"""Test the Theme class."""
import os
import alabaster
import pytest
from sphinx.theming import ThemeError
confoverrides={'html_theme': 'ziptheme',
'html_theme_options.testopt': 'foo'})
def test_theme_api(app, status, warning):
cfg = app.config
themes = ['basic', 'default', 'scrolls', 'agogo', 'sphinxdoc', 'haiku',
'traditional', 'epub', 'nature', 'pyramid', 'bizstyle', 'classic', 'nonav',
'test-theme', 'ziptheme', 'staticfiles', 'parent', 'child']
if alabaster.version.__version_info__ >= (0, 7, 11):
# test Theme class API
assert set(app.registry.html_themes.keys()) == set(themes)
assert app.registry.html_themes['test-theme'] == app.srcdir / 'test_theme' / 'test-theme'
assert app.registry.html_themes['ziptheme'] == app.srcdir / 'ziptheme.zip'
assert app.registry.html_themes['staticfiles'] == app.srcdir / 'test_theme' / 'staticfiles'
# test Theme instance API
theme = app.builder.theme
assert theme.name == 'ziptheme'
themedir = theme.themedir
assert theme.base.name == 'basic'
assert len(theme.get_theme_dirs()) == 2
# direct setting
assert theme.get_config('theme', 'stylesheet') == 'custom.css'
# inherited setting
assert theme.get_config('options', 'nosidebar') == 'false'
# nonexisting setting
assert theme.get_config('theme', 'foobar', 'def') == 'def'
with pytest.raises(ThemeError):
theme.get_config('theme', 'foobar')
# options API
options = theme.get_options({'nonexisting': 'foo'})
assert 'nonexisting' not in options.keys()
options = theme.get_options(cfg.html_theme_options)
assert options['testopt'] == 'foo'
assert options['nosidebar'] == 'false'
# cleanup temp directories
assert not os.path.exists(themedir)
@pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='tocdepth') # a minimal root
def test_js_source(app, status, warning):
# Now sphinx provides non-minified JS files for jquery.js and underscore.js
# to clarify the source of the minified files. see also #1434.
# If you update the version of the JS file, please update the source of the
# JS file and version number in this test.
v = '3.6.0'
msg = 'jquery.js version does not match to {v}'.format(v=v)
jquery_min = (app.outdir / '_static' / 'jquery.js').read_text(encoding='utf8')
assert 'jQuery v{v}'.format(v=v) in jquery_min, msg
jquery_src = (app.outdir / '_static' / 'jquery-{v}.js'.format(v=v)).read_text(encoding='utf8')
assert 'jQuery JavaScript Library v{v}'.format(v=v) in jquery_src, msg
v = '1.13.1'
msg = 'underscore.js version does not match to {v}'.format(v=v)
underscore_min = (app.outdir / '_static' / 'underscore.js').read_text(encoding='utf8')
assert 'Underscore.js {v}'.format(v=v) in underscore_min, msg
underscore_src = (app.outdir / '_static' / 'underscore-{v}.js'.format(v=v)).read_text(encoding='utf8')
assert 'Underscore.js {v}'.format(v=v) in underscore_src, msg
def test_double_inheriting_theme(app, status, warning):
assert app.builder.theme.name == 'base_theme2'
app.build() # => not raises TemplateNotFound
confoverrides={'html_theme': 'child'})
def test_nested_zipped_theme(app, status, warning):
assert app.builder.theme.name == 'child'
app.build() # => not raises TemplateNotFound
confoverrides={'html_theme': 'staticfiles'})
def test_staticfiles(app, status, warning):
assert (app.outdir / '_static' / 'staticimg.png').exists()
assert (app.outdir / '_static' / 'statictmpl.html').exists()
assert (app.outdir / '_static' / 'statictmpl.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') == (