import pytest import weakref import datetime as dt from typing import List import psycopg from psycopg import sql, rows from psycopg.adapt import PyFormat from .utils import alist, gc_collect, gc_count from .test_cursor import my_row_factory from .test_cursor import execmany, _execmany # noqa: F401 from .fix_crdb import crdb_encoding execmany = execmany # avoid F811 underneath pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.fixture async def aconn(aconn): aconn.cursor_factory = psycopg.AsyncClientCursor return aconn async def test_init(aconn): cur = psycopg.AsyncClientCursor(aconn) await cur.execute("select 1") assert (await cur.fetchone()) == (1,) aconn.row_factory = rows.dict_row cur = psycopg.AsyncClientCursor(aconn) await cur.execute("select 1 as a") assert (await cur.fetchone()) == {"a": 1} async def test_init_factory(aconn): cur = psycopg.AsyncClientCursor(aconn, row_factory=rows.dict_row) await cur.execute("select 1 as a") assert (await cur.fetchone()) == {"a": 1} async def test_from_cursor_factory(aconn_cls, dsn): async with await aconn_cls.connect( dsn, cursor_factory=psycopg.AsyncClientCursor ) as aconn: cur = aconn.cursor() assert type(cur) is psycopg.AsyncClientCursor await cur.execute("select %s", (1,)) assert await cur.fetchone() == (1,) assert cur._query assert cur._query.query == b"select 1" async def test_close(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert not cur.closed await cur.close() assert cur.closed with pytest.raises(psycopg.InterfaceError): await cur.execute("select 'foo'") await cur.close() assert cur.closed async def test_cursor_close_fetchone(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert not cur.closed query = "select * from generate_series(1, 10)" await cur.execute(query) for _ in range(5): await cur.fetchone() await cur.close() assert cur.closed with pytest.raises(psycopg.InterfaceError): await cur.fetchone() async def test_cursor_close_fetchmany(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert not cur.closed query = "select * from generate_series(1, 10)" await cur.execute(query) assert len(await cur.fetchmany(2)) == 2 await cur.close() assert cur.closed with pytest.raises(psycopg.InterfaceError): await cur.fetchmany(2) async def test_cursor_close_fetchall(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert not cur.closed query = "select * from generate_series(1, 10)" await cur.execute(query) assert len(await cur.fetchall()) == 10 await cur.close() assert cur.closed with pytest.raises(psycopg.InterfaceError): await cur.fetchall() async def test_context(aconn): async with aconn.cursor() as cur: assert not cur.closed assert cur.closed @pytest.mark.slow async def test_weakref(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() w = weakref.ref(cur) await cur.close() del cur gc_collect() assert w() is None async def test_pgresult(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("select 1") assert cur.pgresult await cur.close() assert not cur.pgresult async def test_statusmessage(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert cur.statusmessage is None await cur.execute("select generate_series(1, 10)") assert cur.statusmessage == "SELECT 10" await cur.execute("create table statusmessage ()") assert cur.statusmessage == "CREATE TABLE" with pytest.raises(psycopg.ProgrammingError): await cur.execute("wat") assert cur.statusmessage is None async def test_execute_sql(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute(sql.SQL("select {value}").format(value="hello")) assert await cur.fetchone() == ("hello",) async def test_execute_many_results(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert cur.nextset() is None rv = await cur.execute("select %s; select generate_series(1,%s)", ("foo", 3)) assert rv is cur assert (await cur.fetchall()) == [("foo",)] assert cur.rowcount == 1 assert cur.nextset() assert (await cur.fetchall()) == [(1,), (2,), (3,)] assert cur.rowcount == 3 assert cur.nextset() is None await cur.close() assert cur.nextset() is None async def test_execute_sequence(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() rv = await cur.execute("select %s::int, %s::text, %s::text", [1, "foo", None]) assert rv is cur assert len(cur._results) == 1 assert cur.pgresult.get_value(0, 0) == b"1" assert cur.pgresult.get_value(0, 1) == b"foo" assert cur.pgresult.get_value(0, 2) is None assert cur.nextset() is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("query", ["", " ", ";"]) async def test_execute_empty_query(aconn, query): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute(query) assert cur.pgresult.status == cur.ExecStatus.EMPTY_QUERY with pytest.raises(psycopg.ProgrammingError): await cur.fetchone() async def test_execute_type_change(aconn): # issue #112 await aconn.execute("create table bug_112 (num integer)") sql = "insert into bug_112 (num) values (%s)" cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute(sql, (1,)) await cur.execute(sql, (100_000,)) await cur.execute("select num from bug_112 order by num") assert (await cur.fetchall()) == [(1,), (100_000,)] async def test_executemany_type_change(aconn): await aconn.execute("create table bug_112 (num integer)") sql = "insert into bug_112 (num) values (%s)" cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany(sql, [(1,), (100_000,)]) await cur.execute("select num from bug_112 order by num") assert (await cur.fetchall()) == [(1,), (100_000,)] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "query", ["copy testcopy from stdin", "copy testcopy to stdout"] ) async def test_execute_copy(aconn, query): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("create table testcopy (id int)") with pytest.raises(psycopg.ProgrammingError): await cur.execute(query) async def test_fetchone(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("select %s::int, %s::text, %s::text", [1, "foo", None]) assert cur.pgresult.fformat(0) == 0 row = await cur.fetchone() assert row == (1, "foo", None) row = await cur.fetchone() assert row is None async def test_binary_cursor_execute(aconn): with pytest.raises(psycopg.NotSupportedError): cur = aconn.cursor(binary=True) await cur.execute("select %s, %s", [1, None]) async def test_execute_binary(aconn): with pytest.raises(psycopg.NotSupportedError): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("select %s, %s", [1, None], binary=True) async def test_binary_cursor_text_override(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor(binary=True) await cur.execute("select %s, %s", [1, None], binary=False) assert (await cur.fetchone()) == (1, None) assert cur.pgresult.fformat(0) == 0 assert cur.pgresult.get_value(0, 0) == b"1" @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", ["utf8", crdb_encoding("latin9")]) async def test_query_encode(aconn, encoding): await aconn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {encoding}") cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("select '\u20ac'") (res,) = await cur.fetchone() assert res == "\u20ac" @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", [crdb_encoding("latin1")]) async def test_query_badenc(aconn, encoding): await aconn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {encoding}") cur = aconn.cursor() with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): await cur.execute("select '\u20ac'") async def test_executemany(aconn, execmany): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany( "insert into execmany(num, data) values (%s, %s)", [(10, "hello"), (20, "world")], ) await cur.execute("select num, data from execmany order by 1") rv = await cur.fetchall() assert rv == [(10, "hello"), (20, "world")] async def test_executemany_name(aconn, execmany): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany( "insert into execmany(num, data) values (%(num)s, %(data)s)", [{"num": 11, "data": "hello", "x": 1}, {"num": 21, "data": "world"}], ) await cur.execute("select num, data from execmany order by 1") rv = await cur.fetchall() assert rv == [(11, "hello"), (21, "world")] async def test_executemany_no_data(aconn, execmany): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany("insert into execmany(num, data) values (%s, %s)", []) assert cur.rowcount == 0 async def test_executemany_rowcount(aconn, execmany): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany( "insert into execmany(num, data) values (%s, %s)", [(10, "hello"), (20, "world")], ) assert cur.rowcount == 2 async def test_executemany_returning(aconn, execmany): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany( "insert into execmany(num, data) values (%s, %s) returning num", [(10, "hello"), (20, "world")], returning=True, ) assert cur.rowcount == 2 assert (await cur.fetchone()) == (10,) assert cur.nextset() assert (await cur.fetchone()) == (20,) assert cur.nextset() is None async def test_executemany_returning_discard(aconn, execmany): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany( "insert into execmany(num, data) values (%s, %s) returning num", [(10, "hello"), (20, "world")], ) assert cur.rowcount == 2 with pytest.raises(psycopg.ProgrammingError): await cur.fetchone() assert cur.nextset() is None async def test_executemany_no_result(aconn, execmany): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany( "insert into execmany(num, data) values (%s, %s)", [(10, "hello"), (20, "world")], returning=True, ) assert cur.rowcount == 2 assert cur.statusmessage.startswith("INSERT") with pytest.raises(psycopg.ProgrammingError): await cur.fetchone() pgresult = cur.pgresult assert cur.nextset() assert cur.statusmessage.startswith("INSERT") assert pgresult is not cur.pgresult assert cur.nextset() is None async def test_executemany_rowcount_no_hit(aconn, execmany): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany("delete from execmany where id = %s", [(-1,), (-2,)]) assert cur.rowcount == 0 await cur.executemany("delete from execmany where id = %s", []) assert cur.rowcount == 0 await cur.executemany( "delete from execmany where id = %s returning num", [(-1,), (-2,)] ) assert cur.rowcount == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "query", [ "insert into nosuchtable values (%s, %s)", # This fails because we end up trying to copy in pipeline mode. # However, sometimes (and pretty regularly if we enable pgconn.trace()) # something goes in a loop and only terminates by OOM. Strace shows # an allocation loop. I think it's in the libpq. # "copy (select %s, %s) to stdout", "wat (%s, %s)", ], ) async def test_executemany_badquery(aconn, query): cur = aconn.cursor() with pytest.raises(psycopg.DatabaseError): await cur.executemany(query, [(10, "hello"), (20, "world")]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("fmt_in", PyFormat) async def test_executemany_null_first(aconn, fmt_in): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("create table testmany (a bigint, b bigint)") await cur.executemany( f"insert into testmany values (%{fmt_in.value}, %{fmt_in.value})", [[1, None], [3, 4]], ) with pytest.raises((psycopg.DataError, psycopg.ProgrammingError)): await cur.executemany( f"insert into testmany values (%{fmt_in.value}, %{fmt_in.value})", [[1, ""], [3, 4]], ) async def test_rowcount(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("select 1 from generate_series(1, 0)") assert cur.rowcount == 0 await cur.execute("select 1 from generate_series(1, 42)") assert cur.rowcount == 42 await cur.execute("create table test_rowcount_notuples (id int primary key)") assert cur.rowcount == -1 await cur.execute( "insert into test_rowcount_notuples select generate_series(1, 42)" ) assert cur.rowcount == 42 async def test_rownumber(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert cur.rownumber is None await cur.execute("select 1 from generate_series(1, 42)") assert cur.rownumber == 0 await cur.fetchone() assert cur.rownumber == 1 await cur.fetchone() assert cur.rownumber == 2 await cur.fetchmany(10) assert cur.rownumber == 12 rns: List[int] = [] async for i in cur: assert cur.rownumber rns.append(cur.rownumber) if len(rns) >= 3: break assert rns == [13, 14, 15] assert len(await cur.fetchall()) == 42 - rns[-1] assert cur.rownumber == 42 async def test_iter(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("select generate_series(1, 3)") res = [] async for rec in cur: res.append(rec) assert res == [(1,), (2,), (3,)] async def test_iter_stop(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute("select generate_series(1, 3)") async for rec in cur: assert rec == (1,) break async for rec in cur: assert rec == (2,) break assert (await cur.fetchone()) == (3,) async for rec in cur: assert False async def test_row_factory(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor(row_factory=my_row_factory) await cur.execute("select 'foo' as bar") (r,) = await cur.fetchone() assert r == "FOObar" await cur.execute("select 'x' as x; select 'y' as y, 'z' as z") assert await cur.fetchall() == [["Xx"]] assert cur.nextset() assert await cur.fetchall() == [["Yy", "Zz"]] await cur.scroll(-1) cur.row_factory = rows.dict_row assert await cur.fetchone() == {"y": "y", "z": "z"} async def test_row_factory_none(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor(row_factory=None) assert cur.row_factory is rows.tuple_row await cur.execute("select 1 as a, 2 as b") r = await cur.fetchone() assert type(r) is tuple assert r == (1, 2) async def test_bad_row_factory(aconn): def broken_factory(cur): 1 / 0 cur = aconn.cursor(row_factory=broken_factory) with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): await cur.execute("select 1") def broken_maker(cur): def make_row(seq): 1 / 0 return make_row cur = aconn.cursor(row_factory=broken_maker) await cur.execute("select 1") with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): await cur.fetchone() async def test_scroll(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() with pytest.raises(psycopg.ProgrammingError): await cur.scroll(0) await cur.execute("select generate_series(0,9)") await cur.scroll(2) assert await cur.fetchone() == (2,) await cur.scroll(2) assert await cur.fetchone() == (5,) await cur.scroll(2, mode="relative") assert await cur.fetchone() == (8,) await cur.scroll(-1) assert await cur.fetchone() == (8,) await cur.scroll(-2) assert await cur.fetchone() == (7,) await cur.scroll(2, mode="absolute") assert await cur.fetchone() == (2,) # on the boundary await cur.scroll(0, mode="absolute") assert await cur.fetchone() == (0,) with pytest.raises(IndexError): await cur.scroll(-1, mode="absolute") await cur.scroll(0, mode="absolute") with pytest.raises(IndexError): await cur.scroll(-1) await cur.scroll(9, mode="absolute") assert await cur.fetchone() == (9,) with pytest.raises(IndexError): await cur.scroll(10, mode="absolute") await cur.scroll(9, mode="absolute") with pytest.raises(IndexError): await cur.scroll(1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await cur.scroll(1, "wat") async def test_query_params_execute(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert cur._query is None await cur.execute("select %t, %s::text", [1, None]) assert cur._query is not None assert cur._query.query == b"select 1, NULL::text" assert cur._query.params == (b"1", b"NULL") await cur.execute("select 1") assert cur._query.query == b"select 1" assert not cur._query.params with pytest.raises(psycopg.DataError): await cur.execute("select %t::int", ["wat"]) assert cur._query.query == b"select 'wat'::int" assert cur._query.params == (b"'wat'",) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "query, params, want", [ ("select %(x)s", {"x": 1}, (1,)), ("select %(x)s, %(y)s", {"x": 1, "y": 2}, (1, 2)), ("select %(x)s, %(x)s", {"x": 1}, (1, 1)), ], ) async def test_query_params_named(aconn, query, params, want): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.execute(query, params) rec = await cur.fetchone() assert rec == want async def test_query_params_executemany(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() await cur.executemany("select %t, %t", [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) assert cur._query.query == b"select 3, 4" assert cur._query.params == (b"3", b"4") @pytest.mark.crdb_skip("copy") @pytest.mark.parametrize("ph, params", [("%s", (10,)), ("%(n)s", {"n": 10})]) async def test_copy_out_param(aconn, ph, params): cur = aconn.cursor() async with cur.copy( f"copy (select * from generate_series(1, {ph})) to stdout", params ) as copy: copy.set_types(["int4"]) assert await alist(copy.rows()) == [(i + 1,) for i in range(10)] assert == aconn.TransactionStatus.INTRANS async def test_stream(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() recs = [] async for rec in "select i, '2021-01-01'::date + i from generate_series(1, %s) as i", [2], ): recs.append(rec) assert recs == [(1,, 1, 2)), (2,, 1, 3))] async def test_str(aconn): cur = aconn.cursor() assert "psycopg.AsyncClientCursor" in str(cur) assert "[IDLE]" in str(cur) assert "[closed]" not in str(cur) assert "[no result]" in str(cur) await cur.execute("select 1") assert "[INTRANS]" in str(cur) assert "[TUPLES_OK]" in str(cur) assert "[closed]" not in str(cur) assert "[no result]" not in str(cur) await cur.close() assert "[closed]" in str(cur) assert "[INTRANS]" in str(cur) @pytest.mark.slow @pytest.mark.parametrize("fetch", ["one", "many", "all", "iter"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("row_factory", ["tuple_row", "dict_row", "namedtuple_row"]) async def test_leak(aconn_cls, dsn, faker, fetch, row_factory): faker.choose_schema(ncols=5) faker.make_records(10) row_factory = getattr(rows, row_factory) async def work(): async with await aconn_cls.connect(dsn) as conn, conn.transaction( force_rollback=True ): async with psycopg.AsyncClientCursor(conn, row_factory=row_factory) as cur: await cur.execute(faker.drop_stmt) await cur.execute(faker.create_stmt) async with faker.find_insert_problem_async(conn): await cur.executemany(faker.insert_stmt, faker.records) await cur.execute(faker.select_stmt) if fetch == "one": while True: tmp = await cur.fetchone() if tmp is None: break elif fetch == "many": while True: tmp = await cur.fetchmany(3) if not tmp: break elif fetch == "all": await cur.fetchall() elif fetch == "iter": async for rec in cur: pass n = [] gc_collect() for i in range(3): await work() gc_collect() n.append(gc_count()) assert n[0] == n[1] == n[2], f"objects leaked: {n[1] - n[0]}, {n[2] - n[1]}" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "query, params, want", [ ("select 'hello'", (), "select 'hello'"), ("select %s, %s", ([1,, 1, 1)],), "select 1, '2020-01-01'::date"), ("select %(foo)s, %(foo)s", ({"foo": "x"},), "select 'x', 'x'"), ("select %%", (), "select %%"), ("select %%, %s", (["a"],), "select %, 'a'"), ("select %%, %(foo)s", ({"foo": "x"},), "select %, 'x'"), ("select %%s, %(foo)s", ({"foo": "x"},), "select %s, 'x'"), ], ) async def test_mogrify(aconn, query, params, want): cur = aconn.cursor() got = cur.mogrify(query, *params) assert got == want @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", ["utf8", crdb_encoding("latin9")]) async def test_mogrify_encoding(aconn, encoding): await aconn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {encoding}") q = aconn.cursor().mogrify("select %(s)s", {"s": "\u20ac"}) assert q == "select '\u20ac'" @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", [crdb_encoding("latin1")]) async def test_mogrify_badenc(aconn, encoding): await aconn.execute(f"set client_encoding to {encoding}") with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): aconn.cursor().mogrify("select %(s)s", {"s": "\u20ac"}) @pytest.mark.pipeline async def test_message_0x33(aconn): # notices = [] aconn.add_notice_handler(lambda diag: notices.append(diag.message_primary)) await aconn.set_autocommit(True) async with aconn.pipeline(): cur = await aconn.execute("select 'test'") assert (await cur.fetchone()) == ("test",) assert not notices