path: root/tests/unit/moduleapi/reply.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/moduleapi/reply.tcl')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/moduleapi/reply.tcl b/tests/unit/moduleapi/reply.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe8c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/moduleapi/reply.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/]
+start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
+ r module load $testmodule
+ # test all with hello 2/3
+ for {set proto 2} {$proto <= 3} {incr proto} {
+ r hello $proto
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithString: an string reply" {
+ # RedisString
+ set string [r rw.string "Redis"]
+ assert_equal "Redis" $string
+ # C string
+ set string [r rw.cstring]
+ assert_equal "A simple string" $string
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithBigNumber: an string reply" {
+ assert_equal "123456778901234567890" [r rw.bignumber "123456778901234567890"]
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithInt: an integer reply" {
+ assert_equal 42 [r 42]
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithDouble: a float reply" {
+ assert_equal 3.141 [r rw.double 3.141]
+ }
+ set ld 0.00000000000000001
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithLongDouble: a float reply" {
+ if {$proto == 2} {
+ # here the response gets to TCL as a string
+ assert_equal $ld [r rw.longdouble $ld]
+ } else {
+ # TCL doesn't support long double and the test infra converts it to a
+ # normal double which causes precision loss. so we use readraw instead
+ r readraw 1
+ assert_equal ",$ld" [r rw.longdouble $ld]
+ r readraw 0
+ }
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithVerbatimString: a string reply" {
+ assert_equal "bla\nbla\nbla" [r rw.verbatim "bla\nbla\nbla"]
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithArray: an array reply" {
+ assert_equal {0 1 2 3 4} [r rw.array 5]
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithMap: an map reply" {
+ set res [r 3]
+ if {$proto == 2} {
+ assert_equal {0 0 1 1.5 2 3} $res
+ } else {
+ assert_equal [dict create 0 0.0 1 1.5 2 3.0] $res
+ }
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithSet: an set reply" {
+ assert_equal {0 1 2} [r rw.set 3]
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithAttribute: an set reply" {
+ if {$proto == 2} {
+ catch {[r rw.attribute 3]} e
+ assert_match "Attributes aren't supported by RESP 2" $e
+ } else {
+ r readraw 1
+ set res [r rw.attribute 3]
+ assert_equal [r read] {:0}
+ assert_equal [r read] {,0}
+ assert_equal [r read] {:1}
+ assert_equal [r read] {,1.5}
+ assert_equal [r read] {:2}
+ assert_equal [r read] {,3}
+ assert_equal [r read] {+OK}
+ r readraw 0
+ }
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithBool: a boolean reply" {
+ assert_equal {0 1} [r rw.bool]
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithNull: a NULL reply" {
+ assert_equal {} [r rw.null]
+ }
+ test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithError: an error reply" {
+ catch {r rw.error} e
+ assert_match "An error" $e
+ }
+ }
+ test "Unload the module - replywith" {
+ assert_equal {OK} [r module unload replywith]
+ }