/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "krb5_locl.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL _krb5_fast_cf2(krb5_context context, krb5_keyblock *key1, const char *pepper1, krb5_keyblock *key2, const char *pepper2, krb5_keyblock *armorkey, krb5_crypto *armor_crypto) { krb5_crypto crypto1, crypto2; krb5_data pa1, pa2; krb5_error_code ret; ret = krb5_crypto_init(context, key1, 0, &crypto1); if (ret) return ret; ret = krb5_crypto_init(context, key2, 0, &crypto2); if (ret) { krb5_crypto_destroy(context, crypto1); return ret; } pa1.data = rk_UNCONST(pepper1); pa1.length = strlen(pepper1); pa2.data = rk_UNCONST(pepper2); pa2.length = strlen(pepper2); ret = krb5_crypto_fx_cf2(context, crypto1, crypto2, &pa1, &pa2, key1->keytype, armorkey); krb5_crypto_destroy(context, crypto1); krb5_crypto_destroy(context, crypto2); if (ret) return ret; if (armor_crypto) { ret = krb5_crypto_init(context, armorkey, 0, armor_crypto); if (ret) krb5_free_keyblock_contents(context, armorkey); } return ret; } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL _krb5_fast_armor_key(krb5_context context, krb5_keyblock *subkey, krb5_keyblock *sessionkey, krb5_keyblock *armorkey, krb5_crypto *armor_crypto) { return _krb5_fast_cf2(context, subkey, "subkeyarmor", sessionkey, "ticketarmor", armorkey, armor_crypto); } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL _krb5_fast_explicit_armor_key(krb5_context context, krb5_keyblock *armorkey, krb5_keyblock *subkey, krb5_keyblock *explicit_armorkey, krb5_crypto *explicit_armor_crypto) { return _krb5_fast_cf2(context, armorkey, "explicitarmor", subkey, "tgsarmor", explicit_armorkey, explicit_armor_crypto); } static krb5_error_code check_fast(krb5_context context, struct krb5_fast_state *state) { if (state && (state->flags & KRB5_FAST_EXPECTED)) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED, "Expected FAST, but no FAST " "was in the response from the KDC"); return KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED; } return 0; } static krb5_error_code make_local_fast_ap_fxarmor(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache armor_ccache, krb5_const_realm realm, krb5_data *armor_value, krb5_keyblock *armor_key, krb5_crypto *armor_crypto) { krb5_auth_context auth_context = NULL; krb5_creds cred, *credp = NULL; krb5_error_code ret; krb5_data empty; krb5_const_realm tgs_realm; if (armor_ccache == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, EINVAL, "Armor credential cache required"); return EINVAL; } krb5_data_zero(&empty); memset(&cred, 0, sizeof(cred)); ret = krb5_auth_con_init (context, &auth_context); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_cc_get_principal(context, armor_ccache, &cred.client); if (ret) goto out; /* * Make sure we don't ask for a krbtgt/WELLKNOWN:ANONYMOUS */ if (krb5_principal_is_anonymous(context, cred.client, KRB5_ANON_MATCH_UNAUTHENTICATED)) tgs_realm = realm; else tgs_realm = cred.client->realm; ret = krb5_make_principal(context, &cred.server, tgs_realm, KRB5_TGS_NAME, tgs_realm, NULL); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_get_credentials(context, 0, armor_ccache, &cred, &credp); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_auth_con_add_AuthorizationData(context, auth_context, KRB5_AUTHDATA_FX_FAST_ARMOR, &empty); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_mk_req_extended(context, &auth_context, AP_OPTS_USE_SUBKEY, NULL, credp, armor_value); if (ret) goto out; ret = _krb5_fast_armor_key(context, auth_context->local_subkey, auth_context->keyblock, armor_key, armor_crypto); if (ret) goto out; out: if (auth_context) krb5_auth_con_free(context, auth_context); if (credp) krb5_free_creds(context, credp); krb5_free_principal(context, cred.server); krb5_free_principal(context, cred.client); return ret; } #ifndef WIN32 static heim_base_once_t armor_service_once = HEIM_BASE_ONCE_INIT; static heim_ipc armor_service = NULL; static void fast_armor_init_ipc(void *ctx) { heim_ipc *ipc = ctx; heim_ipc_init_context("ANY:org.h5l.armor-service", ipc); } #endif static krb5_error_code make_fast_ap_fxarmor(krb5_context context, struct krb5_fast_state *state, krb5_const_realm realm, KrbFastArmor **armor) { KrbFastArmor *fxarmor = NULL; krb5_error_code ret; *armor = NULL; ALLOC(fxarmor, 1); if (fxarmor == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } if (state->flags & KRB5_FAST_AP_ARMOR_SERVICE) { #ifdef WIN32 krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOTSUP, "Fast armor IPC service not supportted yet on Windows"); ret = ENOTSUP; goto out; #else KERB_ARMOR_SERVICE_REPLY msg; krb5_data request, reply; heim_base_once_f(&armor_service_once, &armor_service, fast_armor_init_ipc); if (armor_service == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOENT, "Failed to open fast armor service"); ret = ENOENT; goto out; } krb5_data_zero(&reply); request.data = rk_UNCONST(realm); request.length = strlen(realm); ret = heim_ipc_call(armor_service, &request, &reply, NULL); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, "Failed to get armor service credential"); goto out; } ret = decode_KERB_ARMOR_SERVICE_REPLY(reply.data, reply.length, &msg, NULL); krb5_data_free(&reply); if (ret) goto out; ret = copy_KrbFastArmor(fxarmor, &msg.armor); if (ret) { free_KERB_ARMOR_SERVICE_REPLY(&msg); goto out; } ret = krb5_copy_keyblock_contents(context, &msg.armor_key, &state->armor_key); free_KERB_ARMOR_SERVICE_REPLY(&msg); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_crypto_init(context, &state->armor_key, 0, &state->armor_crypto); if (ret) goto out; #endif /* WIN32 */ } else { fxarmor->armor_type = 1; ret = make_local_fast_ap_fxarmor(context, state->armor_ccache, realm, &fxarmor->armor_value, &state->armor_key, &state->armor_crypto); if (ret) goto out; } *armor = fxarmor; fxarmor = NULL; out: if (fxarmor) { free_KrbFastArmor(fxarmor); free(fxarmor); } return ret; } static krb5_error_code unwrap_fast_rep(krb5_context context, struct krb5_fast_state *state, PA_DATA *pa, KrbFastResponse *fastrep) { PA_FX_FAST_REPLY fxfastrep; krb5_error_code ret; memset(&fxfastrep, 0, sizeof(fxfastrep)); ret = decode_PA_FX_FAST_REPLY(pa->padata_value.data, pa->padata_value.length, &fxfastrep, NULL); if (ret) return ret; if (fxfastrep.element == choice_PA_FX_FAST_REPLY_armored_data) { krb5_data data; ret = krb5_decrypt_EncryptedData(context, state->armor_crypto, KRB5_KU_FAST_REP, &fxfastrep.u.armored_data.enc_fast_rep, &data); if (ret) goto out; ret = decode_KrbFastResponse(data.data, data.length, fastrep, NULL); krb5_data_free(&data); if (ret) goto out; } else { ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED; goto out; } out: free_PA_FX_FAST_REPLY(&fxfastrep); return ret; } static krb5_error_code set_anon_principal(krb5_context context, PrincipalName **p) { ALLOC((*p), 1); if (*p == NULL) goto fail; (*p)->name_type = KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL; ALLOC_SEQ(&(*p)->name_string, 2); if ((*p)->name_string.val == NULL) goto fail; (*p)->name_string.val[0] = strdup(KRB5_WELLKNOWN_NAME); if ((*p)->name_string.val[0] == NULL) goto fail; (*p)->name_string.val[1] = strdup(KRB5_ANON_NAME); if ((*p)->name_string.val[1] == NULL) goto fail; return 0; fail: if (*p) { if ((*p)->name_string.val) { free((*p)->name_string.val[0]); free((*p)->name_string.val[1]); free((*p)->name_string.val); } free(*p); } return krb5_enomem(context); } krb5_error_code _krb5_fast_create_armor(krb5_context context, struct krb5_fast_state *state, const char *realm) { krb5_error_code ret; if (state->armor_crypto == NULL) { if (state->armor_ccache || state->armor_ac || (state->flags & KRB5_FAST_AP_ARMOR_SERVICE)) { /* * Instead of keeping state in FX_COOKIE in the KDC, we * rebuild a new armor key for every request, because this * is what the MIT KDC expect and RFC6113 is vage about * what the behavior should be. */ state->type = choice_PA_FX_FAST_REQUEST_armored_data; } else { return check_fast(context, state); } } if (state->type == choice_PA_FX_FAST_REQUEST_armored_data) { if (state->armor_crypto) { krb5_crypto_destroy(context, state->armor_crypto); state->armor_crypto = NULL; } if (state->strengthen_key) { krb5_free_keyblock(context, state->strengthen_key); state->strengthen_key = NULL; } krb5_free_keyblock_contents(context, &state->armor_key); /* * If we have a armor auth context, its because the caller * wants us to do an implicit FAST armor (TGS-REQ). */ if (state->armor_ac) { heim_assert((state->flags & KRB5_FAST_AS_REQ) == 0, "FAST AS with AC"); ret = _krb5_fast_armor_key(context, state->armor_ac->local_subkey, state->armor_ac->keyblock, &state->armor_key, &state->armor_crypto); if (ret) goto out; } else { heim_assert((state->flags & KRB5_FAST_AS_REQ) != 0, "FAST TGS without AC"); if (state->armor_data) { free_KrbFastArmor(state->armor_data); free(state->armor_data); state->armor_data = NULL; } ret = make_fast_ap_fxarmor(context, state, realm, &state->armor_data); if (ret) goto out; } } else { heim_abort("unknown state type: %d", (int)state->type); } out: return ret; } krb5_error_code _krb5_fast_wrap_req(krb5_context context, struct krb5_fast_state *state, KDC_REQ *req) { PA_FX_FAST_REQUEST fxreq; krb5_error_code ret; KrbFastReq fastreq; krb5_data data, aschecksum_data, tgschecksum_data; const krb5_data *checksum_data = NULL; size_t size = 0; krb5_boolean readd_padata_to_outer = FALSE; if (state->flags & KRB5_FAST_DISABLED) { _krb5_debug(context, 10, "fast disabled, not doing any fast wrapping"); return 0; } memset(&fxreq, 0, sizeof(fxreq)); memset(&fastreq, 0, sizeof(fastreq)); krb5_data_zero(&data); krb5_data_zero(&aschecksum_data); krb5_data_zero(&tgschecksum_data); if (state->armor_crypto == NULL) return check_fast(context, state); state->flags |= KRB5_FAST_EXPECTED; fastreq.fast_options.hide_client_names = 1; ret = copy_KDC_REQ_BODY(&req->req_body, &fastreq.req_body); if (ret) goto out; /* * In the case of a AS-REQ, remove all account names. Want to this * for TGS-REQ too, but due to layering this is tricky. * * 1. TGS-REQ need checksum of REQ-BODY * 2. FAST needs checksum of TGS-REQ, so, FAST needs to happen after TGS-REQ * 3. FAST privacy mangaling needs to happen before TGS-REQ does the checksum in 1. * * So lets not modify the bits for now for TGS-REQ */ if (state->flags & KRB5_FAST_AS_REQ) { free_KDC_REQ_BODY(&req->req_body); req->req_body.realm = strdup(KRB5_ANON_REALM); if (req->req_body.realm == NULL) { ret = krb5_enomem(context); goto out; } ret = set_anon_principal(context, &req->req_body.cname); if (ret) goto out; ALLOC(req->req_body.till, 1); *req->req_body.till = 0; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(KDC_REQ_BODY, aschecksum_data.data, aschecksum_data.length, &req->req_body, &size, ret); if (ret) goto out; heim_assert(aschecksum_data.length == size, "ASN.1 internal error"); checksum_data = &aschecksum_data; if (req->padata) { ret = copy_METHOD_DATA(req->padata, &fastreq.padata); free_METHOD_DATA(req->padata); if (ret) goto out; } } else { const PA_DATA *tgs_req_ptr = NULL; int tgs_req_idx = 0; size_t i; heim_assert(req->padata != NULL, "req->padata is NULL"); tgs_req_ptr = krb5_find_padata(req->padata->val, req->padata->len, KRB5_PADATA_TGS_REQ, &tgs_req_idx); heim_assert(tgs_req_ptr != NULL, "KRB5_PADATA_TGS_REQ not found"); heim_assert(tgs_req_idx == 0, "KRB5_PADATA_TGS_REQ not first"); tgschecksum_data.data = tgs_req_ptr->padata_value.data; tgschecksum_data.length = tgs_req_ptr->padata_value.length; checksum_data = &tgschecksum_data; /* * Now copy all remaining once to * the fastreq.padata and clear * them in the outer req first, * and remember to readd them later. */ readd_padata_to_outer = TRUE; for (i = 1; i < req->padata->len; i++) { PA_DATA *val = &req->padata->val[i]; ret = krb5_padata_add(context, &fastreq.padata, val->padata_type, val->padata_value.data, val->padata_value.length); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); goto out; } val->padata_value.data = NULL; val->padata_value.length = 0; } /* * Only TGS-REQ remaining */ req->padata->len = 1; } if (req->padata == NULL) { ALLOC(req->padata, 1); if (req->padata == NULL) { ret = krb5_enomem(context); goto out; } } ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(KrbFastReq, data.data, data.length, &fastreq, &size, ret); if (ret) goto out; heim_assert(data.length == size, "ASN.1 internal error"); fxreq.element = state->type; if (state->type == choice_PA_FX_FAST_REQUEST_armored_data) { fxreq.u.armored_data.armor = state->armor_data; state->armor_data = NULL; heim_assert(state->armor_crypto != NULL, "FAST armor key missing when FAST started"); ret = krb5_create_checksum(context, state->armor_crypto, KRB5_KU_FAST_REQ_CHKSUM, 0, checksum_data->data, checksum_data->length, &fxreq.u.armored_data.req_checksum); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_encrypt_EncryptedData(context, state->armor_crypto, KRB5_KU_FAST_ENC, data.data, data.length, 0, &fxreq.u.armored_data.enc_fast_req); krb5_data_free(&data); if (ret) goto out; } else { krb5_data_free(&data); heim_assert(false, "unknown FAST type, internal error"); } ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(PA_FX_FAST_REQUEST, data.data, data.length, &fxreq, &size, ret); if (ret) goto out; heim_assert(data.length == size, "ASN.1 internal error"); ret = krb5_padata_add(context, req->padata, KRB5_PADATA_FX_FAST, data.data, data.length); if (ret) goto out; krb5_data_zero(&data); if (readd_padata_to_outer) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < fastreq.padata.len; i++) { PA_DATA *val = &fastreq.padata.val[i]; ret = krb5_padata_add(context, req->padata, val->padata_type, val->padata_value.data, val->padata_value.length); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); goto out; } val->padata_value.data = NULL; val->padata_value.length = 0; } } out: free_KrbFastReq(&fastreq); free_PA_FX_FAST_REQUEST(&fxreq); krb5_data_free(&data); krb5_data_free(&aschecksum_data); return ret; } krb5_error_code _krb5_fast_unwrap_error(krb5_context context, int32_t nonce, struct krb5_fast_state *state, METHOD_DATA *md, KRB_ERROR *error) { KrbFastResponse fastrep; krb5_error_code ret; PA_DATA *pa; int idx; if (state->armor_crypto == NULL) return check_fast(context, state); memset(&fastrep, 0, sizeof(fastrep)); idx = 0; pa = krb5_find_padata(md->val, md->len, KRB5_PADATA_FX_FAST, &idx); if (pa == NULL) { ret = KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("FAST fast response is missing FX-FAST", "")); goto out; } ret = unwrap_fast_rep(context, state, pa, &fastrep); if (ret) goto out; if (fastrep.strengthen_key || nonce != (int32_t)fastrep.nonce) { ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED; goto out; } idx = 0; pa = krb5_find_padata(fastrep.padata.val, fastrep.padata.len, KRB5_PADATA_FX_ERROR, &idx); if (pa == NULL) { ret = KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("No wrapped error", "")); goto out; } free_KRB_ERROR(error); ret = krb5_rd_error(context, &pa->padata_value, error); if (ret) goto out; if (error->e_data) _krb5_debug(context, 10, "FAST wrapped KBB_ERROR contained e_data: %d", (int)error->e_data->length); free_METHOD_DATA(md); md->val = fastrep.padata.val; md->len = fastrep.padata.len; fastrep.padata.val = NULL; fastrep.padata.len = 0; out: free_KrbFastResponse(&fastrep); return ret; } krb5_error_code _krb5_fast_unwrap_kdc_rep(krb5_context context, int32_t nonce, krb5_data *chksumdata, struct krb5_fast_state *state, AS_REP *rep) { KrbFastResponse fastrep; krb5_error_code ret; PA_DATA *pa = NULL; int idx = 0; if (state == NULL || state->armor_crypto == NULL || rep->padata == NULL) return check_fast(context, state); /* find PA_FX_FAST_REPLY */ pa = krb5_find_padata(rep->padata->val, rep->padata->len, KRB5_PADATA_FX_FAST, &idx); if (pa == NULL) return check_fast(context, state); memset(&fastrep, 0, sizeof(fastrep)); ret = unwrap_fast_rep(context, state, pa, &fastrep); if (ret) goto out; free_METHOD_DATA(rep->padata); ret = copy_METHOD_DATA(&fastrep.padata, rep->padata); if (ret) goto out; if (fastrep.strengthen_key) { if (state->strengthen_key) krb5_free_keyblock(context, state->strengthen_key); ret = krb5_copy_keyblock(context, fastrep.strengthen_key, &state->strengthen_key); if (ret) goto out; } if (nonce != (int32_t)fastrep.nonce) { ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED; goto out; } if (fastrep.finished) { PrincipalName cname; krb5_realm crealm = NULL; if (chksumdata == NULL) { ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED; goto out; } ret = krb5_verify_checksum(context, state->armor_crypto, KRB5_KU_FAST_FINISHED, chksumdata->data, chksumdata->length, &fastrep.finished->ticket_checksum); if (ret) goto out; /* update */ ret = copy_Realm(&fastrep.finished->crealm, &crealm); if (ret) goto out; free_Realm(&rep->crealm); rep->crealm = crealm; ret = copy_PrincipalName(&fastrep.finished->cname, &cname); if (ret) goto out; free_PrincipalName(&rep->cname); rep->cname = cname; } else if (chksumdata) { /* expected fastrep.finish but didn't get it */ ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED; } out: free_KrbFastResponse(&fastrep); return ret; } void _krb5_fast_free(krb5_context context, struct krb5_fast_state *state) { if (state->armor_ccache) { if (state->flags & KRB5_FAST_ANON_PKINIT_ARMOR) krb5_cc_destroy(context, state->armor_ccache); else krb5_cc_close(context, state->armor_ccache); } if (state->armor_service) krb5_free_principal(context, state->armor_service); if (state->armor_crypto) krb5_crypto_destroy(context, state->armor_crypto); if (state->strengthen_key) krb5_free_keyblock(context, state->strengthen_key); krb5_free_keyblock_contents(context, &state->armor_key); if (state->armor_data) { free_KrbFastArmor(state->armor_data); free(state->armor_data); } if (state->anon_pkinit_ctx) krb5_init_creds_free(context, state->anon_pkinit_ctx); if (state->anon_pkinit_opt) krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free(context, state->anon_pkinit_opt); memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state)); } krb5_error_code _krb5_fast_anon_pkinit_step(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx, struct krb5_fast_state *state, krb5_data *in, krb5_data *out, krb5_krbhst_info *hostinfo, unsigned int *flags) { krb5_error_code ret; krb5_const_realm realm = _krb5_init_creds_get_cred_client(context, ctx)->realm; krb5_init_creds_context anon_pk_ctx; krb5_principal principal = NULL, anon_pk_client; krb5_ccache ccache = NULL; krb5_creds cred; krb5_data data = { 3, rk_UNCONST("yes") }; memset(&cred, 0, sizeof(cred)); if (state->anon_pkinit_opt == NULL) { ret = krb5_get_init_creds_opt_alloc(context, &state->anon_pkinit_opt); if (ret) goto out; krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_tkt_life(state->anon_pkinit_opt, 60); krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_anonymous(state->anon_pkinit_opt, TRUE); ret = krb5_make_principal(context, &principal, realm, KRB5_WELLKNOWN_NAME, KRB5_ANON_NAME, NULL); if (ret) return ret; ret = krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pkinit(context, state->anon_pkinit_opt, principal, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, KRB5_GIC_OPT_PKINIT_ANONYMOUS | KRB5_GIC_OPT_PKINIT_NO_KDC_ANCHOR, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_init_creds_init(context, principal, NULL, NULL, _krb5_init_creds_get_cred_starttime(context, ctx), state->anon_pkinit_opt, &state->anon_pkinit_ctx); if (ret) goto out; } anon_pk_ctx = state->anon_pkinit_ctx; ret = krb5_init_creds_step(context, anon_pk_ctx, in, out, hostinfo, flags); if (ret || (*flags & KRB5_INIT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CONTINUE)) goto out; ret = krb5_process_last_request(context, state->anon_pkinit_opt, anon_pk_ctx); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_cc_new_unique(context, "MEMORY", NULL, &ccache); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_init_creds_get_creds(context, anon_pk_ctx, &cred); if (ret) goto out; if (!cred.flags.b.enc_pa_rep) { ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_BADOPTION; /* KDC does not support FAST */ goto out; } anon_pk_client = _krb5_init_creds_get_cred_client(context, anon_pk_ctx); ret = krb5_cc_initialize(context, ccache, anon_pk_client); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_cc_store_cred(context, ccache, &cred); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_cc_set_config(context, ccache, cred.server, "fast_avail", &data); if (ret && ret != KRB5_CC_NOSUPP) return ret; if (_krb5_pk_is_kdc_verified(context, state->anon_pkinit_opt)) state->flags |= KRB5_FAST_KDC_VERIFIED; else state->flags &= ~(KRB5_FAST_KDC_VERIFIED); state->armor_ccache = ccache; ccache = NULL; krb5_init_creds_free(context, state->anon_pkinit_ctx); state->anon_pkinit_ctx = NULL; krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free(context, state->anon_pkinit_opt); state->anon_pkinit_opt = NULL; *flags |= KRB5_INIT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CONTINUE; out: krb5_free_principal(context, principal); krb5_free_cred_contents(context, &cred); if (ccache) krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache); return ret; }