path: root/tests/
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1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
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+"""Test sphinx.ext.graphviz extension."""
+import re
+import docutils
+import pytest
+from sphinx.ext.graphviz import ClickableMapDefinition
+@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-graphviz')
+def test_graphviz_png_html(app, status, warning):
+ app.builder.build_all()
+ content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8')
+ if docutils.__version_info__ < (0, 17):
+ html = (r'<div class="figure align-default" .*?>\s*'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><img .*?/></div>\s*<p class="caption">'
+ r'<span class="caption-text">caption of graph</span>.*</p>\s*</div>')
+ else:
+ html = (r'<figure class="align-default" .*?>\s*'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><img .*?/></div>\s*<figcaption>\s*'
+ r'<p><span class="caption-text">caption of graph</span>.*</p>\s*'
+ r'</figcaption>\s*</figure>')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ html = 'Hello <div class="graphviz"><img .*?/></div>\n graphviz world'
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ html = ('<img src=".*?" alt="digraph foo {\nbaz -&gt; qux\n}" '
+ 'class="graphviz neato-graph" />')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ if docutils.__version_info__ < (0, 17):
+ html = (r'<div class="figure align-right" .*?>\s*'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><img .*?/></div>\s*<p class="caption">'
+ r'<span class="caption-text">on <em>right</em></span>.*</p>\s*</div>')
+ else:
+ html = (r'<figure class="align-right" .*?>\s*'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><img .*?/></div>\s*<figcaption>\s*'
+ r'<p><span class="caption-text">on <em>right</em></span>.*</p>\s*'
+ r'</figcaption>\s*</figure>')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ html = (r'<div align=\"center\" class=\"align-center\">'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><img src=\".*\.png\" alt=\"digraph foo {\n'
+ r'centered\n'
+ r'}\" class="graphviz" /></div>\n</div>')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-graphviz',
+ confoverrides={'graphviz_output_format': 'svg'})
+def test_graphviz_svg_html(app, status, warning):
+ app.builder.build_all()
+ content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8')
+ if docutils.__version_info__ < (0, 17):
+ html = (r'<div class=\"figure align-default\" .*?>\n'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><object data=\".*\.svg\".*>\n'
+ r'\s*<p class=\"warning\">digraph foo {\n'
+ r'bar -&gt; baz\n'
+ r'}</p></object></div>\n'
+ r'<p class=\"caption\"><span class=\"caption-text\">'
+ r'caption of graph</span>.*</p>\n</div>')
+ else:
+ html = (r'<figure class=\"align-default\" .*?>\n'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><object data=\".*\.svg\".*>\n'
+ r'\s*<p class=\"warning\">digraph foo {\n'
+ r'bar -&gt; baz\n'
+ r'}</p></object></div>\n'
+ r'<figcaption>\n'
+ r'<p><span class=\"caption-text\">caption of graph</span>.*</p>\n'
+ r'</figcaption>\n'
+ r'</figure>')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ html = (r'Hello <div class="graphviz"><object.*>\n'
+ r'\s*<p class=\"warning\">graph</p></object></div>\n'
+ r' graphviz world')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ if docutils.__version_info__ < (0, 17):
+ html = (r'<div class=\"figure align-right\" .*\>\n'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><object data=\".*\.svg\".*>\n'
+ r'\s*<p class=\"warning\">digraph bar {\n'
+ r'foo -&gt; bar\n'
+ r'}</p></object></div>\n'
+ r'<p class=\"caption\"><span class=\"caption-text\">'
+ r'on <em>right</em></span>.*</p>\n'
+ r'</div>')
+ else:
+ html = (r'<figure class=\"align-right\" .*\>\n'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><object data=\".*\.svg\".*>\n'
+ r'\s*<p class=\"warning\">digraph bar {\n'
+ r'foo -&gt; bar\n'
+ r'}</p></object></div>\n'
+ r'<figcaption>\n'
+ r'<p><span class=\"caption-text\">on <em>right</em></span>.*</p>\n'
+ r'</figcaption>\n'
+ r'</figure>')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ html = (r'<div align=\"center\" class=\"align-center\">'
+ r'<div class="graphviz"><object data=\".*\.svg\".*>\n'
+ r'\s*<p class=\"warning\">digraph foo {\n'
+ r'centered\n'
+ r'}</p></object></div>\n'
+ r'</div>')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+@pytest.mark.sphinx('latex', testroot='ext-graphviz')
+def test_graphviz_latex(app, status, warning):
+ app.builder.build_all()
+ content = (app.outdir / 'python.tex').read_text(encoding='utf8')
+ macro = ('\\\\begin{figure}\\[htbp\\]\n\\\\centering\n\\\\capstart\n\n'
+ '\\\\sphinxincludegraphics\\[\\]{graphviz-\\w+.pdf}\n'
+ '\\\\caption{caption of graph}\\\\label{.*}\\\\end{figure}')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ macro = 'Hello \\\\sphinxincludegraphics\\[\\]{graphviz-\\w+.pdf} graphviz world'
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ macro = ('\\\\begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0pt}\n\\\\centering\n'
+ '\\\\sphinxincludegraphics\\[\\]{graphviz-\\w+.pdf}\n'
+ '\\\\caption{on \\\\sphinxstyleemphasis{right}}'
+ '\\\\label{.*}\\\\end{wrapfigure}')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+ macro = (r'\{\\hfill'
+ r'\\sphinxincludegraphics\[\]{graphviz-.*}'
+ r'\\hspace\*{\\fill}}')
+ assert, content, re.S)
+@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-graphviz', confoverrides={'language': 'xx'})
+def test_graphviz_i18n(app, status, warning):
+ app.builder.build_all()
+ content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8')
+ html = '<img src=".*?" alt="digraph {\n BAR -&gt; BAZ\n}" class="graphviz" />'
+ assert, content, re.M)
+def test_graphviz_parse_mapfile():
+ # empty graph
+ code = ('# digraph {\n'
+ '# }\n')
+ content = ('<map id="%3" name="%3">\n'
+ '</map>')
+ cmap = ClickableMapDefinition('', content, code)
+ assert cmap.filename == ''
+ assert == 'grapvizb08107169e'
+ assert len(cmap.clickable) == 0
+ assert cmap.generate_clickable_map() == ''
+ # normal graph
+ code = ('digraph {\n'
+ ' foo [href=""];\n'
+ ' foo -> bar;\n'
+ '}\n')
+ content = ('<map id="%3" name="%3">\n'
+ '<area shape="poly" id="node1" href="" title="foo" alt=""'
+ ' coords="77,29,76,22,70,15,62,10,52,7,41,5,30,7,20,10,12,15,7,22,5,29,7,37,12,'
+ '43,20,49,30,52,41,53,52,52,62,49,70,43,76,37"/>\n'
+ '</map>')
+ cmap = ClickableMapDefinition('', content, code)
+ assert cmap.filename == ''
+ assert == 'grapviza4ccdd48ce'
+ assert len(cmap.clickable) == 1
+ assert cmap.generate_clickable_map() == content.replace('%3',
+ # inheritance-diagram::
+ content = (
+ '<map id="inheritance66ff5471b9" name="inheritance66ff5471b9">\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node1" title="Builds target formats from the reST sources."'
+ ' alt="" coords="26,95,125,110"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node5" title="Builds standalone HTML docs."'
+ ' alt="" coords="179,95,362,110"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node2" title="buildinfo file manipulator." '
+ ' alt="" coords="14,64,138,80"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node3" title="The container of stylesheets."'
+ ' alt="" coords="3,34,148,49"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node4" title="A StandaloneHTMLBuilder that creates all HTML'
+ ' pages as &quot;index.html&quot; in" alt="" coords="395,64,569,80"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node7" title="An abstract builder that serializes'
+ ' the generated HTML." alt="" coords="392,95,571,110"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node9" title="A StandaloneHTMLBuilder subclass that puts'
+ ' the whole document tree on one" alt="" coords="393,125,570,141"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node6" title="A builder that dumps the generated HTML'
+ ' into JSON files." alt="" coords="602,80,765,95"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node8" title="A Builder that dumps the generated HTML'
+ ' into pickle files." alt="" coords="602,110,765,125"/>\n'
+ '<area shape="rect" id="node10" title="The metadata of stylesheet."'
+ ' alt="" coords="11,3,141,19"/>\n'
+ '</map>'
+ )
+ cmap = ClickableMapDefinition('', content, 'dummy_code')
+ assert cmap.filename == ''
+ assert == 'inheritance66ff5471b9'
+ assert len(cmap.clickable) == 0
+ assert cmap.generate_clickable_map() == ''