path: root/doc/docs/styles.rst
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1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/docs/styles.rst b/doc/docs/styles.rst
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+++ b/doc/docs/styles.rst
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+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+Pygments comes with :doc:`some builtin styles </styles/>` that work for both the
+HTML and LaTeX formatter.
+The builtin styles can be looked up with the `get_style_by_name` function:
+.. sourcecode:: pycon
+ >>> from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
+ >>> get_style_by_name('colorful')
+ <class 'pygments.styles.colorful.ColorfulStyle'>
+You can pass a instance of a `Style` class to a formatter as the `style`
+option in form of a string:
+.. sourcecode:: pycon
+ >>> from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
+ >>> from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
+ >>> HtmlFormatter(style='colorful').style
+ <class 'pygments.styles.colorful.ColorfulStyle'>
+Or you can also import your own style (which must be a subclass of
+``) and pass it to the formatter:
+.. sourcecode:: pycon
+ >>> from yourapp.yourmodule import YourStyle
+ >>> from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
+ >>> HtmlFormatter(style=YourStyle).style
+ <class 'yourapp.yourmodule.YourStyle'>
+Creating Own Styles
+See :ref:`creating-own-styles`.
+Builtin Styles
+Pygments ships some builtin styles which are maintained by the Pygments team.
+To get a list of known styles you can use this snippet:
+.. sourcecode:: pycon
+ >>> from pygments.styles import STYLE_MAP
+ >>> STYLE_MAP.keys()
+ ['default', 'emacs', 'friendly', 'colorful']
+Getting a list of available styles
+.. versionadded:: 0.6
+Because it could be that a plugin registered a style, there is
+a way to iterate over all styles:
+.. sourcecode:: pycon
+ >>> from pygments.styles import get_all_styles
+ >>> styles = list(get_all_styles())
+.. _AnsiTerminalStyle:
+Terminal Styles
+.. versionadded:: 2.2
+Custom styles used with the 256-color terminal formatter can also map colors to
+use the 8 default ANSI colors. To do so, use ``ansigreen``, ``ansibrightred`` or
+any other colors defined in :attr:``. Foreground ANSI
+colors will be mapped to the corresponding `escape codes 30 to 37
+<>`_ thus respecting any
+custom color mapping and themes provided by many terminal emulators. Light
+variants are treated as foreground color with and an added bold flag.
+``bg:ansi<color>`` will also be respected, except the light variant will be the
+same shade as their dark variant.
+See the following example where the color of the string ``"hello world"`` is
+governed by the escape sequence ``\x1b[34;01m`` (Ansi bright blue, Bold, 41 being red
+background) instead of an extended foreground & background color.
+.. sourcecode:: pycon
+ >>> from pygments import highlight
+ >>> from import Style
+ >>> from pygments.token import Token
+ >>> from pygments.lexers import Python3Lexer
+ >>> from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter
+ >>> class MyStyle(Style):
+ styles = {
+ Token.String: 'ansibrightblue bg:ansibrightred',
+ }
+ >>> code = 'print("Hello World")'
+ >>> result = highlight(code, Python3Lexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style=MyStyle))
+ >>> print(result.encode())
+ b'\x1b[34;41;01m"\x1b[39;49;00m\x1b[34;41;01mHello World\x1b[39;49;00m\x1b[34;41;01m"\x1b[39;49;00m'
+Colors specified using ``ansi*`` are converted to a default set of RGB colors
+when used with formatters other than the terminal-256 formatter.
+By definition of ANSI, the following colors are considered "light" colors, and
+will be rendered by most terminals as bold:
+- "brightblack" (darkgrey), "brightred", "brightgreen", "brightyellow", "brightblue",
+ "brightmagenta", "brightcyan", "white"
+The following are considered "dark" colors and will be rendered as non-bold:
+- "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan",
+ "gray"
+Exact behavior might depends on the terminal emulator you are using, and its
+.. _new-ansi-color-names:
+.. versionchanged:: 2.4
+The definition of the ANSI color names has changed.
+New names are easier to understand and align to the colors used in other projects.
+===================== ====================
+New names Pygments up to 2.3
+===================== ====================
+``ansiblack`` ``#ansiblack``
+``ansired`` ``#ansidarkred``
+``ansigreen`` ``#ansidarkgreen``
+``ansiyellow`` ``#ansibrown``
+``ansiblue`` ``#ansidarkblue``
+``ansimagenta`` ``#ansipurple``
+``ansicyan`` ``#ansiteal``
+``ansigray`` ``#ansilightgray``
+``ansibrightblack`` ``#ansidarkgray``
+``ansibrightred`` ``#ansired``
+``ansibrightgreen`` ``#ansigreen``
+``ansibrightyellow`` ``#ansiyellow``
+``ansibrightblue`` ``#ansiblue``
+``ansibrightmagenta`` ``#ansifuchsia``
+``ansibrightcyan`` ``#ansiturquoise``
+``ansiwhite`` ``#ansiwhite``
+===================== ====================
+Old ANSI color names are deprecated but will still work.