path: root/doc/usage/advanced/intl.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/usage/advanced/intl.rst')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/usage/advanced/intl.rst b/doc/usage/advanced/intl.rst
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index 0000000..ccdb6e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/usage/advanced/intl.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+.. _intl:
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+Complementary to translations provided for Sphinx-generated messages such as
+navigation bars, Sphinx provides mechanisms facilitating the translation of
+*documents*. See the :ref:`intl-options` for details on configuration.
+.. figure:: /_static/translation.*
+ :width: 100%
+ Workflow visualization of translations in Sphinx. (The figure is created by
+ `plantuml <>`_.)
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+Sphinx internationalization details
+**gettext** [1]_ is an established standard for internationalization and
+localization. It naively maps messages in a program to a translated string.
+Sphinx uses these facilities to translate whole documents.
+Initially project maintainers have to collect all translatable strings (also
+referred to as *messages*) to make them known to translators. Sphinx extracts
+these through invocation of ``sphinx-build -b gettext``.
+Every single element in the doctree will end up in a single message which
+results in lists being equally split into different chunks while large
+paragraphs will remain as coarsely-grained as they were in the original
+document. This grants seamless document updates while still providing a little
+bit of context for translators in free-text passages. It is the maintainer's
+task to split up paragraphs which are too large as there is no sane automated
+way to do that.
+After Sphinx successfully ran the
+:class:`` you will find a
+collection of ``.pot`` files in your output directory. These are **catalog
+templates** and contain messages in your original language *only*.
+They can be delivered to translators which will transform them to ``.po`` files
+--- so called **message catalogs** --- containing a mapping from the original
+messages to foreign-language strings.
+*gettext* compiles them into a binary format known as **binary catalogs**
+through :program:`msgfmt` for efficiency reasons. If you make these files
+discoverable with :confval:`locale_dirs` for your :confval:`language`, Sphinx
+will pick them up automatically.
+An example: you have a document ``usage.rst`` in your Sphinx project. The
+*gettext* builder will put its messages into ``usage.pot``. Imagine you have
+Spanish translations [2]_ stored in ``usage.po`` --- for your builds to
+be translated you need to follow these instructions:
+* Compile your message catalog to a locale directory, say ``locale``, so it
+ ends up in ``./locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/`` in your source directory
+ (where ``es`` is the language code for Spanish.) ::
+ msgfmt "usage.po" -o "locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/"
+* Set :confval:`locale_dirs` to ``["locale/"]``.
+* Set :confval:`language` to ``es`` (also possible via
+ :option:`-D <sphinx-build -D>`).
+* Run your desired build.
+In order to protect against mistakes, a warning is emitted if
+cross-references in the translated paragraph do not match those from the
+original. This can be turned off globally using the
+:confval:`suppress_warnings` configuration variable. Alternatively, to
+turn it off for one message only, end the message with ``#noqa`` like
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse
+ risus tortor, luctus id ultrices at. #noqa
+(Write ``\#noqa`` in case you want to have "#noqa" literally in the
+text. This does not apply to code blocks, where ``#noqa`` is ignored
+because code blocks do not contain references anyway.)
+.. versionadded:: 4.5
+ The ``#noqa`` mechanism.
+Translating with sphinx-intl
+Quick guide
+`sphinx-intl`_ is a useful tool to work with Sphinx translation flow. This
+section describe an easy way to translate with *sphinx-intl*.
+#. Install `sphinx-intl`_.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ pip install sphinx-intl
+#. Add configurations to ````.
+ ::
+ locale_dirs = ['locale/'] # path is example but recommended.
+ gettext_compact = False # optional.
+ This case-study assumes that BUILDDIR is set to ``_build``,
+ :confval:`locale_dirs` is set to ``locale/`` and :confval:`gettext_compact`
+ is set to ``False`` (the Sphinx document is already configured as such).
+#. Extract translatable messages into pot files.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ make gettext
+ The generated pot files will be placed in the ``_build/gettext`` directory.
+#. Generate po files.
+ We'll use the pot files generated in the above step.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -l de -l ja
+ Once completed, the generated po files will be placed in the below
+ directories:
+ * ``./locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/``
+ * ``./locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/``
+#. Translate po files.
+ As noted above, these are located in the ``./locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES``
+ directory. An example of one such file, from Sphinx, ``builders.po``, is
+ given below.
+ .. code-block:: po
+ # a5600c3d2e3d48fc8c261ea0284db79b
+ #: ../../builders.rst:4
+ msgid "Available builders"
+ Another case, msgid is multi-line text and contains reStructuredText syntax:
+ .. code-block:: po
+ # 302558364e1d41c69b3277277e34b184
+ #: ../../builders.rst:9
+ msgid ""
+ "These are the built-in Sphinx builders. More builders can be added by "
+ ":ref:`extensions <extensions>`."
+ msgstr ""
+ Please be careful not to break reST notation. Most po-editors will help you
+ with that.
+#. Build translated document.
+ You need a :confval:`language` parameter in ```` or you may also
+ specify the parameter on the command line.
+ For for BSD/GNU make, run:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='de'" html
+ For Windows :command:`cmd.exe`, run:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ > set SPHINXOPTS=-D language=de
+ > .\make.bat html
+ For PowerShell, run:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ > Set-Item env:SPHINXOPTS "-D language=de"
+ > .\make.bat html
+Congratulations! You got the translated documentation in the ``_build/html``
+.. versionadded:: 1.3
+ :program:`sphinx-build` that is invoked by make command will build po files
+ into mo files.
+ If you are using 1.2.x or earlier, please invoke :command:`sphinx-intl build`
+ command before :command:`make` command.
+Update your po files by new pot files
+If a document is updated, it is necessary to generate updated pot files and to
+apply differences to translated po files. In order to apply the updates from a
+pot file to the po file, use the :command:`sphinx-intl update` command.
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext
+Using Transifex service for team translation
+Transifex_ is one of several services that allow collaborative translation via a
+web interface. It has a nifty Python-based command line client that makes it
+easy to fetch and push translations.
+.. TODO: why use transifex?
+#. Install `transifex-client`_.
+ You need :command:`tx` command to upload resources (pot files).
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ pip install transifex-client
+ .. seealso:: `Transifex Client documentation`_
+#. Create your transifex_ account and create new project for your document.
+ Currently, transifex does not allow for a translation project to have more
+ than one version of the document, so you'd better include a version number in
+ your project name.
+ For example:
+ :Project ID: ``sphinx-document-test_1_0``
+ :Project URL: ````
+#. Create config files for :command:`tx` command.
+ This process will create ``.tx/config`` in the current directory, as well as
+ a ``~/.transifexrc`` file that includes auth information.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ tx init
+ Creating .tx folder...
+ Transifex instance []:
+ ...
+ Please enter your transifex username: <transifex-username>
+ Password: <transifex-password>
+ ...
+ Done.
+#. Upload pot files to transifex service.
+ Register pot files to ``.tx/config`` file:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ cd /your/document/root
+ $ sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources --pot-dir _build/locale \
+ --transifex-project-name sphinx-document-test_1_0
+ and upload pot files:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ tx push -s
+ Pushing translations for resource
+ Pushing source file (locale/pot/builders.pot)
+ Resource does not exist. Creating...
+ ...
+ Done.
+#. Forward the translation on transifex.
+ .. TODO: write this section
+#. Pull translated po files and make translated HTML.
+ Get translated catalogs and build mo files. For example, to build mo files
+ for German (de):
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ cd /your/document/root
+ $ tx pull -l de
+ Pulling translations for resource (...)
+ -> de: locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/builders.po
+ ...
+ Done.
+ Invoke :command:`make html` (for BSD/GNU make):
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='de'" html
+That's all!
+.. tip:: Translating locally and on Transifex
+ If you want to push all language's po files, you can be done by using
+ :command:`tx push -t` command. Watch out! This operation overwrites
+ translations in transifex.
+ In other words, if you have updated each in the service and local po files,
+ it would take much time and effort to integrate them.
+Contributing to Sphinx reference translation
+The recommended way for new contributors to translate Sphinx reference is to
+join the translation team on Transifex.
+There is a `sphinx translation page`_ for Sphinx (master) documentation.
+1. Login to transifex_ service.
+2. Go to `sphinx translation page`_.
+3. Click ``Request language`` and fill form.
+4. Wait acceptance by transifex sphinx translation maintainers.
+5. (After acceptance) Translate on transifex.
+Detail is here:
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [1] See the `GNU gettext utilities
+ <>`_
+ for details on that software suite.
+.. [2] Because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
+.. _`transifex-client`:
+.. _`sphinx-intl`:
+.. _Transifex:
+.. _`sphinx translation page`:
+.. _`Transifex Client documentation`: