, bar text, "ba'z" text)
+ """
+ )
+ cur.executemany(
+ sql.SQL("insert into {0} (id, {1}) values (%s, {2})").format(
+ sql.Identifier("test_compose"),
+ sql.SQL(", ").join(map(sql.Identifier, ["foo", "bar", "ba'z"])),
+ (sql.Placeholder() * 3).join(", "),
+ ),
+ [(10, "a", "b", "c"), (20, "d", "e", "f")],
+ )
+ cur.execute("select * from test_compose")
+ assert cur.fetchall() == [(10, "a", "b", "c"), (20, "d", "e", "f")]
+ @pytest.mark.crdb_skip("copy")
+ def test_copy(self, conn):
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(
+ """
+ create table test_compose (
+ id serial primary key,
+ foo text, bar text, "ba'z" text)
+ """
+ )
+ with cur.copy(
+ sql.SQL("copy {t} (id, foo, bar, {f}) from stdin").format(
+ t=sql.Identifier("test_compose"), f=sql.Identifier("ba'z")
+ ),
+ ) as copy:
+ copy.write_row((10, "a", "b", "c"))
+ copy.write_row((20, "d", "e", "f"))
+ with cur.copy(
+ sql.SQL("copy (select {f} from {t} order by id) to stdout").format(
+ t=sql.Identifier("test_compose"), f=sql.Identifier("ba'z")
+ )
+ ) as copy:
+ assert list(copy) == [b"c\n", b"f\n"]
+class TestIdentifier:
+ def test_class(self):
+ assert issubclass(sql.Identifier, sql.Composable)
+ def test_init(self):
+ assert isinstance(sql.Identifier("foo"), sql.Identifier)
+ assert isinstance(sql.Identifier("foo"), sql.Identifier)
+ assert isinstance(sql.Identifier("foo", "bar", "baz"), sql.Identifier)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ sql.Identifier()
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ sql.Identifier(10) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ sql.Identifier(, 12, 31)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ def test_repr(self):
+ obj = sql.Identifier("fo'o")
+ assert repr(obj) == 'Identifier("fo\'o")'
+ assert repr(obj) == str(obj)
+ obj = sql.Identifier("fo'o", 'ba"r')
+ assert repr(obj) == "Identifier(\"fo'o\", 'ba\"r')"
+ assert repr(obj) == str(obj)
+ def test_eq(self):
+ assert sql.Identifier("foo") == sql.Identifier("foo")
+ assert sql.Identifier("foo", "bar") == sql.Identifier("foo", "bar")
+ assert sql.Identifier("foo") != sql.Identifier("bar")
+ assert sql.Identifier("foo") != "foo"
+ assert sql.Identifier("foo") != sql.SQL("foo")
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "args, want",
+ [
+ (("foo",), '"foo"'),
+ (("foo", "bar"), '"foo"."bar"'),
+ (("fo'o", 'ba"r'), '"fo\'o"."ba""r"'),
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_as_string(self, conn, args, want):
+ assert sql.Identifier(*args).as_string(conn) == want
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "args, want, enc",
+ [
+ crdb_encoding(("foo",), '"foo"', "ascii"),
+ crdb_encoding(("foo", "bar"), '"foo"."bar"', "ascii"),
+ crdb_encoding(("fo'o", 'ba"r'), '"fo\'o"."ba""r"', "ascii"),
+ (("foo", eur), f'"foo"."{eur}"', "utf8"),
+ crdb_encoding(("foo", eur), f'"foo"."{eur}"', "latin9"),
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_as_bytes(self, conn, args, want, enc):
+ want = want.encode(enc)
+ conn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {py2pgenc(enc).decode()}")
+ assert sql.Identifier(*args).as_bytes(conn) == want
+ def test_join(self):
+ assert not hasattr(sql.Identifier("foo"), "join")
+class TestLiteral:
+ def test_class(self):
+ assert issubclass(sql.Literal, sql.Composable)
+ def test_init(self):
+ assert isinstance(sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Literal)
+ assert isinstance(sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Literal)
+ assert isinstance(sql.Literal(b"foo"), sql.Literal)
+ assert isinstance(sql.Literal(42), sql.Literal)
+ assert isinstance(sql.Literal(, 12, 31)), sql.Literal)
+ def test_repr(self):
+ assert repr(sql.Literal("foo")) == "Literal('foo')"
+ assert str(sql.Literal("foo")) == "Literal('foo')"
+ def test_as_string(self, conn):
+ assert sql.Literal(None).as_string(conn) == "NULL"
+ assert no_e(sql.Literal("foo").as_string(conn)) == "'foo'"
+ assert sql.Literal(42).as_string(conn) == "42"
+ assert sql.Literal(, 1, 1)).as_string(conn) == "'2017-01-01'::date"
+ def test_as_bytes(self, conn):
+ assert sql.Literal(None).as_bytes(conn) == b"NULL"
+ assert no_e(sql.Literal("foo").as_bytes(conn)) == b"'foo'"
+ assert sql.Literal(42).as_bytes(conn) == b"42"
+ assert sql.Literal(, 1, 1)).as_bytes(conn) == b"'2017-01-01'::date"
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", ["utf8", crdb_encoding("latin9")])
+ def test_as_bytes_encoding(self, conn, encoding):
+ conn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {encoding}")
+ assert sql.Literal(eur).as_bytes(conn) == f"'{eur}'".encode(encoding)
+ def test_eq(self):
+ assert sql.Literal("foo") == sql.Literal("foo")
+ assert sql.Literal("foo") != sql.Literal("bar")
+ assert sql.Literal("foo") != "foo"
+ assert sql.Literal("foo") != sql.SQL("foo")
+ def test_must_be_adaptable(self, conn):
+ class Foo:
+ pass
+ with pytest.raises(ProgrammingError):
+ sql.Literal(Foo()).as_string(conn)
+ def test_array(self, conn):
+ assert (
+ sql.Literal([, 1, 1)]).as_string(conn)
+ == "'{2000-01-01}'::date[]"
+ )
+ def test_short_name_builtin(self, conn):
+ assert sql.Literal(dt.time(0, 0)).as_string(conn) == "'00:00:00'::time"
+ assert (
+ sql.Literal(dt.datetime(2000, 1, 1)).as_string(conn)
+ == "'2000-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp"
+ )
+ assert (
+ sql.Literal([dt.datetime(2000, 1, 1)]).as_string(conn)
+ == "'{\"2000-01-01 00:00:00\"}'::timestamp[]"
+ )
+ def test_text_literal(self, conn):
+ conn.adapters.register_dumper(str, StrDumper)
+ assert sql.Literal("foo").as_string(conn) == "'foo'"
+ @pytest.mark.crdb_skip("composite") # create type, actually
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ["a-b", f"{eur}", "order", "foo bar"])
+ def test_invalid_name(self, conn, name):
+ conn.execute(
+ f"""
+ set client_encoding to utf8;
+ create type "{name}";
+ create function invin(cstring) returns "{name}"
+ language internal immutable strict as 'textin';
+ create function invout("{name}") returns cstring
+ language internal immutable strict as 'textout';
+ create type "{name}" (input=invin, output=invout, like=text);
+ """
+ )
+ info = TypeInfo.fetch(conn, f'"{name}"')
+ class InvDumper(StrDumper):
+ oid = info.oid
+ def dump(self, obj):
+ rv = super().dump(obj)
+ return b"%s-inv" % rv
+ info.register(conn)
+ conn.adapters.register_dumper(str, InvDumper)
+ assert sql.Literal("hello").as_string(conn) == f"'hello-inv'::\"{name}\""
+ cur = conn.execute(sql.SQL("select {}").format("hello"))
+ assert cur.fetchone()[0] == "hello-inv"
+ assert (
+ sql.Literal(["hello"]).as_string(conn) == f"'{{hello-inv}}'::\"{name}\"[]"
+ )
+ cur = conn.execute(sql.SQL("select {}").format(["hello"]))
+ assert cur.fetchone()[0] == ["hello-inv"]
+class TestSQL:
+ def test_class(self):
+ assert issubclass(sql.SQL, sql.Composable)
+ def test_init(self):
+ assert isinstance(sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL)
+ assert isinstance(sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ sql.SQL(10) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ sql.SQL(, 12, 31)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ def test_repr(self, conn):
+ assert repr(sql.SQL("foo")) == "SQL('foo')"
+ assert str(sql.SQL("foo")) == "SQL('foo')"
+ assert sql.SQL("foo").as_string(conn) == "foo"
+ def test_eq(self):
+ assert sql.SQL("foo") == sql.SQL("foo")
+ assert sql.SQL("foo") != sql.SQL("bar")
+ assert sql.SQL("foo") != "foo"
+ assert sql.SQL("foo") != sql.Literal("foo")
+ def test_sum(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.SQL("foo") + sql.SQL("bar")
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert obj.as_string(conn) == "foobar"
+ def test_sum_inplace(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.SQL("f") + sql.SQL("oo")
+ obj += sql.SQL("bar")
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert obj.as_string(conn) == "foobar"
+ def test_multiply(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.SQL("foo") * 3
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert obj.as_string(conn) == "foofoofoo"
+ def test_join(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.SQL(", ").join(
+ [sql.Identifier("foo"), sql.SQL("bar"), sql.Literal(42)]
+ )
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert obj.as_string(conn) == '"foo", bar, 42'
+ obj = sql.SQL(", ").join(
+ sql.Composed([sql.Identifier("foo"), sql.SQL("bar"), sql.Literal(42)])
+ )
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert obj.as_string(conn) == '"foo", bar, 42'
+ obj = sql.SQL(", ").join([])
+ assert obj == sql.Composed([])
+ def test_as_string(self, conn):
+ assert sql.SQL("foo").as_string(conn) == "foo"
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", ["utf8", crdb_encoding("latin9")])
+ def test_as_bytes(self, conn, encoding):
+ if encoding:
+ conn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {encoding}")
+ assert sql.SQL(eur).as_bytes(conn) == eur.encode(encoding)
+class TestComposed:
+ def test_class(self):
+ assert issubclass(sql.Composed, sql.Composable)
+ def test_repr(self):
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Identifier("b'ar")])
+ assert repr(obj) == """Composed([Literal('foo'), Identifier("b'ar")])"""
+ assert str(obj) == repr(obj)
+ def test_eq(self):
+ L = [sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Identifier("b'ar")]
+ l2 = [sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Literal("b'ar")]
+ assert sql.Composed(L) == sql.Composed(list(L))
+ assert sql.Composed(L) != L
+ assert sql.Composed(L) != sql.Composed(l2)
+ def test_join(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Identifier("b'ar")])
+ obj = obj.join(", ")
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert no_e(obj.as_string(conn)) == "'foo', \"b'ar\""
+ def test_auto_literal(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.Composed(["fo'o",, 1, 1)])
+ obj = obj.join(", ")
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert no_e(obj.as_string(conn)) == "'fo''o', '2020-01-01'::date"
+ def test_sum(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo ")])
+ obj = obj + sql.Literal("bar")
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert no_e(obj.as_string(conn)) == "foo 'bar'"
+ def test_sum_inplace(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo ")])
+ obj += sql.Literal("bar")
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert no_e(obj.as_string(conn)) == "foo 'bar'"
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo ")])
+ obj += sql.Composed([sql.Literal("bar")])
+ assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed)
+ assert no_e(obj.as_string(conn)) == "foo 'bar'"
+ def test_iter(self):
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL("bar")])
+ it = iter(obj)
+ i = next(it)
+ assert i == sql.SQL("foo")
+ i = next(it)
+ assert i == sql.SQL("bar")
+ with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
+ next(it)
+ def test_as_string(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL("bar")])
+ assert obj.as_string(conn) == "foobar"
+ def test_as_bytes(self, conn):
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL("bar")])
+ assert obj.as_bytes(conn) == b"foobar"
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", ["utf8", crdb_encoding("latin9")])
+ def test_as_bytes_encoding(self, conn, encoding):
+ obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL(eur)])
+ conn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {encoding}")
+ assert obj.as_bytes(conn) == ("foo" + eur).encode(encoding)
+class TestPlaceholder:
+ def test_class(self):
+ assert issubclass(sql.Placeholder, sql.Composable)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("format", PyFormat)
+ def test_repr_format(self, conn, format):
+ ph = sql.Placeholder(format=format)
+ add = f"format={}" if format != PyFormat.AUTO else ""
+ assert str(ph) == repr(ph) == f"Placeholder({add})"
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("format", PyFormat)
+ def test_repr_name_format(self, conn, format):
+ ph = sql.Placeholder("foo", format=format)
+ add = f", format={}" if format != PyFormat.AUTO else ""
+ assert str(ph) == repr(ph) == f"Placeholder('foo'{add})"
+ def test_bad_name(self):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ sql.Placeholder(")")
+ def test_eq(self):
+ assert sql.Placeholder("foo") == sql.Placeholder("foo")
+ assert sql.Placeholder("foo") != sql.Placeholder("bar")
+ assert sql.Placeholder("foo") != "foo"
+ assert sql.Placeholder() == sql.Placeholder()
+ assert sql.Placeholder("foo") != sql.Placeholder()
+ assert sql.Placeholder("foo") != sql.Literal("foo")
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("format", PyFormat)
+ def test_as_string(self, conn, format):
+ ph = sql.Placeholder(format=format)
+ assert ph.as_string(conn) == f"%{format.value}"
+ ph = sql.Placeholder(name="foo", format=format)
+ assert ph.as_string(conn) == f"%(foo){format.value}"
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("format", PyFormat)
+ def test_as_bytes(self, conn, format):
+ ph = sql.Placeholder(format=format)
+ assert ph.as_bytes(conn) == f"%{format.value}".encode("ascii")
+ ph = sql.Placeholder(name="foo", format=format)
+ assert ph.as_bytes(conn) == f"%(foo){format.value}".encode("ascii")
+class TestValues:
+ def test_null(self, conn):
+ assert isinstance(sql.NULL, sql.SQL)
+ assert sql.NULL.as_string(conn) == "NULL"
+ def test_default(self, conn):
+ assert isinstance(sql.DEFAULT, sql.SQL)
+ assert sql.DEFAULT.as_string(conn) == "DEFAULT"
+def no_e(s):
+ """Drop an eventual E from E'' quotes"""
+ if isinstance(s, memoryview):
+ s = bytes(s)
+ if isinstance(s, str):
+ return re.sub(r"\bE'", "'", s)
+ elif isinstance(s, bytes):
+ return re.sub(rb"\bE'", b"'", s)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f"not dealing with {type(s).__name__}: {s}")