/* * Copyright (c) 2006 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "hx_locl.h" #include typedef struct abitstring_s { unsigned char *feats; size_t feat_bytes; } *abitstring; struct hx509_request_data { hx509_context context; hx509_name name; SubjectPublicKeyInfo key; KeyUsage ku; ExtKeyUsage eku; GeneralNames san; struct abitstring_s authorized_EKUs; struct abitstring_s authorized_SANs; uint32_t nunsupported; /* Count of unsupported features requested */ uint32_t nauthorized; /* Count of supported features authorized */ uint32_t ku_are_authorized:1; }; /** * Allocate and initialize an hx509_request structure representing a PKCS#10 * certificate signing request. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req Where to put the new hx509_request object. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_init(hx509_context context, hx509_request *req) { *req = calloc(1, sizeof(**req)); if (*req == NULL) return ENOMEM; (*req)->context = context; return 0; } /** * Free a certificate signing request object. * * @param req A pointer to the hx509_request to free. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION void HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_free(hx509_request *reqp) { hx509_request req = *reqp; *reqp = NULL; if (req == NULL) return; if (req->name) hx509_name_free(&req->name); free(req->authorized_EKUs.feats); free(req->authorized_SANs.feats); free_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(&req->key); free_ExtKeyUsage(&req->eku); free_GeneralNames(&req->san); memset(req, 0, sizeof(*req)); free(req); } /** * Set the subjectName of the CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request to alter. * @param name The subjectName. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_set_name(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, hx509_name name) { if (req->name) hx509_name_free(&req->name); if (name) { int ret = hx509_name_copy(context, name, &req->name); if (ret) return ret; } return 0; } /** * Get the subject name requested by a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param name Where to put the name. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_get_name(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, hx509_name *name) { if (req->name == NULL) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, EINVAL, "Request have no name"); return EINVAL; } return hx509_name_copy(context, req->name, name); } /** * Set the subject public key requested by a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param key The public key. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_set_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const SubjectPublicKeyInfo *key) { free_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(&req->key); return copy_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(key, &req->key); } /** * Get the subject public key requested by a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param key Where to put the key. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_get_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, SubjectPublicKeyInfo *key) { return copy_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(&req->key, key); } /** * Set the key usage requested by a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param ku The key usage. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_set_ku(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, KeyUsage ku) { uint64_t n = KeyUsage2int(ku); if ((KeyUsage2int(req->ku) & n) != n) req->ku_are_authorized = 0; req->ku = ku; return 0; } /** * Get the key usage requested by a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param ku Where to put the key usage. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_get_ku(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, KeyUsage *ku) { *ku = req->ku; return 0; } /** * Add an extended key usage OID to a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param oid The EKU OID. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_eku(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const heim_oid *oid) { void *val; int ret; val = realloc(req->eku.val, sizeof(req->eku.val[0]) * (req->eku.len + 1)); if (val == NULL) return ENOMEM; req->eku.val = val; ret = der_copy_oid(oid, &req->eku.val[req->eku.len]); if (ret) return ret; req->eku.len += 1; return 0; } /** * Add a GeneralName (Jabber ID) subject alternative name to a CSR. * * XXX Make this take a heim_octet_string, not a GeneralName*. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param gn The GeneralName object. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_GeneralName(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const GeneralName *gn) { return add_GeneralNames(&req->san, gn); } static int add_utf8_other_san(hx509_context context, GeneralNames *gns, const heim_oid *oid, const char *s) { const PKIXXmppAddr us = (const PKIXXmppAddr)(uintptr_t)s; GeneralName gn; size_t size; int ret; gn.element = choice_GeneralName_otherName; gn.u.otherName.type_id.length = 0; gn.u.otherName.type_id.components = 0; gn.u.otherName.value.data = NULL; gn.u.otherName.value.length = 0; ret = der_copy_oid(oid, &gn.u.otherName.type_id); if (ret == 0) ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(PKIXXmppAddr, gn.u.otherName.value.data, gn.u.otherName.value.length, &us, &size, ret); if (ret == 0 && size != gn.u.otherName.value.length) _hx509_abort("internal ASN.1 encoder error"); if (ret == 0) ret = add_GeneralNames(gns, &gn); free_GeneralName(&gn); if (ret) hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Out of memory"); return ret; } /** * Add an xmppAddr (Jabber ID) subject alternative name to a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param jid The XMPP address. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_xmpp_name(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const char *jid) { return add_utf8_other_san(context, &req->san, &asn1_oid_id_pkix_on_xmppAddr, jid); } /** * Add a Microsoft UPN subject alternative name to a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param hostname The XMPP address. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_ms_upn_name(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const char *upn) { return add_utf8_other_san(context, &req->san, &asn1_oid_id_pkinit_ms_san, upn); } /** * Add a dNSName (hostname) subject alternative name to a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param hostname The fully-qualified hostname. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_dns_name(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const char *hostname) { GeneralName name; memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name)); name.element = choice_GeneralName_dNSName; name.u.dNSName.data = rk_UNCONST(hostname); name.u.dNSName.length = strlen(hostname); return add_GeneralNames(&req->san, &name); } /** * Add a dnsSRV (_service.hostname) subject alternative name to a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param dnssrv The DNS SRV name. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_dns_srv(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const char *dnssrv) { GeneralName gn; SRVName n; size_t size; int ret; memset(&n, 0, sizeof(n)); memset(&gn, 0, sizeof(gn)); gn.element = choice_GeneralName_otherName; gn.u.otherName.type_id.length = 0; gn.u.otherName.type_id.components = 0; gn.u.otherName.value.data = NULL; gn.u.otherName.value.length = 0; n.length = strlen(dnssrv); n.data = (void *)(uintptr_t)dnssrv; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(SRVName, gn.u.otherName.value.data, gn.u.otherName.value.length, &n, &size, ret); if (ret == 0) ret = der_copy_oid(&asn1_oid_id_pkix_on_dnsSRV, &gn.u.otherName.type_id); if (ret == 0) ret = add_GeneralNames(&req->san, &gn); free_GeneralName(&gn); return ret; } /** * Add an rfc822Name (e-mail address) subject alternative name to a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param email The e-mail address. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_email(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const char *email) { GeneralName name; memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name)); name.element = choice_GeneralName_rfc822Name; name.u.rfc822Name.data = rk_UNCONST(email); name.u.rfc822Name.length = strlen(email); return add_GeneralNames(&req->san, &name); } /** * Add a registeredID (OID) subject alternative name to a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param oid The OID. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_registered(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, heim_oid *oid) { GeneralName name; int ret; memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name)); name.element = choice_GeneralName_registeredID; ret = der_copy_oid(oid, &name.u.registeredID); if (ret) return ret; ret = add_GeneralNames(&req->san, &name); free_GeneralName(&name); return ret; } /** * Add a Kerberos V5 principal subject alternative name to a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param princ The Kerberos principal name. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_add_pkinit(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, const char *princ) { KRB5PrincipalName kn; GeneralName gn; int ret; memset(&kn, 0, sizeof(kn)); memset(&gn, 0, sizeof(gn)); gn.element = choice_GeneralName_otherName; gn.u.otherName.type_id.length = 0; gn.u.otherName.type_id.components = 0; gn.u.otherName.value.data = NULL; gn.u.otherName.value.length = 0; ret = der_copy_oid(&asn1_oid_id_pkinit_san, &gn.u.otherName.type_id); if (ret == 0) ret = _hx509_make_pkinit_san(context, princ, &gn.u.otherName.value); if (ret == 0) ret = add_GeneralNames(&req->san, &gn); free_GeneralName(&gn); return ret; } /* XXX Add DNSSRV and other SANs */ static int get_exts(hx509_context context, const hx509_request req, Extensions *exts) { size_t size; int ret = 0; exts->val = NULL; exts->len = 0; if (KeyUsage2int(req->ku)) { Extension e; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e)); /* The critical field needs to be made DEFAULT FALSE... */ e.critical = 1; if (ret == 0) ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(KeyUsage, e.extnValue.data, e.extnValue.length, &req->ku, &size, ret); if (ret == 0) ret = der_copy_oid(&asn1_oid_id_x509_ce_keyUsage, &e.extnID); if (ret == 0) ret = add_Extensions(exts, &e); free_Extension(&e); } if (ret == 0 && req->eku.len) { Extension e; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e)); e.critical = 1; if (ret == 0) ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(ExtKeyUsage, e.extnValue.data, e.extnValue.length, &req->eku, &size, ret); if (ret == 0) ret = der_copy_oid(&asn1_oid_id_x509_ce_extKeyUsage, &e.extnID); if (ret == 0) ret = add_Extensions(exts, &e); free_Extension(&e); } if (ret == 0 && req->san.len) { Extension e; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e)); /* * SANs are critical when the subject Name is empty. * * The empty DN check could probably stand to be a function we export. */ e.critical = FALSE; if (req->name && req->name->der_name.element == choice_Name_rdnSequence && req->name->der_name.u.rdnSequence.len == 0) e.critical = 1; if (ret == 0) ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(GeneralNames, e.extnValue.data, e.extnValue.length, &req->san, &size, ret); if (ret == 0) ret = der_copy_oid(&asn1_oid_id_x509_ce_subjectAltName, &e.extnID); if (ret == 0) ret = add_Extensions(exts, &e); free_Extension(&e); } return ret; } /** * Get the KU/EKUs/SANs set on a request as a DER-encoding of Extensions. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param exts_der Where to put the DER-encoded Extensions. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_get_exts(hx509_context context, const hx509_request req, heim_octet_string *exts_der) { Extensions exts; size_t size; int ret; exts_der->data = NULL; exts_der->length = 0; ret = get_exts(context, req, &exts); if (ret == 0 && exts.len /* Extensions has a min size constraint of 1 */) ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(Extensions, exts_der->data, exts_der->length, &exts, &size, ret); free_Extensions(&exts); return ret; } /* XXX Add PEM */ /** * Encode a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param signer The private key corresponding to the CSR's subject public key. * @param request Where to put the DER-encoded CSR. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_to_pkcs10(hx509_context context, const hx509_request req, const hx509_private_key signer, heim_octet_string *request) { CertificationRequest r; Extensions exts; heim_octet_string data; size_t size; int ret; request->data = NULL; request->length = 0; data.length = 0; data.data = NULL; if (req->name == NULL) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, EINVAL, "PKCS10 needs to have a subject"); return EINVAL; } memset(&r, 0, sizeof(r)); /* Setup CSR */ r.certificationRequestInfo.version = pkcs10_v1; ret = copy_Name(&req->name->der_name, &r.certificationRequestInfo.subject); if (ret == 0) ret = copy_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(&req->key, &r.certificationRequestInfo.subjectPKInfo); /* Encode extReq attribute with requested Certificate Extensions */ if (ret == 0) ret = get_exts(context, req, &exts); if (ret == 0 && exts.len) { Attribute *a = NULL; /* Quiet VC */ heim_any extns; r.certificationRequestInfo.attributes = calloc(1, sizeof(r.certificationRequestInfo.attributes[0])); if (r.certificationRequestInfo.attributes == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; if (ret == 0) { r.certificationRequestInfo.attributes[0].len = 1; r.certificationRequestInfo.attributes[0].val = calloc(1, sizeof(r.certificationRequestInfo.attributes[0].val[0])); if (r.certificationRequestInfo.attributes[0].val == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; if (ret == 0) a = r.certificationRequestInfo.attributes[0].val; } if (ret == 0) ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(Extensions, extns.data, extns.length, &exts, &size, ret); if (ret == 0 && a) ret = der_copy_oid(&asn1_oid_id_pkcs9_extReq, &a->type); if (ret == 0) ret = add_AttributeValues(&a->value, &extns); free_heim_any(&extns); } /* Encode CSR body for signing */ if (ret == 0) ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(CertificationRequestInfo, data.data, data.length, &r.certificationRequestInfo, &size, ret); if (ret == 0 && data.length != size) abort(); /* Self-sign CSR body */ if (ret == 0) { ret = _hx509_create_signature_bitstring(context, signer, _hx509_crypto_default_sig_alg, &data, &r.signatureAlgorithm, &r.signature); } free(data.data); /* Encode CSR */ if (ret == 0) ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(CertificationRequest, request->data, request->length, &r, &size, ret); if (ret == 0 && request->length != size) abort(); free_CertificationRequest(&r); free_Extensions(&exts); return ret; } /** * Parse an encoded CSR and verify its self-signature. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param der The DER-encoded CSR. * @param req Where to put request object. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_parse_der(hx509_context context, heim_octet_string *der, hx509_request *req) { CertificationRequestInfo *rinfo = NULL; CertificationRequest r; hx509_cert signer = NULL; Extensions exts; size_t i, size; int ret; memset(&exts, 0, sizeof(exts)); /* Initial setup and decoding of CSR */ ret = hx509_request_init(context, req); if (ret) return ret; ret = decode_CertificationRequest(der->data, der->length, &r, &size); if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Failed to decode CSR"); free(*req); *req = NULL; return ret; } rinfo = &r.certificationRequestInfo; /* * Setup a 'signer' for verifying the self-signature for proof of * possession. * * Sadly we need a "certificate" here because _hx509_verify_signature_*() * functions want one as a signer even though all the verification * functions that use the signer argument only ever use the spki of the * signer certificate. * * FIXME Change struct signature_alg's verify_signature's prototype to use * an spki instead of an hx509_cert as the signer! The we won't have * to do this. */ if (ret == 0) { Certificate c; memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c)); c.tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo = rinfo->subjectPKInfo; if ((signer = hx509_cert_init(context, &c, NULL)) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; } /* Verify the signature */ if (ret == 0) ret = _hx509_verify_signature_bitstring(context, signer, &r.signatureAlgorithm, &rinfo->_save, &r.signature); if (ret) hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "CSR signature verification failed"); hx509_cert_free(signer); /* Populate the hx509_request */ if (ret == 0) ret = hx509_request_set_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(context, *req, &rinfo->subjectPKInfo); if (ret == 0) ret = _hx509_name_from_Name(&rinfo->subject, &(*req)->name); /* Extract KUs, EKUs, and SANs from the CSR's attributes */ if (ret || !rinfo->attributes || !rinfo->attributes[0].len) goto out; for (i = 0; ret == 0 && i < rinfo->attributes[0].len; i++) { Attribute *a = &rinfo->attributes[0].val[i]; heim_any *av = NULL; /* We only support Extensions request attributes */ if (der_heim_oid_cmp(&a->type, &asn1_oid_id_pkcs9_extReq) != 0) { char *oidstr = NULL; /* * We need an HX509_TRACE facility for this sort of warning. * * We'd put the warning in the context and then allow the caller to * extract and reset the warning. * * FIXME */ der_print_heim_oid(&a->type, '.', &oidstr); warnx("Unknown or unsupported CSR attribute %s", oidstr ? oidstr : ""); free(oidstr); continue; } if (!a->value.val) continue; av = a->value.val; ret = decode_Extensions(av->data, av->length, &exts, NULL); if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "CSR signature verification failed " "due to invalid extReq attribute"); goto out; } } for (i = 0; ret == 0 && i < exts.len; i++) { const char *what = ""; Extension *e = &exts.val[i]; if (der_heim_oid_cmp(&e->extnID, &asn1_oid_id_x509_ce_keyUsage) == 0) { ret = decode_KeyUsage(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, &(*req)->ku, NULL); what = "keyUsage"; /* * Count all KUs as one requested extension to be authorized, * though the caller will have to check the KU values individually. */ if (KeyUsage2int((*req)->ku) & ~KeyUsage2int(int2KeyUsage(~0))) (*req)->nunsupported++; } else if (der_heim_oid_cmp(&e->extnID, &asn1_oid_id_x509_ce_extKeyUsage) == 0) { ret = decode_ExtKeyUsage(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, &(*req)->eku, NULL); what = "extKeyUsage"; /* * Count each EKU as a separate requested extension to be * authorized. */ } else if (der_heim_oid_cmp(&e->extnID, &asn1_oid_id_x509_ce_subjectAltName) == 0) { ret = decode_GeneralNames(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, &(*req)->san, NULL); what = "subjectAlternativeName"; /* * Count each SAN as a separate requested extension to be * authorized. */ } else { char *oidstr = NULL; (*req)->nunsupported++; /* * We need an HX509_TRACE facility for this sort of warning. * * We'd put the warning in the context and then allow the caller to * extract and reset the warning. * * FIXME */ der_print_heim_oid(&e->extnID, '.', &oidstr); warnx("Unknown or unsupported CSR extension request %s", oidstr ? oidstr : ""); free(oidstr); } if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "CSR signature verification failed " "due to invalid %s extension", what); break; } } out: free_CertificationRequest(&r); free_Extensions(&exts); if (ret) hx509_request_free(req); return ret; } /** * Parse an encoded CSR and verify its self-signature. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param csr The name of a store containing the CSR ("PKCS10:/path/to/file") * @param req Where to put request object. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_parse(hx509_context context, const char *csr, hx509_request *req) { heim_octet_string d; int ret; /* XXX Add support for PEM */ if (strncmp(csr, "PKCS10:", 7) != 0) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, "CSR location does not start with \"PKCS10:\": %s", csr); return HX509_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION; } ret = rk_undumpdata(csr + 7, &d.data, &d.length); if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Could not read %s", csr); return ret; } ret = hx509_request_parse_der(context, &d, req); free(d.data); if (ret) hx509_set_error_string(context, HX509_ERROR_APPEND, ret, " (while parsing CSR from %s)", csr); return ret; } /** * Get some EKU from a CSR. Usable as an iterator. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param idx The index of the EKU (0 for the first) to return * @param out A pointer to a char * variable where the OID will be placed * (caller must free with free()) * * @return Zero on success, HX509_NO_ITEM if no such item exists (denoting * iteration end), or an error. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_get_eku(hx509_request req, size_t idx, char **out) { *out = NULL; if (idx >= req->eku.len) return HX509_NO_ITEM; return der_print_heim_oid(&req->eku.val[idx], '.', out); } static int abitstring_check(abitstring a, size_t n, int idx) { size_t bytes; if (idx >= n) return EINVAL; bytes = (idx + 1) / CHAR_BIT + (((idx + 1) % CHAR_BIT) ? 1 : 0); if (a->feat_bytes < bytes) return 0; return !!(a->feats[idx / CHAR_BIT] & (1UL<<(idx % CHAR_BIT))); } /* * Sets and returns 0 if not already set, -1 if already set. Positive return * values are system errors. */ static int abitstring_set(abitstring a, size_t n, int idx) { size_t bytes; if (idx >= n) return EINVAL; bytes = n / CHAR_BIT + ((n % CHAR_BIT) ? 1 : 0); if (a->feat_bytes < bytes) { unsigned char *tmp; if ((tmp = realloc(a->feats, bytes)) == NULL) return ENOMEM; memset(tmp + a->feat_bytes, 0, bytes - a->feat_bytes); a->feats = tmp; a->feat_bytes = bytes; } if (!(a->feats[idx / CHAR_BIT] & (1UL<<(idx % CHAR_BIT)))) { a->feats[idx / CHAR_BIT] |= 1UL<<(idx % CHAR_BIT); return 0; } return -1; } /* * Resets and returns 0 if not already reset, -1 if already reset. Positive * return values are system errors. */ static int abitstring_reset(abitstring a, size_t n, int idx) { size_t bytes; if (idx >= n) return EINVAL; bytes = (idx + 1) / CHAR_BIT + (((idx + 1) % CHAR_BIT) ? 1 : 0); if (a->feat_bytes >= bytes && (a->feats[idx / CHAR_BIT] & (1UL<<(idx % CHAR_BIT)))) { a->feats[idx / CHAR_BIT] &= ~(1UL<<(idx % CHAR_BIT)); return 0; } return -1; } static int authorize_feat(hx509_request req, abitstring a, size_t n, int idx) { int ret; ret = abitstring_set(a, n, idx); switch (ret) { case 0: req->nauthorized++; fallthrough; case -1: return 0; default: return ret; } } static int reject_feat(hx509_request req, abitstring a, size_t n, int idx) { int ret; ret = abitstring_reset(a, n, idx); switch (ret) { case 0: req->nauthorized--; fallthrough; case -1: return 0; default: return ret; } } /** * Filter the requested KeyUsage and mark it authorized. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param ku Permitted KeyUsage * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION void HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_authorize_ku(hx509_request req, KeyUsage ku) { (void) hx509_request_set_ku(NULL, req, ku); req->ku = int2KeyUsage(KeyUsage2int(req->ku) & KeyUsage2int(ku)); if (KeyUsage2int(ku)) req->ku_are_authorized = 1; } /** * Mark a requested EKU as authorized. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param idx The index of an EKU that can be fetched with * hx509_request_get_eku() * * @return Zero on success, an error otherwise. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_authorize_eku(hx509_request req, size_t idx) { return authorize_feat(req, &req->authorized_EKUs, req->eku.len, idx); } /** * Mark a requested EKU as not authorized. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param idx The index of an EKU that can be fetched with * hx509_request_get_eku() * * @return Zero on success, an error otherwise. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_reject_eku(hx509_request req, size_t idx) { return reject_feat(req, &req->authorized_EKUs, req->eku.len, idx); } /** * Check if an EKU has been marked authorized. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param idx The index of an EKU that can be fetched with * hx509_request_get_eku() * * @return Non-zero if authorized, zero if not. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_eku_authorized_p(hx509_request req, size_t idx) { return abitstring_check(&req->authorized_EKUs, req->eku.len, idx); } /** * Mark a requested SAN as authorized. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param idx The cursor as modified by a SAN iterator. * * @return Zero on success, an error otherwise. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_authorize_san(hx509_request req, size_t idx) { return authorize_feat(req, &req->authorized_SANs, req->san.len, idx); } /** * Mark a requested SAN as not authorized. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param idx The cursor as modified by a SAN iterator. * * @return Zero on success, an error otherwise. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_reject_san(hx509_request req, size_t idx) { return reject_feat(req, &req->authorized_SANs, req->san.len, idx); } /** * Check if a SAN has been marked authorized. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param idx The index of a SAN that can be fetched with * hx509_request_get_san() * * @return Non-zero if authorized, zero if not. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_san_authorized_p(hx509_request req, size_t idx) { return abitstring_check(&req->authorized_SANs, req->san.len, idx); } /** * Return the count of unsupported requested certificate extensions. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @return The number of unsupported certificate extensions requested. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION size_t HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_count_unsupported(hx509_request req) { return req->nunsupported; } /** * Return the count of as-yet unauthorized certificate extensions requested. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * @return The number of as-yet unauthorized certificate extensions requested. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION size_t HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_count_unauthorized(hx509_request req) { size_t nrequested = req->eku.len + req->san.len + (KeyUsage2int(req->ku) ? 1 : 0) + req->nunsupported; return nrequested - (req->nauthorized + req->ku_are_authorized); } static hx509_san_type san_map_type(GeneralName *san) { static const struct { const heim_oid *oid; hx509_san_type type; } map[] = { { &asn1_oid_id_pkix_on_dnsSRV, HX509_SAN_TYPE_DNSSRV }, { &asn1_oid_id_pkinit_san, HX509_SAN_TYPE_PKINIT }, { &asn1_oid_id_pkix_on_xmppAddr, HX509_SAN_TYPE_XMPP }, { &asn1_oid_id_pkinit_ms_san, HX509_SAN_TYPE_MS_UPN }, { &asn1_oid_id_pkix_on_permanentIdentifier, HX509_SAN_TYPE_PERMANENT_ID }, { &asn1_oid_id_on_hardwareModuleName, HX509_SAN_TYPE_HW_MODULE }, }; size_t i; switch (san->element) { case choice_GeneralName_rfc822Name: return HX509_SAN_TYPE_EMAIL; case choice_GeneralName_dNSName: return HX509_SAN_TYPE_DNSNAME; case choice_GeneralName_directoryName: return HX509_SAN_TYPE_DN; case choice_GeneralName_registeredID: return HX509_SAN_TYPE_REGISTERED_ID; case choice_GeneralName_otherName: { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(map)/sizeof(map[0]); i++) if (der_heim_oid_cmp(&san->u.otherName.type_id, map[i].oid) == 0) return map[i].type; } fallthrough; default: return HX509_SAN_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; } } /** * Return the count of as-yet unauthorized certificate extensions requested. * * @param req The hx509_request object. * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION size_t HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_get_san(hx509_request req, size_t idx, hx509_san_type *type, char **out) { struct rk_strpool *pool = NULL; GeneralName *san; *out = NULL; if (idx >= req->san.len) return HX509_NO_ITEM; san = &req->san.val[idx]; switch ((*type = san_map_type(san))) { case HX509_SAN_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED: return 0; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_EMAIL: *out = strndup(san->u.rfc822Name.data, san->u.rfc822Name.length); break; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_DNSNAME: *out = strndup(san->u.dNSName.data, san->u.dNSName.length); break; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_DNSSRV: { SRVName name; size_t size; int ret; ret = decode_SRVName(san->u.otherName.value.data, san->u.otherName.value.length, &name, &size); if (ret) return ret; *out = strndup(name.data, name.length); break; } case HX509_SAN_TYPE_PERMANENT_ID: { PermanentIdentifier pi; size_t size; char *s = NULL; int ret; ret = decode_PermanentIdentifier(san->u.otherName.value.data, san->u.otherName.value.length, &pi, &size); if (ret == 0 && pi.assigner) { ret = der_print_heim_oid(pi.assigner, '.', &s); if (ret == 0 && (pool = rk_strpoolprintf(NULL, "%s", s)) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; } else if (ret == 0) { pool = rk_strpoolprintf(NULL, "-"); } if (ret == 0 && (pool = rk_strpoolprintf(pool, "%s%s", *pi.identifierValue ? " " : "", *pi.identifierValue ? *pi.identifierValue : "")) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; if (ret == 0 && (*out = rk_strpoolcollect(pool)) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; free_PermanentIdentifier(&pi); free(s); return ret; } case HX509_SAN_TYPE_HW_MODULE: { HardwareModuleName hn; size_t size; char *s = NULL; int ret; ret = decode_HardwareModuleName(san->u.otherName.value.data, san->u.otherName.value.length, &hn, &size); if (ret == 0 && hn.hwSerialNum.length > 256) hn.hwSerialNum.length = 256; if (ret == 0) ret = der_print_heim_oid(&hn.hwType, '.', &s); if (ret == 0) pool = rk_strpoolprintf(NULL, "%s", s); if (ret == 0 && pool) pool = rk_strpoolprintf(pool, " %.*s", (int)hn.hwSerialNum.length, (char *)hn.hwSerialNum.data); if (ret == 0 && (pool == NULL || (*out = rk_strpoolcollect(pool)) == NULL)) ret = ENOMEM; free_HardwareModuleName(&hn); return ret; } case HX509_SAN_TYPE_DN: { Name name; if (san->u.directoryName.element == choice_Name_rdnSequence) { name.element = choice_Name_rdnSequence; name.u.rdnSequence = san->u.directoryName.u.rdnSequence; return _hx509_Name_to_string(&name, out); } *type = HX509_SAN_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; return 0; } case HX509_SAN_TYPE_REGISTERED_ID: return der_print_heim_oid(&san->u.registeredID, '.', out); case HX509_SAN_TYPE_XMPP: fallthrough; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_MS_UPN: { int ret; ret = _hx509_unparse_utf8_string_name(req->context, &pool, &san->u.otherName.value); if ((*out = rk_strpoolcollect(pool)) == NULL) return hx509_enomem(req->context); return ret; } case HX509_SAN_TYPE_PKINIT: { int ret; ret = _hx509_unparse_KRB5PrincipalName(req->context, &pool, &san->u.otherName.value); if ((*out = rk_strpoolcollect(pool)) == NULL) return hx509_enomem(req->context); return ret; } default: *type = HX509_SAN_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; return 0; } if (*out == NULL) return ENOMEM; return 0; } /** * Display a CSR. * * @param context An hx509 context. * @param req The hx509_request object. * @param f A FILE * to print the CSR to. * * @return An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). * * @ingroup hx509_request */ HX509_LIB_FUNCTION int HX509_LIB_CALL hx509_request_print(hx509_context context, hx509_request req, FILE *f) { uint64_t ku_num; size_t i; char *s = NULL; int ret = 0; /* * It's really unformatunate that we can't reuse more of the * lib/hx509/print.c infrastructure here, as it's too focused on * Certificates. * * For that matter, it's really annoying that CSRs don't more resemble * Certificates. Indeed, an ideal CSR would look like this: * * CSRInfo ::= { * desiredTbsCertificate TBSCertificate, * attributes [1] SEQUENCE OF Attribute OPTIONAL, * } * CSR :: = { * csrInfo CSRInfo, * sigAlg AlgorithmIdentifier, * signature BIT STRING * } * * with everything related to the desired certificate in * desiredTbsCertificate and anything not related to the CSR's contents in * the 'attributes' field. * * That wouldn't allow one to have optional desired TBSCertificate * features, but hey. One could express "gimme all or gimme nothing" as an * attribute, or "gimme what you can", then check what one got. */ fprintf(f, "PKCS#10 CertificationRequest:\n"); if (req->name) { char *subject; ret = hx509_name_to_string(req->name, &subject); if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Failed to print name"); return ret; } fprintf(f, " name: %s\n", subject); free(subject); } /* XXX Use hx509_request_get_ku() accessor */ if ((ku_num = KeyUsage2int(req->ku))) { const struct units *u; const char *first = " "; fprintf(f, " key usage:"); for (u = asn1_KeyUsage_units(); u->name; ++u) { if ((ku_num & u->mult)) { fprintf(f, "%s%s", first, u->name); first = ", "; ku_num &= ~u->mult; } } if (ku_num) fprintf(f, "%s", first); fprintf(f, "\n"); } if (req->eku.len) { const char *first = " "; fprintf(f, " eku:"); for (i = 0; ret == 0; i++) { free(s); s = NULL; ret = hx509_request_get_eku(req, i, &s); if (ret) break; fprintf(f, "%s{%s}", first, s); first = ", "; } fprintf(f, "\n"); } free(s); s = NULL; if (ret == HX509_NO_ITEM) ret = 0; for (i = 0; ret == 0; i++) { hx509_san_type san_type; free(s); s = NULL; ret = hx509_request_get_san(req, i, &san_type, &s); if (ret) break; switch (san_type) { case HX509_SAN_TYPE_EMAIL: fprintf(f, " san: rfc822Name: %s\n", s); break; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_DNSNAME: fprintf(f, " san: dNSName: %s\n", s); break; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_DN: fprintf(f, " san: dn: %s\n", s); break; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_REGISTERED_ID: fprintf(f, " san: registeredID: %s\n", s); break; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_XMPP: fprintf(f, " san: xmpp: %s\n", s); break; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_PKINIT: fprintf(f, " san: pkinit: %s\n", s); break; case HX509_SAN_TYPE_MS_UPN: fprintf(f, " san: ms-upn: %s\n", s); break; default: fprintf(f, " san: \n"); break; } } free(s); s = NULL; if (ret == HX509_NO_ITEM) ret = 0; return ret; }