.. _autodoc_ext_tutorial: Developing autodoc extension for IntEnum ======================================== The objective of this tutorial is to create an extension that adds support for new type for autodoc. This autodoc extension will format the ``IntEnum`` class from Python standard library. (module ``enum``) Overview -------- We want the extension that will create auto-documentation for IntEnum. ``IntEnum`` is the integer enum class from standard library ``enum`` module. Currently this class has no special auto documentation behavior. We want to add following to autodoc: * A new ``autointenum`` directive that will document the ``IntEnum`` class. * The generated documentation will have all the enum possible values with names. * The ``autointenum`` directive will have an option ``:hex:`` which will cause the integers be printed in hexadecimal form. Prerequisites ------------- We need the same setup as in :doc:`the previous extensions `. This time, we will be putting out extension in a file called :file:`autodoc_intenum.py`. The :file:`my_enums.py` will contain the sample enums we will document. Here is an example of the folder structure you might obtain: .. code-block:: text └── source    ├── _ext │   └── autodoc_intenum.py    ├── conf.py    ├── index.rst    └── my_enums.py Writing the extension --------------------- Start with ``setup`` function for the extension. .. literalinclude:: examples/autodoc_intenum.py :language: python :linenos: :pyobject: setup The :meth:`~Sphinx.setup_extension` method will pull the autodoc extension because our new extension depends on autodoc. :meth:`~Sphinx.add_autodocumenter` is the method that registers our new auto documenter class. We want to import certain objects from the autodoc extension: .. literalinclude:: examples/autodoc_intenum.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 1-7 There are several different documenter classes such as ``MethodDocumenter`` or ``AttributeDocumenter`` available in the autodoc extension but our new class is the subclass of ``ClassDocumenter`` which a documenter class used by autodoc to document classes. This is the definition of our new the auto-documenter class: .. literalinclude:: examples/autodoc_intenum.py :language: python :linenos: :pyobject: IntEnumDocumenter Important attributes of the new class: **objtype** This attribute determines the ``auto`` directive name. In this case the auto directive will be ``autointenum``. **directivetype** This attribute sets the generated directive name. In this example the generated directive will be ``.. :py:class::``. **priority** the larger the number the higher is the priority. We want our documenter be higher priority than the parent. **option_spec** option specifications. We copy the parent class options and add a new option *hex*. Overridden members: **can_document_member** This member is important to override. It should return *True* when the passed object can be documented by this class. **add_directive_header** This method generates the directive header. We add **:final:** directive option. Remember to call **super** or no directive will be generated. **add_content** This method generates the body of the class documentation. After calling the super method we generate lines for enum description. Using the extension ------------------- You can now use the new autodoc directive to document any ``IntEnum``. For example, you have the following ``IntEnum``: .. code-block:: python :caption: my_enums.py class Colors(IntEnum): """Colors enumerator""" NONE = 0 RED = 1 GREEN = 2 BLUE = 3 This will be the documentation file with auto-documentation directive: .. code-block:: rst :caption: index.rst .. autointenum:: my_enums.Colors