"""Test the sphinx.quickstart module.""" import time from io import StringIO from os import path import pytest from sphinx import application from sphinx.cmd import quickstart as qs from sphinx.util.console import coloron, nocolor warnfile = StringIO() def setup_module(): nocolor() def mock_input(answers, needanswer=False): called = set() def input_(prompt): if prompt in called: raise AssertionError('answer for %r missing and no default ' 'present' % prompt) called.add(prompt) for question in answers: if prompt.startswith(qs.PROMPT_PREFIX + question): return answers[question] if needanswer: raise AssertionError('answer for %r missing' % prompt) return '' return input_ real_input = input def teardown_module(): qs.term_input = real_input coloron() def test_do_prompt(): answers = { 'Q2': 'v2', 'Q3': 'v3', 'Q4': 'yes', 'Q5': 'no', 'Q6': 'foo', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) assert qs.do_prompt('Q1', default='v1') == 'v1' assert qs.do_prompt('Q3', default='v3_default') == 'v3' assert qs.do_prompt('Q2') == 'v2' assert qs.do_prompt('Q4', validator=qs.boolean) is True assert qs.do_prompt('Q5', validator=qs.boolean) is False with pytest.raises(AssertionError): qs.do_prompt('Q6', validator=qs.boolean) def test_do_prompt_inputstrip(): answers = { 'Q1': 'Y', 'Q2': ' Yes ', 'Q3': 'N', 'Q4': 'N ', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) assert qs.do_prompt('Q1') == 'Y' assert qs.do_prompt('Q2') == 'Yes' assert qs.do_prompt('Q3') == 'N' assert qs.do_prompt('Q4') == 'N' def test_do_prompt_with_nonascii(): answers = { 'Q1': '\u30c9\u30a4\u30c4', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) result = qs.do_prompt('Q1', default='\u65e5\u672c') assert result == '\u30c9\u30a4\u30c4' def test_quickstart_defaults(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': 'Sphinx Test', 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / 'conf.py' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} exec(conffile.read_text(encoding='utf8'), ns) assert ns['extensions'] == [] assert ns['templates_path'] == ['_templates'] assert ns['project'] == 'Sphinx Test' assert ns['copyright'] == '%s, Georg Brandl' % time.strftime('%Y') assert ns['version'] == '0.1' assert ns['release'] == '0.1' assert ns['html_static_path'] == ['_static'] assert (tempdir / '_static').isdir() assert (tempdir / '_templates').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'index.rst').isfile() assert (tempdir / 'Makefile').isfile() assert (tempdir / 'make.bat').isfile() def test_quickstart_all_answers(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Separate source and build': 'y', 'Name prefix for templates': '.', 'Project name': 'STASI™', 'Author name': 'Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein', 'Project version': '2.0', 'Project release': '2.0.1', 'Project language': 'de', 'Source file suffix': '.txt', 'Name of your master document': 'contents', 'autodoc': 'y', 'doctest': 'yes', 'intersphinx': 'no', 'todo': 'y', 'coverage': 'no', 'imgmath': 'N', 'mathjax': 'no', 'ifconfig': 'no', 'viewcode': 'no', 'githubpages': 'no', 'Create Makefile': 'no', 'Create Windows command file': 'no', 'Do you want to use the epub builder': 'yes', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers, needanswer=True) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / 'source' / 'conf.py' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} exec(conffile.read_text(encoding='utf8'), ns) assert ns['extensions'] == [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.todo' ] assert ns['templates_path'] == ['.templates'] assert ns['source_suffix'] == '.txt' assert ns['root_doc'] == 'contents' assert ns['project'] == 'STASI™' assert ns['copyright'] == '%s, Wolfgang Schäuble & G\'Beckstein' % \ time.strftime('%Y') assert ns['version'] == '2.0' assert ns['release'] == '2.0.1' assert ns['todo_include_todos'] is True assert ns['html_static_path'] == ['.static'] assert (tempdir / 'build').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / '.static').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / '.templates').isdir() assert (tempdir / 'source' / 'contents.txt').isfile() def test_generated_files_eol(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': 'Sphinx Test', 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) def assert_eol(filename, eol): content = filename.read_bytes().decode() assert all([l[-len(eol):] == eol for l in content.splitlines(True)]) assert_eol(tempdir / 'make.bat', '\r\n') assert_eol(tempdir / 'Makefile', '\n') def test_quickstart_and_build(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': 'Fullwidth characters: \u30c9\u30a4\u30c4', 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) app = application.Sphinx( tempdir, # srcdir tempdir, # confdir (tempdir / '_build' / 'html'), # outdir (tempdir / '_build' / '.doctree'), # doctreedir 'html', # buildername status=StringIO(), warning=warnfile) app.builder.build_all() warnings = warnfile.getvalue() assert not warnings def test_default_filename(tempdir): answers = { 'Root path': tempdir, 'Project name': '\u30c9\u30a4\u30c4', # Fullwidth characters only 'Author name': 'Georg Brandl', 'Project version': '0.1', } qs.term_input = mock_input(answers) d = {} qs.ask_user(d) qs.generate(d) conffile = tempdir / 'conf.py' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} exec(conffile.read_text(encoding='utf8'), ns) def test_extensions(tempdir): qs.main(['-q', '-p', 'project_name', '-a', 'author', '--extensions', 'foo,bar,baz', tempdir]) conffile = tempdir / 'conf.py' assert conffile.isfile() ns = {} exec(conffile.read_text(encoding='utf8'), ns) assert ns['extensions'] == ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] def test_exits_when_existing_confpy(monkeypatch): # The code detects existing conf.py with path.isfile() # so we mock it as True with pytest's monkeypatch def mock_isfile(path): return True monkeypatch.setattr(path, 'isfile', mock_isfile) qs.term_input = mock_input({ 'Please enter a new root path (or just Enter to exit)': '' }) d = {} with pytest.raises(SystemExit): qs.ask_user(d)