path: root/tests/unit/client-eviction.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/client-eviction.tcl')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/client-eviction.tcl b/tests/unit/client-eviction.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca6d902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/client-eviction.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+tags {"external:skip"} {
+# Get info about a redis client connection:
+# name - name of client we want to query
+# f - field name from "CLIENT LIST" we want to get
+proc client_field {name f} {
+ set clients [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"]
+ set c [lsearch -inline $clients *name=$name*]
+ if {![regexp $f=(\[a-zA-Z0-9-\]+) $c - res]} {
+ error "no client named $name found with field $f"
+ }
+ return $res
+proc client_exists {name} {
+ if {[catch { client_field $name tot-mem } e]} {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+proc gen_client {} {
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ set name "tst_[randstring 4 4 simplealpha]"
+ $rr client setname $name
+ assert {[client_exists $name]}
+ return [list $rr $name]
+# Sum a value across all redis client connections:
+# f - the field name from "CLIENT LIST" we want to sum
+proc clients_sum {f} {
+ set sum 0
+ set clients [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"]
+ foreach c $clients {
+ if {![regexp $f=(\[a-zA-Z0-9-\]+) $c - res]} {
+ error "field $f not found in $c"
+ }
+ incr sum $res
+ }
+ return $sum
+proc mb {v} {
+ return [expr $v * 1024 * 1024]
+proc kb {v} {
+ return [expr $v * 1024]
+start_server {} {
+ set maxmemory_clients 3000000
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
+ test "client evicted due to large argv" {
+ r flushdb
+ lassign [gen_client] rr cname
+ # Attempt a large multi-bulk command under eviction limit
+ $rr mset k v k2 [string repeat v 1000000]
+ assert_equal [$rr get k] v
+ # Attempt another command, now causing client eviction
+ catch { $rr mset k v k2 [string repeat v $maxmemory_clients] } e
+ assert {![client_exists $cname]}
+ $rr close
+ }
+ test "client evicted due to large query buf" {
+ r flushdb
+ lassign [gen_client] rr cname
+ # Attempt to fill the query buff without completing the argument above the limit, causing client eviction
+ catch {
+ $rr write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$maxmemory_clients\r\n" [string repeat v $maxmemory_clients]] ""]
+ $rr flush
+ $rr read
+ } e
+ assert {![client_exists $cname]}
+ $rr close
+ }
+ test "client evicted due to percentage of maxmemory" {
+ set maxmemory [mb 6]
+ r config set maxmemory $maxmemory
+ # Set client eviction threshold to 7% of maxmemory
+ set maxmemory_clients_p 7
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients_p%
+ r flushdb
+ set maxmemory_clients_actual [expr $maxmemory * $maxmemory_clients_p / 100]
+ lassign [gen_client] rr cname
+ # Attempt to fill the query buff with only half the percentage threshold verify we're not disconnected
+ set n [expr $maxmemory_clients_actual / 2]
+ $rr write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$n\r\n" [string repeat v $n]] ""]
+ $rr flush
+ set tot_mem [client_field $cname tot-mem]
+ assert {$tot_mem >= $n && $tot_mem < $maxmemory_clients_actual}
+ # Attempt to fill the query buff with the percentage threshold of maxmemory and verify we're evicted
+ $rr close
+ lassign [gen_client] rr cname
+ catch {
+ $rr write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$maxmemory_clients_actual\r\n" [string repeat v $maxmemory_clients_actual]] ""]
+ $rr flush
+ } e
+ assert {![client_exists $cname]}
+ $rr close
+ # Restore settings
+ r config set maxmemory 0
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
+ }
+ test "client evicted due to large multi buf" {
+ r flushdb
+ lassign [gen_client] rr cname
+ # Attempt a multi-exec where sum of commands is less than maxmemory_clients
+ $rr multi
+ $rr set k [string repeat v [expr $maxmemory_clients / 4]]
+ $rr set k [string repeat v [expr $maxmemory_clients / 4]]
+ assert_equal [$rr exec] {OK OK}
+ # Attempt a multi-exec where sum of commands is more than maxmemory_clients, causing client eviction
+ $rr multi
+ catch {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
+ $rr set k [string repeat v [expr $maxmemory_clients / 4]]
+ }
+ } e
+ assert {![client_exists $cname]}
+ $rr close
+ }
+ test "client evicted due to watched key list" {
+ r flushdb
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ # Since watched key list is a small overheatd this test uses a minimal maxmemory-clients config
+ set temp_maxmemory_clients 200000
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $temp_maxmemory_clients
+ # Append watched keys until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
+ catch {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
+ $rr watch $j
+ }
+ } e
+ assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
+ $rr close
+ # Restore config for next tests
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
+ }
+ test "client evicted due to pubsub subscriptions" {
+ r flushdb
+ # Since pubsub subscriptions cause a small overhead this test uses a minimal maxmemory-clients config
+ set temp_maxmemory_clients 200000
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $temp_maxmemory_clients
+ # Test eviction due to pubsub patterns
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ # Add patterns until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
+ catch {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
+ $rr psubscribe $j
+ }
+ } e
+ assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
+ $rr close
+ # Test eviction due to pubsub channels
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ # Subscribe to global channels until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
+ catch {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
+ $rr subscribe $j
+ }
+ } e
+ assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
+ $rr close
+ # Test eviction due to sharded pubsub channels
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ # Subscribe to sharded pubsub channels until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
+ catch {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
+ $rr ssubscribe $j
+ }
+ } e
+ assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
+ $rr close
+ # Restore config for next tests
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
+ }
+ test "client evicted due to tracking redirection" {
+ r flushdb
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ set redirected_c [redis_client]
+ $redirected_c client setname redirected_client
+ set redir_id [$redirected_c client id]
+ $redirected_c SUBSCRIBE __redis__:invalidate
+ $rr client tracking on redirect $redir_id bcast
+ # Use a big key name to fill the redirected tracking client's buffer quickly
+ set key_length [expr 1024*200]
+ set long_key [string repeat k $key_length]
+ # Use a script so we won't need to pass the long key name when dirtying it in the loop
+ set script_sha [$rr script load "'incr', '$long_key')"]
+ # Pause serverCron so it won't update memory usage since we're testing the update logic when
+ # writing tracking redirection output
+ r debug pause-cron 1
+ # Read and write to same (long) key until redirected_client's buffers cause it to be evicted
+ catch {
+ while true {
+ set mem [client_field redirected_client tot-mem]
+ assert {$mem < $maxmemory_clients}
+ $rr evalsha $script_sha 0
+ }
+ } e
+ assert_match {no client named redirected_client found*} $e
+ r debug pause-cron 0
+ $rr close
+ $redirected_c close
+ } {0} {needs:debug}
+ test "client evicted due to client tracking prefixes" {
+ r flushdb
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ # Since tracking prefixes list is a small overheatd this test uses a minimal maxmemory-clients config
+ set temp_maxmemory_clients 200000
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $temp_maxmemory_clients
+ # Append tracking prefixes until list maxes out maxmemroy clients and causes client eviction
+ catch {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
+ $rr client tracking on prefix [format %012s $j] bcast
+ }
+ } e
+ assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
+ $rr close
+ # Restore config for next tests
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
+ }
+ test "client evicted due to output buf" {
+ r flushdb
+ r setrange k 200000 v
+ set rr [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rr client setname test_client
+ $rr flush
+ assert {[$rr read] == "OK"}
+ # Attempt a large response under eviction limit
+ $rr get k
+ $rr flush
+ assert {[string length [$rr read]] == 200001}
+ set mem [client_field test_client tot-mem]
+ assert {$mem < $maxmemory_clients}
+ # Fill output buff in loop without reading it and make sure
+ # we're eventually disconnected, but before reaching maxmemory_clients
+ while true {
+ if { [catch {
+ set mem [client_field test_client tot-mem]
+ assert {$mem < $maxmemory_clients}
+ $rr get k
+ $rr flush
+ } e]} {
+ assert {![client_exists test_client]}
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ $rr close
+ }
+ foreach {no_evict} {on off} {
+ test "client no-evict $no_evict" {
+ r flushdb
+ r client setname control
+ r client no-evict on ;# Avoid evicting the main connection
+ lassign [gen_client] rr cname
+ $rr client no-evict $no_evict
+ # Overflow maxmemory-clients
+ set qbsize [expr {$maxmemory_clients + 1}]
+ if {[catch {
+ $rr write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$qbsize\r\n" [string repeat v $qbsize]] ""]
+ $rr flush
+ wait_for_condition 200 10 {
+ [client_field $cname qbuf] == $qbsize
+ } else {
+ fail "Failed to fill qbuf for test"
+ }
+ } e] && $no_evict == off} {
+ assert {![client_exists $cname]}
+ } elseif {$no_evict == on} {
+ assert {[client_field $cname tot-mem] > $maxmemory_clients}
+ }
+ $rr close
+ }
+ }
+start_server {} {
+ set server_pid [s process_id]
+ set maxmemory_clients [mb 10]
+ set obuf_limit [mb 3]
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
+ r config set client-output-buffer-limit "normal $obuf_limit 0 0"
+ test "avoid client eviction when client is freed by output buffer limit" {
+ r flushdb
+ set obuf_size [expr {$obuf_limit + [mb 1]}]
+ r setrange k $obuf_size v
+ set rr1 [redis_client]
+ $rr1 client setname "qbuf-client"
+ set rr2 [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rr2 client setname "obuf-client1"
+ assert_equal [$rr2 read] OK
+ set rr3 [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rr3 client setname "obuf-client2"
+ assert_equal [$rr3 read] OK
+ # Occupy client's query buff with less than output buffer limit left to exceed maxmemory-clients
+ set qbsize [expr {$maxmemory_clients - $obuf_size}]
+ $rr1 write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$qbsize\r\n" [string repeat v $qbsize]] ""]
+ $rr1 flush
+ # Wait for qbuff to be as expected
+ wait_for_condition 200 10 {
+ [client_field qbuf-client qbuf] == $qbsize
+ } else {
+ fail "Failed to fill qbuf for test"
+ }
+ # Make the other two obuf-clients pass obuf limit and also pass maxmemory-clients
+ # We use two obuf-clients to make sure that even if client eviction is attempted
+ # between two command processing (with no sleep) we don't perform any client eviction
+ # because the obuf limit is enforced with precedence.
+ exec kill -SIGSTOP $server_pid
+ $rr2 get k
+ $rr2 flush
+ $rr3 get k
+ $rr3 flush
+ exec kill -SIGCONT $server_pid
+ # Validate obuf-clients were disconnected (because of obuf limit)
+ catch {client_field obuf-client1 name} e
+ assert_match {no client named obuf-client1 found*} $e
+ catch {client_field obuf-client2 name} e
+ assert_match {no client named obuf-client2 found*} $e
+ # Validate qbuf-client is still connected and wasn't evicted
+ assert_equal [client_field qbuf-client name] {qbuf-client}
+ $rr1 close
+ $rr2 close
+ $rr3 close
+ }
+start_server {} {
+ test "decrease maxmemory-clients causes client eviction" {
+ set maxmemory_clients [mb 4]
+ set client_count 10
+ set qbsize [expr ($maxmemory_clients - [mb 1]) / $client_count]
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
+ # Make multiple clients consume together roughly 1mb less than maxmemory_clients
+ set rrs {}
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $client_count} {incr j} {
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ lappend rrs $rr
+ $rr client setname client$j
+ $rr write [join [list "*2\r\n\$$qbsize\r\n" [string repeat v $qbsize]] ""]
+ $rr flush
+ wait_for_condition 200 10 {
+ [client_field client$j qbuf] >= $qbsize
+ } else {
+ fail "Failed to fill qbuf for test"
+ }
+ }
+ # Make sure all clients are still connected
+ set connected_clients [llength [lsearch -all [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"] *name=client*]]
+ assert {$connected_clients == $client_count}
+ # Decrease maxmemory_clients and expect client eviction
+ r config set maxmemory-clients [expr $maxmemory_clients / 2]
+ set connected_clients [llength [lsearch -all [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"] *name=client*]]
+ assert {$connected_clients > 0 && $connected_clients < $client_count}
+ foreach rr $rrs {$rr close}
+ }
+start_server {} {
+ test "evict clients only until below limit" {
+ set client_count 10
+ set client_mem [mb 1]
+ r debug replybuffer resizing 0
+ r config set maxmemory-clients 0
+ r client setname control
+ r client no-evict on
+ # Make multiple clients consume together roughly 1mb less than maxmemory_clients
+ set total_client_mem 0
+ set max_client_mem 0
+ set rrs {}
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $client_count} {incr j} {
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ lappend rrs $rr
+ $rr client setname client$j
+ $rr write [join [list "*2\r\n\$$client_mem\r\n" [string repeat v $client_mem]] ""]
+ $rr flush
+ wait_for_condition 200 10 {
+ [client_field client$j tot-mem] >= $client_mem
+ } else {
+ fail "Failed to fill qbuf for test"
+ }
+ # In theory all these clients should use the same amount of memory (~1mb). But in practice
+ # some allocators (libc) can return different allocation sizes for the same malloc argument causing
+ # some clients to use slightly more memory than others. We find the largest client and make sure
+ # all clients are roughly the same size (+-1%). Then we can safely set the client eviction limit and
+ # expect consistent results in the test.
+ set cmem [client_field client$j tot-mem]
+ if {$max_client_mem > 0} {
+ set size_ratio [expr $max_client_mem.0/$cmem.0]
+ assert_range $size_ratio 0.99 1.01
+ }
+ if {$cmem > $max_client_mem} {
+ set max_client_mem $cmem
+ }
+ }
+ # Make sure all clients are still connected
+ set connected_clients [llength [lsearch -all [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"] *name=client*]]
+ assert {$connected_clients == $client_count}
+ # Set maxmemory-clients to accommodate half our clients (taking into account the control client)
+ set maxmemory_clients [expr ($max_client_mem * $client_count) / 2 + [client_field control tot-mem]]
+ r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
+ # Make sure total used memory is below maxmemory_clients
+ set total_client_mem [clients_sum tot-mem]
+ assert {$total_client_mem <= $maxmemory_clients}
+ # Make sure we have only half of our clients now
+ set connected_clients [llength [lsearch -all [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"] *name=client*]]
+ assert {$connected_clients == [expr $client_count / 2]}
+ # Restore the reply buffer resize to default
+ r debug replybuffer resizing 1
+ foreach rr $rrs {$rr close}
+ } {} {needs:debug}
+start_server {} {
+ test "evict clients in right order (large to small)" {
+ # Note that each size step needs to be at least x2 larger than previous step
+ # because of how the client-eviction size bucketing works
+ set sizes [list [kb 128] [mb 1] [mb 3]]
+ set clients_per_size 3
+ r client setname control
+ r client no-evict on
+ r config set maxmemory-clients 0
+ r debug replybuffer resizing 0
+ # Run over all sizes and create some clients using up that size
+ set total_client_mem 0
+ set rrs {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $sizes]} {incr i} {
+ set size [lindex $sizes $i]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $clients_per_size} {incr j} {
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ lappend rrs $rr
+ $rr client setname client-$i
+ $rr write [join [list "*2\r\n\$$size\r\n" [string repeat v $size]] ""]
+ $rr flush
+ }
+ set client_mem [client_field client-$i tot-mem]
+ # Update our size list based on actual used up size (this is usually
+ # slightly more than expected because of allocator bins
+ assert {$client_mem >= $size}
+ set sizes [lreplace $sizes $i $i $client_mem]
+ # Account total client memory usage
+ incr total_mem [expr $clients_per_size * $client_mem]
+ }
+ # Make sure all clients are connected
+ set clients [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $sizes]} {incr i} {
+ assert_equal [llength [lsearch -all $clients "*name=client-$i *"]] $clients_per_size
+ }
+ # For each size reduce maxmemory-clients so relevant clients should be evicted
+ # do this from largest to smallest
+ foreach size [lreverse $sizes] {
+ set control_mem [client_field control tot-mem]
+ set total_mem [expr $total_mem - $clients_per_size * $size]
+ r config set maxmemory-clients [expr $total_mem + $control_mem]
+ set clients [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"]
+ # Verify only relevant clients were evicted
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $sizes]} {incr i} {
+ set verify_size [lindex $sizes $i]
+ set count [llength [lsearch -all $clients "*name=client-$i *"]]
+ if {$verify_size < $size} {
+ assert_equal $count $clients_per_size
+ } else {
+ assert_equal $count 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Restore the reply buffer resize to default
+ r debug replybuffer resizing 1
+ foreach rr $rrs {$rr close}
+ } {} {needs:debug}
+start_server {} {
+ foreach type {"client no-evict" "maxmemory-clients disabled"} {
+ r flushall
+ r client no-evict on
+ r config set maxmemory-clients 0
+ test "client total memory grows during $type" {
+ r setrange k [mb 1] v
+ set rr [redis_client]
+ $rr client setname test_client
+ if {$type eq "client no-evict"} {
+ $rr client no-evict on
+ r config set maxmemory-clients 1
+ }
+ $rr deferred 1
+ # Fill output buffer in loop without reading it and make sure
+ # the tot-mem of client has increased (OS buffers didn't swallow it)
+ # and eviction not occurring.
+ while {true} {
+ $rr get k
+ $rr flush
+ after 10
+ if {[client_field test_client tot-mem] > [mb 10]} {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # Trigger the client eviction, by flipping the no-evict flag to off
+ if {$type eq "client no-evict"} {
+ $rr client no-evict off
+ } else {
+ r config set maxmemory-clients 1
+ }
+ # wait for the client to be disconnected
+ wait_for_condition 5000 50 {
+ ![client_exists test_client]
+ } else {
+ puts [r client list]
+ fail "client was not disconnected"
+ }
+ $rr close
+ }
+ }
+} ;# tags