import sys import logging from threading import Thread, Event import pytest import psycopg from psycopg import Rollback from psycopg import errors as e # TODOCRDB: is this the expected behaviour? crdb_skip_external_observer = pytest.mark.crdb( "skip", reason="deadlock on observer connection" ) @pytest.fixture def conn(conn, pipeline): return conn @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def create_test_table(svcconn): """Creates a table called 'test_table' for use in tests.""" cur = svcconn.cursor() cur.execute("drop table if exists test_table") cur.execute("create table test_table (id text primary key)") yield cur.execute("drop table test_table") def insert_row(conn, value): sql = "INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (%s)" if isinstance(conn, psycopg.Connection): conn.cursor().execute(sql, (value,)) else: async def f(): cur = conn.cursor() await cur.execute(sql, (value,)) return f() def inserted(conn): """Return the values inserted in the test table.""" sql = "SELECT * FROM test_table" if isinstance(conn, psycopg.Connection): rows = conn.cursor().execute(sql).fetchall() return set(v for (v,) in rows) else: async def f(): cur = conn.cursor() await cur.execute(sql) rows = await cur.fetchall() return set(v for (v,) in rows) return f() def in_transaction(conn): if conn.pgconn.transaction_status == conn.TransactionStatus.IDLE: return False elif conn.pgconn.transaction_status == conn.TransactionStatus.INTRANS: return True else: assert False, conn.pgconn.transaction_status def get_exc_info(exc): """Return the exc info for an exception or a success if exc is None""" if not exc: return (None,) * 3 try: raise exc except exc: return sys.exc_info() class ExpectedException(Exception): pass def test_basic(conn, pipeline): """Basic use of transaction() to BEGIN and COMMIT a transaction.""" assert not in_transaction(conn) with conn.transaction(): if pipeline: pipeline.sync() assert in_transaction(conn) assert not in_transaction(conn) def test_exposes_associated_connection(conn): """Transaction exposes its connection as a read-only property.""" with conn.transaction() as tx: assert tx.connection is conn with pytest.raises(AttributeError): tx.connection = conn def test_exposes_savepoint_name(conn): """Transaction exposes its savepoint name as a read-only property.""" with conn.transaction(savepoint_name="foo") as tx: assert tx.savepoint_name == "foo" with pytest.raises(AttributeError): tx.savepoint_name = "bar" def test_cant_reenter(conn): with conn.transaction() as tx: pass with pytest.raises(TypeError): with tx: pass def test_begins_on_enter(conn, pipeline): """Transaction does not begin until __enter__() is called.""" tx = conn.transaction() assert not in_transaction(conn) with tx: if pipeline: pipeline.sync() assert in_transaction(conn) assert not in_transaction(conn) def test_commit_on_successful_exit(conn): """Changes are committed on successful exit from the `with` block.""" with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "foo") assert not in_transaction(conn) assert inserted(conn) == {"foo"} def test_rollback_on_exception_exit(conn): """Changes are rolled back if an exception escapes the `with` block.""" with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "foo") raise ExpectedException("This discards the insert") assert not in_transaction(conn) assert not inserted(conn) @pytest.mark.crdb_skip("pg_terminate_backend") def test_context_inerror_rollback_no_clobber(conn_cls, conn, pipeline, dsn, caplog): if pipeline: # Only 'conn' is possibly in pipeline mode, but the transaction and # checks are on 'conn2'. pytest.skip("not applicable") caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, logger="psycopg") with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): with conn_cls.connect(dsn) as conn2: with conn2.transaction(): conn2.execute("select 1") conn.execute( "select pg_terminate_backend(%s::int)", [conn2.pgconn.backend_pid], ) 1 / 0 assert len(caplog.records) == 1 rec = caplog.records[0] assert rec.levelno == logging.WARNING assert "in rollback" in rec.message @pytest.mark.crdb_skip("copy") def test_context_active_rollback_no_clobber(conn_cls, dsn, caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, logger="psycopg") conn = conn_cls.connect(dsn) try: with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): with conn.transaction(): conn.pgconn.exec_(b"copy (select generate_series(1, 10)) to stdout") status = assert status == conn.TransactionStatus.ACTIVE 1 / 0 assert len(caplog.records) == 1 rec = caplog.records[0] assert rec.levelno == logging.WARNING assert "in rollback" in rec.message finally: conn.close() def test_interaction_dbapi_transaction(conn): insert_row(conn, "foo") with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "bar") raise Rollback with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "baz") assert in_transaction(conn) conn.commit() assert inserted(conn) == {"foo", "baz"} def test_prohibits_use_of_commit_rollback_autocommit(conn): """ Within a Transaction block, it is forbidden to touch commit, rollback, or the autocommit setting on the connection, as this would interfere with the transaction scope being managed by the Transaction block. """ conn.autocommit = False conn.commit() conn.rollback() with conn.transaction(): with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): conn.autocommit = False with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): conn.commit() with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): conn.rollback() conn.autocommit = False conn.commit() conn.rollback() @pytest.mark.parametrize("autocommit", [False, True]) def test_preserves_autocommit(conn, autocommit): """ Connection.autocommit is unchanged both during and after Transaction block. """ conn.autocommit = autocommit with conn.transaction(): assert conn.autocommit is autocommit assert conn.autocommit is autocommit def test_autocommit_off_but_no_tx_started_successful_exit(conn, svcconn): """ Scenario: * Connection has autocommit off but no transaction has been initiated before entering the Transaction context * Code exits Transaction context successfully Outcome: * Changes made within Transaction context are committed """ conn.autocommit = False assert not in_transaction(conn) with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "new") assert not in_transaction(conn) # Changes committed assert inserted(conn) == {"new"} assert inserted(svcconn) == {"new"} def test_autocommit_off_but_no_tx_started_exception_exit(conn, svcconn): """ Scenario: * Connection has autocommit off but no transaction has been initiated before entering the Transaction context * Code exits Transaction context with an exception Outcome: * Changes made within Transaction context are discarded """ conn.autocommit = False assert not in_transaction(conn) with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "new") raise ExpectedException() assert not in_transaction(conn) # Changes discarded assert not inserted(conn) assert not inserted(svcconn) @crdb_skip_external_observer def test_autocommit_off_and_tx_in_progress_successful_exit(conn, pipeline, svcconn): """ Scenario: * Connection has autocommit off but and a transaction is already in progress before entering the Transaction context * Code exits Transaction context successfully Outcome: * Changes made within Transaction context are left intact * Outer transaction is left running, and no changes are visible to an outside observer from another connection. """ conn.autocommit = False insert_row(conn, "prior") if pipeline: pipeline.sync() assert in_transaction(conn) with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "new") assert in_transaction(conn) assert inserted(conn) == {"prior", "new"} # Nothing committed yet; changes not visible on another connection assert not inserted(svcconn) @crdb_skip_external_observer def test_autocommit_off_and_tx_in_progress_exception_exit(conn, pipeline, svcconn): """ Scenario: * Connection has autocommit off but and a transaction is already in progress before entering the Transaction context * Code exits Transaction context with an exception Outcome: * Changes made before the Transaction context are left intact * Changes made within Transaction context are discarded * Outer transaction is left running, and no changes are visible to an outside observer from another connection. """ conn.autocommit = False insert_row(conn, "prior") if pipeline: pipeline.sync() assert in_transaction(conn) with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "new") raise ExpectedException() assert in_transaction(conn) assert inserted(conn) == {"prior"} # Nothing committed yet; changes not visible on another connection assert not inserted(svcconn) def test_nested_all_changes_persisted_on_successful_exit(conn, svcconn): """Changes from nested transaction contexts are all persisted on exit.""" with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "outer-before") with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "inner") insert_row(conn, "outer-after") assert not in_transaction(conn) assert inserted(conn) == {"outer-before", "inner", "outer-after"} assert inserted(svcconn) == {"outer-before", "inner", "outer-after"} def test_nested_all_changes_discarded_on_outer_exception(conn, svcconn): """ Changes from nested transaction contexts are discarded when an exception raised in outer context escapes. """ with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "outer") with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "inner") raise ExpectedException() assert not in_transaction(conn) assert not inserted(conn) assert not inserted(svcconn) def test_nested_all_changes_discarded_on_inner_exception(conn, svcconn): """ Changes from nested transaction contexts are discarded when an exception raised in inner context escapes the outer context. """ with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "outer") with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "inner") raise ExpectedException() assert not in_transaction(conn) assert not inserted(conn) assert not inserted(svcconn) def test_nested_inner_scope_exception_handled_in_outer_scope(conn, svcconn): """ An exception escaping the inner transaction context causes changes made within that inner context to be discarded, but the error can then be handled in the outer context, allowing changes made in the outer context (both before, and after, the inner context) to be successfully committed. """ with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "outer-before") with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "inner") raise ExpectedException() insert_row(conn, "outer-after") assert not in_transaction(conn) assert inserted(conn) == {"outer-before", "outer-after"} assert inserted(svcconn) == {"outer-before", "outer-after"} def test_nested_three_levels_successful_exit(conn, svcconn): """Exercise management of more than one savepoint.""" with conn.transaction(): # BEGIN insert_row(conn, "one") with conn.transaction(): # SAVEPOINT s1 insert_row(conn, "two") with conn.transaction(): # SAVEPOINT s2 insert_row(conn, "three") assert not in_transaction(conn) assert inserted(conn) == {"one", "two", "three"} assert inserted(svcconn) == {"one", "two", "three"} def test_named_savepoint_escapes_savepoint_name(conn): with conn.transaction("s-1"): pass with conn.transaction("s1; drop table students"): pass def test_named_savepoints_successful_exit(conn, commands): """ Entering a transaction context will do one of these these things: 1. Begin an outer transaction (if one isn't already in progress) 2. Begin an outer transaction and create a savepoint (if one is named) 3. Create a savepoint (if a transaction is already in progress) either using the name provided, or auto-generating a savepoint name. ...and exiting the context successfully will "commit" the same. """ # Case 1 # Using Transaction explicitly because conn.transaction() enters the contetx assert not commands with conn.transaction() as tx: assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN"] assert not tx.savepoint_name assert commands.popall() == ["COMMIT"] # Case 1 (with a transaction already started) conn.cursor().execute("select 1") assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN"] with conn.transaction() as tx: assert commands.popall() == ['SAVEPOINT "_pg3_1"'] assert tx.savepoint_name == "_pg3_1" assert commands.popall() == ['RELEASE "_pg3_1"'] conn.rollback() assert commands.popall() == ["ROLLBACK"] # Case 2 with conn.transaction(savepoint_name="foo") as tx: assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN", 'SAVEPOINT "foo"'] assert tx.savepoint_name == "foo" assert commands.popall() == ["COMMIT"] # Case 3 (with savepoint name provided) with conn.transaction(): assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN"] with conn.transaction(savepoint_name="bar") as tx: assert commands.popall() == ['SAVEPOINT "bar"'] assert tx.savepoint_name == "bar" assert commands.popall() == ['RELEASE "bar"'] assert commands.popall() == ["COMMIT"] # Case 3 (with savepoint name auto-generated) with conn.transaction(): assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN"] with conn.transaction() as tx: assert commands.popall() == ['SAVEPOINT "_pg3_2"'] assert tx.savepoint_name == "_pg3_2" assert commands.popall() == ['RELEASE "_pg3_2"'] assert commands.popall() == ["COMMIT"] def test_named_savepoints_exception_exit(conn, commands): """ Same as the previous test but checks that when exiting the context with an exception, whatever transaction and/or savepoint was started on enter will be rolled-back as appropriate. """ # Case 1 with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction() as tx: assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN"] assert not tx.savepoint_name raise ExpectedException assert commands.popall() == ["ROLLBACK"] # Case 2 with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(savepoint_name="foo") as tx: assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN", 'SAVEPOINT "foo"'] assert tx.savepoint_name == "foo" raise ExpectedException assert commands.popall() == ["ROLLBACK"] # Case 3 (with savepoint name provided) with conn.transaction(): assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN"] with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(savepoint_name="bar") as tx: assert commands.popall() == ['SAVEPOINT "bar"'] assert tx.savepoint_name == "bar" raise ExpectedException assert commands.popall() == ['ROLLBACK TO "bar"', 'RELEASE "bar"'] assert commands.popall() == ["COMMIT"] # Case 3 (with savepoint name auto-generated) with conn.transaction(): assert commands.popall() == ["BEGIN"] with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction() as tx: assert commands.popall() == ['SAVEPOINT "_pg3_2"'] assert tx.savepoint_name == "_pg3_2" raise ExpectedException assert commands.popall() == [ 'ROLLBACK TO "_pg3_2"', 'RELEASE "_pg3_2"', ] assert commands.popall() == ["COMMIT"] def test_named_savepoints_with_repeated_names_works(conn): """ Using the same savepoint name repeatedly works correctly, but bypasses some sanity checks. """ # Works correctly if no inner transactions are rolled back with conn.transaction(force_rollback=True): with conn.transaction("sp"): insert_row(conn, "tx1") with conn.transaction("sp"): insert_row(conn, "tx2") with conn.transaction("sp"): insert_row(conn, "tx3") assert inserted(conn) == {"tx1", "tx2", "tx3"} # Works correctly if one level of inner transaction is rolled back with conn.transaction(force_rollback=True): with conn.transaction("s1"): insert_row(conn, "tx1") with conn.transaction("s1", force_rollback=True): insert_row(conn, "tx2") with conn.transaction("s1"): insert_row(conn, "tx3") assert inserted(conn) == {"tx1"} assert inserted(conn) == {"tx1"} # Works correctly if multiple inner transactions are rolled back # (This scenario mandates releasing savepoints after rolling back to them.) with conn.transaction(force_rollback=True): with conn.transaction("s1"): insert_row(conn, "tx1") with conn.transaction("s1") as tx2: insert_row(conn, "tx2") with conn.transaction("s1"): insert_row(conn, "tx3") raise Rollback(tx2) assert inserted(conn) == {"tx1"} assert inserted(conn) == {"tx1"} def test_force_rollback_successful_exit(conn, svcconn): """ Transaction started with the force_rollback option enabled discards all changes at the end of the context. """ with conn.transaction(force_rollback=True): insert_row(conn, "foo") assert not inserted(conn) assert not inserted(svcconn) def test_force_rollback_exception_exit(conn, svcconn): """ Transaction started with the force_rollback option enabled discards all changes at the end of the context. """ with pytest.raises(ExpectedException): with conn.transaction(force_rollback=True): insert_row(conn, "foo") raise ExpectedException() assert not inserted(conn) assert not inserted(svcconn) @crdb_skip_external_observer def test_explicit_rollback_discards_changes(conn, svcconn): """ Raising a Rollback exception in the middle of a block exits the block and discards all changes made within that block. You can raise any of the following: - Rollback (type) - Rollback() (instance) - Rollback(tx) (instance initialised with reference to the transaction) All of these are equivalent. """ def assert_no_rows(): assert not inserted(conn) assert not inserted(svcconn) with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "foo") raise Rollback assert_no_rows() with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "foo") raise Rollback() assert_no_rows() with conn.transaction() as tx: insert_row(conn, "foo") raise Rollback(tx) assert_no_rows() @crdb_skip_external_observer def test_explicit_rollback_outer_tx_unaffected(conn, svcconn): """ Raising a Rollback exception in the middle of a block does not impact an enclosing transaction block. """ with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "before") with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "during") raise Rollback assert in_transaction(conn) assert not inserted(svcconn) insert_row(conn, "after") assert inserted(conn) == {"before", "after"} assert inserted(svcconn) == {"before", "after"} def test_explicit_rollback_of_outer_transaction(conn): """ Raising a Rollback exception that references an outer transaction will discard all changes from both inner and outer transaction blocks. """ with conn.transaction() as outer_tx: insert_row(conn, "outer") with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "inner") raise Rollback(outer_tx) assert False, "This line of code should be unreachable." assert not inserted(conn) @crdb_skip_external_observer def test_explicit_rollback_of_enclosing_tx_outer_tx_unaffected(conn, svcconn): """ Rolling-back an enclosing transaction does not impact an outer transaction. """ with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "outer-before") with conn.transaction() as tx_enclosing: insert_row(conn, "enclosing") with conn.transaction(): insert_row(conn, "inner") raise Rollback(tx_enclosing) insert_row(conn, "outer-after") assert inserted(conn) == {"outer-before", "outer-after"} assert not inserted(svcconn) # Not yet committed # Changes committed assert inserted(svcconn) == {"outer-before", "outer-after"} def test_str(conn, pipeline): with conn.transaction() as tx: if pipeline: assert "[INTRANS, pipeline=ON]" in str(tx) else: assert "[INTRANS]" in str(tx) assert "(active)" in str(tx) assert "'" not in str(tx) with conn.transaction("wat") as tx2: if pipeline: assert "[INTRANS, pipeline=ON]" in str(tx2) else: assert "[INTRANS]" in str(tx2) assert "'wat'" in str(tx2) if pipeline: assert "[IDLE, pipeline=ON]" in str(tx) else: assert "[IDLE]" in str(tx) assert "(terminated)" in str(tx) with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): with conn.transaction() as tx: 1 / 0 assert "(terminated)" in str(tx) @pytest.mark.parametrize("exit_error", [None, ZeroDivisionError, Rollback]) def test_out_of_order_exit(conn, exit_error): conn.autocommit = True t1 = conn.transaction() t1.__enter__() t2 = conn.transaction() t2.__enter__() with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): t1.__exit__(*get_exc_info(exit_error)) with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): t2.__exit__(*get_exc_info(exit_error)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("exit_error", [None, ZeroDivisionError, Rollback]) def test_out_of_order_implicit_begin(conn, exit_error): conn.execute("select 1") t1 = conn.transaction() t1.__enter__() t2 = conn.transaction() t2.__enter__() with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): t1.__exit__(*get_exc_info(exit_error)) with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): t2.__exit__(*get_exc_info(exit_error)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("exit_error", [None, ZeroDivisionError, Rollback]) def test_out_of_order_exit_same_name(conn, exit_error): conn.autocommit = True t1 = conn.transaction("save") t1.__enter__() t2 = conn.transaction("save") t2.__enter__() with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): t1.__exit__(*get_exc_info(exit_error)) with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError): t2.__exit__(*get_exc_info(exit_error)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("what", ["commit", "rollback", "error"]) def test_concurrency(conn, what): conn.autocommit = True evs = [Event() for i in range(3)] def worker(unlock, wait_on): with pytest.raises(e.ProgrammingError) as ex: with conn.transaction(): unlock.set() wait_on.wait() conn.execute("select 1") if what == "error": 1 / 0 elif what == "rollback": raise Rollback() else: assert what == "commit" if what == "error": assert "transaction rollback" in str(ex.value) assert isinstance(ex.value.__context__, ZeroDivisionError) elif what == "rollback": assert "transaction rollback" in str(ex.value) assert isinstance(ex.value.__context__, Rollback) else: assert "transaction commit" in str(ex.value) # Start a first transaction in a thread t1 = Thread(target=worker, kwargs={"unlock": evs[0], "wait_on": evs[1]}) t1.start() evs[0].wait() # Start a nested transaction in a thread t2 = Thread(target=worker, kwargs={"unlock": evs[1], "wait_on": evs[2]}) t2.start() # Terminate the first transaction before the second does t1.join() evs[2].set() t2.join()