path: root/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ Pygments MySQL lexer tests
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import pytest
+from pygments.lexers.sql import MySqlLexer
+from pygments.token import Comment, Keyword, Literal, Name, Number, Operator, \
+ Punctuation, String, Whitespace
+def lexer():
+ yield MySqlLexer()
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ('1', '22', '22 333', '22 a', '22+', '22)',
+ '22\n333', '22\r\n333'))
+def test_integer_literals_positive_match(lexer, text):
+ """Validate that integer literals are tokenized as integers."""
+ token = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0]
+ assert token[0] == Number.Integer
+ assert token[1] in {'1', '22'}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ('1a', '1A', '1.', '1ひ', '1$', '1_',
+ '1\u0080', '1\uffff'))
+def test_integer_literals_negative_match(lexer, text):
+ """Validate that non-integer texts are not matched as integers."""
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0][0] != Number.Integer
+ 'text',
+ (
+ '.123', '1.23', '123.',
+ '1e10', '1.0e10', '1.e-10', '.1e+10',
+ ),
+def test_float_literals(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Number.Float, text)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ("X'0af019'", "x'0AF019'", "0xaf019"))
+def test_hexadecimal_literals(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Number.Hex, text)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ("B'010'", "b'010'", "0b010"))
+def test_binary_literals(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Number.Bin, text)
+ 'text',
+ (
+ "{d'2020-01-01'}", "{ d ' 2020^01@01 ' }",
+ "{t'8 9:10:11'}", "{ t ' 09:10:11.12 ' }", "{ t ' 091011 ' }",
+ '{ts"2020-01-01 09:10:11"}', "{ ts ' 2020@01/01 09:10:11 ' }",
+ ),
+def test_temporal_literals(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Literal.Date, text)
+ 'text, expected_types',
+ (
+ (r"'a'", (String.Single,) * 3),
+ (r"""'""'""", (String.Single,) * 3),
+ (r"''''", (String.Single, String.Escape, String.Single)),
+ (r"'\''", (String.Single, String.Escape, String.Single)),
+ (r'"a"', (String.Double,) * 3),
+ (r'''"''"''', (String.Double,) * 3),
+ (r'""""', (String.Double, String.Escape, String.Double)),
+ (r'"\""', (String.Double, String.Escape, String.Double)),
+ ),
+def test_string_literals(lexer, text, expected_types):
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[:len(expected_types)]
+ assert all(t[0] == e for t, e in zip(tokens, expected_types))
+ 'text',
+ (
+ "@a", "@1", "@._.$",
+ "@'?'", """@'abc''def"`ghi'""",
+ '@"#"', '''@"abc""def'`ghi"''',
+ '@`^`', """@`abc``def'"ghi`""",
+ "@@timestamp",
+ "@@session.auto_increment_offset",
+ "@@global.auto_increment_offset",
+ "@@persist.auto_increment_offset",
+ "@@persist_only.auto_increment_offset",
+ '?',
+ ),
+def test_variables(lexer, text):
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))
+ assert all(t[0] == Name.Variable for t in tokens[:-1])
+ assert ''.join([t[1] for t in tokens]).strip() == text.strip()
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ('true', 'false', 'null', 'unknown'))
+def test_constants(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Name.Constant, text)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ('-- abc', '--\tabc', '#abc'))
+def test_comments_single_line(lexer, text):
+ # Test the standalone comment.
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))
+ assert tokens[0] == (Comment.Single, text)
+ # Test the comment with mixed tokens.
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens('select' + text + '\nselect'))
+ assert tokens[0] == (Keyword, 'select')
+ assert tokens[1] == (Comment.Single, text)
+ assert tokens[-2] == (Keyword, 'select')
+ 'text',
+ (
+ '/**/a', '/*a*b/c*/a', '/*\nabc\n*/a',
+ '/* /* */a'
+ )
+def test_comments_multi_line(lexer, text):
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))
+ assert all(token[0] == Comment.Multiline for token in tokens[:-2])
+ assert ''.join(token[1] for token in tokens).strip() == text.strip()
+ # Validate nested comments are not supported.
+ assert tokens[-2][0] != Comment.Multiline
+ 'text', ('BKA', 'SEMIJOIN'))
+def test_optimizer_hints(lexer, text):
+ good = '/*+ ' + text + '(), */'
+ ignore = '/* ' + text + ' */'
+ bad1 = '/*+ a' + text + '() */'
+ bad2 = '/*+ ' + text + 'a */'
+ assert (Comment.Preproc, text) in lexer.get_tokens(good)
+ assert (Comment.Preproc, text) not in lexer.get_tokens(ignore)
+ assert (Comment.Preproc, text) not in lexer.get_tokens(bad1)
+ assert (Comment.Preproc, text) not in lexer.get_tokens(bad2)
+ 'text, expected_types',
+ (
+ # SET exceptions
+ ('SET', (Keyword,)),
+ ('SET abc = 1;', (Keyword,)),
+ ('SET @abc = 1;', (Keyword,)),
+ ('CHARACTER SET latin1', (Keyword, Whitespace, Keyword,)),
+ ('SET("r", "g", "b")', (Keyword.Type, Punctuation)),
+ ('SET ("r", "g", "b")', (Keyword.Type, Whitespace, Punctuation)),
+ ),
+def test_exceptions(lexer, text, expected_types):
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[:len(expected_types)]
+ assert all(t[0] == e for t, e in zip(tokens, expected_types))
+ 'text',
+ (
+ 'WHERE', 'GROUP', 'ORDER', 'BY', 'AS',
+ ),
+def test_keywords(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Keyword, text)
+ 'text',
+ (
+ # Standard
+ # Aliases and compatibility
+ ),
+def test_data_types(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Keyword.Type, text.strip('('))
+ 'text',
+ (
+ # Common
+ # Less common
+ ),
+def test_functions(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text + '('))[0] == (Name.Function, text)
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text + ' ('))[0] == (Name.Function, text)
+ 'text',
+ (
+ 'abc_$123', '上市年限', 'ひらがな', '123_$abc', '123ひらがな',
+ ),
+def test_schema_object_names_unquoted(lexer, text):
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[:-1]
+ assert all(token[0] == Name for token in tokens)
+ assert ''.join(token[1] for token in tokens) == text
+ 'text',
+ (
+ '`a`', '`1`', '`上市年限`', '`ひらがな`', '`select`', '`concat(`',
+ '`-- `', '`/*`', '`#`',
+ ),
+def test_schema_object_names_quoted(lexer, text):
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[:-1]
+ assert tokens[0] == (Name.Quoted, '`')
+ assert tokens[1] == (Name.Quoted, text[1:-1])
+ assert tokens[2] == (Name.Quoted, '`')
+ assert ''.join(token[1] for token in tokens) == text
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ('````', ))
+def test_schema_object_names_quoted_escaped(lexer, text):
+ """Test quoted schema object names with escape sequences."""
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[:-1]
+ assert tokens[0] == (Name.Quoted, '`')
+ assert tokens[1] == (Name.Quoted.Escape, text[1:-1])
+ assert tokens[2] == (Name.Quoted, '`')
+ assert ''.join(token[1] for token in tokens) == text
+ 'text',
+ ('+', '*', '/', '%', '&&', ':=', '!', '<', '->>', '^', '|', '~'),
+def test_operators(lexer, text):
+ assert list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Operator, text)
+ 'text, expected_types',
+ (
+ ('abc.efg', (Name, Punctuation, Name)),
+ ('abc,efg', (Name, Punctuation, Name)),
+ ('MAX(abc)', (Name.Function, Punctuation, Name, Punctuation)),
+ ('efg;', (Name, Punctuation)),
+ ),
+def test_punctuation(lexer, text, expected_types):
+ tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(text))[:len(expected_types)]
+ assert all(t[0] == e for t, e in zip(tokens, expected_types))